The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 04, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    1.RND ntllXRTlN, KKW OKIWpif, TjivitgDAy, APWL.4, 10l
''t1' r J"'yr "VT"
.. .V
FARMERS-- -TsNotice!
The State advises you Co dip your
seed potatoes in a Bi-Chloride of
Mercury solution. : : ::; : :
For Sulc At
Reed & Horton
(Krnm Thursday's Dully.)
h, K, Wnhlstrom has koiio to Itcd
hi oml to work,
Mr. nnd Mm. Krd II (my are hack
from i tun days' trip to Beattlu.
llonry O. Fnwcotl nml 0. K. Glial
fun woro In from Waters yesterday.
Charles II. Krlckson was In from
llonr'Cruok Iluttes yesterday on bunt
nnss. John lllfor, travolliiK otiKlueor for
tho O.-W. It. & N., was In Ilond last
It. L. Thomas, W. II. Thomas and
W. Thomas nm horo from Oklahoma
seeking u location.
Mm. C. J. Catlow wont to Portland
lout night to t)i with her hushnnd,
who In at Vancouver harracks.
Kdward Hinlth of AnacortcH, Wash-
Inxton, I horo to stay with hi Ron
on n homestead near Kort Hock.
Klvo men will ro out tomorrow
nlKht to American Lnko on tho next
dnift quota from I)rchuU-Ji county.
W. J. Hugh en mo In from llumB
yesterday and spent tho night In
,Uoiid haforo going on to I'rlnovlllo.
" Iloualra an tho IKtnd Strain laun-
' dry building, which wan damaged by
flro Atarch IC, havo boon coioplotcd
and tho plant Is agah In operation.
i C. I). Bprlner, th, now forest
, rangor for tho Croscont Mlou, wri
, In Ilond today nnUlng.lnfoKJUtlon on
hi now pont. Ilo was'transferrcd
from Caiiradla In tho Hantlam forest.
i Oonrgo II. Kxoll. deputy shorln
' from Hlaakfoot, Idnho, l hero to
tnko (Irovor C. Finch hack with him
to atiNwnr n slacker and a forRory
charge. Flitch was arrested early
thin week.
Follx O'Noll of lllnwatha, Kansas,
oatno hiro last night from PrlimvllU
with 111 Hon Churlos to nttond tho
HoHtorn Htar party. Ilo wont on
thin mornliiR to Tho Dalles, whoro
ho will mop hoforo hoglnulng his
Jnurnuy homo.
Frank II. Fotor of I'rlnovlllo, won
horo last nlRht to uttund tho Eastern
Htnr party, Today ho wont up tho
rlvor lo tho ranch ho purchased ro
omily from Jamos Illark. Ilo plans
'to uho It an nu in m or raiiRO for some
thoroughbred cattlo ho Itntt Jimt ac
quired pimSOSSlOII of.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Fnink May Ih lit llodmond today
John Hulllvan hnit roiio to Port.
land to work,
uMm. K. Wltwor ttntl Mrs. (I. ltohll-
lard havo roiio to Portland to rosltlo.
Frank Keunoy wont to llodmond
(oduy to whip u carloud of lumbur
to Portland.
llov. II. 0. Ilartranft wan In Hod
inonil and Torrohonnu today on food
conservation husluess.
W. A. Thomas arrived horo yes
terday from Bunnysldo, Washington,
to look ovor tho country,
Tlfo Presbytorlun ladlo will hold
tholr annual Master bazaar tomor
row In tho Hphlor bulldliiR,
IlatiRor Porry flouth In In from
Crescent and will ro from horo to
Hlstors to tako his now pout thoro.
George II, Kttlsor, scale export for
tho Ntato public service commission,
Ih horo on hi yearly Inspection of tho
local railroad scale.
Mm. M, K. Oryntal camo up from
La Pino yoMtorday and boardod tho
train for Dufur thU mornliiR. Hho
had boon vUltltiR hor non.
I). Itobnnpn and two datichtori,
aftor paiinlnR- four month In this
aoctton, today loll for their former
homo In Loulavlllo, Kentucky.
C. V. Hmklno la back from a
brlof vUlt . to Portland, whoro ho
wont to Hocuro Information concern.
In vullatltiR In tho Rovurnmont
Mr. and Mm, M. I.. LowU, who
woro marrlod in Vancouver thin
wiH-k, rolurncd homo lout nlRht and
will bo at tho homo of tho hrldo'n
ulittor, Mm. F. M. (labar, on Dola
wnro. avonuo.. Mm. I.owln wan Mm.
(Iladya M. IllllupM.
C, OroHby, pannonRor engineer on
tho Vancouver dtvlnlon, him given
up IiIh run out of Portland to tako
tho FullbrldKO'llund run on tho 8. P
& S., replaotnx "Jake" Wusionar.
Mr. Crosby wl mqvo bin family hero
Two mou Himtnlnoil luJurloH yea
torday nt tho BhuvllnIIIxon mill
through accidentally bolug caugh,ln
thu machtnory. J. M. OUou had both
hotioa of his right leg fractured oarly
In the morning while working on tho
ItiHtallatlon of tho now band, which
Eye Specialist of Portland, will
be in Bend atfain Tuetdsy and
Wedneiday. March 26 and 27.
at Thornien'f Jewelry Store.
Comult liini. Don't forget the
date. Alio at Redmond on
March 25.
Unsurpassed Values in
Women's Wearing Apparel
WAISTS, arriving on every express from New
York's Lending Fashion Makers.
A Special Shipment of Lovely New
Voile Waists arrived this morning
Priced, $1,95
Aanle for R & 0 CoiwU Agenli for Atmor plte Hory
rtllllbcd'HO thftflt fltruclHiltnf It. B.
Ullrlck wan foodlnK alal I" a na
clilno when IiIh foot alippod and ho
full, fraoturliiR IiIh right log.
four chnlrH at your oarvico nt the
Motropolltnu, No watting, Adr,
(From Haturday'a Dally.)
0, M. Undneld was In from
nchtitoa on ibualntmn yofltarduy,
MIhh 1OiiIho Ilaymoud apant tho
wonk-epd nt her homo In Torrobonno.
Alex, Momdorf today purchaRol
tho Ford car buloiigliig to W. O.
Mr, and Mm. M. I. John aro pas.
Ing tho week-end In Hlntorn with
tholr on.
Bam Ki Johnson has brought IiIh
family hero from Mluueanta and will
locato In Ilond.
O. II. Hhodcn ntul C. Dottman re
turned to Hood Itlvor today aftor a
short business trip to Ilond.
A mnrrlagn license was Isiucd to
day to Herbert IJ, Itoblnnon and
Laura Shipley, both of Ilcnd.
Albert Ilurelbach and Fred Dlory,
of Portland, returned homo today.
Thoy wore hero on a short business
Mm, A. Amory, who was hero from
Portland acting us nurse at tho Kon
neth Kawyer homo, returned to tho
city today.
II. Hutloy, an old employe of tho
Hlievlln-Illxon Company, Is horo from
Kelllhor, Minnesota, and will work
In tho local mill.
Iter. II, F. Pombcrton went to
I'rlnovlllo today. Ho will bo back
In Hend again to preach In tho Meth
odist church tomorrow night,
Domont'H grocery blossomed forth
with an attractlvo window this morn
Ing, (wo live Knstcr bunnies In a box
holding tho center of tho stago.
II. C. Illeckcn, of Callow, and P.
A. Ilowo, of Olympla, Washington,
woro In Ilond yestorday. Thoy took
thq stago to Hums this morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Hlco of Iled
mond woro Jn town Saturday aftor
n oo n shopping.
Amy Ingemann and Oall Forbes
wero two licud high school students
who today took tho civil sorrlco ox
1 "f,i" f " I..
' ft "si1 yyw
amluntlon for stpppgrflJPJiOl' irj'
C, P, Nlswongor accompanied his
father, M. Nlswongcr, to Tho Dalles
today. The lattor -will live there,
but tho son expects to como back
tomorrow. .
Mr, and 'Mrs. C, J, Osmor nnd tho
Intter's father, John Dyers, camo to
Ilond yesterday from Clarkston,
Idaho, to vm on their land near Turn,
alo, They will niako .their homo In
this section,
Mrs. William Docgll and daughter
camo In from Culver today to spend
tho week-end In town. .Mr. Ilocgll
will bo In tomorrow morning to at
tend the Sunday school convention
of tho Christian church.
8. Murasakl, who has boon In Se
attle slnco early In tho year and who
had planned lo return to Ilcnd on or
about April 1 to outer tho cattlo
brokerage business, wires ho docs
not know when ho will arrlvo In this
city as his baby Is 111. However, ho
will como as soon as possible.
0 rail net Inspectors Horton and
Kuhns, of tho local forest sorvico of
fice, returned yesterday from a short
trip lo tho rango adjoining tho na
tional forest In tho Arnold district.
Thoy Inspected tho territory In order
to find out whether It would accom
modate any cattlo this season. A
favorable report was made on the
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Mrs. Gladys M. Ulllups, daughter
of 31m, Frank Casbar of fiend and
Luther M. LowIb woro married In
Vancouvor, Washington, today. Thoy
aro expected to return to Ilcnd to
morrow and will mako their home
rjoro, an Mr. Lowls Is employed by
tho IJ rooks-Scan km mill. Tho couplo
wont to Portland Sunday night.
Ilackacho, noro muscles, ntlff or
swollen Joints, rheumatic pains, die
zlncss and Ilka symptoms aro caused
b disordered kldnoys and bladder.
Mr. Thos. H. Davis, Montgomery, It.
F, D. 3, Ind., writes: "I doctored
months without roller. I commenced
using Foley Kidney Pills and sot re
llof. Klght bottles cured me." Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Look Over These Values
and You Will Say
Women's Cotton
Union Suits
Fine rib, round neck, lace and
tape neck nnd nnnholes with wide
lace bottom.
Sizes IU to -14. A real yf Q
good value HfOv
Snme only made with t Q--
cufl'knee. A Suit.. OC
Men's Cotton Union Suits
IlnlbrlKKun Union Suits made up with lon( or
short sleeves. Closed crotuh. Kcru Qre
color. All sizes. Per Suit OOlL.
JDOy S Sumo kind...,
Men's Illbbed Union Suits a jrood woljrht for
now A bljf valuo.
Suit ,
woljrht for
Special Prices
Ladies Waists
This soason's host styles
All white ; voiles und
lawns. Handsomoly
trlmmoil. Daintily
intvdo. T h 1 s wook's
id) rAi
Bedsp read Special
Porfoot Qloiiohod Heavy Cotton Ded Spreads
18x88 lnrk'o bUos. Plain, scalloped or fringed
edges. Cut or squaro corntjra, If bought on
today's m&rkot would bo
worth $3,60,
Our jirloo...
. M w n. nh
tnmi: , .
t 4' jt 't,
The New Silks
Are Here A-Plenty-
Quality Silks Only Will be Found Here
New Foulards, OO-inches wide, of heavy tf0 OC Jj
quality beautiful in design yLLO jU.
Georgette Crepes, a heavy dependable (IJO (f ,J
all silk fabric, in 15 shades tJ.lJU JfU.
OO-in. Corticella Chiflbn Taffetas M OC 0 tfo AA
specially priced at per yard pl.OJ Oc $LA)J
Corticcllo, Black Oil Boiled Taffeta, it 1 QC vl
dependable quality pl.0 jU.
Plaids and Fancy '$1 CA C1 7C O CC tO 7C
Silks, per yard PW-4l.l d-$L.)dm$L, I O
Black Duchess Satin, 40-in, wide, an (0 OC -.Jj
excellent'fabric. Spcciall priced yLLd jU.
2-in. Natural Imported Shanting d1 1 C t AC
Ponge, per yard pi.lJ l.'tJ
Sun Ray Silk, 02-inches wide iKp uii
Where Everybody 'CraJes'
Something to sell? Advertise In Ono cent a word Is all a little Want
Tho Bulletin's classified column. Ad will cost you. ,.
, . tr.'i i j
BIG, white, mealy with
butter melting on it.
Um-m-ra! And you like
it because it is baked. Same .
with Lucky Strike Cigarette
Cooking makes thin'gs deli
cious toasting the tobaccoj
has made the Lucky Strike
Cigarette famous.
If year dolor dtx nol
carry thni.,.ml )1.20
feracartoaof 12 pack
( toTh. Aiueikaa
ToUcco Co.,N.Y.Gty
xal 10c
jNQTI. fl00,
mQl Guaranteed by
1 Z