1IKNI) IIUIXKTIN, IlKNII, OIIBOON, TIIWW1MY, APRIL 2rt, 101H PAORA i . n Jf mm IN STAMP SALE ONIiY TWO 4'0tJNTIKH )!' THE HTATH HAVE HUHPAHHKO T1IIM ixm ham; ok w. h. h. mil JJHTV MIAN III) I IT. (From Frlilny'n Dally.) DcHclnitim county In standing third In tho mill of thrift tiliunpH In tlio ntatu, according to a report compiled by Johhu A. Currny, slain illHtrllnitor, nml published In tho "Sticker," tlio official organ of thu Oregon war imv IngH coiiimlltoo, Deschutes couuty'M percentage I .218 por cent, of lior quota, with Mini county next higher with .22H per emit, uml Whim I or (I ml with .30 pur cunt. Htiimp HnhiN (it tlio Ilontl offlco havo aggregated 1H,308,00 itliico tho ctimmoucnmonl of tho war sav ings IiJhii, or nil uvurntco of .1, 001.78 por month. Hnlun during thu II rut 18 ilnyn of thin month havo hiion much lower thnii nt tiny tlmn during thu two provloiiH iiiouthN, hut UiIh Ih explained hy thu rush of tho Mharty loan drlvo tho onrly part of Inst wuuk. PoHtmiiNtiir Ford linn iitittod thnt thu miles hnvo Increased per cuptahly durliiK tho piinI three or four ilnyn, nod tho mouth may yet ho rounded out with n fair uvortiKU. Hnlca from December until thu present tlmn hy moutlin Ih an followM.' December $ 074.04 January 1,444.82 February 7,631.20 March ... ... 0,072.68 April (lilt to 18th) 1,086.00 Total 118,308.(10 wm o T llnnd, Oregon, April 2, 1918. Tlio regular session of tho Count) Court of DnNrhutDN County, Oregon, in t In thu Judgo's ofilcu nt 10 o'clock n. m t li tit data, JiiiIku llarnoii nml Commlmiliiiior C, II. Mlllor being printout. Tim mooting wan called to order 1y thu county Judge, after which court adjourned to meet iwxulu at 1:30 o' clock p. in. Tho county court reconvened nl 1:30 o'clock p. in, name members present an nt tho morning session. In tlio .Mnl (or of lint I". K. On) tun. it nl., Howl In Hv. 117, T. Ml H., It. I f K. W. M.i A pulllluii dIkiioiI by i6 froiilioldoni wiim road. w A roiiioiintruuuo hIkihiiI by 18 froc holdorii, praying that tho petition of K. 10. Dayton, ol nl., no dnuiuii, ciimu up for comildoratloii, und It nppiiiir- Ini: to tun court tnnt alio nuiniior or romoiiHtnttorii exceeded that of tho pntltlounrH, It wnii ordered Hint thu mild potltlon bii duulod. llHiiiMt. for mi Appi-oprliillon for (ho PtircluiMi of UulforiiiH for TliriMt Coinpiiule of Homo DcfciiNu (Jiuird: A commlttno or tho Ilond dimmer cln I club consisting of J. I', Koyes, F. Dement mid I). Mol'hnrsiiu pronuutod a rorjtiofit to tho court for nn appro prliUlou for tho purcluiHu or uulformi for throo companies of Homo Do fuiiHi) OuiirdH. provided tho ntntrt fur nish arum. Tho same was favorably coiiHldorml and tukun uudur udvlso- tnuiit. In tho Mutter of II. HoIkcm-h' He- iiot for Itelmto of Tuxtfts This mattor came up before tho court for conildorutlon at thin tlmn; It appearing from ropronuntntloiiH of tho ansosnor that ho wan not unjuntly tnxml, thu request wan dunlud, .NimiI of I'oInoii for Extermination of Hi'tili-rcli! It, A, Ward, county agrlculturlirt, presenting tho noud of polnon for tho iixturmluntlou of nqulrrnls, It wnn ordorud that a warrant for ono hundred fifty ilollara ($160.00) bo drawn for that purpono. HupMirt or I'lirtu nml Field Demon- nt rut Ion Workt It wan ordurud that a warrant for flvo hundrud forty dollarn (f 640.00) bo drawn In favor of C. L. Iluwley, treasurer, board of rogontn, O. A. C, an tho flrnt nnml-nnnual luntalluiuut for support of farm and fluid demon Htratlnn work. On motion duly mado and second od, court adjniiruud to moot April 4, 1018, at 10 o'clock a. m. C. II. MILM-Mt, Cnmmlnnlonnr. W. I). HAItNKH, Judgo, Ilond, Oregon, April 4, 1018, Tho County Court of Deschutes, Oregon, mot In tho county Jiidgo'n offlco thin date, ptirnuiitit to adjourn muiit, JucK'D Harries and Comtnln nlounr C. II. Mlllor IioIiik prennut. Tho muotliiK wnn en Hod to order by thu county JuiIku ut 10 o'clock a, in. lteMrt on Audit of Count)' ArrouutN Mr Vw III 17: Max Cmndall, accountant, pro nuutod to thu court report on audit of county accnuntn for yoar 1017 Mooting adjourned to moot again nt 1:30 o'clock p. m. Tho county court rrconvonod nt 1:30 o'clock p in., nnmo mombcrn IioIiik proiout un nt tho morning nun nlon. Mm. Ilnttlo MiintlliKtoii, nil Indigent: Thin mnttnr coming up buforo tho court at fhln tlnio. It wan ordurod uini n wnrrani ror ion iionarm (110,00) bu drawn for tho rollof of, .irn. .iiniuu iiiiiiiiukiiiii eacn iiiuiiin until dlncontliiuud by order of court. On motion duly mndn and nccond od, court adjouruud, to moot April S, 1018. W. I). I1AIINKH, Jtidgu. C. II. 'MII.MOIt, CommlnHlonnr. Ilond, Oregon, April f, 1018, Tho County Court or Oonchutun County, Oregon, mot In thu county Judgu'n offlco thin duto, purnunnt to ndJouriiuiKiit, Jikku iinrnun nuil LIKE BACON YOU know how cooking brings out all the rich pungent flavor of bacon there's nothing that tastes better. But you wouldn't like it raw. IT'S TOASTED So we toast tho Eurloy tobneco used in LUCKY STRIKE Ciga rettes for exactly the same reason to bring out the rich, solid flavor. If yoar dealer doo not rirrr them, lend Sl.SOforarartoa ot l2peck)lttoTtuTobcco Company of California, ftaa rranclico. M 10c Via sT". . it Ql Qunrarttecd by MBtOMAriC ComiiilflMlonor 0, II, Mlllor boltiK liroMOtit. Tho mooting wnn callod to order by tho county JuiIko Clatum i Tho mnttor of clalmn ngnlnnt tho county coming up for coiisldarmtlorin miiiiki lining uudltod by tho court, and It In huroby ordurod that clalmn Nun. 1000 to 1074, Inc.; Noh, 1077 to 1070, Inc.; N. 1182, 1084, Nun, 1088 to 1001. Inc.: 1003 to 200.1, Inc.; 2006 to 2027 Inc.; 2020 to 2030, Inc.; 2038 to 2040, Inc.; 2042 Ho 2064, Inc.; 2060, 2068 to 20C0, Inc.; 2001, 20C6, 2070 to 2087, Inc., bo und tho nnmo tiro horoby allowed, and tho clork In Inntructud to lnnua bin warrautn In pnymont thereof. No further bunluonn coming up for coiiHldurntlou nt thin tlmo, on motion duly mndo and nccondod court ad journed to moot Wodnonday, April 10, 1018. W. D. HAItNKH, Judgo, C. II. MIMiKIt, Coinmlflsloner. llnnd, Ontgoii, April 10, 1018. Tho County Court ot Donchutcn County, Oregon, mot in tho county Judgo'n offlco thin dato at 10 o'clock a. rn purnuarit to adjournment, JudKo Ilarnon and Commlnnlonor C. 11. Mlllor and A. L. Mucklntonh being pronout. Tho mooting wnn callod to ordor by tho county Judxe Warrant Onlrriil for I'lirclinno of Cnlforini ror Homo Dcfcnno (liiunlni Thin iimttor coming up boforo tho court for connldorntlon, it wan or dorud that a warrant for ono thou nam! dollarn (11,000,00) bo appro printed to purchnno unlformn for Homo Dofennn Ouardn, upon pronon tntlon to tho court that tho nlato ban furnlnluHl tho roqulnlto arrnn. Annonnor W. T. Mullnrkoy appeared boforo tho court at thin tlmo to con nult an to vnluntloun for purponcn of nnnunnmont for tho year 1918. HejMirt on HtntiiN or Work of Trim- M-rlhliiK Itiitinln from TIiim of Crook Co., nml Ktiitcinuiit or An- netN nml Miilillltlett ror Voir 11117: Max Cmndall, accountant, pro flouted tho following report on vtatun of work of trnnncrlbliiR record from thono of Crook Co., nnd a ntntomont ot annotn and llnbllltlon for year 1917. To Honorable County Court, Donchutcn County, Ore. Ooiitlnmon: On tho Investigation of tho work pertaining to 4ha transcribing of record of Crook county, for tho roc ordn of Dcachuton county, which you hnvo nuked mo to do, will any I wont to I'rlnovlllo and found tho follow ing conditions: Tho transcribing connlttn of nine teen volumes of deedn, two volumes of V. K. patents, ono volumo of mln rullanootm Instruments nnd fourteen volumes of mortgages. Tho deedn nnd V. 8 patont records hnvo now boon proof read nnd four teen vol union hnvo been bound. The balance are waiting for covorn, that havo boon ordered for nomo time. Tho deed records nro now In clerk's offlco in Ilond. Thoro bus been transcribed 1C0 rases In equity in a circuit court Journal, nn follows: Complaint, de murrers or other nppoaranccn and disposition ot thu enwo. A register or nil pnpern filed in each caso Is co lored nt tho heading of each cane. Thoro nro 112 completed canon in probato court and a total of 217 canon. Thoro are from four to nix weeks, ono person transcribing, to bo done on court canon. Thoro Is uncompleted tho proof rnadlnoc of tho fourteen volumes of mortgagor nnd without any compari son to guide thorn, tho people doing this work estimate it will tnko until May 10th or 20th to complete. Thoro nro 100 pints of city addi tions pertaining to property in Do nchutcn county that In yet to bo tran scribed. Tho original tracing of theso plats woro removed from tho files of Crook county nnd brought to this county, but ns some of theso nro for hound records, part nnd porhaps all will havo to bo returned to them. Tho cost of doing these plnUi In a workmanship manner, with tho enro necessary to mako u corroct record, has boon estimated by surveyors to bo about $1,000.00, This amount Is disputed, but It la n clnsn of work that Is very exacting and should not bo slighted. Thoro nro approximately 120,000 folio on deeds, mortgago and mis cellaneous rocordn transcribed. Tho cost to dnto him boon $3,413.72, and, it Mulshed by May 16th, will cost In addition J380 Thin Ih for work only, transcribing, proofreading and Janitor. Mr. Manor has mndo no change for cortlllcntlon, nor oxtrn personal expenses na yet. Tho tax records hnvo boon tran scribed In part only. Tho dolln quont taxes, yot unpaid, for years 1010, 1011, 1912, 1013 nnd 1914 will not tnko vary much tlmo to tranncrlbn, but if a complete rocord Is Intended In reading of lawa ot 1013, pago 26, section 12, of chapter 10, "and tax records relating to, or affecting real cstnto ntiw county," is Intended to havo a comploto tax rue ord. It will 'bo a much larger task. Thoro Ih n class of records that Is not domanded by law to bo tran scribed, which it not may causa loss to Bonn) taxpayer by unscrupulous parsons, nnd that In chattel mort gagor Tho chattel mortgages on porsonal proporty in this county hnvo not boon transcribed. Thoro is n carbon copy of all tho 3G transcribed volumos belonging to tho county which nro worth from $20.00 to $30,00 oach to nnyono wishing to start nn abstract business and which will materially roduco tho cost ot tho transcribing. Htntcniont or Assets nml Liabilities or Deschutes County, Dec. ill, 1017: WOIIKINQ ASSETS. Oonoral Fund. Cash In hands ot tronBuror$lG, 062.32 Cash In hands ot sheriff, 1915 tax 151.14 Cash in hands ot sheriff, 1910 tax 646.10 Cosh In hands or county clork. 11C.60 Amount duo from stato scalp bounty 287.60 Total . . $17,762.06 LIAHIMTIBH. Outstanding warrants (Is sued for Dec. expendi tures not returned for pnymont) $ 6,770,82 Excess working iihsoIh ovor JlabllUlcn 11,981.83 Total ,.$17,762.06 Tho proportion of uncollected 1 1016 and 191G tnx belonging to tho gonorai tuna in not easily nvaiianio, liut will in tlmo ylold connldorablo rovonuo. Nor do wo know tho amount collected by Crook county nlnco division dato on taxed prior to 1016. Tho furnlturo for furnishing court offices and court room cost $3,344.60, Respectfully submitted, CltANDAM, & IIOHBIIT8, Hy Max Crandall. Dated at Ilond, Oregon, thin 10th day of April, 1918. On motion duly mada and nccond od court adjourned to moot April 11, 1918. W. I). HAIlNKfl, Judgo, C. II. MIIyLKIl, A. L. MACKINTOSH, Commissioners, llnnd, Oregon, April 11, 1918. Tho County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, mot In tho county Judgo'n offlco thin dato at 10 o'clock a. in., pursuant to adjournment, Judgo Ilarncs, Cornmlsnlonern C. II. Mlllor and A. L. Mackintosh being present. Tho meotlnff wan callod to order by tho county Judgo. Upon request of A. II. Horn, tho county court Inspected tho north grado near Tumalo creok on Ilond Bisters road with n view to reducing tho grade. On motion duly mado nnd nccond od tho court adjourned to meet at 1:30 o'clock p. rn. Tho county court reconvened at 1:30 o'clock p. m same members boln present an at tho morning ses sion. In tlio Matter of the Petition or the IXIi Lumber Co.: Tho potltlon of tho IXL Lumber Co., by W. II. Wilkinson, general mnnngur, praying that certain por tions of tho Deschutes road bo de clared a highway for tho transporta tion of logn, tlmbor and lumber, com ing up for consideration beforo tho court at thin tlmo, It was ordered that petition bo referred to district attorney tor opinion an to form. On motion duly mado and nccond od court adjourned to meet April 13, 1918. W. D. nAUNBS, Judge, C. II. MILLKH. A. L. MACKINTOSH, Commissioners. ClnlniM Allowed nt the April .'!, IIMK, Tonn or tlw County Court ror I)e- hchute County: Standard Oil Co., gas ror county truck $ 13 OS Standard Oil Co.,vlo 13.81 C. I. Decker, road work, Tumalo 31.60 It. U. Fllnklngor, do 0.00 Hogor Fllcklnger, do 18.00 It. K. Nowcomb. do 24.00 O. E. niackwood, do 24.00 T. Carothcrs, do 27.00 M. S. Dullard, road supplies, Dlat. 11 Chas. Orlfflth, do C. L. Smith, road work, Powell Hutto road Itlchard Mitchell, road work Dint. 14 Gcorgo Holton, supplies for road work, Dist. 11 12.60 Hudson Ilarclay. do Class & I'rudhommo Co., legal blanks, dork's offlco W J. Iluckley, road work, Dist. 10-17-18 23S.00 J. J. Iluckley. do 2S5.C0 Glass & rrudhomme Co., sup plies for clork'n offlco .. . . Max A. Cunning, deputy dis trict attorney Prlnovlllo Drux Co., supplies for Prlnovlllo transcribing Kllham Sta. & I'rtg. Co., sup plies for assessor's office.... Howard Cooper Corp., ono grador ncarlfer Hotel Redmond, caro of coun ty patient Mrs. K. II. Marion, board tor man on road 29.76 McKlnloy-Hampson Lbr. Co., supplies for road work... . 31.27, Jns, Croat, engineer on road roller 97.60 II. O. Illackwoll, auto trip for ' road work 5.00. Mrs. Kay E, Harper, stenog- I raphor thrift stamps COO, Mlllor Lumber Co., lumber for road work 10.42' 6.16, MAZOLA is the pure vegetable oil for better cookinp; and salad dressings THE pure, wholesome, and delicious- qualities "of MazoJa appeal to the housewife from the standpoint of cook in riuln in deep frying, sautcinc, shortening and salad dressings. And at the same time she knows she is doing hershare toward saving the country's animal fats butter, lard, suet. Mazola is produced from the heart of golden Ameri can corn. It does not transmit taste or odor from one food to another can be used tvtr and vir again a great fac tor in economical cooking. Mazola is sold in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon sizes. Your grocer will giyc you a copy of the free Ma-"' zoU Book of Recipes or write us direct. Your montr refunded if Maxola doc not give entire satisfaction. Corn Products Refining Company 17 Battery Place New York wuf KrymtstiBm L3m Johnson, Liebef Company Pertlud, Ortgco fr-r"' ' 'T Company umfm. P I ami fkBBBvSn g MV u iSSuC' BSSSfwV Bx. fcsSSSSSSS mm- k ,fc-X mP 13,78 COO 00.00' C.26 2.31 l.SG S.00 23.46 .3.50 9S 09 7.51 sheriff's offlco 2.00 Geo. W. Stokoo, auto hire . 10.40 Western Union Tel. Co., local board telegrams ................ 4.C7 Miller Lumber Co., lumber.... 3C.CC Oregon Fuel Co., wood for nteam roller .. 140.56 C. J. Mathena, truck driver.... 160.00 Geo. R. Ilarclay, auto hlro (atato highway) 1.60 W. R. Wilkinson, lumber G.9G Do ... 20.19 Miller Lumber Co., do 19.20 Do .. 24.93 J. D. Butler, drugs county hospital 20.05 J. K. Hosch, physician fees 35.00 Anton Auno, road work ...... 70.85 Do 187.60 J. A. Eastcs, justlc fees 38.10 Do 1.50 Hcnd Water, Light & Power, water and lights 19.75 August A. Anderson, supplies 99.24 W. It. Wilkinson, lumber 74. 90 Mrs. II. D. Voorhccs, nurso (Lock wood caso) 45.00 Hazel Manlon, sheriff's clerk 75.00 Elslo M. Olsin, stenographer district attorney 35.00 II. C. Hartranft, expenses food administration 53.00 II. O. Kennard. watermaster.. 72.17 II. O. Fox, J. J. Cunningham payroll 15.00 Wm. Hurst, do 9.C3 II. L. Chamberlain, do 13.75 J. J. Cunningham, do 130.00 Raymond Hlllor, do 1.75 A. J. Harter, do 18.00 Leo Nlckcrson, do 5.00 1). S. Kay, do 1.53 Hen Morris, do 1.53 J. AL Griffin, J. M. Griffin payroll .' 35.00 M. M. Rogers, do 24.50 E. J. Rogers, do .. 15.00 C. II. Hatch, do 4.00 Ed. Dean, do COO Frnnk Wallace, do 7.50 Oaken Wallace, do 9.00 Carl Dramhall, do 18.00 R. R. Churchill, do...... 9.00 II L. Smith, do 1.50 Chan. Hanon, do 10.50 Hudson Ilarclay, do 39.00 J. C. Stiles, do 27.00 J. E. Dramhall, do 27.00 O. W. Jones, do 27.00 Oeo. Holton, do 27.00 Wm. Hondoraon, do. . 27.00 Wallaco Dunn, do 27 00 J. N'. R. Corking, do, . . 27.00 Chas, Griffith, do. ....... 3 00 W. 8. Fcnno, do 15.00 C. W. Howell, do, 21.00 A. A. Dickinson, do 18.00 G. M. Couch, Couch road 12 00 Mahlon Couch, do.... COO A. J. Harter, do - 18.00 C. H. Mlllor, commissioner.... 93.30 J. II. Hancr, proofreaders' salaries .......... 230.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., aenrlco for assessor 2.25 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., aorvlco for medical adv. board 20 S. E. Roberts, sheriff dcpirtlcn 215.65 Cent. Oro. Motor Co., sheriff auto expenses 11.81 Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co., scrvlco for sheriff .. C80 Glass & Prudhommo Co., election supplies ... ?'. 00 Burroughs Adding Maehlno Co., sheriff's supplies........ ' 97 A. L. French, supplies for Jail 12.25 Reed-Smith Mer. Co., cloth for court room 1.05 Royal Caro, board of pris oners -..'. " 20 Clydo M. McKay, rent and postago county treasurer.... 24.50 J. C. Vandevort, examining Insano 00 Bend Surgical Hospital, caro Martha Wall r" 00 J. A. Eastea, attorney feen, Cllngan vs. Eastcs lr00 Mrs. M. Fry, caro tuborcular patlenta 1,' 80 C. II. Miller, officers' ad vances 35 F. If. May, road work on highway ?" 00 C. J. Mathena, truck driver 00 Jos. Groat, engineer roller.... "50 G. W. Hnrkness, cutting wood for roller . i ' 00 Pac. Tel. & Tol Co., phono treasurer's offlco " 25 Pac. Tel. & Tel Co., phono clork's office ... " 60 Backache, soro muscles, stiff or swollon joints, rheumatic pain iiz zlness nnd llko symptoms nro c "ed by disordered kidneys and bla-Hor. Mrs. Thos. II. Davis, MontRoraer R. F. D. 3, Ind.. writes: "I doct rod months without rollef. 1 comnv ced using Foloy Kidney Pills nnd j re lief. Eight bottles cured me." told evory where. Adv. rl Do Do Do Do 1.75 12.00 S.2G Do 25.20 Loin Simmons, ntonogrnpher for superintendent 60.00 Ilonuott-Coopor Co., supplied for Indigent 4.25 Arvllla Murphy, recording clork's offlco . 52.00 Hazol Putnoy, do 75.00 E. R. Wliltmore, stenog rapher county court, March 15.00 A. E. Tnto, dorlcol work, as sessor's offlco 35.00 U. Forroll, aorvlcea county physician 50.00 Adolpli Fontaine, road work, Stanley road 27.00 V. A. Cook, do 37.60 Loo YoutiR, do 60.00 R. A. Puott, do 24.00 J. A. Eastcs, rent ot Ml- charda houso COO J. A, Eastcs, justlco court foes 15.75 Pacific Sta. & Ptg. Co., assess- mont rolls 222. CO O, M. Swnnson, work on K, A. Nolson road 24.00 Do 19.50 Joo Poscha, do 19.50 K. A. Nolson. do 10.50 John nielli, do 15.00 II. II. Clow, Janitor nnd jailor 48.36 Wm. P. Downing, board of prisonors 35.00 Honry Burton, destroying coyoto scalps , 3.00 Luraon & Co,, reading glass, HOW ARE THESE FOR SEED PRICES? Fancy Alfalfa - - 22c per 100 lbs Red Clover - - 30c per 100 lb; Mammoth Red Clover, 29c 100 lb. Sweet Clover - 27c per 100 lb; REMEMBER We will only be able to to furnish seeds at these prices for a short time Phone Us Your Order That we may reserve your quantity. Bend Hardware Co.