ItlCM) IIIJI.MCTIN, IIKNI), OHKOON, TIH'IWIMV, I'MIIIU'AHV 7, II8 IVIOK 8KVI5.V (I JUST OUT! THE LATEST IIOOIC OK THE WAR UNDER FIRE HMHHHMMHaniHnMMMMWMHnHilHMMHM lly IIENKY 1JAKHUSSE . i REED & HORTON THE RHXALL STORE A LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wiidm-mliiy's Dally.) V., M. TIlOllipHOII WI1H III ItlldlllOIld today. Inline WlUnn, of 11 fit, wax In town yiiNlunlny. W. L, Palmer wont to hU ninrli nl DdHchulim toiliiy. I). Keller ntliiriinil this iiinrtiliiK from ii trip (o I'orlliiinl. Mr. nnil Mrs, Paul Oiirrlnoti with huro from Prliiovlllo yesterday. tfjA Imliy wim lioru to Mr. ami Mm. liny James Hprnuso on Fohruiiry . Mr. nnil Mr. ('. J. Callow arc tho tjirouil parents of bnby girl, burn Kuuiluy. Mr. nnil Mm. II. Hwnnk uro huro from Tangent anil plan to i,o on to llrotlmm to vUll. W. I. Myers In Hpi'iidliiK tlin ilay In I'rliiiivlllu working on thu school tl 1m trlot division ease. Oscar ,nrou liui rolurned from n trip 1'ttnt to visit hi old homi). Ilu linn been koiio sovnrul montlii. J. W, Ilrown wan In from Tiiinnto yesterday on business In connection with tlin Tuinnlo furm loan uhhocIu-tlon. II. F. Ncnly, of Portloml, In now In tlin Maglll & Krskluu drug toro. Mr. Nmily'H family will arrlvo In Iluml jViortly. Mm. J. A. Ilazuka ami children linvo goon to Portland to Join Mr. Haxuka. Tluiy will probably remain oway six month. Dumuiil's Grocery linn Just put In a tlmuly wlmlow display In which In exhibited a nuinbnrof thu substitutes for flour riicommamli'il by thu food administration, Vuriiou A. Forbes returned thin morning from I'ortlnml anil Knlom, whom ho went on business connected with the ibjuaw Creek and Hunw Cruek Irrigation dispute. Mm. A. IC. Do Hliuw, who has boon visiting hnr daughter, Mis (!rtnnl Do Hhnw, t ho past three wsoks, wttnt to I'ortlnml thin uiornliiK. Ktiw will go on from thorn to .Seattle. T. A. MiiCaiiii ami J. I'. KnyH urn In Hpoknuo attending tlin mottling of tlio Western I'lno MiiiiufiicturHm' A wialntlnn, which -wiih In session yos- i tordny and today, Nnw officers will bo elected nt tlin gathering f Columbus It. JolniHoii. Otto C. Orny aiiiI thnlr fninllliin nro huro from Vi In o v 1 1 1 spending thu tiny In town jj;wii frluntls, lloth iiihii recently nc- iltilrnil pari of tlin holdings of WaUi-r nnil Dick Vnndovorl mid J, (' Whll- : fluid on tho uppiir Dosrhutos rlvnr. ; A uinrlinhaplmiio him Just buon ne iiulrud by tho Day MiimIc Company, It arrived yusturdny and Is thu flmt of ltd kind In Ilond. Mr. Day will tiHi) It In plnyliiK for ilnncim. Several pooplo cuu piny on tho instrument at ouo time, using sticks with wool bulls on tho onil. Tho koya nro wooden hIiiIh hold In plnco over suspunded pipes. i tWfl (From Tiionduy'n Dully.) Mm. P. L. Jono In vlnltliu; hur mother In Hnkiir two weeks, A. T. Vincent In visiting III homo In Croscuut, Washington, hoforo en listing. J. i:. Wnrtinr wont to Itcdmoml to day. Ho bun been In from bin ranch hIiicd Monday. J. II. Wiseman spent nevernl day In town, r.oliu; back to bin homo at Clllio Fnlln today. Ilernnrd Khnfnr wan a panneiiKor on tho mornliiK train bound for I.on AiiKelun. Ilo wnn bore looklio; over land. Thu Dulvomnl (nrni;it lant week ilo llvnrcd to J. K. Wumur, of I'owell Iltitte, ouo of tlin now model Maxwell cam. Thu J'renliytorlnn (lulld will meet tomorrow afternoon at thu homo of Mm Walter Furisunuu nl 2:30 o'clock. II. McN'ntt and Hern Vouiik wont to I'rlnnvlllu thin morulni;. They had been In town In order to tako their phynlcal examination. Minn Florcnco McCoy of Weal I. Inn, Ori;on, en mo throuch lleud yuitor- day from IVilley. Klin wa on her way home uftor lltlnr. friends nouth of IIpiiiI. Thin nfternoon the board of direc tor of thu U. O. I dlntrlct held n nieetliiK at Itcdmoml. II. II. Do Ar niond and J. Alton Thompson attend ed thu nicotlnK- Notice of C. V.t Kned'n arrival In Franco lufnly wiih recolved by Mm. Jleml Innt week. Ilur hunbnnil In with tho Twentieth KiiKlnuurs and ban thu rank of nri;Kiut. The now tenchnr for tho Wnat Kntl hcIiooI nt Mllllcun, Mm. Maude Hub bard, nrrlviNl here yiMterday ami wont on to her biilldlui:. Hho will take MM. I. I.. Owen'H puce. Mm. Mary Mcdtm marled on hur return trip to hur homu In Dluknou, .Montana. Shu linn been vlnltliiK her Kruudchlldri'ii, Mr and Mm. M. S, MuOoa, thu pnt four montlm. Jiwn It. IihhwcII, vICe-priiKldiuil of tin ('entral OreKou Hank, came In (iturdny from I'ortlnml, where ho hnd been nrrmiKliu: to tnovo here. Ill family will follow htm soon. Tho roRtilnr meetliiR of thu city council tonW;ht will bo j;lvon over to dlnponlni: of bllln, Coiiuclluieu C, M McKay mid IC. I'. Ilrosierhoua are otil or town ho It In unlikely that any very Important IhhiIiionb will bo bronchi up, On nccoiiiil of tho lined for more room, MIhh MIhIii Olnlu mid Mint llnzul Putney have moved their iiIrIU Hchool Into tho council room In thu O'Kane bulldliiK Tho cIiuh wait orKuulzcd biHt nlirht mid work Iickuii On Moil (lnyn, WedncHilayH mid Frldnyn from 7:110 until U o'clock liiHtriictlon In hooK-kcepliiK mid HtouoKrnphy will bo Klvon (From Monday'n Daily.) .In t(o Oplt won u pamiuiiKor to Tho Dallcn thin inornliiK, W. J. Hnlmou wont to Tho Dallcn thU mornliiK to work there, Dr. )(. W. Humloraliott In bnck from u Hhorl trip to Portland, l'olor Thomp'Hon Ih piiuhIiik n fow ilnya In I. a Urmido on u biinluenH Irlii? ' Vornon A, Forlnui In nwny on n trip to Portland and Malum on lecal biin luenH. , , - Aloe Dipold wnn n pannonr.or to Portlmid today. Ilu doun not expect to return to Iluml. Jon Illulr, who wnn born a fow (liiyn On btmlneRn, rnturned thin morn Ink to bin homo In float tie. (Ilenn Nluholn, II. A Footer, Frank McCaffrey mid K. J. Wllnoti worn all huro from Prliiovlllo yentordny. Mr. and Mm. i:. Klllff uml dauxh ter enrno In Hatiirdny from Pendleton mid will make their homo huro. V. V. Hurko, Htato rcprenontntlvo of thu Wenteru Loan A llulldliiK Corn puny, will bo In lleud within a fow duyn. (Mm. V. F. Fryrear, of Hlntcrn, Hpont tho week end with hur daui;li tur, Mary, In Iluud. Hho weul homo today. Mr. mid Mrn. A. J. Kroenerl came In thin moriiltiK from Portlmid, where Mrn. Kroenerl bud ;oiio for a alight opvrutlon. Franklu Oubliert, John (Inbbert mid Fruuk McDowell, uftnr u two month' vlntt In lloud, huvo koiio to Hpokauu to ntay. Mm. A. K. Kdwarda returned Innt nlKht from a trip to California. Hho panned a portion of thu winter there vlaltltiK friend, Tho Honor (lunrd will meet tonli'.ht nt 7:no In tho IiIkIi achool. II. W. Knwyur will uddrcH tho uiumbem on nldlui: In tho thrift ntnmpa aalcn, Mr. mid Mm. C. II. Haines nro rn rolvltiK c'oui;rntululloiia upon thu ar rival of a baby Klrl ut their homo yen tordny. Tho child In their third, thu other two belnc boya. Thu Library dull will hold Itn monthly mcotlni; at 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon In the library, A num ber of very Important matter will bo broiiKht up for discussion. Tho Paront-Tuachum nMoclatlon will bold u mtotliiK at tho lilth achool on the uvonlm; of Wudnoda, February G, at 8 o'clock. Principal Oraut, of tho IiIrIi achool, will apeak uml nil parents of IiIkIi achool pu pil nro especially Invited to attend. A PLAIN STATEMENT. HvorythliiR must ko. Nothing in rcorved; prlcoa cut way down. Hather'n Cloning Out Sale ntartn nt 'J o'clock Saturday morning. Adv. Vort WlntiT hi Yi'ant. Snow, wind and extreme cold caused morn colda this whiter than In yearn. Foley's Honey and Tar proved Itn worth In thousand of homes. Mrs. Hdward Ktrevy. It. 37. Clinton, O.. nays: "I think Foley'n Honey mul Tar In tho only medicine for cougha and colds and recommend It highly " Flno for children. Sold uvorywhore. Adv. I fjr inese Little Lego inwai iiisMf Yii ri? v-4, In tliclr active, liraliliful, leinp ttij play, toon wear out tliclr tlncUiif; iinlm Mother clccti the kind that licit redid their rticinet). So wc rccoiiiiiicnd to Mother that the chooie Aixuon Plate Hoasery iirv Uiil the Juice txtt of un ' nuuliul Uar irliiruiinl ..nii.lwvai uuillovk uvHkl to ttie Iwl, Kuy your Hose here mul you KNOW you ure getting the best. flWhy pay interest on the money you spend? fl We buy for cash. fl You buy for cash. IWe both save in terest on our money $ You get more for your $$$ here. THE PEOPLES STORE (From Saturdiiy'a Dally) Hardy Allen, from Slitters, spent yiwterday In Iluud, J. Wright, of Cllno Falls, was In town on IiurIiiosh yentordny. Tom Slonn mid J. W. Kerr nro panning a fow dajH lit Portland on bustnesM, Frank Dayton mul A, J, Halter were lit today on biinlnnss with tho county court. Jlil4;n T, K. J. Duffy hns rolurned to Prlmivllln, after holding u hearing In tho circuit court. II. II. Do Armond wnn In Prlne. villi) today. Ho diovo back In hi cur Into thin nvoulug. Mrs. I. A. Deathman mul Mrn. W. O. ItitlNtou were In from Torrulionno yentordny on Hod (irons buHlness. Hurt Wood and bis slstor, Mrs J. It. Wiley, uru on their way to Ku guuu to visit their father, who In III, M. Huiihcii mid A. H, Kastcr, who camo to lleud thin week from Fresno, California, huvo gone on to Pendle ton, W, A. Knhn, of Mlllicnri, ban gono to Portland for medical treatment. Ho will probably remain away a month. Tho county rood roller arrived this morning from Portland and will bo put to work at once In tho vicinity of lleud. A 10-pound boy was born Thurs day io Mr. ami Mrs. Charles F. Will iamson. Tho baby was mimed Char les Kilwnrd. Tho baby boy born to Mr. and Mm. Walter A. Grant at tho lleud Surgical Hospital Thursday, died af ter living 24 hours. Oil McDowell, of Centralla, Wash ington, who has been spending n few days with bin parents, went north again this morning. Mrs. II. II. Perry was a visitor In town over night. She camo up from Tho Dalles day before yesterday to attend a wedding at Mctollus. Mrs. J. W. Taggart .after spending six wueks In liond, returned to her homu In Portland today. Hho has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Prlnglu. T. A. Taiiakn, foreman of tho local section crow In tho railroad yards, camo In from Scattlo with his bride this morning. Ho has been gono eight days. Otto A. Ulttrlck, of Spokane, la In this city (purchasing cattle. Frank Cite, of Urothcrs, Klmor Dyer, from Mllllcan, mid Jay Hague, of Alfalfa, worn all in town yesterday to seo him. The small ntructuro on Wall street north of tho Lara building was moved today to a location on Hawthorne street. J. H. O'Neal has bought It from tho Deschutes Investment Com pany. THE 1918 UNWEAVES HAVE ARRIVED 1 TO our older customers nothing more need be snid, but to those unacquinted with our merch andise, we have only to add Unweave is to white goods, what sterling is to silver. Whether you wish a fine material for the baby's dress, a more substantial goods for the little sister or a fancy suiting for a skirt for yourself, among our large assortment of Unweaves you will find the cor rect fabrics at the lowest prices. Plain Batistes, 27-in 20c yd. Plain Batistes, 40-in 25c to 65c yd. Plain Voiles, 40-in 25c to 65c yd. Fancy Voiles 35c to 60c yd. Checked Nainsooks, 27-in 25c yd. Checked Nainsooks, 32-in 35c yd. Checked Nainsooks, 36-in 25c yd. Fine Crepe, 44-in 45c yd. Piques 25c to 60c yd. Poplins 35c yd. Plain Suitings 30c to 45c yd Fancy Suitings 35c to 75c yd. Beautiful Striped Organdy, 46-in $1.15 yd. Grey and Brown Fibre Silk Hose just in by express. A PLAIN STATEMENT. Kvnrythlug must go. Nothing Is reserved; prices cut way down. Bather's Cloning Out Sale starts at D o'clock Saturday morning. Adv. (From Friday's Dally.) Charles F. lllndman, of Sistors, camo In today on business. Frank Hdward Klackcr has gono to Itedmoud to work. Joo McKonun is visiting In Pen dleton for a shor; time. Hay Corking was in from Tumalo yesterday to buy n horse. Oeorgo Mosslngor camo In from Prliiovlllo yostorday on uitslnoss. A. Whlnnaut rolurned this morn ing from a short trip to Portlmid. ( S. Hudson came in yostorday from ti abort 'ousiuoss trip to Port land. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Morris have gono to Maunln to visit friends two weeks. w ARNER BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER S am " VlBBBBBBf B Tl Enameled Ware of All Kinds Cray Enameled Ware Blue, white lined Enameled Ware All White Enameled Ware We are now showing ii large and complete stock in these colors. Bought Right, and will lie Priced Right, We Will Sive You Money on Enmled Wue, STOP AND SHOP AT Where Everybody tUraJa I Dr. II. Y. Hcndershott is passing a fow lays In Portiarfd and will re turn Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Couch left this morning for Denver, Colorado, where they will remain a month. Frod I.ucas will lcavo tonight for Portland, whero he has accepted a position In the office of the Union Moat Company. Ho has recontly been employed as welghmaster in the local railroad yards. J. K. Stram, traveling agont for tho O.-W. It. & N. railroad, was In town yostorday on business. Frod N. Wallace was In from Turn ulo to attend tho patriotic moating at tho Hlppodromo last night. Jay H. Upton returned to Prlnc vllle this morning, after working hero on tho irrigation hearing. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Wobster and small child have loft for E! Paso, Texas, to make tholr home there. H, M. Stephens returned this morn ing from Itoseburg, whero ha was called by the Illness of his father. City Engineer Robent Gould Is back from Portland, whero he recently had an operation performed for appendi citis. Martin Kcnfleld came in yesterday from Portland. He took Mrs. Ken field down to receive medical treatment. Who is PIcrcy & Sons, Tumalo' Adv.49p Now Is the Tlmo to H41 Careful. Avoid imitations or substitutes, got tho genuine Foley's Honey anil Tar, and you have a cough medlclno you can depend upon. It gives prompt roller, clears throat, loosens phlegm, soothes, hoals. Checks coughs, colds, whooping cough. la grippe, bronchial coughs. Contains no opiates. Sold everywhere. Adv. All kinds of hides, furs, pelts, wool bought nt Driggs' Second Hand Store. 37tfc 11.00 WILL IIK GIVEN to ,uh cf irv. ml Mhoulbnyj who will dflivrr roptt of th CurtU publication! to cuaUmert. Onlr nchoolbo)r clean, KntU-xnly an. I ambitious- need apply. The tt.00 I fn addition to liberal caih prof t anil many other advantasc. Apply to IIIINJAMIN OAflSHR I j When the roof leaks 1 I Apply a layer of 1 I llllll ITS r IIIMI Malthoid Roofing easily applied and sure of III keeping the water out. I For Sale by t4 II Skuse Hardware Co.