The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 31, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Stato Department Archives at
-. Washington Record tho
Story of Slssonno.
Von Duolow, on That Account, Threat
ened to Destroy Home of Prince
of Monaco, Who Appealed to
President Wllion,
The univrrtally condemned Oer
man iiyatem of extorting money from
raptured communities in thown by
the fallowing documents published
by the committer on public informa
A ntrlkltiK llliifttmtlon of tin fierce
i brutality of Ocriiinn iiielhuihi In con
tallied In tint iirehlves of Him Atntn de
partment, I atme tin prince of Mini
um iippenled tn I'renltlent WIIniiii
IIUnlllNt lllll IllJllNlll'tt llf It IllIC lllipilHI'll
Upon II hlllllll llllll IlllpilVl'llhllcd vll-
Inge. The following iloi'tiincnt" frinn
thn Ntnln ili'piirlini'iit archives loll tho
Mtnry, They need no comment,
'Turin. Oct. 27, HIM.
"Secretary of Mute, Wiiihliiglun.
'Trlnco of Mntinco culled this morn
ing nml nuked Hint thn following case
tin "ubmltled to tin- preNldcnt:
"Prince "lute Hint General von
Hticlow for week him been Inhabiting
Vrlnre'ii nnrcMnil chiiti-itu ncrfr
HcIiiih, historical monument, contain
1rK work of iirt mnl family heir-
tooinn; Hint Vim Iluelnw Iiiin ImpoNed
ftnn of WHI.IMK) friuirM on vllltigo of
rllimnnun Home mile dlMiint frnin chut
vim, bccaime of broken uIiinh foiinil on
mnil nenr village. HlHMimne being iiii
nltli) nleiie lo pny lum mixed with 11
nnmtiiT of other neighboring vlllngex
r.Ti.lKK) franc, hut V011 lluelow him
ent two mesxenger from Mlxxnnno to
prince Hint utile IiiIIit hih nm for
Slxxotine tin rlinti'iiii mill niljnlnliig vil
lage, oh wrll 11 ti KUxntllie, will be
Mroycd on November lot. Prince
ha nnxwerod retiming tn pny xuiu now
hut willing to give hi won! to Ocr
(linn emperor Hint niniuiiit would hn
mlil itflcr ri'iiiovnl of danger of fri'Mi
war Incident. Prince now fearful
leM returning mi'sxcnger. mt well nx
- male emplnyn on IiIn cxtnle, hu ehot
, lieeiiuxe of rrfuxnl to pay.
"I have nrrniiKi'i) meeting Hilt after
m noun between Spniitoh umhiixxiidnr nml
prliiri-. to whom I have MUggeted (hut
mutter be presented to (termini gov
ernment through .Hpnubdi iiinbiiiiilnr
nt Merlin Innxmiirli a prince' thmit
L ened property In In France.
Von Uuelow'a Threat.
"To tln Mnyor of Hn ('omnium of
"It linn hern coni'linlvi-ly provrn
Hint thn roiul hi'twi'iMi KNMiiuin nml tin
rnllwny ulntlou of MiiiiImIcii mux, 011
HrptrmhiT lHlh, Htri'wn with hroken
kIiik.1 iiIiiiir n illxtnnri1 of 0110 klloiui1
tiT nml nt liitTVtil nf W) iiii'Iith, for
tlc purpo'i'. 110 ilniitit, of liiipi'illiit:
iiiitomntilli' Irnlllc.
"I I10I1I thn rommiim of SImhihiiii'
rrMpoiiollpIc for Ihlx lift of hiiNtlllty
on thn pnrt of Ik InliiitiltimK nml I
iimlitli tin niiIiI rommiiiilty hy lovylim
upon It 11 ronlrlhiitlon of .VXMKHt
friiurN (flvii liumlril thoiiNiinit
fThlH mini miiHt I nllrely pnhl
Into tlu tri'iiHiiry of tint lltiipit hy ()c
"toiler tnth.
"Thi liiMpiTllon of thn Ktiipi' now
3tt Montroriii'l hint hi'i'ii illri'rli-il tn
cufnrcn i-xroullnii of HiIm onliT.
"p'hn Oin iji CommmiiliT In Chlff of
1 tho AriiCyr
Protest of Prince of Monaco.
Mnmico, Oct, IT.'ml, Hill.
"t forwnnl to ynur innjrtity movitiiI
hIociiiiii'iiIh rflntliiR to 11 very rhivo
nml irRi-nt muttrr,
'Thn (li'ticrnl von lluclow lniKrntiHi;il
tn he occupli'i nIiicii one month mnl
hnlf my n'slili'iicn of MiiroluilM, t
Miitcit ut live kllnint'tiTN from thn vll
InRO of HIhuoiii'i'. Thn Ri'iicriil Iiiim Inv
(pit upon thn I.MM) InhiihltniitH of thin
poor rulnril vIIIiiro 11 wur contribution
of WHMXK) fritiivN, of which they uro
iiniihli' to pny morn thmi om-itiiir-tpr.
Moreover, hn Iiiin Hcnt to 1110 two
emlHHnrli'H heurliiR 11 tlneuiueiit In
" 'wlitclt he IhreuteiiM to tleHtroy my
property nml thn vIIIiiro nf MurchiilH,
over nml nliovn Hint of SIhniiiiiic, In lliu
ovent of my not illiihurnlnR mywlf thn
um In ipieHllnii hufore tio uml of tho
inontli nf Octolier,
"Thnt Ih how n I'niHsInn jjenerul
i 'trentM 11 relRiiliiR prlnon who for -IB
yenrH him heen 11 frleml to Oermiiny,
nml who In nil thn couiitrleH of thn
-world U Niirroumlei) with reiipect nml
Rrntllitile for hlH work,
"In reply lo the miuiiiioiih of thn
Oenerul von Iluelow I Imvn Riven my
nvnnt of honor to complete the nhnvn
conlrlhutlon In nnler to uvert 11 hor
rlhlu nctltm iiceompllHhetl In colli
Monti, hut iiilillnR thnt iih n miverelRn
prlnco I Mihmlt UiIh imitter to tho
jiitlRiiiniit of tho emperor hy tleclur
I11R thnt the Hiiltl Hutu Khull hu pulil
Avhen the Olmteiiu tin MurclmlH will
lie free from thu ilmiRor of Inteiitloiml
"I urn, with Rreut respect, your inn
JCBty'n tlevotetl Hervunt nml couhIj,
"AMIF.IIT, Prlnco of Moimco."
Letter Addreeed to Von Duelow.
xj "Monaco, uci. --, jui-i.
avert from tho comuiuno of
RIhhomik) nnd Hint of MurcliliiH (fin riff
orotin Ireiitiniuit v.llh which you Imvn
tiirniltitiiMl (hem, I rIvo my word of
hrtnor lo remit In til m mnJeNty thn
Kinperor Wlllliim, nlmtihl thu wur
count to 1111 eml without Inleiitlomil
ihiliiiiRit heltiR I'MiiHcil to my rcfililciiro
or to Hii'Mi two coiiiiniiiH'M, Hut iieceN
miry mini lo cniiiplittu thu iimotint of
W)0,(XK) friiucH ImpoNcil hy you upon
"Ah m itoverelRti prlticn, I wlnh lo
denl In till mutter with lliu noveri'lun
who, tlurliiR in yenrH, ciilleil 11m IiIm
frleml umt him tlerornteil mo with thu
Order of tint KiiIrIiI of thu llluck
"My roimcli'iint nml my dlRiilly
plnce me nhnvn fenr, im iiImo my per
MonMl will hIiiiII eleVnlit nut nhovtt re
Knit; hut mIioiiIiI you ilenlroy thu
Clin ten 11 tie Mnrrluilit, which In on 11 of
the center of unlvcrmil aclenco nrul
chnrlly, nIuiiiIiI oii renervo to thin
nrcluieoloRlciil nml hlNtorlciil Rem thn
trenlihi'iil you luive Rlvtin to the Cu
Iheilriil of Ilelnm when no reprehen
Mlhln nclloii lum heen commltteil thent
the whole world will JuiIro he
tween you mid lliyiielf.
"I lender to your excellency thu ex
prcKNliui of my IiIrIi reRiinl.
"AI.IIKUT, HoverelRii Trlncii of Mon
ti ro."
Deportation and Forced Labor.
Until the prcxciit wur the whole civ
Hired world lum hoimled of ItNiidvnncu
In huuuiulty. Thin uilvmice lum heen
mnrkeil In mmiy IIcIiIh, nml In muni
I1111I Krenter prorenH heen miide tlinii
In the protection to hu Riven to the
prlviite citizen In mi liiviuled country.
An fur buck im 1WV1, In Hie .''limtruc
tluim for the (loenimelit of ArillleH
of the United HUHch lu thu Field,"
tho United Ktnten declnred:
". I'rlvnte cltlreim nre no InriRcr
murdered, eiilnved, or rnrrled off to
tllatnnt pnrtH. nml the InoffciiMlvi) In
dlvlilmil In iih little dimurhcd lu IiIh
prlviite relutloiiN im the commiimler
of the hoHtlle troopt cim nrford to
Rrnnt lu the overrulliiR ilcinmulN of 11
vlRoroiiH war.
"J I. The nlinoal milvernnl ruin In
remote HuieN wim, nml contluueN to ho
with hiirlmroUN nrinleH, thtit thn prl
viite Individual nf the lii.Mtlle country
In dcMtlned to miffer every prlvntloli
of llherty mid protection, mid every
illaruptlou of fmnlly lien. Protection
wna, nml Mill In with uncivilized peo
ple, tlm exception."
Revertlon to Oarbarlim.
Thcae ilerlnrntloiiN were miiile In thn
mlilHt of our Civil wur one of the
uorltl'N flcrt-ett conlllclH. A hnlf-cen-tury
Inter, nfler more tluin W) ywiw
of proRri'HN, the Oernuin Rovernuieiit
linn Roue hack to the liiclhodi iinimI
hy "hiirlmroUN jirmleH" mid "unciv.
Illzed people." It Iiiin ilellhenitely
ndopted Hut pulley of deportlliR men
nnd women, boy nml Rlrln, nml of
fnrcliiR Hieiu to work for Ihelr cup
torn; It linn even compelled them to
make nruiH mid miinltloim for uie
nRiilnut their nllleN mid their own llenh
nml blood.
No other net of the Oeriiian Rovern
meiit lum nrotixcd niicIi horror and de
tentntloil tlirniiRtiniit the tJvlllzeil
world. ThoiiKiimlN of helpleHN men
mid women, boy mid Rlrln, luive been
ennlnveil. FiiinllleN luive been broken
up. (Jlrln luive been curried off to
work or worse lu 11 MriuiRe lurid,
nnd their relntlvex have not known
where they luive been taken, or what
their fule him been.
Thin n'mIi'iii of forced labor nnd de
iHiriiillon embrneeil the whole of Bel-
rIiiiii, Poland mid Hie occupied lutidx
of France.
Whltlock'i Story of Horrors.
In Icm iiioIur phrimeN, hut lu dead
ly corroboration, the continuation of
the report of Mlnlxter YVhltlock Niiyn:
"The niRe. the terror, and ilexpulr
rxcltcd by thW nieimiiru nil over Hel
rIiiiii were beyond uuythlnR we had
wltnemieil Mince the day the (ici'mmm
IHiured Into HrUHKcU. The ileleRiiten
tif the coiiiiiiInxIoii for relief In Hel
rIiiiii, returiiluR to HruiuielH, told the
most dlMrcuxliiR MorlcN of thu xccucrt
of cruelty and norruw uttemlliiR the
selxureN, Ami dully, hourly almost,
Mtncu that time iippallliiR utorles have
been related hy HcIrIiiiix coiiiIiir to
the IcRtitlun. It Ih ImpuNilhlit for us
to verify them, Umt becnuse It In nee
CHNtiry for iih to exerclne nil pustilbltt
tnct In (IciiIIiir with tho Niihject nt
till, mid Hccomlly heciiuso there Im no
menu of commiiiilciitliiii between tho
OcciipiitlouN-Oehlct ami thu Kluppcn
tlelilet. TruiiKportiitlon everywhere
In HelRlum Ih dllllcult, thu vicinal
rid I way h hcnrcely operating any mure
because of tho lack of oil, while nil
the horned have been taken. Thu peo
ple who are forced to k from one
vIlhiRo tu another inunt do so on foot
or lu vuutj drawn hy thu few miner
utile horses that aru left. Thu wiiriiiin
of the brewerlert, the one Institution
that the OermniiH have ncrupiilously
rcHpected, uro hauled by oxen.
One of Foulest Deed In History.
"Tho well-known tendency of nenwi
tlonal reportM to cxiiRRcrnto them
hcIvch, eiipeclally In time of wur, ami
In a Nltimttou llku Hint cxIhHiir here,
with no ni'WHpmierH to nerve us a dally
cleailiiR house for nil lliu rumoi'.s Hint
uro im avidly bclloveil iih they are
enRcrly repeated, flioiilil of course be
coiiHldered ; hut oven If 11 modicum of
all that Ih told Ih true there Mill re
uialiiH enoiiRh to ntiuup IiIh deeds iih
0110 of thu foulest that iilstory records.
"I 11111 constantly In receipt of re
portH from all over HelRlum that tend
to hear out tho stories 0110 constantly
hears of brutality ami cruelty. A num
ber of men sent hack to Mens arc
mild to hu lu a dyliiR condition, many
ut them tubercular, At Mallues ami
at Antwerp returned men havu died,
their friends nssertliiR that they havo
been vlctlnm of iicrIccI and cruelty,
of cold, of exposure, of huiiRor."
Report of German Disregard of
Human Rights on File in
State Department.
Minister to Detglum Declared It Wae
Difficult to Write Calmly and Justly
In View of the Huns' Qratu-
Itous Cruelty.
Facta concerning the deportation
of lielgiam and the forced labor ex
tortcd by the "Ifun" military lead
cm, which excited the indignation of
the civilhrd world, have been thus
officially net forth :
The plan of hcHIiir forth the cmncii
tlal fuctM nf the ilepnrlatliiiiN nml
forced labor of Hi'IjjIiiiih Ih net forth
hy Hut committee on public Informa
tion im follows: the documents, that
Ih to nay, a miiiiiII fraction of tlumn
which could be cited, tell the story, and
onl hiicIi comments are added as aru
needed to enable Hut render to eimlly
Rnmp the connection of evetitH.
"The deportations . . . were the
most vivid, shockluR, ciiiivIiicIiir, hIiirIc
happening In all our enforced observa
tion nnd experience of Herman din
reRiinl of human mifferliiK and human
rlRhtH lu HelRlum." Vernon KcIIork
In Atlantic Monthly, October, 11)17.
A mimmnry of the whole Hit tuition.
down to January, 11117, enn be ob
tained by rendliiR continuously Hie re
Mirt of Minister Whllloclc, taken from
the files of the stnte department. Thin
tellH of the brutality of the deportu
lions. "LeKiitlon of the United Stnti'H of
America, Hnmsvls, Jim. HI. 11117.
"The Honoriihli', thu .Secretary of
.State, WimhlnRtoii.
"Kir: I have had It In mind, nnd I
iiiIrIiI say, on my conscience, since
the OermntiH bi'Riui to ilesirt Helclmi
workmen early In November, to pre
pnru for the department a detailed
reKirt on this latest Instance of bru
tality, hut there have heen so many
obstacles lu the way of obtaining evi
dence mi which a calm mulJuillcloiiN
opinion could he based, ail,', one Ih
no overwhelmed with Hie horror of the
HittiR Itself, Hint It him been, mid even
now Is, tlllllcult to write calmly ami
Justly about It. I have had to content
mysVlf with frnRinents of dlspatchc
I have from time to time sent to the
department and with tlohiR what I
could, little as that call he, to allevi
ate the distress Hmt this srrutiittou
cruelly Iiiin caused the population of
this unhappy land.
Whltlock Opposed Oelglan Idea.
"In order to tiiuli stand fully the
situation, It In necessary to ro buck to
the autumn of HU I. At the time we
were orRiinlzliiR the relief work, the
Comlte Nntlonul the HelRlnn relief or-1
Riiulzatloii Hint collaborates wlih Hie
commission fur relief In HelRlum i
nroiNisetl 1111 arrangement by which
the HcIrIiiii Rovernuieiit should pay
to Hn own employees left lu HelRlum,
mid other unemployed men besides,
thu wiircn they had been accustomed
to receive. The HelRlnns wished to
do this both for humunlturlan and pa
triotic purposes; they wished to pro
vide Hie unemployed with the means
of livelihood, ami. at the mime time,
to prevent their working for the Oer
mans. I refused to be connected In
any way with this plan, mid told the
HelRlnn committee that It had many
ivosslbllltles of ihinRcr; that not only
would It place n premium 011 Idleness,
hut that It would ultimately exasper
ntetheOermans. However, the policy
was adopted, ami lum been continued
In practice, and on the rolls of the
Comlte National have been borne the
names of hundreds of thousands
Home 7X),(XX), I believe of Idle men
recelvliiR this dole, distributed through
the communes.
"The presence of these unemployed,
however, was a constmu temptation
to German cupidity. Many times they
HoiiRht to obtain the lists of the cho
incurs, hut were always foiled hy the
claim that under the RtmiiiiiHes cov
erliiR the relief work, the records of
thu Comlte National and Its various
HiiliiirRiinlziitloiiH were Immune, llnth
er than risk any Interruption of the
ravltnlllement, for which, while loath
to own any obligation to America, the
nermann have always been Rriiteful,
since It lum had the effect of keepliiR
tho population culm, the authorities
never pressed the point, other tluin
with thu burRonuistern of the com
mimes. Finally, however, tho mili
tary party, always brutal, and with an
iiHtoundliiR iRunrnnco of public opin
ion and of moral sentiment, deter
mined to put these Idle men to work.
"(lenernl von HIssIiir nml tho civil
portion of IiIh ciituurnRO hail always
been nnd oven now are opposed to this
pulley, anil I think have sincerely done
what they could, llrst, to prevent Its
adoption, ami Hccimdly, to lighten tho
rlRom of Its application."
' German Promises Worthless.
In tho early days of tho Oeriuan ad
vauco Into Hi'IrIiiui, tho people had
learned to fenr tho worst. This va
particularly true In Antwerp. In or
tier to alleviate their feum and to ob
tain RUiirttntloH which inlRht hasten
tho restoration of settled conditions.
Cardinal Murder bccurcd from tho
aerinaii Rovernmeut at Antwerp prom
ises, and In a circular letter diUed Oc
tober ltltli, 1011, usked tho clcrsy of
thn province nf Antwerp to communi
cato them to the people:
"Thu Rovcriior of Antwerp, Huron
von linlnliiRcn, Oetieral von Hiieno,
linn utilliorlzeil me tn Inform yon In hi
name nml lo cmiimunlciitit by your
nhllRliiR Intermediary to our popula
tions, thu three followliiR tlcclara
Hoiih: "(1) Thn yomiR men need not fenr
heliiR Itiken to Ocrmimy, either to ho
enrolled Into the army or to ho cm
ployed at forced labors.
"(a) If Individual Infraction of po
lice rcKtiluHonH ant committed, tho
authorities wilt Institute 11 search for
the responsible authors mid will pun
ish them, without placliiR the respon
sibility on the entire population.
"(,'J) The Herman and HelKlnn nu
Hiorltlc will ncRlect nothing to mo
that food I assured to the popula
tion." These promise were not kept, n
Cnrdliinl Mercler and Id colleaRue
hIiow by abundant evidence In the "Ap
peal to Truth."
"On March '-2.1.I. 101 B. at the nrsennl
at I.uttre the (Jenniiii authorities twist
ed a notice tlemiindluR return to work.
On April 2lt, 200 workmen were call
ed for. On April 27th Holdler went
to fetch the workmen from their
homes nml take them to the arsenal.
In the absence nf u workman, a mem
ber of the family was arreHted...
Workmen" Imprisoned on Trains.
"However, the men maintained their
refusal to work, 'because they were
unwilling to co-operate lu uctM of war
iiRiilnst their country.'
"On May 4th, 2-1 workmen detained
In prison nt Nlvelles were tried nt
Minis hy n court-martial, 'on the charge
of being member of 11 secret society,
having for It aim to thwart the carry
ing out of Herman military measure.'
They were condemned to Imprison
ment. "On May 8th. 101.'., 48 workmen
were shut up In u freight cur mid
taken to Germany.
"On May 1-1 Hi, -IS men were deport
ed to (leriuiiny.
"On May 18th 11 fresh proclamation
announced that the prisoner would
receive only dry bread ami water, and
hot f(Msl only every four day. On
May 22d three cur with 101 work
men were sent toward Chnrlerol."
"A similar course wu adopted nt
MnllncH, where by various method
of Intimidation, the Herman authori
ties attempted to force the worker nt
the arsenal to work on material for
the railways, as If It were not plain
that till material would become win
material sooner or later.
Stopped All Traffic In Mallnes,
"On May .10th. 1015. the governoi
general announced that he 'would h
obliged to punish the town of Mnllncft
and It suburbs by stopping all com
mercial tratllc If hy 10 a. m. on
Wednesday. June 2d, SOU workmen
had not presented themselves for work
at thu nrsennl.
"On Wednesday, June 2d. not a
single mnn nppeured. AccordliiRly, a
complete stoppage took place of every
vehicle within a radius of several kilo
meters nf tho town.
"Several workmen were taken hy
force and kept two or three day ut
tho nrsennl.
"The commune of Sweveghm (west
ern Flanders) was punished In June,
10ir, because the I'M workmen at the
private factory of M; Uekaert refused
to iiiuke barbed wire for the German
"The following notice vn placard
ed ut Menln In July-August, 101.1:
'Hy order: From today the town will 1
tiiNk iisslgncd to them. All other op
erative and their fumllle cuu hence
forward not be helped In tiny ftixhlon.'
Punished for Refusal to Work.
"Similar meiiKiires were tnken In
October, 101.1, ut llnrlebekelez-Court-nil,
Hlsseghem, I.okeren, unit Men.".
I'rom Harlebeke 'JO Inhuhltaiits were
triumported tn (leruiiiny. At Mons,
In M. Lenoir's factory, the director,
foreinnn, iitul 81 workmen were Im
prisoned for having refused to work
In the Hcrvlce of the Oeriniin nrniy. M.
I.enolr was Henteiieed to live yeurs' Im
prisonment, the live directors to a
yenr each, six foremen to six months,
mid the 81 workmen to eight weeks.
"The general government had re
course also to Indirect method of
compulsion. It seized the Helglnn
Hetl Cross, cotilNeutoil ItK property,
nnd changed Its purpose arbitrarily.
i. I... l.o..l .....u... ,
.i ...-...,., ..,.., .. " i .
the public chnrliles, mid to control thu
iintloiml nld nnd food committee.
"If we were to cite lu extenso the
decree of the governor general of Aug-1
list -ltli, 1015. concerning measures In-
a .. a.. ti... ,......t..t ..,. ,.. ,4
tended to assure the carrying out of
works of public usefulness, and that
of August 1Mb, 'concerning the unem
ployed, who, through Idleness, refrain
from work,' It would be seen by what
tortuous men n the occupying power
attempts to attack ut once tho mas
ters nnd the men."
Fines Imposed Without Reason.
The Oeiiiuin authorities were not
Mitlstled with one Impoverishing, levy,
lu November, 1015, ono month before
tho explrutluii of tho twelve-month
period fixed for the levy, they decreed
that tho contribution of -10,000,000
frillies n month .should ho paid for uu
luiletlnlto perlnd. In November, 1010,
they Increased the levy to fiO.OOO.OOO
frtiiic u month. In addition, faithful
to tho method laid down by the high
coiuumiid, tho German authorities
havo continued to levy lines upon
towns nnd villages for acts committed
In their neighborhood, although they
hud no proof that these acts had been
committed by any Inhabitant of the
city or village thus lined.
.... I.......... ..ftf..1 ..IjI ,.f ...... . I. .,.. l.A.. . ...lit 1.1 ., a. ,.
Hon Including nsslstunce to their by the Constable of Uend District, to! o,",e ,,, ftm ."V ln'tca
families, wives. .....I chll.Iren-to n I satisfy the damages, costs of keeping, ta: lej -ind. 1 Off: Ico Lakevlow, Ore-
operuHye except those who work "S,"8 '"7oTadlerScK To H. O. Swdln. of unknown art
regularly nt mllltnry work, nml othei , "lc., tl5sl ..ade.rtl!ln.K' dress, contestee: You arj hereby
iiii iiiiiKt'a uiiiiiii 11111 ipl iiiu iii-pt iiir 1 11 until win iii fuiiii ni mini if niirrinn
I-'ftlKM) OF .1. KinVAItl) LAHHO.V
inrrrKit onkh-tuhkiw phovk
(From Friday' Dally.)
Deschutes county potatoes are ap
preciated liy at least one mnn In tho
oast. Hecently, J. Kdward Larson
cnt to n friend, L. I). Keller, of the
Hootli Cold Storage Company In Min
neapolis, a box of potatoes. Tho let
ter which hu received a few day ago
hotter dcucribeji tho impression they
mndu on the recipient of the ship
ment. "Your lotter and tho box of pota
toe. received. First of all, I want to
thank you for your kindness In send
ing thorn," It say. "I assure you
they wcro tho most delicious potatoes
I have ever eaten and had tho most
palatable taste. If tho weather get
mild enough so that It Is safe to send
threo or tour sacki hy freight o re
frigerator car, comin? through, 1 am
going to get somo 3' them, no mat
ter what tho price ma b. Without
a doubt, they were the nicest potatoes
I havo ever had on my table."
Mr. Keller is very much Impressed
with tho description ho has had of
this country and has Inquired for
Information concerning the climate,
soil and timber. "It looks good to
me," ho say.
Tho writer of the letter Is ac
quainted -with Mr. Hlxon, of The
Shevlln-Hlxon Lumber Company, hav
ing gone swimming, skating and play
ed football with him during his school
Her Trouble Is Gone.
Mrs. Thomas H. Davis, Montgom
ery, Intl., Bay sho had trouble with
her bladder and had doctored for
several months without relief, when
Foley Kidney Pills were recom
mended and she commenced using
them and got relief. They rellove
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff,
swollen Joint and kldncr trouble.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
vmi. 1. k.,.1,. -i. ,k.. ,11 u...t
for Itrmtu to rri ottlr. hor-. am ,.w,tlon twenty-eight (28). in TOWnihlp
within th DESCHUTES national. roitKsT I twenty-two (22). south of Rauua
durinr the leanon of 191. mint tx fllcl In
mr offlw on or before March 1, 1918. rull
iniormauon In rtvanl to the waxing- fre to
be charged and blank forma to be il in
making application will be cladlr furnUhed
upon rrqunt. .. O. JACOHSO.V. Fomt
Supervisor, llrnd, Orwon. (17-COc)
; n LhiZCbt Bh'VC,n pu"u"'"nto sot my hand this twenty-fourta
ant to an order of ho Justlco of tho j day of December. 1917.
in?0 "J". DC51 ,DIVrlct' ,m?de antl I SAMUEL A. LESTER.
?oiore,(L,l,,,3'1 d,ay ?,f a!luary' Administrator of the Partnership
1918 tho following described vicious EsUto of F. W. Sllvertooth and Sam
estray animal. tow-It: Ono red steer, uo A. Lester, tho former now de
two years old, with split on the un- ceased,
dersidc of tho left ear and a blotch 1 '
brand on left side near tho back-
urday, the 16th. day of February,
4 8-4 9c P. H. DENCER
Dopartmont of tho Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakevlew, Ore
gon, January 21, 1918.
To Howard Wallace, of Canby, Ore
gon, contesteo: You aro hereby noti
fied thnt Eldon P. Swank, who slves
Hrotliers, Oregon, as his postofflco
address, did on Decorabor 10, 1918,
file in this oftlco his duly corrobo
rated application to contest and se
cure tho cancellation ot your Home
stead Entry, aerial No. 07537, made
May 12th, 1914, for SWM. Sec. 12,
and NW'U Sec. 13, Township 21 S.,
Rango 17 E. W. M and as grounds
tor his contest ho alleges that:
""' imuiuivuMimiugiioioniHi
a a-a 4 at '' xl ah,I .ti aHaii. .jw.1
ithorefore state that tho said Howard
WaUaco has novor beon upon said
land slnco tho day ho filed on same
in 'May. 1914, and that ho has been
ubsoiit from said land ever slnco and
more than six months last past and
' thttt tin lina nnHrnli1 nKnmlviwl Vir
that ho has entirely abandoned tho
sauio and does not intend to ever re
turn to said land; that ho has never
nuuio any improvements upon tho
land whutsoover nnd has nover culti
vated any of said land whatever, but
entirely abandoned tho land tho day
he filed on same.
2. That his said absonco and
abandonment was not mid has not
boon duo to his omploymeut in tho
military branch of tho U. S. Govern
ment, or survlco rendered lu connec
tion with operations in Mexico or
along tho borders thoroof, or In mob
ilization camps olsowhoro tn tho mil
itary or naval sorvlco ot the United
States in any capacity or tho Na
tional Guard of any of tho several
states, nor In tho sorvlco of tho U.
S. lu any capacity on account ot tho
European war or In any othor man
ner. You nro, thoroforo further notified
that tho said allegations will bo takon
us confessod, und your eald entry will
ho canceled without furthor right to
bo hoard, 'either before this office or
on appeal, if you tall to fllo in this
oftlco within twenty days after tho
Fourth publication of this notlco, as
shown bolow, your answer, under
oath, specifically responding to those;
allegation of content, togothor wltK
duo proof that you havo served a
copy of your answor on tho said con'
testant either in porson or by regis
tered mall.
You should stato In your answer
tho name of tho pontofflco to which,
you desire futuro notice to bo flout
to you.
JA8. F. HfJHOBSS, KogUtor.
Date of 1st publication, Jan. 31, 1013
Dato of 2d publication, Fob. 7, 1918
Date of 3d publication, Feb. 14, 1918
Dato of 4th publication, Fob. 21, 1918
In tho County Court of tho Stato ot
Oregon for Deschutes County.
In the Matter of tho Kstato of Georgo
W. McCallistcr. deceased,
Notlco I hereby given by the un
dersigned, the executrix of tho cstato
of Georgo W. McCalllster, decoascd,
that sho ho made and filed with tha
County Clerk of Deschutes County,
Orogon, her final account of hor ad
ministration of said estate, and that
tho Honorable Judgo of said County
Court has set Monday, tho 25th day
of February, 1918, at 10 o'clock of
tho forenoon of said day at tho Coun
ty Court Room In Ilcnd, Oregon, as
tho tlmo and place of hearing of said
final account.
Dated this 2 2d day of January,
Kxecutrlx of the Kstato ot Georga
W. McCalllster, Deceased.
In the County Court of tho Stato ot
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho Matter of tho Kstato of
Dan Draglcb, Deceased.
Notlco is hereby given that the un
dersigned was on tho Eth day of No
vember, 1917, duly appointed ad
ministrator of tho estate of Dan Dra
glcb, deceased. All persons having
claims against the r.stato are hereby
notified to present tho sam'o duly
verified in tho manner provided by
law, to H. II. Do Armond, O'Kana
Dulldlng, llcnd, Oregon, within nix
months from the date of tho first
publication hereof.
4 5-4 9c Administrator.
In the County Court of tho Stato ot
Oregon for Lako County.
In the Matter of the Partnership Es
tate of F. W. Sllvertooth and Sam
uel A. Lester, the former now de
ceased. Notlco Is hereby given that I, Sam
uel A. Lester, the duly appointed,
qualified, and acting administrator ot
tho partnership cstato of F. W. 811
vertooth and Samuel A. Lester, tha
former now deceased, will, on and
After the 31st day of January, 1918.
i sell nt nrivatn snln fnr rush In hand
tho following described real property
"belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Tha
north halt ot tho northwest quarter
of the couthcast quarter, tho south
west quarter of tho northwest quar-
ter, and tho southeast quarter of Sec
nine (9) cast, Willamette Meridian,
In Crook County, Oregon.
Said real property to bo sold sub
ject to re-salo and confirmation la
the same manner as other sales ot
real property made by executors and
notified that Leo
Weston, who
Muu.ioo. um ut, diiuuai; u, mio, ilia
in tnls ofllco his duly corroborated
application to contest and secure tha
cancellation of your Homestead Kn-
try. Serial No. 04641. made May IB,
u, lur on ui oecuon i. iownaai
21 S.. Range 18 E., Willamette Mori
dlan, and as grounds for his content
ho alleges that:
1. I am informed and verily be
lieve, and thercforo stato that you
erected a one-room shack and a small
barn shortly after tiling upon said
tract in May, 1911, that you resided
upon said tract u part of tho tall and
winter ot 1911 and 1912, and that
you abandoned said tract In tha
spring of 1912, and havo nover re
turned. I further stato that I havo
personally known said tract for up
wards of ono year last past; that
during said year last past you havo
wholly abandoned said claim for
more than ono year last past; that
you havo novor mado any Improve
ments upon said land, nor cultivated
tho aanio, nor any part thereof; ex
copt as above; that your alleged ab
sence from and fatluro to cultivate
said land was not duo to your em
ployment in tho army, navy or ma
rlno corps, or othor organization de
scribed in the act of July 28, 1917, o'r
You are, therefore, furthor notified
that the said allegations will bo tak
en as confessed, and your said ontry
will bo canceled without further right
to ho heard, olther uoforo this office
or on appeal, If you fall to fllo In this
oftlco within 20 days after tho fourth,
publication ot this notlco, as shown
below, your answer, under oath,
specifically responding to theso alle
gations ot contest, together with duo
proof that you havo sorvod a copy of
your answer on tho said contestant
either lu person or by registered
You should stato In your answer
tho naiiio ot tho postofflco to which
you dealro futuro iiotlcca to bo aout
to you.
46-7-8-9c. Register.
Dato ot 1st publication, Jan. 17, 1918.
Dato of 2d publication, Jan. 24, 1918,
Dato pf 3d publication, Jan. 31. 1918,
Dato ot 4th publication, Fob. 7, 1918.