1W0K SIX IlKXn UUMiKlIX, 11RNI), OREGON, THURSDAY, KKHRtWRV 7, IIUM r s h The Bend Bulletin BEND. OREGON KstntitHinl lt)Oi!. GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher ROBERT W. SAWYER Edltor-Munagor. An Independent newspaper stnnd log for tho Bqunro denl, clenn busi ness, clonn politics nnd tho hoHt In terests of Horn! and Central Oregon. Ono Year $1.60 Blx Months Throo Months .50 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1918 tho Sahhnth Bchool exorcises, llev. Stowart preached a aonnoii on tho subject, "Tho Duty of n Christian," nnd Hov. Folkonbcrg chose nn IiIb subject, "Tho Administering of An gels nnd Spiritualism," at the even ing services. Principal F. W. Weber '1ms placed 42 new five-cent classics In tho school library, to ho used as supplementary reading In tho lower grades. A new supply of song books has also been ordered. Motnbors of tho seventh Rrado geo- Krnphy class nro rcadtiiR Carpenter's GeoRraphlcal Header of Asia, In ad- dltlon to their regular work In IMurrny'H text book. Tho upper grade pupils report on current oventa onco a week. Cocllo McCallutn received 100 In the red Ink spelling test on Friday, Only ono word was miss-spelled In tho upper grades on Monday. Con siderable Interest Is being taken In the spelling work In tho whole school. Mr. Iloso Is making himself con spicuous by drawing cartoons of char acters and happenings In Sisters. Ills latest Is a drawing of the logging engine, bringing a load of logs to tho Duckctt mil). Warren Farthing and Hoy David son wont to tho Sam Well ranch tor n load of hay for Mr. Farthing. Georgia Woods Is visiting her sis ter at Kodmond. Tho Hed Cross society is busily on gagoM In making bandages, compacts, sweaters, bands, etc, A plo social will bo held nt tho Farthing hall Saturday cvonlng, Feb. j, mo proceeds to do used to pay room rent, etc. .Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Tcmpleton, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and Mr. Roach motored to Rend Wednesday ovauluc and at tended the patriotic meeting held at tho Hippodrome. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cnrv ami daugghter, lrono, and Mrs. Ora Smith visited with tho Taylor family Sunday. Vino Wilson and Elba Taylor mo tored to Redmond and I'rlnevillo IMnchurst Improvement Society Dc- rr,(,a" evening and returned Satur- . .. JJ MUVIIUVU fctlV VIUIK.U Ul GET READY NOW. (From Monday's Dally.) "Plans for after-war colonlxatton of American soldiers on tho cut-over lands of tho south will shortly bo taken up with tho federal authorities nt Washington, whoro Congress Is al ready considering tho question. An nouncement to this effect was made by Clement S. Ucker, vice-president of tho Southern Settlement and Do volopniont Organization of Haltlmorc, In a communication to tho Cut-Over Land Department of tho Southern Pino Association." Tho foregoing quotation has a world of meaning for Central Ore gon. Tho south Is setting busy al ready to Insuro tho placing of re turned soldiers on its lands. Any thing wo can do to develop our Irri gated sections and bring the veterans back to them will "bo more than worth while. WILL GIVE PROGRAM ONCE EVERY MONTH In tho northern part of Washington. Mrs. J. 8. MoVey returned from lleud last week, much Improved In health. Mrs. ('. W. Helm Is visiting rela tives ami friends tn Portland. Mrs. II. H. Foster has been re moved to tho homo nt her dniiRliter, Mrs. Oeorgo Hunker, where sho In ronvnlosclng after her recent severe Illness. The knitting section of tho Terre bonne Red Cross auxiliary met Fri day evenlnx at tho homo of Mrs. Walter Monro. Those present were MiiHilitiui4 IK'nr. flnlltriittli. Ontn . --..... ...... ,...,., ............., ,..VK, Me- Rolgol, Pickett, Peckhom and Mrs. Moore. Mr nnd Mrs. O. F. Wnlleuhurg are ppendlug aomo time nt their mill Hear Urlizly. Geo. Hamilton waft In town Mon day from his ranch out on tho Penin sula. Mrs. Wnnnlo Osbom, of Grand view, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ralston. 'J. C. Cunningham, of Lower Rrldco was here visiting his mother. Mrs. M. E. Cunningham. Rev. McVlcker. of Oakland. Dm. gon, conducted church services hero ' last Sunday evening, which wore well attended. iJBU..Jgl REED-SMITH MERCANTILE Deschutes County's Largest Store J 4.- Reed-Smith's Great Drive Against Rising Prices will prove the means of peeping prices at the lowest possible point. Many thousands of dollars Worth of good reliable merchandise are offered at "old" prices. In some instances lower than the present wholesale prices. UJJ- lj.i, X. .- -: A PLAIN STATEMENT. Everything must go. Nothing la reserved; prices cut way down. Sather's Closing Out Salu starts ut 0 o'clock Saturday morning. Adv. GREAT SPECIALS THIS WEEK $6.00 U. S. ARMY SHOE, $4.90 The Original Chippeway STAG SHIRTS dC ffi $C (f QJ ut it price lower thun wholesale. Our price PJUlj7 ipU.UU, pi cldes to Pass Intervening Week Kuils nt Private Homes. ' (Special to Tho Bulletin) PINEHURST, Feb. 6. At the meeting of tho Plnchurst Improve ment Society. Saturday night. It was decided to give a literary program In four weeks, tho Intervening week ends to.be devoted to social gather ings In the private homes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swisher and family were dinner guests at tho Nichols homo Sunday. Mr. McCuIston. of Dend, was a bus iness visitor in the neighborhood on Monday. CHr and Mrs. Chas. Spaugh and family and Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wlnier and son wero among those who at tended tho lecturo by Major Edwards in Bend last week. Miss Ethel Snyder, of Ilcnd, is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder. Judge Darncs. of Bend, passed through Pinehurst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nichols, of Bend, spent Sunday at Pinehurst, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spaugh and daughters on Sunday were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Parks, near Cllno Falls. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Loverenr, of Plalnvlew, wero Pinehurst visitors on Saturday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nichols. I. E. Wltner went to Bend on bus iness Saturday. Misses Ivy Snyder and Ethel Gra ham were on the sick list this week. Mr. and Jlrs. Chas. Spaugh and daughters were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nichols on Wednesday evening. Mr. Johnson was hauling wood for the school Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dietrich pass ed through here on their way to Bend Friday. Lenora Snyder celebrated her ninth birthday Saturday by giving a party to several of nor little friends. Thoso present were Rozella Phelps, Loyd Hoage, Harvey Snyder. Leonard Sny der and Lenore Snyder. Tumalo Saturday evening, J. D. Bowman and Mr. Taylor aro working at tho Wilson mill. Mrs. Tyler's baby has fully recov ered its neaith, after spending sov oral weeks at tho Bend Surgical hos pltal. Mr. and Mrs. Tvler nnd clill dren havo moved to the Wilson mill. A PLAIN STATEMENT. Everything must go. Nothing is reserved; prices cut way down. Sather's Closing Out Salo starts at D o'clock Saturday morning. Adv. Cut This Out It In Worth Money. Don't miss .this. Cut out this slip, enclose with five conts to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packago containing Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. Adv. CouMiitit Nnfforvr Kinds Relief. "I have been n constnnt sufferer from kidney trouble and was down I sick In bed," writes C. F. Reynolds.' 412 Hcrrlck St, Elmlrn. N. Y. "I commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills. In a few days I was up out of p bed." Rccommonded for rheumatic pains, backache, biliousness, sore muscles, stiff Joints, "tired out" feel ing. Sold everywhere. Adv. Note Carefully the Following iPrices: OFFICERS ELECTED BY ALFALFA CLUB . L , New Spring Gingham-r 27-in. Apron Cheeks 12 l-2cyd. 27-in. Dress Ginghams I5c yd. 27-in. Dress Ginghams. 18c yd. 112-in. Dress Ginghams 20c yd. JJ2-in. Dress Ginghams --25c yd. N ew rerca les- 127-in. Fine Quality Percales, 1 2Jc yd. JJO-in. Fine Quality Percales, 15c yd. UO-in. Fine Quality Percales, 10c yd. :i0-in Fine Quality Percales, 22cyd. A PLAIN STATEMENT. Everything must go. Nothing Is reserved; prices cut way down. Sather's Closing Out Salo starts at 3 o'clock Saturday morning. Adv. COW TESTER VISITS IN PLEASANT RIDGE IfaiiH Mikkclson, of Deschutes, Pur chases L. W. Warner Hunch Will Movo Koou. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PLEASANT RIDGE. Feb. C Ras mus Peterson and Hans Mlkkclson were in Redmond on business Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson wont to Bond Thursday night to hoar the lecture by the Canadian soldiers Jake Peterson was a Bend visitor Wednesday. Ray K. Potter, tester for tho Cen tral Oregon CnW TftKtlni Annnlnt'iin was In this neighborhood Thursday I Alfalfa, which thoy purchased r .1 . . riant lt lusting cows tor sonio or the far.!-'?' J. X. Robert Will Re President ll)tS .lolly .Neighbors to Aid Kl Cross. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) For ALFALFA, Feb. 6. A meeting of tho Arfalfa Development club was called by tho president on Wednes day evening at J. X. Roberts' resi dence, at which tlmo officers for 19 IS were elected, as follows: J. N. Rob erts, president; Leslie V. Clarke, sec rotary; Albort Shults, troasurcr. A baby boy mado his appearance ... ... . . i i NEW REAL ESTATE COMPANY FORMED The Eastcfl'Audorson Farm Land Company Is tho natno of a new real cstato agency which has Just been formed by J. A. Eastes and J. II. Anderson. This does not mean that Mr. Knste Is clvlni: ti it his nriiaenl at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,u.ln( bu. lg mtfrt,iy fii,irlni: Into Pyatt on Sunday morning. Dr. H.j "u"'"1"8' DUl " nierei onionim into Pnrrell. of Hnmi. n in niinnitnnrn another In addition to his Insurance The Jolly Neighbors met with Mrs. and local real cstato Interests. Tho Curt Holloway last Wednesday. Here after tho club will devoto tho after noon of tholr meetings to knitting for the Red Cross new firm will specialize in farm lands although other kinds of property will bo handled to a certain extent. Head- C. Pyatt, Wm. Ferry. Orvlllo and quarters will bo at Mr. Hastes' proa- Vorna Shults und Wanda Ferry madt a flying trip to Redmond Sunday. Mrs. William Pyatt accompanied them back to Alfalfa. .,,, Mrs. Martin Palmlund, of Bend, Is spending a few weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M L. Pyatt, while her husband Is away In Seattle. Albert Shults, a director of the Redmond creamery, attended n meet ing or that body Thursday In Red mond. Tho creamery linn been lot to Turner-Peas Co., of Seattle. Mrs. Curt Muller. of Bend, snout Sunday In Alfalfa. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Albort Shults. Mrs. L. V. Clarke and daughter. Margery, Mrs. Curt Muller and Gustavo Berry motored to Bond Monday, where Mr. Borry took tho draft examination. While clearing land last week. Larson & Tnttl discovered a bco tree. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anglln have taken possession of their home in ont otflco on Oregon street. ENOUGH FIX)L'H. (Continued from Pago One.) LOGGING ENGINE IS WORKING AT SISTERS Duckett Mill Shut Down On Account of Iick of Steam Thermometer KcglMerH 10 Below Zero. (Special to The Bulletin.) SISTERS, Feb. C The logging en gine finally arrived at Sisters, after breaking down nearly every bridge In Its path. It Is now busily engaged in transporting logs to tho Duckett mill. Tho mill was shut down a few lays on account of cold weather and lack of steam. Tho pond has been drained. On Wednesday, Sisters experienced a snowfall of three inches and during tho night tho thermometer registered 10 degrees below zoro, tho coldest night of the -winter. Muriel Edmonson attended tho dance at Tumalo, Saturday evening. Sho reported a good time. G. M. Grelner, of Bond, was a SlBtors visitor Tuesday. Principal F. W. Weber will hold a spelling match at tho public school Friday evening, Allen Harrington .passed In all tho subjects at the eighth grade examina tion, recently held at the public school by Mrs. Allen, and received his diploma from tho county super intendent. Eva Banks and Irel Har rington passed the examination in physiology. Henry Howell passed in agrlculure. Ada Taylor fell below tho mlnjmunf In spelling and will re write In that subject at the next ex amination. Georgia Woods fell be low In grammar and will re-wrlto In that subject next May. --' Mr, and Mrs. Van Tassel, of Gist, attended tho Sabbath school and church Sunday, Immediately after mcrs. Goorse Gray went to Redmond Fri day to get some repairs for his wood saw. Mrs. O. E. Anderson was In Red mond on business Tuesday. It Is understood that Hans Mlkkol son, of Deschutes, has purchased the L. W. Warner place. Mr. MSkkolon and family will move on tholr now place In tho spring. George Gray was sawing wood for Anton Ahlstrom the last of the week. Howard Hartloy, of Tumalo, in feeding his cattle on tho Karstln place. J. Peterson and family attended the party given by Carl Hanson, ut Deschutes. Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended tho card party at the Redfild homo at Deschutes, Saturday night. A PLAIN STATEMENT. Everything must go. Nothing Is reserved; prlcoB cut way down. Sathor'B Closing Out Sale Btarts at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Adr. A Word to Mothers. Mrs. E. J. Bedard, Cowich, Wash., says, "Foley's Honey and Tar Is the best I over used. I always keep a bottlo In the house for the children. A ejuick euro for coughs und coldB." It heals raw, Inflamed surfaces, loos ens phlegm, eases hoarseness and dif ficult breathing, checks racking coughs. Sold everywhere. Adv. COMBINED LODGES GIVE PARTY AT HOTEL Tcn-ebomio School Tracher IIcnumicm Work After Hhort lUncm JUxI Cross Mceli. (Special to The Bulletin.) TERREBONNE, Feb. 1. The I. O. O. F, and Rebekah lodges gavo a party ut their hall last Saturduy ev ening, Mrs. Blancho Ilydo has returned from PrlioVille, where she. spent the week-end with relatives. MIbs Dcitrlch has resumed her du ties as teacher after belnjf absent last week on account of Illness. ' J. E. Nelson and family left tho first oX tho week for their new homo Albort Shults sold a cow to N. Couch, of Tumalo, recently. E. A. SATIIKH RETIRES. After fifteen years of sueceHsful merchandising horo in Bond, E A. Sather is closing out his ontlro stock i of dry goods, men's furnishings, shoes, etc. In many Instancos the I prices quotod are below tho present wholesale prices. It is to be a REAL SALE, a sale that will surely moot with tho requirements of tho buying public. Big reductions will bo made In spito of tho continued higher trend of prices. Mr. Sather needs no commenda tion to tho buying pu'hllc In Central Oregon nnd particularly to tho pao plo In Bend, whoro ho has always maintained tho highest quality -of goods. Prices havo alwayM been tho lowest consistent with the quality of goods. Mr. Sather la Including In this Bale all of tho store fixtures, and later the Btoro bulldlugg will he for rent. Thu salo Is to start nt nine o'clock Saturday morning. Adv. Bend, Oregon, CASHMAN BECOMES OWNER OF STORE Maurice Cashman has purchased Mr. Martin's Intorost In the Martin & Cashman Btoro and now becomes tho sola owner. Mr. Caflhmau Is ono of Bend's earliest citizens, having been identified with tho city's growth for tho IuhI seven years. His ac qualntancahlp extends throughout Contrul Oregon. Tho Caahmnn Btoro is ono of tho most up-to-date stores in tho northwest und occupies tho corner of tho O'Kano building, facing Ore gon and Bond street. spoke to Rov. Hartranft, telling him that ho understood all Central Ore gon wheat Is to bo shipped cast and In such ovent It would nccessltntn tho shipping of wheat from tho east for tho manufacture of flour for Central Oregon consumption. That would In crease tho price of tho flour to tho conn inner to n very great extent. Tho manivger of tho flour mill roquBsted that tho county chairman Inquire of tho food admlplMtratlon concerning the solution along UiIh Hue. Local merchants had oxprossed n willingness to buy a carload of flour apiece, which would glvo thorn 70 por cent of their last year's sales, and It this were possible Mr. Kroenort woh of the opinion that ho could stop the shipment of wheat to the cant. At tho tlmo Rev. Hartranft wuh unuhlo to do anything In the matter and could merely repeat tho order prohibiting grocern from having on hand any amount to exceed a 30-day supply, with tho additional limitation that tho merchant stock up with only 70 per cent of tho quantity purchased in the corresponding month of a year ago. Groffeuberger'n, Mllllcan, Or r.t-tS.Dp FOR SALE-mo acres timber claim, SW NE,i HE NW',i NE4 8Wi 8W. HE'.i. Hoc. 21, Tp. 20. R. 10, For price apply to Ed. Thronn, BomldJI Minn, R R. No. 3. S7-4 9p FOR HALE Lot nnd four.room house on Greenwood Ave., 300. In qulro Bulletin. C7-40p FOR SALE OR TRADE A North Iakota farm for Bend property. Ad dress Box r,79, Bend. 4G;48,9,Gop FOll SALE, CHEAP A good Ford car. Phono or write A. O. Walker, Alfalfa. 40.,40c FOR SALE NWU BWU Sec. 27, Tp. 17, S. R. 12, containing 30 acres, mora or less, tying northeast of Bend and within a mllo and it hnlf of tho centor of the city. Terms, cash. Make mo an offer. J. F. Beau, Court House, Cincinnati, Ohio. 21-47lfc FOR SALE Corbln ronch, 2fi miles south, on river, for stock or dairy. L. Corbln, Oregon City, Oro gon, R. 4. Ct-tt.Op CALL KMirilOX. (Continued from Pago Ono.) togothor amount to aliout J 17,000. In deciding on Mr. Boiiboii'j plan tho meeting abandoned tho Idea for merly suggoHtcd, of Issuing bnnilM to toko up outstanding warrants jnl nnothor plan, also discussed by those present, of uskltig for a tax levy suf- j flclout to wlpn out tho warrant In debtedness and also run tho city this year. A Bpoclal election wuh held In Do comlier to obtain thu approval of tho votors on a city budget, calling for u tax n exccsB of the constitutional limitation, tho amount bolng $2f,000. At this tlmo tho proposed tax was de feated. Ignorance of tho city's fi nancial needs and a goueral belief that tho measure would pass Is bo levied to have been tho causa of Its defoat, and (t is. hopod that the now plan will moot approval. Women Wiint tho llo,t. f Woman Is more finely constructed than man und sho requires tho heat to be had In medicines when hor sys tem becomes disordered, Foley's Kidney Pills help the kidneys cloanso tho (blood of Impurltfcs that causo aches and pains In muBclcs and Joints, oackache, rheumatic pains and puffi n ess under eyes. Sold everywhere, Adv. LOST A cowt Find Uor In Tho Bullotln want ads. qiiAHSIKHCD ADVKRTIHHMKNTH Wit HALE. FOR SALE Ono liorqof In goj$d condition, gontlo and truo; will work slnglo or double Inquire ut Chas. TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHAXGEI20 acres near Murcola, Oregon, partly Improved, 7 rooin,hoiiHo, ,1 bams and other build ings; I gooil team, wagons and hur tles , C cowh and some young stock, to (ratio for nlfulfa land near Bend or Redmond, by owner. Address J E. Ward, Marcola, Or. CO-ia.BO.tp TO TRADE Flvo neroM of land near high school In The DiiIIoh, Ore., for Bond property or laud In Dns chutes or Crook counties. See F, F, Flsch, 101J3 Bond street, or addroNi P. O. Box 323, lleud, Oro. 2fi.4 8tfc LOUT AND FOUND. WANTED. WANTED- Boy for light chorn work on ninth. Apply Bend Garage or Phono Rural 911. fill-Op LOST- RegUtered Durham bull, diamond brand on left ribs, tag "Co" In ear. W. F. Fryrear. Cllnn Fall. bl49,r.! 8TRAVED Young 1laok oolu branded M on left stifle. Will pay all charges, Cut In Moore. 34-4 8, COp HTRAVED Two while sheep, on iilnn months, tho other IN month; wont across track. Injulrn Bulletin. 47-4S- FOl'ND--Ono old sorrel horse with white hind feel, branded T on right shoulders; weight about 1000 Ilia. Owner will please claim animal nml . pay charges. Elmer M. Peck. I lamp i ton. 2047, 9r TAKEN UP Two while work horses, right front foot of homo l wire cut and mare's maun roached; brand undecipherable. Owner plcaie i call at Mrs. George Llvesloy'a ran n V at DcBchules, 18.47,CO- TAKEN UP While-faced. Short horn two.year-old heifer; right cr croppiM; Inverted J I on right hip; owner may have same by paying corns of food and advertisement. II. L Tone, Sisters. ll-47,fOn- HTRAVED One span of whlt. horses, brand on one. either 13 or 17. I) r a nd on other undoclporablo. M McK-.y, Home Ridge. 71-46,9 Brand .Directory f FRANK I'ERCIVAI.L .Mllllcnii, Oregon. ndv &9i A Right side; right ear crop ped; wattle right hind leg. II. I,. TOXi:, HKters, Orv. udv lOOi A CLEAN STORE Is u recomnietuliition in itself that goes u loiif; with the diseriininutnifr housewife of today, health and happiness of the family depends on tirid lu re Foods. ( ways The Clean Fruits & Vegetables are Abundant ind Economical For Tin. Week We Have i Lrtturo (Vlrry Tomatoes (fresh) Cauliflower Ca'hbnpi Hpliianli HwiVtjI'otntocH OriuigeH Lemons Apples Florida Grape Fruit Hell Peppers Hqillixll Special Bargains FOR THIS WEEKt Extra Standard Pobb, reu- lar lCe a for a.1o Special Qunllty Poahorry, regular 30e aajfio Special Blond, regular 3Bc. .( Dulmont Saur Krnut, rogti lor 2Ro mo Taylor's Pork und Beans, regular lCe ji)o Bob White Soup, secular 4 for 2fie no ' Motto..." Quality an J Moderate Pttca. " Bennett-Cooper Company Two PlionReJ 1491 an J Black 1951 Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. v:t Irrigated Farm Lands, v, Specialty -Rrl Niitioiul tJtnk Building 124 Oregon. Sjitrt Dend, Ortgoa !