AGH 8 HKND DUUiKTlN, nKNP, ORKflON, THUIUSOAY, MAHCII Ut, lf(H w Flour Substitute Problem Solved Once More the Food Administrator Has Found It Necessary to Increase the Amount of Substitutes with Each Purchase of Flour, and each day Substitutes are harder to'get SAVE MONEY Right now when we are all doing our very best to conserve the food supply of the nation in every possible way, we find that the greatest problem of all is that of conserving the wheat flour. The Government has found it necessary to require each person who buys flour to also buy an equal number of pounds of flour substitutes. In many instances the substitutes are more ex pensive than the flour and are exceedingly hard to get, therefore the cost of Bread to the ordinary family will be increased to a considerable extent. It is the patriotic duty of every person to save wheat regardless of the cost, but by our system it is possible to save flour, save sub stitutes and to save money. SAVE WHEAT Years of experience in the Bakery Business lias taught us to save flour wherever it is possible. Wo buy substitutes in large quantities and know how to use the substitutes to the best pos sible advantage and can mix and bake BETTER Bread much cheaper than any individual, at the same time keeping the quality and the weight of the loaf at the same high standard that was maintained before the war began. So we say to you, why isn't it to your advantage to buy your bread from us, during these troublesome times, than to lose time, and money, and to worry about the substitutes that you must buy with each purchase of flour? The Price of Our Loaf Has Not Advanced, Regardless of the Increase in the Price of Substitutes. We Pay Freight from Portland and Sell at the Same Price as Portland Bakers We want you to try this system for one month and see for your self the saving that can be made. Our Bread is made according to government requirements under the most sanitary conditions. In view of this fact, we urge you who are confronted with the Bread question to order our Bread from your grocer, who will deliver it fresh every day to your home. ,s- ' ASK YOUR GROCER PHONE Black 41 1 AMERICAN BAKERY PHONE Black 411 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Saturday's Rally.) SIgna Xoren spont the day in Red- Snond. C. O. Wallaco was In Deschutes today. J. J. Wilt was a visitor from Sis ters yestorday. Claude McCauley of Dcsahutos was in town yesterday. . Mrs, C. It. Edmonds Is In Redmond today visiting her sister. Mrs. Floyd Dement returned last evening from a trip easf. C. M. Redflfleld was in yesterday Jfrom Deschutes on business. A, E. Cook went to Portland to day. Ho was in Dend a week. Charles H. Iiuchanan came In from Alfalfa on business this morning. Mrs, Lou Stevens of Redmond Is visiting Mrs. Goo. Curtln this week. Mrs. S. K. I'aris left this morning for Kamlah, Idaho, whero sho will be the guest of her mother. IAllOIl SHOKTAGK PROVES SERIOUS (Continued from Page 1.) of oats planted Is fivo per cent great er. The Beod stringency is now re lieved to somo extent and tho farmers aro getting most of their seed, with tlio exception of rye, which remains scarce. Mr. Ward secured a shipment of Minnesota Tweirty-thrce corn Just this week and this Is to bo used large ly by those liavlng silos. SHEEP .MEN AHE I.V ASSOCIATION (Continued from Pago One.) Tho benefits of such an organiza tion aro many. Tho sheepmen might work for tho co-operative soiling of wool, legislation of benefit to tho district and adjust the uso of tho forest range so thcro will bo no eco nomic loss in trailing snoop. Any net of tho advisory board is binding upon the ontfre assocltalon. 100,000 EXTRA VOTES. (Continued from Page One.) tho opening dato of the campaign will count on this offer. Tim llt Offer. This will positively bo tho best offer that will bo made 'to candidates during tho campaign, so it is of the utmost Importance for every candi date in tho race to make 'tho best of It and got all tho new and old sub scription paymoirts that sho possibly can. All Kntitkil to Vote. Somo candidates do not understand that thoy aro entitled to votes for making back collections. Votes aro Issued on all subscription payments, now or old, whether rthoy aro paying up arrears or In advance New uml Old Subscriptions, Somo, candidates soom to havo dif ficulty In determining tho dlfferenco between "old" and "now" subscrib ers. All one needs to do Is to find out If tho party was rocolving Tho Bulletin on tho day this campaign was Btarted. In every caso whero tho party was already rocolving tho paper on that day, ovon though it may havo boon stopped slnco, ho or 20 Voting Coupon 20 GOOD FOR TWENTY VOTES BULLETIN'S SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN SAVE THIS COUPON Good for Twenty Votes if Voted on or Before March 30, 1918. ' NAME... .. i, '.., Street Town ;. ...:.:.:....;: :.: :. This Coupon will count.Twenty Votes when properly filled out and sent to the Campaign Manager of The Bul letin on or before the expiration date. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in packages with number of votes written ori top. ' sho is on "old" subscriber. Only been sent to tho campaign manager those, who subscrlbo since tho open- as a candidate, turn to tho ndvortlso- lng date of tho campaign nro "now." Kntcr Your Nuiuo Today. It Is not too latoto outer tho cam paign and win ono of tho nlno prizes offered. If your name has not yet Brand Directory FRANK l'KliriVAMj Mlllk-uu, Oregon. sdv.SOp A Right sldo; right ear crop ped; wattle right hind leg. II. lu TONE. HiMer. Ore. ndv.lOOc "U I It. JOHNSON, Mllllrim, Oregon. FURNISH YOUR HOME This spring by our easy payment plan. A small payment down nnd u little each week or month will Furnish your house from top to bottom. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Standard Furniture Company Bend in out in this Issuo, fill out tho nomin ation blank as dlroetod nnd upon supplied with full and complete In rocolpt of thin blank at thn cnnipiilKii ' formation, together with nil ncco dopnrttnoiil you will Immediately ho nary receipt books. A NEW SHOWING OF QUALITY FURNITURE "0 Tf Q Several of the season's latest patterns in Axminster Rugs have JlV 'xJlO""just arrived. They come in shades of rose, blue and mulberry, and are of unusual beauty. An especially attractive designs CJyJ tC 'in rose, blue and green, is priced in Dxlii size, at tPTrOsOU OTHER AXMINSTER RUGS FROM $28.50 UP DINING ROOM SUITEhM is now being shown in our window. 'I his is constructed throughout of American Walnut, finely finished and is of the period of Wiliam and Mary. The suite con sists of an eight foot extension table, buffet, five leather X5 QE fC seat chairs and arm chair. It is priced complete at -. P A OO.VV-J UNIVERSAL CAST RANGES Quality is built into the Universal Range. The east bodies are proof against rust and give an even baking heat. The sliding damper, polished top, ' white porcelain back and roomy fire box, make it n thoroughly modern range. Rest of all, it is covered by u broad guarantee of satisfactory service. WE PAY THE FREIGHT TO YOUR NEAREST RAILWAY STATION H Vfe. VtfVA VV IVW Wrk. M VVMMV V4bpk Mi m. KLND rlJKNIlIM 10. I MACHINES ,YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ra Tm wri miMm i HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS ty i 4 i v i t ,J I $J nwriinMnn. uMpinpi ijwi'uarm