WEEKLY EDITION B The bend bulletin. VOh. .VI HHNI), HKHUIIUTKH COUNTY, OltKGON, THl'HHDAY, MARCH J 1, JIJI8 No. U :? ! f MS CAMPAIGN ARE If the Name of Your Favorite Candidate is not Included in the List, Clip the Nom ination Blank From this Issue and Enter Her Name as Soon as Possible District Number One Includes All of tho City of Jltiiul CitnifmlKii CIimm Mny It, HUH (I KOmI Hnrtr, tV lirowlwar , . Murjurl" llwtrr, Cltr . ,.,. . ..... Vrra llratl, Cltr Mirarrt Ihmil, 730 Nowit IiU Hlmiimtii, Klln Apia Jlorrl llruwn, HI. Iltlnn I'lai. A Ik. CaMril, 4M Wall Ilalar CarUr, 67 HawlliuMi 1'carl Itomiry, 1113 MUwauk ,,.,, MlMrnl KlIMt. IMS W. (Id Jtr nnln(f. en ciulntr Kltl Uk. SH franklin..... . . .. IVarl llfntr"ri. Trim I tin I AM Mr. ;ii. KntlMlrr. 1IJ Hill... Jlu.l. Kllr, i:SU Hill ..... NrllU l(., 123 HUU il.rrH MrCurir, IU: llilnl Kmma Mr(iv. IM )rlaar Ihirollir Mlllvr. Krarnr Hi. JUalrlr Mrn. 7 (IllrhrUt Av KUW Ol.ln, Tha Allamunt MrrlUr l'r(rfnn, cllr IVarl Miller. 311 llrnlwar Olva Jiitinfiii. t t.oitltn.4 Viola llruwii, City Mary MtClar, Cltr Kmrna lUk.r, Cllr !rnrvlv Ml.arm, Cllr Jlllah llrkk, Cllr e.too ,000 .000 8,000 .000 1,000 i.roo 6.000 t,00 1,000 1,000 1,000 .000 .(,000 t.ooo 6.000 t.ooo ,oo t.ooo s.ooo t.ooo 008 tOtO .,100 .000 .000 a.ooo .000 .000 o District Number Two Include All Territory Outside tho City Llmlta of Iloml. Campaign Climrn .Mny II, 1IMH o o Mlldrxl Hmlth, Itwlmnn.l ., .000 Own Ortloar. ltlmont . ,. ,000 MarjnrU Younr, KlmonJ . ,... . ,000 Ikra Hlr. La I'lna ,ft0 llratrkr HUihcnxn. I I'lna ,000 Kmma Drutnm. Hllirr ! .000 ThHma Tufk.r, Hlltrrr UV .000 Mar Utiii, Alfalfa .000 Tliria fr, Mllllran... ,000 IMIy IIUm. rrlnnlllf , ,OC0 HcnrUtla IUW, I'rlnnlll .000 -Mkriwi Ihafclrus l-uwr llftd. ....... .000 yormi KiaUr, DfMhutra ,0(0 Mr. MaUl Conxllrr, SirxhuUa., .000 Kalhrln ItnlAtld, (towhutra f.OM Maval I'rkhanl. I)rliul ,,, .000 Hull, Wllrr. latwar .000 Vlol.l lirxin. C.aUWar .00c Marvarrt Walter. I.mer llrl.lr .0'f lltlrn Nrllr. tawcr Hrl'Ut .000 1'rarl OiUirnv, )lalra B.OfO MlnnU lta4rlla, Itulrat .000 'Mm. K.L fllrwl. KIIT.... , .000 Mr. II. I U.I four, I1IT , .000 Ilnra 1 1 In noli. I(l,t ,0K) Mr. J. W. Ourlrr. Ilnthr t.ooo Mr. '. K. W.r.n. Ilmlhrr 6.000 Mr. Maixl llul.Unl. Mlllkati .000 Mr. lt IknnUmt. Mllllran .000 Mr. I. Hrhmorl. Mlllkan .000 Trrna Hhult, Alfalfa .000 MaUl Allrn. Alfalfa .000 Ha lo-onar.t. Alfalfa .000 KlnU Hdifty, liMnr .000 Willi Mattrn. Ullri .000 1.1111 !Uo. U.ln .000 "MaM Hmllh, Ma.lra .000 ldnaln Hill, Malr. .000 Mr. Ur UrVln. liar Crrtk. ......... .(K0 1IU laJ.lua. flnliu .0.M) Maruarrt tWlhorf, Mrtullua .000 :lUrln Hlch, Mtlullu.. ' Ji.y Melnnon, Mrtollu .000 Mary Chaman, Umrr Mrl-ln .000 "Vivian Jnnt. (Iatrar.. 6,000 Artnl Kncr, ItaUwar . . .000 SMALL CORRALL IS TO BE PUT ON RANGE (From Tuosday'a Datly ) At n mooting of tho oxecutlvo Award or tho Tiimnla Stockmen's lis jioclatlnn In tho local forestry sorv dco ofllco Friday tiftomoon, nr 7angomonU woro inado for accom- anndatlng C7T head or cattlo on tho rango this season. An assessment or "7C cents per head will bo collected from each user or tho rango, two thlrda ot this -to 1)0 In tho hands ot tho association before grazing por jnlts arc Usuod. A small pasturo will bo fenced In for nnddlo homes nml stock during tho fall rounrt-up. Tho rider for this aoason has not yet boon picked. Tho axocutlvo commlttoo docldod to put .out throe tons of salt. K.vci:rnoN is madi: (From Tliursdny'H Dally.) Word bus boon recolvod from tho au(il administration Hint an exception fto tho now office building rogula- .' tloim rognrdlng turning off tho boat iftorjfi-.no In tho ovoulng has boon lniulo' nml thoy will not npply to tho court hnuso on account of It bolnu aiHtul .tor such n vurloty or purpihoi, MAY l-'IMi OUT OAKD.W. Oun hundred roglstrntlou cards tor vninon, who would bo willing to vol nintoor for govornmout Horvlco of nny Id ml, linvo boon rocolvod horo mid tiro nt tho library, whore, itnyono mny till thoin out as long s tho supply TomatiiB. TIiobo ro similar to tho )iiostlllod out last rail whon tho women's conunltteo ot tlio Qounoll ot JDofomio conducted a registration day, BULLETIN ANNOUNCED Tho Hut or cnnriltlutort, which np imnra today for tho flrot time, nliown a kooiI roiiroflOiitiitlon for oucli did' trlct nml niwuros ovnry fuuilly In thin iinciloii mi opportunity for nufowrlle liiK for Tho llullatln mid hulpliiK thnlr fiworKo candldiito win (hv prlzo which ftho most dcHlrco. Tho list ait It iippmirn today In not ontlroly comploto, nit now nomina tion tiro coioIiik In dally, but It In a Ntnrt nml will onaltlo Tho Uiillotln rtiiiiliim to uHcorlnln wlitilinr or not thnlr favorllo'H iiamo In thora. If nuyono flndu that -tho tiutno of tho lady whom hoy would llko to win oiio or thu numnroun prlzoit (it not Included In tho lint, thoy mill havo plotity or tlmo In correct thin iiUuw.lou byfllllni; out tho nomination hlauk which will ho round on unothur pa40 or thin Ittuo mid noudliiR It to tho cauipaUu manaiinr wth tho lady's nurno proporly filled out. I'rUi for All. As aniiouncod liorotoforo, this Is In no mnnnur a popularity, contest, hut simply ropresouts Tho lliillotln'a Idea of tho 1iost means or bulldlnc up circulation and doing It quickly. Instead or hlrlnR professional so licitors to call on tho pooplo, wo havo ducldod ito dlvldo tho money omoiiR tho ladles of this soctlon and so help In keeping tho money nt homo. Kvnry lady who Joins this campaign will ho fidoijtiatoly and proporly re munfirntotl. Tho wlunoni ot Uio largor prises will recolvo many times what thoy could possibly earn during tho next fow weeks at any 'other urn ploymont and our promlso of ton per cent, commission on all money col loctod on subscriptions by non-prlzo wlnnorn will onablo tnuny to earn (Cotttlnuod on pago i.) cakds aui: i.Ni)i:.vi:i). (Prom Monday's Dally;) Twenty school teachers ivorklng In thn high school nil of Saturday completed tho classification or sta tistical Information rognrdlng all of tho 800 Deschutes county question naires. Tho Indexed cards proparod by thoin woro nont yestordny to tho provotii marshal genontl. TO SPEAK HERE (JOVJJItNOU WlTIIYCOMltn AND HKVKIUI, I'OMTICAI, AHIMIU A NTH (.'OMI.NH TO IMNNKH l.IIU i:utv ix)ax m ni: dluukhkd. (From Wednesday's Dally.) NumoraiiH prominent spiAk,ora will bo horo Saturday to attend tho snoop mou's dinner to bo given at tho Pilot llutto Inn by C. S. Hudson, Gov ernor Wlthycombo, H. N. 8tonflold, Cub Mosor, Kd. Cuslck, Thpmas 0. Ilynn and others will bo on tho pro gram. Mr. Stanflold (ins nhnouncod his candidacy for tho nomination for U, S. Bonator and Moaor for gnvornor, bo tho dinner will bo slightly soa Bonod with n political llyqr, Tho Llborty loan will bo puslietV particu larly by Mr, Hywn, s9lB(ant' district nttornoy tor Multnomiih county, who has boon sent out by thp stnto Liberty loan committee. Mr. Cuslck la prcsl dent of tho Oregon bnukora and will tako up financial problems,,, Sovoral roprosontntlvoa or tho two railroads, coming Into Hand will nlso probably glvo nddrosaos, In ordor that tho townspooplo ns woll no tho shcon mon may bonollt by tho BpooohoB, Mr. Hudson has nr- rnngod tor 'thorn to mnk.Q rosorva- tlOHB for nlncna In tlin .ar , rinm Thoso mon will pay for'tlioir oyn' piacea, PROMINENT I L FLOUR SALES MORE SUBSTITUTES ARE REQUIRED Must bo on lvtiul HiinIm Slttiiitltiii HcrliiiiH IU-tilri'tiii'tilM Mndo Slont Strict by I'k1 Ailiiilnlnlnillon (From Tuesday's Dally.) J'lirchtisos of flour can no lonor bo niado without an etial quantity of substitutes, according to tho last order rocolvt'd hero by County Food Administrator llartmnft, who yes tordny notified all dealers that In stead of Insisting on soiling 17 pounds or dark flour with every K0 of tho Wheat product thoy must do it on a flfty-flfiy basis. Most of thu local grocorlos aro butter prepared to meet tho Incroased demand tor tho substitutes than thoy woro a tow weeks ago. Whllo It Is practically Impossible to get corn men! and rlcj flour local merchants havo manag-cd to stock up on barley and potato flour. Tho Inttor, onco so scarce, Is now plentiful but Is much mora costly than other kinds. However, tho situation regarding securing a sufficient supply of substitutes Is still serious. Tho following Is tho telegram sant Hov. Hartranft lato yesterday by W. II. Ayvr, rood administrator for Oro gon: "Owing 1o tho absoluto necessity that tho country furnish whoat for shipment to our army abroad and to tho pooplo at Franco, I havo re colvod posltlvo Instructions that no salo ot flour can bo mado without an equal quantity of substitutes and I am putting this order Into effoct to day. This wilt undoubtedly Incon venlonco many ot our pooplo but thoy must thoroughly undorstand that It Is an absoluto necessity and tho tlmo has arrived whon wo aro called upon to cotuo through and do our full part." .ERNEST DICK PAYS FINE OF $100 TODAY (From Wednesday's Dally.) Having pleaded guilty to attempt ed burglary, Kruost Dick was this morning fined $100 by Justtco of thu I'oaco J. A. Hastes. Dick, -who Is a chauffeur, 24 years of ago, could not glvo a doflnlto explanation ot his mo- tlvo In entering tho Skuso Hardwaro Company's utoro Monday ovonlng. Ho was very much frightened. Up to this tlmo tho boy has had a cloan record and several business men at tending tho trial vouched for h!s good reputation. Tho lino was paid Immediately. Arthur J. Mooro han dled tho caso tor tho dotondant und H. II, Do Armoud for tho state BANQUET IS GIVEN BY EASTERN STAR (From Thursday's Dally.) About 70 mombors ot tho Kast oru Star and other guosta woro pres ent last night at tho banquet glvon by tho local chapter In Us rooms tor Mrs. Lena C. Mondouhall, worthy grand matron of Orogon, who la mak ing an official visit 'to tho lodge. Mrs. Mondouhall will loavo llond to night MRS. BROOKS HEADS WOMEN'S COMMITTEE (From Friday's Dally.) Mrs. H. K. Ilrooks thla morning ro colvod n lottor from tho chairman or tho Orogon Liberty loan drlvo com mlttoo apprising liar or bor appoint ment as head ot tjio women's drlvo in Hond. Sho will -work In connection with C. S. Hudson, who will havo charge or raising tho muu'a shnro. COXVKNTIO.V IX MAllCIl (From Thursday's Dally.) Tho Knights or Pythias will hold a district convention horo on tho 27th or March. Thoro will probably bo ono li'tiudrod delegates from tho dlt foront aoottona around horo. Sov oral of tho 'grand ottlcora aro ox puctod to bo prosont, Including a rami Chancellor Crouch and Waltor Gloas on. Tho convention will last ono day. 1 RETURNS FROM SHOP ARE BIB MANY PATRONS AT RED CROSS STORE TJilrt.flv Lunch Scrvcl on Open. log Day Clillilwi lU-gbtUT for ' Kinploymrnl Must Turn , in I'nrnliigH for Ono Day. (From Saturday's Dally) Indicating that tho Ited Cross Superfluity Shop, which had Its for mal oponlrvg yesterday, will bo a financial success Is tho report of the rtrst days business. Previous to Fri day 28, CO was taken In and this was increased yesterday by $42.30. A largo number ot pooplo visited tho shop, soma from Tumalo, Madras, Hedmond and ovon La Pino. Not all woro women, for about eight or nlno business men lunched there and sov oral others patronized It In tho after noon. Thlrty-flvo lunchoons were served during tho day,' all ot thorn being mado from homemado delicacies, tho bill or rare Including two kinds ot salad, sandwiches and tea or coffee More salad and bread aro needed In order to savo cooking each day by tho womon In cbargo ot tho shop. Vnluntrrnt Wanted. Mrs. H. 1C. Ilrooks and Mrs. D. A. Houston woro on hand all ot yester day and today, being assisted by a member ot tho Honor Guard during tho lunch hour. Voluutcors aro want ed who will put In an ontlro day each wook nt tho storo In order to roliovo Mrs. Ilrooks and Mrs. HouBton. Hoys and girls registered yester day tor employment, members of Tho Campflro Girls, Junior League, Hoy, Scouts and Honor Guard ex pressing their willingness to assist. Thoso children will do sowing, tako caro ot llttlo tots, throw In wood or do nny similar sort ot work, turning tholr earnings tor ono day each month in o tho Ited Cross. A wage scalo was sot, allowing 25 cents an hour for general work, CO cents an evening tor staying with children and CO couts a load tor throwing In wood. No child who docs not glvo to tho Hod Cross onco a month may stay on tho Honor Holl, as tho em ployment list Is called. Moro (JlftN Hocclieil. Sovoral moro gltts havo been made tho shop, M. A. Palmer, tho cabinet makor, donated a tea tablo and tho Horn! Steam Laundry offorod Its aorvlcca In washing all garments tablo cloths, tea towols and similar nrtlclcs. Moro dish towols aro need ed In ordor that tho women will not havo to wash out tholr supply dolly In addition to tholr othor work. Jones' Dairy Imb promised to supply all of tho croam to bo used In tho coffoo sorved at tho lunchoons. MAIL ORDER PRICES COMPARED BY STORE Hnrtluuro Company Prvpnros Sxvlnl Window Komi It of Commercial Club Discussion. (From Tuesday's Daily.) As step toward furthering tho patronago of tho local stores and chocking tho trado with mall order housos, tho Hond Hardwaro Company has tnkou an uulquo mothod ot bring ing n comparison of prices before tho public. Thla soliomo was prin cipally tho outgrowtTi ot discussion at tho rocont Commercial club din ner, whon sovoral rauchors spoko on tho reduction of prices to bo secured through ordorlng out of Hond. Tho hardware company has pro pared a window showing cartaln nr tlclos, such as door knobs, rooting, farm Implements and tho llko, quot ing tho local prlco on thoin and tho ono glvon by Sonra-Hoobuck. A cot uloguo from tho largo Seattlo mail order houao with tho pages open nt thoso prices 1a nlso dlsplayod, In almost ovory caso thoro la a constdor nblo reduction In favor ot tho Hond atoro. In some, howovor, it only amounts to sovoral cents, An allow ance must also bo mado tor postage. HBBBBbV IBPBBBBB BBaLMttv vvbLh BBBBBBbbbu itfr jEjrBBBBaH BBBBBHBklJilF aaail IbbbbbH-jRT.-bbbbbbB S. E. ROBERTS Who AiinouncfM 111 Candidacy for Sheriff. S. E. ROBERTS IS OUT FOR OFFICE CAXDIDATK TO HUCCKKD HIM SKLI IlKCOUI) OK TAX COL LECTIONS SHOWS SMALL PItO I'OUTIOX OK DKLIXQUKXCIKS Tho first candldato to fllo his pe tition for nomination for sheriff In tho prraary election is S. E. Roberts, who has boon holding that office slnco tho county was formed. Mr, Roberts Is well known here, having lived in tho Dcnd country when It was part ot Wasco, in fact ho is a strictly home-mado product, having been born bore. For five years ho was chief of polico ot Bend, previous to his appointment to his present office. That Mr. Roberts has dono his work efficiently Is shown In a state ment prepared by Max Crandall, who is auditing tho county books, which shows tho amount of taxes tho of fice has collected. Out of tho $196, 000 on lost year's tax rolls $174,000 was collected, leaving a very small pcrccntago delinquent. Penalties and Interest on 1915 taxes alono amount to $19,084.11, tho collection ot this amount practically paying tho expenses ot tho office. All of this has been dono In splto of tho additional work which has beon glvon to tho sheriff through tho draft classification. WILL GIVE OUT LIHKIITV LOAN INFORMATION TO UK CATAIXKJUKD FOR USK IN CHKCKIXG UP OX THOSK WHO RKFUSK TO 1JUY IIOXDS. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Housohold questionnaires contain ing information as to ttho amounts individuals havo subscribed to tho Llborty loans will 'bo dlstrbutcd by mombors ot each dstrlct committee for tho third drlvo In ithls county. All parsons visited will bo asked to fill ono out In order that It may bo catalogued by tho government. Preliminary organization of the drlvo to begin on April C will occupy tho next ten days. Undor the direc tion ot County Chairman C, S. Hud son, speakers and special music nro being secured and mooting placos ar ranged for. II. J, Ovorturt will bandlo tho Hond drlvo, Guy Dobson thut In Redmond and F. W. Tono In La Pino, all working through Mr. Hudson. Tho enrda which will bo used to rftglator tho work ot tho commlttoea havo blanks tor tho following Infor mation: Name, town or district, occupation, business address, residence address, family, assessment, nuto, first loan, socond loan, rating, third loan, bank, why no subscription, nationality, so licitor's name. This record -will bo kopt in much tho samo way as that to bo proparod by tho rood administration und will bo a chock ou thoso who decline to subscribe UESTIOII ISSUES VARY IU L PLENTIFUL ARRAY OF CANDIDATES Kvrrythlntc From Ilono Dry to Win tlio War LltI In Gubernator ial Platform Prlmnrim Will bo Llvn SALEM, Mar. 14. (Spoclal to Tho Bullotln) It Is interesting to noto what Issues tho various gubernator ial candidates aro bringing up as political cuds tor tho proletariat to chow over prior to tho primaries. With tho probablo array of can didates for the governorship now complete tho peoplo aro in a position to dctormlno Just what issues aro being bulldcd for them in this cam paign and they aro somowhat varied, as an analysis will Indicate. Dr. J. E. Andorson of Tho Dalles, tho first to filo his official declara tion for executive honors, lays em phasis on tho "bono dry" feature. "Doc" Anderson, as ho Is familiarly called by his colleagues, (but It in nowhero recorded that ho llkos tho appellation), Introduced both ot tho dry bills In the legislature, that ot 1913 and 1D1C, and he has rccchel a point 'where he Is consldorcd a reg ular Delphian oraclo on the subject ot combatting tho Domon Rum. lie Incidentally mentions aid In winning the war and the development ot Ore gon, but it Is no closed secret that tho physician of Tho Dalles -will de pend largely upon tho bone dry el ement for his support. It is also whispered that he Is expecting a goodly share ot the 8Q00 or 9000 registered prohibitionists to switch, ovor with their registration Into tho Grand Old Party and aid their sturdy standard 'bearer in "his present fight. It is pointed out that some of thorn might do this as prohibition is no longer considered a real issue In Oregon and as a result thoro seems but UUlo roason for maintaining a real prohibition party hero longor. Win tlio War Policy Governor Wlthycombe will go bo foro the peoplo largely on an Issuo ot winning tho war, and his follow ing will lay particular stress on tho manifold activities of tho Governor In that direction since the war start ed. Thoy point out that the Gover nor leaped into the breach from tho tlmo ot tho declaration by tho Presi dent and has been busy on war alms and war issues ovor slnco. Thoy see in his advocacy of patriotic motives and patriotic Issues a splondld op portunity for tho exccutlvo to suc ceed himself. Don Olcott has tho laconic slogan "Business' printed on his cards and it is considered a very Olcottesquo stylo ot slogan. Ills followers ad vance the theory that whllo tholr champion Is as patriotic as any ot the candidates that ono ot tho best ways to show patriotism Is by economy in statu government and that will ha tho lino largely followed by Mm and his friends In making their present campaign to elevate tho secretary ot Btato to tho governor's chair. Highway In Standby Gus Mosor Is rdlylng on his splen did personality In buttonholing vot ers by and large, but so far tho main lssuo ho has devolopcd in his cam paign has lioen a steady Borloa ot slaps at tho Stato Highway Commis sion. Tho friends of Gus havo it fig ured out to a mathmotlcal cortaluty that by this plan ot attack thoy can como homo wlh the "bacon. Thoy figure Qua Is tho nco card In tho Multnomah County dock and will havo tho winning hand In tho yoto thoro. Thla ho did four yoars ago, but it la also pointed out by others, who are not so friendly to Gus, that at that time tho wets had a strong organization In that county and thoy throw It to 'tholr home town aspir ant. That organization la now scat tered to tho winds, but on tho otl)or hand tho frlonds of Gus say 'that he will command a solid labor vote. If ho can command a solid labor vote It -Is something that has nevor boon commanded before, "and thoso who aro woatherwlaa say that it Is some thing that sever will be accomplished. Labor la like thp wlRd-Jt hjeh (Continued on Page 4.)