The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 11, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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"Over the Top"
By An American Soldier
Who Went
Machlm Gunntr Sttvtng In Fianc
((XivrrllU 1V1T, b; ArUiaf Jr amp;)
Over the Top.
On my second trip In tho trendies
nur ofllcrr wns limiting hi round of
Itmpcctlnn, mid we received Hie eliror
til now Hint nt four In the morning
wo went to go over the top nnd lake
tint Ocrinnn front-linn trench. .My lienrt
turned to lend. Then the olllcer cur
ried on ullli IiIn Instructions. To tliu
liest of my memory I reciill them ns
follows : "At eluven n wiring pnrty will
o out In front nud nit Iiuich through
nir lutrlied wlro for lint piiNKngo of
troopN In the morning. At two o'clock
our nrtlllery will open up with nu In
tense hoinhitrdiiicnt, which will hint un
til four. Upon tho lifting of th bur
rnuo the first of tho three waves will
go over." Then ho left. Homo of the
ToiiiiuleN, flmt getting permission from
Ihn aurgennt, went Into the miichlnii
gunners' dugout nud wrote letter
'lionr", nnylng thnt tn tho morning they
at ere going over tho top, nnd nlso thnt
If tho letter renched their dcstlnntlou
It would tnrnn thnt tho writer hud been
These Icttern wero turned over to
tho cnptnln with Instructions to mnll
nnino In th event of tho writer's being
hilled. Homo of the men mndo out
their will In their pny books, under
tho cnpllou, "Will and Lust Testa
ment." Then tho nerve-racking wnlt com
menced. Every now nnd then I would
glance at tho dlnl of tny wrist wntch
nnd wnn surprised to seo how fnut the
ml nu tea pained by. About flvn minuted
to two I cot nervous uniting for our
gun to open up. I could not tnkit my
ye from my wnttdi. I crouched
ngnlnst the pnrnpet nnd strained my
tuusclcs In n dentlillko crip upon my
rifle. Ai tho hand on my wntch
allowed two o'clock n blinding red flnro
Hunted up tho sky In our renr, then
thunder, Intermixed with n iihnrp. whit
tling Round In tho nlr over our heads.
Tho shells from our guns were speed
ing on their wny townrd tho Oermnn
line. With ono accord tho men
aprnng up on tho flro step nnd looked
over tho top In tho direction of tho
Oermnn trenches. A lino of bursting
holt lighted up No Man' T.nnd. Tho
lln was terrific nnd tbv ground trcm
Med. Ttien, hlnti nbovo our head wo
could henr a sighing tnonn. Our big
toy behind tho lino had opened up
nnd 0.2 nnd IMnch kTicIIh commenced
dropping Into tho Ocrinnn linen. Tho
flash of tho gunii behind tho linen, tho
nerenrn of tho shell through tho nlr.
' nnd tho flnro of them, bunding, wax n
upectaclo thnt put Pain' grenteiit din
play Into tho shade Tho constant
pup, pup, of Oermnn tnnchtno guns nnd
nn occasional rnttlo of rifle tiring gnvo
mo tho Impression of n hugo nudlenco
npidnudlng tho work of tho batteries.
Our IB-pounders wcro destroying tho
Oermnn bnrbed wire, whllo tho heavier
ntuff wnn demolishing their trenchen
and bashing In dugouta or funk holes.
Then Frltx got busy.
Their shells went nercnmlng over
tiend, nlmed In tho direction of tho
Hart from our hnttorlcs. Trench mor
tnrn started dropping "Minnies" In
our front line. Wo clicked sevcrnl ens
unltlo. Then they nuddcnly conned.
Our nrtlllery had taped or silenced
During tho bombnrdment you could
almost rend a nowspupor In our trench,
tiometlmca In tho flnro of u shell-burst
tt mnn'fl body would bo nllhouctted
against tho pnrndoa of tho trench nnd
It appeared llko a hugo monster. You
could hardly hear yourself think. When
nn order wna to bo panned down tho
trench you had to yell It, using your
linnda nn a funnel Into tho enr of tho
man sitting next to yon on tho flro atop.
In about twenty mlnutea a gcneroui
rum lasuo wna doled out. Aftor drink
ing tho rum, which tasted llko varnish
and acnt a shudder through your
frame, you wondered why they mndo
you wnlt until tho HftlngW tho bnr
rago beforo going over. At ten min
ute to four word waa pnsscd down,
Ten mlnutea,to goP Ton minute
to live I We wero shivering nil over.
My lega felt aa If thoy wero asleep.
Then word wna passed down: "First
vrnvo get on and near tho sailing lad
ders." Thcso wero amnll wooden Inddcra
which wo hnd plnccd ngnlnNt tho pnru
tot to ennblo us to go over tho top on
tho lifting of tho bnncngo. "Lnddirs of
Jcnth" wo called thorn, nnd veritably
thoy were.
Beforo a chnrgo Tommy la tho po
litest of men. There la novcr any push
ing or crowding to bo first up thcso
ladders. Wo crouched nround tho bnao
of tho Inddcra wnltlng for tho word
to go over. I wna sick nnd faint, nnd
wna pulling nwny nt nn unllghtcd fag.
Thon enmo tho word, "Throo nilnutefl
to go; upon th lifting of tho bnrrngo
nnd on tho blast of tho whistles, 'Over
tho top with tho best o' luck nnd give
thotn hell.'" Tho famous phrnao of
tho western front. '-N'0 Jonah plirnso
of the western -front. To Tommy It
iiioous If you are lucky enough to como
back you will bo minus nn arm or a
leg. Tommy bates to bo wished tho
best of luck; so, when peace Is de
clared, If It over Is, and you moot a
Tommy on the street, Just wish him the
best ef luck nnd duck tho brick that
I glanced again at my wrist wntch.
We all wore thorn and you could hardly
CftUjU "aMM" for doing ao. jt waa
mlnnfn A four. I could seo tfio mind
tnuvo to tho twelve, then n dead si
lence, It hurt. ISveryono looked up
to noo what hnd happened, but not for
long. Hhnrp whlntlo blasts rung out
nlong Iho trench, nnd with n cheer tho
men Ncnimliled up tho bidders. Tho
bullets wero cradling ovnrhend, nnd
occasionally n miirhlno gun would rip
and tear tho top of tho Handling para
pet. How I got up thnt bidder I will
never know. Tho first ten feet out In
front wiih iigony. Then wo pnssed
through limes In our bnrbed wlro. I
know I wiim running, but could feel no
motion below tho wnlst. Patches on
tho ground seemed to Hunt to tho rear
an If I were on n treadmill nnd iiccu
ery wns rushing pnst me. The Our
miins bad put n bnrrngo of shrapnel
across No Mini's I.aud, nnd you could
henr tho pieces nlnp tho ground about
After I had passed our barbed wlro
nml irotten Into No Man's Land a
Tommy nbout fifteen feet to my right
front turned nround nnd looking In my
direction, put tits hand to his mouth
nnd yelled something which I could not
mnkn out on account of tho notno from
tho bursting shells, Then hn coughed,
Mumbled, pitched forward nnd lay still.
Ills body seemed to float to tho renr
of me. I could henr shniti crocks In
tho nlr nbout inc. Thcso wero cnused
by pnsslng rlllo bullets. Frequently,
to my right nnd left, little spurt of
dirt would rlno Into the nlr nnd n rico
chet bullet would whl no on Itn wny.
If n Tommy should seo one of these
little sinirts In front of him, ho would
tell the nurso nbout It Inter. Tho
crossing of No Mun'n Innd remains n
blnnk to mo.
Men on my right nnd left would
atumblo nnd fall. Homo would try to
get up, while others remnlned huddled
nnd motionless. Then smnnhed-up
barbed wlro enmo Into view nnd
seemed curried on n tide to the renr.
Huddenly, In front of mo 'loomed n
bnshed-ln trench nbout four feet wide.
Queer-looking forms llko mud turtles
wero SoHinbllng up Its wall. One of
these forms seemed to slip nnd then
rolled to tho bottom of the trench. I
Men pod across this Intervening npnee.
tiio man to my icu seemed io pnuso in
midair, then pitched bend down Into
tho Oermnn trench. I Inughed out loud
In my delirium. Upon nllghtlng on tho
other sldo of tho trench I enmo to with
a sudden Jolt. Illght In front of mo
loomed n glnnt form with a rifle which
looked nbout ten feet long, on the end
of which seemed seven bnyoncts. Theso
flashed In tho nlr In front of mo. Then
through my mind flnshed tho admoni
tion of our bnyonot Instructor back In
Illlghty. lie had snld, "whenever you
get In n chnrgo nnd run your bayonet
up to tho hilt Intoen Oermnn tho Fritz
will fall. Pcrhups your rlflo will bo
wrenched from your grnsp. Do not
wnsto tlmo, If tho bnyonot Is fouled
In his equipment, by putting your foot
on his stomach nnd tugging ut tho rlflo
to extricate tho bayonet. Hlmply
press tho trigger nnd tho bullet will
freo It.; In my present situation this
wns the logic, but for tho llfo of mo
I could not remember how ho hnd tojd
mo to get my bnyonet Into tho Oer
mnn. To mo this wns tho pnrnmount
Issue. I closed my eyes nnd lunged
forwnrd. My rlflo wns torn from my
hands, I must hnvo gotten tho Oer
mnn been ii so ho hud dlnnppcnred.
About twenty feet to my left front
wan n hugo l'nisstnn nenrly six feet
four Inches In height, n fine specimen
of physical mnnhood. Tho bnyonet
from his rlflo wns missing, but ho
clutched tho barrel In both hands nnd
wns swinging the butt nround Ids bond.
I could almost henr tho swish of tho
butt passing through tho nlr. Threo
llttlo Tommies wero cngnged with him.
They looked llko pigmies nlongiddo of
tho Prussian. Tho Tommy on tho left
was gradually circling to tho renr of
his opponent. It wns a funny sight to
seo them duck tho swinging butt nnd
try to Jab blm nt tho snino tlmo. Tho
Tommy nearest mo received tho butt
of tho Ocrmnn's rlflo In n smashing
blow below tho right tcmplo. It
smashed his hend llko nn eggshell. Ho
'pitched forward on his sldo and n con
vulsive shudder run through his body.
Meanwhile tho other Tommy hnd
gained tlio rear of tho Prussian. Sud
denly about four Inches of bnyonot
protrudod from tho throat of tho Prus
sian soldier, who etaggored forward
and fell. I will never forget tho look
of blank astontshment that caino over
his face.
Then something hit mo In the left
shoulder nnd my left sldo wont numb.
It felt ns If n hot poker wns being
driven through me. I felt no pnln
Just a sort of nervous shock. A bny
onet hod pierced mo from the rear, I
foil backward on tho ground, but wna
not unconscious, bocnuso I could seo
dim objects moving nround mo. Then
a flush of light In front of my eyes nnd
unconsciousness. Something hnd hit
mo on tho hend. I hnvo novor found
out whnt It wno.
I dreamed I wna being tossed nbout
In nu open boat on n heavlug sea and
oponcd my oyes, Tho moon was shin
ing. I was on a stretcher being enr
rlpd down ono of our communication
trenches. At tho ndvnnccd flrst-ntd
post my wounds wcro dressed, nnd
then I wns put Into nn amb'ulnnco nnd
sent to ono of tho bnso liosnltnls. Tho
wounds In my shoulder and head wero
not sorloua und In six wooks I hnd ro-
Joined my company for oorvlco In tat
front lino.
(To Do Continued.)
Highest cash price paid for all
kinds of hldos, polls, wool, furs, at
Drlggs' Sooond Hand Storo. S7tfo
Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan, tto waiting, Adv,
(Continued from Pngo Two.)
wns also out und spoko to tho chil
dren. Darwin Walters wns hauling lum
hor from tho Wilson mill tho pnst
John Cruvnrloy took his car to Mis
ters tho first of tho week to huvo
somo work dono on It.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fullor, Mr. and
Mrs. ('. I Mosklns nnd Marlon Ilon
klns wero In Itedmond Tuesday even
ing to ntlorid tho K. of P. bnnquot.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Fuller. Nnoml
nnd Marlon Mosklns, A, H. Holmes,
L. A, Hunt, nnd Mrs. Jnegor wore
In Itedmond Huturday nttendln tho
Liberty lonu celnhrntlon.
Tho ItcM Cross met at tho llos
klus homo Tuesday Instead of Wed
nesday this week. Mrs. McCninbs,
from -the Oregon Agricultural col
logo, spoko to tho ladles In regard to
food conservation. Mrs C. F. Hos-
kins was appointed community leader
In this work.
Mrs. Ilrooks. Mrs. Minor nnd Mrs.
Illclinrds of Horn! woro also at tho
meeting. Mrs. Hrooks as county
chiilrmun of tho third Liberty loan
nmioliited Mrs. A. 8. Holmes as cap
tain nt Lownr Jlrldgo. Mrs. Minor
gnvo Instructions as to Hod Cross
knitting. v
Dnrwln Wnltors nnd I). Vcdder at
tended tho nalo at Plalnvlow Tues
day. Mr. Logan of Prlnovlllo was a vis
itor at the Hosklns homo Tuesday.
Mr nnd Mrs. It. B. Towno nnd Kda
Towno nud Mrs. Ladd woro cnter
tnlued ut dinner at the Hosklns homo
Friday evening,
Huntington to Work In Hlilpynnls
J. P. Durki'llN I,ookH After
B18TER8, April 7. Mr. Hanks'
laming engine left Blstors Friday
with ihn boiler and part of tho ma
chinery of tho Duckctt mill for Its
now location, 18 miles south of Hend.
Alvn Tompleton and John Hurch ac
companied Mr. Hanks.
Chus. Olst took Mr nnd Mrs. Wing
and children to Hond Sunday. They
will mako their homo In Hend for
tho presont.
Dr, Tackmnn loft for Prlnovlllo
Saturday. He will go to Held to visit
with his family beforo resuming his
dental practlco at Prlnovlllo.
P. Huntington loft Bisters Wednes
day for Raymond, Wash., to work
In tho shipyards. Mr. Cllott Is em
ployed nt Raymond us a ship car
pontor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Aubrey Porry enmo
homo from Langloy,, Wash.. Satur
day. Mr. Perry was exempted from
tha army.
Mr. and Mrs. licit Houson nro
visiting with Mrs. Hodson's parents
nt Clovordnlo.
Miss Ada Job Visited with Skol
tons nnd Hurnsldes at Clovordalo a
few days.
T. M. Dennis nnd family of Won
ntcheo, Wash., nro visiting his
brother, John Dennis.
J. P Duckott of Chohalls, Wash.,
Is at Bisters looking after his saw
mill property nnd visiting old friends.
Mr Duckott nlso spent n fow days
fishing on tho Motollus.
Waltor Dnrwln of Lower Ilrldge
wns nt Sisters Tuesday.
Chns Olst motorod to Redmond
nnd Prlnovlllo Saturday and to Hond
Mrs. J. O Mcixinney is on wiu hick
lint with tonnllltis.
Moredlth Ilillov went to Portlnnd
on huslnnss this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dennis. Mr. nnd
Mrs. T. M. Dennis nnd daughter nnd
.1. P. Duekett wero fishing on tho
Motollus Saturday.
Claude Woods camo In from Red
mond Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Warren Fnrthlmt
wont to Prlnovlllo Friday toattond
tho funeral of tholr nophow, who
died of tuberculosis.
Mrs. Suslo Scuulto was shopping
nt Blstors Bnturdny.
Paul Scogglns, from tho Tumalo
countrv. was In town Saturday.
P. Van TnBsel of Olst attended
Sabbath school exorcises hero Satur
day. Van Wilson, who has boon sick
with Inflammatory rheumatism for
sovoral wooks was In town Saturday.
Porry South, local forest ranger,
enmo In from Bond with his family
to tako up his residence at Slstors.
Dan Wlnklo moved to town Satur
day. N
Wm. Hathaway Is working nt tho
Tum-a-Lum mill. Ho mado a trip
to tho Wilson mill Saturday.
Mrs. Oray. from Hlg Canyon, was
Bhopplng nt Slstors Saturday.
H. K. Alton was on tho sick list
a fow days with In grlppfl.
Mr nnd Mrs. Edwnrds woro shop
png nt SlMtnrs Saturday,
Enrl Undlko and Hoebort McKln-
noy enmo In from tho Worm Springs
Indian rcsorvntlon Snturdny.
Mrs. Korstottor, poatmlstross nt
mist, wns shopping nt Slators Satur
J. O. Wilson Is cooking ut tho
Iliillov shoen enmp.
11. L. Tone wns In Slstors Saturday
and Sunday on business.
Henry Honrd nnd wlfo and Frank
Hoard of tho Wilson mill woro In
town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J MVoston woro
shopping nt Slstors Saturday.
Anthony Roach has taken tho con
tract to cut tho logs for tho Tum-n-Lum
Mr. nnd Mrs. Shaw nnd Mrs. H. K.
Alton motorod to Hond Wednesday.
Thoy took In 3.000 eun wipes mudo
by tho Junior Rod Cross of Slstors.
Walter Graham, who Is cuttlivx
logs for tho nrnnton mill, spout Sun
dny with his fdmlly.
Miss Nootnngol was shopping at
Slstors Saturday,
Jack Stldham is working at tho
Tum-n-Iium mill.
Ed. flpoo moved Mr. Wing's furni
ture and housohold goods to Dond
Warreu Farthing Is working at tho
Ilalloy shcop camp,
Tha Cllotts lost a valuablo cow and
calf the pnst wook.
Jcsso Hcott Is surnmor fallowing at
his ranch,
Notice Is hereby given that Do
nehuten county registered warrants
on tho genornl fund number 250 to
348, Inclusive, nro called for pay
ment nt tho county treasurer's of
fice. Interest stops on and after
April nth, 1918.
Adv. CLYDE M. lcKAY,
Deschutes County Troasuror.
In tho Circuit Court or tho Htato of
Oregon, for tho. County of Do-
Tony .nmnrelll, plaintiff, vs. Annun-
zlatn Zornprolll, dofendant.
To Anriiinzlatn Zomprelll, tho abovo
named defendant:
In tho Name of tho Btato of Ore
gon, you nro hereby required to np
poar arid answer tho complaint In tho
abovo untitled suit on or boforo May
10, 1918, that dato being six weeks
from itho first publication of this
summons, or for want thereof tho
plaintiff will nriply to tho nbovo en
titled court for and tako a docrco
against you for a divorce forever dis
solving the. bonds of matrimony ex
isting between you and tho DlaintltT,
This summons Is served upon you by
publication thoroof onco a week for
s x consecutive -weeks in tno nenii
Hullotln, pursuant to an order of tho
Hon. T. K. J. Duffy, Judgo of said
court, dated April 2nd. 1918.
First publication, April 4th, 1918.
fi-llc AIlTIIUIt J. MOOKB,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for tho County of Do-
A. N. Lynns, plaintiff, vs. Myrtlo
Lyons, dofendant.
To Myrtle Lyons, tho abovo named
In tho Namo of tho Stato of Oro
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answor tho complaint In tho
nbovo entitled suit on or boforo May
1C, 1918, that dato being six weeks
from tha first publication of this
summons, or for want nncrooi tno
plaintiff will apply to tno abovo en
titled court for nnd tako a decree
against you for a divorce forever dis
solving tho uonds of matrimony ex
isting between you and tho plaintiff,
and for tho solo caro, custody and
control of tho minor child of said
marrlago, namely, Earl Lyons. This
summons is sorved upon you by pub
lication thereof onco a wcok for six
consecutive weeks, pursuant to an
order of tho Hon, T. E. J. Duffy.
Judgo of said court, dated March
n8th 191S.
First publication. April 4th. 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho matter of tho Katato of Alox.
Ouatnvson, Doceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho
undersigned was on tlio 9th day of
March. 1918, appointed administra
tor pf tho cstato of Alex. Oustavson,
doceased, by Honorable w. u.
Humes, county Judge, and all pertons
having claims against tho estate arc
horoby notified to present tho samo
with vouchers In tho manner pro
vided bylaw whhln six mouths from
tho dato of tho first publication of
this notice, at tho offlco of II. II.
Do Armond, In the O'Kano building,
Hend, Oregon.
Dato of flrat publication, March
"1 1918
Administrator of tho Estate
of Alex. Gustavson, De
ceased. 3-4-5-Cc
Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho
underslgnod administrator with tho
will annexed of tho estate of Chris
tina Woldor, deceased, has tiled his
final accounting In tho county court
of Doschutes county. Orogon, and
that tho Judgo of said court has fixed
Friday, April 19, 1918, at 10 o'clock
a. m., nt tho county court room, In
Hond, Oregon, as tho tlmo nnd placo
for hearing objections to and tho
sottleruent of said accounting, and
all persons Interested uro horeby
cited to appear at said tlmo and placo
and show causo It such exist why
sa'.d final accounting should not bo
allowod and said administrator dis
charged from his trust.
Dated and published first tlmo,
March 21, 1918.
Administrator with tho Will
Annexed of tho Estato of
Christina Welder, Decoasod.
Notlco of Publication
Dopartmont of tho Intorlor, U. S,
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon.
March 1, 1918.
Notlco Is horoby (given that Wil
liam Sponcor, of Mllllcan, Oregon,
who. on Decombor 27, 1012. mado
II. B. 01 1108, nnd February 2,1914,
mado additional entry No. 012489,
for SEU NEU. E SEU. Soc. 12,
NEW, SEW NWW. Soc. 13, Town
ship 20. S.. Rnngo 14. E., Willamette
Morldlan, has tilled notlco of Inton
tlon to mako Final Throe Year Proof
to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, at Hond, Orogon, on
tho 2Gth day of April, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Aaron D. Norton, Frod G. Klgor,
Louts II. Gloss all of Milltc'.n, Ore
gon and Durton E. Davis of Dond,
51,6p Roglster.
Dopartmont of tho Intorlor, United
States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles,
Orogon, March 11, 1918.
Notlco Is horoby glvou that Alva
Klrkpatrlck, of Hend, Or off on, -who,
on April 20, 191C, raado Homcstoad
Kntry No. 01-4743, for KM,, soctlon
21, township 10 south, ran go 14 cant,
Wlllnmotto morldlnn, has filed notlco
of Intontlon to mako final thrco-yoar
proof, to establish claim to Iho land
ahovo described, beforo II. C. Kills,
United Btntcn commissioner, at Hond,
Orogon, on tho 7th day of 'May, 1018.
Claimant namou as witnesses:
David C. Hogors, of Mllllcan, Oro
gon; Howard F. Dyer, of Mllllcan,
Oregon: William A. Golden, of Mll
llcan, Oregon; Jackson C. Cllngan,
of Mllllcan, Oregon.
Herlnl No. 010018
Contest No. 1803
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Offlco, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, March 23, 1018.
To Robert Du Hols, of Whltakor,
Oregon, contested:
You aro hcroby notified that Clydoj
M. Shaffer, who gives Mllllcan, Oro
gon, as his postofflce address, did
on March 21, 1918, fllo In this offlco
his duly corroborated application to
contest and sccuro the cancellation
of your homestead entry, serial No.
010048, mado March 11, 1912. for
NEU. N14 SB4. sec. 33; NWU
SWVi and 8W NW, see. 34.
township If! south, rango 19 cast,
Wlllametto meridian, nnd as grounds
for his contest ho alleges that said
Robert Du Hois has novcr established
tils rcsldonco or resided upon said
claim; that ho has wholly abandoned
said claim for more than six months
last past; that ho has never mado
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
Manufacturer of Iron. Bronze and Seint-Steel Casting fof
Power Tranimifiion Machinery; Wood Pipe Fitting. Grate
Bars. Atfricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament
al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH
Business and Professional Cards
L A W Y E n
First National Dank Building
Dond. :: :: Oregon
O'Kano Building, Bond, Oregon
United States Commissioner
First National Bank Building
Sulto 6-8-10, O'Kano Building
Bend, ... Oregon
EYE 8rECIALIST, of Portland
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Pates,
or lnqutro ot
Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co.
Irrigated Furm
Fint tytioiul Bank Building
For Expert Battery Overhauling, Recharging and
Eleetrieal Work, go to SALTZMAN &c COLLINS.
All work guaranteed. New York Avenue & West
Sixth Street.
any Improvements upon said land,
nor cultivated tho samo nor any part
thoroof; that said ontrymnn's alleged
nbsonco from and falluro to cultivate
Bald land was not duo to his employ
ment In military sorvlco rondorod In
connection -with oporntlons In Mexico,
noctlon with operations In Moxlca.
or along tho bordors thoroof, or In
mobilization camps elsowhoro In tho
I military or naval organizations of
(no united mates, or tno national
Ouard of any of tho several states;
that said ontrymnn's alleged nb
sonco from and falluro to cultivato
said land was not duo to his employ
ment In tho army, nnvy or Marlnn
Corps, or other organization do
scribed In tho Act of July 28, 1917,
or elsewhere.
You aro, thoroforo, furthor notl
flod that tho said allegations will bo
taken as confessed, and your said
ontry -will bo cancolled without fur
ther right to bo heard, olther beforo
this offlco or on appeal, If you fall
to fllo In this offlco within twonty
days after tho FOURTH publication
of this notice, ns shown below, your
answer, undor oath, specifically re
sponding to thcso allegations of con
test, together with duo proof that
you served a copy of your answor on
the said contestant clthor In porson
or by registered mnll.
You should state In your answer
tho namo of tho postofflco to which,
you desiro futuro notices to bo sent
to you.
Dato of first publication, March
28. 1918.
Dato of last publication, April 18,
1918. 4-5-6-7
117 Minnesota Street.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
Jobbing Promptly Done.
Phono Black 1201
2-4 O'Kane Building
O. P. NISWONGER. Bend, Ore.
licensed Embalaier, Funeral
Phone Red 421. Lady Aaat
NaprapaUilo Physlclaa
Over Logan Furniture Co.
Wall Street Hours 9 to B
Phone Red 483
SUrtf and Knrdln. Gtnirat Coa-
MiuUa MurchaiiU.
W tttrj OU, CimUim, Bit, riar.
Ball Hull, Htw, Baua and Laxi.
Lands a Specialty
124 Oregon Stmt
Brad, Ortgea