PAGE a riKNi) nuM.rciirs, iiknd, ohkoon, Thursday, January ui, iuih """" """K Mr------ Central Oregon Neighborhood News -- --- SCHOOL ELECTION CALLED AT MILLICAN "WHI Cliooso Now Clerk to Surceod Floyd Van Clovw, Who He emit ly ltesljrned. (Special to Tito Bulletin.) MII.LICAN. J.n '.'$. Special school meeting notlcoi havo been posted for February 3, fur tlio elec tion of now school rlir't, Floyd Van Clove, our former clork, having resigned. Mr. and Mrs. A. D Norton and threo children woro Mond.iv dinner guests at the II. It. Kellor home. P. B. Johnson to.vJo a business trip to Bend Sunday aitoriiotvi, return Ing Monday. Mrs. 1. H. Johnson and son. Hob ert, wens guests at dinner at the George Iloberts home Monday. Whilo G. Allen made a short bus iness trip, Mrs, Alton and daughter, Lois, vlsitod with Mrs. George Rob erts, returning to Bend Monday ev ening with Mr. Roberts, who also visited -Willi his family. Mrs. Rob erts and daughter accompanied them to Bond for several days. Frank Pctvivai made a business trip to Bend every day last week. 'Mrs. Frank Perclval Is going to Bend Monday o huvo some dental work dono. Guy Schaefcr made a trip to Bend Wednesday. .Mrs. F. Tauschcr. Mrs. I.. B. Kel ler and Mrs. J. J, Hotland were Wed nesday dinner guests of Mrs. Schac fer. One of tho Gllngcn boys Is stop ping with Mrs. George Roberts, while Mr. Roberts is employed In Bend. Mary Holland was a Saturday af ternoon visitor ot tho U. A. Keller homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland spent Sunday at tho I... B. Keller home. L. B. Keller and Alex Feeal were over Sunday guests at their respec tive homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edgbcrt Dyer and daughter, Ruth, were Sunday dinner guests at he A. D. Norton home. The school -board met Monday af ternoon at the P. B. Johnson home. There will bo a dance at tho now hall at Grlnstead's on February 14, St. Valentine's night. Tho building is well under way at the present time. Mr and Mrs. A. A. Gllmore called -at the R. R. Keller home last Thurs day. . Wednesday, Mrs. P. B. Johnson and son, Robert, and Mrs, R. R. Kel ler made a business trip to Bend. (Mr. Hunter was at Bond Wednes day to consult an oculist. Francis K. I.oe made a trip to Bend Tuesday, returning Thursday. Wm. Ream made a trip to Bend last week, returning Wednesday. He took Joseph Ocstrlcher back to that .:ty. Mrs. Schaefer and son, Guy, made a business call on A. T. Shaver at the George Cook home Tuesday, In regard to having ti -well drilled. 31 r. and 'Mrs. Conaway and sons went .to Bond Thursday, Opal stay Ing at the Klger homo and Oscar at the Sloan ranch. I.yle Caldwell Is visiting with his "father at tho Sloan ranch. G rover Caldwoll was called to Bend Saturday evening on account of his wife's illness. Mrs. I. L. Owen was obliged to re sign her position on account of poor health. Friday 'was her last day at school. The ladles of Mllllcan sur prised her tit tho building at noon, bringing a basket dinner. Mrs. Vernon Clovenger and son. Marshall, wore school visitors Tuos day. Mrs. J. J. Holland spont Tuesday nt tho R. R. Kollor homo. Charles Groffonborgor made n trip to Prlnovlllo, looking for a horso ho recently bought. Mrs. J. J. Holland and Mrs. R. R. Kollor wero callers tit tho P. II. John son homo Thursday nfternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Foeal nnd Mr. Feeal's brother and Laurence Feeal wero Sunday visitors nt tho L. II. Keller homo. A. D. Norton was ill ono day this week. Mrs. P. B. Johnson called nt tho A. I). Norton nnd R. R. Kollor homes Tuesday. Gladys nnd Hazel Norton woro Monday nlghf guests with their uncle nnd mint. Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Klger A. I). Norton Is busy cutting fence posts, NEW COUNTY ROAD PROVIDES OUTLET Alfalfa Resident Thought .Vow In France- Much Krai Ivdiito Ac tivity In Vicinity. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) ALFALFA. Jan. 28. Frank Roupo and Denver Good havo boon opening tho now county road, giving several farmers nil outlet to tho pub lie highways. Mrs. Curt Mullcr. proprietress of the beauty shop In Bend, spent Sun day In Alfalfa. Ralph Ferry, who enlisted In the marines, Is believed to be somewhere In France. Ho notified his parents ho would send some clothes homo when tho boat sailed. Tho clothes wore received Tuesday. Thcro Is considerable activity In tho real estate business In Alfalfa, sovcral farms having changed hands and more sales pending. Elder Py-.itt has been having a siege of la grippe. .Curt Mullcr accompanied his brother-in-law to Prlncvlllo Friday. Albert Ferry, of Bend, visited his parents In Alfalfa before leaving for Vancouver, Washington. Bert Powell received n telegram calling him to tho hedsldo of his mother In Brownsville Miss Mablo Allen spent Sunday at Powell Butto with her brother and father, who lately arrived from Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shults wero in Redmond Friday, their son, Or vlllc, and J. N. Roberts accompany ing them back to Alfalfa. Gus Borry was In Bond Wednes day after supplies for the Johnson ranch. He also took somo young horses to town. Tho wood saw is again busy In Alfalfa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie V. Clarke en tertained a numbor of friends at din ner Thursday evening. Larson and Tattl butchered a beef Monday. Leslie V. Cltirlco has purchased somo full-blooded Mammoth Bronzo turkeys, from which he hopes to raise turkeys for the market. For farm land loans sco J. Ryan & Co. Adv. WEATHER PLEASANT IN HEMSTEAD VALLEY (Special to Tho Bulletin) HEMSTKAl). Jan. 28. Thero has been but very Ilttlo snow here as yrft. Warm rains and sunshine are mak ing tho grass nnd sagebrush grow, Mrs. Harris is spending tho week in Bond. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. Davts linvo moved to Bond for tho winter, Mr, DIckorsoH will look nftor tho IXivIh ntock tho linlntiru ot tho winter, I), Ouun'a Botflu-lnw nnd daugh ter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Crulao, havo been visiting hero nluco tho first ot tho your. COUNCIL CLUB GIVES ENJOYABLE PROGRAM Many lYont KUtom Attend Clovrrdnlo Meetlng lllrt Inlay Party n Surfc-vi, (Special to Tho Bulletin.) CLOVKRDALK. Jan. 24. -Tho Council club program last Friday night was ns follows: Dialogue, "Breakfast For Two," Mrs. Georgo Burtisldo and Mr. Ruy Abbey; song by the eighth grade girl; a mock trial, In which John Gotter was charged with stealing randies from Miss Richards' rnko during tho parly last Tuesday night. Thoso from Sisters who attended tho Council club woro Ada Taylor, Lynn Wilson, Jnck Hames, Elba Tay lor nnd Fred Van Mutro. Lillian Van Matre was tho guest of Im Dona Cyrus Sunday. Mrs. Rcnn Cyrus and Mrs, Myrtle wero calling on Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Fryroar Sunday. Mrs. II. C Miller has been alck tor tho past week. Dean Van Mntro nnd Veruo Bkel ton wont to Sisters Sunday. Mrs. Rcnn Cyrus ami Alvln wero shopping In Sisters Saturday. A party wns given for Miss Ruby Richard's nnd John Goiter's birth day last Tuesday night. A htngo crowd was present. A quilt which tho ladles had made was raffled off. It brought $14. GO and was won by Mrs. Myrtlo Arnold. Miss Ruby Richards nnd Mrs. Ray Abboy woro shopping In Sisters Tues day. Mrs. Myrtlo Arnold and Mrs. Etta Fryrear wero shopping in Sisters on Monday. PRINGLE FLAT HAS EXAMINATION WEEK tho Hayes ranch, west ot Tumnlo, Tuesday. W. M. Brown, tho real oHtato man from Rodmoiul, hint hud parties oul looking nt laud In this vlulnlty lately, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Anderson and Andrew Newton attended tho Liberty Theatre In Bond Hundiiy evening, F. II. Bivughiuau and Albert Me Cormlok woro Bond vltdtorH Saturday, MISS HOSKINS BACK FROM PORTLAND TRIP (Special to Tho Bulletin.) LOWER BRIDGE, Jan. 28 Dar win Wnltorn, Margaret Walters and Dorothy and Hope Rico wero Hod niniid visitors Saturday. Miss Naomi Hosklus 'returned Fri day evening from Portland, after n week'd vltdt there. After tho Red Cross meeting Wed nesday tho ladles called on Mrs Bole. John Cnlvorloy nnd C. F. Hnsklns attended K. P. lodge In Redmond Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller were Redmond visitors Saturday. All kinds of hides, turn, pelts, wool bought at llrlggs' Second Hand Store. fl7tfc C3i &M3B&M Mr. nnd Mr. Erie DniileNoii Enter tnln Friends With Curd Party Diiiing tin Wtvk. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PRINGLE FLAT. Jnn 2C Mr. Blackstone returned from Bend Sun day evening, where ho had gone for supplies. Mr. Balslcy has gone to Bend to work. Mr. Carpenter's family are all down wlthtousllltls. Examinations wero given In phys iology and civil government at the school by Mr. Cottlnghnm. Francis and Joseph Bocrstl, Frank Scttlemoyor and Dwlght Cottlnghnm took physiology, nnd Nina Evans and Lllllnn Hamlin took civil govern ment nt the recent examinations. Fred Hamlin returned from Bond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Danlelson en tertained ii few ot tho neighbors on Saturday evening. The time wns passed very pleasantly at playing cards. Mrs. Bocrstl and children will move to Bend this week to remain soma time. PARTY IS GIVEN AT 0. E. ANDERSON HOME MrA;.K5M-MHV Bt ?vc,"v' - ;nHF-3BLK9fH Milt- pffl I He Central Oregon Bank BEND, OREGON OFFICERS: D. E. HUNTER, President CARLETON II. SWIFT, VIco-PresJdent K. P. MAIIAI'I-'KY, Vice-President, II. SI. STEPHENS, Cashier DIRECTORS: D. E. Hunter W. L. O'Donnell CaWcton II. Swift K. P. Slahaffcy II. SI. Stcphons Every facility for accommodating the interests of Central Oregon File Hundred N (Sumo of the IJten Iiik .Men Liwik ()ri Property, (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PLEASANT RIDGE. Jan. 28 An ton Ahlstrom was a Redmond visitor Monday. W. II. Gray and fjeorgo Gray re turned Thursday from Redmond, where they havo been sawing wood. Sirs. O. E Anderson was In Red mond Wednesday, R. A. Ward, tho county agricul turist, was In this vicinity Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O, E. Anderson en tortalned at five hundred Wednesday evening. Those present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. C. i.M. Redfiuld, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Sirs. Leo Whlttemoro, .Mrs. Connolly, Miss Foster, and Slessrs Van Allon, Claudo McCauley and Andrew Now ton. Sirs. Johanson and Rasmus Peter son, accompanied by Sirs. Olo Han son and .Mrs. Hans Sllkkolson, mo tored to Redmond Thursday after noon. J. Alton Thompson nnd wife, of Bond, called at the J. A. Chase homo Thursday. Gus Nelson spent Sunday nt tho home of his couhIii, Anton Ahlstrom. Andrew Nowton left Sunday night for Bend, where ho Is going to work In tho woods for ono ot tho mill companies, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended tho Red CrosH dnnco at Turn alo Friday night, W. H. Gray went to Redmond with a load of vood Saturday. SI'ss Hllma Nelson nnd .Mrs. O. E. Anderson spent Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. W. H. Gray. Rasmus Potoraon and O. E. An derson made a business trip ovor to RABBIT DRIVE TO BE HELD AT TERREBONNE (Hpeclnl to Tho Bulletin) TERREBONNE. Jan. 20 There will be a rabbit drive February 2, starting from Terrebonne and driving east. Dinner will bo served at tho Enrl Malksou ranch. Miss Foss, of Spokane. Is tho guest of her father, L. J Foss. Tho Dudley family, of Milton, ar rived here last week and are now living on their newly acquired ranch, formerly the property of (I. G. Groves. .Miss Lldn Elliott, ot Seattle, ar rived Saturday evening for an ex tended visit with relatives. A. Tntflemlre left Wednesday for his homo In Sawyer, N. D. Ho has been spending tho winter whh Ills daiM-htcr, Mrs. D. It. Gates M. M. Sillier left last week for Hot Springs for the benefit of his health. i.Mrs. George Linker was hurriedly summoned to her mother's bedside last Wednesday, but wo are glad to her that Mrs. Foster Is Improving rapidly and will soon bo nut of dan ger. G. O. Groves and family left Thurs day morning for their now homo In Milton. Oregon. Tho Terrebonne C E. society gave a social at L. P. C hall last Friday evening. A very onjnvalilo evening was passed by those attending. J. 8. SlcVey went to Bend Satur day evening to see his wife, who In n patient at the (lend Surgical hos pital. .Margaret Rodeslde, of Redmond, spent Sunday with her parents here. Sir. and Sirs. S. Rnzarth and family wero dinner tguents of the W. F. Gal brnlths last Sunday. Sir. and Sirs. Claude Drew iipont Sunday with the former's brother, Harvey Drew, and wife. OLD TIME SPELLING MATCH WELL LIKED Dorothy T.ijlor Get lllulir-t ,iitii:;o In Context nt HUterH SrhiMil list Friday. (Special to Tho Bulletin ) SISTERS. Jan. .10 -I' F. W. Weber conducted an old time spelling match at the public school Friday ovenlnir. TIkihm nrpumit uurn Sirs Taylor, Sirs. Stldum, Sirs Davis, .Mrs. iiowen, i.M inn Ktimunusou mid nil tho pupils above tho third grade, Jasper I Initios and .Miss Edmundson wero -the captains In choosing sides anil jaspers sliln won tho contest, Dorothy Tnylor was tho best speller. Considerable Interest wns shown dur ing tho contest and a desire was ex pressed by thoso taking part to con tinue tho contests In the future. Hazel Tucker, Jasper Humes nnd Vern Kief passed the ninth grade semester examinations. Vorn Kief was absent from school all week with throat trouble. Principal F. W. Weber gave all tho blackboards two coats of black paint nnd Installed a Chicago pencil shar pener In his room. Report cards, with standings so cured In the branches pursued dur ing the month of January, woro giv en to tho pupils .Monday to be signed by tho parents and then returned. The sixth, seventh mid ninth ltmiIck nro writing compositions twice a week on HiiDjccis portioning to tho school and surroundings, Rov, Folkenberg pmichcd n ser mon at tho church Hiilnrilnv nfinr. noon Immediately after tho Sunday school exnrclm'H. mi tlm miMwt nt Prophecies In tho Light of tho III Dio." itov, Htownrt preached In tho ovening, on "iower." Sir. and Mrs. Dennis nro visiting In Seattlo. Sir. and Sirs, Davidson havo taken their plucu at tho Dennis Hotel. Mrs. Goorgo WIIhoii was on tho sick list last week with tousllitls. Sir. Banks Is on Ills way from Bend SP STOP! -Ml II And investigate our prlcee before buying- your tfrocei lc. Wo can feavo you money, P.B.Johnson's Mllllcan, Oro. Telephone AS A PATRIOTIC DUTY You should out more Vegetables and stive the wheats ami meats. We present here a largo variety of ehoiee Fruits and Vegetables FANCV LARGE YELLOW HANANA8 MWKET NAVEL ORANGES FINEST FMHUDA GRAPEFRt'lT Nt'NKISHKR ORANGES EXTRA FANCV WINEHAP APPLES LARGE TENDER HEAD LETTUCE CRIHP WHITE CELERV CHOICEST CAt'LIILOWEIt GREEN ONIONS TENDER RED RADIKHEM ItALHEAD CARUAGE 8WUET POTATO EH GREEN PEPPERS HORSERADISH ROOT liniBARD HOJ'AHH BENNETKOOPER CO. Ph. me Illuck 10nl Plinth-' HuiUUiiK to Sisters with n loisglug traction en gine, to ho used to supply tho mill with logs from tho Immodlntn vicin ity. The Duekcti mill Is contemplat ing the running of two shifts. Extra space for piling lumber tuts been pro vided, The Wilson milt was shut down all week undergoing repairs. POWELL BljTTE rhd CROSS HAS ELECTION .Mm. H. D. .Mo -tun I Slnilr Chairman of Aiullliir Dimro to lln Gltcit Next Sliuidny. (Special In Tho Bulletin,) POWELL Bl'TTE. Jan. HO. There will be a dance nt tho Community ILill on February 22. The Red Cross auxiliary met at the Community Hall Friday afternoon Permanent officers wero elected, lt lug a follow: Chairman, Sirs S D. .Mustard; secretary, Sirs Will Ar nold; treasurer. Sirs. Slary Schllle; finance committee, Sirs, Ora Fouler, Sirs. J F Rice and Mm. J J Flint W. E. Young spent Sunday with his family In Redmond Sir and Slis Reaves Wlllcoxon, Sirs Ross Russell and J A. Rlggs nt tended the show In Bend Sunday or. ruing, Dr Vandovert, from Bend, was called to the Orn Fouler homo Holi day evening to attend .Miss Ruth, mIio uiih very sick. Wm. Wilson was In Prlnovlllo on .Monday. cV L, W. Van Doreu has boughC tho 40 acres wchI of his ranch. E. It. Agee spent Sunday wll.ti homo folks, returning .Monday to lift much on the Orhoco, where hn U clearing laud. Dr. Nuvel. of Prlnnvllle, luin Just complett'd testing tho Worrell nod Srhloln dairy stock nnd reports them In flue condition. Sir. and Sirs. Henry Llnster, of Betid, and sou, lleury. visited nt tlm E A Bussett homo Sunday. Sirs. J SI ShiMiror and Sirs. Allen Wlllcoxon wero In Bend on Tuenday. Sirs. Navel and .Mrs. Will Kinney visited with Sirs. Slury Schleln last .Monday. Sir. and Sirs D. It. French worn In Bend on Wnducitday. Rom RoAttt vsiih quite sick sev era I duys last week with la grippe. Sir. and Sirs. Iteuves Wlllruxnu spent Thursday afternoon In Bend. J A. Rlggs and Al .McCoy worn In Bond on Saturday, Will Arnold of (Continued on p'nge .1 ) jN THE SPECIAL WE DEAL IN EVERY DAY IS Complete Satisfaction Then you are satisfied, and we are satisfied BAKER'S GROCERY 734 Wall Street. Nesr Ohio Phone ReJ 161 Practical Experience Counts . in Developing and Printing Films, and we are & tltJtfl t4l tf ItltMl till fltL.'t llllLl 1l'lL I M it ulwtxft Vf i itw w iw itiaa wtt. an ,iv.nt,i vt wt trv in it nitwit, time.Ji.Our work insures your coming again, "In al ONE, at FIVE lhc'tc done." CENTRAL PHOTO CO. WITH SYMONS. The Jeweler. OKane HUtf.. DenJ. Ore. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE EOR RABBIT SKINS E. E. VARCO BROTHERS C. H. BISHOP, 1130 Kindlon Ave., DenJ ii BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINOS IN BEND OTHER BUILDINQS VALUE ABOUT VALUE ABOUT $500,000 $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER NONE $100,000 gcT," BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. T