TAQK9 ml in ii. vuniK, mm, onnomi, thuehuay, Armxh 4, ttM '.'rr NEW CAR BROUGHT IN TO PRINGLE FLAT BROTJfJI riUNQLK FLAT, April 3. Poter llalknoyer Is In from Bond with a now car. llobort Pearson mado a trip to Pxlnovlllo and return last week. P. Q. Ilompol returned Friday to Ills homestead, -bringing his brldo with him. Mrs. 8dttelmoyor and children and Mrs. Stetson and nloco, Lithan Ham lin, spent Sunday -with Mrs. Danlol son. Doll Davis and family aro back on the home ranoh attain. Mr. Stevenson Is in Prlnovlllo on business, Frod Cottlngham ot Othello, "Wash., who has been visiting his father, A. S. Cottlngham, tho past weok, has returned to his home. Airs. V. Q. Itompol roturned Wed nesday to tho valley. F. J. Hamlin was down from tho sawmill Saturday. Ho expects to movo down shortly. Miss Nina Evans returned Thurs day from Dend, whero she has been having soma dental work done. cSmMISBIONmIS . 7 FEELING SHAKY (Contlnuod from rage 1.) LEAGUE AT LOWER BRIDGE HAS MEETING LOWER BRIDGE, April 3. A. J. Fuller. I. A. Hunt. John Calvcrloy and Ous Btadig attended K. P. lodgo In Redmond Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kotrman of Bend and 8lgna and Jennlo Norcn woro visitors wt Lower Bridge Sunday. L. A. Hunt was a Bend visitor Sat urday. Gus Stadlg was In Redmond Tues day. Naomi atfd Marlon Hosklns, Mar garet Walters, D. Veddor, Darwin Walters, C. F. Hosklns, Frank Now bold and Frank Chapman repeated tho minstrel show at Cloverdalo Fri day night. Tommy McKuno, Omar Hosklns, A. S. iHolmes and Carl Larson at tended the Council club meeting Fri day. Tho Good Citizens' leaguo held a meeting at tho school house Saturday evening. Mrs. L. F. Rico, Dorothy Rice, Geo. Scott and Tom Qulgley were Red mond visitors Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Fuller, Mrs. C. F. Hos klns and Marlon Hosklns attended lodge In .Redmond Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jaeger and family at tended church at Bend Sunday. SISTERS MAN IS NEW CANDIDATE (From Tuesday's Daily.) Nomination papers aro being cir culated in the Slstors section on be half of Meredith Bailey of Sisters, who seeks tho Republican nomina tion for county commissioner. Mr. Bailey Is a prominent rancher of the Sisters section and is well known in Bead, where ho has many friends. WEDDING YESTERDAY. (From Monday's Dally.) Miss Mildred Sellers and August Lenz were married yesterday by Rev. J. H. Brono, pastor of tho Lutheran church, at tho homo of the bride's parents on Franklin avenue. Tho couple will leave tomorrow for Lewlston, Idaho, where they expect to live. HE CAN IlEST FINE NOW. "I suffered Kroatly from kidney and bladder trouble," writes F. B. Fairbank, 56 Grand River Ave., W. Detroit, Mich. "Had to get up six or seven times during the night. Foley Kidney Pills have worked won ders and I can recommend them as the best medicine I have ever taken." Tonic In action; quick, sure. Sold everywhere. Adv. BALL PLAYER HURT. (From Saturday's Dally.) LA PINE, March 30. During the noon Intermission at school Thurs day, George Rose, pitcher on the La Pine high school ball team, in slid ing to second base suffered a severe sprain and temporary dislocation of his right ankle. The injury will probably put him off the team for the season. BEST FOR CHILDREN. Exporlenco proves that Foley's Honey and Tar is the best family medicine for children for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Tdrs. M. E. Schlarb, C5C Oakland Ave., Ashland, Pa., writes: "When my little girl gets a cold I give her a dose of it and it always relieves her. I cannot praise it too highly." Sold everywhere. Adv. port to tho mlllago ibtll. By passago of this bill no money will bo asked from tho next legislature ior any military purposes whatsoever, Is tho promtso ot Ha authors, and in tho light of this assertion "there eoemB to bo excellent chances for Its pass ing. It Is pretty safo to assumo that a patriotic press, which has given Its undivided allogianco to ovory pa triotic measure, will also fall In bo- hind tho movo and tho defonso coun cil looks for a great majority In favor of It Bills Arc Numerous. In addition to tho measures men tioned, others whch will bo on tho ballot Include a bill to prohibit com mercial fishing, bills from C. S. Jack son of the Portland Journal to cut out delinquent -tax publications and to establish a now rate for publica tion ot logal notices, a bill for South ern and Eastern Oregon normals, a bill for a now stato school, and pos sibly bills for repealing tho ?6,- 000,000 road bond issuo and further regulating road work. Still othor in itiative measures aro looked for. Tho Jackson bills aro claimed by him to bo inspired by an intenso pa triotic fervor -which pormeatcs toim through and through in tho interests of tho taxpayers, but others aro 1n cllned to tho belief that they aro somewhat actuated by motives ot re vonge. Sam Jackson has made a million or moro In 4ho nowspaper game, growing up from tho country ranks, and now ho turns and scorns tho baso degrees by Which ho did ascend. Through his henchmen he tried Ro slip the delinquent tax repeal over on the 1917 legislature, but fell down when his motives woro exploit ed. Wbothcr ho can buffalo tho people remains to bo scon. League Dwindling. Tho Non-Partisan league, which was considered a bugaboo to some of tho candidates early in the race, ap parently Is dwindling Into insignifi cance. Constant reports ot tho al leged asslnlno activities of tho leaguo in the Dakotas seem to make it ap pear less of a monace here, and whilo the league -will get some Tracking the great rank and file ot farmers are going to rather gun shy, if state ments heard from various sources aro to bo depended upon. Whatever occurs, the league will not be a form idable organization In tho next legis lature. From (the very fact that the candidates will bo lined up at the primaries and practically elected by the middle ot May, thcro seems Ilttlo hope of the Ieasguo getting by with any material advantage at tho gen eral election. Oregon already has the initiative, referendum, recall and the numerous bits of popular legislation which gavo tho league its strong hold in tho limited middle western territory it covers and tho league's propagand ists will not have the shouting capac ity here thati they had in a corpora tion ridden state. Pierce for Governor. Walter Pierce of Union county now has Ills' namo up as Democratic can didate for governor and it is gener ally considered that he wishes to be tho standard bearer for tho Non Partisan leaguo. His advent makes it rather tough on Bob Smith, editor of tho Tax Liberator at Rosoburg. Bob was side kick of Pierce when tho C per cent, limitation amendment was put over and tho two have been tho staunchest braves of tho Tax payers' leaguo. Some time ago Bob mado a trip caau and came back shouting about the menace of tho Non-Partisan league. Linked up as ho Is with Walter, and Walter's posi tion in tho Taxpayers' league and bit inclination toward tho Non-Partisa leaguo -will cauBO even foxy Bob a fov wrinkles before ho decides whlcl way to flop. Ono thing is sure. If Walter oik' the Non-Partisan league ever ge Into control together tho capital a Salem will ho converted no mnn' ilpnafactpry turning out TJ-contl- motor statutes ait tuo rato ot a hun dred n day. What tho leaguo will bo unablo to think ot lru tho lino ot freak legislation will bo glootully supplied by Walter and thoy will plaster tho statute books with ovory thing ittiafc Is now and kill everything that is now among thoso proaont. Harvey Starkweather ot MlhvaukU Is tho only othor Democratic (guber natorial candldato so far appearing, Will 11. King, Democrat, formorly ot Eastern Oregon, ono itttuo Justice ot tho supremo court, and now so licitor tor tho reclamation servico at Washington, has formally ontorod tho race as Domoorntlc candldato for tho United States senate. Thoro aro Bomo who feol that It Stnnflold 14 nominated King will have a good chance If ho can boat Sam Whlto, also Democratic candldato for (tho nomination. Moser Figuring High. Mathematical Mosor's deductions as to his placo in tho governorship raco, as recently published, are Im portant It true. -Multnomah's wizard ot addition can fairly mako tho paper sing with his paeans of victory. Ho says ho will corao out ot Mult nomah with 16,000 to tho good and that tho upstate or downatato voto, whichever It is, will bo so sadly split botweon his opponents that tho farmers "will cut down his load to no moro than 10,000 at it ho most. Thoso who havo examined tho Moser statoment, and aro pretty familiar with public sentiment, nay that tho only outstanding fcaturo in tho state ment is his assertion that all of his opponents are good men. Four years ago ho says ho carried Multnomah by about 4,000 plurality, At that tlmo, howovor, ho was backed- by a solid wet organization with soveral hundred whlto aproned boosters advertising their candidate from behind ovory bar In Portland. That organization 1ms now melted llk'e tho mists 'boforo tho morning sun. Ho also calls attontion to the fact that thrco years ago thoro wore eight candidates, ot which number four woro from Portland and two from Oregon City, within a fow miles of Portland. Gus now labors on tho assumption that ho mill got all tho vote that was cast for tho othor thrco from Portland, inorcly because ho Is resident ot Multnomah county. hooauso the votorn didn't wish to support him. TheNOregon CUy oruvJ dldatos woro pledged to prohibition and consequently ho need expect to got nono ot tholr voto at this dele tion attor hla following bocamo so markod throo yoars ago, Simpson will also cut a big chunk from Mosor's Multnomah county following as ovory roport Indicates that ho Is playing hla atrong cards In Multno mah county on top ot Mosor's own table. lUwx! on Old Vote. Moser also claims ho will recolvo a largo voto in tho Wlllamotto valloy, basing it considerably upon tho valley voto ot throo yoars ago. Throo years ago ho rocolved tho voto of tho valloy wots and not much moro. Thoy aro now located In tho samo section ot tho country as tho wt who cut tho figure In Portland throo years ago. Moser will receive a mighty small porccntago ot votes In tho Wlllamotto valloy, or ovory po litical dopestor of any nstutonrws in this section has lost hts ncunion. Ho states ho has covered about ono-hnlf of tho stato already and will cover tho bnlanco boforo tho pri maries. If ho does hla strength will continually dwindlo. Tho writer can placo his fingers on halt a dozen letters rocolved from Central Oregon slnco Moaor mado his famous visit there and each ot these letters boars tho roport that Mosor's visit coat him at least 20 per cent, ot his doubtful Htrongth In that sec tion. If ho keeps this record good throughout the balance of tho stato ho will not havo to remain up very late on tho night ot tho 17th ot May to discover (that ho Is not wanted. Olcott Center of Fire. These facts aro summarized moro- ly to Indicate that thoro Is no rea son to change tho recent statement that tho raco la between Wlthycombo and Olcott and lhat Moser, Simpson and Andorson will be chalked up as also rans whon tho dust dies away at tho wiro. , Tho ammunition wagons aro being drawn up and tho offenslvo working out against tho Olcott sector by tho various candidates. Simpson Is so liciting support for" hlmsolt In tho different counties ho Is visiting, but requesting tho voters, it thoy find thoy cannot glvo him tholr support, to throw Jt to Wlthycombo. In tact, Olcott Is tho center ot flro and "Any r 7T assssi jrjSPmBg Jf 1H B I Ssf&vnHliflHflliBBBHwvi K I pHHb I w$T yff IsPaW bbbbbbbbKIibbbbbbbbbH i v3 isaC R Wva fir 7VvfH 111"" IT No Ban on Ham for brokfsit Ths U. S, Food" Adminiitra tion list temporarily rsnovstl ths rtristioi on pork, wits t li c exception o i "porklctt TuiJy." , Tliii will ptrmit you to tn joy delicioui, mild cured COLUMBIA BRAND HAM for your brltkfait. Order your "Columbia Brand Mara esrly from your u'rocer, UNION MEAT COMPANY NORTH PORTLAND. OREGON considered a negllglblo factor and this in realized by the candidate. Tho Portland Tolegram U an example ot tho general situation, that paper not appearing for any particular can didate so far, but dlroctlng all of Us attontion to attacking Olcott. Many bollovo that tho Telegram Is gutting ready to support Moser, thin bolng argued from Its repeated attacks on the ntato highway lommtiilon, a body appointed by Governor Wlthy combo. Moor and tho Telegram seem to be Joining hands In this at tack and its atlltudo 4s hard to ex plain from any other anglo hut that it contemplates sotting behind Mosor's eandldacy. Gus seems to forget tho fact that tho thing to beat Olcott" is tho slogan, reason ho didn't get the voto ot tho Olcott's strength has been too well othor three Portland candidates was demonstrated In past elections to bo It Cost the Average Family Less Than 10c Per Week for Packer's Profit in 1917. UdkaTaa Calf f r Black nSsBBBsff Cua Metal fJH Do you want a solid, iturdy ihoe thit will give you lasting comfort and freedom from foot troubles? Then get the BUCK HECHT Army Shoe for practical, everyday wear. Made on the Mumon Latt adopted by the U. S. Army, worn by all our soldiers and thousands of men in civil life. The BUCKHECHT Army Shoe is NOT subject to seizure. On the contrary it is endorsed by the U. S, Army for civilian wear. BUQPMECHT ARMY SHOE This shoe Is as good as the best materials and honest workmanship can make It The leather is of the finest quality cut from the very heart of the hide, as specified for the U. S. Army. To be sure of getting the BUCKHECHT Army Shoe look for our trade mark BUCKHECHT stamped on every pair. It is our mutual protection. If your d(lf r dot not sell thete thors, order from ui dlrtrt. A sen pair or joar taonty tiirk It tfcey do not lit. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT MtBtthcttiTM Sa Francbca J B or Business Men Professional Men Sportsmen Outdoor Worker Carmen Mechanics Farmers Ranchers i Hikers Miners, Etc. The Meat Bill is one of the large items in the family budget but less than 10 cents per week of it goes to the packer in profits. In converting live stock into meat and getting it into the hands of the retail dealer, the packer performs a complex and essential service with the maximum of efficiency, i The above statement is based on Swift & Company's 1917 figures and Federal Census data: i Swift & Company's total output (Meat and by-products) - 5,570,000,000 Pounds Swift & Company's total Profit - r $34,650,000.00 Profit per pound - $.0062 I U. S, Meat Consumption .... 170 pounds per person per year 170 pounds ot $.0062 $1.05 per person per year The average family 4-6 persons $4.72 per family per year THE UNIVERSAL CAR It U moit Important tvhon your Ford Car requires mechanical attontion that you placo It In chnrgo of tho authorized ford doalor, bo cause "then you aro nuro of having ropalrs and replacements mado with gctiulno Kordmado materials by men who know all about Ford cars. So LirliiR your Ford to us, whero satis faction Is guaranteed. Prompt, efficient serv ico nt all times and Ford cars If you wish to buy: Itunabout, 1613.60; Touring Car, 1627.60 all f. o. b. lloml. Cent-Ore-Motor Co. DEND, OREGON 1918 year book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company U. S. A. Try this recipe for Crullers and Doughnuts you can help save the Nation's fats when you use Mazola for deep frying MAZOLA Mazola is a vnttalli oil prcKcd from corn. It Is the ideal medium for deep frying lautcine, or iliortcnini:, because it is not only tttn$mital gives such splendid qualify. Crullers and Doughnuts JH can (' left I CMllf 1 , allk 1 IUUhxxxm Miiolt j I, lipoma tall ttt ltr I hiuw naUMC u4 cluau I u ft mmxm kalUf t4 UK all ill Uf ration mH - i ) " '" m,h' MiiHtMuali,miM 4ir Uf !. MU all, t.i. m ni,t Unit, mil NmliJi lack astc Ul Mm4 lav ala.ua u iIm. Cal m4 If r I Maaala. Get Mazola from your grocer in pint, quart, half gallon or gallon tint And atk for the free Mazola Hook of Hcclpes, or write ui direct. Yg, Bwotr lalaaia-4 U Maiala feat kM ilia aadia aadtiactlaa. Corn Products Refining; Company 17 Battery Place Now York SalBac Raf nmUtfro JokBei,Liebtr CeBpaay Pwt!d, Orif a ' rim. f6JtiJff1, u fZSnmSf 'VC 7 i P ' I 4; i - ' f