1IHNI BULLETIN, I1KN, 0HKG0N, THURSDAY, APRIL ill, 10l . vAati n'i ,. BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY (GOVERNMENT FORMULA) t Kills All Diseases of Seed Potatoes Get Any Quantity ut Reed & Horton THE REXALL STORE SsaccgrBj Y LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Dully.) Mr. (Hid Mn. Tliuinna Wolla loft at nlKht for Hiioliuiin. 'fl Olaf lliilvorMon In now In HpoVnno, whoro ho ttxpoctd to remain perma nently. Olytln M. McKay, W. IllrcUnll, Jay Upton nml T, (1. Ryan loft thU morn I Hi; for Klninnth Foil. 13. H. llniwatcr and hla sinter, Mr. M. 13. Ollc.oii, am hero from northern Nebraska nml expect to tako up uorno lunil. Mlnit Mllllo MoCloud wan called iiaKt lait night by Hi" IIIiioiih 6f liar brother. Hlio In now on her wny to Now Brunswick, Mr. and Mm. N. L. Sprlwsor and daughter aro InuvlriK for Seattle, whoro Mr. Springer has accepted a now ponltlon. Mm. N. 0. Davs and hor son How ard left lam night for points In Call fornla and Arizona to visit relatives and frlonda. Not Just Meat But MEAT -aM- O'DONNELL BROS. CHILDERS-ARMSTRONG 1 Succcor, to McDRJDE'S. O'K.ne Bid. U Manufacturers of Fine Confections Light Home Cooked Lunettes a Specially Al tho old IiIkIi ikIiooI Thursday night u mooting will tin hold for nil who aro ItitoruHtud In tho formation of a lleiid Imnil, V.vury man who can.pliy .(tn Inntrumont In urgod to ho pr&iniit, (From Tuesday's Dally.) J, J. ailllland passed ho day in Madras on business. - V, It, Do,rKtiMH will leave UiIr wook for Palnskula, Ohio. Mr. lit B. Htowe l passing a -wook In Portland on business. Loo Thomas Ir spending throo dayR In Sumptor on business, i Harry llray, who workR at Shnvlln Illxon camp 0, Is making a short visit In I'ortlund, Mr, and Mrs, J. Drown aro visiting In DoIsd, Idaho, Thoy will bo back In a fow weeks. J. P Hollomon, who linn been hero from Contrails, Washington, on liuut noss a fow dayR, returned thlR morn ing. CharlcR W. Ersklno tuft last night for Vnncouvor to cnllnt In tho ord nanco department of tho army. Ho will probably go to Washington, I). C , Mhortly. Mrs. M. It. MatthowR wor hero from Tho Dalles last night to visit her husband. Hlio was accompanied by hl brothor and wife, Mr. and Mrs. It. MatthowR, of flan Francisco. H. I). Nolson of Fort Smith, Ar knnsaR, stopped In Hand ovor night looking ovor tho country. Ho came hero from Puyallup, Washington, and Is on tho last lap of a trip -.vest. Chief or I'ollco Nixon today Issued 70 .notices ordering property owners to clean up their promises. Ho la carefully going over tho city and making efforts to gel rubbish off of alloys mid yards, Mr. and Mrs, Harney O'Donnell aro on tholr ywy to St. Louis on a p)oAsuro, trip. Mrs. O'Donnell will b gono flvo Qr six wooks, returning by way of California. Her husband pjans to stay only throo weeks. 1A postal was rocelvcd this morn g from Ilobort Inncs by his parcnta. T,ho messago on It la brief: "Got Into New Orleans at 8 o'clock this morning and' am leaving tonight (or New York. Am feeling fine and had a apiendld trip. Somo town this." Mr, InnoR Is In tho navy and not long ago waa stationed at Mara Island, OA Voting Coupon OA LJ GOOD FOR TWENTY VOTES CA3 BULLETIN'S SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN SAVE THIS COUPON Good for Twenty Votes if Voted on or Before April 10, 1918 NAME , Street Town This Coupon will count Twenty Votes when properly tilled out and sent to tho Campaign Mnuagor of Tho Ilullutln on or beforo tho expiration dato. Coupons must bo neatly trimmed and put In packages with number of votes written on top. (From Monday's Dally.) Cy Scott went to Redmond today. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. llrnn drovo to Prlnevlllo In their car yesterday. Mrs, M. Nlswongor -went to Tho Dalles toddy to join hor family. Huel Shnrman from Portland waa a passongor In tho stago to Uurns today. No aurglcala dressings class will bo held tomorrow night at Hod Cross headquarters. ( Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Darter woro In from Tumalo yesterday to attend tho patriotic rally. Miss Allco Crowo has gono to Port laud to visit. Sho expects to go on to Hpokano shortly. Joseph It. Keep of Portland was horo n fow days on business, leaving tho city this morning. Mrs. Isaac Ketch u m and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Johnson of Prlnovlllo spont tho wr-ek-ond with Ilend relatives. Miss Kola Simmons and Mra. J. J. Woblonberg roturnod this morning from a Hliort trip to Portland and Soattlo. Mrs. S. It. Hill, who Is tho mother of Mra. It. S. Farts, camo In Satur day night from Portland to visit her daughter for tho summer. It, Stllson und son from tho Brom onton navy yard stopped hero on tholr way to Hums two days. Thoy went out this morning -with K. 13, Owsloy. Foront Supervisor N. O. Jacobflon and II. N. Whlto of tho Portland of fice drovo to Prlnovlllo to soo Supor vlRor V. V, Hiirplmm, of tho Ochoco forntit. Tho Haptlst Ladles' union will give a silver tea tomorrow nt tho homo of MrR. W. W. Faulkner. Tho purposo Ih to rnlMo money for making layettes for Dolglan babies. Flvo lioyB carno In yesterday from PalRloy tc go north to cnllnt In tho navy. They aro W. L. Morrison, Km est Drumtn, Itay McKecver, Clur onco Caylord and Ora Banister. An exhibition of penmanship Ir on display In one of tho sldo windows of Maurice Cuslirnun's store. It Ir tho work of Miss Theresa Oarsko, teacher In ono of tho schools at Mllllcan. Mrs. I. I), Thayer, who rocontly underwent an operation hero, left for Portland this morning. Hho In going to remove, hor household goods to Ilond, havjjjK leased tho Clarlco Brow property. llev. II. C. Hartranft went to Red mond and Terrebonne today on food administration business. Tomorrow ho plans to go on to Portland, whoro ho will remain about a week. Mrs. Hartranft and hor two children will visit at Tcrrcbonno during his absence. (From Saturday's Dally.) E. W. Wallace went to Hood IMvcr on this morning's train. A boy was born Jast night to Mr. and Mrs. James Do Husk. J. Edward Larson returned today from a trip to Tho Dalles. A. B. Wilson has gono to Boise, Idaho, to tako n now position. S. D. Agnow Is passing several days in Prlnevlllo on business. John StoiJI and W. It. Wilkinson camo In from a thrco days' trip to Portland today. 11. White, from tho district office of the- forest service- In Portland, Is In Bend a few days. .Misses Lucy and Fern Sprlngstubo returned last night from Portland and went home to La Pino today. J. Hrandcau left today tor Lemon, Sotith, Dakota, whero ho will atop beforo going on to Hcsperla, Michi gan. Ho does not expect to return to Send. Why! That's Better Than The Catalogue Houses'9 Remarked ti well dressed woman visitor from another town. "Never expected to find such beautiful garments and such low prices." There is a lot cheaper merch andise on the market than we are handling but there is none better at our price. A close inspection will convince the most skeptical. Our buying facilities in Women's Ready -to- Wear are unsurpassed. Whether you wish to buy or not, pome in. We will be glad to show you our goods. The Peoples Store '. THE STORE, THAT SELLS FOR LESS HIDE IDENTIFIED IN COURT ROOM (Continued from Page Ono.) randh bear Harney boles In the pos session of Gordon Warner,, who had boon attempting to conceal thorn by burying them on tho ranch and in tho dirt Moor of tho barn. Tho stato's attornepj aro trying to show that the defendant sent a warning to his son by his daughter, Merticc, with whom ho conversed nt a dance at Roberts whllo In tho custody of tho sheriff. Tho woman, It Is alleged, took an nutomobllo and drovo from thcro to tho High Desort placo. . Tho Jury brought In a verdict of guilty laBt night. BIG LUMBER DEAL IS MADE (Continued from Pago One.) will bo employed nt tho various mills. Markot for KtuniuiKt. Asldo from Us Importance locally tho now operation will provo of great valuo to settlors and others owning umber claims In tho section south of Ilond by providing a market for tholr stumppgo considerably in ad vauco of tholr prosent expectations. With such claims and other stump ago available In tho vicinity of tho mills thoy nro expected to havo tint bor sufficient for their operation for Botno years to como. The company operating tho mills will bo known as tho I X L Lumber company, Mr. Steldl being tho preM clout and Mr. Wilkinson tho secretary and troaauror. Whllo tho organiza tion Is bolng complotod H. C. Ellis occupies tho position of vlco presi dent. Itoth Men Prominent. Both Mr. Stcidl and Mr. Wilkinson havo (beon residents of Bond for many yours and havo both had much to do with tho timber development of this section. Mr. Stoldl took an active part In timber location work In tho oarly ,days of Bend and It was through him that tho Shovlln in terests mado tholr first purchuso of tlmbor in this section. Ho was also conuoctod with ono of tho first saw mills to oporato hero. Mr. Wilkin son built tho Pino Troo mill and bus slnco thon operatod small mills in different parts of Deschutes county. DON'T FORGET TO BUY THAT LIBERTY BOND . " I) tl'Wl THIS WOMAN IXIUND ItKLlKK. Bnckaeho. soro muscles, stiff or swollen joints, rhoumatlo jialus, ills- zluessaiul like symptoms nro caused by dlsordorod kidneys and bladder, Mrs. Thos. II, Davis. Montgomory, R. P, D. .3, Ind wrltos: "I doctored mouths without roller. I commonced using Foley Kidnoy Pills and got ro ller. Elg'ht bbttles cured mo," Sold oyorywhoro, Ady. Exhibition of Infants' Wear Thursday, Friday and Saturday We are demonstrating Vanta Baby Garments this week in our Infants' Wear Deparrnent. These are the garments recommended by doctors, nurses nnd infant welfare experts. The kind that fasten with out a single pin or button. Each garment fastens securely with bows ot twistless tape that tie in front, so baby can be dressed from top to toe without once turning him over. W KNITTED VANTA HHIHTS In cotton and wool and silk and wool, at. j... -.. ..$1. Its to l.ftQ CARTER'S "ALMA" VESTS At ......BOc, 75c, H3c VANTA "V" HANDS At flftc, -ISc, o.Tc, 05c f'ARTKR'S "ALMA" BANDS At ..KBc INFANTS OUTING FLANNEL NIGHTIES VANTA ABDOMINAL BUILDERS ,.., For tho now-born baJir: tics with tapeii at .'.SRpexSltc Mill S FLANNEL BKIlii At w -- tit - ' 'bootees Knit Dootces, In pink, bluo or whlto M. ... 40c, 50c INFANTS KIMONAH VANTA KNIT NIGIITIK" At, each. ....... ................. ..i.X? DRESSES'-Culc Utile dresses icllh yokes of lucks, lace or touches of hand vork, 65c to $1.75 BABY NOVELTIES FOR GIFTS BABY SHOWERS Ivory Rattles. Soap Diihes, Trays, Water Bottles, Carriage Strap. Cottumers, Powder Boxes, etc. All land painted i dainty pink or blue designs, from 35c to $350. STOP AND SHOP AT W ARNER BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER s Snowy White Undermuslins at Prices Lower Than Usual Corset Covers & Brassieres CORSET COVER, made of Nainsook, ombrldory nnd ribbon trimmed. A real valuo Oft A7C I ni xw I ii -l ut... ) BRASSIERE, mado of Cambric, with einbroid- than usual value, it b Z7C Night Gowns Mndo of Nnlnook, sll)ovor style, nil nicely trimmed with embroldory nnd ribbon. Priced ut 69c-79c-98c-$1.19 Envelope Chemises Mado of Soft Nutusook, In several styles, all nicely trimmed in em broidery or luco. Priced nt 69c-98c-$1.19 fmmt Muslin Underskirts Yo show u larjfo lino of stylos mado of Cambria Muslin nnd Nainsook, well mado, service ublo .'anmonts, trimmed .'with deoj) embroldory llouneei Priced ai 65c-75c 98c-$1.39 CHILDREN'S COMBINATION DRAWERS -AND WAIST Mado of Cambric? with em" broidery trim, All Oft sizes , ZVC Kt !