IIKNI) IIULLKTIN, I1KNO, OHKOON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 11)18 1 rAon fivr 1 i- U i 9 1 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Bond, Onwm, .limiinrv 21, III IK. Tint County Court nut In tin) court limine, iiiirMiiiint lo iiiljoiiriniii'iil, .linljn Mitrtn'H ntiil ('iiiiiiiilHnliiiiiir MnoldntoMli lioliu: itri'Hiitit. Tim iiiuntliuc wmh called to order liy tlm County JinUm, whereupon Jim (oIIowIiik prncuuilliiKN wore' made n niminl, CliiliniT Tim mailer of cliilnm n:alnnt Mm county roinlng up for coiixliliiralloii, hiiiiii) worn audited, n ml It wan ordered tlmt (Malum No. 10 in to H142 Iir-IiihIvh, No. 10 l& to 1071 Incluwlve, an nhown on pawm M mill fifi of llm Docket of ('lalinn, bo mill (ho miiun are hereby allowed, mul tint clerk lit liintriirli'it to Ikhiiu Ii In wnrrnntn In payment thereof. DUlrlrt Attorney! Wnrrnul In tlm mini of 2r,u ordered drawn In fnvor of Vernon A. Forbim, an wpocliil conn. hiiI to iihhIhi District Attorney, In tlm county iIIvImIoii milt. Itoad Holler; II wan ordered that a Mouarnli Coiulilnatloii roail roller Imi piirclinNinl from tlm Howard Cooper Corporation, total rout $.1H(H). One-lmlf of ntilil purchann prion to lie paid April I. lit IN, balance to lie paid April 1, It) l!i ' No further ImihIiicm roinlm: up for coiiNlilnratloii al till time, on motion duly madn mid mronded, court ad Joiirned to meet January :I0, 1 0 1 K. Ileud, Oregon, December 30, 10IH. Tlm adjourned hpmIoii of tlm County Court of Dencliutiin County met at 10 o'clock a in. In llm court limine, there lie'ui: prenent Judce W I). Murium, CoiniolHiilonerfi A. I.. Mack itonli mid I., i: Kmltli JjTJin ineetliMC wiih called lo order by j:oiiiity juiiko. K. Nelnon itoad! It wan moved liy ConiinlKHlnuer Kmltli, mid necoiuled hy ('omnilNHloimr Mncktutoili, that O. M. HwiuiHon lie limtrurleil lo discon tinue llm opeiiliiK of the K. Nelnou rond, until recnlvliiK further ItiNlriir tloiiH from tlm county court Car ried, Judge llurnin votliiK liemitlvely. IteKlntratlou Card, Dearhuten County: It wan ordered that County Cletk llanor he directed to brlriK maiidamu prorcndliiK a:aliiM llm county clerk of Crook county, lo net poniii'Hiilon of tlm reRlniratlou card now on file In tlm office of llm coun ty clerk of Crook county, of all reu Intercd voter who rcaldo In what In now Deiciiuto county In the Matter of tlm Trntinfer of Tumalo Project IteconU from Crook County to limchuto County: It In ordered that tlm county clerk of Ilea chute county lie, and he I hereby directed to take all Decennary Htvpn for llm traimfcrrliiK of tlm Tumalo Irrigation Project record, now on 4 HI" wh llm county clerk of Crook vrouuly, from the nuld county clerk' office of Crook county, lo Denchuton ntinly, and tlm Raid county clerk of Headline county In further ordered to tako tlm nercaimry atcpa to have Juiuferred from Crook county, any rinl nil booki, volume, recordi, r tlflraten and oilier luitruiiieiit ef fecting or relating to real property In DcNchuten county, to Denchutim coun ty. In llm Matter of the Collection of Money Owing to DenchuteR County, from Crook County, arltlng from llm Settlement Ilia de between tlm two Common In tlm Joint SchhIoii Held: It In ordered that the county treasur er of Dencbtilen county forthwith take thu imcennnry atop to collect that portion of nald money belonging to Denchutnn county, mid ho Is ompow- oreii mm aimiorireu io lUKe an tieron nary nlnpn lo carry out the provlnlons of thin order. Adding Machine for County Of flcen: Tint following letter having beep mibllllUcd: January 2R, liUS. "To llio Hnnnrahlo County Court of Denchulen County, Oregon (Son tlemcin. Wo, the County Treasurer mul County Annsnnor of nald rtniuiy, hereby represent that mi adding ma chlim In uoconnary for the proier con- ling of our renpectlvo offlcen and iypy reiimnl that thu Maine bo pur tnod for our Joint mm. OLYDIC M. M'KAY, (7ounty Treanurer. T. MUMVltKKY. County Anniwniir." After duo dlscunnlon mul coiinlderH Hon, It wan ordered that a llurrougliH Adding Machine, ntyle :iU, iih pttr contract horowlth, bo ordered at (ho prico or nan. Jail llulldlu: Thin mutter U now prenntitDil by Mr. John II. ItaiiHcli, roiiHtruntlou nupiirlutniiilont of tlm I'.iuly Jail llulldlug company. An tho Jail ban boon completed according lo HpeclflcatlotiH mid plmm on file with contract, It wiih Ordered that nald Jail building bo accepted hy tlm county and that Oiu payment of $ 4 ti :t 0 . f 5 bo made accord lug to tho torniH of dm contract, which aro within :i0 duyn after com pletion. It In further ordered that warrant bo rniiilu payable to thu Flrnt National ; Hank, mid that they bo tiiHtructod to i Ihhuo draft In amount of f -tcao.nn, J payalilo to thu l'auly Jail llulldlug , Cjimpmiy, Appolutinont of Itoad 'Master: It wan ornoroii mat Kranic May bo ap linlnteil ox-offluln road maalur, to act until Hiii'h tlmo iih a permanent road mnator U appointed for DuHchutun county. Scalp IlountluH: Ilopnrt uIiovvIiik amount of scalp bountlun paid by tho cmffity cleric dining tho past six montliH, rocplvod mid ordered filed. Total amount paid from July 1, to Dooomber 111, 1017, ?1 007.no ; larg eat amount paid on any ono day bu liig ? in 1.00. Troy Trailer, Ilodaon KoonaiiRhty Co, Thin bill bolug prosoutod nt thin tlmo, nftor iIIhcubhIoii, It wad onlorod that himiio bo coutlnuod until April 1, 1018, at which tlmo oamo ahull bo paid In full, with Intorost fiom Dec. 10, 1017, an Htatud In coutvuet; lout or trallor bolutr $2185.50. Henlgimtlou of County Commla alftyr: Tho roHlguatlon ot County Commlsfllonor Ii, 10, Smith, was pro aoucd at thla tlmo, : GRAVELY S If JEBIHa ' Plon Qrl Jly ' yCJLLLLLa lhiliirwnmill. 'BKOH lllvihibn VS?LLLI ') m Oilllfjlno Chw, 'Kf ZlLLVul. If. too. pouch 13 pnoor or it m i" W1 .Jt't JW!cJ?J"aulv' !yt,r" Tm il SSV - X'm 9M. 1 W 1 yr 1 Ll" 7T ii A 1 L lLi...S yl uwT Platafis Vir (I H I I JX)OK IK)ll Till! PROTIXTIONSnAI; I if I it ifl not nnAL onAvr.LY wrTiioirrMOjJJ ' I THIS HEAL Vggf K. B. Culllnon, (lo 3.&0 Howard-Coopor Corp., road nuppllcB 29.48 Orlffln & Co., road nuppllon.. 103.r, Oregon I'tiel Co., do .1,00 (Irani M Itayrnotid, transcrip tion of Halley cano 177,15 It. O, Illackwoll, auto hire for nhcrlff 20.00 I). V. Good, road work, Dis trict No. 20 40.50 II. K. Ituffo. do . 80.75 K. II. wliltrnoro, oxponncn clerk's offlcn . .. (Ico. 8tokoo, auto hlro, prohi bition cane A L. Mackintosh, comrnin nloner'fl fern l.sn 1.2 R. 30 00 January 20, 191K. To tho County Court of Denchuten County, Oroxoii, (leutlemeu: Owing to tlm prenn of my pnrnonal affalrn, and tho limited tlum which I have at my dlnpoNiil for attending to coun ty hunlimnn, I find It ueceimary that I be ruleancd from tho latter, and hereby tender my renlgtiallou an County CommlHnloiier to takn effect Immediately. I., K. SMITH " On iiiotlou of A. I,. Macklutonh, tho resignation wan accepted, C. II. Miller, of Kedmond, Oregon, wan nominated by A, I.. Macklutonh, mul on million made mid necouded, wan duly elected to fill Mr. Hmlth'n unexpired term. Claims: Tlm matter of claims against tlm county coming up for consideration, same were audited, mid It wan ordered that Claims No. 1C72 to I07K Inclusive, No. 1C80 to 1CS0 Inclusive, No. Kfi'j mid 1000. as slio;vu on page f,C of tho Docket of Claims! bo and tho same are hereby allowed, mid tlm clerk Is Instructed to Issim bin warrants In payment thereof. It was ordered that $4512 30 bo transferred from tlm Uenerul Fund to tlm Uoad Fund, to (ako tare ot County Itoad warrants Issued from January 1, J'JlS, to Jauuury 30, 1918, Inclusive. Judges and Clerks of Klectlon. Ilend No. 1, Judges, James I). Davidson, Dennis Carmody; clerks, John K Arnold, Ward II. Coble, Wul ter W. Ferguson. Mend No, 2. Judges. John Kteldl. Hubert II Fox: clerks, Fred Van Malre, Klmer V. Ward, Junieji M. Wray. Head No 3, John J. Cunningham, Claude K. Hamilton; clerks, Hoy (Ill son, Frunk Ileum, Donald V. Mack intosh, Iluiitl No, 4. Judges, Clark Khodfs, Oils C. Honklu; clerks, Har rison l.ailium, Clyde M. McKay, liy rou Cady. Ilend No. 5. Judges, Itev. I.uko Hhnehnn. diaries J. I.uverctt; clurkji, Kheeliuu. Charles J. I.evorett; clerks, Charles I), Ilrown, Arthur L. French, Hubert (I. Illackwoll. Ilend No. 0. Judges, M. O. Coo, Ivan It. Knolls; clerks, Albert C. Armstrong, Charles Hlpchuu, Ulunii II Slack lliid No. 7. Judges, William O. Fordham, James (1. Hedmoud; clerks, l-:twood h. Clark, Oumr Hastlu. Frank W Tomes. I.ava. No. 8.- Judges, W. P. Van divert, Austin Dillon Lewis; clerks, Fmd A Shonuuest, Charlsn W. Wash bum, Annie M. Shoiuiuent. West Side. So. . Judges, Millard F. I.a Orange, Italph Fairfax; clerks, J'red Uallaglmr, l.ovl l'.. Palmer, John McClurg. Aubroy, No. 10. Judges, I). I.. Wiggins, (leorgo V. Verbeih; clerks, II. J. Schmidt, Herman II. Moore, Charles Mason, Tumalo, No. 11. Judgi, Frank K. Dayton, Frank V. Swisher; clurks, Chauncoy P Pecker, Wlllard It. (lor king, John C. Stiles. Plain view, No. 12. Jtnlgen, It. Je rome Sktiltoii, M. W. Knickerbocker; clerks. James II. Klklun, Promina Van Tassell, Hubort A. Scogglu. Slslern, No. 13 Judges. Joseph I). Mow man, Chan. I,, (list; clerks, llar dv K. Allen, Kills II. Kdglugtou, Ar thur Temploton, Lower Ilrldge, No. 14. Judges, Lawreuco Hunt, Tom A. Veil dor; clerks, Arnold S. Holmes, Gustavo K. Sladlg, Haphael S, Towuo, Terrebonne, No. 15. Judges, Kv erott Parr, (leorgo II, Mcdregor; clerks. Asa W lloiitou, Ceorgo P. Bi llot I, Alma McClay. Kedmond, No. 10. Judges, Oonrgo (J. Sedgwick, Jarod W. Monro; dorks, Doutoii O. llurdlolc, J, Hui; Hoborts, Al Wright. Teihorow, No. 17. Judges, Char Iiih 1). Jarrott, Frod A. Hlco; dorks, Marda W. DoIihoii, Oraco 11. Morno, Mabel M. Kendall. Cllnu FnllH, No. 18. Judges, John Park, Henry Holuiholtz; clurkH, Kmauuol Oonior, Hay K. llarpor, J, August Striua, Doschutes, No, ID. Judges, Win. K Van Allon, Olaf K. AndorHou; dorks, Win. P. (lift, Claudo McCau ley, M. M. Wliltrnoro. Alfalfa, No. 20. Judgcii, Agues Clarko, Frank M. Post; clorka, Mnry Flslmr, Kthel Powoll, Curtis H, Hoi loway. (1 range, No. 21. Judges, Loo Young, ChaH. W. Iloooh; clorka, Hob ort C. Colvor, It. K, Crlmos, Albert Worimtaff. Mllllcmi, No, 22, Judges, Ivan L. Owon, Hoy 0. Cook; clorks, Mary C. Kollor, Frod a. Klgor, Potur II, John sou, Iirnthors, No. 23. Judges, Arloa O. King, Patrick II. Coffoy; clorks, Mlldrod It. Taylor, 10. K. Vnrco, Snm uol W. Morrill. , Hampton, No, 24. Judgos, llurr Illack, Isaao Zldrolf ; clorks, Hurroll McNott, Thoniah C. Kwlng, M. Loo Itlgga. f No furtbor 'business coming up for deiwl local consideration at this time, on motion duly miide and seconded, court ad journed to timet January 31, 1918. Claims allowed at tlm January 23, 1918, term of Court: Anton Ahlstrotn, rond work, District 19 . Olaf Hanson, do Andrew Nelson, do Win (lift, do - -Ilaughman, do Class & Priidhomnm, record No, 23, Index Class & Pruilhommu, board supplies C. V. Sllvls. Juror, circuit ct. C. V. Sllvls, Insurance on Co. furniture, otc. llniid Insurance Co., do Cent. Ore Motor Co , supplies for sheriff's auto Cent. Ore, Motor Co., lighting system Supt's. auto . . Lynch & Hoborts, supplies fur county hospital J. C. Khodus. premium on surely bond It. H. Do Armond, supplies, county attorney Ileud Hardware Co., sheriff 1. road work SI 22.72 . . Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone, Prlnevlllo II. I. Kenuard, salary Dec, water master Mrs. (Jnrtrudo Cleveland, work In Supt. offlci . Northorn Kx:rcss Co., ex press on truck supplies .. Jan. S. Woods, road work, Districts 1C-17 Krunst Mltdull, road work, District No. 14 Hedmoud Spokesman, sup plies, assessor Hedmoud Spokesman, irriga tion district Adv John McHachcrn, auto hire, county patient Ceorgo Ilnrclcy, do V. M. White, do J, II. Hancr, rent, local board office 70.37 19.50 4.50 12.00 COO 84.35 3.75 2.00 28.35 28.35 48.C0 106.00 20.00 125,00 45.C5 123.72 G.12 50.00 1S.00 19.90 09,75 18.00 8,00 1.50 15.00 8.00 2.00 15.00 K. M Wliltrnoro, expenses clerk's office Class ft Prudhoinmc, supplies clerk's office W. I) Harries, expenses, coun ty Judge W. I). Panics, mileage Juve nile court t4, road work $3.60 Loin Simmons, stenographer, school superintendent Leo Nlckcrson, road work, District No. 21 Win. Koyjiolds, do Prince Staats, do Frank Johnson, work on Pau lina Creek bridge Oregon Fuel & Trans. Co., road supplies U. 8. Fidelity & Guaranty Co., bond of tax collector, Hub erts . Ilend Insurance Acncy, bond of sheriff Ilend Insurance Agency, bond of constable, Nixon Hoy a I Cafe, board of prisoners Glass & Prudhotnnie, chattel & Mortgage records, No. 3 and 15 J. I). Ilowman. road work Dis trict No. 13 K. D. Tyler, do Geo. Mvsser, do It. II, Grondahl, do Philip Iloal, do I). L. Miller, do W. K. Graham, do Georgo Wilson, do Fred McKlnney, do Ilend Insurance Agency, bond of county surveyor Ilend Insuranco Agency, bond of coroner January :,(, I01H, Term. Miller Lumber Co., lumber Co., lumber for road work.. Miliar Lumber Co., do Oregon Fuel Co., road sup plies L. A. W. Nixon, care of Insan ity patient , Jay Saltzman. do 0.97 0.08 5.25 7.50 75.00 91.50 72.00 9.00 COO 13.50 06.00 C5.00 10.00 2.50 57.00 38.50 00.00 33.00 40.12 24.50 20.00 20.00 42.76 16.00 16.00 9.00 26.20 19.20 18.75 2.00 7.00 LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE YOU'LL enjoy this real Burley cigarette. It's full of flavor just as good as a pipe. IT'S TOASTED The Burley tobacco is toasted; makes the taste delicious. You know how toasting improves the flavor of bread. And it's the same with tobacco exactly. ilil r v $&0!sQ H Guaranteed by This JntAjyCea IMaORPONAYlO Shoes for Real Service OL'Il HPIXTALTV IS TO MAKIJ HIIOKH THAT STAND Till: TKHT NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially made for this kind of country. None aro bet ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsomo serviceable dress shoo for men. CaDnot be beaten for tho monoy. Glvo theso shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. Tho A. Hanson Logger Shoes of Threo Lakes, Wis., are hand-made and cno of tho very best of Ha kind. Speclol made-to-order work taken for this shoe. UP-TO-DATE H1IOK HMPAIRI.VO BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND OREGON Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sundrd Siia. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Ajfent, MILLER LUMDER CO. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth ind Wuhioglon Strccti PORTLAND. OREGON Centrally Located Tit Hotel (or YOU Special Summer Kates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S car transfer at 5thSt. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES Ii A V V K K First National Bank Building Bend :: :: Oregon H. H. DeARMOND L A W Y i: u O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon ARTHUR J. MOORE Luwyer Lo? Cabin Building Bend, Ore. Phone Black 1411 II. O. L L I S Attorneyat-Lnw United Statcti Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON J. K. KNGKllItETSON, I'LOIItING AMI HEATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Dono. Shoe Repairing Dono In n FlltST-CIiASS wan- tier, vthlloymi watt. L. Goodman, opposite linker's ( Grocery. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... 0IIEG0N O. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. W. W. FAULKNER, D. M, D. DENTIST Sulto 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon O. P. NISWONOEn, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embaliucr, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Aest. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathlc I'liyslchut Over Logan Furnlturo Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 6 Phono Rod 482 DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend MoRthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or inquire ot TnORS)N, THE JEWELER THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Bttrtt and Forwardla, Gtnoal Ca taUtloQ Uirikuti. Wa carry Oil, Gatolbta, Baiar, View, Salt tlcati, Hibu, Batao and Laid.