rAkina Council Adheres Closely To Estimate Of Expense THIS BUICK TOURING CAR llorntiHo of llio iHicwmlty of nilhor 'IiiK dowdy lo (ho huditot thii city tx imudlttmwifor tlm punt iiioiith nliowml a mnrkod di'cronHO nvor tlionii of Jan miry, At tlio niiKitlnc of thu city coinictl thin wook $H7-l.ar. wnn allow oil, loss than tlm mini wit nslrin out of tlio l2,nil0 liuilKot. According to tlio monthly nllottmntit I'JU could ho spout, lonvluir a mini 1 1 inarnln for oiiuirRunclPN. It -wnn nocoHsnry to practlHo sharp ocnuomy In orilor to Imlanro up with tlio IHOO.nn palil out In January, principally for flro, HkIiIh and wator, apodal paSIno and iitrout and Hldo walk ropalrn. For tlm Inforniatlon of thu tax payors of tlio city unit In ardor to rKNI HVhhKnti, HKND, ORfMON, TIIUIWIAV, MAItffl 14, 1018 and 9 OTHER BIG PRIZES are going to be awarded by The Bend BULLETIN lump thoiu In touch with tlio oxpnn dlturo of thu city funilH ntiil nhow tlio monthly halancn loft and tlio amount provided for In tlio city hud (tot, Tlio llullotln hits obtained tlio followlntc flKiirmi from 4110 offlco of tlio city tronsurors & 6 I A tnt. Total Undent Allotted Attorney 1240.0,0.... 20.00. TriMMirur 300.00..., 211.00.. llocordor 300.00.... .10.00.. KtiKllicflr 400.00.... 33.00. Pollen 2600.00.... 208.00.. Printline 300.00.... 25.00.. Flro, IlKlitu and water 5400.00..., 4GO.00.. l'oatnitu, tnliiphouu, otc 100,00..., H.00.. Ktroul ropulrs ....1000.00.... 83.00.. Walks & crotMluK'ZdO.OO.... 20.00.. Miscellaneous .... COO. 00.... 41.00.. January Fnhrunry KxponwiiJ KxpoiiNO 20.00 25.00.. 30.00.. 44.02.. 280.00.. 5.00.. 20.00.. ,. 26 00.. ,. 30.00.. . 10,12.. , 241,50... . 41.50... Ilalanco . 200.00 . 250.00 . 300,00 . 330.20 . 11)00.00 . 253.50 007.24.... 406,08.... 4320.78 6.60.... 7.20.... 87.21 250.00.... .... 74U.04 60.00.... .... 800.00 72.06.... 87.00.... 340.35 $12360.00. .1043.00... f 14C0.60....$874.36....$9015.00 April I 1560.34 May 1043.21 J u in 1003.70 July 1814.10 AtiKUHt .......... .......... 2840,38 Hoptonibnr 2404.68 Octobor 1018.36 November ,...M. 1912,76 Dncoiiibor ........ 1094.08 January J 902.70 February 1259.10 Totnl I19CC2.70 Amount of money on baud In Kuncrnl fund 11272.07 Amount of mutiny on band In Huwiir fund .- 278 10 Internet duo on Hiiwor bonds AUK. 1918 1800.00 Intercut duo on It. It, bonds Apr. 1C, 1917 1050.00 Interont duo on $17,- Ibbuo 600 issuuflopt. 15, 1918 .. 626.00 Cimtry 72.76 Hocond itrunt account 61.87 Amount on hand In It. It. fund Jan. 1 27C.77 No levy for tbo current ywr linn an ynt boon turned over to the treas urer. The Interest on tbo newer bonds linn been paid to AukusI and on tho rofundlni: bond Issuo to Sep tember out of lant yoars money, thus acrouutliiK for tho balance. GRAND PRIZE 1918 Five Passenger Brack Touring Car- -Value $955.00 F. 0. B. Bend Purchased from and on display at the BEND GARAGE Bend, Or. Enter Your Name TODAY And Share in This LIBERAL PRIZE DISTRIBUTION Use this blank for making nominations. Fill out as directed and send to the Campaign Manager, The Bulletin. GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES NOMINATION BLANK BULLETIN'S SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN Campaign Manager, The Bulletin, I nominate Street No ; ... ; Town or City As a candidate in The Bulletin's Big Campaign. Signed Address TO 0 itMUiv. PAitT ok i:ntiui, OHK- HON CHOI' (JOI-S TO H..V I'lU.V- CIHCO HIIINN GOOD I'ltlCI HI'UDH MUCH IN UIIMA.M) (From Friday's Dully.) Largo shlpmontA of Central Oregon potatoes are now roIiik to California and Texas as fast as earn can bo se cured for thorn. In nplto of this move, a largo numb or will ro to waste on tho farmers' hands. Tho Deschutes Valley Potato Growers association has had a strong demand for flood tubers, which have brought good prices, according to County Agricultural Agent Ward At a meeting of tho directors held In his offlco lant Saturday tho situa tion was dlscussod, It was found that 20 care, of number one grado had beon shtppod and there Is a stand lug order for eight moro. About 17 moro curs of tho best potatoes are still In tho county. Those sold huvo brought $1.15 In San Francisco whllo 90 cents ban been tho prevailing price from tho dealers. A representative of tho ansoclntlou was sent this week to Tho Dallai to soo If tho government order for 000 tons of dried potatoes to bo propnrod by tho Wlttonborg-KIng Company could bo contracted for In this sec tion, Tho mooting Saturday was attond d by Gun Stadlg, J. F. Itlco, It. U. Fllcklngor, Wi O. Arnold, 8. 1). Mus tard and Mr. Ward, BARNEY CONAWAY IS INDICTED BY JURY (From Saturday's Dally.) (Crook County Journal.) Throe truo bills woro ruturnod by tho grand Jury nt 9 o'clock today after n Into night ncnslon last night. Harney Connway was named In a truo bill brought, charging him with tho larceny of a beef belonging to J. K, Warner. Hooper Dyer, who was also con cerned In thu complaint made by J. fy Warner of Powell Ilutto, was not held. II, F. Dyer, father of tho latter, who was In Prluevlllo, re turned to lloml yestorday with nows of tho hearing. Ho wont out to his Mllllcan ranch last night, SPRING GARDEN IN WINDOW OF STORE (From Saturday's Dally.) A mlunturo spring garden, marked out In rows with some vegetables alroudy sprouting, occupies ono of tho windows at tho Ilonnett-Coppor Company storo. A large flower up on tho pano of glass Itsolf uttracts tho eyo. Around tho gardon huvo boon arranged an assortment of veg etables and flower seeds. Complete List of Prizes GRAND PRIZE, 1918 five-passenger Buick touring car. Value, $955 F. O. B. Bend. DISTRICT PRIZES. One $85.00 Victrola. One $75.00 Pathephone. $60.00 in Gold. Two $22.50 Eastman Kodaks. Two handsome Diamond Set Lavallieres. PRIZES FOR ALL. All candidates not receiving one of the regular prizes will be paid a cash commission of ten per cent, of all the money they collect on new and old subscription payments. lilt. CON.VAIt.N IHUKGTOU (From Friday's Dally.) Dr, J. II. Connarn has recently beon appointed director of dental activi ties for Doschutos county by tho Pro paroduess League of Amorlcuu Dout lstu, a national organization, tho ob Joot of which Is to sou that tho sol diers do not suttor for want of don Ul service. Tho present number of dentists In tho army Is luadoquato and It Is tho duty of tho local direct or to soo that propor attention Is given to tlioso draftod. men noedlng niirvlco ho can glvo thorn, Doth Dr. Connarn and Dr. W. W. Faulkner, of thin city, huvo voluutoured to do audi work froo. BUCKHECHT ARMY Mado on tho famous M union last speci fied by U. S. Army. A practical, overyday hoe for men In all walks of life. IluilneH men, farmert, sports. Rta. u.3. Awards to be Made as Follows The grand prize will be awarded to the candidate poll ing the greatest number of votes during the campaign, re gardless of district. District Prizes First prizes will be awarded to the candidates, one in each district, polling the greatest number of votes after the grand prize has been awarded. Second prizes will be awarded to the next two highest candidates, one in each district. Third prizes will be awarded to the next two highest candidates, one in each district. Fourth prizes will be awarded to the next two highest candidates, one in each district. Prizes For All All those not receiving one of the regular prizes and working up to the close of the Campaign will receive 10 per cent of all the money they collect on new and old sub scription payments. JAT. OFF. SHOE k m UIBIIj UUIUUUr YVUIKCIl all liavn tslren In tlm Uuckhtcht Army Shoe, Remit? Foot troubles aro no longer 'known to them. Into tho Jluckhecht Army Shoe are put tlio finest materials nd workmanship possible. It's shoe you can depend on for easo and comfort and service. TC $6.50 to .$7.50 Indian Tan Coll or IlUck Gun MUl Ask for tho Buck hecht Army Shoo by name look for our registered trade mark stamped on every lr. It Is mote than a mere trade mark. It Is a guarantee, a urolcctlon. a ivmhol of service. Hack of It stands more than a half century of honest shoe manufacturing. You can get the Duckhecht Army Mioo In your town. If your dcaUr does not carry It, wrlto us direct. MtnuTacturtr BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Fitncbco 9 - Big Prizes - 9 Four Prizes to be Awarded in Each District THE SUBSCRIPTION RATE OF THE BEND BUL LETIN AND VOTES GIVEN ON NEW AND OLD SUB SCRIPTION PAYMENTS The following table shows the voting power of ballots issued on subscription payments. All old subscribers making any payments on subscriptions, as well as all new subscribers paying in advance for The Bulletin are en titled to votes according to the following schedule: THE DAILY BULLETIN NUMBER OF VOTES njrMail By Carrier NEW OLD Three months $ 1.50 $ 1.75 3,000 1,500 Six months 2.75 3.50 8,000 4,000 One year 5.00 6.50 .20.000 10.000 Two years 10.00 13.00 50,000 25,000 THE WEEKLY BULLETIN By Mail Only One year $2.00 4.000 2.000 Two years 4.00...... 10,000 5,000 Vote schedule up to five years will be added later. First Subscription Coupon THE BULLETIN'S SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN TO HELP YOU GET AN EASY START: Return this counon with anv subserintinn nnvmpnf either old or new, and you will receive in addition to the regular number of votes given, as shown in the published schedule 15,000 EXTRA VOTES Name of Subscriber Address (Old or New) Contestant's Name This blank, accompanied by the nomination blank and a subscription, starts a contestant with over 20,000 votes in the race. Only one of these credited to each candidate OA Voting Coupon Oft LAJ good for TWENTY VOTES LA3 BULLETIN'S SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN SAVE THIS COUPON Good for Twenty Votes if Voted on or Before March 23,1918. NAME Street Town This Coupon will count Twenty Votes when properly filled out arid sent to the Campaign Manager of The Bul letin on or before the expiration date. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in packages with number of vo es written on top. Address all communications to the CAMPAIGN MANAGER THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON 1