PAOK TWKfiVK IIKND nUIJiKttN, ND, ORBflON, TJ1URHDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918 STCKJK ASSOCIATION WILL MEET FRIDAY Jtnnchcra Fnim Upper Deschutes to Dlscii Problems of ("at Ho Ruhro WMIi Forest Officials. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Friday aftornoon at 1 o'clock tlio "Uppor Deschutes Livestock associa tion will hold Its annual mooting In 4ho forest sorvlco office. Supervis ors Jncobson anil Vincent and L. E. McDanlols, ot Portland, will prcsldo over the session, which will bo sim ilar to those hold at Sisters and Fort Hock the past week. Questions ro- Knrding the oattlo rango will bo tak en up. Among those expected In to the meeting, who will take nctlvo part In the discussion are M. S. Maytlold, Crescent; It. 13. Orimes, Pilot Ilutto district; S. S. Stearns, I'rlnovlllo; AValt McColn, Culrur; T. W. and C. C. Vandovcrt, uppor Deschutes; N. S. McColn, Culver, Cecil Stearns, Prlnc vlllo, and Loland Casey, Prlnovlllo. years ago. Mr. Winters was living In Montcsano, Washington, whoro ho bolougod to the .volunteer tiro de partment. On his wny to a flro on February 0 tho nuto ho wan riding In crashed Into a bnuk building ami was wrecked. Its flvo occupants wore Injured, Mr. Winters later succumb-1 lug from tho effects of a broken leg i and Internal Injuries. Ho was the senior member ol tho firm of Win ters Druthers and had a homestead , near Crescent. BENNETT-COOPER CO. PURCHASES GROCERY MAN FROM SISTERS SECURES DISCHARGE .Aubrey JK. Perry Will Return From Camp Lewis Exemption Be cause of Dependents. (From Thursday's Dally.) Word has becu received from Camp l.owls ot tho dlschargo ot Aubrey E. Perry, ot Sisters, becauso ot tho fact that ho Is married. Ho was water master ot tho Squaw Creek district and claimed exemption on agricul tural grounds but made no claim bo causo of having dependents. Tho ag ricultural claim was denied and ho "went to camp with tho other dratted men from this soction but will now lio returned to his home. With tho report of Mr. Perry's dis charge comes a request that another man bo sent but, according to the local board, two moro men than tho county quota have already been sent and so no moro will go. Tho next Jn turn Is A. W. Spears, now In Portland. CAN HAVE NO FUNDS FOR HIGHWAY WORK .Members of County Court Return From Conference With State Highway Commission. (From Thursday's Dally.) Iteturnlug-thls morning from Port land where they had been In consul tation with tho State Highway Com mission, tho members ot tho Des chutes county court report that no lunds will bo available from the com mission for highway construction this year or until the commission Is ble to sell Jts bonds. Deschutes 'county is not alone In this, no meney "bolns available tor any part ot the stato. Now regulations ot tho Foderal Re servo Dank concerning tho salo ot new bond Issues, which make It Im possible for the state to place Its securities at tho present time, are tho reason for the situation. Whenever uny money Is avallablo It Is under stood jhat Deschutes county will be one of tho first to recelvo additional .aid. A. If. WINTL'RS DIES. (From Monday's Dally.) "Word has reached here of the death ot A. Howard Winters, aged 37, well known In Dend about two Itrn l KoM'tiinn, Former Owner,; 1a'uos City Store to lie Op " enitctl On lnih lluM. (From Wodnosday's Daily.) Early this woek tho Uennott-Coop- or Company completed tho purchhso ; of tho Union Orocery, formerly owned J by Hen F. Itosomnn, and Is now op- ernttng tno store, witu mo cnango ot management, a strict policy of cur tailing expenses Is to bo carried out, In tho hope that by doing so custom ers may bo benefited by lower prices. For this reason Tiuslness will bo on n strictly cash basts and other changes will bo mado, as advocated In tho letter sent by tho government to all tho rotall grocors. Tho storo will carry a complota stock and will bo run practically In dependent of tho Dennett-Cooper es tablishment In the Prlnglo block. Two clerks will have chargo ot tho place. Mr. Roseman canio hero lato last summer and oponcd a grocory on Ore gon street, later moving Into tho old Dond Theatre, which was remodeled for him. Ho Intended staying hero merely until ho had recuperated his health, which had been broken down whllo he was engaged In tho medical practice. Ho was a very prominent surgeon in the cast and has -gone back to Lewiston, Idaho, to re-enter this profession. H. C. OLIVER HERE TO FILL VACANCY Replaces S. L. WlgRlns ns O.-W. R. unri X. Trmcllnfj Freight and Passenger Agent. (From Thursday's Dally.) While temporarily filling the place of S. L. Wiggins, formerly traveling freight and passenger agent for tho O.-W. R. & N. Company, H. C. Oli ver, of Portland, is making his head quarters in Bend. Mr. Wiggins left last Saturday tor Washington. D. C. to bo connected with the traffic de partment of tho war board. Mr. Oliver will be assisted by W. H. Hicks, of Portland, who will ar- rlvo hero somo tlmo next week. Doth men have been working on tho main lino from Portland but will now go out from Dend and covor all of tho Central Oregon torrltory until a new man can bo found to take Mr. Wig- gin's place. Mr. Oliver mado his first trip in hero 10 years ago, whon ho drove In to make a report on this ter ritory. His last visit was paid a year ago. In checking up on tho office roports tho now man has found tho business tor the past year very much Increased. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Thursday's Dally.) Judgo W.'l). Barnes Is back from a short trip to Portland. W, J. Buckley was In from Red- vjjpiy kM$tiy vj&if CJ ; T n i Your Bet"Ally--A Good Bank m (iM& $$ STANDARDS of Living need not be lowered to help Conservation, but STANDARDS of Saving must be raised a sacred, patriotic duty. The First National Bank Bend, Oregon QJM UUY A THRIFT STAMP TODAY Own Your Home Don't hold u bunch of rent receipts t. 1 I 1 czn i 1 Buying early as we did we can give you the ad vantage of some close prices on your building material bill. SEE OUR. WINDOW DISPLAY OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE Bend Hardware Co, HAVE YOU FUltt'HASKl)" THRIFT STAMPS? a And the next day you will go back i - -.-- , to McBride's because the Lunches served there are served just right. McBride's Confectionery Oregon Street Phone Red 1751 O'Kane Bldtf. mond on business with tho county clerk yesterday. Mrs. Phil Smith camo In from Tho Dalles this morning. Sho will mako her homo at Tumalo. Sir. and Mrs. A. J. Tucker bocamo tho parents of a little girl, born Mon day at their homo on Hawthorne avenue. Mrs. Archlo McGowan. who visited hero a short timo, Is now back In Burns 'and will remain thoro Indefi nitely. .,) , Ml ' "II classified advertisements him sale. FOR SALE Purobrcd Mammoth Bronzo turkey toms. J. E. Warner. Powoll Butto. Ore. S9-G0,lp FOR SALE OR TRADE A North Dakota farm for Bend property. Ad dross Box 579, Bond. 45-48,9,G0p FOR SALE NV SW'i Sec. 27, Tp. 17, S. R. 12. containing 30 aoros. moro or less, lying northeast of Bond and within a mllo and a half of tho center of the city. Terras, cash. Mako mo an offor. J. F. Bean, Court llp,use, Cincinnati, Ohio. 21-47tfe TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 120 acres near Marcola, Orogon, partly improved, 7 room house, 3 barns and other build ings; 1 good team, wagons nud har ness, G cows and somo young stock, to trado for alfalfa land near Bond or Rodmond, by owner. Address J. E. Ward, Marcola, Or. G9-49,r0,lp TO TRADE Flvo acres of land noar high school In Tho Dalles, Oro., for Bend property or land in Des chutes or Crook countlos, Soo F. F. Fisch, 10G3 Bond street, or addroasj V. u. uox 323, iiunu, ure. su-iauc R. L. Wallace, of Lubauou, was In Bond yesterday. Ho was horu to at tend tho funeral of his brother, who dlod recently at Paisley. Mrs. P. W. Bensley, of Portland, Is tho guest of her slstuc. Mrs. Vornon A. Forbes. Mrs. Beasley was former ly Miss Gertrude Market, ot Bond. Mr. and Mrs. I), Ilruahn, df Pundlo- Enough Bad Teeth in Bend and Country Tributary to keep GO dentists busy day and ulaht, stonily for one year. The moral Is go whllo you run, nml have )Vir tooth saved, MEFOItE YOP AHE TOO LATE. More dentists tiro being taken tuviiy each mouth, more young men are being othorwlsu occupied those troublesome limes. C'oiiHiMiuoiitly loss dentists lire bolng flnlxhtMl ivnit) 'for win K. I'rlcss of first class ma terial Is giittliw? nut of roach. A great intiiiy am putting off what could bu ilomi now- at tuoitnratn prims. Tho tlmo will soon come whon you may hnvo lo wall your turn for weeks, to gut oven an appointment with it reliable dentist. Dr. A. C. Proom, professional uiun'itgcr for Ihn KING MEM DENTIKTH, nilvlses all who contemplate having tenth attended to go NOW save your tenth while you run save your money, by starting your work while It Is pimslblo tor the dentist to give you tlmo nud attention nt tho present uiodernle prices. Vou may not hnvo such opportunities, regarding skill, time, attention and prices, long. If you do not see your way clear to patronlxn tho KING 1IEK DENTISTS, then I would advise nil to stop, think, nml look to your teeth, and go to somo good, reliable, practical, honest, conscientious and, ubovo all, mi efficient ilentlM, anil have your work attended to. With our special equipped offices mid thorough workmen, you will not have to wait or bo put off. We urn prepared to do a .groat volume of high class work at living prices If you know tho KING BEE DENTISTS can do your work best, then go to them nt once, If you do not know It, ask anyone ac quainted In Central Oregon. But If you really think wo cannot do your work anil nnvo you half the price, bcsldos, and would rather go to some private, ethical dentist, I say. my advice Is to go while you can to some dentist -DO NOT PUT IT OFF. Each of our dentists are constantly assisted by our uniformed nurses, nud our dentists give every attention to each case, Tho King lieu Dentists nro open every day and evenings now, on account of extra work, and to accoiumodatu those who are not able to come during tho day. N OFFICII OVER POST OFFICE. BI2VI, OREGON A. C. FROOM, Manager ton. passed three dnys In Bend visit ing their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Coop or. They loft last night for Port land. W. H, Hethorn was In from Horn sted yesterday on business. This was tho first trip to town he had mado 'In six months. F. P. Drake was also In with hint. Police are looking for a man re ported from Wlestorla, who Is call. Ing at houses urging pi-ople not ti vote on tho city bond lutuo at tho next election. Ho is supposed to In mentally deranged. E O. Lognu, of tho firm of Logan J & Courh, confectioners, has pur rhnsntl tho Interest of Mr. Couch. WANTED. MODERN PLOWING done by A. B. Taylor; prices reasonable. Mo Kay Ave., Mill Add., P. 0. Box 10G. 77-G0-1, 2,3.4 LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN UP-Ono bay maro, weight about 1200 branded G on left shoul der, about 10 years old. L. C. Young, G miles NE ot Bend. 88-GOp LOST Registered Durham bull, diamond brand on loft ribs, tag "AG" in ear. W. F. Fryrear, Cllno Falls. Gl-49,Glp STRAYED Young 1)Iuck colt, brandod M on loft ntlflo. Will pay all charges. Uutls Mooro. 34-48,G0p Brand Directory FRANK PERCIVALIi Mllllcnu, Oregon, 'udv.89p A Right sldo; right car crop ped; wattlo right hind log. It. h. TONE, Hlstei-H, Oro. adv.lOOc I. It, JOHNSON, Mllllcnu, Oregon, Announcement we We wish to announce that have purchased the UNION GROCERY formerly conducted by Ben F. Roseman, and conforming to the requests of the Food Administra tion we will operate this store on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS thereby giving the consumer the benefit of the savings made possi ble only by the cash system. n a BENNETT & COOPER "It Pays to Pay Cash at the Union" THRIFT STAMPS on sale at our counters ;; 4f lJ US h,Mi w' JJV. . mm MfMSlSiMlVK Mf - I1 - :tv;iw ,M MV.' iiiVii nt ii4 i