HKW MVLhKTIK, MEND, OfOOQON, TWURHUAY, APRIL 4, 11 TAOK If P & K nwaBpMMiiHniHp aiw 1 f"B ""K2 1""'" skf syIbbT V r A j JK. ...... i . i OHAPTER X. Ths Day's Wsrk." I vrnn fast learning that thero In n Tegular roullno about thn work of the Frenches, although It In badly upset at times by (ho Ocrmah. Tho real work' In the fire trench commences nt Rundown. Tommy li ilko n burglar, ho works nt night. .Twit nn It begins to Kt ilnrk tha word "ntnnd to" la pruned from truv. erse to traverse, nnd tho men get busy, Tho first relief, consisting of two men to a traverse, mount tho Are Men, one ronn looking over tho top, whlln tha other stls nt litn feet, ready to carry .messages or to Inform tho platoon offi cer of any report mada by tho sentry s to his observations In No Mnn'i Land. Tho ncntry li not allowed to Taking Provisions etas his watch for n second. If he Is luestloned from tho trench or asked lis orders, ho replies without turning irountl or taking his eye from tho ex panse of dirt In front of him. Tho re mainder of tho occupants of his trnv irso either sit on tha flro step, with sayoncls llxcd, reudy for any enter (ency, or If lucky, nnd a dugout hop pens to bo In tho near vicinity of tho traverse, and If tho night Is quiet, they ro permitted to go to same and try ind snatch n few winks of sleep. Llttlo ileeplng Is dono; generally tho men nit around, smoking fags nnd seeing who can tell tho biggest lie. Homo of them, perhaps with their feet In water, would wrlto homo sympathizing with tho "governor" becuuso ho wns laid up with a cold, contracted by getting hla feet wet on his way to work In Wool wich arsenal. If a man should manugo to dozo off, likely as not he would wako with a start as tho clammy, cold foot of a rnt passed over his faco, or the next relief stepped on his stomach whllo stumbling on their way to relieve tha sentries In tho trench. Just try to sleep with n belt full of ammunition around you, your rlllo bolt biting Into your ribs, Intrenching tool liandlo sticking Into tho small of your back, with a tin hat for a pillow nnd feeling very damp and cold, with ' "cooties" boring for oil In your arm pita, tho nlr foul from tho Btcnch of grimy human bodies and smoke from a Juicy plpo being whiffed Into your nos trils, then you will not wonder why Tommy occasionally takes a turn In tho trench for a rest. Whllo In n frouMIno trench orders forbid Tommy from removing hU IiooIb, puttees, clothing or equipment Tho "cooties" tnka udvautugo of this order and inoblllzo their forceo, nud Tommy uwcnra vengeance on them and mutters to himself, "Just wait until I ihlt rest billets nnd am nblo to get my iown back." Just before daylight tho men "turn 'to" and tumbla out of tho dugouts, man Itho flro step until It guts light, or tho Svelcomo order "stand down" Ih given, lfiomotlmcs boforo "stand down" Is or idcred, tho command "flvo rounds rnp kd" Is passed along tho trench. This Ituonns that each mnn roust rest hla Irlllo on tho top nnd flro as rapidly ns posslblo flvo shots alined toward the aorninn trenches, and then duck (with , Itho omphusls on tho "duck"). There It , H grout rivalry betwew the opposing BBgBBH.iaeJaBaaBBasMi )JiKJj?grsMBVH'M'"7"oM Hrajy jERjjgsfVfk- KfcRBipsjfiifeiMSSaJBissayr. isrJsBBVstt JtSgfiSflS3mSt BJBJSjriuiUBJgB auu." iu. wuuwt tm, -".pintoon otiicer, nna nns brcnKfast At lliftt, bocauuo mo oarly bird, In this lnstanco, catches tho' worm sort of ota tho Jump on tho other follow, catching him unawaros, Wo had a eergonnlt In our battalion uamod Warron, Ho was on duty with kls platoon In tho trench ono after mniw WD m AMERICAN 50IMR wnowr M(i(JY:riPff MACHINE: GUMDUERVIIIGfHflMffCi )IJl7BY UfimUfffMftYl noon whrn orders came tip from tho rear that ho bad .been granted seven days' loaVe for' Blighty, and Would be relhived at flvo o'clock to proceed to England. Ho waa tickled to death at these wclcomo tiding and regaled bin more or lees envious mates bcslds him on the flro step with the good times In store for him. no figured It out that In two days' time he would arrive at Waterloo station, London, and then oven days' bliss I At about five minutes to five ho started to fldgot with his rifle, nnd then suddenly springing up on tho flro step with a inuttored, "I'll send over a couplo of souvenirs to Frits so that ho'll miss mo when I leave," ho stuck his rifle over tho top and fired two shots when "crack" went n bullet nnd Jio to the Front tumbled off the step, full Into tho mud at the bottom of tho trench, and lay still In n huddled heap with a bullet holo In his forehead. At nbout tho time ho expected to nr rlvi nt Wnterloo stntlon ho wns laid to rest In n llttlo cemetery behind tho lines. Ho had gone to Illlghty. In tho trenches ono can never tell It Is not Knta to plan very far ahead. After "stand down" tho men sit on tho flro step or repair to their respec tl vi dugouts nnd wait for tho "rum Is uo" to materlallzo. Immediately fol lowing tho mm comes breakfast, brought up from tho rear. Sleeping Is then In order unless so mo special work turns up. Lewis Qun In Action. Around 12:.10 dlnnor shows up, When this Is eaten tho men try to nmuse themselves until "tea" appears nt about four o'clock, thon "stand to" mill llinv rnrrv nn an hnfnrn Whlo ,n mt blUotB Tommy gots up nbout ix ,n tho n)ornnff( wnHh38 up n8wor8 ron cau( l8 inspected by his 8:45 ho parades (drills) with his com pany or goes on fatigue according to thq orders which have, been road out by the orderly sergeant the night pre vious. Rotwecn 11:30 and! noon ho Is dis missed, has sis dinner and It "on his fcv 'mm Ktv. sUbTmI SSSi 1 iHaSjS HDbbbbbbbI lIlr.BBBsV?a99 liiJraH. CSfSliwMS ZayistVlalMBlBBssBsaKB ImPm iffBrfliaB SflHB HbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI HbaHnH'lLBBHaasssssssssssssssssssB own" for Om remainder ef the day, unless ho bis clicked for a digging or wrirklnjffcafty, and' so It goes onffiim day to day, always "looping the loop" and looklag forward to pence and mighty. Sometimes, whllo engaged In n "cootie" hunt, yon think. Strange to say, but It Is n fact, while Tommy Is searching his shirt serious thoughts come to him. Many a time, when per forming this oporntlon, I have tried to figure out tho outcome of the war and what will happen to mo. My thoughts generally ran In this channel : Will I erncrgo snfely from tho next nttnck? If I do will I skin through tho following one, and so on? While your rnlnd Is wandering Into the future It Is likely to be rudely brought to nnrth by a Tommy Interrupting wllh, "What's good for rheumatism?" Then you linvo something elso to think of. Will you rorno out of this war 'crippled And tied Into knots with rheumatism, caused by tho wet nnd mud nf trenches and dugouts? You give It up an n bad Job nnd generally saunter over to tho nearest cotamlnet to drown your moody forebodings in a glass of sickening French beer or to try your luck at the always present game of "house." You can hear the sing-song voice of a Tommy droning out tho numbers ns hecxtrncts the little squares of cardboard from the bag between his feet. (To Do Contluufld.) NAMES FOR HOME GUARD ARE TAKEN (From Thursday's Dally.) Asking for tho formation of a Homo Guard company hero, papors aro bolng circulated by Harper W. Skuso, who hopes to obtain at loast 00 slgnors from Ilond and vicinity. It Is undorstood that If tho company Is formed equipment can bo obtained from tho state. Tho drill which tho guard wltl provldo Is expected to bo of especial valuo to men who may bo called In tho draft. Something to sell? Advortlso In Tho Bulletin's classified column LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK. In tho County Court of tho Btato of Oregon, for Donchutes County. In tho mattor of tho Kstato of Alox. Guatavson, Deceased. Notlco Is horoby given that tho undersigned was on tho 9th day of March, 1918, appointed administra tor of tho (tato of Alex. Guatavson, decease, uy Honorablo W. D. Ilarnes, county Judgo, and nil porsons having claims against tho ostato aro horoby notlnod to prcsont, tho name with vouchors In tho manner pro vided by Jaw wKhln six mosths from tho dato of thn first publication of "Give it to tne. please. Grand daddy." "Why Bobby. If you wait a bit for it you'll have it to enJoy longer!" "Poo-poo! That's no argument with WRIGLEYS 'cause Hn flavor lasts, anyway! -After every WRIGIfYS 3. M I BVHaBBBBBBBBfeSksflaBBBm f J WV ' JT this notice, nt the offlco of It. II. Do Arm on el, In tho O'Kane hulldlng, Bend, Orceon. , ,. Ifoio of flrirt.' publication, Marelr 21, 1618, C. P. NIBWONOBIt, Administrator of tho Estate of Alox. Oustavnon, Do coasod. 3-4-G-Cc NOTICE OK HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNTING. Notice Is hereby glvon that tho undorslgnod administrator with the will annexed of tho entato of Chris tina Wolder, deceased, has filed his final accounting In tho county court of Deschutes county, Orogon, and that tho Judgo of said court has fixed Friday, April 10, 1018, at 10 o'clock a. m at Wio county court room, In Uond, Oregon, as tho time and pleco for lioarliiK objections to and tho snttlemoiit of said accounting, and all porsons Intorcstcd aro horoby cited to appoar at said tlmo and placo and show cause If such exist- why said final accounting should not bo allowod and said administrator dls- ennrgeu irom ins xrusi, Datod and published first time, March 21, 1918. 3-Gc ROSS FARNIIAM. Administrator with tho Will Anncxod of tho Kstate of Christina Woldor, Deceased NOTICH FOIl I'UIIUCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8, Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, February 18, 1918. Notlco Is horoby given that Charles F. Ilronnan, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on Roptomber 11, 1914, roado Home stead Kntry No. 0132849, for lots 3, . H NW14. N 8W. Bee. 1. 8K' NEW. NEU 8BU, 8oc. 2, Tp. 20 8. It. 1G, E.W.M., has filed notice of Intontion to mako final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Ilcnd, Oregon, on tho 28th day of March, 1918, Claimant names as witnesses: Her bert E. Moore, Frank I'orclvall, and John 11. Israol, all of Mllllcan, Ore gon, nnd Ernest It. Edmunds, of Hotid, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Cl.Gp Register. Notlco of I'ubllrAtlon Department of tho Intorlor. U. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon. March 1, 1918. Notlco la horoby lvon that Wil liam Sponccr. of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on December .27, 1912, mado II. E. 011108, and February 2.1914, mado additional entry No. 012489, for 8EH NEW, E SEU. 8cc. 12. NE4. SEW NWVi. Sec. 13. Town ship 20. 8.. Range 14, E., Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filled notlco of Inten tion to mako Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 2Gth day of April, 1918. Claimant nnmes as witnesses: Aaron D. Norton, Fred G. Klgcr, Louis II. Glcss all of Mlllicn, Ore gon nnd Uurton E. Davis of Rend, Oregon. 1-5-p 01474.1. NOTICK FOIUI'UIILICATIO.V. Dopartmcnt of tho Intorlor, United Stated Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 11, 19IS. Notlco Is horoby gtveu that Alva Helps teeth. breath, appetite. digestion. meal Klrkptrlck, of Dead, Orngon, who, on April 28, 191C, mde Ilotnestead EBtry,Ne...OI474, ?, section 21, township 19 south, range 14'bast, Wlll&mctto meridian, has Clod notice of Intontion to mako final threo-yoar proof, to establish claim to the land above described, bafore II. C. Ellis, United States commissioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 7th dsy of May, 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses: Darld C. Itogont, of Mllllcan, Ore con Howard V. nrr. nt Ullttran. Oregon; William A. Gold on, of Mll llcan, Orogon; Jackson C. Cllngan, of Mllllcan, Oregon. 3-7p II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Ilegteter. Herlal No. 010048 ContoW No. i803 NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior, United States Land Offlco, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, March 23, 1918, To Herbert Du Hois, of Whltaker, Oregon, contestco: it 'You'-we hereby notified that Clyde m. nauor, wno gives Miiiican, Ore gon, as his .postotflco address, did on March 21, 1918, file In this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead entry, serial No. 010048, made March 11, 1912. for NEU, N SEW. sec. 33; NW BWy, and BW NW, sec. 34, township 16 south, range 19 east, Willamette meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that said Robort Du Bois has never, established his residence or resided upon said claim; that ho has wholly abandoned said claim -for moro than six months last past; that he has nover mado Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building MnterinI, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Suadrd Sac BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. . Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Caitintfi for Power Traniraiiiion Machinery; Wood Pipe Fitting. Grate Bar. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES LAWYKR First National Dank Dulldlng Dond :: :: Oregon H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kano Building, Dond, Orogon H. O. BLLIS Attoraeyat-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER. D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Orogon DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire of TIIORSON, THE JEWELER Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Rnt National Dank Building 124 Oregea Stiert Bad, Oraaoa For Expert Battery Overhauling, Recharging and Electrical Work, go to SALTZMAN & COLLINS, All work guaranteed. New York Avenue & West Sixth Street. any Improvements upon said land, nor cultivated tho same nor any part thbroof; that said entryman's alleged; absence from and failure to cultivate said land was not due to his employ ment in military service rendored la connection -with operations In Mexico, nectlon wlth operations In Mexica, or along tho borders thereof, or In mobilization camps elsewhere In th military or naval organizations of tho United States, or tho National Guard of any of tho several states; thai said entryman's alleged ab sonco from and failure to cultivate sold land was not duo to his employ ment in tho army, navy or Marin Corps, or other organization de scribed in tho Act of July 28, 1917, or olsowhoro. You aro, thorofore, furthor noti fied that the Bald allegations will b takon as confessod, and your said entry -will ho cancelled without fur ther right to bo beard, either befor this offlco or on appeal, if you fall to file In this offlco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown bolow, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations of con test, together with due proof that you served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either ia person of by reglsterod mall. You should state In your answer the name of tho postofflce to which, you desire future notices to bo sent to you. L. A. BOOTH, Receiver. Date of first publication, March. 28, 1918. Dato of last publication, April 18, 1918. 4-5-6-7 BEND. OREGON. J. K. ENGEMiKTSON', 1'LUMniNG AND HEATING 117 Minnesota, Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Dona. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND -.. OREGON O. P. N1SWONQER, Bead, Ore. UNDERTAKER LIciue4 Kwhaliuer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Asat. DR. R. D. STOWELL NaprapaUilo Physician Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 3 to 5 Phone Red 4833 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Starts ant PorwMiluj, tonerml Cva. nLuioa MtrchanU. W carry Oil. CtMUn. 8ar, Ftar, Salt UtaU. Uuu, Bc.n and Lard.