The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 21, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin
VOL. .Wl
x. a
Speakers Tell of Wool Growers Place in
Present World War
H, N. Stanflcld, Gus Moser and Thomas Q. Ryan on
Program Places Set for 192 guests at Banquet
Given Saturday by C. S. Hudson Emerald
Color Scheme Carried Throughout
Decorations and Menu
Capping tho ollinnx of Urn sheep
men's dliinar ut tho IMIot Butto Inn
Saturday night wnn tho sale of tho
Hod Cross sheep, "Hill," for nearly
Jt.000. Thu highest lildilor was It.
N. Statiflold, cundldato for United
Htnlon senator, who paid 1 1,000 for
ho animal, Following him was Tom
tironln, well-known sheepman, who
I)Ut up GG0 In throe bids,
Tho dinner, tho moat representa
tive gathering of Its sort ever held
licro, wnn nttondnd by 102 guests
from nil portion of tho stale, Invited
by O. H. Hudson, proalilxnt of tho
First National Hank, to enjoy mi
Irish colohrntlun cm tho ovo of Ht.
I'nlrlck's day, Vernon A. Forlm
uotcd na InaHtmaslor, rnlllng on Mr.
Hudson for tlm oponliiK nddross of
tho ovenlng. Tho latter explained
Ma purposo In giving tho dinner,
which was intended principally for
tho Irlnh boy.
ProNc IrUli IIojn.
George IttiHHoll of Prlnevlllo, who
Inter nuctloned off "Hill," tho Hod
Cross iihnop, gave a lit t lu "warmln
up" talk, na ho described tt. Ho wit a
(followed I))' Mr. Stnntlnld, who, na
tho tnnstmaster explained, la tho Drat
ontiilliluto for srnntor from Eastern
Oregon who haa vlaltod this oily. In
of Irrigation.
'Tho day will coihh when the
timber will bo roiio from thM hills,"
bo said. "Tho laud must thwti bo
loroted to other purposoa and for
this roiisou tho pniathlllUos of dovel
oputnnt by Irrigation will bo a groat
unset. Federal aid In carrying out
your projects will Im iibcnasory.
When thn awful trngudy la over
tharo will not ho 3hat unduvoloped
veat to send our soldiers to nnd wo
must turn to tho Irrigated landa."
Homo .Market Pronpert.
Mr., HUinflold pledRcd his nsBist
ilium In securing federal uld for tho
vrojectn If ho should bo oleeted. Ho
went on to tell of thoigreat prospects
of Portland becoming n textile manu
facturing conter, providing 11 homo
market, tor wool, 'JI bellovo tho
prlcn of" slump and of wool Is near
tho top," ho stated. "Tho present
jirlres aro tint Inflated."
A llvo lrlHhmnii brlm;lug n dlroct
iippcu! to tho ItIhIi guoKtn for volun
teer purchnnctt of I.lliorty bonds In
(From Wednesday's Dnlly.)
At 11 second meeting of tho city
counolt 'last night 'tho contract for
olndorlug tho city ntroota wna form
nlly lot to Antono Auno. Work ws
lieguu thin morning, If tho proporty
owners refuse to pay lu cash upon
completion of tho Improvements
tholr proporty may bo sold by tho
After loading lu 11 Portland paper
(From Tuoudiiy'B Dnlly.)
(tbnut n woman "who could knit two
ttneks at, tho tmmo tlmo, Mrs, W, A.
tioldeii snt down niul figured out 'by
Ciornolf just how to perform tho snmo
front. SI10 Is now prepared to Instruct
unybody who wishes to loam how to
innko tho two soclts on tho regulation
four noodles, using two balls of
yavn nt 0110 tlmo, Mrs. addon's
jirocesu Is simple nnd will bo found
11 igroat tlniesnvor,
Ono sock is mado
JUS U0n nuuross IIO prniSOU WIO worK yuu -nn an iriiuiunn iui irinuiuuu 111 Mr. J. M. Urndrrwn. ntr
. . im . !-..! .... 1. I
f tho Irish boys who havo mado laid us. I only wlah thnt aomo of you ,y, !??,,, ciU .." .. ".'.." ..."'.'.. l
Much n big entorprlao of tho aheop boys could bo with mo In Portland j Kmm iiakrr' ciiy ...f.. '.'.'.. '.'.'..'.'. 1,
. . .. . . I .. . . . ... . . . . .. I'rl llii!rrn. TVrrninal Add B,
lnuuatn. men no went on 10 apoan innu 11 ear aomo 01 me Hiones men iur Carter. 6? llawtiwtnc
M-Jnsldotho Qthor, , 4
tho tmxt drlvo wna Thomna O. Itynn,
naalatnnt dlatrlut attornoy of Mult
nomah county and member of tho
Flying Hiundrou. Whnu at tho con
clusion of his speech ho called upon
all of tho Irish aheopiuun who would
pledge themselves no ko to tholr
bankers and tuko nut bonds to rlso,
practically every ouo was on tho
Opening his speech with a trlbuto
to tho KathorluK, .tho host and tho
public spirited citizen of Hond, ho
launched nt onco Into 'an eloquent
explanation of tho reason why ovory
ono should auhscrlbo to tho next
Sound Wnmliiu;.
"Thn sheep Industry can and will
go on," lift iwlil "Hut, let mo sound
a warning. Wo nro not concerned
lu Hond nnd OreRon now It la tho
nation. What will our sheep Indus
try amount to If tho nation doit not
omorRo victorious from tho great
crisis It now faces?
"Wo nro confronted todny with
problems of International rather
than national Interest. Noxt month
wo uuuortnko tho flotation of tno:nrir ici.rrii. utjr
.,..,.,., ,,, , . i MarJarU lloirrr. City
third Liberty loan. Wo aro koIiir to I Mri-r.t iiomi, 7:0 Wi-wtmrt
havo to call on you boys out In tho iu?iu il'JZ&Z .?!?
lilllH ror support. Ho I call upon
... .,11 .
from tho front havo brought back.
Thoy would bo suffoleut to convince
"Though nn Irishman, I plact
alHive Ireland above every country
lu who world America, the homo of
(Contlnund on Pngo 3.)
iu-:ci:ivK ni:w hooks.
fFrom Friday's Dally.)
Hovorat gifts of books havo Just
been rertdved by thu Hond public
library nnd nro now on the aholvcs.
Thoy nro: "The Foes of Our Own
Household," by Itooaovolt, tho gift
of A. M, Drnko of Pasadena, nn old
tlmo resident of Hond, nnd six vol
umes from M. M. Terrell. Thoso In
clude tho following: "Tho Iron
minster," Ohnot; "Orvlllo College,"
Wood "Vibrations," Bholton; "Tho
Christian," Hall Calno; "Sllouco of
Doiiu Maltland," dray, nud "Itlchnrd
Carvel," Churchill.
mkix i:noini:i:hs.
A pobtul has boon recolved from
Arthur C. Cardou nt Vnncouvor Imr
racks by 11 friend, Corporal Frank
Harvoy. Ho writes: "I got past
tho examination nil right and won't
try to transfer for I llko tho ougl
noors corps. Wo aro huvlnig lots of
fun, couldn't ho better. Thero euro
Is n good bunch of follows here,"
Carilen oullstod on March C, his
A mooting of tho Bnow Crook Irri
gation company was hold In Hond tho
lattor part of last week, nJti which
election of officers was held and
plans discussed for tho furthor do
yalopmout of thowater shods. Of
floors plckod woro: Presldont,
Henry Parsons; vice presldont, Mrs.
Pulllnm; soeretnry, II. A. Soogglu;
directors, Mr, Parsons, U. 0. Pulll
nm, Paul Scoggln, II. L, Uartloy and
C. W. Thornthwalto.
OIVKS UNlH)ltM i:Ar.
A uniform examination Is bqlns
submitted to all of tho sovonth nud
eighth grade pupils In tho county by
County School Suporlntnndent J.
Alton Thompson, who Is Bonding out
Imntorlnl for thorn now,
farmers ti:i,i( or needs IN ue
tuiined QUESTioNAiitEH two
refuse to fill them out
mohi: hi:i: now on ham
(From Friday's Dally.)
Shortage of labor In tho principal
I to in mentioned In tho 400 depart
in (i nt of nKrlcnlturo questionnaires
returned to County AKrlculturlat It.
A. Ward by tho farmers of thin auc
tion. Of those 188 aay thoy will re
qulro help during tho planting, har
vesting noil hayltiK acaaona nnd 38
need mon tho your round. This aor
lotin handicap la preventing many
from putting lu a maximum crop.
Ilncausu tho farmem cannot pay
wages which can aucccaafully com
poto with thoao of -tho mills nnd ship
yarda few niun nro dualroua of work
Iiik In thu country.
Only two pro-Germans in tho
county refused to fill out tho ques
tion blanks. Tholr cases will bo
placml boforo tho district attorney
In Portland.
In aplto of tho unsatisfactory con
ditions In wlioat, tho farmers liaro
lncroasod tholr planting of tho sprint;
It Is now alrout 20 per cent over 'morn than willing to form an asao
Inst year's acreage, whllo tho amount I elation.
(Contlnund on Inat pngo. )
100,000 Extra Votes For
$25.00 In Subscriptions
District Number One
Includes All of tho City of Ucud
CjimpulKti CIo-cn May II, 1IMH
Ui1,' - ' IjfciVr ."f"'1"!"1
SI. 410
19 0 0
: 0.4 co
. 'ix iiemimr. eij uuiiwy .
Otra JohtiMin. (A uulUnii .
I'Mtl l)rnny. IMS IIIaukr l.OM
U.U Mlmmtma, KMn AfU. C,944)
District Number Two
Includes All Territory Outside
the City Limits of Hond.
Campaign CIomh .May II, 1018
Mary IVyrrar, SWIrva. . . . , .
MarftH-l YiHinv, ltrimHtl.
. Ijinln S2.140
PlBfn I'iuIih-. fMliutM 3X.0IO
Jay Mttnnrtn, Mrtnlltu 2I.IW
MtMrml Hmllli. Itnlmoml t.OM
D.iia Kly. I I'Iiip '. 6,Ci
llratrlr-o Sti'hrnn, Ijk l'ln S,04O
Ada Taylor. SUtrn '..... f,0W
Kinma Kruinni, Sllvrr l-Vt I.3IO
Minnlff ItaJrilE. Kdlrat S.000
Mra. rM. Hlrrvl. I'lirc fi.OAO
Mr. Malwl Conollry, Dcwhutni &,6M
Tlirlma Tuckrr. HlUrr Ijike g.OOO
May llrnn. Alfalfa S,34
Thcri (Urikc. Millkan S,0O
Klhtl l.awlnr, Clin Tall..., B.OO"
llrnrl.tla link. I'rlnrvllla S.040
Marlon Hnakltu. Ivr llrMtf H.Oftfl
Mra. II, lloaHour. Klirc B.0C0
Nettle rlb. Stolrra 1,090
Knthrlu ItnlfltM. DrMhutm 6,020
Manila Howtll. 8Utrra S.000
Mairiil l'rlolianl, lkvcliutva 6,000
Ituth Wllrjr, Catrwny 5,000
Violet IjirKin. Ilatpnay 1,0"
Marvarvt Wallrra. Ijiwcr llrlilnc. , . . . . 6,0i0
Uulrn Nuulxuly, Urr UrliUv. ....... S,001
IVarl 0lrnr, MaJraa fi,(H0
Annt Tantfcr, Catrway.. ... ,,, 6,000
I lor a Illnnuii, Itoljnt .............. 6,000
Mra. J. W. Ourlry, ltrotlirra 6.140
ll( ltunnrll, Cllne Kail 6,0O(i
Mra. Mavut HuMr.l, Mllllcan 6.000
Mra. I'rii! lnniioii, Mllllcan 6,000
Mra. I- Bchniorl. Mllllcan.. 6,000
Vcrna ShulK. Alfalfa , ,, 6,000
Malilo llnmn, (.'line Kalla 6,2f0
MatHil Alien, Alfalfa 6.C0O
Itae tenant. Alfalfa, , 6,000
Klita Slurry, l.aplno ,, , , ,.,, 6,120
l.tlila llHJll Ijiplno ,....,...,,. 6,000
Malwl Hmltli. Mailraa. t,. ...... 6,14
INinaln Hill. Mavlraa. , 6 000
Mta 14-ailMtrr, CUno Kalla.., 6,u0
Mra. Cay Larkln, Hay Crrk, ,., B.0C0
niurli'i iwiiiiuniuoii, nuicra, .,,..,,. ... d.uuu
Mary Chniiman. Iiwrr llrlcluc, 6,000
Vivian Jnnra. flatawny. ,,,, 6,000
Mra. K. K. Warcn. Ilnitlirra.
Use this blank for making nominations. Fill out as
directed and send to the Campaign Manager, The Bulletin.
Campaign Manager, The Bulletin,
I illuminate , !
Street N,o .
Town or City
As a candidate m.TliejBullelin's Big Campaign,
Signed ..,.., Address
isKiwiiii' at .MKirriNM in Tin:
(From Monday's Dally.)
Twenty-lx Hbeoptnen signed
Haturday for momborehlp in
ahcopmen'a niwoclatlori, formod at a
mcotlnR In tho forest ncrvlca office.
This will liuvo Jurisdiction urer Rraz
ln prlvllcRca In tho Deschutes, Han
tiara, Cascade, Umpqua and Ochoco
forests und Is denlRned to as 1st both
stockmen and forest supervisors.
Offlcers woro picked to represent
tho whole district, mon on tho ad
visory board coming from widely
separated sections, J. M. Hlakloy of
Condon was mado president, John
Marsh of Tumalo, vice president, nnd
It. A. Ward of Itodmond, trcaauror.
On tho advisory board aro John
Parks, for Tumalo and slaters; Newt.
Williamson, from Princvllle: Davo
McAullrfo, for Klamath, and W. M.
Wilson of Prlnevlllo for tho central
hoc Lion.
A number of men attended the
mooting who did not sign up for
momborshlp. Thoso who did wero
f Continued on last pnico.)
The standing of candidates In Tho
Hullotln's sul8crltlon campaign will
appear again In tomorrow's Issuo
and will Includo all votes received
up to C p. m. Tuesday evening.
Uesldes tho regular numbor of
Totes allowed on tho various sub
scription payments, ns shown In tho
voting schedule, wo mako tho can
didates the following offer of extra
votes for NKW and OLD subscrip
tion paymonts:
Wo will give 100.000 extra votes
to ovory candldato who sends or
brings I2&.00 worth of now or old
subscription payments to this office
on or before April IS at 9 p. in.
Tho offr Is now opm and w 11
class April lp ut 9 p. m.
NKW and OLD subscriptions are
worth more votes to you during this
pwlod than at any future date dur
ing tho campaign.
This Is posklvoly the best offer or
IndueomsHt that will be mud during
the campaign. In othor words, a
Ikiuus of 4,000 extra votes la given
for every dollar turned In on new or
old subscription paymonts before 9
p. in., April 12.
subscriptions lu as fast as socured,
as a correal account of all subscrip
tion paymonts turned In by each
candldato will bo kopt by tho cam
paign mnnagor, and after the offer
closes wo will null you ho extra
votes you earn.
All subscriptions that aro placed
lu tho malls addressed to tho cam
paign department on or boforo 9
p. m April 12, will bo accepted and
counted on this offer.
If you do not understand this add
ed inducement, wrlto us.
Special offer closes April 12, at
9 p, m, t
Campaign closos May 11, 191S.
Do not get thoso dates confused.
All subscriptions turned In since
(Continued on last pngo.)
(From Monday' Dally.)
Anticipating a shortage In farm
labor itho coming summer, tho First
National bank In starting a freo em
ployment agency or exchango for tho
benollt of tho farmor.
Tho hank -will keep in touch -with
tho labor market of nearby cities,
tho fodcral employment office, dif
ferent municipal employment office
and prlvato organizations that might
bo concerned, and havo all help that
can bo spared aent to Hond.
Klsowhero In thin issuo appears a
blank which farmora needing holp
may fill out and send to tho bank,
an much ood can bo dorlved from
tho freo service that it Is offering.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Hush of business and tho many
donations havo caused tho committee
In charge of tho Hcd Cross Super
fluity shop to mako arrangements for
enlarging tholr quarters. They will
tako tho back rooms, downstairs of
tho Deschutes hotol which adjoins
tho shop and convert them Into kit
chen and store room for tho main
shop, thus leaving more room for
selling and serving lunches. The
mon who offered their services In
tho preparation of tho first shop aro
again assisting In tho remodelling,
cleaning and painting of tho now ad
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
necauso tho weight limit on pack
ages has been changed all bids tor
mall routo contracts havo been de
clared null and void until such time
as tho postal department can have
estimated tho weight of the mall
each offlco will handlo and call for
now figures. This does not affect
tho delivery at present. For tho
first and second zones, according to
tho now ruling, 70 pounds is tho
limit Instead of SO as before In
other zones it has been raised from
20 to CO.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
A clothespin social will bo given
noxt Friday oveuing by the Ladles'
Aid society of tho Methodist church
at tho church, corner Franklin av
onue and Slsemoro street. Theso
monthly socials aro given for tho
purposo of getting acquainted with
tho now people who are constantly
coming Into tho church.
CULTl'ItE. (From Tuesday's Dally.)
Deschutes county's quota on tho
noxt draft, five mon, woro picked
yestorday by tho local war board.
Tho mon who go tills mouth aro
Goorgo F. Jlohror, Klamath Falls;
Clarenco William Nelson, Imporlal;
Cecil Celsor Doach, Hond; N. P.
Jordan, Portland; William G. Cox,
Tho following, who havo beon
married slnco May IS, 1917, woro
dentod oxomptlon claims bocauso of
dependent wife and woro put In class
1 by tho district board. They aro
S. It. iDrown. V. W. nurko, II. W.
Downing, F. S. Fishor, M. A. Cun
ning, O. F. Hlllups, H. W. McGulro,
G. W. Hall, C. A. Hauck, It. W.
Murphy, William Phlpps, L. D. Red
ding, Jack L. Ross, Leo A. Royor,
William Slocum, Ivor Ilomlrlckson,
Charles McAndrows, Charles C. Mil
ler, Mlko R. Fotty, O, W. Brsklno,
Nick Zelsor, Clyde WornstafT, B. M.
Stephonson nud W. W. Homer. L.
11. NIckorson and J. II. Mead wero
granted Industrial claims.
Agricultural claims not allowed
woro for F. S. Lano. F. II. Dayton,
O. I). Cochran, W. G. Cox and C. N.
Kotzman. 0. M. Raymond was de
nied an Industrial claim, but Is pro
tected by having a dopondont wlfo
nnd child. Agricultural claims woro
allowed O. P. Llllgo, L. W. Pollett,
II. W. Powers, Donny Murphy ami
Walter Hotlund.
Linn Itusy Trying to I'ut StanScId
by In McNury's Own County
Jtport Kay Simpson's
Campaign Lnpi.
8ALBM, Oro., March 21. (Special
to Tho Bulletin.) Six tount 'em
six, and thoy'ro all candldato lor
stato trcasuror. This stalwart six
should 1)0 of considerable Intercut to
Central Oregon voters, tho stata
treasurer as demonstrated In tho
past being sometimes a very Im
portant factor on tho Desert Land
It is Ilkoly itho cloctorato in tho
valley of tho Deschutes will look
rather closoly at tho namo ho la vot
ing for for treasurer this year, as
that official's connection with arid,
lands, with tho Stato Land Bosrd,
with tho rural credits fund and with,
tho various other functions which,
fall to him by law mako a careful
survoy of tho situation well worth,
Hum Up Sir.
Alphabetically arranged, tagged
and tabulated, tho six may bo
summed up about as follows:
Adams, William, Portland Fair,
fat and over 40; a largo smllo, a
good story trjller, and now city treas
urer of Portland. He was nearly city
commissioner at ono time, bis only
reason for not winning being a lack
of a sufficient, number of votes. So
far his campaign has been exceed
ingly noiseless.
Cuslck, Ed. C, Albany Banker
and Stato Sonator. Quiet, reserved
and modest, but withal a good fellow.
Is generally considered to havo good
business Judgment and has a stato
wldo acquaintance. Is making some
thing of an aggressive campaign and
Is considered an important factor la
tho raco.
Hoff. O. P., Salem Now Stato
Labor Commissioner and has been
since tho creation of that office. Has
a strong stand-In with organized
labor, tho grange and farmers'
unions. Formorly railroad agouti and
postmaster In Lano County. Is mak
ing a quiet campaign, butigolng after
the votes and among tho other candi
dates Is gonerally mentioned as tho
man who will havo to 'bo beat to at
tain the post.
Ryan, Thomas R., Oregon City
Now assistant stato treasurer, form
erly mayor of Oregon City and
county Judgo of Clackamas county.
Also has good stand-In with tho
grange, bolongs to a legion of fra
ternal orders, Is a lawyer and a good
chess player. Ho Is making a fast
campaign from hut officio and says bo
will not tour tho stato. Is considered
ono of tho heaviest contenders.
Plenty of Variety.
Plumuior, O. M Portland Form
orly connected with stockyards at
Portland. Well known over tho
stato. Achieved lasting local farao
In Portland as member of tho school
board ami in many respects is pno
of tho prlzo hoatcd ozono poddlont
of tho Pacific. He Is now working
for Undo Sam in tho food produc
tion dopartmont.
West, Bon P., Salom County as
sessor of Marian county, Is a printer,
or was, and member of typographical
union. Making strong bid for or
ganized labor's support. Chancos
eonsldered bolow par. No relation to
And horo thoy are In a nutshell.
Unquestionably ono of them will' bo
tho next stato treasuror, unless they
Btart fighting among thonisolves too
strong and let somo good Democrat
stop In to tako away tho grapes.
Thoro was somo talk of an Bastora
Oregon candldato In tho shape of It.
Alexander of Pendleton, but evident
ly Ithnt bubbto has burst na nothing:
has been hoard of it lately.
Redo Is Busy .Man.
Report has It that Sountor Conrad
"Pat" Olson Is acting as Bob Btan
flold's chief functionary In an offlco
which has 'boon opened up lu Port
land by itho aspirant for tho toga.
Thoy cal him Pat because he's not
Irish, but rather Is a Swodo. Prob
ably tho fact that there "ban ad
many of them fallens" In Portland
had something to do with Roberts
(Continued on page 4.)