mm MviAim, Mtm. oMoon, Tmm8AY( maktjk at, ma u. BOARD WILL HOLD ' "" SECOND INSPECTION (From Saturday's Dally.) Another Inspection of calvary horeea will bo bold horo on April 3, Captain Von Statl, of tho purchasing board, has -written E. P. Mahatfcy, of. tho Control Oregon bank. Tho first Inspection took plnco sovor&l wooks ago, but brought poor results bocauso so few ranchors woro ac quainted with tho Information re garding tho stock thoy woro askod 4o furnish. Tho goTornmont jya ?140 for good saddlo horses and 12G for xnulos. It Is hoped that soToral car loads may bo secured la Deschutes county. CLOVERDALE (Contlnned from Faga Two.) wore buslrtess cullers In Bend Titan day. Koy Jtosa Is npondlng oevornl days i with trlonds In Uaker, Oregon. Alex. Lor or on i la oxpectlng tho hay baler nt his ranch this week. .Mrs. II. T. Hartley and liny Arm strong attended tliQ big danco In Tumalo Inst Friday ovonlng. Misses Hachael and Constanco Knickerbocker spent tho wook-end nt tho Pino Lawn ranch. Louis IJcnnctt and family ot Ilcnd woro Plalnvlow callers Sunday, (From Monday's Dally.) A flrst hand account ot tho sinking ot tho Tuscan la Is iglven In a lot tor from Alfnxl ,Mnn. (lint rrwnlvml Imrm liu llillll.iun VllV.O uuiimiji -4-- 1 "- ---. .. ..u.v Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hoss. Itoy and fby his fnthor, Olo Moo. Tho writer hard times party given at Miller's instead -of 8. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson and family and Viola Miller nttonded tho program and pto social glvon at Lower Brldgo Saturday night. Mrs. II. O. Wilson. Mrs. J. A. Matthews autood to Redmond last (Monday. C. K. Boyd recolved word that his brother, Waltor Boyd, arrived at Prance safely, but was in tho hos pital with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. R. J. Skokon and Mrs. S. 1. Burling woro shopping In Sisters Saturday. Earl Miller went to Sisters Sunday to start working In tho mill. Mrs. Tom Arnold has been ill for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skclton and Vorno wcro dinner guests at H. C, Miller's placo Sunday. Geo. Cyrus and Harold Kline made a trip to Rodmond Saturday. .ROsar Hart. II. T. Hartloy and M. U. Knickerbocker wcro Bond visitors on Friday. Jim Pulllam, Mrs. 0 rover Pulllam and J. W. Scoggln woro business callora ot tho week in Rend. M. W. Knickerbocker lost a nicer from rabies last wook. A. W. Armstrong and family and J. A. W. Scoggln and family spent Sunday at tho Box A ranch. Tho Plalnvlow school lost ono ot Its mombors this week, as Rox Pow ers will stay homo to holp with tho spring work. Sinking Of Tuscafiia lis Described By Survivor PINEHURST ENDORSES FOOD CONSERVATION Mrs. Delia Nichols Secure Signature of Kvcry Farmer's Wife in Neighborhood. Cat This Out It Is Worth Money DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, encloso with tivo cents to Fol ey & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chica go, 111., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds, and croup, Foley Kid noy Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lots. Sold everywhere. -Adv. PLAY IS REHEARSED BY PLAINVIEW CLUB Doaald Elklns Loses Two Fingers in Accident Ditch Meeting Held. PLAINVIEW. March 20. Tho O. D. O. club held Its regular meeting with Mrs. F. W. Leveronr last Thurs day afternoon with a large number present. A busy aitornoon was spent sowing and rehearsing for Tho Old Maids' Convention. Tho new ruling mado by tho club that no refresh ments aro to be served at tho regular meetings during this war time was initiated last Thursday. Next Thurs day, March 21. tho ladles will meet for tho entire day with their secre tary, Mrs. John McKInney. Donald Elklns had two ot his fin gers cut off accidentally by his elder brother ono day last week. Ho was taken to Rodmond to bavo tho in juries treated. Last Saturday afternoon the Three Creek Irrigation Company held its annual meeting at tho school houso. R. H. Parsons was re-elected presi dent, Mrs. Pulllam vice president and Hubert Scoggin secretary-treasurer. Tho PlalnvIow-McCalllstor Ditch Company hold a meeting on Monday afternoon to make plans for ditch work for tho coming year. Mr. A. W. Armstrong spent two days ot last week in the Squaw Creek country. II. O. Faucett and F. G. Powers $6.50 to $7.50 Indian Tan CajferBUdc CauMatal To walk into a store and say, "I want a pair of Army Shoes" is all right as far as it goes. But only when you insist on the BUCKHECHT RtS. U.S. PAT. OFF. ARMY SHOE are you sure of Retting the most for your money the most comfort, the most serv ice, the most value. For practical, everyday wear for lasting comfort you can't beat the Iiuckhecht Army Shoe. Made on the Munson Last specified by the U. S. I Army worn by all of our soldiers and thousands of men in civil life. Look for our reglitered trade mark BUCKHKCHT itamped on every pair to protect you. , PINEHURST, March IS. -Tho farmers aro busy with thoir spring seeding. Mrs. Delia Nichols has completed tho canvas In tho Intorest ot food conservation In this neighborhood and reports that every family visited signed tho pledges. Mrs. Austin Graham was taken suddenly ill Wednesday and was re moved to tho hospital at llcnd, whore sho remained sovoral days for treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. Bookman ot Sunny sldo woro callers at tbo Snyder ranch Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spanglo mo tored to Rend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emit Anderson woro guests ot Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder Thursday evening. Mr. Gaskell was visiting In tho neighborhood tho first of tho week. Sho was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spanglo and Mr. and Mrs. I. E. WImor. Jamos Dawson mado a business trip to Plalnvlow Wednesday. Albert Graham went to Tumalo on business Monday. Is now nt a camp in England waiting orders to go on to tho front. Tho letter Is ns follows: "I supposo you havo read and heard all about tho boat wo sailed on, which was sunk by a Gorman buI. Wo woro hlb about a quartor ot nix I was sitting on my Hfobott near tho dining room door whon I hoard a torrlblo nolso and shock and thon tho lights wont out. Wo all rushed to tho top deck, whoro tho lifeboats woro, for wo all know what had hap pened. "Whon I say I rushed to tho top dock, I mean wo got thero In ordor and as fast as wo could. Wo had boat drill ovory day on board so all soomed to bo qutto cool and took thoir places 'by tho tltoboats wo wuro assigned, so thoro weren't as many missing as wo thought thoro would bo at first. "Tho boot I was In hold about 70 mon. Somo ot tho boats wcro broken right In halt on account ot tho ropes breaking whllo they woro bolng lot down, noarly Thoro sura woro somo pitiful sights, "I would llko ito toll you nil I saw nnd hoard, but I don't know whothor you would ho ablo to igot this lotter or not, so I'll not wrlto any ntoro about It, bocnttBo I want you to hear I got through safely nnd am fooling lino. Our boat was picked up about threo hours attor tho big transport was hit. I was ono ot thu oarsmen and, bollovo mo, I nuro was glad in got out ot tho lifeboat. J stood In water abova my knees bocauso our boat leaked pretty bad and tho sea was rather rough. "I lost ovorytlhing I brought nlong, only saving what happonod to bo on my back. Uut that Isn't anything ns wo will got now outfits again. "I am thankful ito bo nbln to bo horo and writing this lottor, so don't worry. I am fooling ftno and hope this torrlblo war will soon bo ovor so wo will bo ablo to go back homo. "Wo don't havo much tliuo to wrlto letters and It takes a long ttmo boforo wo got any mall over horo. so wrlto otton. If you got a chonco to send a llttlo tobacco It would go I1 no bocauso smoking materials reum has boon for tho past month, Orrlri Drown has Just returned from Hurnn, Dolllo Flannngan of Crahtroo, Ore gon, cnino In on tho ntngo Monday to spend a tow months with lior uunt, Mrs, J, II, Hasslor, J. 0, I'orry hud tho misfortune to break IiIh car down IiihI week, 0 Currow ot Hut to tmiwiul through Thursday on his way home, llo has boon out tvt llouil nt work for thu past year. G. J. and Pago HI miff or nutocil In to Ilotid Thursday. Orrln Drown U doing como somN lug thta wook, HpriiiK I" Nlco, Hut I.nok nt fresh vogotahlo food nliit Interrupted, changing habltu iimkti lliwui trying wouktt tor miy ono In ollnod to constipation. Foloy Cuthnr tlo Tnlilols u ro Just tho thing fur In digestion, hlllnuniii'SH, gits on stomach filrrmt lit, limit tijtmtiiMiii nr iillmn mn"U IUHMIWWIIW, ... ...... condition Indicating clogged bowels. Ultimo no niui tutor nrructit, hoiu ovorywhnro. Adv. J kind ot acarco ovor here. I had Tho mon in theso boats nulla a supply with mo, but It was all got drowned or killed. In tho boat that was sunk." Misses Violet and Myrtle Spaugh woro tho guosts of Miss Ruth Dayley Sunday, F. V. Swlshor went to nond Satur day with dairy supplies. Lester Snyder sold a ftno cnlt to Mr. Dookman tho flrst ot tho wcok. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wlmor woro cntortalncd Sunday at tho homo of G. M. Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Potorson woro tho igucsts of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Swisher Sunday. Lostor Snyder and Rnymond Wl mor mado a trip to tho Pino Trco mill Sunday. F. W. Lovorcnz with two land buyers passod through Plnohurrt Saturday, G. W. 8nydor assisted F. V. Swisher to butcher Friday. Mrs. Austin Graham called on Mrs. James Dawson Monday. Mrs. G. W. Snyder ontcrtnlned Mrs. Delia Nichols and children at her homo Thursday ovonlng. AUTO OF STAUFFER MAN BREAKS DOWN STAUFFER, Oro., March 20. Tom L. Cowan camo In on tho stago from Pond Monday, whoro ho 01 Bend Hardware Co. DEND We believe that it pay to glVe our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR The concave -bottom, tclf-ceftlefug bow) in the NEW De Laval Cream Separator it the biggeit advance in teparatot construction in 30 year. It has greater capacity without increasing either the size or the speed, and it U to tuppottcd upon tike detached ttpindla that it wul run true and do perfect wotk even after long and hard wear. It hat fewer dUct than the old type bow). All ditcs are unnumbered and interchangeable. Dttct are caulked only on one tide. Tho milk distributing device it removable. It's catier to waih than ever before. Wa'ra tiara arjr day to plain In NEW Da Laval to vou to go Into all tho da tall. You can buy om from ua on such aaiy tarma thai it will aata lla coat vrhlla you ara paying for It. Coma In and Ulk It ovar. yjtaafll'T laBlaXv Afaiil laRkVv nBZSsVai Oou.Kctioa ol nw bowl, bowing ntw ncthod ol dulrib uti&g Bulk Lriwcca Iha dlc. Certain a - " ' Robilrie 7P aBf IV " . 1 1. -rfi" I (1 (Hi r A t?P fe1 I " TY I SQIllfo. imcMMM ' ii iT3n wtiuweucif,. r 't. i t ita? iivmmmmx sS0Sm afflFyJ teed ainta - Varnishes r W Certain-teed means certainty of quality and guaranteed satisfaction- the first and last object of careful buyers. Both quality and satis faction are guaranteed by a business which has gained world leadership because of its ability to manufacture and distribute the highest quality products at fair prices. ' Buckingham & Hecht Manufacturer Su FrtncUco You can get the Duckhccht Army Shoe In your town. If your dealer doea not carry it, mho ut direct. I I lafla99aBHaPaMafelll W i ivV M Vi aBaSHatMBSaT . :0 SkfiSix1-'. 'SSatfsr Quauty Possau toSK d 4 Jfl A f 1(1 XJA s5ia. - crfS?.--l-s m v . sti MM. IfiWJC ttiatux Fa gam mmttzimMwm, fatain-teed Products Corpotoim P ll h eT "arlrff A VVS VW? Certain-teed aaaaaaaaaMaHaaawa tmmiummtm Roofing & Shingles , Ctrtafa'tttd is a conservation product. It is made from racs and asphalt, skillfully converted into roofing that is impervious to the elements. Ctrtam-tttd is the most efficient type of roof for all kinds of buildings, from the modern sky scraper to the farm barn. It is light weight, weatherproof, clean, sanitary, Mrc-retardant. Ctrtam-tttd is not affected by fumes or trues, and cannnot rust or corrode. Its first cost is moderate, laying cost low, and upkeep practi cally nothing. Ctrtam-tttd is guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years, according to thickness. Certain-teed Paints & Varnishes Made from the best quality materials, mixed by modern machinery in scientifically correct proportions to produce the highest quality paint. Ctrtaln-tttd Faints and Varnishes are sold at cost plus a small profit. Each color is priced according to its cost. Paint makers usually charge the same for all colors, basing their prices on the cost of making the expensive colors. The Ctrtam-tttd policy puts each color on the right basis. Therefore most Ctrtam-tttd Paints cost you less than competing paints of anything like the same high quality. Certain-teed Products Corporation torieai St.LouU,Mo. EatSU-ouI,llL MjUIe,ill. Yorlc.Pa. Niagara FalU, N.Y. Richmond, CaJtf, Warthoaint Albany, Atlanta, Bastor. Ma Blrrnlnili.m, Batten. Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, ClTUt. U.ll.i, UatMoIo... Dulutb, Grand Rapid., Ifouiton, IndtanapoU. ?" City, Kn.aiCII,Mo.. Lo.Anf.Ul, Lynchburg, Va.. MatnpkL, Milwaukaa. Mlonaapatl., Nl,llU, N.w Orlaant, Norfolk. Va., OkUhoma C'lr, t'ltliburth, PoctUnd. Or... Kltbmond, Vf ., SkLoula, Salt Lako Cltf, SaUl,Wattk. ohrorepoit, SpobaM, 6plofi.ld, Mat., Wichita, tlaraoa, Cuba, Salt Officii! Now York, Cblcato, PMUd.lphla, St,teoU, Bo.too. Pltt.burali. D.trolt, Duffota, San Francltco, Milwaukaa, Cincinnati, No- Orion., LoaAaaalaa, MlaaaapaUi, Kajuaa Qty. SaolUo. Indlanapoll., Atlanta. M.rnptU. RUInnonH, Grand Rapid., ,, Albany. Soil Uka City, Uaa Moloo., Ileuttua, Dulutb, London, Syduay, ilaraoa. Certain-teed Roofing for sale by Bend Hardware Co. BBND 1 w A s j ht V4- s; $'