The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 24, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Uso of Civilians as Hoslayos and
lor Scrocns Part of
Dovillsh System.
At That Time It Wae Condemned by
the Civilized World, hut the Qor.
man Military Leaders Have
Never Abandoned It.
Ampin proof that the march of the
German armies through Belgium
was marked by massacres niul rru
elties almost beyond belief is given
gg&i'fi a document made public by the
committee on public information,
from which the following in taken:
Tim iiinsnnrrcn In llelglum mill
northern Kriini'it wore n part of Hid
(Ionium system of frlghtfiiliicnn. An
other fruluri! of HiIn nynteiu whs lint
iimt of i.ivlllniis iih hontngen unit for
In illncnnMng lh lli' of hontngen the
Oeriunn Wnr Hook (Krlcgnhrnuch Im
l.undkrlcgo) says:
"Ity hontngen lire understood thonc
persons who, ns security or hull for
the fulfillment of IrrnlIrN, promlncn, or
other etiiltitM, nro Inkcn or dclnliicd by
the opposing m I rt t or It tinny. Their
provlHlnii bun bi'i'ii lens iiniimI In re.
(nit mith, iin n result of which some
tyfesnors of llu- Inw of tuitions have
(i'muty decided Hint the inking of
himtngen lutN disappeared from tin
practice of H untloim, . , ,
"A now application nf 'hnnlnge rlttltt
miin practiced bv tin' German Muff In
the wnr of 1 STI. when It compelled
lending citizens from French towns
ntnl vlllngc to nrroinpiiny trulim mid
locomotive In order to protect thr
rnllwny romiiiiinlentlonn which were
threiltenetl by till' people. Since the
1 1 vex of pcuccnhtc liilinhllmitn were,
without nny fault on their purl. there,
by expoxed to gmve danger, every
writer outside Germany bus mIkiiiii
tired this tiieiiMire iin eoutrnry to the
liiw of IIMtlollH niul iin tlliJuMllleil to-
wards the luhiibltimtN of the country."
Clung to Frlohtfulneas.
Although their decdn In the Frnnro-
I'riiNNhiii wnr hnd been tiulvcrnnlly
condemned, iin they thcniM-lvcs admit-
ted, the lenders ilbl not Intend In
nbnndou such n useful measure of
; frlKhtfulneNN. In l.'luterprete Mill-
tnlre the forum were protldcd for such
nets In the next wnr. Iloth In IIWkIuiu
nnd In France the Oeriiiiins hnve con
"tiuitly tiied hontngen. The evidence
In contained In the prorlninntlonN of
rlhn governing ntilhorltlc niul nUo In
the dlnrli-N of the Oennnri soldiers. A
few cxnmplc from these will (Hun
trntn the system whleh wns eniiloyel.
A specimen of the nrhltrnrlncsn nnd
rnielly l furnished by the proclumu
(Ion of Mrjnr Dlcckmnuu, from whlrh
the following sections nre preNeiited:
"After 0 ii. in. on the 7th Neptcm
tier, I will penult the limine In Ileyne.
IleitNny, Orlvrgnec, niul Hols-di-Hrctix
to be Inhnhlled by the persons who
lived In them formerly, iin long iih
(bene person an not forbidden to fre
quent these- locnlltlcs by olllelnl pro
lilhltlnn. Prominent People Hostage.
"In order to be Mire thnl the nbnvc
tnentbuied permit will not be illumed,
the burgomaster of Hcyuc-llounny mid
of alrlvegnpu mum Immediately pre
pare Hat of prominent persons who
Mill he held iin hontngen for -I hour
i'nrli nt Tort Flcrou. September (I.
1014, for the Drxt lime (the period of
..detention nIiiiII be) from (I p. m. until
wptember 7 tit inlddny.
I lie me or incxe niiNinKeN iiepeuiiN
on the populntlon of the nlmve-ineii-tinned
rommuueN retnnlnliie ipilet wn
ler nil rlrruiiiNtnnreN.
"nurltiK I he nlnlit It Ih neverely for
bidden to liov nny IiiiiiIiioun MkiiiiIh.
UlrycleH nni permltteil only between 7
u, m, nnd ft p. in. ((lermiin time),
Trnm the lint whlrh In Niibtultted to
me I ahull dexlKmite prominent per
NiiiiH who nhnll be hostiiKeN from noon
of one dny until the following uildduy.
If thii nuliHtltule In not there In due
time, the boMtiiRe iiiiihI remnln nuntle
t r "I hnurn nt the fori. After them)
?l bourn the hontuKe will Incur the
Vennlly of denth, If the Milmtltute fnlln
to uppenr.
"1'rlexlH, burKomnNtera, nnd the nth
T iilemberN of Hie council uro to be
token flrnt iih hoHtnKCH.
"I Innlnt Hint nil cIvIIIiuih who move
flhout In my dlHtrlrt , , , nliow
their renpert to the nermiin ollleerK by
Inldtik off their hntx, or HflliiK their
tinndH to their hernia In mllltnry milnte.
f In ciiho of doubt, everj' Oeriunn an).
' llcr iniiHt Im (minted. Aiiynno who
Ooi'H not do HiIh mtiHt expect the Oer
iunn mllltnry In mnko Hh'iiihcIvch ro
Kpetied liy every iiiciiiin."
Hold Small Natlona Have No Rlghte.
"The fnto Hint IIoIrIuiii Iiiih rulleil
down upon hernelf Ih luiril for the In
(llvldunl, but tint too hard for HiIh po
lltlcnl Htrtifluro (atantNuelilldo), for
tlin iIphHiiIgh of the Immortnl Krcut nit
tlorm Htnnd no IiIkIi Hint they cannot
but hitvo tho rlKht, In Ciiho of need, to
fltrldn over exlHtcnco that ennnnt do
fend thoiiiHolviiH, but live, iih puniHltca,
upon tint rivnlrli'H of the Krent." I'rof.
II. Onckcn, In RuildeulHclin MoimtHliOft,
(South Oermiui Monthly,)
Would they luivo dared to defend
until n policy If they could have hoou
tlin announcement sent out by tho pur
ijli of BU Hiidelln with Ita ullunt elo-
ITIIh In mi luvllnlloii to n Hervlce In
memory of 00 men mid women from
niTit piiiiHh, of whom nil hut two were,
killed by tlio (Iitiiiiiiim In (he iiiiiHHiicni
of AtmiiHt ft mid 0, 1(11 1. Tlio cioMiiK
MenteiieeH nro:
"(leiiilu Heart of Alary, ho my
"Our I.ndy of l.oiirdcM, prny for im.
"HI, .loneph, pulroii of HdIkIiiu, prny
for iih,
"HI, lliirdellii, patron of the purlMli,
prny for ih,
"Knlnto llnrhe, pntroneNN or kindly
denth, prny for iim."
After remlliiK niicIi (,'luiHlly necouiilM,
mmiy of them written by (termini eye
wliiieNNeH, mid kimwlni; Hint aliiillni
tnlcM were mibllNhed widely In the
(lermmi ueWMpnperN, It In dllllcult to
fnil with patience aiieh woiiIh iih
"The (lermiin nrmy (In which I of
entire Include the inivy) In todny tlin
KienleNt liiNtltule for nioriil education
In the world."
"The (lei'innu noIiIIitn uloue nre
IboroiiKhly dlNclpllued, nnd hnve never
ho much iin hurt n linlr of n Nluule In
lieei'iil hummi beliiK.' IIoiinIoii Stew
im Chmiiberhilii. In KrleKHiiufHiltj'.e,
"H'nr KNNiiyN," till I.
"We nee everywhere how our moI
dlern reNpeet the Miercd ilefeiiNeleNN
i"nn of woiiinn mid child." I'rof. (I,
Itoelhe, In Di-lltNche Itedeu III Heliwerer
.it. "(lerimiii SpeeeheN In Dllllftill
Hottaget' Llvee Hung by Thread.
"In order to ItiNiire auilleleiitly tin1
Niifety of our troom mid the trmiipilb
Ity of the population uf KellilN, the
PiTnoiin mentioned have been weired
iin boNtuKeN by the eomuimider of the
Oeriunn nrmy. Thewe IionIukcn will
be xliot If there In the leant dlnorder.
(u the other hand, If the town re
uialiiN perfectly calm and quiet thcxe
hontiiKen nnd liihubltiiutN will be
placed under the protection of the
(lermiin nrmy, ,
"Tin: (ii:ni:h.m. commandino.
"ICeliiiN, ''ih Hi'iitember, Hill."
Heueulh Ihln procliimutlou there
were punted the ualllen of SI hoxtuKc
niul li nlatemelit Hint othern liail iiIh.i
been mixed iin hontnKen. The liven of
nil Ibene men depended III reality
Uhiii the lulerpniiitlon which the (ler
mmi mllltnry niithorltlen mlkiit Klve to
the elliptic phrane. "the leant dlnorder,"
In the proclamation.
IIiikIi (lltixon. In a .lournnl from our
Leuullou III HelKllim. iiiKe IS I. explain
whut wan likely to happen:
"Another lliliu; In, that on enterlns
n town, they hold the liurKoinimter. the
proeureiir du ml, mid other auihorlHe'
nn hontnKen to Innure rood behavior by
the population, Of coll me. the hood'
llltu rlnnn would like notlilliu' bettel
tbnu to nee their naturnl euemlen, the
defender of Inw and ordi'r, Icuouitut
ounly nhot, nnd they do not restrain
tbemnelven n bit on account of thr
Diary of Bombardier Wetxel.
"Auc. 8th. Klrnt flcht nnd act fire
to nevernl vlllaeen.
"Aur. Pth. Hcturnefl to old qiinr-
tern: thrrr we nen relied nil the hounei
nnd ahot the mayor nnd nhot one innn
down from the ehlmuey int. nnd then
we nRiiln net fire to the Hinge.
"On the 18th Amtuat I.etnlle (?) rnp
lured 10 men with three prlentn be
rniine they hnve nhot down from thr
church tower. They were brought Into
the Hinge of Ste. Marie,
"Oct. nth. We went In quartern In
the evening nt WHIcknmm. Lieutenant
Hadfeln wan quartered In the mnyor'i
lioiiMe nnd there had two prisoner
(tied together) on u nhort whip, nnd In
enne uuylhlug huppened they were tn
be killed.
"Oil. 11th. We hud no tight, but we
caught about '.1) men and nhot them.
(Prom the dairy of llombanller Wetr.el,
Second Mounted Mattery Tlrnt Kur
hennlun Held Artillery, Hcglmcnt No
The Germans also found It con.
ven lent on many ocean ons to necun-
civilians, both men and women, who
could he forced to mnreh or stutid In
front of the troops, so Hint the country
men of the civilians would he coin
pelted first tn kill their own people If
they rvnlnttsl the Oerinnns, This
usage Is Illustrated In the following:
Letter of Lieutenant Eberleln.
"October 7, 101-1.
"Hut we arrested three other civil
ians, nnd then I had a brilliant Idea.
We gave them chairs, uud we then or
dered them to go nnd sit out In the
middle of the street. On their part,
pitiful entreaties; on ours, a few blows
from the butt end of the rllle. Utile
by little one becomes terribly callous
ut this business. At last they Were
all seated outside In the street. I do
not know what anguished prayers they
tuny hnve said but I noticed that their
hands were convulsively clasped the
whole time. I pitied these fellows, but
the method was Immediately effective.
"The Hunk lire from the houses
ipilckly diminished, so that we were
able, to occupy the opposite house and
thus to dominate the principal street.
Kvcry living being who showed himself
In the street was shot. The artillery
on Its side had done- good work nil this
time, and when, toward seven o'clock
In the evening, tlm brigade advanced
to thn assault tn relieve us I was In
a position tn report that Saint Die
had been cleared of the enemy,
"Later on I learned that tho regi
ment of reserve, which entered Saint
nio further to the north had tried the
same experiment. Thn four civilians
whom they had compelled In Hid sumo
way tn sit out In the street were
killed by French bullets, I myself saw
them lyjng In tho middle, of tho street
near th'u hospital.
"First Lieutenant,"
Letter published on tho 7th October,
WM, In the Vorntiemlhlutt of the
MunchniT Ncuestu Nuchiichten.
fS& 'tAuntno
rUlllaTlfllBial7iA..iMiHP 1.'B iB . M Aat.' .LunaV4 I
"MmtimmmmLMMz, sjb m-xi
vS ''P?iiaLl tt. 5TS TvTM I
; - . 'rPsSo mmFS "a i a
&&&.- -
h X34.' -T--J ''
Hlil'ly tliln tclimrknlMc picture arnl you raiiiut full lo iinilvrntninl why wa nro
(IrIiIIiik tin- I'nmnlnii nwlocrniy You will iwn mw truly tlm criminal nplrll that
move mnn In Iho (Irrinmi nrmy iiikI navy to commit oiitnmn nKnlnnt liumanlty
In rmlxMtliMj In (tin (Icroimi IoiInit Iiro lh iirtlnl hnn utinwn tho autocrat and hi
wnrrlur- an thy rmlly urn. In their nITort to iul tha hobnailed hcM of Prunlan
lam on tho rmckn of frro nnllonn tlio ClTinium jilundcr tlm hone-n of Innocent non
conitiatunta, nn tho whllo IIhk to lurn their enrmtrn out Into tho own lo he nhot,
murdrr women and children, cut off the handi of Imblti, and Introduce Into war
fan polton .
Brand WflitlOCk TdlS Of Cowardly
Act of Commander of Ger
man Detachment.
Telia of PrlciU Compelled to Walk De
fore "Hunt" to Form Screen
Cardinal Mercler's Statement
aa to Taking of Hostaaet.
77iaf the Germans in Belgium
made une of women, children, and
priest as screens to protect the tn
vaders from Belgian troops is shown
by the following testimony gathered
by the committee on public infor
mation: MlnUter Whlttnrk, In bin rcmrt of
Heptcmber 111, 1017, to the secretary of
itatcs, given nn Inntunce uf the Ger
man practice of necking protection.
"The Germans attacked Ilougnerde
on the 18th August; the llelglnn troops
were holding Hie Gctte bridge In the
village. The Germans forced the par
ish priest of Atilgaerdeu to wulk In
front of them us u shield. As they
ncareil the barricade the llelglnn sot
tilers fired ami the priest was kilted.
After the retreat of the Hclglant the
Germans idiot four men, burned W
houses, and looted lis)."
Hugh Glbnoii, In "A Journal From
Our Legation In Ilelgliim," page Km,
elves another Incident :
"Two old priests have staggered In
to the legation more dead than
ullve after Inning been compelled to
walk ahead of the (ermaii troops for
miles us a sort of protecting screen
Mtt. Mt III. kill Im III iim. I It la fllnf
hl ,liy ,Hl. HB ,, wmilt of ml lie nun
Sftm ,,,.,,
Statement of Cardinal Mercler.
"At the rtuie of the Invasion He!
glau civilians, In -0 places, were iiiad-i
to taku part In operations of war
against their own country. At Tor
iiioude, I.ebbeke, Dluaut uud elsewhere
In many places, peaceable citizens,
women and children were forced to
march In front of (icriuuu regiments
or to make u screen before them,
"The system of hostages' wns carrliil
out with a tierce cruelty. The proclii
mutlou of August -lib, quoted above,
declared, without circumlocution:
'Hostages will be freely taken.'
"An olllelnl proiiamutlou, posted at
Liege, In the early days of August, run
thus: 'Hvery aggression committed
against the German troops by any per
sons other than soldiers In uniform
not only exposes the guilty person to
be Immediately shot, but will also en
tail tho severest reprisals against all
the luhuhltit.ts, and especially against
those natives uf Liege who have been
detained iih hostages In the citadel of
Liege by tho conuuaiidaut of thu Ger
man troops,'
"These hostages nre Monslgnor Hut
ten, bishop of Liege; M. Kleyer, burgo
master of I. lege; the senators, rcpre
HcututlvcH, uud the permanent deputy
uud sheriff of Liege,"
The above quotation Is taken from
"An Appeal to Truth," addressed No
vember '.M, 1010, by Cardinal Mercler
and tho other bishops of llelglum to
thu cardinals, archbishops, and bishops
of Germany and Austria-Hungary.
"Homo ten or a Uracil American cor
respondents, of whom I was one, wit
nessed tho tlrst Gorman drive through
llelglum. Most of us were so appalled
uud horrllled by what we saw as to be
come uutl-Gormun for life." Will Ir
win In Suturday Kvenlng Post, Octo
ber 0, 1017, pago 11.
Robbery Under dulse of Fines.
Tho contracting nations, Including
rnr f' aim ilti i i
, mimLmmmw i '
Germany, who nlgned the conventions
of the necoud peace conference nt The
Hague, 1WI7, pledged themaelvvN to the
"Article I.. No general pennlty, pc
cunliiry or otherwlne, nhall be Inlllcted
upon the population on account of the
ucta of ImllvldunlN for which they enn-
'" regarded iin Jointly uud neverul
ly responsible
"Article MI. Hequlnltlons In kind
and services shall not be demanded
from municipalities or Inhabitants ex
cept for the needs of the army of oc
cupation. They shall be In proportion
to the resources of the country, and of
such a nature as not to Involve the In
habitants In the obligation of taking
part In military operations against
their own country."
The German authorities have violat
ed these articles from the very begin
ning. As soon us they Invaded Kcl
glum, heavy Hues were laid upon Indi
vidual communities as reprisals for
some act against the Gorman army or
Its regulations which was committed
within their boundaries. In "An Ap
peal to Truth" Cardinal Mercler cites
tiie following cases:
"Mnllnes, a working-class town,
without resources, has had n fine uf
10,000 marts Inflicted on It because
the burgomnster did not Inform the
mllltnry authority of a Journey which
the curdlnal, deprlvei of the use of bis
motorcar, hml been obliged to make
on foot. In fuel, ujMin the lllmslest
pretexts heavy Hues are Inlllcted on
communes. The commune of Puers
was subjected to a tine of 11,000 marks
because u telegraph wire wus broken,
although the Inquiry showed that It
hud given wuy through wear."
Merclleaa Exactions.
In addition to such arbitrary,
aNirnlk' exactions, In December, 1014,
the Germans dcmuudcU -10,000,000
francs $S.OO0,00O), a mouth to bo
paid by the llelglan provinces Jointly.
Concerning this enormous Imposition
Cardinal Mercler says, In thu "Appeal
to Truth :"
"Now, In December, 1011, llelglum
was devastated. Contributions of war
lniMistl ou the towns and Innumerable
requisitions In kind had exhausted her.
Thu greater part of the factories were
Idle, and In those which were still at
work, raw materials were, contrary to
all law, being freely comiuundeered.
"It was on this Impoverished llel
glum, living ou foreign charity, that u
contribution of nearly fiOO.OOO.OOO
francs was lmssed.''
The German mllltnry rules have also
made the families responsible for acts
committed by or charged against mem
bers as Is shown In the following ex
amples, which are quoted from tho
"Appeal to Truth, cited above:
"The llelglan government have sent
orders to rejoin tho army to the mi
litiamen of several el iim. ex. . . . All
those who receive these orders are
strictly forbidden to act upon them.
, . , In case of disobedience the
family of the militiaman will be held
equally responsible,"
Punishment "Without Mercy."
The commander In chief of thu Ger
man army In llelglum posted a procla
mation declaring:
"Tho villages where acts of hostility
f.hall be committed by the Inhabitants
against our troops will be burned.
"For all destruction of roads, rail
ways, bridges, etc., the villages In thu
neighborhood of the destruction will
be held responsible
"Tho punishments' announced nbovu
will be carried out severely ami with
out mercy. The whole cotumumty
will be held responsible. Hostages
will bo taken In largo numbers. The
heaviest war tuxes will bo levied."
At tho end of tho "Appeal to Truth"
Cardinal Mercler says:
"Hut wo cannot say all here, nor
quoto all,
"If, however, our readers wish for
tho proof of tho accusations , . ,
wo shall bo glad to furnish them.
Thero Is not In our letter, nor In tho
four minuses to tho "Appeal (9
Truth, one allegation of which wo
have not the proofs lu our records."
POHThANI), Or., Jan. 22. Kvcry
achool teacher In Oregon Is asked by
the Kovcrnment to volunteer Immoil! -
atoly for urgent and Important work
In tho execution of tho selective ser-
' vice law In this state.
Tho same call Is being made of
teachors In evory state. 80 urgent Is
the need of their assistance that Pres
ident Wilson himself has addressed
a letter to all teachers asking them
,to give their Borvlcca for tho very
Important work required. This work
1 Is to help local draft boards compile
' Immediately a complete card index
.showing tho special qualifications of
jOvory man they have classified under
tho draft law. This Information must
bo had by tho government at once,
because calls for men specially qual
ified for certain duties aro received
from tho army every day. Local!
boards aro too busy making classifi
cations to do the work.
Teachers Hcst Killed.
Tho persons best fitted of all oth
ers to perform this patriotic task aro
tho school teachers, and they are now
asked to volunteer their services to
their respective local boards. Tho
work will not bo hard or exacting.
No teacher will bo asked to give more
than a few hours for a few days. Hut
speed and accuracy nro required. The
questionnaire of every man who has I
boen classified must be examined and
information as to his qualifications
for special duties transcribed on a
prepared card.
A Hhort tmc ago General Pershins
callod for a number of trained met
eorologists to bo hurried to France
Tho government had a list of met-1 uel A,' ,Lc8t?r. Uuly appointed. an ) ,-ti i.. -nt-. . , I Qualified and acting administrator ot
oorologlsts. so the call was filled and the partnership cstato of F. W. Bli
the men sent without delay. 1 vortooth and Samuel A. Lester, tho
similar cans for specialists In oth-
or lines arc bolr
olng made continually.
... ... -L.
It is Imperativ
o mm mu var ue -
partment have a complete card Index,
listing for example all tho carpenters,
tho mechanics, tho blacksmiths, the
accountants and so on, so that at a
moment's notice the men required
can bo called out by consultation of
tho Index.
Evory teacher In Oregon who will
volunteer to help In this work should
present himself or herself Immedi
ately to his or her local board.
Makes Pcrxonal Request.
The President's letter reads as fol
lows: To all teachers: The success of
tho selective service system has been
largely duo to tho rellanco that has
been placed on tho cooperation of all
citizens In Its execution. In the reg
istration, tho election ottlcors ot the
several states were called upon to
perform a specific task, and they per
formed It unanimously and efficient
ly. Latterly. I have had occasion to
call tho lawyers and tho physicians
of tho country to specific duties and
they have responded In a solid rank.
Tho tlmo has now como when tho I
teachers of tho country can perform !
u very necessary wsk aim i nave no
doubt that they will respond in the
samo manner.
The process of classification of all
men within the field ot selection Is
proceeding rapidly. It becomes neces
sary to carry forward with this pro
cess, tho making of a vory complete
index which shall accurately locate
any specially qualified man among
tho ten millions on our enrollment
lists. Tho local boards aro so over
burdened with tho work of classifica
tion that this task cannot be put upon
them, and yet tho necessities ot the
nation rcqulro that It bo performed
with tho greatest possible dispatch
and accuracy. This duty can bo per
formed best by tho teachers of tho
various communities. Under author
ity conferred upon mo by tho selec
tive sorvico law I thoreforo call upon
nil teachers to present themselves to
to tho local boards having Jurisdic
tion ovor tho areas in which they
rosldo, for tho purposo of examining
tho questionnaires and filling out tho
Indox cards In accordance with more
specific instructions to bo issuod by
tho provost marshal general.
Wo buy all kinds of hides, pelts,
furs, wool. Urlgtss' Second Hand
Storo. 37tfc
Got Good IIohuHn Quickly.
Thoso fow lines from J. E. Haynes,
McAlostor, Okla., dosorvo caroful
reading by every ono who values
good hoalth: "I find no modlcino
which acta so mildly and quickly
with good rosulta as Foloy Cathartic
Tablets. Thoy ompty tho stomach
and bowols, giving all ot tho digestive
organs a healthy action." Sold ev
erywhere Adv.
(From Tuosdny'B Dally.)
At n q u lot woddlnf? last night at
tho homo of Uio brldo's paronts, Mr
J nnd Mm. Jamca P. Morso, Mlas Idft
It, Morao was mnrrlod to Vornon Put
nam. Ilov. Htownrt, pastor of tho
Methodist church, performed tho cor
nmony. A dnzon clono friends and
relatives wore prcsont. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Putnam will contlnuo to rcsldo la
, In ho County Court of tho Stato of.
uroRon, ior ucscnuies county.
In tho Matter of tho Kstato of
Dan Draglch, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned was on tho Clh day of No
vember, 1017, duly appointed ad
ministrator of tho cstato of Don Dra
glch, deceased. All persona having
claims against tho cstato aro heroby
notified to presont tho samo duly
verified in tho manner provided by
law, to H. H. Do Armond, O'Kano
HulldlnK, Hand, Oregon, within six
months from tho dato of tho first
publication hereof,
G-9c Administrator.
Notlco is horeby .glvon that tho
undersigned has been by tho County
Judgo of Deschutes County, Oregon,
appointed executrix of tho last will
and testament of Mary O'DonncIl, de
ceased, and all persons having claims
against tho estato of said deceased
aro heroby notified and required to
present tho samo with proper vouch
ers to the undersigned at IJcnd, Ore
gon, within six months after tho data
of -this notice.
Dated and published first tlmo this
27th day of Dcccmbor. 1917.
Executrix of tho LaBt Will and
Testament of Mary O'DonncIl, De
ceased. -13-470
In the County Court of tho Stato ot
Oregon for Lako County.
In tho Matter of tho Partnership Es
tato of F. W. Sllvcrtooth and Sam
uel A. Lester, tho former now de
ceased. Notlco Is hereby siren that I. Sam-
xormer now deceased, will, on and
a"er ,the ,31a.t daf of January. 1918.
'sell at private salo for cash In hand
,i, fnii-,in j-,ii,i ,,i ,..
v..v .. () uuu. ww i.ia ft uuoi
uoiongtng to said estate, to-wlt
north half of the northwest ouarter
of the southeast quarter, tho south
west quarter ot the northwest quar
ter, and the southeast quartor ot Sec
tion twenty-eight (28), In Township
twenty-two (22). south ot Itangft
nine (9) cast. Willamette Meridian,
in Crook Connty, Oregon.
Said real property to be sold sub
ject to re-sale and confirmation la
the samo manner as other sales ot
real proporty made by executors and
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto sot my hand this twonty-fourth.
day ot December. 1917.
Administrator ot tho Partnership
Estato ot F. W. Sllvcrtooth and Sam
uel A. Lester, the former now do
Department of the Intcr.or. United
State Lind Office. Lakcvlow, Ore
gon, January 11, 1918.
To H. O. Sandln, of unknown ad
dress, contestco: You an hereby
notified that Leo L. Weston, who
gives Bond. Orftgon, as his po.itortice
address, did on January 5. 191S. filo
,n U1'8 ,mco hls du,y corroborated
A" Z&2 ?.
try. Serial No. 04641. mado May 15.
mil, tor s4 of section 4. Township
21 S., Itango 18 B., Willamette Meri
dian, and as grounds for his contest
ho alleges that:
1. I am informed and vorlly be
Hove, and therefore state that you
erected a one-room shack and a small
barn shortly after tiling upon said
tract In May, 1911, that you resided
upon said tract a part of tho fall and
winter of 1911 and 1912, nnd that
you abandoned said tract In tho
spring of 1912, and have never re
turned. I further state that I haro
personally known said tract for up
wards of ono year last past; that
during said year last past you have
wholly abandoned said claim for
more than ono year last past; that
you have never made any improve
ments upon said laud, nor cultivated
tho same, nor any part, thereof; ex
cept as above; that your allosod ab-
sonco from and tatluro to cultivate
sain land was not duo to your em
ployment in tho army, navy or ma
rine corps, or other organization de
scribed in the act of July 28, 1917, or
You are, theroforo, further notified
that tho said allegations will bo tak
en as confessed, and your said entry
will bo canceled without furthor right
to bo heard, either beforo this ottlco
or on appeal, It you fail to filo In this
office within 20 days after tho fourth
publication ot this notlco, as shown
below, your answer, undor oath,
specifically responding to theso alle
gations of contest, togother with due
proof that you havo served a copy ot
your answer on tho said contestant
either In porson or by registered
You should stato In your answer
tho name of tho postoftlco to which
you deslro futuro notices to bo sont
to you.
6-7-8-9c. Register.
Da,to ot 1st publication, Jan. 17, 1918,
Dato of 2d publication, Jan. 24, 1918.
Dato of 3d publication, Jan. 31, 1918.
Dato of 4th publication, Feb, 7, 1914V