I' ft.t i Hi J u. t x (Mfr tvuri fv AQKTOUK 1 --,- -i ,.- -L- J. ALTON THOMPSON SEERS NOMINATION Would Ho County School Superln- tciulont Another Term Inter cited In War Work. J. Alton Thompson, nt present county school superintendent, has announced his candidacy for tho Re publican nomination to tho same of flco at tho coming primaries. Ho hns heen prominently connected with educational circles, having been en gaed In podngoglcal work tho past 30 years. Coming hero from Flushing, Mlch feran, whoro ho was superintendent of tho city schools, ho organized tho high school at Tumnlo 10 years ago. Lator ho accomplished a similar pur poso at Redmond. Just previous to Ills appointment when Deschutes county was formed, ho was farming at Tumalo. Mr. Thompson is much Interested In tho patriotic work being accom plished through his office, tho war duties which have- fallen to It form ing moro than .Inlf of tho business of tho superintendent. Among these are tho direction of Junior lied Cross work, distribution of war sav ings stamps, advertising the Liberty loan, organizing industrial clubs and assisting tho food administration. In Tact, tho county school superin tendent's otflco has recently been the principal medium iu bringing many of theso Interests beforo tho out-of-town residents. HANER ANNOUNCES HIS CANDIDACY Present Incumbent of County Clerk ship Seek Republican Nomination Promises Attention to Duties. TIL fYOl)'ttAVH felSCUHBD ?25.'Q0 WORTH IN ORDER TO 8KCURK CREDIT ON THE OFFER. Sond subscriptions In as fast ns secured, as n correct account of all subscrip tion payments turned in by each candldato will bo kept 'by tho cam paign manager, and after tho offer closes wo will mail you tho extra votes you cam. All Will Win. Rear in mind that nil who fall to win ono of tho regularly listed prises will ho given n cash commission of 10 per cent, on nil collections that they ninko during this campaign. Thoro nro no losers under this ar rangement. Get In It Today. Study tho list of contestants as thoy appear In (today's paper and If your town or locality Is not now represented by a candidate making an acttvo effort to got subscriptions, fill out tho nomination lilnnk found In tho campaign advertisement In tills Issue and sond to tho campaign department. As a special Induce ment to contestants wo will allow thorn 1C.000 votes In addition to tho regular votes when thoy send their first subscription payment. Get started so (hat you can tako ndvan- tago of this 15,000 voto coupon, ns it will not appear much longer. i Fifteen Years Ago This Week sbdsKl John Stoldl and his brother-in-law, Mr. Tweet, camo In Wodnoadny from Portland and way points, Including Prlnovlllo, whoro thoy wcro held up by tho Crooked rlvor Hood. Mr. Stoldl was very anxious to got homo, so ho built a bntteau In which to forry his wagon and effeots neross tho torrent. Ills scow was not largo and strong enough, however, and It wank, losing somo of tho goods which Mr. Stoldl Avas bringing to Uond. A Conversation Between Mr. Doubtful and Mr. Right FARM LAND TO BE DEVELOPED (Continued from Pago 1.) Announcement of his candidacy for tho Republican nomination for county clerk was made today by J. H. Haner, present incumbent of the of fice by appointment of tho county court on tho division of the county from Crook in 1917. Mr. Haner has 'been a resident of Bend for tho past four years, moving hero from Prine Tille In 1914. As tho fflrst county clerk of De schutes county Mr. Haner has had the extra -work connected with start ing tho office from nothing and at the same timo has overseen tho transcribing -of tho county records in Prlnevllle and done tho greater part fit tho clerical work connected with the local draft board. In announcing his candidacy Mr. Haner promises, If nominated and elected, the same caroful attention to the duties of his office as (given In the past. EIGHT MORE DAYS AND DIG KXTIIA VOTE OFKEK CLOSES (Continued from Page One.) All Entitled to Votes. Some candidates do not under stand that thoy are entitled to votes for making back collections. Votes are issued on all subscription pay ments, new or old, whether they are paying up arrears or in advance Now and Old .Subscriptions. Somo candidates seem to have dif ficulty in determining the difference betwoen "old" and "now" subscrib ers. All ono needs to do Is to find oat if the party was receiving Tho Bulletin, on the day this campaign was started. In every case where the party was receiving the paper on that day, even though it may have stopped slnco, he or she is an "old" aubscrlbor. Only those who have subscribed since March 7 aro "new." Open Evening. For the benefit of those who are not able to get to tho office during business hours, the campaign depart ment of The Bulletin will remain open evenings until 8 o'clock. Future Subscriptions. Candidates may find In somo cases friends who wish to help them In the campaign by subscribing for The Bulletin, but are already taking a paper which is paid In advance and do not desire to receive more than ono paper In their home at the same tlmo. Tho management has arranged to accept and Issue votes on all such subscriptions and the paper to start at any future date the subscriber may designate. Don't Hold Subscriptions. IT IS NOT NECESSAKY TO HOLD BACK YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS UN- istenco of tho deposit has long been known and it has been worked oc casionally, but only recently has tho project been gono Into .thoroughly and stops (taken tor Its commercial development. Art. tho present tlmo a crow under S. P. Cathro, superintendent for tho company. Is at work removing the earth overlaying tho doposit and ex cavating for a mill. According to Mr. Cathro, the mill will employ somo 20 men this summer and by next year thoro will bo employment for 100. Mako Inspection. Tho deposit is 40 feet thick and is estimated to amount to about 5, 000,000 tons. Although thoro are about 250 deposits of a llko nature in Oregon, this ono has been select ed for development because of its unusual purity and easo of produc tion. From tho mill, where tho silica will bo ground and tho slight impurities removed, It will be taken by truck to Terrebonne for ship ment. A party of Bond men consisting of C. S. Hudson. A. Whlsnant, C. M. McKay and R. W. Sawyer Inspected the dlatomlto operations yestorday and were taken over tho Long Hol low ranch by Mr. Miner. Max Lucddomann of Antolopo, tho proprietor of tho Bulletin, nnd Frod N. Wnllaco, tho lanky sago of l'luo Hollow, woro visitors In Bond on Friday nnd Saturday of lost week Mr. Lucddomann expressed hlmsulf ns highly pleased with tho outlook hero, and Mr. Wnllaca said tho tho outlook iwould hnvo tickled him to death If it had not been so cloudy. Ho hopra to como again soon when conditions nro moro favorable. Mr Walluco was hero Just beforo Lava Butte oruptcd, and Is very anxious to visit thnt region again In ordor to nolo tho changes in 'tho earth's complexion nnd features. Ho says he heard tho report from afar, but that tho "hot air," nmoko nnd gen eral otfluvia woro as nothing com pared to tho outpourings of tho Ore gon Irrigation Congress and Mr. Wallace knows. Political .Announcements. . FOR COUNTY CLERK. I.JjCTtby announce my candidacy for h KrpuUlean nomination for tha oflU- r nmi clerk, subjtct to the approval of the voter at ne primary ritton to be held on May 17. 1018. If nominated and elected I tironlu the Mine caremi attention to Ue duties or my office a given In the past. J. II. IIANKIU FOR COUNTY TItEASUHKIt. I hereby announce tnv eandL4jv In th iitpuoiican nomination lor the ollice of County Treaiurer, subject to the approval of the Re publican voter at the primaries to be held on May 17. 1918. CLYDE M. McKAY. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of County Clerk, subject to the approval of the voter at the primary to be held May 17. 1918. AUGUST A. ANDEK30.V. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of County Judice, aubbject to the approval of the Re publican voter at the primaries to be hi Id on May 17, 1918. W. D. IIARNES. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the offlee of County Commissioner, aubject to the approval of the Republican voters at the primary to be held on May 17, 1918. a II. MILLER. Tho entertainment at tho school house on Saturday ovonlng was an unquaiincu, nowung, uproarious suc cess, both regarding tho ontortaln Ing ability of the school master and his flock and from a financial stand point. Following tho program, in which Mr. Hampton, Miss Iva West. Charles Low, A. H. Kenned, Miss Marlon Wlest und Miss Maudo Vandevort took part, Mr. Charles Cotter, auc tioned off tho baskets which had been prepared by tho ladles with -such good success that after tho laat'bne had been sold tho sum of 35 had found Its way Into the school master's pockets and a fine nucleus for a school library is assured. A part of tho program not down on tho schedule took place after tho visitors had stowed away tho con tents of the baskets. A "Donny brook" riot was nearly precipitated outsldo tho door and If It had not been for tho cooler counsel of .somo of tho oldor heads a great deal of hair, whiskers and rcoro would have been contributed for tho benefit of the library fund. . Mr. Doubtful: MI don't sec how I can buy any more Liberty Bonds. I bought all I could last fall. I'm not a rich man and I don't think it's fair or just to expect mo to do anything more than I have done." Mr. Right: "Lot's see- your next door neighbor's boy enlisted, didn't he?" Mr. Doubtful: "Yes, he's over in France now. Mighty fine, stal wart boy, that!" Mr. Right: "Exactly, and some day that splendid boy, the pride of his parents' hearts, may go 'oVer the top' in a gallant charge, stop a German bullet, and fall in the mud and debris of No Man's Land. Isn't that asking too much of him, and of his family? Is that 'fair'? Is that 'just'?" Mr. Doubtful: "Why, it's awful of course, but it can't be helped, This is war, and men have to be killed in it." Mr. Right: "You've said it this is war! To win tho war It might bo necessary for tho govern ment to tako your factory away from you, and ruin your business. It might bo necessary to tako your houso and turn you out in tho street. What of that? Is that as great a sacrifice as your neighbor makes, or stands ready to make, when ho gives his boy to his coun try? Yet you don't think it's your duty to pinch and save, and borrow if need uo, in order to buy Liberty Bonds, and thus help shorten tho war, mako victory certain, and save tho lives of thousands of American boys who will otherwise bo uselessly sacrificed." Mr. Doubtful: "I guess that's true, Mr. Right. I have been thoughtless. I'll stop complaining and criticising, and put up my last dollar if need be, to help win this war." Reed-Smith Mercantile Co. lDe$Jiutes County's Largest Store Highest1' 'UjhV.prlcleaia tpr .rIl kinds of hides', potts; wool, zufir'nt Drlggs' Second Hand Btoro. 37tfc PINEHURST WINS SPELLING MATJCH Many Attend Contest Union Hun- diiy School Give I'hniMiig Program. PINKHUH8T, April 3. The spell ing contest between tho schools of Tumalo and Plnohurst, which was given nt Plnohurst Saturday night, was attended by about 70 people. Tho -pupils of both schools ncnu'i.ted themselves In a very creditable mnu nor, and for a time tho Issue seemed doubtful, but tho closo showed Pine hurst victorious with a scoro of 11 to Tumalo'a 0. We buy all kinds of hides, pelts, furs, wool. Dries' Second Hand Storo. 37tfc FOR SALE RHUBARB PLANTS WM. P. DOWNING 6th and Newport Ave., Kenwood OA Voting Coupon OA LdJ GOOD FOR TWENTY VOTES Ld3 BULLETIN'S SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN SAVE THIS COUPON Good for Twenty Votes if Voted on or Before April 12, 1918 NAME : Street ,.;. -...i :,. ;.t , Xqwxi v..,..,.....r..... f mm '!'$ Coupon will count Tweniy Votes" when properly filled out and sent to the'Campaign Manager of The Bulletin on or before the expiration date Coupons miwt be neatly trimmed and put In packages wJth number of votes i written on top. Films and Supplies of all kinds- Better come in now, all sizes, several kinds Get a picture of th "big fish" you catch next Sunday MAGILL unci ER.SKINE DRUGGISTS O'llune Dulldlntf The Easter excrclsos' given by tho Plnohurst Union Sunday school worn appreciated by a largo nudlonco Sun day morning. Tho following pro cram was rondorcd: ' ' Easter 8on..M..wi....-Prlmary Grades Ilecltatlon., ........ ..Dcsilo Snyder Solo Colosto King Pantomime "Jesus, Lover of My 8oul".thcl Graham, Ivy Snyder Kocltatlon...... , Perry Dawson Song "Christ Arose" Thr.ee Olrls Song "Wo Aro Marching Homo.. Quartet Solo "Dells of Kastortldo" . . . Mrs. May I.ovcrciu "Easter Thoughts".. ... . . ......Mr. Delia Nichols Mr. Wallaco has had a crow of men working on tho ditch In this community during tho week. Mr. Illackwood, from near Tum alo, has moved his family to tho old Mock place, whoro they will resldo. School Superintendent Thompson visited tho school Thursday nnd gave tho children n very profitable talk on "Thrift ' nnrl nlan nrfltmi f iil 111,, nmil of moro Industrial clubs. Ho ox-1 pressed himself as well pleased with , tho work of tho school. I Mr. and Mrs James Dawson wont to Tumalo Saturday. ' .Mr. Chan." Spaugh made a business trlfl to I) en (I Saturday In his new car Tho custom of serving refresh ments at tho social has been ahan-i dnnod nt Plnohurst for patriotic I reasons. ' MlsMos Violet and Myrtle Spaugh wore tho guests of Mlna Ituth Uuylcy Sunday, .Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Loveronz nn' , sons and Mrs. Lucy Weaver an I son of Plnlnvlow woro entertained Sun day by Mrs. Delia Nichols. I Mr. and Mr. John Coon were tho I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Spaugh Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson and family woro tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Dale of Tumalo Sunday. 9iisa rctnoi uraiiam called nt tho 8nyder homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Styles of Tum alo passed through Plnohurst Sun day. Miss Ituth Ilaylny was entortatnod at tho Spaugh home Saturday. Lester Snydor made a trip to Bun nysldo Thursday In tho Interest of tno iiullctln contest. homo of Mr, nnd Mrs. G. W. Snydor. Many liitorestliiK games woro enjoyed by those present. Tho Rnrmta woro: Itozalla Phelps, Gladys Spaugh, Itay inond Wlinor and Perry Dawson. IIO.VT I.irr IT M.NOKIt. A cough that "hanga on" wcirn down tho sufferer, leaving him un- nbln to ward off sickness. Jon. (Ill- lard, MS Fillmore St.. Nashville. Tonn., writes: "I was suffering iwlth. dry hacking cough nnd a pain In a my chest, but slncu taking Kuloy'n Iloiiov mul Tnr f?nmrxiiinit I lnvn All Kaitnr tiarlv win elvnn tnr ihjillwi.it. ,nii..u.,i " i, ii,. la-i- chjldrcn of tho Sunday achon! nt tho nnd cures. Sold everywhere.1! Adv. LEND A HAND Help bring the boys safe back home BUY A BOND Bauer's Grocery Millinery & Women's ' Garments WITH THE STAMP OF ABSOLUTE LY CORRECT STYLE FASHION FACES NEW CONDITIONS Fashion workB this year under tho handlcnp of a. shortage of matorlals, hut uho bus mndo up for this by a lavish uho of ideas. Wo huva horo ulto tho Hinartcst selection of Spring Gnnnonts nnd Millinery thnt has over been ahown In this port of tho' statu. Hats and Garments in tho churncterlstlo good tnsto doiiinndud by tho critical customorH of this storo, nnd up to tho quality standards wo huvo nlwayn main tnlnod, If you baso your pun-huBlng on value both in sorvlco and in style you will Und hero u cotnploto choice of r n Millinery & Women's Wearing Apparel On account of tho limited spaco in our storo, wo aro jfo lnf to sacrlflco Five Hundred Dollurs worth of Muslin Underwear wo haven't tho room to curry it. This Btock consists of Gowns, KnvoIoiJO Chomlso, Skirts, Cor sot Covers, Drawees und Athletic Union Suits. Now Is tho time to luy In your supply for summer. The Parisian LADIES' QUTFI1TERS Prlngle Building " BenJ, Oregon r y It A J y We have juit received neW Moment of the WoilhmMianiJ WelwoithWauUl$l,00nd$2 f ' .- .'i 323E I J .js'tvoL,