The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 14, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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vol. xv.
NO. 50
Jlmiigr TliU .Moriilnjj Hn' I In witn
IIiiHinI Oh Scot I Mi CouM Lad
rnutiliM'nl lllli School Sin-
tlmt llcliilhr IIito,
(From Wudnosdny's Dally.)
First of tli iiioii (rom llnnd to loso
lifrt llfo In tlm wnr U I'orry A. Htuvons,
who enlisted December 12 In Com
pony I), Hlxth Battalion, Twentieth
Kiiglnoors regiment unit walled on tho
Tuscutilu for Franco tlm lottor port
or January. Today doflultn word wus
Jkcolvcd liy hU midlives that ho wan
nmnttK tlm dead from thu torpodod
-vessel mid IiIm hody had been liurk'd
J on tho count of Krntland.
' Mr. flluvens wim hut 18 yours of
iigo. llu formerly mndo hi homo In
Kuderliy, II. C romltiR hnro about
two your oko to llvo with hln sister,
Mm. Prank Prlnco. llo was a stu
dent of Ilnud high school, gradual
I lie In thu rloss or Juno, 1017. Hhtirt
ly nflnr that ho wont to work In tho
officii or thn Htinvlln-lllxnn Company
an a stenographer. In thn hill hn
in nilo a trip to hi homo In Canada
v uml shortly after hln return onllsted.
Alter spending it wcok or no at Van.
:ouvor Barracks ho wan mint on to
Washington for mnburkatlnn.
'iit rriitiilni'iit-Hluihiit.
Tho lad was ono or thu munt prom
Intuit students lit tho IiIrIi nchool,
having boon track malinger, class
treasurer, u member or thu tennis
(nam, secretary or tho P.morsnnlan
Literary unduly, iiuimhur of tho inu
tile commltti'u and curtoonlnt on Thu
Pilot, llo alio belonged to thu Uund
Amateur Athlutlo Hub,
Mr. Htiivons In survived by hln rath
or. P. H. Slovens, manager of thu
Roger l.uitihor Company at Kudor
by, his mothur, Mm. Stevens, now vis
iting In Bond, two sisters, Mrs. Prank
I'rlnco anil Minn Hazel Stovons, of
thin city and ono brothur In Vaucou
vur, II. C.
Thn telegrams eotiv)lng tho miis-
wago worn rurolvml at 9:30 thin morn
ing, ono from Mr. Slovens nud an
other front (loorgo It I'rluru, or Min
neapolis. lloth had received word
direct from tho War Department. An
o.trllor messutjx comlug xhortly after
tint dlsastor from Judgo lllako. of
Now York, had lud friends nnd rela
tives hnro to bollovo that tho Hood
boy wan amoni: those rescued from
thu transport.
(Prom Tuesday'" Dally.)
Resides thu titihscrlptloiis of cosh
for (ho coiiHtructlou or tho uuw gym
tiasliim hiilldliiK thoro havo boon lin
liortunt donntloiiH or labor mndo
which havo not horotnforo boon list,
oil. This labor wan given on tho
Ktono foundntlnn work before thn
Kiiliurui cuiiiiuit nun iui, win niiiiii-n
of tho donoon nml thu amouut given
bohiK nH follows:
M, T. I'almlund, stona foro-
V man, and I.. A. McKotulo .HO. 00
P. K. Martn fl.00
1). II. Nlswonxor 0.00
Chan. Ilrlghutii C00
O. A. O'llrlon 0.00
Martin Hallmuyor 0.00
J. !. Cardon a. B0
John Adllit 3.00
T. II. IlliiKhum , 0.00
O. 1). IlnvlH (1.00
1 w i.i niiiv.wint ! no
c. o. springer ..!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!! 3.00
A. Wallor 3.00
Total ....?97.G0
(Prom Monday's Dnlly.)
4 Inaulrlos couuuriiluK tho prospoot
tor mukliiK InrRo luvoHtmontu In or
airouuil thin city uro contained In tho
correspondence of tho Comniorc.liil
club thu pant wook.. Ono man wrltos
trout Munclo, Indlunu, "I own 1100
nrroH or land In OroKon nnd want
moro thoro. AVould buy 130000
worth ot Rood farm land" wlth'tho
Idea of (luvolopltig on Idonl atook
nistatico sconiR to truly "lond on
haiitmoivt to tho vlow." A rosldont
i Abortu, In Canada, would Ilka to
wororo and a Jowolgr In Oklahoma
' anx'loua to bring hla storo wont.
Who lohl IiIh llfn mi tho TtiHrjiiilu.
Iti'Moliilloim of ('oiiilolctico Ailoptcil
lllli KiIiimiI IIdIiIm HpiH'liil
.Moitiorlal IVoKritn,
(Prom Woilnpsiliiy'ii Dally.)
Ilnnd Is In iiioiirnliu; today for Per
cy iltovotin, uown or whono dnath In
tho Tuncatila dlsanlur rrauhud hero
this mornliiK. Placs nro at hair mast
all ovor thu city and resolutions or
coniloloncu havu be on sunt (o tho fam
ily or thu dncoasod, A student body
mcotliiK was hold nt tho )t(h school
oarly this attornnou at wllvh tlrno a
special mnmorlal proxratn was xlvon.
Ilrlcf talks woro kIvoii by City Hcliool
HupiTlutondnut P. Thordarson, 1'rlu
clpal II. M. (Irant and Cnlvln Hmlth,
proslilont of tho studnnt body,
Out of runpi'ct to thu memory of
tho boy thn card party to Itara buuu
held at tho Kmbloin club on Friday
nkht has bcoii postpouud. Harrison
litliam has also called off his n?K
ular lllppodromo dance.
(Prom Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho Irrlxatlou school, to havo boon
hold In ltolmoiiil this wonk, bus boen
postponed and will bo hold Instead
next wnuk from thn 18th to tho 23rd.
All who oxpi'ct to attend nru request
ed to cnmtnunlcato with County Agri
culturalist Ward at onco.
A(3i:nts corx-rv ntA.i,.
tio.v coMPi.irri: ni'imicK in
t'HAIU.'i: OP NOItTllintN PAUT.
(Prom Momlay'H Dally.)
With thn appointment last wouk of
Doutnn (I. llurdlck to manage tho
Thrift Htump cnmpulRii In thu north
ern end of thu county tho main orga
nlzatlott for tho work was completed,
Mr. llurdlck will havu charge of Iteil
mniid, Klsters, (Mine Palls, Terre-
bonno nud Lower IlrldRO, nud will ap
point suction heads and suIIIiir agen
cies In that territory.
Through P. Thordnrsoii, who has
charge or tho local Htump distribu
tion 30 nulling agendo woro estab
lished III Uend last week, most or tho
business houses takliix Btntnps for
Halo and agreeing to push thn dis
tribution among their customers.
High record for sales during tho
wenk Is claimed 'by Tho Itullotln, $20
worth of Htnmpa being disposed of
by Mlsa Olive Campbell of tho office.
Other sales woro us follows: . llalrd's
Grocery, i .50; A. M. Vrlntfjo. $11;
lined & Morton, $3; llocd-Siijith Mer
cantile Co., .75; Mannholmor
llrothurs, .25; Ilond W'ntor, Light
& Powur Co., ?2.l0.
HchooM OrKUitUtl,
Iloforo 'taking up tho distribution
work Mr. Thordarson had nlready or
ganized tho buIiooIh and up to Satur
day 1125 worth ot stamps had buuu
taken by tho pupils.
Ah chairman or tho aoclnl Hoctlon
or tho campaign, II, II, Do Arutnud
last week prosoutod thu. nmttor of
Thrift Htamps to thu Mooao lodge and
tlm Knights of Pythias, both lodges
making arrangements o t'nku up thu
nalo. Ho plans to visit nil other
lodges tit town and also tha' various
Sunday schools,
Another addition t) thu soiling
forco Is Ashluy ForrcHt, who has n
roving coinmlBslon, boliiR appointed
to tho work by tho homo office ot tho
Oregon Llfo Insurance Co., which ho
roproHonts In this sontlou,. Tho In
surance agents ot the ntqta livo
agreed to lo all thoy pan, to soil tho
Thrift Stampa.
Boys Want Tobacco Sent
From Home, Writes Soldier
(Prom Timsdny'H Dnlly.)
Tho boys want tobacco "ovor
thoro." Hay Doyarmond, with the
second balloon squadron now In
Franco, writes his parents that ho
would npproulnto something to
smoke. Mr. Doyarmond Is tho son
ot It, II. Doyarmond, proprietor or
tho Modem Oarage, and a brother or
Itruco Duyannotid, how on board a
Tha lottor Just received Is as fol
lows: "Woll, I havo been In Franco lor
nomu tlrno but havo not had tho
chance to write until now. Our trip
ovor was uneventful. Wo didn't sou
or hear or any subs on tho way and
tho ocean was pretty smooth most or
tho time. Wo say a little of' England,
but I wasn't much Impressed by It,
especially to far an tho railroads were
concurnnd. It Is tho sumo In Prance.
Thoro thn railroads are a little bigger
but thoy would look like toys along
side or those In America,
"Wo spent about three days In ono
or thu cities whore wo landed nnd
had a little tlrno to got acquainted
with tho French peoplo nnd their
ways, Thoy all seemed glad to sco
us, at least, thoy always spoke to us
when wo mot them. Thu hardest
thing to get tho hang or was tho
French and Kngllsh money. Ono dol
lar from thu United States equals a
little ovor five francs, and about four
shillings. At first when wo had our
money chnnged wo used to point at
something wo wanted, dlt out a hand
ful of money and let thorn count It
at opi'ia: in coL'itT norsi:
:t.-, in countv i:xpi:cti:d to
PORTLAND. Or.. Fob. 12. Milton
A. Miller, collector of Internal rovo
nue for the State of Oregon, has been
notified by the Treasury Department
nt Washington. I). C, that the time
for flllikg thu 1917 Income tax returns
Including Individuals and corpora
tions has broil extended to April 1,
1918, thus giving nn additional
mouth to that provided by the War
Tax Act or October 3, 1917. As soon
as thn blanks nro received onch cor
poration will bo notified. Colloctor
Mlllor would npprerlato tho oarly fil
ing of returns, so that thu work or
hln office tuny not bo unduly con
gested. .many oirr advici:.
Thlrty-throo residents of this coun
ty called on Inonmo Tax Inspector
James S. Hogg In his offlco In thu
court bouse yesterday. It Is esti
mated that 350 In this vicinity should
make reports on their Incomos, but so
fur. only 10 have boon turned In. A
largo number cull for blnnks nnd
make nut their statements without
any assistance from Mr. Hogg,
Very fow questions havo como up,
but a general misunderstanding
seems to oxlst among thoso who havu
never buuu included In tho tux botoru,
Pooplo havu tho Impression that they
uro taxed on tholr entire year's earn
ings liiBtead nt merely tho amount In
excess ot tho $1000 or $2000 limita
tion, whlchovor tho caso may bo. All
who como for advice uro asked to
havo figures regarding tholr incomui
nlroudy prepared,
Mr, Hogg docs not luvostlgnto any
cases, only gives advice. Thu govern
ment hoglns Investigating delinquent
ensos nttur April 1.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Howard Ypuug, formerly of llond,
has Just finished his course in radio
Instruction nnd now has tho rank or
third class wlroloss operator, ho
wrltos frlonds In this city. Mr.
Young hna boon at Cnmbrldo, Mna
auchusotts, but, having tnkon tho ex
amination for ontranco in tho avia
tion school nnd passed, ho oxpuctod
to 'bo on his way to Miami, Florida,
by this tlrno, Whon ho tins loarnod
to tly ho will bo u commissioned of-tlcor.
thomsclvot. Moil of tho tlrno wo paid
j about double for what wo got.
"Now wo nro In nn American camp
a fuw hundred mllua from tho front
uml will very Illcoly bo hero for a fow
months. Von may havo hoard how
tho soldiers aro transported around in
cattle cars. Woll. that Is how w'o
found It for tha first IK hours. It
was pretty cold and wo had between
30 and 40 men In n car, but wo nil
got through In good shape. Tho cars
thoy have hero aro about one-third
as big as thoso in tho statos.
"Tho weather Is fine, but a little
Inclined to -bo rainy. However, wo
I havo good comlortnblo huts to llvo
in and plenty to eat so wo aro not
sufforlng any great hardships Just
yot. Tho only thing wo lack Is to
bacco. Wo can't got any good tobac
co and tho clgnrottos cost too much.
You might send mo a dozen cans of
tho former.
"1 supposo you had a flno tlrno
Christmas and Now Years. I was on
tho move both days and ate corned
boot and hard tuck for dinner.
"I havo mot a few follows that I
know at homo over here, Ono is a
brother-in-law or Gene Hamilton. Ho
has boon hero several months with
an engineer regiment. Thoy came
Into our first camp tho evening wo
left It.
"You won't havo cause to worry
about mo for a row months at least
as I supposo wa will havo to go
through n courso of training boforo
j moving to tho front."
KAVi: $.1 I'KK TON.
Sillphup for fertilizing purposes
may bo purchasod by ranchers In this
vlojnlty nt a reduction of 5 por ton
! ir enough sign up to merit bringing
In a carload, or 40 tons, tho first
wuk In March. County Agriculturist
Ward has Just arranged for this
through tho government, but must bo
sure that enough enro to take somo
heforo It !s brought here. No small
shipments can ho procured. '
Applications or sulphur havo boon
round particularly advantageous In
raising alfalfa. 11. O. Grimes, or tho
Pilot Hutto much bus round his crop
Incronsod nnd begun to grow earlier
attor ouch cutting when ho had used
tho now fortlllxor. Of tho ten f ar
mors who tried It out in tho vicinity
of llond tho past yonr, nil report from
n 25 to 35 por cent larger yield. Two
hundred pounds nro gouornlly used
to an aero.
Laud plastor contains about 320
pounds of puro sulphur to onch ton
and it Is thought posslblo that tho ox
cellout results obtained from It havo
been duo to thu sulphur. Tho straight
uso Is n still grontor Improvement.
Sulphur Is a now fertilizer and was
dlscovorod accidentally In spraying
fruit trees. Alfalfa growing around
thorn nnd getting soma of tho mix-
turo grow bottor. It bids fair to bo
couto ono of tho greatest logumluous
fertilizers, according to Mr. Ward.
All who destro to sign up for a
portion of tho shipment should do ao
us onrly as posslblo.
(Prom Tuesday's Dully.)
It will now bo posslblo lor surgical
drosstngs classes to bo orgnnlzod lit
uourby towns untlor tho dlroctlon or
Mrs, II, W, Heudorshott, who roturn
od yostordny Iroin a rlp to Port
land, Whllo thoro Mrs, Heudorshott
tool: tho full courso ot Instruction at
tho touchers' training class mid Is
now horsolt authorized to teach,
Herototoro alio whs barred by tho Hod
Cross rules front giving lossona in
any except tho locul branch, which
was first Instructed by a rogular
tonchor. IMotollus und othor places
tit tho vicinity will bo benefited by
having an authorized instructor
of IlfNlmonri
Hccnitly appointed County CommlH-
Moncr to Micccct! Lew K. Hmltli.
M)ron Pourll Write Tlmt All Havo
O'ono On I loan! Vcnscl, Wilcli
Will Hall Por the Atlantic.
(From Friday's Daily.)
Practically all or the Bond boys left
at Mare Island will Icavo shortly on
a vessel which Is headed for the At
lantic. So says a letter Just received
from Myron Powell by his father, A.
G. Powell. It roads as follows:
"Just a note to let you know that
you can address all my mall from
now on to ono or tho ships soon to
leave Maro Island. I havo been trans
ferred to her and go aboard Monday.
Wo expect to sail tor tho Atlantic.
Although this Is an old ship they havo
mndo an oil-burner out ot her. I
volunteered for her last night. Al
most all' that is left ot tho Dcnd
bunch aro going on her, Hob Horner,
Johnny Hates, and Christian, from
Prfnovillc, besides all tho old Maro
Island postotflco force. Tho old sec
ond battalion is a thins of the past
as there arc only about u dozen men
left ot It and thoy aro going to tho
"Our boat Is going to bo a subma
rine mother ship, so we will probably
soo a llttlo activo service. I would
lots rather bo on hor than ono of
thoso transports which carry llttlo
armament "
(From Saturday's Dally.)
In order to assist residents ot this
district In preparing a report ot their
Incomos, if such earnings como within
tho income tax law, Inspector James
S. Hogg arrived In Bond yestorday
and will bo hero until February 20.
His offlco is In Judgo Duffy's room
In tho court houso and appointments
may bo mndo at any timo with him.
Mr. Hogg may bo found at his head
quarters between 9 a. ra. andj p. m.
each day and will make appointments
uttor hours, If desired.
liy culling on hint nnd making a
frank statement ot ono's income, any
other red tape connected with such
a report may bo cut out, aud tho tax
pnld to Mr. Hogig, us ho is In a posi
tion to toll tho citizen how much ho
Is required to pay, tako his oath and
rocolvo tho money. Thoro is no re
quirement that his advlco bo askod,
but tho government hna made It nec
essary that all reports bo turned In
botoro March 1.
In taxing porsous ,tho Income ot
tho previous year Is tukon as a basis.
Thoso who woro not receiving an
amount oqual to tho (1000 or $2000
por your, as tho caso might bo, until
part ot 1917 had passod would not
bo roqulrcd to pay tho tax. That Is,
It a man with uo dopondonts bogntt
earning $100 a month in Novombor
but provlous to that tlrno had beon
rooslvlng only $60 ho would not pay
his two por cont until 1919. Tho tax
will probably bo In ottcct aovoral
years after tho end ot tho war.
Y'oto In -10 to 2 In Favor Campaign
CommUtc In Appoints! Also
Committee to Prrpnro Ilcwo-
lutloitN of Condolence.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Discussion ot tho tax levy to bo
voted on Friday occupied tho greater
part of tho Unto of tho Commercial
club at its luncheon this noon. Dur
ing tho discussion a voto was taken
showing 40 in favor and two oppoaed
to tho measure.
Renewing- the suggestion that
tho tax could not bo legally levied,
G. C. Morgan said that tho Tax Com
mission had avoided tho issuo In Its
opinion to Assessor Mullarky. Ho
also urged that the rc-submlsslen of
tho question showed bad faith Kith
the voters, who had a right to expect
that ono vote would settle tho mat
ter. City Attorney Denson replied,
that this was a now question, whllo
II. II. Do Armond said that tho Tax
Commission opinion settled tho ques
tion. To Hnro Committee.
A motion made by Mr. Do Armond
that a campaign commlttco be ap-
pointed to work for the proposed tax
was adopted. A commlttco has been
appointed as follows: II. II. Do Ar
mond, A. E. Edwards, H. A. Miller,
Floyd Doment and W. Ferguson.
At the suggestion ot R. P. Minter
a commlttco was also appointed to
prepare resolutions of condolonco to
bo sont to the family of Percy A.
Stevona, who was lost on tho Tus
can I a. '
Thrift stamps will be oftcrod as a
prize for a contest to bo held botwocn
members ot the two troops of noy
Scouts, the suggestion that tho club
recognize tho Scouts being mado by
A. Whlsnant.
County Agrlcultunillt Ward Is llring-
Iiir In Small Quantity of Grata
Potatoes Still Problem.
Farmors are taking advantage ot
tho Wednesdays paunty Agricultural
ist R. A. Ward Is keeping an offlco
opon in Uend and tho flocking to
him tor advice. Yosterday IS called
during tho afternoon and tho week
beforo 25 woro in. Tho principal
problems they are threshing out Just
at present are concerning tho dispo
sition ot potatoes and socuring suf
ficient seed.
'Mr. Ward has arranged tor a small
shlpmont ot about a carload ot whoat,
which Is now on Its way to Dend.
Alfalfa has also been found but rye.
seems to bo a inoro difficult propo
sition. Reports for tho labor and crop sur
voy aro coming in fairly rapidly,
Dond leading as to promptness. Ques
tionnaires were distributed to 1100
farmors In Crook and Deschutes
counties. After Fobruary 13, tha
tlrno limit set, It will bo posslblo tor
Mr. Ward to ascortain Just how much
labor is noedod for farms this coming
season, tho amount ot live stock on
hand and what seeds must bo pro
Tho community meeting held
at Tutnalo lust Saturday was
attended by 60 ranchers .frotu
tho neighborhood. A vurioty ot mat
tors woro taken up, questions being
discussed after each spoakor had glv
on his talk, Tho following wore on
tho program. James S. Hogg, on
"Tho Income Tax"; R. W. Sawyer,
"Thrift Stampa"; J. W. Drown, "Hay
making at Tumato"; It. U. Fllckln
ger, "Potato Situation"; C. P. peck
er, "Honoy Does"; Frod N, Wallace,
"Irrigation School"; It. A. Ward,
"CroR and Labor Survey," and "Milk
ing Shorthorn Movement." At' Rooa
tho ladles served a dinner In the ball,