The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 04, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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No, fl
CilyViguulit About .000 IIoiiiIh
; 'lhar Inlrivt from Mny
t j First (iiimhin Payable
' I III KfjllPtlllMT
(From Wednesday's Dolly.)
"With organisation for tho third
Idborty loan drlvo practically com
' 'tlotoit ami with Iho county goal
definitely not, tho Doschutcn county
commlttoon nru loukliuc forward to
tho opening day with their mlmlM
iihiiIo up to swoop thn county ovor
IU nllottcil ntnouiit within n week.
qucKtloiinnlro cards to ho used by
tho rating board In lUtiiR tho
nmounts which each Inillvlilunl "will
Tjo expected to subscribe tmvo lie on
XHiiorally filled out anil turned In to
tho central eonrmlttoim, thn ratings
now bong Hindu and on Hniurdity tho
millaltliiK of subscriptions on tho
basis of tho ratings will ho begun.
Preceding ihn opouliiK of tho cam
palgn on Uatunlay a inmrtlng will hi
held horu on Friday to bo attended
ly tho chairmen and commlttws
from each of tho districts In tho
Hand soellou. At that tlmo final ilia,
trlct quota will ho decided upon and
advlco given tho committor by a
representative of tho Portlnnd Lib
erty loan headquarters nil to tho bent
way In which to carry on tho work
of solicitation.
IXImnlo In Mnde.
As previously anuounciHl, tho anln
dmuni quota for Deschutes county Is
4117.000. A subdivision of this
.quota bobwoon tho throo banking
"" towns of 'llond, Itcdmond und La
rlno ban not yet boon made, but It
U estimated thai tho figures will bo
approximately 196,000 for Ilwiil,
420,000 tor Hodmond and 12.000 tor Pino.
In tho Uodntond section, which Is
undor tho managership of tluy K.
Dobson and II. A. Ward, la all tho
territory north of Deschutes and
"Tumalo. Tho llond aoctlon Include
Alfaira, Deschutes und Tuuiulo and
nil districts to tho aouth mid oast.
Under tho plan of organisation a
committee undnr Uio chairmanship
of II, J, Ovorturf baa charge of tho
llond district und thn other dltitrlcta
1n tho section uro olao under a chair
man and committee.
In makliiK tho ratings and tho
colored card record of subscriptions
tho coninrKteos aro carrying out. In
struction from Washington author
ities In chargo of tho Liberty loan
drlvo. In llond tho plan will ho op
" tiratod aa follows: Tho ralliiK com
inlttoa will dotormtno tho ratings, or,,
, In othor wools, tho nmoitnt each in
dividual will ho expected to sub
Mcrlho, and n II tit of thcHO will bo
. ,poHtod In n public place. Any Indl-
vldual who 'foola that thu rating
j;l)oanl baH placed his ratliJK too IiIkU
or too low will bo permlttod to up
' penr boforo tho board und explain
why tho rating bIioiiM bo ehangod.
When tho chances huvo been made
tho ratings will bo net down on tho
iiostiounnlro curds mid tho curda
turned over to tiollctlng oommltteoo
-who will visit tho ludlvlduuls listed.
Keop Individual ItwiiriN.
In cullliiK for subscriptions iho so
liciting commluoos will ho permitted
to toko uolhliiK less than n subsurlp
tlon of no per cont. of tho amount
jjhown' on tho queHtlouuuIro card,
Tho names of thoso who take only
SO per cent, of tho rated umount will
bo eiitorod on n yellow card, thoso
who subscribe botwoou GO und 00
per cont. will bo listed on n rod curd,
Mud thoso botwoQit 00 and 100 per
cont, on a bluo curd. Undor instnic
tloiiH from lioadquovt'ors' tho yollow
' curds will ho uout to higher, otllclala
of tlio drlvo, llrst In I'ontlnnd, thon
Sun Kruncluco nnd Anally WnHhliiK
ton, -vJio will talco atpps to nscortuln
why Uio small percentage was Hub
JI?SwcrIbod nnd ondonvor to havo It In
' cronsod.
Thu local committee, In addition,
' plans to tfhow ovory nnmo on the
l publlshod 1Mb Avlth a yollow star
when It Is first mindo public and thon
to add bluo und rod stars s nubJ
' VHc'rjp'tlon calling for theso colors aro
'ide.' Tho rouH will 1)6 that whjn
(Ooutlnued,ou last page.)
(From Friday's Dally.)
Throo little Klrls In Mrs,
Davtilson's room In the Hold -srhonl
aro now ellKlhlo to mom-
borshtp In tho Junior Itnliibow
rwlmnut. They nro Joyco
Woolloy, Thelmii Culler and -Mnnmrot
KIiik, all of whom -
have dlspOHed of moro than
fi() worth of Thrift stamp.
itvcr, hi.i: oif vurnmv loaf.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
lliwatmo tho present consumption
of wheat In this country amounts to
(2,000,000 pounds per mouth, and
In ordor to supply thu demands over
nons from now until noxt harvest,
It will be neceasary to rmluco that
amount to 21,000,000 pounds per
mouth. (Jrontnr nacrlllces must he
made, Tho consumption must bo re
duced to approximately ono nnd a
half pounds of wheat por Individual
per week. Tho well-to-do In our
population can make greater sacri
fice In tho consumption of wheal
than can tho poor, while tho agricul
tural districts can uso moro cereals
bocauso of their greater skill In pre
paring thorn.
To ofroct this needed saving of
wheat tho following rules aro Issued
by tho food administration through
II. O. Hartranft, chairman for Do
schutos county:
1, Householders aro to uso not
to exceed ono and a half pounds of
wheat products por person por wook.
This moans not mora than ono and
throo-quartera pounds of Victory
bread containing tho required per
contago of substitutes and one-half
pound of cookliiR flour, macaroni,
crackers, pastry, pica, cakes, wheat
breakfast coroals, nil combined.
Hervlnjc In LliulUtl.
2, 1'ubllc eating places and clubs
nro ito obsorvo two whoatlcss days
por week Monday und Wednesday,
as at prtiseut, and In addition there
to not to sorvu to any ono guest nt
any ono meal an tigRrcgato of bread
stuffs, macaroni, crackors, pastry,
pies, cakes, wheat broakfattt corcnls
containing a total of moro than two
ounces of wheat. No wheat product
Is to bo served unless specially or
dorod. Public outing establishments
nro not to buy moro than dx pouuda
of wheat produtttH for ovary 90 meal
served, thus conforming to tho limit
ations requested of tho housoholder.
3, ltolnllers not to soil moro than
(Continued on last page.)
1'ALKA HltOUdllT INTO 11131).
CIX)V13H 1H Hinil l'ltlClCI).
(From Friday's Dally.)
Moro soeds hnvu boon procurod by
County Agriculturist It. A. Wnrd nnd
aro being distributed among thu
ranchers uoar llond. Farmors nro
now nblo to pmeuro ryo, bluo Btem
wheat, onrly Ilanrt wheat nnd Lis-'
oomb alfalfa. Ono community ship
meat of 2,r00 pounds Is now on Its
way to llodmoud, Flvo contH on a
pound wnn snvod by ordering In n
largo lot, TIiIh HOod tested 07 por
cont.Rormiuntlou nnd 00-08 por cont.
Tio principal shortago now is in
olovor flood, which boaldoa bolng
scarco Is high In price. Local grow
ors, who had oxcollont crops Inst
yoar, woro uiiablo to bold thorn over
tho wlntor bocauso of lack of finan
cial asalstunco and thoy woro forced
to soil to 'largo companies nt 18)4
conts por pound, I'eoplo In this dis
trict are now buying it back at 30
(Continued ou last pago.)
ICxplaliii I'uriMiHo of OrKiinlzntlon-
Bccrotnrh'H Aro ApjmiIiiUhJ
ItnHiks-Krntiloii Men Hear
Talk Today.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Organisation of tho woods and
sawmill workors In this aoctlon into
locals of tho Loyal Legion of Loggers
and Lumbermen was begun yestor
day by Capt. W. E. Fnrr, of tho 81k
nat Corps. Captain Farr Is expected
to romaln hero until tho whole sec
tion Is thoroughly covered.
Addressing tho whole body of cm
ployos of tho Ilrooks-Brnnlon Lumber
oo in pa ny In tho mill this morning,
Captain Farr described tho formation
of tho Loyal Loglou and Its purpose
In helping to Increase tho production
of lumber, ho badly needed In evory
form of war activity. Ono purposo,
ho said, was to try to keep men on
tho job und not to havo thorn mov
ing from ono town to another and
thereby causo a loss In production.
Thu Loyal Legion, according to
Captain Farr, Is organlxod under
tho direct authority of tho war de
partment, but Its members, by join
ing, do not obllgo thomsolves in any
way to enlist or to subject tbamsolvra
to military or other discipline They
do, howovcr, plodgo themselves to
do ovorythlng thoy can In their lino
of work to help win tho war.
Each local Is In chargo of a secre
tary, appointed by Captain Farr,
thoro are no dues nnd meetings aro
to bo bold from tlmo to tlmo to hear
addresser by representatives of tho
war department who will visit this
section for tho purposo.
West of tho Cascades thoro aro al
ready 00,000 members of tho legion.
Following tho talk this morning,
Captain Farr enrolled tho Ilrooks
Bcanlon omploycs and will later tako
up tho work at tho Shovlln plant.
On Sunday ho Ylsftodftho Brooks
Scanlou logging camps and organlted
locals, naming as secretaries Molvln
Gillette' nt Camp 2 and Molvln L.
Crowo nt Damp 1.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Although tho flublng season opens
Monday and many men havo boon
hoard to remark that they would bo
out with their rods oarly, vory fow
llconsos havo boon sold. Dealers In
sporting goods nro warning all who
como tholr way that several surprise ,
visits from state wardens may bo
made to thoso who neglect this little
detail when preparing for outings.
Eight More Days and Big
Extra Vote Offer Closes
District Number One
Includes All of tho City of llond
Cnuipnlfrit CloMCM Mny 11, 1P1H
Vcr limit, city
Vrorl Miller, alt llrondnay
Unity Carter. f7 lUuthunw
Mr. J. M. llemlrrnou. City
(rnevlrva Mcl.aren, ("Ity, ..,,,.,. .,
Mnrjui'lo Houvvr, City
Ktlxl Hnydrr. 41)1) llroadwny ,.
Oljn Jolmtflii, CI luUlann. .,,,,. ,
Mnrtmrvt Uoml, 110 Newport
Mary llulilmnl. City
CviiIkIi Covt. S8 Pine Crrat Court.
llcliMI Downline. oJ4 Mew I ark Ave.
Kvrlyn HUlTor.l. 767 Ok-iUn Ave....
Alpha Inmmi, 737 Omltn Ave
District Number Two
Includes AH Territory Outstdo
tho City Limits of llond.
CnmpulKit Close Mny 11, 1018
o o
Mnry Fryrrnr. Sl.tpm ., 50,620
Joy Mol.cnnon. Metnllut ,, 46,220
KUiel lA)lUr, Cllnu KhIIk ...,,.. 31,820
Florence Tenter, Dcaohute,,,,,, ,,,,,, 26,140
Kloli Htorvy, Lupine...,...,, 3,740
Ktllth Miutcn, I.plno... .,,,., 22,140
Therw (lanke, Mllllcun.,,. 22.010
Marlon llruklm. I-ower llrliluo.,, 22,010
Dora Sly. U I'lne, ..,....,.. , 22,000
Thehns Tucker. Silver Lake ,,,,. 21,600
Ilvatrlce Stci)unon, La I'lne, .,.,..,. 6,000
Kmma Drumni, Silver Lake ,,,, 6,360
Mil, Mabel Conollcy, Donchuten,,,,,... 6.000
May Ilrnn, Alfalfa,,,., ,,.,.,.. 6,04(1
Kathrtn KedneKl, Detchutea, ,,,., 6.020
Dora lllniwm, Holyat, ,.,,. .,,,,,,,,,, 6,000
Verna 8hiIW, Alfalfa,,,,, ,..,,.. 6,000
Mabel Allen. Alfalfa.,,, .,.,.,, ..,.,,, 6.000
llae Irfonaru, Alfalfa,,,.,,.,,,...,,,, 6,000
Lllt Ilodue, Laplne ,, 6,000
MIm IaUtMitter, Cllna KaJU..,.,.,,,.. 6,0' 0
Mr. Cay Larkln, Kay Creek.,,,.,,,., 6,000
LoiiK Hollow Itmirh Will Ite Hold on
'jVrtui Hlllru Miiira Attraction
for Handler Frovldo Addi
tional I'3inploymmt.
(From Friday's Dally.)
An Important farm land develop-
mont following tho recent formation
of tho Squaw Creek Irrigation dis
trict Is announced today by J. I).
Miner In tho purchaso of tho Lone
Hollow ranch from tho Iilack Dutto
Land & Livestock Co. and tho pine
Ithg of It on tho market on easy
torms. Tho ranch hns boon pur
chased by tho Irrigation district and
Mr. Miner has been omployed as
sales agent.
Situated In tho Lower Drldgo sec
tion, partly in Deschutes and partly
In Jefferson county, tho ranch com
prises 2,040 acres, of which 1,400
acres aro Improved. Tho ranch
holds n water right for 1,800 ncros
under tho Squaw Creek system and
In tho past yoar 800 acres were In
Crops Aro Good.
The chlof crops raised on tho
ranch have been alfalfa and rye,
which havo been used for feeding
tho livestock carried by tho com
pany. Othor smaller ranches in tho
Lower Bridge section havo success
fully raised corn, raolons and other
tender crops In commercial quan
tities, as woll as tho othor standard
crops of this aoctlon.. Tho Long
IJollow ranch is especially suited to
livestock production because of the
adjacent ran go running from tho
ranch boundary back to tho summit
of tho Cascades. According to A. S
Holmes, who bs chargo of tho prop
erty, alfalfa will cut threo tons to
tho aoro.
Tho elevation of the ranch Is stnt
cdio bo 2,740i foot, or about 800
fcolMowrr thnnI)cnd.
Klllru Deposit Developed.
Another Important development In
tho Lower Drldgo section is pointed
to by Mr. Miner as advantageous to
Bottlers In that section through tho
assurance of employment whenever
farm work Is out of tho way. This
I tho operation of tho Western DI
atamlto Co. near tho brldgo ovor
tho Deschutes, from which tho sec
tion rocolves It nnmo, Lower Bridge.
At this point Is a tremendous do
poslt of silica, or dlatomaccous earth,
covering about COO acres. Tho ex-
(Continued on pago 4.)
ol un April l- ino uesi special ruiu
offer that will bo mndo during Tho
Uullotlu's circulation contest closes.
This moans that thoro aro Just eight
moro working days In which to
gathor in thoso promises nnd othor
prospects In ordor to pllo up that
rosorvo of tho largo special votos.
And yot what wonders cart ho accom
plished In eight days of renl effort.
Kvory candldato has dozens of
frlouds iwho havo promised to holp
nor at eomo tlmo during tho cam
paign, and all that Is necessary to
get their nsslstauco now whllo it
ooutvts most 4s to let thorn know ithat
fact. In'noarly ovory enso thoy will
gladly como to your assistance
Votes for Kery Dollar.
Evory candidate Who secures $25
In now or old subscriptions will ro
colvo credit for ovory dollar turned
in In excess nt that amount. That
Is to say, aftor you havo turnod in
J2G In now or old subscriptions, each
dollar thoronftor will bring you
4,000 oxtra votes, iln addition to tho
reaulnr votos allowed on onch sub
scription. Tho chnuco to got thoso special
votos will end Friday night, April
12, at 0 o'clock, and at no tlmo dur
ing tho campaign will subscription
money count for so much.
(Continued on Page 4.)
(From Thursday's Dally.)
As a birthday celebration for
I'rlnovlllo and Itcdmond chapters of
tho Eastern Star, tho local women
entertained last night In tho Masonic
hall. About CO out-of-town guests
were present nt an Informal recep
tion. I'rlnovlllo lodge had bcon in
uxlstenco exactly 21 years yesterday
nnd Itcdmond was enjoying its thld
High compliments wcro paid tho
pcoplo of Bend by Capt. W. E. Farr
at tho Commercial club luncheon this
noon. Thoro was moro "pep" hero,
ho said, and a moro earnest war
spirit than in ony other city of tho
samo slxo ho had visited In his work
of organizing tho Loyal Legion of
Loggers and Lumbermen. Captain
Farr, who is a giant of six and a half
feet and built in proportion, spoko
with approval of tho formation of tho
homo guard company and praised the
patriotic spirit shown by tho men
who wcro Joining.
Following his remarks, W. G. Mc
Phorsou spoko on tho need of a
homo guard and asked for tho sup
port of tho Commercial club in ob
taining an appropriation from tho
county court for tho purchase of uni
forms. Principal Grant of tho high
school also discussed tho guard, say
ing It was a civic asset, needed for
tho disciplinary power It offered and
as a means of helping to train boys
of tho high school who woro anxious
to Join.
Tho club voted to appoint a com
roltteo to assist tho guard In obtain
ing its uniforms and a committee
was also voted to confer with tho
city council and suggest plans for the
formation of volunteer flro depart
ment. J. A. Eastcs urged tho forma
tion of a department and suggested
that tho night policeman bo placed
in charge. "
Tho only other matter to bo pro
Ronieil to tho club wan a. further ex
planation of the plans of tho com
.Ins Liberty bond drive, mado by H. J.
, Ovorturf.
In tho absence of President Foley,
Vlco President Miller presided.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Charles Eakman, involved In a
chargo of attempting to burglarize
tho homo of Mrs. Earl Houston and
of attacking tho woman, was today
oxamlnod as to his sanity and will
! bo sent for treatment to tho stato
'hnnnllnl nt Pni!lntnn
Instead of ono company this city
will havo two sections of homo
gunrd with 130 members. Although
only 110 had signed up nt last night's
mooting in tho Ilippodromo, it was
planned to securo tho othor 20 today.
Whon tho anon gntherod to hoar
Capt, W. E. Farr talk laa't night it
was found that a sufficient iiumhor
wcro presont to organlzo tho second
company, so officers woro accordingly
oloctod. Marry Schoults was picked
for captain, Frank Keller for first
lieutenant and Horaco Tumor for
second lieutenant.
Captain Farr spoko briefly on
loyalty and tho dufty of thoso at
homo In tlmo of war. Ho lauded tho
local men for tholr efforts in secur
ing alio guard.
Another mooting will bo held tot
night to put thQ work of tho com
panies on a doflnlto oasis. Thurs
days will probably bo sot as the reg
ular drill night.
Democratic CandldAto Sow In Itace
Mot" Chance ,t'all to Im
proTO No Need to Clianjco
SALEM, April 4. (Special to Tho
Bulletin.) Members of tho public
service commission aro becoming ap
palled nt reports coming from vari
ous parts of tho stato relative to
sentiment developing as to tho bill
providing for tho decapitation of the
members of that commission. Tho
bill Is duo to go boforo tho clectorata
next November and Its immediate
animus Is tho order of tho commis
sion increasing tho street car fare in
Portland from 5 cents to C cents.
When tho bill was first suggested
tho boys about tho commission wcro
Inclined to treat tho subject lightly,
hut their consideration of the situa
tion Is becoming much heavier since
tho folks from homo aro being heard
Portland Is a veritable hotbed of
anti-commission talk nnd tho various
mombors are being labeled every
thing from crooks to imbeciles, es
pecially by the straphangers. Soaaa
such outburst was expected for a
tlmo and It was beliored that it
would dto down, but tho sentlaaeat
seems to be blooming moro fully In
stead of withering. Jurlgo Henry
McGinn, magnetic orator, fa farming
the flamo of discontent until In some
places It has risen to fever heat.
SurprlKO Is Sprang.
Dut the surprise to the commis
sion has come from the communities
outstdo of Portland. Not only In- the
valley; but In Southern Oregon aad
Eastern Oregon It Is reported that a
decided sentiment has sprung up to
tho effect that the commission is out
living its usefulness.
Two big things aro mllltattag
against tho commission. One of
these is tho 6-cout fare order and
tho consequent talk that tho commis
sion Is playing its cards to tho big
gest utility corporation In the state,
and tho other Is federal control of
railroads, which Is causing many
people to assort that over half of the
reasons tor tho commission's exist
ence havo been removed.
With one side hammering on tho
utility end and the other side on tho
railroad end, the commission is find
ing due cause for worry.
On top of this, another significant
phase Is found in tho fact that ap
parently ithore will bo no opposition
to tho candidacy of Frank J. Miller
for re-election as member of the
commission from tho stat6 at large.
Thoro was talk of opposition boforo
tho rendition of the 6-cent faro opin
ion, but after that the talk subsided.
Commission members ithomselves ad
mit In talking the situation ovor that
tho opposition may have vanished
from tho vory uncertainty of chore
bolng any job to bo elected to after
tho Novomber eruption.
No Prophecy to Make.
This is no prophecy that ho com
mission Is going to bo abolished, or
no hint that it should bo abolished.
Tho situation simply simmers down
to tho fact that tho commission U
badly scared nnd jobs at ?4,000 por
are nat numerous. Uesldes, thoro Is
every indication that the coming
welter will bo a hard ono.
Tho people next Novcmbor also
will bo called upon to vote on a slight
nilllngn tax to take caro of military
exigencies for tho Jioxt blonulum.
Tho 6 por cent, limitation amend
ment makes it imporativo that If a
levy greater than C per cent, ovor
stho levy of the preceding year Is al
lowed, It must bo allowed only at
tho dictates of a majority of tho
voters. When tho limitation amend
ment waa pawod of course there was
no hint that tho United State would
bo In Mo greatest war in history as
early as 1913 and a nurabor of un
locked for omongouolcs' have arisen
which will artako It expensive sled
ding for the toxpayors it tha mighty
conflict continues. The state council
of defense te behind the 'bill for tha
military ralllago tax, and Don ShnWi,
Hosoburg tax exponent who pt ttt
limitation amendment ovr, ban
promised to give his undivided tup-
(Continued on page i.) y