The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 07, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
NO. 40
1'iu-iiliitiu Ti'IIh Cimiiiiii'itIiiI Club Thnt
)' .MriiMiio Him'iiih Unlim-
ftil-lli'iiMiii Tiling Contrary
Vlnv-Forhot L'nrri liiln.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Discussion or tho legality or tho
proposed now tnx Invy to liu voted on
iirxt week occupied thu chief attoii
lln or thu Coininnrehil club at Its
noon luncheon toilny. Following Hid
cllsriissloii Iho rliih voted to Indorse
thu report of thu special cuiniiiltti'o on
Ity finances hut lufl undecided
"v anther or not It would work for tho
Mtii-rcM or tlio measure itt tlio itti'ctlun.
Reporting for tlm coniinlttx", II. A.
Miller told of meeting with tho coun
cil nml finally deciding to ritcom
nn'titl to ll a plnn suggoiiti'il hy City
Attorney lleusou hy wlilrh n special
lfctlon would ho held to voto $27,
(HO to timet hand ltitornt. running
inpiMiurn nml to mil $8500 In war
rants. Hlnco than, Mr. Miller said,
Kcrlouii quritlnns as to tho legality or
tliD plan had been mined. Supple
menting Mr. Millar' remarks II K.
Allen, of tho committee, explained
that while It might seem thnt Hid
ominllteo had exceeds! Itn authority
Ity recommending artlou to tho coun
i II without first havltiK token tho
matter up with tho club, It had been
forced Into tho action hy the lino-unity
of having tho election called lie
fore tho club mot ogaln.
Attoriir) DUngrro.
TakltiR up tho matter of tho InguN
My of tho propnird plan, President
Foley railed on Rons Faruham, who
Xvo his opinion to tho effect thul
tlio plan could not ho carried nut tin
ker tho law. Tho fact that all tho
procedure provided by tho statutes
Tor tho Invy or a tax had already
been gonn through with and n tnx
levied and ext willed on tho rolls
tinned to hint to make u second tax
lovy Impossible, lie nlno pointed nut
tha difficulty which would ho ere
Ated by levying n tax thnt wan open
to question In renpect to Itn totality.
V. A. Portion said thul ho had not
had tlinn to study tlm (mention, but
thoiiKhl It might hu possible to voto
n lognl tax at this time. c. K, Hon
4f)n wo certain that Iho tax would
lie legal mid urged that while a qurs
Hon might bo ruined us to Its locality.
hi tho snino way almost any propo
mIiIoii to coiuo up inlKht htivo ques
itlon concerning It raised.
(1. V, Morgan slated that ho would
tint glvo nn opinion on tlio legullty
jff tho plnn but urged that as u pnic-
t'liil nmtter tho now tux should not
lo lovlod. It Is not a Kod irecedeiit,
Mr, Morgan urged, lo keep votliiK on
much mutter. Ouo voto should settle
tho question.
In (ioslux tho montliiKi County Ag
riculturist Ward urgi'd iih many us
posslblo to iittend tho Irrigation
school In Redmond ioxt week and a
general meeting In Tuiiinln on Unt
il nliiy
Attor considering tho city's rinun-
volnl nltuutlon and ways to mout ox-
pauses Tor tho comliiK year for nearly
throo hours on Saturday uftorlioon
Iho council, In consultation with tho
Commoirlnl club special cntnuilttco
on finances, iloulded to call ft special
.elocUon .to voto on tlio question
y .of nn Increased tux lovy to euro for
tho situation. Tho oloctlon will bo
hold on February in, tho earliest
-iluto possible NoIIcob of tho olectlou
saro 'being posted today.
Tho plan proposed wiih tho sug
gestion of City Attorney HoiiRon mid
.cnntumplutos u lovy or f 27,040 or
JO. ft 'mills. Or tho amount pro
posed to 1)0 lovlod $0700 a for In
terest on outHtandlii'K IioiuIh, f 1 2 , U 0 0
tor Konurul city oxponso, and $8500
A.... . .11-., ..,., i .. ..ti,, ii,ii
; Ity warrants now Issued, which al-
r C
.(Contlnuod on pugo. 0.)
l"nniiei' I'roniin In I'liiiineil to Cov
i-i' Principal I'nil of lny Hover-
lit Hpi'iik on 'I'linely Tuple,
Tor tho purposn of meiilliiK Iho
now settlers In tho uokchhorhood,
dlscussliu: tho iIsniiis of tho day, unit
ntlinulntliiK community Interest, a
Kounnil welfare meet Im: of tho Tu in
itio people will bo held In Tnmalo nn
Knturdny from II to 4 o'clock. An
InterostliiK procram will bo ftrraiuted
and iibniit HO fanners are oxpnoted to
sit down to the Hoover feed ul boon.
Tlio program Is its followsl '
Dlsrusslnn of Crop mid I.alior flurvny
1 1-I- a. in., by County Afirlcul
thrnl Agent Ward, Council Mum
bor J. W. Jlrown and iVcdNV Wul
Inro, v,
Tho Hoover Feed 12-1 ll, 1)1.
Ilrlef Talks by Tumuli) Paruiftrs 1
to 2 p in.
Hay MakliiK In Tiimnlo--1 to 1:30
p in., by J. V. Ilrowu.
Tho I'otnto Hltuntlon 1:30 to 2 p.
m., hy It. II. KllckliiKur, director
Deschutes Valley Potnlb Urbwers'
Association. rtr
Livestock nod the MllkltiR Blinrilmrn
Movement 2:1 30 lo 3 , p' i.. by
County Agricultural Asjcitt Ward.
Kach talk will he finished In time
to allow for nmple discussion of tho
iiunstlons under comtldurutlon by the
farmers themselves. In Hits present
hour of national strife an absolutely
unselfish unity of action Js necessary
to accomplish results. Community
tiieetlims such as this one to bi hold
at Tumalo will lUd In brlnuluK this
(From Wodnesdny'a Dally.)
Tha olxhth annunl sprlnK sale or
tha Northwest Hhorthorn Uroedcrs'
Association will be held In Portland
Feb. 26 at the Union stock yards.
A number or choice stock, Including
young bulls from 1C to 24 months
old, will hu auctioned off. An at
tendance from all over the stale Is
expected at tha sale, which Is In
charge or Frank Drown, of Carlton,
a breeder of prlzo-wlunlui; Hhorthorn
.voTiax aih: iosti-:i and oivi
ckiw na.mi:i iirnui-rr itkms
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Carrying out tho Instructions or the
council, notices for it special election
to voto on a new tax levy to bo held
next week, on Friday, February lfi,
have been posted. The election will
bo between tho hours or 8 a. m. and
8 p. in., nml tho voting plitcn In tho
hoso house nt thu coruur or Minne
sota avenue and I.ava ltoud.
Election officers have been named
as follows: Judges, I:. 1). (lllsou,
clialrmmi, Frank (lllbert; ulurks, Itay
Canterbury, J. F. Arnold and Walter
Tho now budget on which It Is pro
posed to lovy tho tax for tha year Is
as follows:
City attorney , ,.? 240
City trousuror - 300
City rocordur , IHJO
City eiiRlneer ,..,y. ..... 400
Police ;....r... 2600
Prlntlnj; .', ... U00
Fire, IIkIUb mid water ,M(W.V... 5400
PostiiKO, Tot, etc 0... 100
Stroot repntrH L.. ....... 1000
Wulka mid croBsliiKH .5Jr- -r'
MlHcollmieouu ,, .,... 500
. '. l,12,390
lloud Intorest 0,750
Warrants r 8,500
Total ;v 127.040
Tho chlor reductions In tlilu budget
over tho ouo first proposed and art
vortlaod are as (oIIowh: Engineer
I80Q to $400, police $11000 to ?2500,
printing ?500 to U00', firo, llglitn
mid wator $7000 to 5400, stroot ro
pulrs ? a 0 0 0 to $1000, walks and
crossluKH $500 to $250, miscellaneous
$750 to $250. Tho appropriation for
tho library Is ollinlnntofl, oYvElroly, For
lutoroat ou warrants $i040 Is allowed,
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Homebody Is going to tell ou you
l( you do not pay your Income tax.
CtnigrcnH has fixed ll so that some
body must toll, whether he wants to
or not.
One suction of thu War Income Tax
Law, exhaustively comprehensive In
scope, requires every pornou, without
exception, and every corporation,
partnership, association, and Insur
ance company, In whatever capacity
acting, who paid $800 or more to an
other person, corporation, partner
ship, association, or Insurance com
pany, as Interest, rent, salaries, wag
es, premiums, annuities, compensa
tion, remuneration, emoluments, or
other fixed or determinable Rains,
profits, and Income, to report tho
unmo and address of tho person, cor
poration, etc., to whom tha payment
was made, together with the amount
of tho payment, to tho Commissioner
of Internal Revenue ut Washington,
using a form prescribed for tho pur
pose. Form 10!9, now to be, had rrom
all collectors' offices. Tha form must
bo rilled out and returned ou or bc
foro March I, 1018, accompanied by
Form 109C, which Is a letter or trans
mittal and affidavit certifying tho ac
curacy of Form 1090.
InsM-clor CiiiuIuk.
To consult mid odvlso with tha cit
izens of Ilend and Deschutes county
regarding tho tax, which will soon
bucouia duo and which will directly
affect a large number of tho resi
dents or this district, Inspector James
8 Hogg, or Portland, will urrlve hero
Thu fact Is emphasized In this con
nection, that the Kovernmont Is pro
viding thla service for tho conven
ience of the citizens, and that It Is up
to all rail undor tho advertised
schedules to make their reports In
proper shape before tho time limit
l-'lni N Penalty.
No oHort will bo insula by the rov
eminent to sea that this work Is done
until alter tho payments rail delin
quent. Thu fines mid penultlos there
after attached ore bo substantial that
It Is very advisable to look after ll ou
.Single men whoso lucomos -are
$1000 a your or more, and married
men with Incomes of $2000 are ex
pected to file roports. In case of
married with children there Is a cer
tain allowance made rrom each child
or tho family, those with one child
bolng exempted up to uu Income of
$2200, and those with two children
$2400, and sou ou, hut those nro ex
pected to file reports, however.
Will Make Farm Labor
Survey in Central Oregon
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho lubor situation on tho farms of
Crook mid Deschutes counties la ut
tho present tlmo rather acute, with
tho prospects of growing worse in
stead or bettor, iih the season ad
vances. Tho federal government for some
tlmo has boon considering methods or
relieving this difficulty. In order to
get accurate Information concerning
tho noeda of the farms of tho United
States mid tho avalla.'blo labor supply,
a country-wldo labor survey Is to bo
conducted during tho week or Febru
ary 11-16. This will bo conducted by
iiioaiiB of a quostlounnlro, which
when rilled out, will show tho labor
noeda of each county, tho acreage In
crop, mid tho probable crop strength
or tlio nation by uoxt harvest season.
It may scorn that In rilling out these
questionnaires In times past It. has
boon or llttlo valuo. However, It la
a war oniorgonoy roqttcBt ol tho U. S,
government, and as such, should bo
oarriqd out to tho fullest extent or
our ability. H it operates In tho
Binallost to gunrantco tho comfort
tint comes rrom bolng woll red or
our boys In tho Europoan tronches,
it linn Borvod. lta purposo and deserves
our hearty support.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Ilend as thu situ lor an aviation
school uns suggested by tho Commer
cial club In n telegram sent yester
day afternoon to Colonel George II.
Crabtreo, of the U. H, Aviation Corps
at ripokone, Washington. Colonel
Crabtreo was In Portland last week
on an official inspection trip.
A sunny place Is being looked for
In the northwest In which an aviation
school can be Installed, hut Portland
was found too cloudy and foggy. Tha
officer In speaking of tho prospocts
or Multnomah county getting tha
schools, said, "It Is evident that Port
land and contiguous territory cannot
compete for flying schools owing to
fogs and rain and a minimum or cloar
days. In aviation instruction safety
Is the prime requisite and Portland Is
That Ilend could Mil tho bill Is
thought probable and tho following
telegram was sent by H. J. Ovcrturf,
through which It is hoped to invito
inspection of this territory:
"Col. (leorgo II. Crabtreo, U. S.
Aviation Corps, Spokane, Washing
ton: Note by recent press roports
that you nre Becking location of sites
for training grounds and schools for
United States Government Aviation
Corps. Respectfully call attention to
superior advantages or Sunny Uend
for location or such Institutions. Cli
matic conditions aro Ideal, having
over three hundred days or sunihlno
per year, mild winters and practically
no winds. Our fuc'.lltles nro yours.
Plcaso command us. THE UEND
(From Thursday's Dally )
Suit for tho recovory of $145.04
and Interest since 191C, Instituted
against George Davis, owner or tho
Portland hotel, was won yesterday
afternoon by tho Miller Lumber Com
pany. A Jury in the Justice court
composed of W. C. McCulston, It. a.
Illaclcwell, Roy Ollson, Walter For
gtison mid R. J. McCann decided tho
Davis had fulled to pay the money
owed on a quantity of lumber and
building materials purchased In tho
fall of 191C, when his hotol was bo
lng constructed. The defendant
claimed that his brother had the con
tract for tho building mid ha was not
responsible for tho lumbor bills.
Vernon A. Forbes was attorney
ror tho plalntirr ami W. P. Myors ror
Mr. Davis.
Tho boys who rilled out tho draft
questionnaires had nothing to gain,
but as you know, tholr hearty and
patriotic support of tho selective draft
measuru has been the wonder or tho
nation and tho civilized world. Ac
cordingly, tho farmers of Crook and
Deschutes counties should tako such
a patriotic vlow or thla labor survey
and put fortli ovary effort to mako It
a success. A 100 por cont return
rrom tho 1100 farms or Crook and
Deschutes counties Is asked for, and
this Is qutto a tusk to bo complotwl
during tho wook of Fobrunry 11-10.
It Is quite likely that tho farming
communities will bo apportioned oft
into small districts,, each under tho
charge or an agricultural council
member and tho work prosecuted
somewhat alter tho manner of tho
lied Cross mid Liberty Loan drives,
lltislness men, school toachors, and
In fact ovoryono can assist In this
work and perform a patriotic service
to tholr country at tho same time.
Tho bouotlts rrom such a survoy, if
successfully and accurately carried
out, will in reality ibo very igretit and
may bo tho means of Inducing tho
government to draft labor for agri
cultural sorvlco on tho farms of tho
Uuitod States.
Itifortl to Ho TnuiHrVrrrtl From
Crook to l)CMcliut,K Court lloino
, Report In Olvni.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Tho now county Jail was accepted
yesterday ut tha meeting of tho coun
ty court and tho sum of $4,0.19 55
was ordered paid, according to the
terms of tho contract.
Orders woro given to transfer tho
Tnmalo project records from Crook
county to Deschutes county and ar
rangements were ,mado ror doing
this. Registration cards now In
Prluovlllo will also ho moved to Ilend,
In order to savo tho necessity or re
registering all voters of this county.
Thu county treasurer has also hcon
Instructed to collect all monoy owing
to this county after tho settlement
of the division of Crook.
A report of tho amount paid out In
scalp bounties from July 1 to Decem
ber 31, 1917, showed $1007.50, tho
largcgst sum paid on any one day
being $151.
Stock of Dry OixhU Store to Ho Hold
Mutuigrr Kxjwct to Knlltt
In Government Service.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Sathcr's store will go out of bus
iness shortly, as John Sather, Jr., Its
present manager expects to bo draft
ed Into tho next national army. Sat
urday tho stock will bo put on sale
and will continue so until entirely
disposed of. This will probably re
qulro two months.
Tho merchandise now on hand Is
valued at $35,000. After it has been
removed tho store and fixtures will
bo rontcd. Mr. Sathor took over tha
dry' goods store a year ago, from his
rather and has since managed It. He
has made no definite plans, as he Is
anxious to enter some branch or gov
ernment service.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
StniulliiK of Tennis For Season.
Ilend 1000
Redmond 6G7
Prlnovillo 333
Madras 000
Seniors 1000
Sophomores 667
Freshmen 333
Juniors 000
Then tho Uend High Seniors, In an
exciting gamo yestorday afternoon,
won rrom the Sophomores with a
seoro or 3S to 24, the former class
was put In line ror winning the cup
offered In tho Interclass sorles. At
tho end of tho first half tho scoro
stood 1C to 14 in favor or tho Soniors.
Tho Freshmen also won from tho
Juniors yesterday with a scoro or
19-8. This finishes tho first round
in tho school series, tho classes being
schedules to ana mora gamo apicca
with each othor, or threo lor every
Tho Ilend high chool quintet which
entered the interscholastlc series, is
now nt tho head or tho Central Ore
gon players, aftor winning from
Prlnovillo laBt Friday night with a
closo scoro or 23-21. This Is tho first
tlmo tho Ilend boys have doteated tho
Crook county toam on tho latter's
homo floor. Doth Sanders and Nor
cott did brilllan playing Friday, and
Coynor mado tho baskot which de
cided tha score,
llond now has tho best sot of play
ers in tho history of tho school. An
actlvo Intorest Is being shown and a
llvoly contest Is looked forward to
this coming Friday, when tho ooys
will go to Redmond to play tho Union
high school. Prlnovillo will play In
Madras tho samo night. This wook
will probably show up tho toams bet
tor than any othor and tho gamo in
Ilodmond Is a preliminary to deciding
tho championship, A number of
automobiles have boon secured to
tako Hoiul rooters to Redmond for
tho gamo.
Jyocnl OrRitnlzntlon Itrnily For Work
Htntnpi to Ho Plnrcil On Halo
In Every Hulncn Hoiiho
Foitofflcc Arc Duty.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Organization of Ilend and surround
ing sections for tho sale or War
Savings and ThrlU stamps Js now
practically completo and In a To
days it 1s hoped to carry tho work,
to Redmond, thereby placing 'he
Witold county in line for tho sales
campaign which continues through
out the year.
It. W. Sawyer Is tho county chair
man and he has mado appointments
foi the work In Bjnd and vicinity ts
follows: Promotion, A. Whlsnant;
commerce, F. Thordarson; Industry,
J. P. Kcycs, O. II. Baker, T. A. Mc
Cann; general, H. II Do Armond. In
addition County School Superintend
ent J. Alton Thompson and Postmas
ter H. B. Ford become heads or th
Education and Pottofflco committees,
respectively, by virtue of their of
fices. Xo Reports From Some.
Stamps are now one sale In all tue
postoftices in the county-, but sales
havo so for been" reported only by W.
E. Van Allen, at Deschutes; A. Laurel
Fordhatn, at La Pine; P. B. Johnson,
at Mllllcan; J. W. Moore, at Iled
mond; Mary Hallmeyer, at ItWors:
Grace Altkcn, at Sisters; Charllo M.
Pcckham, at Terrebonne, and James
M. Grirtin, at Tumalo. Tho post
offices which have yet to report sales
aro Alfalla, Brothers, CHno Falls.
File, Gist, Hampton. Lower Bridge,
Itolyat and Prlnglo Tails.
As chairman or the commerce sec
tion of tho work, F. Thordarson -will
shortly arrange with practically ov
ery business house in Bend to put
tho stamps on sale. Through Mr. Do
Armond all social and religious orga
nizations aro to be reached In tho
sales campaign and through Messrs.
McCann, Baker and Keyes, all mill
omployes and members or industrial
Soveral AkciicIom Taken.
Aigencies ror the sale or stamps
havo already been taken by Tho Bul
letin and tho Bend Water, Light &
Power Co. In addition Superintend
ent Thordarson Is making an actlvo
campaign in tho schools,
Tho only agent so far appointed in
tho outside districts is W. E. Vun
Allen, at Deschutes. Mr. Van Alien
wroto to Portland headquarters of
fering his services before tho cam
paign was started In the county and
has now offored to tako care of tho
Deschutes section.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Coming this morning to dlspol tho
rear that Central Oregon Hour would
bo shipped east, causing un Incroaso
in tho prlco in this section, Is a state
ment mado In a letter rrom Assistant
Food Administrator ror Oregon W.
K. Newoll, promising that a sufficient
supply may bo kept on hand.
Tha latter which was rocolvcd by
County Food Administrator Rev. II.
C. Hartranft, reads as follows:
"I havo .taken up the matter with
Mr. Housor regarding tho supply ot
wheat for the Bend Flour Mill Com
pany and Mr, Housor says that Mr.
Kroonort has not ground tho amount
or wheat that was allotted to him, but
that ho has told Mr. Kroonort that It
ho will mako solectlon from tha ware
houses In his vicinity ot tho amount
ot wheat that .ho will noed tor hU
trado up until harvest, that hp will
hold tho samo tor Mr. Kroonort.
Mr Purchases Unnecessary.
"There is no necessity for any deal
ers purchasing nioro than tholr 30
days' supply and Mr, Kroonort cau
grind It as th.ey need."
A tow days ago, Mr, Kroenert
(Continued on rage 6,)