TAOK BKVKV rlryi-.i -. it FEBRUARY RECORDS ARE HERE IIKNI) DUIiliKTIN, IJKNJ), OltKOON, TIIl'ltHDAY, J'HHIUJAItV It, HUH NEW SPRING GOODS are on the way from New York All the little odd lots and Winter Garment! must he Hold out before the new goods arrive. Batteen Petticoats, extra quality, black and colors, sold elsewhere at $1.50 and f OC $1.75, Our Price l Black Satleen Bloomers, heavy mercerized Sat teen ; sizes 4 to l years, C f qpi.vfai. tJvJC You'll find at this store something new every day. Drop in any day and we will treat you right. New Silk Petticoats f V,' 1 P. y- V i ft COME IN AND HEAR ALL THE LATEST RECORDS VICTROLAS $20 to $110.00 EASY PAYMENTS Reed & Horton 'Vlilli t Limited number of Ladies' Suits and Children's Coats at Less than Manufacturers' Cost. The Peoples Store Cic Store That Sells For Lets New Silk Flounce Petticoats, wear- 1 Priced at $2.50 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wmliiumluy'ii Dully.) Hlgurd KollfBoii went to I'rliiuvllln today. John .Minder In hero from Portland . lookltiK over limit. """ " V, U. Ilayloy, of I'urtluiiil, lit a vlnttor In town on government lunil IiiisIimmii. George S. I'oarco, editor of tliu Mmlrnii Pioneer, In n business visitor In town today. J, I-'. Short nml two noun wero In yitntitnlny from Opal City, ruturnlni: homo last night. YnHtarilny a hoy won horn to Mr. ami Mm. Joo Petreuovlch. Tho Imhy In thnlr (IMIi chllil. Mr. anil Mm. K. V. Houghton, of Croncftiit, camo through llend today hnfortt going to Thu DiJIcn to vlilt, Miss Hollo Green will npcnil thren week In Tho DnllMi visiting her In to r. Shu wont north thli morning. J, 1 1 Ilium, of Heattle, who has born hnro on business connected with tho lumber Industry, wont to I'ortlund today. J K .Terrell, who him been hnro from Hiilitin lookliiK for u locution for ft carpenter shop, returned today, Mo inuy return In thu spring. V. O. Htoelo mid family loft thin morning for l.owlston, Iduho, where they will Hiittln down on u furm. Thoy caiiiii hunt two mouths uko from Vir ginia. Mr. and Mm. Dale llarker and son, John, tiro on their way to thulr old homii at Hiiiidon. 'I'liny lived In thin city eight ynam, comlni; In I'JIZ from Coon county. Mm, A. It. Davis, of Prlnnvllln, roluriKtl homo today after passing thrno weeks with hor parents, Mr. and Mm. K. I). Coy hit. Hor small non wun with hnr. Tho meeting for tho formation of u poultry association, planned fy tonlKht, hu been 'postponed uml will Imi hold next wciik, Thurnday, Fobru ary 21, In tho council room. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Mm. M. Taylor Is In Tho Dalle. F. K. Htudnhukor, of Itudmond, wan In town today. Alliort Mohlur and family, of Iti'd-I mond, spent tho day In town. Minn Margaret Thomiinou returned from lluriin yesterday evening. C'lydo McKay returned thin morn Iiik from a business trip to Portland. Mm. M. W. Knlckorliockur wan u vlnltor In Homl, from Slntom, yester duy. C. J. Btnuffor rnino In from Btauf for yesterday and went on to Prlno vlllo today. Mm. A, J. RlaiiKhtcr In In Metollus, whero iilio will ho tho guest of her sister a week. Mm. W. C. Illrdnall In liack from Ilrltlnh Columbia, whuru nho went on a pleasure trip. Mr. and Mm. J. M. Ilttdnon arc moving to Portland. They camo to Ilenil lout Juno. Mm. C. L. Warner wan a passen ger to Thu Dalles today. Shu had been hero on a vlnlt. M. K. Martin wan in from Glut yes turdny arranging for hli public sale, to bo hold Fobruary 20. J, l. Turrell, of Portland, and J. I.. Rchad, of Salom, wore In town yes turday and havo Kono on to II u run. Mm. Mabel Kllno and nmall son, of Iti'dmond, wero in town yesterday on business, returning houiU' thin morning. Mr. and Mm. A. A. (Jllmoro, of Mllllcan, went to Iika today, taklnic with them Mm. I.ovo, who will tench school there, and her son. - X V Are You Ready -FOR SPRING? It's coming, for the robins tux here ! Spring cleaning is at hand and you will want your old furniture repaired and .some new pieces to make the house spie autl .span. Investigate our Easy Payment Plan. Come In- WE HAVE THE GOODS -See Us First Minn Inez Anderson, who lion been staying with hor sister, Mrs. W. C Dlrdnnll, loft last night for Portland. She will attend school In that city. Mrs. I.una Savaco camo In from Itlloy yenterday and went on to Wa tn Ic on thn morning train. Sho has been spending tho winter at the for ni er placo. An automobile party composed of Airy Fos, of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs Mootn, J. F. Foss and James Foss, all from Terrebonne, pasBcd yester day In Ilenil, II. F. Illfe, who has been hero from Shclton, North Dakota since Sunday looking over his property, left for Portland thin morning. Ho will go cant again nhorlly. The Ladles' Aid of the First Scan dinavian Lutheran church will meet Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at Mrs. U. Ferrell's homo at tho corner of Haw thorne and Harrlman streets. ,,. -W, M. Cayton, of Hedmond, has Just had a letter from hln son, Itoy, now somewhere In France, saying that hu Is welt. He enlisted last spring with the quartermaster's corps. The meeting of the Parcnt-Toach- jors' association, which was postponed f.nm Inal h.aaI. ...Ill t. . &.!.. . v.... ...Hi nt-.R, s in uu iiem tomor row night In tho high school. All parents of students are especially In vited to ottend. L. L. Orr, of this city has Just re ceived word from ono of his sons, Luther, stating that at the time of writing ho was about to leavo an At lantic Iiort. Annfhnr inn u-hn Inlnn.l ''ilia navy with his brother last spring. left a Pacific port In December. New Silk Waists QurJ'New Silk Waists are here-the quality kind Priced from $3.50 up 95c KNITTING YARNS95e The bt quality knitting yarn. 4-ox. hank, special at 95c. Knitting Needle. 14-inch celluloid, each 25c. Spring Dress Materials We have received a beautiful collect ion of new patterns in 36-inch spring dress materials Per Yard 75c g Hurry in today and be fitted to that new pair of Queen Quality Shoes STOP AND SHOP AT Where Everybody 'Craia The Dining Room Chairs $2.15 up Tables $12.00 up Buffets $22.50 up SPECIAL! Sanitary Couches.... $7.50 Davenport $10.50 Dining Suites ..$31.75 and up. The Bed Room Bedsteads $8.00 up Dressers $13.00 up Chiffon iers..$15.00 up SPECIAL! for the kids. High chairs $2.25 Iron cribs $7.50 Kid's rockers $1.75 SPECIAL! Ivory Bed Room Suite 5 pieces $59.50 Just what you want. The Parlor Axm'ster Rugs $32.50 Brussels Rugs ..$21.00 Grass Rugs . ...$11.00 The'Kitchen Charter Oak Ranges, the Old Reliable, Special, at $69.50 Your Credit Is Good. SPECIAL! Library Tables ..$8.00 Chiffoniers $15.00 Linoleum, per yard.. 75c and up SPECIAL! The "Treasure" Kit chen Cabinet Re member the wife ! Only $14.50 (From Monday's Dally.) h. I). Low siient tho day In Dos chiitos. Dan IIoIhIiir was In from Matollus Saturday. MIim I)aly Cartor Is visiting In I'rlnavlllo. J. II. lloyliurn passed tho day In Tho Hallos. Goods New and 2nd HandlVe Buy Your Old Furniture -' BRING US Your 'Pictures and have . 'them FRAMEp. THE Standard Furniture COMPANY fletf lofljc liberty Theatre. BEN.D, OREGON WE WILL Repair Your Old Furniture SEE US 1 J. HurrliiKton, of Opal Qlty, was In town ovor night. Mrs. W. It. Lawson, of Hedmond, wH'b visiting In town todny. H. C. Schutnarlior and W. N, Drown woro In town Saturday from Hed mond. J. I.. Walton Is hack In llond artor n aix weeks trip to Portland for his health. Mrs. O. A. Thorson. who has bje-i seriously 111 recently, Is much Im proved. Mrs. Carl Johnson Is In Portland, whom sho will spend u couplo of months. Miss Mnbol Grant spent Sunday at her homo In I.amouta, returning this morning. J. W, Scott Is hack on his ranch at Deschutes after belag hero over the week-end. Mrs, Ueorgo Oolilon camo In this morning from Hedmond to spend tho day In Ilenil. . J. 11. lloyliurn Is nwny on n short trip to Spokano. Ho left on this morning's train. M. Wayno Chnso and J. I), dates woro in from Hedmond today on school business. Miss Eleanor Whltmoro, who has boon passing a week In Portland, ro turnod this morning. A. n, Colo, representative of tho Underwood Typewriter Company, Is In town for u fow days. J. II. Harris and A. II. Harris aro in from Homstod and will work hero tho romnludor of tho winter. John Morol! has gono to Portland to remain thoro pormanontly. Ho has been In Uend the past six months. Miss Grace Klggs, of Hedmond, vlsltod Miss Mary Fryrear In nond Sunday and returned to her homo this morning. Mrs. K. D. Adams camo up Satur day from HMlmond to visit her bis ter Mrs. K. H. Kdmonds. Sho went back this morning. Julius Opperman and family art' new arrivals In llond and will make their homo here. They camo In from Spokano yestorday. Xiiw Is tho Time to Ho Carvful. Avoid Imitations or substitutes, got the genuine Foloy's Honey and Tari and you have a cough medicine you can depend upon. It gives prompt rellof, clears throat, loosens phlegm, '. soothes, heals. Checks coughs, colds, I whooping cough, la grippe, bronchial coughs. Contains no opiates. Sold everywhere. Adv. Who Is Plercy & Sons, Tutnalo? Adv,9i -I DR. TURNER Eye Special ist of Portland will be in Bend again Tuesday and Wednesday February 215 and 27, at Thornsen's Jewelry Store Consult Him ARNER BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER s Economize on These Buy Them Here 11.00 WILL HE GIVl'N to each of kv crul fchuolboya who will deliver coplr of tho CurtU jiubllcatlunt to cmtomera. Only kchoolboyii clean, irentleraanly ami ambltloiu nml apply. The 11.09 U In addition to liberal cuh proflU and many other advantage. Apply ta 1IBNJAMIN GAltSKE. Chinaware Crockery Glassware Silverware Tinware Enameldware Kitchenware Cutlery Remember we Specialize at these Prices, 5c-10c-15c-25c m J$3i&ii.-,.""-rT t.'lf