The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 14, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Conditions on C. O. I. Project De
scribed Statement Soil to At
torney McCulIoch to Ufo
In KffcctlnR Settlement
thorn bolnp llaftcd undor tho Control
Oregon cannl. Howovor, it would
ootlnintos of 'tho Irrigable ncroa, lftmta
undor tho vnrloua cnimla, otc, exactly
soom that In nn ndjuatmont of this ngruo. Jlowovor, tho flgurea Includ-
SALEM, March 13. (Special to
Tho 'Bulletin) Stato Engineer Lowla
la forwarding to tho Director of tho
Central Oregon Irrigation District,
Ho Attorney Claudo McCulIoch rep
resenting that district and to Jcaso
Stearns representing tho Central
Oregon Irrigation Company, state
ment surrounding conditions on tho
project to bo usod In effecting n set
tlement botwoen tho district and tho
company aa to tho maintenance and
sale of lands on tho project.
Tho statement la of extra Import
ance becauao It Includes In It tho Ar
chibald report, which has been caro
fully shlolded from public scrutlny
horcrtofore. Permission has been
gained to uso excerpts from tho re
port In reaching a conclusion aa to
tho sottloment between tho company
and tho district.
Data Li Given
Tho Desert Land Board at a rec
ent meeting approved tho district
plan, but did oo with the understand
ing that a compromise should bo
reached between the settlers and tho
company on tho question of unsold
lands and their maintenance and It
Js to furnish a basis for such an
adjustment that Stato Engineer
Lewis Is furnishing his data.
Mr. Lewis' report is as follows:
Pursuant to your verbal request,
we havo examined tho Archibald re
port and our records, and beg to
submit tho following:
According to Archibald's report
tho Central Oregon canal will serve
29,419 lrrlgablo acres and according
to hla roport there aro now 29.G5G
lrrlgablo acres of sold or unsold
patented lands having a call on this
canal, or after deducting tho high
and undesirable tracts, 29,335. These
areaa include excess acreage. They
also include certain of tho North Can
al lands which havo a claim on the
Central Oregon Canal.
According to tho records of the
Desert Land Board there are 26,691
lrrlgablo acres sold under the Cen
tral Oregon Canal and 2,674 acres
of unsold patented lands, making a
total of 29,365 acres. These areas
also Include tho excess acreage.
According to Archibald's report
tho Pilot Butto Canal system will
servo 20,230 acres and according to
this report tbero aro now 20,965
acres of sold or patented unsold land
depending upon It, or deducting the
high and undesirable tracts, 20,756
acres, or 526 acres more than tho
canal system can serve. These areas
Include tho excess acreage. ,
Kxplaln.H Discrepancies
Accordiug to the records of tho
Desert Lond Board there aro now
18,292 lrrlgablo acres sold undor tho
Pilot Butte canal and 1,919 acres
patented but unsold, making a total
of 20,211 acre3 dependent upon the
canal. These areaa include the ex
cess acres. Tho discrepancies be
tween tho various figures aro doubt
less duo to cancellations and sales
occurring since tho Archibald report
waB prepared and a slight difference
In classification of lands, that Is to
say whetbor they should be properly
served from the Central Oregon canal
or the Pilot Butto canal or tho North
According to tho records of this
office, thoro aro remaining unad
justed 2944 lrrlgablo excess acres
of which 1357 aro under the Central
Oregon canal and 1587 under tho
Pilot Butto canal. Summing up
therefore and assuming that the fig
urea taken from tho records of the
Desert Land Board aro moro nearly
accurato at tho present time than
'those In tho Archibald report, It
would seem that tho company has
unsold patented lauds, subject to
ualo, under tho Central Oregon canal,
2674 acres and under the Pilot Butte
canal, 1919 acres, making a total
of 4593. In addition thereto there
aro 2944 excess acres to which It
would seem the company can sell
wator under tho agreement recently
approved by tho Desert Land Board.
Delivery Not Easy
Attention Is called to tho fact that
there aro certain North canal lands
which aro so located that water can
not be readily delivered to thorn from
either of tho present constructod
canals. These lands have been in
cluded in the above areas, mot of
matter somo provision should bo
mado for giving tho settlors on thoso
lamia nn opportunity to trailo for
lands which mny bo sorvod by ono or
tho othor of tho constructed canals,
or mako othor adjustmonta with tho
settlors. It la nrobahlo that tho Des
ert Land Bonrd -would not aanctlon
tho salo of wator to tho so-called ox
cess acreage- on any othor torms than
thoao undor which It has recently
approved, namoly, $20 por ncro for
lands undor contracts Form 1 and 2
and $26 por ncro for thoso lands un
dor contract Form 3. Howovor, this
la ono of tho Important uinttors which
should bo adjusted botoro all materi
al concessions to tho company aro
Tho attltudo of tho Fodoral Gov
ernment Is Important. Mr. Archi
bald, In his roport states that until
tho excess ncreago question Is ad
justed, no further lands containing
excess ncreago should bo patented.
In patent lists 9 and 10 thoro nro
2139 lrrlgablo acres of sold land con
taining excess acres. Thcso settlers
aro entitled to nn early adjustment
of tho question.
Itcport is Haul
It should bo understood that tho
forogolng figures aro based upon Mr.
Archibald's report, and aro approxi
mately 20 per cent In excoss of what
tho Stato Engineer has heretofore
been willing to accept as a basis for
They aro not based on tho present
capacity of tho canals to deliver tho
contract amount of water, but ap
proximately 10 por cent In excess.
That Is upon tho basts of 40 per
cont seopago losses, whoroas present
losses aro approximately 50 por cent.
To reduce canal losses to this amount
would cost about $144,000 according
to tho cstlmato by John Dubuls.
Then again, tho abovo figures as
sume that 10 por cent of tho water,
which sattlcrs havo heretofore pur
chased, will not bo dollvcred or used
by such settlors, as part of tholr lrrlg
ablo land will bo occupied by build
ings, roads, stock yards, rights of way
for fonces, canals, etc. This Item Is
of courso material to tho company.
For 4,593 acres abovo listed, at 40
equal 1183,720. Should this item
not bo allowetl, it is apparent no
further sales could bo permitted.
Tho two Items from tho Settlers'
standpoint will .therefore approximate
If these material items to tho com
pany aro compromised, at this time,
it appears that all other -ttcms, ma
terial to the settlers should also be
adjusted at this tlmo.
Putents Important
The most important is tho ques
tion of patents. Settlers desire
deeds so they can borrow money or
sell. There are over 22,000 acres
in Patent Lists 9 and 10. This area
contains 2,856 acres of unsold land,
which If not eliminated as recom
monded by Mr. Archibald will olther
indefinitely postpone patents, or re
sult In a further compromise with
tho company, as this Item at $40 per
aero represents $114,240 to such
Since priority of salo gives old set
tlers a better right to water than
present or future purchasers from
the company, the settlors are Inter
ested in seeing that tho Company
agrees at this time not to sell more
water under the North canal than
approximately 4,000 acres as recom
mended by Mr. Archibald, without
providing storage. Settlers under
tho Pilot Butto canal -will rccclvo
water from tho samo sourco, and are
vitally interested in this matter.
Mr. Archibald says: "before any
lands can bo patented, and tho stamp
of approval thus placed on tho water
supply for tho entire project, It would
seem that all of tho land In Segre
gation Lists 6 and 19 undor the
North canal, except possibly three or
four thousand acres should bo relin
quished." Settlers under tho first form of
contract may only bo entitled to one
second foot for each 160 acres, in
stead of 100 acres as under tho third
form of contract. Mr. Archibald
says: "It would, therefore, appear
that it his matter should also bo ad-
Justed by either amending tho State's
contract, or executing a new contract
between tho Stato and tho Company
before the said land in Patent Lists
9 and 10 Is approved for patent."
No Cuuho for Controversy.
With tho settlement of these dis
puted questions, no further contro
versies need arise, with unfavorable
publicity as to seopago losses, ade
quacy of canal capacities, water sup
ply, etc. Land values would accord
ingly Increase, and land sales take
If agreeablo to tho settlers, I would
bo glad to cooperate In adjusting all
disputed questions at ithls tlmo, I
liavo attempted to outline only tho
Important questions.
It must bo understood that only
approximate figures can bo iglvon on
account of tho continuously varying
conditions and the fact -that no two '
d herein nro hollovod to ho ns ac
curate as any that can bo socurcd,
Trusting 'this Information mny ho
of assistance In adjusting mutters,
I nm
Very respectfully,
State Engineer.
Almost A Young Mnn Again
E. K. Whltehurst. It. F. D. 1, Nor
folk, Vn., writes: "I had boon suffer
ing for moro than a year, but since
taking Foley Kidney Pills I fool nl
most a young man again," They
strengthen and 'heal wcakonod or
disordered kldnoys, tttop slcop-dls-turblng
btaddor ailments, banish
backacho, rheumatic pains, stiffness,
soreness. Sold everywhere. Adv.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Tho Tumalo road nan been brought
In as far as tho Pilot Butto Inn and
tho clndors wore rolled smooth by
tho county roller yesterday. This
moans tho completion of ono of tho
last links In Tho Dalles-Calttornla
highway In this county and also tho
surfacing of a city stroot by tho coun
ty. Thrco prlvnto roads wero put
through tho county court by resolu
tions this woek, all of thotu on sec
tion lines ami Involving no expense.
New farmers near Tumalo petitioned
for them In ordor that thoy might
sot tholr (fences. F. N. Wallaco was
In town Wednesday to arrango for
Bills hnvo practically occupied tho
attention of tho court this week.
Commissioner Miller and Judge
Barnes wero In session both yester
day and tho day bofore.
(Continued from Pago 2.)
dooming It expedient and to tho best
interests of tho public, and to thoso
concerned, that a County Hoad bo
located, established and opcucl as
a County Hoad, as hereinafter desig
nated and established, therefore,
Bo It resolved by tho ald Ccunty
Court of Deschutes County, Statu of
Oregon, that said Court hereby de
clares Its Intention to locate, estab
lish and open ns a County Hoad tho
following described road, to-wlt:
Doglnnlng at tho northeast corner
of Section 13, Tp. 16 louth, Ilango
1 1 oast, W. M., thence In a northerly
direction over tho most practicable
routo and terminating at a point
where tho present Buckhorn Canyon
County Hoad -intersect tho north
S,lstora or Fred Wlcse County Road.
Be It further resolved that proper
notlco of the location, establishing
and oponlng of said road bo given as
provided by law.
Any remonstrances or objections
thereto must bo filed herein within
fivo weeks from tho dato horcof.
Dated this 6th day of March. 1918,
No further business coming up for
consideration at this time, on motion
duly mado and seconded, Court ad
journed to meet March 7, 1918, at
10:00 o'clock a. m.
Bond, Oregon, March 7, 1918.
Tho County Court met In tho
County Judgo's offico, at 10:00 n.
m. this date, pursuant to adjourn
ment; Judgo Barnes and Commis
sioner Miller of Hedmond, bolng pres
ent. The meeting was called to
ordor by tho County Judgo.
Tho mattor of claims against tho
County coming up for consideration,
samo woro audited by tho Court, and
It Is horoby ordered that Claims No,
1832 to 1839 Inc., No. 1841 to 1846
Inc., No. 1848 to 1879 Inc.. No. 1881
to 1889 inc., 1891 to 1903 inc., and
1905 to 1910 inc., bo and the same
aro hereby allowed, and the Clerk
Is Instructed to Issue his warrants In
payment thereof.
No further business coming up for
consideration at this tlmo, on motion
duly mado and 'seconded, Court ad
journed to meot Tuesday, March 12,
Claims allowed at tho March 7,
1918 term of tho County Court for
Deschutes County, Oregon,
Quy H Wilson, stoves for road
camp $ 3.60
Howard-Coopor Corp., rotter
Plow 4,-,.oo
II. It. Itllcy, welding county
truck frame 38.10
R, G. Blackwoll, auto hlr-
Shorlffs offico 6.00
Liberty Theatre, Orchestra for
Canadian officers 30.00
Pilot Butto Inn, dinner for
Canadian officers 2: GO
Tnos. jj. Kay, Treas., District
flro "warden
Pacific Tel & Tol Ci., tel. toll3
Clerk's offico .
Hotol Wright, board of pris
oners Aultlo Cady, clorlcal work. As
sessor's office 17.50
Bend Hardware Co,, supplies
for court houso
Bond Hardware Co., road sup-
PHos 103.33
Burroughs Adding Maph. Co.,
Adding machlno for Treas. 220.00
Standard Oil Co., gas for
County truck 4,37
ueni-uro Motor Co., supplies
for Supt's. auto
Bond Oarage, gas for County
Chas. Griffith, board for men
on road work
Arvllla Murphy, recording
Clork'a offico ....... .. . 48.00
Ilaxol Putney) recording,
Clerk's office 75,00
Eleanor I), Whltiuorn, clorl
cal work, County Court.... 1G.00
E. 1). Whltiuoro, oxpenson
Clerk's offico, Fob 4.0C
Glnxs A Prudhonuuo Co., sup
plies County JutlgolH office 3,10
Bond Water I, V Co.,
lights for court houso ...a 7.0G
G. II. Demmlng, road work
La Pino Dlst. No. 7 19.25
S. E, Huberts, special ser
vices G0.00
A. A. Anderson, expenses
Sheriff's offico . ... 10.03
Elslo M. OIhIii, nteuo. Dlst.
Atty 35.00
Goo. It. Harcloy, auto hire for
Sheriff 1.00
H, G, lllackwoll, auto hlru
road work 3,00
Lois Simmons, atono, County
Judgo 75.00
C. A. Mackoy, auto hlru, tran
scribing records 20.00
C. A. Mackoy, auto hire, Gus-
nvsen case 3.50
Hnrvny Dultrich, road work
Dlst. No. 15 3,00
C. It. Wllllar, dd 12,00
A. T. lloyntou, do 13.50
J. 11. Haner, proof reading
transcribing , 230,00
S. E. Roberts, expenses
Rhorlff's offico 7.21
Bond Press, advertising local
board .. 1,75
John J. Cunningham, road
work noar Bend 15.76
L. A, , Nixon, constable foes 1 16
L. D. Lowe, doputy shorltf. .. 5.80
Bond Hauling Co., Canadian
officers meeting 6,00
Tho Hlppodromo, hall rent
Canadian off loom mooting. ... 10. Ar
J.'F. Hosch, physician's foes.. 25.00
G, Mclouth, hauling state
highway road work .. . 12.00
J. II. Haner, expenses Clerk's
offico 9.88
It. II. Doyarmond, repairs on
truck 69.7C
Standard Oil Co., gas for
truck 12.96
Hovd ft Ilorton, supplies
Troas. $1.26, hospital .75.. 2.00
Hazel Manlon, clorlcal work
Sheriff's offico 70.00
Bond Builotln, war board
$6.50, election supplies
$1276 18.7G
Bend Bulletin. School Supt.
$6.50, Assessor $9.60 , 16.00
Bend Bulletin, delinquent tax 451,40
Bond Bulletin, pub, proceed
ings $30.00, Food Admin.
$1.60 31.60
J. F. Newbold, road work,
Dlst. No. 14 18.00
II. H. Clow, Janitor's sal
ary. Fob .. 40 00
Pacific Tel ft Tel Co.. Clork
$7.36, Dlst. Atty. $2.00 9.35
Pacific Tol ft Tel Co., Troas.
$2.25. Sheriff $7.50 . 0 75
Pacific Tel. ft Tol. Co., Ascs-
sor $2.25, Co. Judgo $3.06 6 30
Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co., School
Supt. $3.75, Circuit Judgo
$2.25 6.00
Bond W L ft P Co.. lights for
Jail . 2.26
Kllham Stn. ft Printing Co.,
Assessor $88.80, Sheriff
$54.20 146 20
P. B. Johnson, doputv Sheriff 11.60
Wostorn Union Tol. Co., tele
grams, local board . 4.48
M. A. Palmer, supplies for
County hospital 18.75
Downlng's Cafe, board for
prisoner 6.00
Anton Aunc, road work, Tum
alo road 1332,80
Antono Auno, do, Jones road..l360.25
E. M. Thompson, wire bas
kets 2.00
F. Domcnt ft Co., supplies for
poor 14.65
Clydo M. McKay, expenses Co.
Treasurer 29.60
J. Alton Thompson, expouscs
Co. Supt. 8.00
C J. Mathona, truck drlvor
Foby. Highway . 34.00
M E. Pahlo, road work, Dlst.
No. 14 . 18.00
I), A, Komlnll, read work
Dlst. Nob. 10, 17, 18 33.43
Redmond Hospltnl, caru of
county patluiitu 184,00
W. A. Plckott, road work
- Dint. No. IB ir.G.00
J. 8. MoVoy, do . 4.50
Harney Rodenldu, do .1,00
F. E. Pellet, do 30.00
C, O. lloynhm. do IIP. 00
Hpriiift Is Nice, Hut
Laelc of fresh vegetable food aint
Interrupted, changing hnblln mako
thoao trying weeks for any 0110 In
clined to constipation. Foley Cathar
tlo Tablets are Just tho thing for In
dignation, bllloiinneitH. kiih on slonmoU
furred tongue, lieiulaehe, or other
condition Indicating clogged bowels.
C'atirio no hud itftor effects. Hold
ovorywlioro. Adv.
Bend Hardware Co.
Wo boliovo that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is why wo want to soli you a
No matter what anyone may tell you, there Is only one tpccil
at which you can turn a tcparator ciank and get all the cream and
cream of uniform lliickncn, and that's the ipecd indicated on
the crank.
Every hand-operated cream tcparator hni tho correct number
of turnt of the crank handle per minute plainly indicated upon llio
crank handle. Lvery icpnrator, ol
whatever make, will do heller work
at the proper and indicated ipeed
than at any other,
Every one of the NEW De Laval
has a Dell Speed-Indicator. When
you ilow down, the brll ringi. It
warm you every time the handle roc
around loo ilowly, You cant bo
miiuken about it.
The Dell Speed-Indicator add
nothing to the price but much to the
value of the NEW Dc Laval.
Com In and how tho
Ball SpaaJ.lndIca.tor work.
"Hia " waraiaf ugnal" thai
(atuic opefitioo ai lh
piopn iptl.
Manufacturer of Iron, Dronse anJ Semi-Ste1 Caitintfi lor
Power TranimiMion Machinery; Wood Pipe Fitting!, Grate
Bar. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament
al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH
The Rose City's world-fumed hotel, occu
pying an entire 'block. All Outside
rooms. Superior dining nud grill ser
vice. An atmosphere of refinement,
- with u service of eourtscy. - '
European Plan; $1.50 and Up
Mr. Hoover asks you to save butter, lard, suet Mazola
is a pure, vegetable oil for deep frying, sauteing, short
ening wonderfully economical.
With the Nation-wide movement to save animal fats tho
housewife is confronted with a serious problem if she would
continue to serve fried foods.
Thousands of American homes have found the answer in
Mazola, the pure cooking and salad oil from corn.
Because Mazola is a vegetable oil and because a thorough
test on the part of housewives has proven that Mazola is more
practical, more economical than tho old cooking mediums.
It makes fried foods digestablemi the great big factor tor
economy in Mazola is that it can be used over and over again
does not transmit taste or odor from one food to another.
A recent demonstration showed that the samo tinful of
Mazola could be used eighteen successive times for deep fryingl
Mazola is fine for salad dressings, too.
Get Mazola from your grocer in pint, quart, half-gallon or
gallon tins. The large sizes give greatest economy. Also ask for
the. free Mazola Book of Recipes or write
us direct.
Tout raoo.r nhnlti II lltiolt 4oi not lift Miln iiiWIkiImi,
Corn Products Refining: Company
New York
PertUod, Orif a
frrf r9
iw1 I I JLJJ I k
VfrS-i IvCOOKINGJ H I'M TI'W i m mT .MR- JTt
Vji IV et hbI f WHiaBfiBislrSHdHVwy