The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 25, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
STAUFTFfftn, April 1C. Robert
ami Wester McLouth havo boon
working for Mr. King tor tho past
thrco days. aortlng potatoes.
Wo woro grlovod to hoar of tho
death of Mr.. Boat at Bond last wook
nnd extend our doopoat sympathy to
tho boroavod family. Mr. Dcst was
ono of our most honored citizens for
a number of years and wo all fool
that wo hare lost a kind friend and
a Tallied neighbor.
Qua McLouth and J. H. Hassler
moved tho Overall house to Mc
Louth's placo last wook.
Mr. Conlojr and Guy Brown woro
In tho valley Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Edo woro eallors
at tho Haaalor homo Monday.
Baldwin Kaaspohl of Chicago val
ley left tho first of tho week for San
II. H. Thompson and Ira Bradley
woro business eallors Thursday.
W. W. Brown waa In tho valloy
Friday night, tho guest of Gus Mc
Louth. Jno. Perry -was a business visitor
Geo. Prino of Chicago valley waa
transacting -business hero Saturday.
Miss Lor a Crow of Hampton was
n guest at tho Hassler home Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Grace Hassler left for Bend
Thursday, wboro she will visit friends
a few days beforo leaving for tho
Willamctto valloy for an Indefinite
Misa Glenn to Lund and Dollle
Flanagan spent Sunday with tho
Misses Brown.
J. H. Hassler expects to loavo soon
for Brothors, where ho will work a
Miss Carrlo Brown will caro for
the Stauffor postofflco during tho ab
sonco of (Mr. and Mrs. Hassler.
Pago SUuffar wont to Prlnovillo
last week to -work.
Mr. Poterson of Eglt was a busi
ness visitor Tuesday.
Herbert Carroll of Butto stayed
hero Thursday night on his way to
Mrs. McDowoll of Butte has re
turned froal California, where she
spent tho wfntor, and staid over in
tho valloy visiting friends.
V. E. T. Wilson Kicked by Horso
Wlillo Unhitching Team Infant
Die Last Sunday.
SISTERS. April 21. W. E. T. Wll
'son was kicked Just below the heart
by one of his horses Thursday noon
whllo unhitching them. Ills condi
tion is improving. Dr. Hosch of Red
mond was called at once.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daugh
ter of Prlnevlllo wore Sisters visitors
Tho month-old baby of Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Woodworth of the Wilson
mill died Sunday morning and was
burled at Sisters Monday. Rev. Mc
Vlckors of Redmond conducted tho
funeral services.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Bran and Mr,
and Mrs. W. E. Searcy of Bend made
a business trip to Sisters Wednesday
and registered at tho Gist hotel.
County Judge Barnes and Com
missioner Miller of Bond wero at
Sisters Thursday Inspecting roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webor and
daughters and Miss Graham of Gen
ova were at Sisters Friday. They
came In a now Dodge car.
T, J. Qulgley of Lowor Bridge
traded for a ranch formerly owned
by Vincent D. Curtis of Sisters. He
also filed on somo homestead land.
Cbas. Gist and Charley Kafer made
.-a trip to tho Bailey sheep camp Fri
day morning. Thoy were accom
panied by Warron Farthing and Wm.
Walter Hendricks and Paul Va
lotls of Genova wero shopping at Sis
ters Friday.
B. L. Tone and John Burns and
wife were Sisters visitors Friday.
J. M. Parker and Charley Kafer
made a business trip to tho W. W.
Van Matro ranch at Clovordalo Frl
day. Rod Foster of Eagle Crook valley
was In town Friday to purchase barb
wiro to tonce the boundary line be
tween bis ranch and the Indian reser
vation to keep the cattle out.
Anthony Roach and Ed. Spoo aro
hauling lumber with their auto
trucks from tho Wilson mill to Red
mond. Rev. Stewart of Bend conducted
'Sa'bbath oohool exercises at tho
-church Saturday afternoon. He
preached a sermon Sunday evening.
Miss Ada Taylor of Bend was a
Slaters visitor Saturday and Sunday.
P. Van Tassel of Gist attended the
:6abbatb school exercUes Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Temploton,
Mrs. Spoo and Mrs. Vorn Davis nt
tonded tho reception at Clovordalo
Thursday evening given by Mrs. Par
borry In honor of tho marrlugo of
her son Irwin to Mias Richards.
John Dokkon of Clovordalo was
shopping at Slstora Saturday.
Mrs. Socman camo In from tho
Wilson mill Saturday.
Mrs. Susan Schulto nnd Mrs. Fry
rear wero shopping at Sistors Satur
day. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. II. K. Allon, Mrs.
Frod McKlnnoy, Herbert nnd Ines
McKlnney woro fishing on tho Mc
tollus Friday. Thoy succeeded in
catching 11 igood sized dollies.
Max Wurzwotllor and Ylnk Davis
were In from 'Black Butte Saturday.
Chas. Hartley of Black Butto mado
a business trip to Sisters Saturday.
Robert H. King was shopping at
Sistors Saturday.
Goo. E. Attken has discontinued
operating tho switchboard for tho
Bell Telephono company after six
yoars of ctflciont scrvlco. Mrs. Nowt.
Cobb has chargo of tho board at her
homo now.
School will bo in session even
Saturday in the primary room until
May 18 In order to make up ono
week lost during tho month of Febru
ary on account of scarlet fovor.
Vorn Skolton was In from Clovor
dalo Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Gist and Wal
tor Graham cam?1 In from tho Brau
ton mill Saturday evening.
II. K. Allon waa sick with la grlppo
a fow days during tho past weok.
Mrs. J. D. Bowman was sick with
a bilious attack Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graham and
children. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gist
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist, Mr.
and Mrs. H. K. Allen. Mr. and Mrs.
Kafer spent Sunday on tho Motollus.
Perry So.uth and family mado a
trip to tho Lowor Dcsort Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stidham and
son Vino, Mrs. Warron Farthing and
Rev. Stewart mado a trip into tho
mountains Sunday for an outing.
Why Not Bo Good to Yourself?
If you nwaken weary and unro
froshod in tho morning, or tiro early
in tho day. aro bilious and "bluo."
with coated tongue and bad breath
If you aro suffering from Indigestion
or constipation you will find Foley
Cathartic Tablets quick to rellove
and comfortable in action. They aro
wbolcsomo and health-giving. Sold
ovorywhoro. Adv.
Wo buy all kinds of hides, polls,
furs, wool. Brlgss' Second Hand
Storo. 37tfc
Chas. Cochran made a business trip
to J. D. Perry s ranch last Monday.
Mr. Carrol of Butto was a passen
ger on tl mall stage last Friday.
Wray's stage is again running
daily between Bend and Burns.
Horaco Brookings returnod from
Bend, whore bo had somo dental
work done.
Supt. J. Alton Thompson visited
our school last Tuesday.
Miss Georgia James was tho guest
of Miss Agnes Schrcdor last Sunday.
Emll Carroz is visiting with his
parents for several days 'this wook.
A. Rlchael of Bend passed through
here with his truck yestorday.
Dorothy and Laural James visited
with tho Meeks children last Sunday
Mrs. M. W. Shoppard, who has
been In the Willamette valloy since
last summer, has returned to her
homo hero to spend tho summer.
Royco James was a guest of Mr.
Cochrano last Sunday.
MIbm Laura Crow of Hampton was
a passenger on tho mall atago ono
day this week.
Miss Mlnnio Raddatz called on
Mrs. Bert Meeks last Saturday.
Horaco Brookings has purchased
somo 200 acres of land In !.io Irri
gated district near Terrebonne and
intends moving bis stock tboro this
Miss Margarot Schroder of Bond
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. V. Schreder, last Tuesday.
J. M. lirickoy nas 'ueon plowing
on 'tho Brown place tho last wook.
Mr. Hunting of Hampton was a
visitor at Brookings' storo last Mon
For farm land loaao see J. Ryan
ft Co. Adv.
PINEHURST. April 22. Tho loc-
turo given by J. W. Ross at tho
school house Saturday night was well
attended. Tho speaker told of his
experiences in tho Canadian army in
Flanders, of tho methods employed
by the German soldiers and of his
encounter with tho enemy's shell.
Practical Experience Counts
in Developing and Printing Films, and we are
prepared to turn out firstclass work in a short
time. Our work insures your coming again.
"In at ONE, at FIVE they're done."
WITH SYMONS, The Jeweler, OKane Bl dg. Bead, Ore.
Tho spoiling match with tho Turn
alo school, which was to luvo takoi
placo Saturday night, whb postponed
Mr. nnd Mrs. Blackwood and son
Carl wont to Tumnlo on business
Nat King, who has boon visiting nt
tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alliort
Graham, loft Saturday tor Rosobung,
wnoro no win bo joined intur by Mrs
King nnd daughter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. K. Wlmor drove
to Bond Friday In tholr car.
Chas. Spnugh wont to Bond Thurs
day with a load of his lino potntoos.
Grovor Ghorklug hnuled sovoral
loads of wood last week.
Mr. Osmor has recoutly orcctod a
substantial dwelling on his farm
J. F. Dawson mado a business trip
to Tumalo Tuesday,
Miss Ivy Snydor ontortnlned tho
following guests nt her homo Sun
day: Misses Violet and Myrtlo
Spaugh and Ethel Graham.
Mrs. J. F. Dawson called on Mrs.
Blackwood Tuesday.
Mrs. I). W. Dietrich and daughter
Esthor of Sunnysldo wore school vis
itors Wednesday.
Mrs. J. F. Dawson and children
pont Thursday at Plalnvlow.
C. M. Phelps and family went to
Bond Saturday In their now car.
Mrs. Louise Bonnott nnd children
of Bend passed through Plnchurst
Mr. Blackwood has rocently boon
omployed at tho Pino Treo mill.
Ethel Graham caltod on Mrs. Delta
Nichols Saturday.
J. F. Dawson and family spont
Sunday on tho Deschutes fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spaugh and
daughters woro eallors at the Daw
son homo Sunday.
G. M. Couch of Sunnysldo passed
through Plnchurst Monday on bis
way to Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howoll enter
talnod tho following eallors Sunday:
Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Spaugh and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wlmor and
son and Misses Ivy Snydor, Ruth
Bayloy and Ruby Marlon.
All kinds of hides, furs, pelts, wool
bought at Brlggs' 8econd Hand Store.
Sett Family Havo Narrow Europe
Team IIccomcM Unmanageable on
Htccp Grade Near Home.
BEND R. F. D. No. 1, April 22
Mrs. Almus Noff and daughtor
Eunlco and sons Ray and Elmor nar
rowly escaped serious Injury Friday
whon tbolr team becamo frightened
at an automobile on tho grndo near
their home. Tho occupants woro
thrown from tho vehlclo whon the
doublotrcu broko and tho horses ran
away. All escaped Injury excepting
Miss Eunlco, who suffered a gash on
hor forehead. Tho chauffeur kindly
assisted and took Mrs. Neff nnd chil
dren to their home, whllo Ir. Noff
caught tho team.
Tho stockholders of telephono line
No. 4 mot Monday night, April 1G,
and decided to build a now lino from
Elmor Wornstaff's ranch to Bond.
Tho Mountain Vlow school will
close Friday with a picnic In tho
afternoon. This will mark tho closa
of an eight months' term. Tho
teacher, Miss Anna Dunsmoro, after
visiting with friends a few days, will
return to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wornstnff have
leased their farm and dairy to Wil
liam Amos of Lamonta for a year
and will remove to Portland, whero
Mr. Wornstaff will bo employed in
tho shipyards. Mrs. Wornstaff has
near relatives In Portland.
Tho Stowo family expect to move
onto a farm noar Molalla, Orogon,
soon, which thoy recently took In ex
change for their ranch here.
County Agent Ward vaccinated
cattlo belonging to Almus Noff,
Lorarn Coffey nnd Loo Young at the
ranch of Leo Young Tuesday to
guard against blackleg. These cattle
woro afterward turned out on somo
land loggod off by tho Shovlln-Hlxon
No mooting of the Farmers' union
was held last Wednesday, as thoro
wero not enough present for a quo
rum. Mr. and (Mrs. J. S. Nowborry nnd
Miss Anna Dunsmoro woro dlnnor
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lemm Coffey
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Socond
United church will moot at tho homo
of Mrs. Frank Whltteraan Thursday
A farowol! party was glvon for
Miss Frances Ilosengnrth at tho homo
of R. C. Colvor Saturday night. Miss
Frances will go to Portland with
Miss Nelson, who Is teaching In tho
Hooch school district.
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Young and Mrs.
Beobo spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Watson at tho head gates of
tho C. O. I. company ditch.
Tho Hooch school will closo May
10. Several pupils In tho sovonth
and eighth grades oxpect to take tho
eighth grade stato examination.
Ralph Grim os and family spent
Friday and Saturday at La Pino.
-Mr. and 'Mrs. Elgin Stookey and
Elmer Wornstaff wero dlnnor guests
at tho Joo Wornstaff homo Sundtfy.
Mr, and iMrs. Lernm Caffoy, MIbh
Anna Dunsmoro and Misses Eunlco
and Myrtlo Noff attended tho ovon
ing services at tho Presbyterian
church in Bend Sunday,
The regular Sunday afternoon
church sorvlces wero not hold at the
And investigate our price
before buying your groceries.
We can save yon money.
P. B. Johnson's
MlllJcaa, Ore. Telephone
Page Woven Wire Fence
Coil spring line wires that cannot slack. Perfect clinqh
ing knots that cannot slip or untie. Get acquainted with
PAGE FENCE there's a reason why you will eventual
ly want it. Hog and Field in 28, 34, 47 and 58 inch.
Poultry and Rabbit in 36 and 48 inch. If you don't
know wire fence, let lis tell you something about it.
Send for catalogue and price list.
Stock carried at Prineville and at Redmond.
Mountain Vlow school Sunday "on ac
count of 'Hoy. Hartrnntt being called
away to conduct n funeral at that
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wornstaff spent
Sunday ovon tug at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Seth Stookoy.
Mr. Strublo has sold his housohold
effects and oxpocts to go to Cali
fornia soon.
Tho Ladles Aid of tho First
United church mot nt tho homo of
Mrs. Ralph Orlmos Thursday after
noon. Dr. 'Denser in in Salem visiting
with his brother, who Is III.
Highest cash price paid for all
kinds of hides, pelts, wool, furs, at
Brings' Second Hand Storo. 37tfo
"I suffered griutly from kldnoy
and bkuldor trouble," writes F. B.
Fairbank, G6 Grand River Avo., W.
Dotrolt, Mich. "Hnd to got up six
or soven times during tho night.
Foloy Kidney Pills havo worked won
dors and I can recommond thorn as
tho bent modlclno I have ovor Ukon."
Tonic In action: quick, sure. Sold
ovorywhoro. Adv.
STAUFFER, April 22. Mrs. J. 11.
Hassler loft for Bond Frldny morn
ing. Sho expects to vliilt friends
thoro for a fow days before leaving
for tho Willatnotto valloy, whom she
will remain this summer Sho has
bocn In poor health all spring and it
Is hoped tho chnngo will be benellclal.
D. F. Forrnnd of Hhorrll valley was
n business caller hero Inst Friday,
C. J. Stauffor autocd to Bond Sat
urday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Gherkins nnd Mrs
Jos. Popo and son Allon of Butto
woro visitors at tho J, II. Hanslor
homo Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cownn woro
visitors nt Brookings Mondny,
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Stnuffor called
at tho Bart Meoks homo, noar Rolyat,
Minn Dolly Flnnngnn, who has been
visiting her aunt, Mrs. J, II. Hassler,
for tho past six weeks, will return
homo to Crabtreo, Oregon, Tuesday
Mrs. McDowell of Butto returned
homo on Tuesday from Los Angeles,
On I., whero sho spont tho winter with
her daughters. Sho was a guest at
tho IlaHslor homo until Thursday.
Tho Misses Maudo nnd Carrlo
Brown aro caring for tho Stauffor
postofflco for a fow weeks during Mr,
HaHsIer'a absence
B, T. Kasspohl Iiob gono out for
tho summor.
Mrs. Houston returned homo from
Bond on Monday's stuigo after a two
weoks' visit.
Goorgo Edo passed through horo
Thursday on his way to his homo at
Jas, Brickoy, Jr., Tom Dunn nnd
W. L. Robertson woro eallors in tho
valley Sunday.
J. O. Porry, Ooorgo Prlno nnd Ouy
Brown wont to Lakoview Sunday on
MILLICAN, April 19. Mrs. Huck-
iii ana aaugmor curroi spent tho
groater part of tho past weok -with
Mrs. J. J. Holland and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Alex. Feral nnd son
Iawroncn and Mr. and Mrs, Leo
Keller nnd children returned from
Bend Saturday. Mr. Freal will spend
a month at home to fence his place
and also put In somo crops and Mr.
Koller will stay about two weeks
to do somo seeding and plowing,
Mrs. P. IK Johnson nnd children
autocd to II. E. Smith's Sunday tu
pond the day,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Garskn and Mrs. F.
Tauschor nnd Mrs. Leo Keller nnd
children worn Sunday visitors at tho
J. J. Holland home.
Those called III as witnesses for
the stato In tho Caldwell caso from
Mllllcan wore: Mrs. P. II. Johnson,
B. B, Connwny, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W.
Orlnstoud, Frnnrls K, Leo and A.
Leonard. Mrs. P. B. Johnson went
In Mondny, returning Tuesday, and
visited with Bund friends part of the
Water was struck at a depth of 43G
feet on Mrs, Lore Shaffer' placo tho
past weok, and tho drill I now on
the Moore brothors' place, where
they expect to start drilling nt once,
J. J. Holland In spending sovoral
days a this home. He called at the
Chas. Graffenbenger placo Tuesday,
Attor a sever attack of la grlppo
Mrs, Graffenbergor Is slowly Improv
ing. Paul Johnson Is home with la
Word has been received from Wm.
A. Rnlm that ho Is slowly Improving
at his sister's and hrothur-liwlaw'n
homo after a very serious operation
four weeks ago. Ho does not expert
to return to his hotmutoad until tho
first of July.
(Continued on pago 7 )
Irrigated Farms
Prices:--$50.00 to $75.00 Per Acre
TERMS: $fi.0d Per Acre Down, Balance in Twenty jj
.annual riiyincnis at o per cent.
$2,0Q0,000 .