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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
FAGttft moND nuiitiKTiy, hrnd. okkoon. tiiuiwday, apkil 11, mm aaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaa tMMMHMMMm Central Oregon Neighborhood News -- RED CROSS TO GET MONEY FROM COLT O. I). O. Club t rialnvlcw Mrvta nt Homo of Mrs. McGuIro Day Trninornrll) CluuiRvtl. PLAINVIRW. Airll S. A very largo crowd attended tho auction ealo at tho aoorgo Whltakor ranch last Tuosday. Good prices woro real ized for nearly everything sold. Tho Ford truck auctioned for J 4 12 Is to 1)0 resold. An cxcollont lunch was served at noon. A colt was sold for J 17, tho pro ceeds RolnB to tho lied Cross. Aftor tho salo Paul ScoKRln rodo a buck ing colt of P. W. Fryrear's. A purse of IG.75 was taken up and this was turned ovor to tho local undies' club to bo used lor Hod Cross work. Last Wednesday aftornoon tho Mc Calllstcr Ditch company hold a spe cial bustnoss .mooting at tho A. E IIoss ranch. Jim Elklns and family returned to their ranch laat wook alter spending tho winter In Slstors. II. H. Do Armond -was a business caller In Plalnrlow last Wednesday. Ho was accompanied by J. D. Andor- 8on of Bond. Tho O. D. O. club held Its regular meeting with -Mrs. McGuIro last Thursday aftornoon. Though refresh ments havo been ruled out of the club, a Tory delightful treat camo as a pleasant surprise. Tho next regular meeting of the club will bo hold in two weeks, on Friday, April 19, with Mrs. Nelson. Ploaso nolo that tho day of meeting Is temporarily changed from Thurs day to Friday. Airs. Louis 'Bennett, Misses .Mary and Roberta and Master Woodson Bennett woro weok-ond guests at tho J. A. W. ficoRBln ranch. James Pultlam left Saturday to go to work on tho Ochoco project. Gcorgo Calvcrley was a visitor at Lower Bridge Sunday. iMrs. W. D. Clark, who was oper ated upon rccontly at the Bend hos pital, has returned home and is re gaining her strength slowly. A. E. Hoas, A. W. Armstrong, H. O. Fawcott and II. A. Scoggln were business callers 4n Bend this week. Mrs. Pulllam entertained for Frank Scott at her home last Friday evening. Many friends enjoyed danc ing, cards and a number of special stunts. A very nlco lunch was served. Mrs. Louis Bennett and children and blisses Kachael and Constance Knickerbocker were guests present from Bend. Dick Doty was a business caller in rialnviow last Thursday. .Mastor Woodson Bennett of Bend Is visiting at the Box A ranch this wook. Misses Rachacl and Cons'ance Knickerbocker spent the week-end at tho Pino I awn ranch. Rev. McVIckcr of Redmond will hold preaching services at the Plain view school houso next Sunday after noon, April 14. A. "V. and Ray Armstrong havo closed a deal by which they dispose of their cattle to Dick Doty of Redmond. NEW ALFALFA HOUSE IS BEING FINISHED Jolly Ncl;libois HiM'Ioct Mrs. Albert Scliult President lt Hel Crtvw Work. STATE VETERINARIAN NORVAL TESTS COWS Several llorscx l)lo nt Clovenlale -,Mki Ada Jobo n Ylrdtor. FARMERS IN FIELDS AT HAMPTON BUTTE HAMPTON BUTTE, April C Georgia, Dorothy and Laura! James were the three new -pupils who en rolled at school Monday morning. Tho farmers are all 'busy working in tho fields tho past weeks. Quite a windstorm visited this sec tion last Tuesday, Mr. MoFadycn was a guest at the Drookings hotel one day last week. Wrays stage brought out a load of Trolght for Brookings last Tuesday. Mrs. Vic Bch red or called on Mrs. Bert Meoks last Thursday, Chas. Cochran, who lives on the Rumbaugh place, was a visitor hero last Friday. Chas. James mado a trip to Hamp ton last Sunday. Wm. Schnider, who has been trap ping near Horso ridge the paBt win ter, has moved camp and is again trapping near Glass buttes, Mr. aud Mrs. Jimmle Brickoy were In this vicinity last Sunday. They autoed to Bond. Monday and wero accompanied by Mrs. J, M. Brickoy. Miss Audrey James camo from Bend last Monday. Mr. Ferris of Bend camo out last Thursday and on his return took two cows, -which Mr. Bates purchased from iMr. Brookings In his truck to Bond. Bert Moeks mado a business trip '.to Bend this week. ALFALFA. April S Tho finish ing touches nro being added to M. L. Pyatt's houso, both Insldo and out School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson visited our school Frldny and showed some excellent pictures with his now ntcrcopticon. .M. L. Pyott and wlfo, Martin Palm lund and wlfo and Elder Pyatt vis ited nt tho Dutt homo near Bend Sunday. J. N, Roberts has sold his alfalfa ranch and will move to Redmond for tho present. Mr. and Mrs. Bcckman, Miss Jessie Hartly and Georgo Hobba woro guests at C. II. Hardy's Sunday. At tho rogular election or tho jolly Neighbors club Wednesday, Mrs. Al bert Shults was re-elected president. Mrs. Curt Holloway vico president, Mrs. Gcorgo Oglo financial secretary. Tho Jolly Neighbors mot with the Redmond ladles Friday In an all day session in Red Cross work. Carl Larson was looking after business interests in Powell Butto Sunday. L. V. Clarko lost a work horso last week. Albert Shults and wife, Gcorgo Oglo and wire, Mrs. L. V. Clarke and daughter Margery motored to Bend Monday. Miss Nannlo Stoofter has received word that her brother, who has been seriously 111 in Astoria, is Improving. Our school children aro very busy making gun wipes for our soldiers. Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. Holloway and Mrs. Shults wero dinner guests nt Mrs. Clarke's and spent tho day knit ting. Why Not Bo Good to Yourself? It you awaken weary and unro- freshed In tho mornln. or tiro early In tho day, are bilious and "bluo," with coated tonguo and bad breath It you aro suffering from indigestion or constipation you will find Foloy Cathartic Tablets quick to relieve and comfortable In action. They arc wholcsomo and health-giving. Bold every whoro. Adv. PLEASANT RIDGE IS OVER THE TOP EARLY Many In t created in Liberty Meeting Speaker Go to Docliutc. Ian CLOVKUDALH, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ilurvoy Cyrus and Mrs. Stella Wilson and two daughters of Prlnovtllo spont Sunday with Geo. Cyrus 'and fivuitly. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ahboy and Mr. nml Mrs. Harold Kllon mndo n trip to Bond Friday. Miss Ada Jobo ot Bond, who has boon working in Slstors for some tlmo. visited In Clovordalo nt tho Skolton, llurnsldo and Cyrus homes last wook. She loft Sunday for Bund, whoro sho will moot hor parmts. Sovornl of the pooplo ot Clovor dnlo attended tho Faucott sale In l'lalnvlow last Tuesday. W. W. Van Motro and W. F. Fry roar are called on tho Jury at Bond. Mr. Norvnl, tho stato veterinarian, was testing cows Saturday for tuber culosis that woro put up at tho J. B. Hodson salo on Monday. W. W. Van Mntro had tho misfor tune to loso ono of his best work horses from spinal meningitis Sun day. J, K. Aldrlch also lost a good horso, supposedly from tho some disease Earl Miller, who has boon work ing nt tho Slstors mill, spont Sunday nt homo. He will go with tho mill who n It moves. Idolla Miller was n guest at tho Van Mntro homo Sunday. M. Forhani and mothor wont to Redmond Friday. J. E. Aldrlch and daughter wero shopping In Slstors last Monday. Miss Aldrlch bought some turkeys from P. Huntington. Quick Farm Mortagcs, any amount, usual rato, llboral payment privil eges. Make application to Now Eng land Loan Co., through E. D. Ollson, Bond. ndv. FEDERAL TRAPPER IS AT SURPRISE VALLEY Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land InnnR. Adv. PLEASANT RIDGE. April 10. W. H. Gray was helping repair the Swalley ditch Monday. O. E. Anderson purchased a now disc from B. A. Kendall of Redmond this week. Antono Ahlstrom and J. W. Peter son mado a business trip to Bend on tnaay. A number of tho farmers In this vicinity attended the Liberty loan meeting nt Deschutes Thursday own ing. C. S. Hudson and A. Whlsnant of Bend wore there and spoke on tho third loan. Mrs. O. E. Anderson, accompanied by 'Mrs. C. M. Redfleld of Deschutes, was shopping In Bend Thursday. Walt Jones and daughter, Mrs. Laura McPherson, havo moved back onto tho Ed. Swalley place for the summer. Rasmus Peterson and Antono Ahl strom attended tho patriotic demon stration In Redmond Saturday. John Edwards, from near Mllllcan, is working for Rasmus Peterson. Mr. Edwards moved his family up and they are living In one of tho houses on Mr. Peterson's place. Fred Seeling was In Bend on Sun day. Mrs. Lena McPherson attended tho Red Cross meeting at Tumalo Wed nesday afternoon. Hans Mlkkelson and family expect to move over on tholr place the last of next weok. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, ac companied by Air. and Mrs, W. H. Gray, attended tho patriotic exor cises in Bend 8unday afternoon. J. A. Chase and family -wore in Redmond Saturday. Rasmus Peterson, Mrs. Johanson, Mr. Edwards and family and F. B. Baughman wero in Bend Sunday to attend tho patriotic meeting, This community went over tho -ton and more than subscribed its quota to tne tniru Liberty loan. W. H. Gray was helping O. E. An derson tho last of tho week. For farm land loans see J, Ryan & Co. Adv. Practical Experience Counts in Developing und Printing Films, and we are prepared to turn out firstclass work in a short time. Our work insures your coming again. "In at ONE, at FIVE they're done." CENTRAL PHOTO CO. WITH SYMONS, The Jeweler. O'Kaue BldV, Bend, Ore. STAUFFBR. April fi T. L. Cow an and J. H. Hassler mado a trip to Wagontlro Wednesday. Mr. Nelson and family autoed through hero to their homestead Fri day. They havo a now Ford car and wero trying It out. A. L. Ghonklns, who has been out nt Walla Walla, Wash., at work for somo tlmo, passed through hero on his way to his homestead near Butte. Pago Stouffor and mother and two children wont out to Bend Friday, returning Monday. W. C. Snyder, tho government trapper, who has been trapping near Mllllcan for tho past fow months, hns moved to Surprlso valloy. Paul Zylstra and Miss Glcnnlo Lund spent Saturday aftornoon on Glass button. Our teacher was thrown from a horso Friday evening, but not sort- ously hurt. A. L. Hunter has been out at work at Prlnevlllo during tho winter, but Is on his claim again. J. H. Hassler and wlfo and DoMa Flannngan mado a trip to Cowans Wednesday. Tho peopla of tho valloy aro all through seeding and ready for a soaking rain. J. M. Musser Is doing some fenc ing. Mrs. Goo Edo passed through hero Sunday on hor way to Bend. taaaaH -1 m IB ( aLLll IflLjKittvjwISKfnBHilK. aJVwm vmXmmmhmhhhhmhhhhh 3pB?""I lri!l Yaaw ---, i Mm rt xk. -aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaw . ' .s-aaBTaauaaaaaaai teea n pro- u X viiiHBHV JLJB nBMFF rcc lias built un the Certain tttif tnmneii from noth- . Nr lfA- ,"7 t M Ml ago, to the world's largest roll roofing tuduitry iioit. x .Vs vtVftraHI V .aWli V X. k "V " t 1aBBBWI -. tlMiiiM M Mia i mw i 9 mm ft II mat In I Kl roof. for factorl. round hou. lavtlora. araa.war- '.( 1 I i V 177 AIM Nr mum SOLDIER BACK FROM FRANCE IS HEARD Whh WoundeI in Huttlo Union Hun day Kchool Klccttt Offlcen. PINBHURST, April 10. Chas. Spaugh and daughters and I. E. Wlmer and son nttonded tho lecture by Private Smith at Tumalo Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. W F. Fryrcar of Clovor dalo spent Sunday at tho homo of Mrs. Delia Nichols, Chas. Spaugh and daughters and Blalno Devers went to Bond Satur day. G. W. Snydor mado a business trip to Bend Thursday. Sovoral of the pupils havo Invested In thrift stamps and war savings stamps. Mrs. G. W. Snyder called on Mrs. James Dawson Monday. Mr. Kfiss, lately returned from Franco, whero ho was injured in battle, Is visiting at tno homo of Claronco Pholps, Mrs. Blackwood was a school vis itor Wednesday. Mrs. J. F. Dawson and children drove to Bond Thursday. Mr. OHmer moved his family to tho Buyer placo last week. Mr. Graham and son mado a busi ness trip to Bend Wednesday. Chas. Spaugh, J. F. Dawson and1 F. V. Swisher wero among those from this neighborhood who attended tho Fawcett salo Monday. The Misses Knickerbocker and brother of Plalnvlow wore tho guests of Mrs. J. F, Dawson Sunday. Mrs, Dayton, daughtor and sons ot Falrvlow woro callers at tho Black wood homo Sunday. Mrs, Stellu Androws, teacher of the school at tho Pino Treo Lumber company's mill, has resigned ro- w STOP! Aud Investigate our price before buying your groceries. We cau save you money, P. B. Johnson's MillicaH. Ore. Teleouoae mndo Certain duct of mtcrnutiona prominence and use. teat fo years Certain-teed Roofing and Shingles In every community under the tun, Cirtaln-lttJ Roofing Ii cWtng longer and better roofing service, at a lower coit, than oilier Miula of roofing, Ctrtaln'taJ coiti leu to buy, leu to lay and leu to maintain than any other type of roof. It t yeathcrproof, water proof, ipark proof and fircretarding. It cannot ruit or corrode. It cannot melt under the huttcit tun. It Ii nut affected by (raei, acidi, fumei, a moke, etc. CtrldU-UtJ Is eitabliihed everywhere at the moit advantageou! and economical for factor!, round houaaa, lavatort, faragat, wara- Btou(a,hutal,farm bulldiaga, ttor,outbulld!nf a,atc la ihlnf lc. red or srecn, It U Terr iopular 'or rrMncc. CVrd(RfMf ItooRnr U rutrantcml S, to or II Tram accord to Ui thick not. liUaoMbrioojdeaJara.cierjwtKre. Certain-tera! Products Corporation Maanfacltwaf a af Certairi'tecd Paint Varni$het Roofing OHIm h WaraaaM la UPf latlaal QtUa af Aalc Certain-teed Roofing for sale by Bend HardAvare Co. - BEND contly on account of III health. Mrs. Austin Grnham called on Mrs. J. K, Dawson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood and chil dren went to Tumalo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Luvorenz and Mrs. Lucy Weaver woro guests of Mrs. Dolla Nichols Saturday. J. F. Dawson has boon assisting Chns. Spaugh with his farm work this week. It, wero canvassing Pinohurst Saturday in tho Interest of tho Liberty loan drive Mr. and Mrs. John Styles and son woro callers at tho home ot Mr. und Mrs. Blackwood Sunday. Tho Pinohurst Union Sunday school elected tho following officers Sunday: Superintendent, Mrs. Black wood: assistant suporlntsudont, Mrs, Nat King; secretary, Rumond Sny der; treasuror. Ivy Snydor; librarian, Mrs. F. V. Swsher, and organist, Mrs. Nat King. MRS. IIOSKINS MADE COMMUNITY LEADER letter llrldun Women Hear Talk by .Mr. .Mrt'nmb Itxt TtDduy. Something to soil? Advortlso Tho Bulletin's classified column. In LOWER BRIDGE, April 10. Mrs. Mary Chapman and llttlo duugh. tor returned homo Thursday from tho II. Uayley nml Frod Wallace s"?.0".'! W': ...,....... Monday. David Mllliurn loft Monday for Tho Dalles for medical treatment, Mrs. R. H. Towno and Mrs. Iadd worn entertained at luncheon at Mrs, Frod Wultors on Friday. Mr and Mrs Nowbold woro shop ping In Tnrrohnnno Monday. (Ills Stadh; wid In Ilnml TiiumiIiiv on busluoss In connection with tho! water district Mrs. A. S. Holmes vlsltod Mrs. Walters Thursday ufternnon. Mr, and Mrs. C, F. Ilosklns wero In Horn! Monday. L. P. Ilruco, sorri'lnry and treas urer of the NorthwoMt Dlatntnlto com- pnuy, was hero on IhuIiidkk Monday Mrs. Jnnger spent Saturday and Sunday In llmlmoml J. Alton Thompson vlsltod tho Lower Bridge school Tursdny In con nwtloti with tho htundanllMton of tho school. It. A. Ward, county agriculturist, (Continued on page 7.) FOR SALE RHUBARB PLANTS WM. I DOWNING 6tli and Nevrpoit Ave., KrnwooJ How Are You Lined Up on Your Fishing Tackle? JmM: STEEL OSHING hods Check Over Your Flies We hnvc a dandy ussortnient now ' but have no assurance of being able to replenish. You surely need something replaced Whitt is it? It maybe a rod, a reel, a line or a few leaders UMtmlUi W4 mi (a BEND HARDWARE CO. The Largest Stock of Tackle in Bend BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT VALUE ABOUT $500,000 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER NONE $100,000 J icT," BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO, 1 S c VJ iSi. 'I jb