TAGH TWO HRND nUTJiKlIN, DKND, OltKflON, THUHKUAY, FKUHlfAUV 11, IDIfl la Central Oregon Neighborhood News , GIVE QUILTING BEE AT POWELL BUTTE Mrs. Carl MuiuK-t Hostess Sewing .Machine Secured For lied Crwvi Workers. (Special to The llullotln.) FOWKUli JUJTTH. Fob. 5. Mrs. Carl I.lnqulst gavo a quilting boo at tho Communltr Hall on Thursday af ternoon. Dainty refreshments wore served and a very cnjoyablo afternoon spent. Wallace Smith and family moved on tho Will Wurxwoller 40 acres, west of tho J. A. Itlgga ranch, last week. .Mrs. S. D. Mustard brought a sow ing machine from Prlnovlllo last week to be uscl In tho Kcd Cross work. Mrs. Carl Llnqulst left for Van couver on Saturday to remain with Mrs. O. Hhodo for some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. X Hall roado a trip to their ranch on tho Ochoco, abovo Prlnovlllo, Tuesday of last week. Mr. and -Mrs. Boss Dussctt enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Heaves Will coxen .for dinner Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flint left for Wichita. Kansas, Friday morning, whoro Mrs. Flint was called, owing to tho serious lllnoss of her mother. Lloyd and Rosa Bussett were In Prlnevlllo on Friday. Tho Red Cross workers met with iMrs. Hugh Stewart on Friday, 11 ladles being prcsont. Miss Ruth Foster's illness Is much Improved tho past week. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Warner were business visitors In Ucnd Saturday afternoon, returning with a new Max well, which Mr. Warner purchased while there. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Overturf and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, of Dend, autoed through this (section Sunday. Al. McCoy spent Friday and Sat urday of last week In Rend. Mrs. John Harper and family spent bunday with Mrs. Harpers sister, Mrs. John Rrown, and family. CLUB ENTERTAINS AT LARGE SOCIAL AFFAIR O. D. O. Meeting at Cliulfan Homo nt Plaint lew Well Attended Xeu Soslou With Mrs. Clark. (Special to The Bulletin.) PLAINVIBW, Feb. 5. Last Sat urday, Howard Hartley took his cat tle across tho river on a ranch near Deschutes, where he will feed them for several weeks. Lloyd Powers passed tho examina tion for military service and Is look ing for his call to the training camp to come soon. About 50 neighbors and friends at tended the social evening of the O. I). O. club held at the Chalfan home last Friday night. Games of cards were enjoyed, besides a short pro gram given by tho ladles. One of the cleverest numbers was an original poem on "Men," by Mrs. Pulllam. Delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Do Armond and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bennett and fam ily were guests present from Rend. The next meeting of tho O. D. O. club will bo held on Thursday after noon, February 14, with Mrs. Clark. Tho ladles aro requested to como as early as possible and bring their scis sors and thimbles. Mrs. Alex Levorenz was on the sick Sty v,T 3nfB&R5BKiIZr!,'--3iisWr jjB9ll'l '2f 8 It' 'IIHyIb Central Oregon Bank BEND, OREGON OFFICERS: D. E. HUNTER, President CARLETON IJ. HWIFT, Vice-President E. P. MAIIAFFEV, Vlco-Prcaldent, II. SI. STEPHENS, Cashier DIHECTORH: D. E. Hunter W. L. O'Donnell Carleton B. Swift E. P. Muhnffey II. M. Stephens Every facility for accommodating the interests of Central Oregon - list two days last week. Paul Scoggln nnd Andrew Arm strong wero business callers In Iloiul on Monday. W. D. Knrn, of Fossil, spent two days In Plnlnvlow last week. Mr. nud Mrs. H. H. Do Armond worn dinner guests at tho J. A. W. Scoggln ranch last Friday evening. Hubert Scoggln was called to Rend last Thursday as a witness in tho Squaw Creek-Snow Creek irrigation ditch hearing. Mrs. Lousotta Pulllam spent tho week end nt tho Hartley ranch. F. W. Lovorenz and family nt tended tho meeting of the Plnohurst Improvement club Saturdny evening and stayed all night with Mrs. Nich ols. Marlon Ward has been sick the past week with a llghjt attack of np- pondlcltlcs. Mrs. Weaver was tho guest of Mrs. Grovor Pulllam Saturday night and Sunday. Word has been received from Miss Hollowcll, Mrs. Hartley's sister, who is a Red Cross nurse in California, that she has had a very serious at tack of lung trouble The cause was over-oxposurc when tho camp tents I were blown down in a severe dust storm and tho occupants were nearly smothered by the blowing sand. Mr. Fnwcott. F. G. Powers and II. A. Scoggln wero business callers in Redmond last week. Jim Pulllam and Ray Armstrong attended tho club dance In Tumalo Saturday evening. tMr. and Mrs. Alex Levorenz and Lillian spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Pulllam. Wm. Rrlnk, from near Hampton Ruttc, has moved into tho J. E. Mills house. A fairly good-sized audtenco heard Rev. McVlcker preach at tho Plain vlow school houso Sunday afternoon. Rev. McVlcker Is a visiting pastor to tho Redmond charge since the resig nation of Rev. Ulalr. Mrs. R. L. Scoggln, Miss Ndllo and Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Scoggln were guests at tho Armstrong homo on Sunday. Andrew and Ray Armstrong sold their steers to Aldrlch, of Clovordalc, last week. For farm land loass sco J. & Co. Adv. Ryan FORMER BEND BOY . SENDS ORIGINAL POEM Thomas F. Flap;, Now In the Xuty, Writes Versos to Friend Veur This City. (Special to Tho Bulletin) DKND R. F. D. NO. 1.. Fob. C. Thomas F. Flags, a former Rend high school boy who Joined the navy and Is on the U. S. Battleship Fred crick, in Now York harbor, sends tho following original poem to a friend In this locality: Just n Sailor. I am only n sailor after all, I Just enlisted at my country's call; But my heart's as good as any man's, ' And I'll do my duty tho best I can. Sometimes I a bit lonely got, Away from my friends I know, and yet I nm sure called to "do duty here," To fight for right without a fear. I carao from tho best that America gives, From tho land wherein righteousness lives; - 1'vo taken tho vow of nlloglnnco true, And bollovo mo, I'll soo "the whole gnnio through." Aftor tho war Is over, I'll go homo, No nioro this sad world to roam. Thus I write to tho friends I loft behind, Who havo always treated mo so kind, Thos. F. Flngg. FEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR CLOSED SCHOOL Scarlet Inn Chaos In Two Knmllles nt Chuerdnlo Hod froNs Meet ings Postpone!. (Special to Thn llullotln.) CI.OVEIIDALE. Or., Feb. 8.- Tho Heard nud Kuinwnlt children havo scarlet fovor, but In n very light form. School was closed lust Wed nesday so tho school house could lit) thoroughly fumigated. Tho ontlro school was exposed, but thero havo been no other cases learned of so fur. Dean Van Mntre, Idelln Miller and Voruo Skelton attended tho dance at Tumalo Saturday night. Thoro was no Council Club Friday, on account of scarlet fever. Llltlo Evelyn Kllno tins been on the sick list. Gus Sliidlg, of Lower Bridge, brought 40 head of beet steers up to C. K. Hesse hist week. Mr. Hisso Is going to fatten them tor Mr. Stn dig. Dan Forren made a trip to Bond Monday to take tho military exam ination. Dean Van Mntro took n cow to Redmond for E. E. Hosso Saturday. U.K. Kllno mndu a trip to Sisters Monday. Thero was no meeting of tho Red Cross last week, and thero will bo none this week, on account of scar let fovor. J. K Aldrlch bought eight head of beef steers from H. K. Hosso last Friday. Fred Van Matro was In Clovordalc last Friday. John Gottor returned homo from Portland a fow days ago. Georgo Cyrus and boys made a trip to Sisters last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fryrcar, Mrs. Goorge Cyrus and Tom Arnold mo tored to Bend last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Johnson re turned homo from Tho Dalles Tues day, whore Mrs. Johnson hus been in tho hospital for tho past six weeks. Mrs. Johnson Is reported Improving. Miss Agnes Allen is still taking caro of her small baby. HIGH WINDS DO MUCH DAMAGE AT STAUFFER (Special to Tho Bulletin.) STAUFFER. Feb. 9. Mrs. Juddy Hasch was visiting In Surprise valley Tuesday and Wednesday. T. L. Cowan went out to Bend last Tuesday, to bo gone about n month. B. F. Kasspohl made a trip to Sur prise valley Monday. A hard wind visited the valley on Monday night, tearing lC-foot boards from J. H. Hasslor's barn and carry ing them a dlstanco or SO yards. It was ono of tho hardest winds ever known to strike this valley, say old tlmors. Mrs. Bradley, of Wagontlro, was In tho valley Thursday. Soo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loans. Adv. NEW TEACHER IS NOW AT WEST END SCHOOL Clashes Itcoponod For .Mllllcuii Chil dren .Mr. Hiihburil Will Ho Instructor For Vcnr. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) MILLICAN, Fob. 9. J. Alton Thompson, superintendent of schools, brought out Mrs. Hubbard on Monday to teach our Wct End school, which again began classes Tuesday. Mrs. Hubbard and little daughter aro now hoarding at tho Wm Ream home. Mrs. Ream Is cnrlnjr for tho little glrl during her mother's nbsenre. Mr. Thompson also mado a business trip to tho Grlnstcad school house. Charles Groffenbcrger Is busy hauling water this wcok. Wm. Rahn wont to Portland Fri day, to improve his health, which Is very poorly. Mrs. J. J. Holland wns n caller at the R, R. Keller homo Friday. Mrs. U. II Keller and noil, Harold, wero visitors at her parents' homo Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri day. Tho danco at tho Dennis storo wns well attended Saturday. Another will ho given Fobruary 10 Instead of tho 14th, as formerly mentioned. I. eo Tauschor came out with Alex Feeal and brother Saturday, to visit with his parents. Leo Keller came out with Bill Spencer Saturday to visit with his family. l,eo Tauschor and I.oo Keller ro-1 turned to Bend with Alex Fecal and brother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beam and their daughter, Florence, wero Sundny din ner guests at tho (eo Cook homo. Leo Keller called to tho It, II. Keller place Sunday. Win. Todd called on tho Hollands w- STOP! Anil Invextlgute our price before buying your groceries. We can havo you money. P.B.Johnson's Sunday morning. J. J, Holland and wife worn Hun day dinner guosts nt tho R. R, Keller homo. Mary and Jnsoph Holland nud Wal ter nud Roy Kollor plnyud at tho A. D. Norton homo Sunday. Win. Todd was a timidity nflurnonn caller nt thn A. 1). Norton homo, Mr. mid Mis. I, L. Owen nud daughter, Chnrlottn, wore cullers nt tho P, II, Johnson homo Monday. J. Alton ThnmpBoii culled at thn R. R. Keller homo Monday. Win. Todd wns a Sunday ovoiiIiik visitor at tho R. R. Kollor homo. P. B. Johnson mode n hunliiess trip to Bond on Monday mid on Thurs day. Win. Todd wns at tho Sloan rnncli Monday, 11. Moore was a dinner guest nt the P. 11. Johnson homo Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Norton and threo children wero nil-day visitors at tho L, (Hess homo Tuesday. Lylo Caldwell Is staying with his fattier and attending school. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Orlnsteud and small son visited with her parents near Bend, Tuesdny. Win. Todd returned to his homo stead Friday, nfter having been In Spokane, Seattle. Tnconiu, Portland. Tho Dalle nud Bend. Ho routed nil his Bend property for tho coming your mid Intends to rebuild his houso hero mid slay on his ho men lead. Mrs. F. Tnuschiir and daughter, Mrs. L. B. Keller and grandson, Har old Kollor, wore Tuesday visitors at tho J. J. Holland home. Alex Fecal jtnd wife mndo u trip to Bend on Tuesday, returning the sumo day. Mary Holland visited with the It. R. KillersTuesdny evening. R. R. Keller finished hauling wood Tuesday. Mrs. It. It. Keller visited with Mrs. J. J Holland Wednesday afternoon. Wm. Todd cnlled al tho Sloan nnd Holland places Wednesday. Tho pupils that took the eighth grade examinations did nut pass In tho required number of studies Mrs. II. G. Caldwell Is III, nt Bend. CLOVERDALE RANCHER PURCHASES NEW FORD Council Cltih Hum Program Next .Mot-ting to Ih On February 15 Mnny Attend. (Special to Tho llullotln.) CI.OVEIIDALE, Fob. 12. H. O. Wilson made n trip to Bond Thurs day mid purchased n Ford runabout. It. J. Skelton had tho misfortune to loso n milk cow Sunday. Guy Dnhson, of Redmond, wns looking nfter his cnttlo which E. E, Hcssn Is feeding for him, Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Van Matro went to Bend Sunday to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. I.. A. Brnndrnburgh. Thn Council club meeting Friday wns the first In thrco weeks. Another will be hold Friday. February 15. Mr. Buckley and Mr. Bodlfelt, of Redmond, met somo of the farmers last Thursday to talk about Improv ing roads between Sisters mid Red mond. Severn! of tho farmers attended tho Htockmen's association annunl meeting Saturday at Sisters John Dobbin, Geo Cyrus and II, C. Miller worked on thn addition to tho school houso Saturday. Tho Council club was largely at tended by Sisters poopln Frldny ev ening, nmong them being Mr mid Mrs. C. Gist, Mrs. Bertha Taylor, Van Wilson. Pete Allen, Karl Miller. Ada Taylor, Lynn Wilson, Fred Van Ma tro, Jock damns and Elba Taylor. Mr Johnson begun working for E. E. Hesso Monday. Messrs. Buckley, Irvine, Roberts and Miller, of Redmond, mat with tho Council club Friday night and talked about the Redmond-Sisters road. Tho Council club program was as follows: Reading, by Paul Mat thows; song, by Eighth Grade girls; dlalougc, by Mrs, Burnsldo nnd Irvlu Barberry; Instrumental music, by Mr. mid Mrs, Ray Abboy; "Tuttler," by Ray Abbey. OFFICERS ELECTED AT SISTERS MEETING Mtt'Mork Association I)Iciihm'n Prob lems of Grazing .Many Attend Gathering 1m1 Kutillday. (Special to Tho llullotln.) 8I8TER8, Fob. 11. For tho pur pose of arranging tho distribution of tho national forest range nnd electing office tho SIstors'MetolliiH Live stock usHoclntlon hold n meeting In Alton's hall Saturday I,. E. McDan lels, of tho district grazing office at Portland, gavn a tnlk to tho memberH, compllmontlng -them on their good work and urging all stockmen to Join tho association. Ho said that forest rangers should be bucked by tho Htnckmun, who In turn should pay their share for salt for the cattle. Tho following officers wore elected for tho ensuing year: President, B. I.. Tono: vlco-nresl- float. Mux Wtirzwellor, of Mutollus; secretary, Joo Howard, treasurer, tho cashier of tho First National Bank, nnd Mr. OroBzkrougnr was elected on BRICK vs. BRICK BUILDINQS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE PUBLIC Beginning promptly at 1 0 o'clock a. m., the property listed below will be offered at public sale without reserve, at The Old Gist Place seven miles southeast of Sisters, and one half mile northwest of Plainview school house, on Sisters-Bend road Monday, Feb. 18, 1918 1 STEEL FARM TRUCK, I HACK, HARROW, FLOW, 1 OVERLAND ROAD- STER AUTO, Good as new. 1 TWO-WHEEL TRAILER, Fine order. HOUSEHULD GOODS of all kinds, 1 STEEL RANGE, 2 HEATERS, 2 BEDS, one brass CHAIRS, DISHES, and many articles of spec ial interest to the ladies. Free Lunch at noonbring your coffee cups TERMS OF SALE: All Over $10, six months time at 10 per cent interest on hank nhle paper, or JJ per cent discount for cash. MARION E. MARTIN, Owner "Pinkey" Rennolds, Auctioneer C. H. Miller, CIcrki thn advisory board from tho Lower Bridge nectlon, Mr Knickerbocker from tho Thrcn Creek section, mid Mr. Edglngtnn from Trout Creek and Sijuaw Creek sections Tho financial condition of thn as sociation was ii ron on need In good condition, thero being SCO In the treasury, A meeting of thn advisory board Is to be held the first Saturday of each month to receive complaints A POTATOES ! We are in the market nt all times to buy No. 1 stock. What have you to .sell? Call and see us. CARL WODECKI Located in United Warehouse, Hend, Oregon WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR RABBIT SKINS E. E. VARCO BROTHERS C. II. BISHOP. 1130 Klmj.ton Ave., Dnil OTHER BUILDINGS OTHER BUILDINQS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 SALE! h SADDLE HORSE, 7 years, wt. 1150 puounds. PERCHERON MARE, 1 yrs., wt. 1000 pounds. RERGISTERED PERCH ERON STALLION, 7 yrs., KiOO pounds, in fine condition for work onjfcer- vice. PONY COLT, .'$ yrs. (Proceeds of sitlc will he given Red Cross.) ',1 BROOD SOWS, Due to farrow in April. 9 SHOATS, 2 SETS FARM HARNESS, .sums of 10 and under. cash. special session hus been callerf fom March (I for the purpose of dlscusslmc applications for grazing privileges on thn forest reserve March 18 bus alio been sent for another special mooting i Among other business taken up hah the petition circulated by Mr Tone, who tried to get enough signers to lease laud on the slough, but failed (Continued on Page C.) til -r- t . tn c IC tl Build With BRICKI BEND BRICK & LUMBER COS MUllcaii, Ore. Telephone 1 Ci C9fc rffi &