The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 11, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAGH 8
This Is A Season of Original Ideas in
Millinery, Coals, Suits, pesses,Sweaters,
Waists, Skirts, Sport and Outing Garments
When tho United Stntcs bociuno
nn atly of Frnnco, tho Rreat
French stylo crcatorn made apo
clnl oftorts to produco ldoas to tit
into tho general nocds of n coun
try at war.
This ilomamls quality. Wo do
not (laim to bo tho choapcat store,
hut wo lo clatra to bo tho best.
Wo hamllo only tho most depond
nblo merchandise, and soil thorn
to you for tho samo prices you
will buy Interior goods elsewhere.
Our Reputation Stands on Quality
Slflc and Setviee
We Viih to Announce the Anntl ot
Wirthmoc and Welworth ViU
Wo always have a crowd on
hand to nee, and bo first to choose
from each now shipmont of theso
"popular waists.
Hotnowlier thoso nro guaran
teed waists, and it for any reason
they do not como up to tho guar
antee bring them back to us, for
wo aro authorized by tho makers
to ranLiaisvory ouo that is not
The Parisian
Pringlc Building
Bend, Oregon
(From Friday's Daily.)
II. C. Doty was a visitor from Red
mond this morning.
Denton O. Durdick was up from
ttedmond this morning.
II. H. Do Armond and V. A. Forbes
nro at 'Mllllcan on business today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dlrdsall aro on
a fishing trip on the Metollus river.
Frank Uodyfclt of Redmond was
4n Dend yesterday.
W. L. Cowan and wlfo wero in
Xroni Stauffer trading yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Cunning were
visitors from Redmond yesterday.
, J. H. Yqder camo In on last night's
train and went to his ranch at Fort
Rock today.
Mrs. Gcorgo F. Campbell and chil
dren came in .from thoir ranch yes
terday and have, gone on to Lewiston
'to visit.
Mr. and iMra. D. O. Durdick wore
in towrTyeaterday afternoon.
Helen Downing has bcon sick for
tho past week with an ttack of ap
pendicitis. Fred N. Wallace was up from
Tumalo to attend tho Red Cross
jucetlng last night.
Mr and Mrs. B. Hatfield of Port
land aro hare looking over the coun
try and may locate near Pringle
Sheriff S E. Roberts lias purchased
a now Hulck car exactly llko the one
offered by Ths Bullotin in its sub
scription contest.
Mr and Mrs Alfred E. Fuller
camo In from Portland yesterday to
live on their Jioniostead.
Mrs. II. K. Urooka wont to La Pine
yesterday in connection with the
c .lining Liberty bond drive. Mrs,
It. E. Storey; chairman of the La
Pino auxiliary of tho Red Cross, re
turned with hor to attend tho month
ly Red Cross meeting hero last even
ing. Tho six-day-old boy of Mr. and
Harry Hoist died last night of n woak
heart. Tho child's nanio was Harry
Francis Hoist.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ivy returned
last night from Galveston, Toxas,
where they visited relatlvos several
wcoks. Mr. Ivy is much Improved
In health, as a result of his vacation.
Mr, and Mrs. J. It. Roberts of
Redmond wero in town yesterday
shopping. Whilo horo Mr. Roborts
turned over to J. C. Rhodes $217
raised from the sale of tho Red
Cross sheep in Redmond, of which
ho was In charge
that tho tmuBcrlptton is now, for ouo
year, It is worth 20,000 votes. It Is
doubtful If ithero Uvea lit tho Hullo
tin's territory n woman who cannot
spend nno or two( hours union k hor
frlouds and seouro tour unoro dally
yearly subscriptions, A count of
votes, then, will show a total of
120,000. Those tlvo subscriptions,
making a total of $2G, turned In not
later than 0 o'clock Friday evening,
will constitute n club, and will en
title tho can il Id u to to 100,000 addi
tional votes a total ot 220,000
votes. That llguro Is about throe
times what any candidate had In
yoatorday's standing. You can vote
enough to plnco your name among
tho loaders and keep tho rest to
start a reservo fund. Mind you, all
this you have accomplished In a day
or two at tho most perhaps n fuw
All Kntltletl to Votes.
Sonto candidates do not under
stand that they aro entitled to vote
for making back collections. Votes
aro Issued on all subscription pay
ments, now or old, whether they nro
pacing up nrroara or in advance.
Volet fur Ku'ry Dollar.
Whonovor ho cash you havo
turned In slnco this offer started
reaches n total ot $2G or over, then
tho special voto offer bngtns to op
erate In your favor. In other words,
this offer means 4,000 extra votes In
addition ito all tho regular votes for
ovory dollar you send or bring to Tho
Bulletin ofllco on or botoro April 12,
Wo havo covered tho special offer
plan so thoroughly that wo feel cer
tain orcry candidate understands the
conditions, and it hardly seems
necessary to dwell further upon -the
advisability ot getting thosu prom
ised subscriptions Into thin office on
or betoro tho closing day of tho offer.
Cut Thin Out II Is Wortli Monfj.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with flvo conta to Foley
& Co., 2S35 Sheffield Ave, Chicago,
III., writing your name and address
clearly. You will rocclvo In return
a trial packago containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, oolds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lots. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
100,000 Extra Vote Offer
Closes This Friday Night
(Continued from Pago 1.)
fllOY of 1C wants to learn farm work
with respectable fanner. Call
Stanloy, Red Rock mill. S9-C-7c
tho early starters thought these
seemingly Inactive candidates would
not work, and therefore had little to
fear, but the sudden mannor in whlah
they have como into action place an
entirely different aspect on the out
look. Suffico it to say that practically
the ontlre list of women are up and
doing every day, each proceeding
with the steadfast purpose of win
ning one of tho prizes. Altogether
nlno valuablo prizes aro to bo dis
tributed on May 12, and to be among
the happy recipients is today possiblo
for one candidate as another.
Hero Is How It Can Do Done.
The nomination blank counts for
5.000 votes. Tho first subscription
will bring 15,000 extra votes In addi
tion to tho regular votes. Suppose
UST a word of appreciation
of the splendid response to
the Country's call for subscrip
tions to the Third Liberty Loan.
As before, this section went way "over the
top", and we all have reason to be proud
those of us who subscribed, BECAUSE we
subscribed, those of us who did not, because
others, better able, or perhaps more patriotic,
subscribed liberally. At any rate this section
has proven to be 100 American and anxious
to do its share for the Cause.
The First National Bank
Bend, Oregon
FOR SALE Puro blood bulls. 'Wo
havo at Aldcrdale Hereford farm
fourteen bond of choice registered
Hereford bulls, one ntjd two years
old, far sale. Our herd was start
ed In 190.1, and by careful breed
ing, blending tho best of eastern
with western blood, we havi built
up a Imrd of over 100 head of
fine, rugged pure bred Hereford
Podlgrees furnished with nodi
anlmnl, and oach bull sold U abso
lutely guarantnod. Edwards Hrofl ,
owners. Phone of address Fred A
Edwnrds. Fossil, Ore., or 8 II Ed
wards, Mayvlllo, Ore. 01 C-7p
FOR SALE Second hand Simplex
cream separator, 1500 lb. rapiclty
JIG. 00. A. Ahlstroin, Desrhutos,
Orogon. UH-G-Sip
FOR SALE Why limnoiteiiil when
you can buy a deeded rarrh on
the Tumalo project, ICO ncres, for
$f per acre? House and barn:
good outsldo range. Address Lock
Hox 2, Tumalo, Ore. 02-Glfc
FTR SALE 4fi0 flno wooled owes
and Iambs. Ewes from one to six
yearn old. Some February lunilin.
Prlco reasonable. J. J. Elllngor,
Redmond, Ore. 721C-12p
FOR BALE All my milch cows, Jor
soy and roan Durham.. Mrs II S.
Johnson, Tumalo. . 00-G-8p
FOR SALE 1 roan Ilurharn bull:
8 cows with calf; 10 two-year-old
heifers, C with calf: 2 two-year-old
steers. All for $50 a head. Also
5 yearlings at $30 n liuud. Wlltse
Bros,, Roberts, Ore. 8:i-0-7p
FOR SALE Ono dozen single comb
Rhode Island linns and u toikerel
W. N. Ray, Tumalo. 80-Cp
FOR SALE 14-Inch W. II Oliver
plow, Good as now, At Ilellows'
blacksmith shop: 79-fip
FOR SALE 1C0 acroB on tho rlvor,
25 miles south of Hmid. Well
located for stock or dairy, i L.
Corbln, It. 4, Orogon City.
FOR SALE 2 tvo-yoar-old Jorsoy
heifers, 2 young cows, 1 slx-month-dd
helfor calf. Prlco $200
If takon at once. E. P. Lqthy,
Alfalfa, Oregon. 32-4-7V
nonr Vancouver, Wush., for Uond
property, 11 ox 532, Uond, Oro.
FOR SALE Tillamook calves. Boo
Gosnoy nt TlraberworkorB Union.
Phono 2171. 1-tfc
Havo you seen tho wonderful values wo are showing
in the Men's Dept.? See our line of Suits for the boys,
young men and men. This has been one of our busiest
departments, which proves that our values cannot bo
duplicated elsewhere. Wo have a Hig line of Men's Suits
with the UNION LABEL. Don't fail to visit this depart
ment. Always a pleasure to show you whether you buy
or not.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits in Norfolk and pinch-hack
models in a big variety of patterns. Have them in sizes
5 to 17 $2.98, $3.1)8, 1.98, $5.90, $0.1)0, $7.1)0
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants 69c, 98c, $1.-19, $1.98
Men's Dress Pants... $2.98, $3.98, $-1.1)8, $5,90
Men's Suits in staple and fancy
patterns $9.90, $12.50, $1-1.75, $17.50, $19.75, $21.75
Men's Suits (Union Label) in staple and fancy
patterns $19.75, $2-1.75, $27.50
Men's Caps. ,. .. , I9c, (!)c, 98c, $1.-19, $1.98
J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc.
Others Follow.
harness and farming tools to sell
to party renting. Phono 13F3I,
or Imiulro llulletln. l8-iip
TO TRADE Sevon passongor car,
1913 model, for team, burnesi i
and wagon. L. O. Reed, llox 8G, ,
Rend, Ore. 00-3.4-5-Cpl
ESTRAY Como to my plnco, C
miles southeast of Mllllcan ranch,
grey maro and colt. Owner cau
havo same, by giving satisfactory
proof and paying for adv and other
oxponscs. Julius Krellwitz. 78-20
ESTRAY Como to my place, (5 miles
southeast of Mllllcan ranch, groy
maro and colt. Owner can havo
tamo by clvlnif satisfactory nroof
and paying for ndv. and other ex-1
ponscs. Julius Krellwitz. 22-3-Gp
FOUND Stray horse, branded JP
ccnncctiul on loft stifle. Iitmo In
hind leg, color bay, about seven J
years old, weight 1,00(1. At om
Fox food yard. 74-5-6p
Brand Directory
Milllcuii, Oregon.
adv 8Dp
A Right sldo: right ear crop
ped: wuttlo right hind leg.
II. L. 'I ONE, HlMiTN, On-.
ndv 100c
.Mllllrnu, Oregon.
are one thirtg that will sure
help win the war
that are good, plus a little labor,
always ,get the desired results.
Our Stock of Seeds ore Fresh
and Complete.
Skuse Hardware Co.
s I
i iMiiiii' u fr BilBHulll
FOR RENT Flvo-room qottago at
Tumalo; ront -good system; extra
Jot for garden; freo water for
garden; $8 nor month, J, C.
Thorpe, Tumalo, 8G-
FOR RENT 40 acres, 25 cultivated,
good water right; 0 miles north
eaat of Rend, Team, wagon and
For the thrifty housewife who
wants a better cooking Oil
The American woman demands quality even when she
thinks most about economy.
That is one reason why Mazola, the pure oil from corn, for
deep frying, sautcing, shortening and salad dressings is now used
in thousands of homes in preference to butter, lard or suet.
And since the Food Administration asks us to savo theso
fats the housewife is especially glad to have a cooking oil which
is so pure, wholesome and economical.
Not one drop of Mazola is wasted it can be used over and
over again as it does not transmit taste or odor from one food
to another.
I: is as pure and iweet as the most delicate food cooked in it and it males fried
foods more easy to digest free from grcasincss or soggincss.
Use Mazola for your salad dressings, too makes them especially delicious,
Get Mazola from your grocer in pint, quart, half-gallon or gallon tins. The
large sizes give greatest economy. Also ask for the free
Mazola Hook of Recipes or write us direct.
You i room 7 i.luni.4 II Knot. tot no lr. mli lailiftciloa.
Corn Products Refining Company
17 Uattcry Place
Now York
-Aiml I LJ I I km.
W I isrw lt . ZZ-HHVfcL
LsBtft I a rum f kEi gr TS jjS? Sv
ksHJ V V AHO J ksH .luffo" '' """' m
Hj'V IvCOOKINGf M (gSSj- jfcZssgiaS)
LsHri' " 71 IS WlSSffij mmKMKtnEl
XhUaSlk. .uHn.HM.wmu IjM, iMSSM rnitttt MMMSJIJSllMpjpMI
Sdtl.i Rtpr.iMt.llrM
Johnson, Lie ber
PertUoJ, Orttoa