I1KND IIULLKTIft, IIKNI), OREGON, TIIUIWDAY, KKMMJAHY 7, 11 1AIK ELEVEN 'BELGIANS FORCED j TO AID GERMANS Kaiser's Officers Showed Opon Disregard of Interna tional Law. WORKMEN SEIZED AS SLAVES Cardinal Mercler Moved to Dltter Con demnation of Acta of Qerman Au thorltlea Which Arouied Detes tation of Chrlatendorn. Contrary to rules laid down by the Hague convention, and all prin 4,ciples of civilized warfare, (Irrman l-feauthoritie 'forced llelgians to aid them in thi prosecution of tint war. The committee on public informa tion given the facta concerning these atrocious deeds in a iamphlei recently made public, from which tut take the following: October 12, Wiri, tin German million Itlr-H tX)l M lollg Step III tilt) lllVl'l(ll- input of their policy of forcing tint llil slnna to nlil them In prosecuting the wnr. Tim decree of Hint ditto reveal tlin matter iiml openly discloses ii coif Ci'iupt for International lnv. "Article I, Whoever, without reason, refuses lo undertake or lo continue -work suitable to hla occupation, unit In tint execution of which the military jiiliiltrntlnn Ih Interested, such work winu ordered by nun or more of tin' inllltnry commanders, will bo liable to Imprisonment not exceeding one year, lie limy also tin transported to Oer innny, "In voklng Itelglnn Inwa or even ln teruntlnunl convention to lint con trnry, enn, In no ense, Justify tlio rc f ii n I to work. "Article '. Any person who hy force, threats, persuasion, or other menus ntlcmpts to ttiltiUMico another In r'fui work ii h (minted out In Article I, In llnlilit to tint punishment of Imprison ment not exceeding rive yetira, "Article 3. Whoever knowingly liy ' menu of nlil given or In nny other way abets n punishable refusal to work, nlil he llnblo to u maximum flue of 10,000 mnrka, nnd In nddlllon niny lie condemned to n year's Imprisonment. "If commune or association liuve rendered themselves guilty of such mi offense Hie head of the communes will oe ptinUhrd. "Article 4. In nddltlnn to tin pcnnl tlra alnted In Article 1 nnd ,1, the Oer man authorities limy, In cnae of nerd, tinKiHtt mi communes, where without .rensnn, work has heen refused, n flue fTir other coercive mic measure. This preaent ili'crvu cornea Into force lininedlntely, "Dcr Etuppclnapcklcur, "von unger, "Genernlleullinilt. "Ghent. October 1'.', IDI.V "Slavery," Said Cardinal Mercler. Cnrdlniil Mercler'H hrlef couiineut la na foil own; 'Tint Injustice nnd arbi trariness of this decree ex reed nil Unit , could he Imagined, forced labor, col lccllvit penalties nnd arid trnry punish ments, nil are there. It In shivery, nei ther innrt nor less." Cardinal Mercler wit In error, foi 5 the German authorities were utile to Imagine it much more terrlhle measure. In Octohcr, 11)10. when Hie need for ) nu ndilltlonal lahor supply In (leriuiiny i hnd become, urgent, the German gov vruuieiit established Hut system of forced Inhor nnd deportation which liiix aroused tint ilotc.ilutlou of Chris, lendom. Tint render will tint he misled 3y the cluuiKy effort of the Herman mi- y JiorltleH in i.msk lint real purpose of "tin decree. "I. People nble to work tuny lie -compelled to work even outside the jilncn where, they live, In ease they linve In apply to the charity of other for the Mipport of themselves or theli OependentH on uccnunt of KmnblltiK, (IrunkeuucMa, loallnt,, uneiiiployuieut or lilleneftw, "II. Kvery Inhiihllunt of Hie country In bound to render nxNlNtiincn In ciihc if accident or Kt'iieral danger, and iiIho to Klvo help In ciimi of public calami ties na fur iin he can, even outMdtt the plncu where ho liven; In ciiko of refu xnl ho may he compelled by force, "III. Anyone culled upon to work, under Articles I or II, who Muill re fiiho thu work, or to continue ut the work iinmIkikmI him, will Incur tint pen ulty of IniprlHoiiuient up to three yenra nnd of n lino up to 10,000 murks, or one or oilier of Uichu penalties, uiiIchi n woverer penalty In provided for liy the lawn in force, "If tho refusal to work him heen fjiindo In concert or In iiKrcoment with Vieveral peritouM, ench accompllctt will to sentenced, iih If hu wero a rliiR lender, to ut leant n week'H Imprison ment. "IV. Tho German military author! Icn nnd military courlN will enforce itp proper execution of this decree. "TIII8 QUAUTKIIMAHTKIt (1IJN- 1CHAL, HAUIUCItZWICKI. "'Great lleadqunrterH, lid October, 1010." ' Military Rulers Reiponalble. Tho rcripoiiMhlllty for this nirocloua jiroRrnih reHtH upon tho inllltnry rulers -of Germany, who had labored ho real onaly to Infect tint uriny nnd tho tioopln with the principles of rutlile.su Hess. It Im vlKiilllriiiit that tho decree of October II, 1010, followed hard upon tliji eUivntlon of lllndenburjj lo tho hu 'Ureimi command with Ludcndorf iih Ills chief of stuff, In his Iodk report of Jnti,unry 10, 1017, Minister Whltlovl: IS nnyni (On fllit In slain depiirlmnnt.) Then, In AiiKiisi, Von llliiilonliurn was appointed in llm Niipreuui coni' tnnnd, lie Ih hiiIiI to have criticized Von MImmIiik'n policy it a too mild; thurc wnn n (imrrel; Von IIIssIiik went U, llirllu (o protest, tlirenleiied to idsIkii but did not. Hit returned, and n Ger man olllclal hero mild that IIcIkIiiiii would now he aubjeeled to a more ten rlliln reKlnut-Mvotild leuhi what win wna, Tin prophecy bus been vindicat ed. Recently I was told Hint lint dras tic measures urn really of I.udendnrO liuiplrallou; I do not know, Mutiy Ger man ofllccrs nny ho," If Von Illsslinr hud opposed the pol icy of deportation when his own Judg ment wiin overruled, he consented lo liecouut the "devil's advocate" nnd de fended Hut system In public. Kspe chilly Instructive la the following con versation reported by Mr. V, O. Wnl cott : "I went to IIcIkIiiui lo InvcHllKntr conditions, nnd while there I had oji pnrtuulty . . , lo talk one day with Governor General Von Illsslni;, who died three or four weelin iiko, ii mini fovonty.lwn or seveiity-lhree yenri old, u man steeped In Hut 'system, bnrn and bred to Hie hardeiilnic of (111 heart which that philosophy develops There ought to bit snuiu new word coined for the process that a mnn'i heart undergoes when It become steeped In Dial system, "I mild to him, 'Governor, what are you koIiik to do If KiiKliind mid rraiict atop kIvIiik these people money to pur chase food)' Von Dialing Relied on Starvation, "He said, 'We have got (hut nil worked out mid have had It worked out for weel;a, liecuiiNe we have ex pected this system lo break down til nny lime.' "He went on to suy, '.Sinrvatlon will crip these people In thirty to slxtj days. Starvation Is a ciimpellltn; force nnd we would use Hint force to compel Hut MelKlan workltiKineii, many ol Ihein very skilled, to k" to German In replace the German, so Hint they could co to the front and fluid nKulnst the KiikIIsIi nnd the Trench.' "'As fast us our railway transpor tation could curry lliein, we would transport thousands of others thai would be lit for ncrlcultiirnl work, across ICurope down Into southeastern Kurope, Into Mesopotamia, where we hae huce, splendid Irrliratloti works. All Hint laud needs Is water and It will blossom like the rose. "The week reiiinlnlnc. the old nnd the youiiK. we would concentrate opx site the flrlnc line, and put flrlni; aqtinds buck of them, nnd force them HimtiKh Hint line, so Hint the Cngllsh nnd I'reurh could take cure of tbelt own people.' "It wna n perfectly simple, direct, frank rensoiiliik'. It meant Hint the Ocrnuiti Koverniueut would use nny force In the destruction of any people not Its own to further lis own ends." Frederick ('. Wnlcott. In Nntlonnl Geo-p-nphlral MnRiixlue, May. 11)17. A brief jcenernl view of the chnrnrtei of the deportations can prrhnps he Coined best from (he report of Minis ter Whltlnck. 'The deportations begun In Octobei In thu I 'tape, nt Ghent, and nt Unices, na my hrlef telegrams Indicated. The policy apread: the rich Industrial ills trlclN of Ilnlnaull, the mines and steel works nhoiit Oinrlcrol were nest nt tncked; now they are adzing men In Itnibnnt. even In llrussels, despite some Indications and even prediction of Hie civil authorities that the policy was about to he abandoned. The elnpes were the pnrlH of Itel kIiiiii under marllal law, nnd Included the province of western l-'lntiilerx, pari of eastern Flanders, and the region of Tourunl. The remnlnder of the oc cupied purl of Ilelclum was tiuilei chll Koverniueut. Pitiable and Dlttremlng. Scene. "Durluc the Inst fortulcht men Imvi been Impressed hero In UriiMscR but their seizures here lire mndu evldenll) with much crenter cure than In the provinces, with more record for the nppearnnces. There wna no public an nouncement of the Intention lo deport hut suddenly about ten days ac ccp tnlu men In towns whose uiiiiich an on the list of chomeurri received huiii iiioiih notlfyltic them to report nt oik of tho railway stations on ii clven day; penalties were llxed fur failure to re spond to Hie summons and there was printed on the card an olTer of employ ment by the German cuvcrmucnt, ei ther In Germany or Urlclum. On Hu1 first day out of about l.ttM) men or dered to present themselves ut thf Care du Midi about 7o0 responded. These were examined hy German phy sicians and S100 were taken. There wiin no disorder, u hirco forcu ol mounted Uhlans keeplnc buck the crowds nnd burrlnc iiccchh to the sta tion to nil but those who had heen miiumuucd to appear. Thu commis sion for relief In llclciuni had secured permission to clvo to each deported man a loaf of bread, and hoiuo of the communes provided warm clothing, for those who had uouu ami In addition u small llnunclal iillowunce. Ah by one of tho Ironies of life the winter hue been moro excessively cold than Itel rIuiii bus ever known It, and while many of those who presented them selves were ndoounlely protected iiKiilnst the cold, many of them were without overcontH. Tho men shlv crliiK from cold nnd fear, the partlnc from weeping wlvea nnd children, the barriers of brutal Uhlans, all this made tho scene u pitiable and dlu tresslnc one, "It wiih untlerstood that tho iTelzures would continue hero In llrussels, hut on Thursday Inst, u bitter cold day, those that hud' been convoked were sent homo without examination. It Is supposed that tho severe went her bus GERMAN HONOR DRAGGED IN DOST Solemn Promises Made to Bel gians Proved to Bo Worse Than Worthless. ALL APPEALS WERE FLOUTED Pathetic and Dignified Supplications of Municipal Qovernmenta Answered by Rebuke and Heavy Fine Irnpoaed by deneral Hopfer. Over the earnest protest of Cardi nal Mercies, heroic head of the church in llelgium, the terrible plans of the kaiser's high officers concerning the deportation of the people were carried out. The sol emnly pledged word of the German governor general of llelgium count ed as nothing in the malignant hale shown by the kaiser's creatures. Cnrdlniil Mercler attempted to per simile Hie German authorities to aban don their terrible plans for the seizure of llelcliins to assist In Die prosecu Hon of the war, reminding them ol their solemn promises In the past: "Mallnes. IMIi October, 1010. "Mr. Governor General: "The duy after the surrender of Ant werp the frlchteiied population linked Itself what would become of the Itel clans of uce to bear arms or who would reach Hint age before the end of the occupation. The entreaties of the fn tbers mid mothers or families deter mined mo to question the governor ol Antwerp, Huron von I luetic, who had the kindness lo reassure me mid to ntitlioilze me In Ids mime to reassure the agonized pnrents. The rumor hud spread ut Antwerp, nevertheless, thai ut l.lege, Numiir, nnd C'harlerol young men had been seized and tnketi by force to Germany. I therefore beg Kill Governor von lluene lo bo good enough to coiillrm to me In writing the guuranteo which he had given to me orally, to the effect that nothing sim ilar would liiipM'ii ut Antwerp. He said to me Immediately that the ru mors, concerning Deportations were without basis, nnd unhesitatingly he sent me In writing, among other state ments, Hie following: 'Young men Imv no reason to fcur Hint they will be ta ken to Germany, either to be there en rolled In thu urmy or employed for forced labor.' This declanitlou, written nnd sign ed, was publicly transmitted to the clergy mid to those of the fulfil of the province of Antwerp, na your excel lency can see from the document en cloned herewith, dated October 10th, 101 1, which was rend In utl tho church es. Solemn Qerman Promise Broken. "Uimn the arrival of your predeces sor, the late Huron von iler Goltz, nt llrussela I had the honor of presenting myself nt Ids bouse nnd requested him to he good enough to ratify for the en tire country, without time limit, the guarantees which General von Huene had given me for the province of Ant werp. The governor general retained this request III his possession In ordet to examine It ut his leisure. The fol lowing day he was good enough t count In person to Mallnes to bring mi Ids upprovnl, and continued to me, Ir Hie presence of two ulde.s-de-cmup mid uf my private secretary, the promise Hint the liberty of Helghiu cltlzent would he respected. To doubt the authority of such tin dertuklugs would have been to relied upon the persons who had made them, nnd I therefore look steps lo nllny, by nil the means of persuasion In my power, the anxieties which persisted In the Interested families. "Notwithstanding nil Hits, your gov eminent now tears from their hornet workmen reduced In spile of their ef fori a to a stale of unemployment, Hep urates them by force from their vlve nud children nnd deports them to en emy territory. Numerous workmen have already undergone this unhiippj lot; more numerous are those who arc threatened with the suine acts of vlo lei ice. Mercler Moving Appeal. "In the name of the liberty of domi cile mid the liberty of work of llelglan citizens; In the uauie of the Inviola bility of families; In the iitiuie of mor al Interests which thu measures of de portation would gravely compromise; In the uiitue of the word given by the governor of the Province of Antwerp nnd by the governor general, the Im mediate representative of the highest authority of the German empire, I re spec! fully beg your excellency lo be good enough to withdraw the measures of forced lahor mid of deportation an nounced to tho llelglan workmen, and lo be good enough to reltistato In their homes those who have already been deported. " our excellency will appreciate how painful for r.iu would he the weight of tho responsibility that I would have to bear ns regards these families. If tho coutldcnco which they have given you through my agency and at my re quest wero lamentably deceived. "I persist In believing that this wlb not be thu cuse. "Accept, Mr. Governor General, tli9 assurance of my very high considera tion. v "I). J. CARDINAL MHItCIKK, "Arch, of Miillnos." omenta which follow llltistmln nclglnn nppeals mid German answers. "In tint unit tern of the requisition mnde by the German authorities on Oc tober W), 1010 (requisition of u list ut workmen to he drawn up by the mo. tilclpullly) . , . "Tlio municipal council resolves to mnltiliiln Its attitude of refusal. "It further feels It Its duty to plnco on record the following: Tho city of Tournul Is prepared U submit unreservedly to nil the exigen cies authorized by Hut laws find cus toms of wnr. Its sincerity cuiuiot bo questioned. Kor more Hum two yenra It has submitted to the Gentian occu pation, during which 1 1 in it It has lodged mid lived ut close quarters with tho Uermnn troops, yet It has displayed perfect composure mid hits refrained from any net of hostility, proving thereby Hint It Is unlimited by no Idle spirit of bravado. "In his declaration dated Keptetnbcr 2, 1011, the Geriumi governor general of llelgium declared: 'I ask none to renounce his patriotic sentiments.' "Thu city of Tournul reuses con fidence In Gils deenruHon, which It la bound lo consider ns thu sentiment of the German emperor, In whose name the governor general was speaking. In accepting the Inspiration of honor and patriotism, thu city Is loyal to u funda mental duty, the loftiness of which must be iippureiit to uny German ofll cer. 'Tint city Is confident Hint tho striilghtforwurdness mid clearness of this attitude will prevent uny misun derstanding nrlslng between Itself uud the German tinny." Anivver la Lecture and Fine. 'Tournul, Slnl October, 1010. "In permitting Itself, through the medium of municipal resolutions, to oppose the orders of the German mili tary authorities In Hie occupied ter ritory, the city is guilty of an unexam pled arrogance nnd of a complete mis understanding of the situation created by the state of war. The 'clcnr and simple situation' Is In reality the following: The military authorities order tne city to obey. Otherwise the city must beur the heavy consequences, as I have poluted out In my previous expluuu- tlons. 'The general commanding the tinny hns Indicted on the city on account of Its refund, up to date, to furnish the lists demanded u punitive con tribution of '.'00,000 murks, which must be paid within the next six days, be ginning with today. The general also ndds that until such time ns till the lists demanded nre In bis hands, for every duy In arrears, beginning with December 31, 1010. n sain of 'JO.000 murks will be puld by the city. "HOI'FKR, Mnjor General, "Ktiippeii-Kommnndunt." The Commission Syndicate of Uel glnn worklngmen ulso attempted to In duce the German authorities to uban don their terrlhle plans. Recited Wrongs of Workmen. "Commission .Syudtcnle of llelgium, "Ilnisucls, 30th Oct.. lOlO. To the Governor General of Itelglum. "Excellency: The measures which nre being planned by your adminis tration to forcu the unemployed to work for thu Invading (tower, the de portation of our unhappy comrades which hns begun In the region of the etapes, move most profoundly the en tire working class In Itelglum. The undersigned, members and rep resentntlves of the great central so cialist and Independent syudlcules of llelgium, would consider that they had not fulfilled their duty did they nut ex press to you the painful M-ntlmcnt which agitate the laborers and convey to you thu echo of their touching com plulnts. "They have seen the machinery taken from their factories, the most diverse kind of raw materials requisi tioned, the accumulation of obstacles to prevent tho resumption of regular work, thu disappearance one by one of ME ANSWER FOOD QUESTIONS ISfiAXKH MHTIUHUTKI) 1JV UK. I'A KT.MKNT OK AOItlCU.TL'lli: OIVK.V TO l-'IVK I1KNI) WO.MH.V H'IMj AH) I.V HKI'OItT. Fourth publication of this notlco, as shown bolow, yotlr nnswor, undor oath, specifically responding to thoM allegations of contost, together with, duo proof that you havo served a, copy of your answor n tho said conn tostant clthor In poraon or by rcgl.H tared mall. You should statu in your answer tho name of tho postofflcn to which, you dcslro future notices to bo sent to you. JAS. F. nUIiaKSS, Roglntor. Date of 1st publication, Jan. 31, 1318 Onto of 2d publication, Fob. 7, 1918 Dato of 3d publication, Fob. 11, 1918 Datoof 4th publication, Fob. 21, 1918 48-Glp XOTIC'K OF KI.YAIj ACCOUNT. In Mm f'mintv f'mirt nt (tin Rtnin nt (From Friday's Dally.) I Oreeon for Deschutes Countv. FIvo questionnaires will bo filled. In the Matter of the Kstato of Ooorgo out hy Ilcnd housewives for uae In compiling a survey of tho food situa tion in tho United States. Of the 400 question blanks being sent In from Oregon to tho Statu Kelatlons Ser vice of tho United States Department of Agriculture, Hond has been al lotted this number, which havo been distributed by Mrs. A. F. Larson to Mrs. J. M. Iawrcncc, Mrs. A. Whls- nnnt, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. R. S. Linton and Mrs. C. M. .McKay. Tho blanks woro left hero by Mrs. J. D. McComb, of tho Oregon Agricultural College, who was In fiend early this week In tho interest of tho food ad ministration. A report of the food consumed In 1917 Is to bo made up with tho Idea of finding out Just how much ono family uses, how much It costs and what Is now on hand. It Is divided up Into thu following sections: Meats preserved for homo use, fruits, veg etables and eggs preserved for homo uso, milk, household Inventory and consumption record. A family record on tho back Includes Information as to how many people arc In tho house hold, their ages, occupations and Incomes. LEGAL NOTICES In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of tbo Estate of Su san E. Denson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Mary A. Denson, executrix of tho last will and testament of Susan E. Denson, deceased, has made and filed with tho Clork of the County Court of Des chutes County, Oregon, tho final ac count of her administration of said cstato, and that tho Honorable Coun ty Judge of said Deschutes County has sot Monday, tho 4th day of March, 1918, at tho boar of 10 o'clock in tho forenoon at tho Court Room In Ilcnd, Orngon, as tho time and place of hearing tho final settling of said estate, and all persona Interested are cited to appear at said tlmo and place and show cause. If any, -why said ac count should not bo allowed. Dated this 29th day of January, 1918. MARY A. DENSON. Executrix of tho last Will and Tes tament of Susan E. Denson. De ceased. 4S-Glp W. McCalllstor. deceased. Notlco Is hereby given by tho un dersigned, tho executrix of tho cstato of George W. McCalllstcr, deceased, that sho has mnde and filed with tho County Clerk of Deschutes County, Orngon, her final account of her ad ministration of said estate, nnd that tho Honorablo Judgo of said County Court has set Monday, tho 25th day of February, 1918, at 10 o'clock of. tho forenoon of said day at tho Coun ty Court Room In 'fiend, Oregon, aj tho tlmo and place of hearing of said final account. Dated this 22d day of January, 1918. JULIA E. M'CALLISTER, Executrix of tho Estato of George W. McCalllstcr, Deceased. 47-Glc. NOTICE. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of tho Estato of. Dan Draglch, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was on tho Gth day of No vember, 1917, duly appointed ad ministrator of the estato of Dan Dra glch, deceased. All persons having claims against the cstato aro hereby notified to present the samo duly verified In tho manner provided by law, to H. II. De Armond, O'Ksna Ilulldlng, fiend, Oregon, within six months from tho dato of tho first publication hereof. MIKE DRACICH, 4G-49c Administrator. NOTICE OK HALE OK KSTIIAY. Notlco Is hereby given that pursu ant to nn order of tho Justice of the Peace for fiend District, made and, entered mo oru uay or January. j.i .,..... .. .. r, ':. 1918 tho following described vicious Rataf of p v ?iivpinnh i ST dorslde of tho left ear and a blotch I ' NOTICE OK ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the County Court of tho State oC Oregon for Lako County. In tho Matter of the Partnership Es tato of F. W. Silvortooth and Sam uel A. Lester, tho former now de ceased. Notice Is hereby given that I, Sam uel A. Lester, tho duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator oC tho partnership cstato of F. W. Sil vortooth and Samuel A. Lester, tas former now deceased, will, on and, after the 31st day of January, 1918. soil at private salo for cash In hand, tho following described real property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: The. north half of tho northwest quarter of tho southeast quarter, tho south west quarter of tho northwest quar ter, and the southeast quarter of Sec tion twenty-eight (28). In Townshna twenty-two (22), south of Rango nine (9) east, Wlllametto Meridian, In Crook County, Oregon, Said real property to bo sold sub ject to ro-sale and confirmation ia the samo manner as other sales oC real property mado by executors and, administrators. In testimony whereof. I havo here unto sot my hand this twenty-fourta day of Decomber, 1917. SAMUEL A. LESTER. brand on left sldo near the back bono; will bo sold at public auction by tho Constable or fiend District, to satisfy tho damages, costs of keeping, and nil expenses Incurred, Including Justice fees and cost of advertising, and sale, at my ranch situated about two miles east of fiend, at tho hour of 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of Sat urday, tho 16th day of February, 1918. IS-49C P. II. DENCER. every public liberty of which they were NOTICE OK CONTEST ,,r''1u.t1, , . Department of tho Interior. 'United "lor more than two years the In-J states Land Orrice. Lakevlow. Oro horlng cIiihs more than uny other has I gon, January 21, 191S. been forced to undergo the most bit-1 To Howard Wallace, of Canby, Ore- tin- trials, experiencing misery mid ! K". contcsteo: You aro hereby notl Munlclnal eoveriimentH In ItelL'tuni moved thu Geriimna to postpone the appealed to tho German authorities to deportation.' observe their promise. Tho two u"pc- often hunger, while Its children far away light mid die, mid the parents of these children can never convey lo them the affection with which their hearts are overllowlug. Pathetic Appeal Disregarded. "Our laboring cIuks has endured everything with the utmost calm nnd the most Impressive dignity, repren.dng Its MilTcrlngs, Its complaints and heavy trials, sacrltlclug everything to Its Ideal of liberty and Independence. Hut the measures which have been an nounced will make the population drain the dregs (of the cup) of human sor row; the proletariat, the poor upon whom unemployment has been forced, citizens of a modern state, nre to be condemned to forced labor without having disobeyed any regulation or order. "In tho mime of the families of workmen among which tho most pain (ut anxiety reigns at present, whoso mothers, whoso fiancees, uud whose little children aro destined to shed so many moro tears, wo beg your excel lency to prevent tho accomplishment of this painful net, contrary to In ternational law, contrary to the dig nity of tho working classes, contrary to everything which makes for worth and greatness In human untrue. "Wo beg your excellency to pardon our emotion and wo offer you the horn ago of our distinguished consideration." (Appended aro signatures of mem bers of thu national committee and the Commission Syndicate.) Von Hissing In his reply, November 3, practically admitted tlio truth of the complalut by attempting to Justify the measures protested ugulust, fiod that Eldon P. Swank, who sives Urothors, Oregon, as his postotrice address, did on December 10, 1918, rile In this office his duly corrobo rated application to contest nnd se- J euro tho cancellation of your Home stead Entry, serial No. 07G37, mado May 12th, 1914, Tor SYV4, Sec. 12, ami .w hoc. 13, Township 21 s., Range 17 E. W. M.. and as grounds for his contest he alloges that: 1. I am Informed nnd believe and thereforo stato that tho said Howard Wallace has never been upon said land since, tho day ho filed ou samo In 'May, 1914, and that ho has been absent from said land ever since and moro than six months last past and that ho has entirely ubandoned tho samo and does not Intend to ever re turn to said land; that ho has never mado any improvements upon tho land whatsoever and has never culti vated any of said land whatover, but entirely abandoned tho land tho day ho riled on same. 2. That his said absonco and abandonment was not and has not boon duo to his employment In tho military branch of tho U. S. Govern ment, or service rondorod in connec tion with operations In Mexico or along tho borders thoroor, or In mob ilization camps olsowhoro in tho mil itary or naval sorvlco of tho United States In any capacity or tho Na tional Guard or any or tho sovoral states, nor in tho sorvlco or tho U. S. In any capacity on account of tho European war or In any othor man ner. You nro, thoroforo further notified Hint tho said allegations will bo taken ns confessed, und your said entry will bo cnucoled without furthor right to bo heard, olthor boforo this offlco or on appeal, ir you rail to file In this offlco withlu twenty days after tho NOTICE OK CONTEST. Dopartmont or tho Intor.or. United. State mnd Offlco. Lakevlow, Ore gon, January 11, 1918. To II, O. Sandln, of unknown ad dress, contestee: You urs hereby notified that Leo L. Weston, who gives Bend. Orogon, as his pojtofrico address, did on January 5, 191, nie lli this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest and se?uro tho cancellation or your Homestead En try. Serial No. 04641, mado May 1G. 1911, ror SV5 or Sect'on 4, Township 21 S Range IS E., Willamette Morl dlan, and as grounds ror hla content ho alleges that: 1. I am Inrormod and verily be lieve, and therefore stato that you erected a one-room shack and a small barn shortly after filing upon said tract In May. 1911, that you resided upon said tract a part of the fail and winter or 1911 and 1912, and that you abandoned said tract In tho wring or 1912, and havo novor re turned. I further stntn thnt I hov.t I personally known said tract for u'n- wnrus ot one year last past; that during sa'.d year last past you havo wholly abandoned said claim for moro than ono year last past; that you havo novor mado any Improve ments upon said land, nor cultivated tho same, nor any part thoroof; ex cept as above; that your allogod ab sonco from and failure to cultivate said land was not dua to your em ployment In tho army, navy or ma rine corps, or other organization de scribed in the act of July 28, 1917, or otherwise. You aro, thoroiore, furthor notified thnt tho said allegations will bo tak en as confessed, and your said entry will bo canceled without furthor right to bo heard, either boforo this offlea or on appeal, If you fall to file in thla offlco within 20 days after the fourtit publication or tills notlco, as shown bolow, your answer, undor oath, specifically responding to theso alle gations or contest, togothor with duo proor that you havo sorvod a copy of your answer on tho said contestant olthor in person or by registered mail. You should stato in your answer tho name ot tho poatorrico to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo aunt to you, . o n JAS' F BUROBSS, 4C-7-8-9C. Register Dato or 1st publication, Jan. 17, 19is! Dato or 2d publication, Jan, 24, 1918. Dato or 3d publication, Jan. 31, 1913. Dato or 4th publication, Feb. 7, 191H.