JMUfS MTIXKOH, KKM9. UUHOlf, THURHDAY, MARCH 81, 1910 fiBSMvSfBfi MACHINE CHAPTER VII. nation. Just (lnr.ln off; Mr. Lnnco Corpornl t)iittMl In. In Tmniny'it i-yos n lnnco corpornl In one ilritrru liclow n private In tho corporal's iiyi-s ho In ono ik'Krco above n general, lit) ordered inn to go with lilm nnd help lit til ilrnw tlw next day's rations, nlso toltl tnu to tnko in waterproof. Every cvrnlwr, from each platoon or tiinclilne-gtin section, n lnnco corpornl nnd private g to tho quarlennnster nrrKcnnt nt the, compnny storos nnd draw ration for tho following day. Tho "qrtrr,H as tho quartermaster nergennt In called, receives dully from tho orderly room (captain's office) ullp showing tho number of mm en titled to rations, no llirro In no chnnco of putting anything over on him. Mnny Arguments take place between tha "quarter" nnd tho plntoon noncotn, but tho former always Winn out. Tommy t n)'H tho "quarter" got his Job because ' ho was ii burglar In civil life. Then I sprend tho waterproof sheet on tho ground, while the quartermas ter's bntmnn dumped the rations on It. The corpornl was smoking n fag. I carried the rntlnnn bnck to the billet. Tho corpornl wnii still smoking n fnc How I envied him. Hut when tho Imuo commenced my envy died, nnd I rent lied Hint the flrot requisite of n note commlfodoned officer on uctlve scrvlco In dlptomnry. There wero 11) men In our section, nnd they noon formed n eemlclrcle nround us nfler the corpornl lind cnllrd nut, "Rations up." Tho qunrtcrmnilcr sergeant hud given n ullp to the corpornl on which wait written n lint of the rntlnnn. Hit tine on the Moor, using n wooden box tin a (utile, the Innuu commenced. On the left of the corpornl tho rntlnnn were piled. They consisted of tho fol lowing: Hlx Innven of fresh brend, ench loaf of n different site, perhaps one out of the nix being mh lint nn n pancake, tho result of nn nrmy nervlce corps mnn placing n box of bully boef ou It dur ing transportation. Three tins of Jnm, one npplo nnd the other two plum. Hovcnleon lermudn onloun, nil dif ferent sles. A pleat of cheese In tho nhnpo of n wedge. Two one-pound tins of butter. A bniidful of mlnlUH. A tin of biscuits, or nn Tommy cnlln them "Jaw breakers." A bottle of mustard pick I en. Tho "bully beef," npudn, condenncd milk, frenh ment, bncon nnd "Mncono chlo nitlotin" (ti can lilted with ment, vegetnblen nnd grenny wiiter),hnd been turned over to tho compnny cook to innko n ntew for next dny'H dinner. Ho nlso received tho ten, nugnr, milt, pep per iinil Hour. Scratching bin bend, tho corpornl Ntudled the slip Issued to blm by tho quiirler. Then In n slow, myntllled volco ho renil out, "No. 1 nectlon, 10 men. Ilrcnil, Innven, nix." Ho lookeil puzzled nnd soliloquized In n miming volco: "Six louven, nineteen men. Let's nee, thnt'H threo In n lonf for fifteen men well, to innko It even, four of you'll liavo to muck In on one loaf." Tho four that got ntuck mndo n howl, liut to nn avail. Tho bread wnn dlnbed out Pretty noon from a far corner of tho billet, three Indignant To in mica ac costed tho corpornl with: "What do you cnll thin, n lonf of dread? Looks moro llko a nnlplng pinto." Tho corioral 'nnnwercd : "Well, don't lilnmo me, I didn't bako It; nomebody'n got to get It, no nhut tip until I dlah out theno bllnUIn' ra tions." Then tho corporal started on tho Jam. "Jam, threo linn applo one, plum two. Nineteen men, threo tlnn. Hlx In n tin makes twelve men for two tins, soven In tho remaining tin." Ho panned nround tho Jnm, "d thoro was another riot. Homu didn't llko npplo, wbllo others who received plum wer partial to apple. After a wbllo differences wcro udjunted nnd tho Ihmio went on. "Ileriiiiula onions, seventeen." Thu corporal avoided a row by miy Ing that bo did not want nn onion, and I mild they make your breath smell, no I KuosHed I would do without ono too. Tho corporal looked his gratitude. "Chooso, pounds, two." Tho corporal borrowed n Jackknlfo (corporals nro nlways borrowing), and sliced tho checso each slicing bring Ing forth a pert remark from tho on lookorH as to tho corporal'fl eyesight. "ItalHlnH, ounces, eight." IJy this ttmo tho corporal's nerves bud gono west, nnd In despair ho enld that tho raisins wcro to bo turned over to tho cook for "duff" (plum pudding). This decision elicited a Uttlo "grous ing," but quiet was finally restored. M Mil II 1" mmmcmmmi who went MHJIKiWmPIT GUHNDl.XRVIIIGWfRAHa $)Wcrf "Jllncutts, ttnn, one." Wlth bis borrowed Jnckknlfe, tho corpornl opened (ho tin of biscuits, nnd told everyone to help Ibemnelven no body renponded to thin Invitation. Tommy In "fed up" with biscuits. "Hutter, tlnn, two." "Nine In one, ten In tho other." Another rumpus. "I'leklen, muntnrd, bottlen, one." Nineteen rinmcn were put In u nteel helmet, tho Innt ono out winning tho plcklen. On tho next Innun there wcro only IS n n m en, nn the winner In ellml nntcd until every man In the section bnn won n bottle. The rnfflo In closely watched, because Tommy In suspicious when It comes to gnmbllng with his rations. When tho Innuo Is finished the cor pornl sits down and writes a letter home, nuking them If they cannot get some M. 1. (member of pnrllnment) to bnvo blm transferred to the Royal Kly Ing corps whero ho won't have to Issue rations. At tho different French entnmlnels In the vitiligo and nt tho canteens Tom my buys frenh eggs, milk, brend sod pnntry. Occnslonully when ho Is flush, ho Invests In a tin of penrs or apri cots. Ills pny Is only n nhllllng a dny, 24 cents, or n cent nn hour. Just Imng Ine, a cent nn hour for being under fire not much chnnco of getting rich out there. When be goes Into tho flro trench (front line), Tommy's menu tnkes a tumble. Ho cnrrlcs In bin haversack what tho government calls emergency or Iron rations. Jfliey sru not supposed to bo opened until Tommy dies of star vation. They consist of ono tin of bully beef, four biscuits, a Uttlo tin which contnlns ten, sugar nnd Oxo cubes (concentrated beef tablets). These nro only to be used when tho enemy establishes a curtain of shell fire on the communication trenches, thus preventing tho "carrying In" of rations, or when In on attack a body of troops bus been cut off from Its bnso of supplies. The rations are brought up nt night by the company trnnort. This Is n section of tho company In charge of the quartermaster sergeailt, composed of men, mules and Umbers (two wheeled wagons), which supplies Tom my's wants while In tho front line. They are constantly under shell (Ire. The rations nro unloaded at tho en trance to the communication trenches and are "carried In" by men detailed for that purpose. The quartermaster sergeant ueer goes Into the front-Unit trench. He doesn't hitve to, and I havo never beard of one volunteering to do no. Tho compnny ncrgennt mnjor sorts the rations and sends them In. Tommy's trench rations consist of all the bully beef he can eat, biscuits, cheese, tinned butter (sometimes 17 men to n tin), Jam or mnrmnlade, nnd occasionally fresh bread (ten to a loaf). When It Is possible ho gets ten and stew. When things are quiet, and Fritz Is behaving like a gentleman, which sel dom hnppeus, Tommy has the opportu illy or making dessert. This Is 'trench pudding." It Is made from liroken biscuits, condensed milk, Jam il little water added, slightly flavored with mud put Into n canteen and conked over a Uttlo spirit stove known as Tommy's cooker." (A Arm In Illlghty widely advertises these cookers us a necessity for the men In tho trenches. Oulllhlo people buy'them ship them to the Tommies, who, Immediately upon receipt of siuno throw them over tho parapet. Some times a Tommy falls for the ad, and uses tho cooker In n dugout to tho dis gust and discomfort of tho other oc cupants.) This mess In stirred up In n tin nnd allowed to simmer over the flames from tho cooker until Tommy decides Unit It linH reached nufllrlent (gluellko) consistency, Hu tnkes his lmyonet and by moans of tho hnndlo carries tho mesa up In tho front trench to cool. After It bns cooled off ho tries to ent It. Generally ono or two Tommies In n section bnvo cast-iron Htomnchs nnd tho tin In noon emptied. Once I tasted trench pudding, but only once. In addition to tho regular ration Is buo Tommy uses another channel to cnlnrgo tils menu. In tho KngllHh papers n "Lonely Soldier" column la run. This Is for tho soldiers at tho front who aro sup posed to bo without friends or rela tives. They wrlto to tho papers and their names nro published, fllrla nnd yvomen In Englnnd nnswer them, and send out parcels of foodstuffs, clgu rottes, enndy, etc. I havo known a "lonely" soldier to receive ns many as flvo pnrcola and cloven lottors la ono week. (To Bo Contlnuod.) Something to mIIT Advertise la Tk Ballatln'a cUwHIsd oIubsb. RYE SHORTAGE HURTS SETTLERS MANY IIOMKHTKADKRH FORCED TO HKCURK LEAVE OF All HENCE 1IKCAIJ8E TIIEV CANNOT SECURE HEED FOIl TIIW YKAH. (From Haturdny's Dally) Owing to tho shortngo of ryo need approximately 90 par cent, of tho dry laud homesteads In this suction nro being abandonod for tho season, say officials actively connectod with tho land offlco work. Loavo of nbsonco has boon granted tho majority of thoso who hnvo not yot proved up on tliolr claims, whllo tho others, who have mndo final proof, nro soiling out tliolr holdings nnd going to work In tho npruco nnd fir woods nnd ship yards on tho coast. Ityo Is practically tho only grain which can bo grown on dry land, and many of tho homostoadors depond upon It alono for tholr living. Last yoar's crap was a failure out many of tho suttlnrs stayed on through tho winter, hoping t,hls year's planting would ho bettor. Tholr expectations, howuvor, havo boon blighted by tho scarcity of sood, It being a physical Impossibility to procuro moro than a handful of ryo. That which has been obtained Is soiling at flvo conts por pound, about 400 por cont. ovor th ordinary price. Ho great has boon tho exodus on tho High Desert that It has been found advisable to dlscontlnuo tho post offlco nt Imperial. Whoro thero wero formorly 12C residents In tho vlolnlty, about flvo remain. Condi tions aro not as bad In somo othor places, but tho grantor numbor of settlors' shacks havo boen clotod up. This has brought on hard times and big sacrifices for many, who havo had to dlsposo of tholr toams nnd goods bocauso thoy could rrot bo taken away to othor soctlons, whoro thoro would bo no uso for thorn. Quick Farm Mortagcs, any amount, usual rate, liberal paymont privil eges. Mako application to Now Eng land Loan Co., through K. I). Ollson, Ilond. adv. Who Is 1'lurcy & Sons, TumaloT Adv,49p Boo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loans. Adr. "It Hum Doo Hip Work" Mrs. V II, Thornton, 3523 W 10th St.. Llttlo Hock, Ark , writes: "My Uttlo boy had a sovero attack of croup ms Mfi rvc Will IlilX 1 3 IP' si &Jfog3r mind as the longest- fSSSSS gSSfiS&r lasting confection you I SSSSSJ jSra&L can buy. Send It to SjSSSjS S8j tfie boys at the ront558 ff War Time Economy jw bsp!! n Sweetmeats ra a 5-cent package of W RIG LEY'S will give you several days enjoy ment: It's an Investment In benefit as well as Pleasure, for It helps teeth breath appetite digestion. Chew It After Every Meal HI The Flavor Lasts! lag iPlsssy.Vn vrAia 9thJwV BKiiMBiBijBlffinaHaBsM 11 1 mm 1 1 m 1 1 iSS and I honestly bolloro ho would have dlod If It had not boon for Foley's Honey and Tar. I would not bo without It at any price, as It fluro does tho work." Dent rotnedy known for coughs, colds, whooping cough, Hold ovorywhoro. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTK'K OF HALK OF KHTIIAV NOTICB IH HKHBHY OIVUN that pursuant to an ordor mndo and cn torod In the Justlco Court of Hind, Oregon, ou tho 23rd day of February, 1018, tho following described cstray will bo sold to tho highest bidder for cash, to-wlt: Ono Hay Maro, wolght about 1200 pounds, branded with O on loft shoulder, to sntlsfy costs of keeping cost of advertising, cost of sale and all cost In connection with this pro ceeding, said sale to bo held at my said ranch at tho hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of tha 20th day of March, 1918. Dated this 23rd day of Fobruary, 1918, L. C. Young. NOTIOH l-tm I'UliLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dallas, Oregon, February 18, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Charles F. Hronnau, of Mllllcan, Orogon, who, on Huptombor 11, 1914, made Home stead Kntry No. 0132849, for lots 3, 4. BV4 NWK. N 8WK, Hoc. 1, 8K4 NEU, NB4 8EU, Hoc. 2, Tp. 20 H. It. 1C, E.W.M., has filed notice of Intention to make final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo II. C. Ellis, V. H. Commissioner, at Oond, Oregon, on the 28th day of March, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Her bert K. Moore, Frank Perclvall, and John II. Israel, aU of Mllllcan, Oro gon, and Ernest H. Edmunds, of bond, Oregon. II. FHANK WOODCOCK. Gl.Gj) Hog Is tor. Notice of Publication Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Orogon. March 1, 1918. Notlco Is horoby lvon that Wil liam Sponcer, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on December 27, 1912, ma do If. E. 011108, and February 2.1914, made additional entry No. 012489, for 8EU NBU. EV4 SE. Sec. 12, NEK. HEW NW4. Sec. 13, Town ship 20, S Range 14, E., Wlllamotto Meridian, ):ss filled notlco of Inton- Hon to mako Final Threo Year Proof to establish claim to tho land above describe!, bofore 11. C. Ellis, U. B. Commissioner, at Uond. Orogon, on tho 2Cth day of April, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Aaron D. Norton, Fred O. Klgor, Louis II. Gloss all of Mlltlcn, Oro gon and Durton E. Davis of Dend, Oregon. 1-S-p 01471.1. NOTICE I-XMl PUBLICATION. Dopartmont of tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 11, 1918. Notice Is horoby given that Alva Klrkpatrlck, of Ilcnd, Orroson, who, on April 2C, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 014743, for EK-. section 21, township 19 eouth, rango 14 east, Wlllamotto meridian, has (lied notice of intention to mako final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land aoovo described, before II. C. Bills, United States commissioner, at Bond, Orogon, on-tho 7th, day. of $1 ar, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: David C, Rogers, of Mllllcan, Oro Shoes for Real Service OUH SPECIALTY IH TO MAKK HIIOK8 THAT STAND THE TEHT NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mndo for this kind of country. None are bet ter mado. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome sorvlcoablo dress shoo for men. Cannot bo beaten for the monoy. Giro theso shoos n trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. The A. Hanson t-oggor Shoes of Threo Lakes, Wis., are haad-mado and ono of tho very best of Its kind. Special made-to-order work taken for this shoo. UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIRING BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN Brooks-ScanJon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of SWrd Ska. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Salos Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR RABBIT SKINS E. E. VARCO BROTHERS C. H. BISHOP. 1130 Ki'astton Ave.. Bend HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers or Iron, Bronte and Semi-Steel Caituig'f (or Power Transmission Machinery; Vood" Pipe Fittings, Grate Bar. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHMMMMMM1MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Business and Professional Cards I VERNON A. FORBES I J- E imKtos, a w v r. PliUMBINQ AND 1U3ATINQ UAIi X JiB .. 11? Minnesota Street. First National Bank Building . .. .. . Estlmatea Cheerfully Furnished Bend :: :: 0rcson Jobbing Promptly Done. H. H. DeARMOND Pfiono lack 1291 j Ii A W Y K It LEE A THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect O'Kano Building, Bend, Orogon 2.4 Q'Kano Building 1 I BEND ... OUEOON H. O. ELLIS -------, Attorneyat-Law i United SUtes Commissioner O. P. NISWONQER, Bead, Ore. First National Bank Building UNDEHTAKER BEND, OREGON licensed Kmbalmer, PaBeral I I Director. ' Phone Red 431. Lady AmL O. S. BENSON 3 Altorsey At Law .. Benson Building, Wall Street DR. R. D. STOWELL Bond, Oregon. Naprapathlc Phj-aldan 1 ' Orer Logan Furniture Co. ' ' q Wall Street Hours 0 to 5 1 Phone Red -I8 W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I I DENTIST Suite fl-8-10, O'Kano Building OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMj Bond, ... Oregon H THE UNITED WARE DrTtURNER ""I HOUSE COMPANY EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, itew "Z" c' Wntqh Paper for Dates, w. nnr 0H GutUmtt SWt nmtt Or Inquire Of Bmit Uau, Bum aa4 Lard. TnORSON, TIIH JEWELER HisMHiHsHsssBsBsHsMHHsssBIHBk Eflstes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Fmi N&atl Buk Qml& 124 Oregee Stmt 1J. Oroa gon; Howard T. Dyer, of MlUIn, Oregon; William A. Ooldftn, of Mll llcan, Oregon; Jackson O. Cllngan, of Mtlllcan, Oregon. 3-7p II. FRANK, WOODCOCK. Register, DEND OREGON A