The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 28, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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V()li. XVI
No. I
JWHI Mnnngrrx nml Itcprcarntntlvc of
Union Hlirn Agreement Providing
Old Tcn-lloiir liiy for
.Vow Klglif-Hoiir Day.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Following two confurniicc yestor
ilny afternoon nml evening, n satis
fnctory Hottlumonl of tint timber
workors wngo question -was reached
1n an agreement signed by Roy
Houthwnrth nml Itny C'nntiirbury, of
tliu local TlmborworkonT uiiliin, nml
J. I1. KnyoH, T, A, MrCanti nml A. J.
"Kroonort, representing thn Brooks
ttrnnlon, Bliovlln-lllxon nml Pino
l'rt'o mt Mm, roapoctlvoly, Thn prin
cipal Itm In I lio statement Ih that
till employ 00 'In thli section resolve
tho natnn wng.'s ns thnso In effect In
February before thn government
made tho eight-hour lny ruling. This
mean Hint tho men will receive the
old ton-hour jmy (or tho imw eight
linur day.
Last night's conference put nt nil
mil thn doubt which linn existed nlncn
'olonol I)ln(ti(i assumed tho plnco of
urhltor In nil mill matter. It In tho
final result of tho snooting of Mr.
Cuntorbury nml Mr. Bouthworth with
thn fodnrnl director of tho luinhor
Industry In Portland -a short tlma
Tho following In tho agreement:
Jlond, Oregon, '.March 24th, 1018.
"To thn Drooks-Scanlon, Hliorlln-
Hlxon and I'lno Trim Mir, Cos.:
"Wo recommend thnl a telegram
nn d lottor ho sent to Col. Dlsqua,
containing tho following, signed by
tho nbnvo Cotnpniilon nml tho tutor
national Union of Tlmborworknrsr
" 'Thnl nil employes, now working
or having worked, in thn lutnbur in
dustry In Ilnnd or vicinity, shall whon
employed, rncilvn tho wage scnlo im
in effect In February, 1 'J 18.
" 'That any employe not comln
under tli Ik bond, shall receive tho
wngo tin him I on tho Kcaln authorized
liy Colonel lilsqtin ns thn present
iiinxlmuui. Hnmo scale to bn posted
In tho Tlmborworkers' flub nod
hnndod to each foreninn.
" 'Thnt nny dispute iirltttiiR from
tho nboVH bo Mt to tho grievniicn
(ininmlttHon nn provided In contract
liotwuon tho two parties. (Same sub
ject to npprovnl nf t'ol Dlsquo.)'
(Signed) Itoy Bouthworth,
(Signed) Itny It. Cnutorbury,
(Signed) J. P. Kayo, H-8 Lbr Co.
(Signed) T. A. McCanti. H.-ll. Mir.
(Slgnod) A. J. Kroonort, P.-T.
Mir. Co,
(From WodnoHdny'n Dully.)
Mm. J, I). MnComb, who hnn boon
unit out from thn Orison Vxrleul
tural colloco to lmUruct tho -woman
of Contrnl OroKon In tho preparation
nf thn food RiibHtltutOH mid wnr
tlmo recipes, will speak Weduenday
ufternnnn, April 3, nt 2:30, nt tho
lllppndromo, which ban buen dnnat
od for the occasion by HnrrlHiin
Latham. This mootlnn is for tho
lienodt of thn wonnm In lloud nml
tho HiirruundlnK country nud nil nro
tinted to ntteud.
Coming To
(From Mondny'n Dnlly.)
Lottom from tho boys "ovor thoro"
Troquoiitly mention tho need for to
tincco in tho trenches, Now thnt
tho men aro in tho thick of u big
Jmttlo thoy want this little hit of
choor mora than ovor. Tim Hullotlu
ii'ns not rorgotten tho boyH nnd In
Htlll souilliiK In chocks, to tho Ameri
can Tolmcoo Company, -which Is pro
viding tho soldiers'' kits, ao convoul
Vontly oqulppod with clgnrottos, to
' Jincco and olguiotto pnpom,
Did you hoo In tho niovlo nowa
nbout 10 dnj'H ago n film uliowlug n
tralulond of tobacco bound for nn
cnjtfUrn port, from which It will bo
ont to Franco. Homo of you Ilond
pooplo nro vnying for traiim such
us thnt; Saturdny ft ohoclt was aoit
(Frniri Tuesday's Dnlly.)
rlinrlun Eakiniin wiih IiiiiiiiiI ovor
to tho grand Jury thin morning after
a lionrlmt before Justlco of tho Ponco
J. A. ICiuituii, Mm. Karl Houston, np
pourliii: an complnliiliiK wHiiomn,
Kliitod thnt thn iiinn had uiilorud her
hoiiNo oarly lant Humlny tnornliiK H'I
nttnckod lior. Tho dofoiidant, who
wan roproHontoil by Attonioy (J. V.
Krnkluo, nnld lio wan utility nml ynt
rofuiioil to ndmlt that ho hnd boon
In 1ho Iloimton homo nt tho tlmo. It
In bollovod that ho In mnntully Incap
ublo of undoriitnmllnic thn nltuatlon.
llnll for lCiiktnnii wnn placed at
(From Hnturdny'n Dally.)
Two dlvorco miltH worn fllod In tho
rlrrull court yontorday by Attorney
Arthur J. Monro. Ono wnn that of
A. Si I.ywin vorntin Mortlo I.yoim, nnd
tho othor Harry L. Hubbard vornun
Anna C, Hubbard,
roNVK.vrio.v hi:cchi:i roit com
IX JUNI-J Mi ICADHK ti:mpi.i:
(From Tuesday's Dnlly.)
Another convention hnn been se
cured for Horn! this coming summer.
In a letter rocolvod yentordny by
K P. Mnhaffey from tho Al Kador
Tnmplo In Portland, It v.nn stntetl
that tho IoiIku had unnulmounly voted
to hold Its convention In Horn!, ac
cepting the Invitation sent by Mr.
Mnhaffey and C. M. MoKuy. Al
though there aro only four Hhrlners
hero, they nro planning n big cele
bration with n ceremonial in tho
auditorium of tho Mend Amateur
Athletic club building. A elnss of
GO candidates, part of them from
this city nml part from Portland, will
bo Initiated.
This is probably tho biggest gath
ering which will be hern In 1918.
Five hundred visitors will coino on
a special train nml by automobile,
probably on June 15, tho week fol
lowing thn Imiiker' convention.
Speclul Invitations will bn Isent to
Hcntterml thrillers In Klamath Fulls,
Prluovllln, Sisters, lakovlew ami
nearby towns, so tho affair will bo
,ini II-Cwntnl Oregon as well nn
stnto convention.
Tho letter eiinoiinclng tho selec
tion of Demi nn n mooting plnco Is
nn follows:
"At tho sonstnn of Al Kador Tem
ple, held this evening, It wnn unani
mously voted to ncoept you very kind
Invitation to put on tho Juno core
mniilnl In Ilond.
"Tho boys woro vory enthusiastic
ovor the imposition ami It looks nn
though wo would huvo nulto n delo
gatlou go up from hero.
"Noble Harvey Wells will prob
ably ho In Ilenil soon nml will nr
range to start tho ball rolling. Any
thing thnt you wish for In putting
on tho ceremonial wo will bo glad to
arrnngo for nnd wo will try to glvo
you tho best that wo have."
Thn four Hhrluorn in Ilond nro Mr.
Mnhnffoy, Mr. McKay, Dr. 11. V.
HemlnrHhntt nml Frank Sloan.
Tho visitors would bo In llnnd nil
of Saturday nnd Sunday, tho core
mnnlnl to bo hold Saturdny night.
Thn Indgo will bring Its own baud
nml patrol.
Tobacco Fund
In by Tho Uiilletln for n fin. DO shnro
in ono. Thin mini will provide 62
unldlora n kltful of Joy. Tho follow
liiK contributed to tho fund Intoly:
J. lllnko 1.00
iMtirlo L. Porclvnl 2.00
O. K. Norvott 1.00
A Frlond 2C
Mrs. Hoso Mason 1.00
Mliinlo Chnpmnii 1.00
Oninh Miinlor 1.00
Mrs. John Crnsou 2G
O. H. Hamilton 1.00
Mra, William Dolmout 60
Mr8. John McKay 25
Francis Morris ,25
N. L. Sprlngor. 25
Frank Mlllor 25
M, M. Torroll , 25
Carl Ilagan , , .25
Loo Whlt'tomoro 5,00
Total v 1660
ovi'.it MrrriCH fiiom dihtuiot
(From Saturday's Dally)
An Increased output of surgical
dresslivgs Is ozpectixl from tho local
lied Cross workrooms, according to
a letter received yesterday 1iy Mrs.
It. W. Hondorshott, director of tho
department. Ilecauso tho women
hero fall to turn out in sufficient
numbers, llend will bo unable to
comply with tho domnml with only
about six women working.
Mm. Hondorshott says that tho
chapters In tho nmall towns aro
showing more Interest, thnt on her
Inst trip to Iledmond sho found 18
women out, whllo there woro but two
In tho Ilond workroom Thursday.
Whereas two boxes n month aro
called for, thn local women aro nhlo
to supply only about, ono In three
months. Tho apportionment is mado
by tho district offlco and based on
an cstlmnto of thn number of women
in (lend who should bo ublo to glvo
"I am firmly convinced," said
Mrs. Hondorshott todny, "that If tho
women do not show tho proper in
terest In this sort of thing tho gov
ornmout will eventually conscript n
portion of their tlmo for this abso
lutely necessary work."
Tho local chnptor Is to mnko dress
ings for tho bniMi hospitals only.
Dlroctorn of tho sowing nnd knit
ting say Intorent In this Is falling
off. Unless tho women can make n
social afternoon of It many aro un
willing to co mo.
(From Wednesday's Dnlly.)
H. II. Do Armoud received n lottor
today from Milton A. Mlllor of Port
land Informing him that ho had boon
appointed local chairman of n com
mittee of federal, state and county
employes to nsslsl In the Mborty
loan drive.
New Candidates Can Still
Enter Bulletin7 s Contest
District Number One
Includos All of tho City of Ilond
CiunpnlKli CIocch .Mny It. HUH
Hthol Snyilvr, i9 Uroadwnr.. 41.110
Vera llrnll. City M.tcO
CvWv Mtljirrn. City 42.120
Mnrjnrlo Hvr, City 4I0
Mrrrt ll.iiul. 70 Nwrl M.SJ0
II...I.I. .l.r. i I'inii Crrat Cuuit.l.. MLMtl
IVrl Mlllrr, 311 llnw.lwiiy 1I.4P
nut PlrtnW. 617 Qulney S7.t
(Hum Jolmuin, Si UmkfMia Sl.810
tr. J. M. Hriwlown. City M4M
llrlrn ttfvnlliif. M4 titw Park Ac... JI.6M
Iknu llaVr. City .00
llaUy Cartw. 07 Hawthorn l.o
1..r ll.nt.v. 1113 MllwauVtv .00
Kelyn HlatTurd. 717 Oolcn Ave M.tiO
District Number Two
Includes All Territory Outsldo
tho City Limits of lloud.
Cnnipnlgn Clones May 11, U1H
Mary Kryrrar. KUIrr
K.IIU1 Mattvn. Ijii'lna. ..... ...........
Klort'nre l'otiT, tlvarhutm
Juy Mclnnoii. Mrtuliiu...
Ilora Sly, I l'ln.
llratrlre Hte'ln'l"l. Im 1'ilio
Kmm Druinui, Hllvrr ImVd
Mlnnlo Itailrltn. ltnlyat....
Mra. MiM Conollcy, IL-wliutM.,.,....
rholmm Tucker. Hlhcr Iiko
May llonn. Alfalfn
TIiit( dank. Mtlllcan
Kiln! l.nor. Cllne t'alU..
Marion lliwkliiA, txir Itrttluu. .......
Kntlirln lU-tlnclil. Wwchulit
Mutulo I'rlohuril. tK-tchutra
IVra lllnnon, llolyut ..........
Vvrna Sliult. Alfalfa.................
Mnbol All". Alfalfa
Hue l.ronaril. Alfalfa.,...,
KIhIm Storey, Laplno......
I.llllo lloirut. IJl'lne
Ml Irf-aJjtwttf'r. Cllno Kalla ,
Mra. Gay Urkln, Hay Ctk
HuthuslaBm IncroitBes by leaps nnd
bounds In Tho llullotln'a big circu
lation campaign. All tho ladlos on
torod nro dotorinlnol to win thut
hnndaomo llulck touring car, nnd
many now cnndldntoH nro coming
forward with tho samo dotormlnn
tlon, Tho big opoclnl offor of 100,000
oxtra votoa for every ?25 In now or
old subscriptions Is positively tho
boat Inducomont that will bo -mado
durluK Tho nullotln'a prize, cam
paign, This offor closes April 12,
.1. H. CA.MI'lllvM TKMiS WHAT IS
(From Saturday's Dally.)
For tho purposo of getting together
nnd outlining; final plans for carry
out tho third Liberty loan drive, to
bogln April 6, C. 8. Hudson, chair
man of tho campaign for Doschutcn
county, called a meeting of his dis
trict' chalrmon and assistants yester
day afternoon at tho Pilot Uutto Inn.
J. S. Campbell, representing tho
stnto board, was horo to assist with
suggestion!! for perfecting tho or
ganization, nnd told Just whnt was
expected of Deschutes county. It
wan brought out In tho discussion
that although tho county's quota ban
not bpon announced, it Is known
that it will bo at loast twico an great
nn on tho last loan, and this means
that every citizen of this district
must got in tho harnoos and never
quit until tho last dollar is sub
scribed. Vtn Follow-Up Hystcm.
Tho follow-up system that will bo
used Is thought to bo much too re pro
ficient than any that has yet been
adopted. Tho questionnaires to bo
distributed by tho workors, when
flllod out, will show at a glanco tho
occupation of oach man, slzo of his
family, amount subscribed to tho
first and second loans, his rating and
ntnount that should bo subscribed to
tho third loan. Whon tho field so
licitor calls on a man ho will bo
armed with full Information and will
know exactly how many bonds ho
can nfford to buy. Comploto records
will bo kept of tho amounts subscrib
ed nnd oach man will bo expected
by tho government to buy bonds to
tho fullest extent. Slackers or those
who offer to subscribo for less than
CO per cent, of their rating will bo
entered on yellow cards, others who
buy from 00 to 90 por cent, of tholr
rating will bo recorded on red cards
nnd tho patrlotc who buy to tho ex
tent of 100 per cent, of tholr rating
will go down on bluo enrds. These
cards will later bo turned over to tho
at 9 p, in., and will positively not bo
Candidates nro not limited to tho
number of clubs of 2G that thoy
muy turn in on this offer. After you
hnvo Hccurod ouough subscriptions to
ontltlo you to 100,000 oxtra vote.
r:ch dollar turned in thereafter
brings you a bonus of 4,000 oxtra
votos. Tho lunger tho amount of
monoy you turn in during this offer
thn nioro oxtra votos you will hnvo
to your crodlt.
Tho bonus votes aro In addition
to all tho regular votos you recelvo
on each subscription.
l'uturt .Subscription.
Candidates may find In somo ensaa
friends who wish to holp thenifln
th campaign by subscribing tor
Tho Bulletin, but aro already taking
n papor which Is paid in advance
and do not doslro to rocolvo more
than ono papor In tholr homo nt tho
Humo tlmo, Tho mnnagomont bns
arranged to accept ami Issuo votes
on all such subscriptions nnd tho
papor to start nt any futuro dato tho
subscriber may doslgnato.
10,00(1 Votes for $5.00.
Thoro Is still plenty of tlmo to
ontor tho nnmo of tho lady whom you
would llko to soo win ono of tho
prUos offered, Whllo tho othor can
didates may seem to hnvo gotton u
good lead mi one just commencing,
tho load is not noarly as Inrgo us It
may; soom. No cnndldnto has todny
mora thnu 55,000, ns tho standing
will ahow. Just do a llttlo figuring
and you will sou liow oasy It Is to
ovorcomo that start. Your nomina
tion coupon will iglvo you 6,000
votos, and your first subscription
15,000 oxtra votos, and n now yearly
dally subscription 20,000, making a
total of 40,000 votos for juoroly
handing In your nomination coupon
and ouo yearly subscription.
Clot busy if you nro contemplating
ontorlng your name, for tho tlmo In
which a fow subscriptions will put
you In tho lend la vory short.
government for Investigation nnd it
in thought that It will go hnrd with
tho slacker, an thoro aro but throo
wayM thnt monoy for war purposes
can bo raised Liberty loans, taxa
tion or confiscation of proporty.
IIpcct HIr Incrcnac.
Whllo but ono out of every flftcon
were subscribers to tho second loan,
Mr. Campbell said It Is believed that
ono out of ovory flvo must subscribe
fur tho next If this county Is to go
ovor tho top with honor, nnd Chair
man Hudson and his assistants nro
getting everything in readiness to
flro tho first gun of tho campaign.
KIght-page pamphlets have already
boon sent to the fanners of tho coun
ty, lltomtiiro of different kinds is
bolng assembled for distribution and
on tho ovenlng of April 5, tho day bo
foro tho opening of tho great drive,
nmall bluo Liberty bolls bearing tho
inscription "Ring Mo Again" will bo
hang on tho door knobs of residences
and business houses of all tho towns
In tho district. Patriotic parades and
meetings will follow, and every effort
will bo mado to capturo tho largo
honor flag that Is to bo awarded to
tho first county that subscribes Its
Tho women of tho county, under
tho leadership of Mrs. II. K. Ii rooks,
co-operating with Chairman Hudson,
will tnko an actlvo part In tho drlvo
and their support will bo of no llttlo
help In making tho campaign a suc
cess. Tho samo exocutivo comralttco ap
pointed for tho second drlvo will
direct tho work of this one. It 1s
composed of Mr. Hudson, E. P. Ma
haffcy. It. W. Sawyer nnd A. Whls-nant.
In Candidal!) for Kcpiihlirnn Nomina
tion Now Deputy Sheriff
In County.
Announcement of his candidacy
for tho Kopubllcan nomination for
county clerk was mado by August A.
Anderson today. Mr. Anderson is
tho first to announce himself a can
didate for this office.
Mr. Anderson Is at present deputy
in tho office of Sheriff S. K. Roberts,
having chargo of tax collections and
offlco details. His homo is in Red
mond, whero ho has had chargo of
tho Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. yard
until his appointment to his presont
office on tho formation of Deschutes
county. Ho has boon a resldont of
this section for eight years, j-
Second IniHctioii Day Coming April
21 Prices IMnmo Tlioso Who
Sell Mounts.
REDMOND. March 21. County
Agricultural Agont R. A. Ward Is
arranging for tho second series of
war horso inspections which will bo
held in Crook and Doschutcs coun
ties early In April by the war depart
ment. Tho dates for Inspections aro:
Bend, April 3; Prlneville, April 5;
Redmond, April G,
Tho county agricultural council
mombors hnvo boon notified and aro
now locating horses and urging own
ers to tnko thorn to Inspection points.
Tho call thla tlmo is for cavalry
horses weighing batwoeu 1,000
pounds and 1,200 pounds, and wheol
mules weighing ovor 1,200.
.Mr. Ward roports that farmers
were well ploasod with tho prices
thoy rocolved at tho last Inspections
and will mako ovory effort to furnish
animals this tlmo. Prices of $140
for cavalry horses and $215 for
wheol mules woro paid at tho last
Tho next Inspections will bo mado
by Captain Frank S. Von Stado of
tho quartormastor corps.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Two hundred nnd 8ovonty4hreo
farm hands will bo required In Crook
and Deschutes counties during tho
harvest Boason, according to sta
tistics given In tho farm survey pro
pared by County Agriculturist R. A.
Ward for tho department of agricul
ture. In addition to this uumbor 40
year-round men aro wanted. On
noarly all of tho ranches only ono
or two laborers aro called for. The
ranchors will pay from $50 to ?G0
a month with board.
Already Mr. Ward has sont out
four men thla wook. Tho First Na
tional bank will assist him through
tho omployniont bureau it is Installing,
Republican Nomination Lie Between
Wltliycombo and Olcott Pub
licity Staff Working
SALEM, March 28. (Spocial to
Tho Bulletin.) A survey of a com
prohonslvo system of reports ro
colved from ovory section of the
stato indicates boyond a shadow of
a doubt that tho result of tho Re
publican primaries in tho guberna
torial raco lies botweon Wlthycombe
and Olcott. Without tho element of
personal bias, prejudice or doslre
onterlng Into this political prognosti
cation at tho present tlmo there
seems to bo no other answer to the
riddlo of "who will land."
The primaries now aro less than
two months away and it will require
a monster upheaval to chango tho
In this estimato of tho political
situation not a county has been 'over
looked. Roports havo been received
not alono from ono person in each
county, but from dozens, represent
ing varied interests and elements,
and spread about geographically over
each section.
Homo District Support.
From every direction tho reports
have been tho same. That tho raco
is between the present governor and
secretary of stato and without tho ap
pearance of a political oarthquako
votes cast In any other direction at
tho primaries will be votos wasted.
A careful scansion of tho reports
from Multnomah county Indicate
that Moser will havo difficulty In
taking his home section. Simpson
will go strong in tho southwestern
part of tho state regardless of re
ports to tho contrary which havo
previously been noted. His followers
are claiming all of tho coast counties
for him, but scores of reports from
trustworthy sources indicate that
this assumption Is not warranted.
Anderson will get somo votes, but If
tho word of scores of good citizens
from Wasco county Is to bo accepted
as worth anything at all ho will havo
difficulty In even swinging his own
county and bis homo town of Tho
Mosor has a scattering voto out
ovor the state. Ho Is making prom
ises right and left. Ho has vowed
ho will support tho normal school
bill. It must bo admitted that Moser
has been making a heavy campaign
and should know more about Oregon
than ovon tho famous Frank Branch
Riley. iRut he probably will know
oven considerably more about Oro
gon and Its sentiments aftor tho
votes aro counted in May.
Slmmoroil down to hardpau, tho
reports leavo only tho two alterna
tives Wlthycombo or Olcott.
.Multnomah In Doubt.
Reports from tho Simpson follow
ing may bo gauged somewhat by the
roport sont out from Lincoln county
after ha visited thoro. He was at
Toledo and Newport for two days
and loft there declaring that ho had
Lincoln county sowed up In his vest
pockot. Ho will got a fow votes over
thoro, not many, and his statomoiit
of carrying that county can bo cred
ited to tho account of pure camou
flage. Uo will (muster somo votes in
Astoria, but will not carry Clatsop
The contor of flro will bo iMultno
mah county, and Simpson's ontranco
in tho raco soems to Bpotl doom to
Qua Mosor'a chances for carrying
that county. A largo number of
pooplo in iMultuomah county had
frankly expressed their disapproval
of both Wlthycombo and Olcott, and
know not whero to turn. Their only
alternative had been Moser until
Simpson appeared. The car&fully
prepared propaganda of Moer to
awing this olomeut has boonytutile.
Simpson will dig doep Into Mcxter'a
Multnomah county popularity and
unless ho can play faster ball tfeaa
ho has In tho past his chances la
(Continued on page 3.)