The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 07, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    mok roun
Crowds Hear Address at Hippodrome
Last Night Over-flow Meeting Held
Captain Gook, Other Speaker In Party, Prevented From
Appearing, By Illness From Cold Officers Saw
Action In Important .Battles In Flanders People at
Home Advised of Gifts to Send Soldier.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Dcforc a packed house at the Hlp-
podrotno last night and an over-flow
IsootlnK later at the Masonic lodge
Looms, Major F. B. Edwards, of tho
Second Canadian Mounted Rifles,
.old of his experiences in the trenches
n France, describing tho details of
Ifo there, the spirit of soldiers and
ho llttlo intimate happenings that
arought the battles closo to every
member of the audience. Major Kd--ards,
in his simple, straightforward
roan-to-man talk, impressed his, lis
teners with tho necessity of everyone
Ijolng his bit, no matter how small,
tin the (great "war, better than any
aratorlcally Inclined onlooker could
lever have done.
The purpose of tho tour of the
Canadian officers, who were in town
4ast night, was explained by Bruce
Jcnnls, stato director of the Council
Defense, who introduced Major
Edwards. "Even with tho extraor
dinary achievements which have been
accomplished here," ho said, "thero
) spots In Oregon where the lethar
of war work Is absolutely unpar
donable. These spots have grown
extremely wealthy and are turning
a deaf ear to every worthy cause that
goes to help our boys In Europe.
This being true, the time is here
when the showdown should be called.
We have been content to let the other
fellows do tho righting. Wo must be
a united nation from now on.',' Tho
officers on this account were sent,
In order that tho pcoplo of tho stato
might be better informed as to what
Is actually being accomplished in tho
Tour I ImR One.
The tour of tho Canadians began
in the fore part of last month, tho
men speaking beforo 50 gatherings or
around 90,000 people. This means
that practically one-seventh of tho
population of tho stato has heard
them. Originally thero were six
men In tho party, -Major Edwards,
Captain E. J. Gook, Lieutenant Col
onel T. M. McMillan, two privates and
Mr. Dennis. Lieutenant Colonel Mc
Millan was called back to Canada
whilo In Baker. Ho was accompanied
by one of tho privates. Captain Gook,
owing to a sevcro cold he contracted
In Condon, was unable to appear last
night. He participated In a gas at
tack on tho west fiont and since that
time has been subject to severe ill
ness whenever ho catches cold. The
party went to Prinoville and Red
mond this morning to speak in thoso
towns before returning to Portland.
Major Edwards togan his story
with the time ho left for Flanders.
"Wo were mobilized on August 14,
1914, my regiment bolng asked to
give up its horses and volunteer as
infantry. Not onu man tailed to re
spond," ho said.
Soldiers Want Letter.
SpoivklniT of services easily per
formed tit homo, tho speak lug ltd
visud that letters bo wrlttou frequent
ly. "Don't tell the 'hoys of your llttlo
troubles at homo. They want ehoer
ful notes that won't add to their bur
dons. A man who gets a dreary let
tor is usually not nearly an good a
soldier for throe or four days after
ward. The first thing that is looked
for In tho trenches Is tho mnll sack,
even before the soldiers think of ra
tions. "Speaking of parrels to send, socks
aro tho most Important. As n bit of
suggestion let ino'advlso that they lie
knit long In tho legs and tight at the
calves, so they won't slip down, ns
tho men wear large rubber boots and
loose socks aro uncomfortable Inside
of tliom.
CuihIIch Aro Neodeil.
"Wax candles are also somothlng
ovoryone needs. Send short ones be-
causo tho long kind break easily nml
aro worse than none at nil. They
como In handy ns lights when men
are 'billeted and the Issue of tallow
sticks is not sufflolent." Two more
suggestions ho mado wore cakes of
hard chocolate which could bu chewed
whllo on marches, and tins of Insect
powder with which to exterminate
tho small live stock Which Inspired
tho song, "Tho Llttlo Gray-Ilack In
My Vest."
In describing tho trenches on tho
west front lie, said the two armies
woro never more than 30 or 40 yards
apart. Tho billeting area behind the
first lines ds mado up of huts, hous
ing from 30 to 40 men, small V-
shaped teiyjs, or sometimes none at
all. Soldiers hero aro kept In fight
ing trim all of tho tlnio by taklns
routo marches and Indulging In Swed
ish exorcises. Crews nro called out
at night to dig ternches, following
a "broad whtto tapo laid down by tho
engineers. Spades and picks are por
tioned out and each man Is required
to dig a space six feet long, three
feet deep and two foot wide In ono
night. No man moves oft until he
has accomplished this much. On
marches in full fighting order an av
erage of 75 pounds of equipment Is
carried. The soldier at this time looks
"llko a full-rigged Christmas tree,"
he said.
Inopctlnn In Rogulnr.
Gas helmets and the condition of
tho men's feet aro Inspected ovory
day as a matter of precaution and
extreme sanitary measures aro taken
to assuro cleanliness In the trenches.
So particular are tho officers about
Owing to the unusual mildness of the winter thus far, we find our shelves
stocked with a surplus of winter goods. Suits, shoes, overcoats, gloves, hats,
caps, mittens, underwear, sox, shirts, sweaters, mackinaws, etc. You need
the goods we need the room. THE GOODS MUST GO.
I COO value, sale 8 J5.4B
; 8.00 value, sale 8 7.20
$ 9.00 value, sale 8 7.05
110.00 value, sale 8 8.75
J 12. GO value, sale 810.-15
15.00 value, sale . .$1.30
$6.00 value, sale. ..$3.25
16.50 value, sale $3.75
J15.00 valuo $12.50
117.50 value $11.05
120.00 valuo $10.05
25 & $27.50 val. $21.00
$2.00 value, sale ..$1.05
$2.50 value, sale ....$1.05
$5.00 value, sale . ..$1.25
$8.50 and $9, sale $7.20
Heavy Rubbers.
$4.00 value, 8-ln. duck-
pac, sale $3J5
$5.50 value, 12-ln. leath
er top, duck-pac, . .$1.15
Winter Caps.
$1.00 val. fur band $ .75
$1.25 val. fur baud $1.00
$1.50 and $1.75 val. fur
fcand . ..$1,33
60c men's toques 50c
75c men's toques OOc
$1 00 men's toques.. 75c
Wool Socks.
35c value, sale 25c
50c valuo, sale -10c
65c value, salo 50c
75c value, sale OOc
will be on salo
A Neat
a the: store that sets the, pace
ut I)
ing Feb. O
requiring Hint tho anon appear at
their best at dress pnrndo. that Major
Edwards discovering that lie had not
shaved ono day, was forced to resort
to a Jam tin of cold tea, In lieu of
other water.
An Instance of heroism ho brought
to tho attention of tho audience was
tho case of threo Australians, who
were found In a shell hole In "No
Man's Lund" utter the Canadians had
taken over that sector. Two of tho
men had their thlglm broken and
their comrade had spent three days
crawling around botween the trench
es securing water and food for thorn
by robbing dead bodies, Tho soldiers
were brought safely behind tho Hues
and tho herolo man received a medal
for his bravery.
Major Edwards particularly praised
tho behavior of tho American troops
upon lauding In Loudon. Ho s'ltd
tho officers deserved commendation
for the way In which they had In
structed their men.
Fought In 111k Rattle.
The Canadian officer took part In
the battle of Sanctuary Wood In tho
Yprcs salient, his brigade being or
dered to hold an Important post
known as Observation Hill. After
one of the mol frightful battles of
the war ho was successful In tils mis
sion although ho camu out of It with
534 or his 2300 men.
In closing, ho mentioned somo of
the German atrocities ho had cotuo in
contact with and the necessity of
checking them. "We are fighting not
only tho Germans," ho declared, "hut
the German systom of punishment.
That nation has no right to a- place
In the world beside other nations
which consider themselves civilized.
Wo must push this war further for
ward and make it on Gorman itoll.
Wn aroigotng to soo that the Teutons
learn to know tho heel of the Invader
because they deservo It. Tho only
way to gain a lasting peace Is by a
demonstration of greater force than
they have put forward."
Homn Service IinMrtnnt.
In an Interview with Captain Gook
this morning ho omphaslzod tho Im
portance of support being lven by
the people at homo. "Tho big push
Is still going on," ho said, "and that
Is where our American troops will be
fighting. It took two years for Eng
land to put everything asldo for their
men and meanwhllo fighting was go
ing on In tho trenches. This time
wo have started on what I consider
the third and lant part of tho war.
Now' that this country has sent Its
first army of men over It must not
sit down and talco a rest at home, as
tho allies did.
"Everyono of tho threo branches
of tho army must bu supported. Pco
plo shy to mo, 'Now that tho Ameri
can airplanes aro ovor thore, won't
It bo easy to win tho war?' Tho air
service is Important but It can only
act as tho cyo for the Infantry and
AiiHTlcnm Wasteful.
"I'eoplo aro neglecting opportun
ities to save In this country," ho went
on. ' "When one comes hem from
Franco and England ho notices It. In
London If you so much as throw a
piece of wasto bread in n garbage
can and It Is discovered, you are
fined." Tho peoplo ovor thero will
soon bo making these sacrifices to
feed tho men from tho United States."
Captain Gook was In tho trenches
from February, 1915, until May, of
last year. Ho has been wounded a
number of times.
Private W. K. Lorlmor was the oth
er member of tho party In Uend last
(Fly United I'rnu to The llend llullrtln.) '
(From Friday's Dally.)
PORTLAND, Feb. 1. Cheaper
milk Is in prospect as a result of
Europe suddenly stopping Its heavy
buy fug of condonsod milk. Condon
sarlcs of tho northwest, which have
been buying tho product at high pric
es, aro overstocked and may have to
sell at a lower ftxuro.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Not a solitary employe of Tho
- liullotln has failed to secure a
thrift card and Ijcgln purchases -
of war-savings stamps, A can-
vass of tho offlco Saturday,
- showed that ovoryono, from tho -
nowsboyB up, had liogun putting
- asldo from 25 cents to $1 per
Somo of tho youngstors --
thought slnglo igreon stamps on
- their cards looked so loncaomo
thoy camo back and made sov-
oral purchases moro. A soiling
agoncy has boon takon by Tho
Hullotln, with tho result that
tho place has gone 100 per cont
- for government savings. In ad-
- dltlon, a numbor of porsons call- --
Ing at tho offlco have mado
purchases thoro. -
Luck of Oilier Tlinii White Flour In
Itcnil ('linnet CIiiiiiko of )rdcr
Wheat Product .May Ho
PiiitImimmI Ktrnlulit.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
tluahlu to find a sufficient quantity
of flour substitutes In Central Oregon
to make It feasible to carry out tho
food administration program, llev,
II. C. Ilartranft, chairman of this dis
trict appealed for Home relaxation of
tho rules so far as Ilund anil the sur
rounding country It concerned, with
tho result that a modification has
been mado. In a communication re
ceived yesterday from headquarters
It Is stated that where substitutes
cannot bo had tho county adminis
trator will Issue permits for the salo
of flour straight, hut this cannot bo
douu without such penult.
Last week igrocers were Instructed
not to sell flour unless 17 pounds of
suhstltutu were purchased with ev
ery 60 pounds of tho wheat product.
On Tuesday, January 29, there were
less than 500 pounds of the former
In this city. Many of tho foods rec
ommended by tho government "were
not oven to bo found. Tho substi
tutes Included barley flour, buck
wheat flour, com flour, potato flour,
rice flour, corn meal, corn starch,
com grits, hominy, oat men I, rolled
oats and rice. Thoro Is on hand a
small quantity of oatmeal and a still
smaller stock of buckwheat and none
of tho others mentioned In Urn list.
Potato flour, which comes In pound
packages much the samo s corn
starch, In ho high priced that It Is Im
practicable to pureliitni) It,
Haul to (let HiibtllliitiN,
Hov. Ilartranft experimented with
potatoes anil tliulr use mixed with
flour, finding thoy mado a very sat
isfactory substitute, When ho suk
gosted their ttbiiuilauro In this uoun
try to tho food iHliiilnliitialor for Ore
gon and asked that thoy ho Included
In the Hiilmtltutu lint, ho wan mot wild
a flat refusal, "This Is hard In un
derstand," said tho local chairman,"
as tho tubers aro cliiup and plentiful.
"We face another peculiar prob
lem," ho went on. "Tho grocers hunt
will find It hard to get substitutes, an
even W. K, Newell, assistant admin
iHtrator for Oregon Intimates In a
letter that tho wholesale houses In
Portland have no stocks sufficient to
supply the great demand,"
Flour May Ho Whipped,
To add to the confusion of tin sit
uation, word has been received hero
that all white flour on hand must ho
shipped to Minnesota, tho product to
start moving east Wednesday. This
means that It will bo necessary to
bring In wheat mid the price wilt be
Rev. Ilartranft wrote the north
west food administrators Saturday,
hoping to nip tho scheme In the bud.
but as yet has hud no reply In re
gard to the matter.
In enforcing the food rules the
county chairman has mot with num
erous difficulties, Swedish and Nor
wegian people, ho finds, take to tho
dark bread orders moro kindly than
others. It Is thought that this may
be accounted for by their having nied
tho dark flours In greater quautltton
In tho old country.
i:li:(tricitv cut off.
(From Monday's Dally.)
When a tree fell across a high ten
sion wire near the lluffiohmldt-
Diigan Iron Works late yesterday af
ternoon It was found necessary to
shut off the electricity from the ontlru
town, one circuit at u lime. A crww
of 10 men worked tho principal part
of the afternoon Investigation tin
rnuse of the trouble ami repairing the
damaged Hue.
Htel Itamont
running water. Good bsth privilegei.
Dining Room With Good Service
MEAL I (OURS; 6 lo 6, Luixh 12
to I, I J, Dinner 6 lo 7llfi. Mrtli that plete
the title and wtiJy the phyncul needi. Hoomi
ml UoiiJ, pel week )l lj t month $40, Si.,
gle mull 40c and tOc. ITwoe Red 101.
Practical Experience Counts
in Developing and Printing Films, and we are
prepared to turn out firstclnss work in a short
time. Our work insures your coming again.
"In at ONE, at FIVE they're done."
WITH SYMONS. The Jeweler. O' HlJtf.. BenJ. Ore.
And the next day you will go back
to McBride's because the Lunches
served there are sewed just right.
McBride's Confectionery
Oregon Street
Phone Re J 1751
'O'Kane BUtf.
on the job to give you eIicient
service at the shortest notice.
Here to see that you get a cor
rect fitting in the kind of glasses
you need, here to stay and hack
up every bit of work I do.
With MYHON II. HVMONH, O'Kuno Hulldlnj,'