IKNI HUIiMJTlh, IIKNI), OHKOdN, TIIUItSDAV, JANUARY 21, IfMK TAOB SOAPS BIG VALUE! RECINA HATH 10c Round Cuke ut 3 CAKES FOR... SPECIAL- 25cts Ofc REED & HORTON THE REX ALL STORE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (Prom Wednesday's Dully.) J. J. DoWolf Id npoiidlitg nuvnrul 1 1 (i ' m III Mum! buying rattle. Mr. mill .Mm. I. I). Wlimt are trittk lug ii Hluirl trip to I'ortluiiil. Mm. II. K. Brooks mid Mm. Murtln ICmifliilil uro visiting friend In l'ciri- liUH Mrmiil Mm. J. Alton Thompson were In Redmond today on school hlltlie, (W. I). Sherman, of the Oregon Trunk nillwity, uan In from I'ortluiiil lilMt lllglll, Francis l.oo wan In from Mllllrun IimIii)' to get nomi) cattle for onu of ti In neighbors, l'onirtt Supervisor N. (I. Jarolmoti In going tin' riiitniln of nil tlm riuiK'T HtalliiiiN In tlm Deschutes forwit llilit week In order to gel ariiiitlntiMl with his mtw territory. At tlm ri'KUlar meeting of tho Knights of Pythias tonight second rank work will ho taken up. A baby hoy wan horn to Mr. anil Mm. Orlmi Owen Klin: at tlm I'lno Troi) Lumber iiiIII'h camp yesterday Mm. It. It. Keller ami Mm. P. II. Johnson raini) In from .Mllllrun today. Mm Keller In having her eyes treated hum. denrgo Hurl, mnlllor of tlm O.-W. It. h N. 'oiiiinuy, pusscd yesterday In town chuck Inn In tho now depot iu'."iit. Dr. M. II. Mnrvln, who linn bnm A SNAB ! 80 Acres Irrigated Land, $1600 58 Acrei Water Ritfht 40 Acre in Cultivation A Good I lotue and Darn All fenced and croii fenced Tlie Improvements alone are worth the money. j7a7 eastes Central Oretfon Leading INSURANCE AGENCY JjThat convenient place, just across from the Court House, is where they serve good Lunches. ALL OUR CANDIES AND ICE CREAMS ARE HOME MADE McBride's Confectionery Oregon Street Phone Red 1751 O'Kane Bldg. HERE IN EVERY on the job to give y service ut the shor Here to see Unit you reel fitting in the ki you need, here to stay up every hit of work DR. C. H. FRANCIS Willi MYltON II. KVMON'S, o'Kuiih Hiillilllitr OITICIAN OITOMETKIST l BEND 1 DAY I ou vllicicnt test notice. get ji eor- iitl oi glasses iktwt ItiWll I III miw iitLii ii I do. KJlL-t If L of all descriptions and for all IIMIl Kakarwwf Itliilliil ! i t x II ill 111 III I J)UHIW.-U.1, IIIUHIUIII -TVUIAJ Jll both light and medium. Cram Separator, Neatsfoot for Har ness, Oil for Floors, ."Heavy Transmission Oils, also Greases I .'"" i ' M v I Hill I -for different purposes. I It III ' ' ' III III I III ' II III I Skuse HardwareCo I r "We Give Service." 1 I specking ft tho 'Methodist church thu piut threu ilayn, returned to Portland UiIn niornliiK. County Commissioner L. K. Hrnlth went to Wal I u Walla today on busi ness connected with tho Tum-a-Lum Lumber company. Jnmi'H T. Shirley wuh huro y enter- day from Minneapolis on business connected iwlth a tlinhnr dual. He wont out lust night to Klamath Falls. II. I'. Chapman und Churles Joner, liolh connected with tlm Union M":i Company, of I'ortluiiil, are In t tvn on an Inspection trip. They will r-u n tonight. " II. J Overturf linn been milorti'd nn odd of tlm Juilxi'i In tlm di'hittit hi twoou Tho Dallim and I'rltmvlllo hlch mcIiooIm. IId will i;o to tho formur city imxt Katurday. I. unt Kiiuilay a Horvlro flat; waK placi'd In thu MothodlKt church. It hoar clKlit Htam, IndlcatliiK thut nlKht iiii'tnliiTH unt now In olthcr tlm V. H. urmy or navy. Di)Wy Jt. Matlock lam nlht wont uway to Join thu U. H. cuvalry. Ho catui) Imri) from n Iowa a fow monthn iiro nnd hmt liccii workliiR In Ilciul. Mr. Matlock In 18 yearn old. O. M. Kord and K. I-. March, puc lal aKont In tho car norvlco of tho 0.-W. It. & N. company, aro. In town looking over thu car nltuntlon. They found nvorythliiK In satlifactory con dition here. A Htnall 12 by H-foot room In Ikmik built on the back of Carliwn & Lyons' More. Mr. Carlson plan to move Into the (ipartmcnt In tho roar' of tho hulldltiK and uto this ai ono of tho HvIiik rooms. Kd. I'onrone, who dlrd yenterday nt tlm county -hoitpltal from thu ef fect of ptomaine poisoning and ludl- Ki'dtlon, will hi) burled tomorrow In Itedmoud. 1 1 In hrotiier from Ameri can Lake will attend tho funeral. 8 Murnnlkl nnd family will lojve tonlKht for Portland, where they will Hpend a week before koIiik on to 3- attlo. Mr. Murannkl plann to come lurk to llnui! on April 1 and otiKuRe In tho cattle IhihIihwh nn a broker. Ho recently dlnpnned of his real entato holilltiKH hero. In order to vlnlt hln brother, Jo'm Thordamon. of ItoKlnn, Cnuadu, ar rlvoil hero thin mornltiK nnd will upend u Hhort tlmu'wlth V. Thonlar noil. The vlnllor In ntiperluteudout of '100 i;ralu elevatnm In Canada and Is tourltiK thin country whlla on n tiireo inoiitlm vacation. by train. Thoy will bo ijonu wcok vlnltliiK frlcmlH, It, C. Wi'KMur, Kononil nupurlntonil nut of tho Oregon Trunk railroad, In tu Ilonil today mipervlnltiK cliniii;en In tho Bluff at thu depot. 'Mr. nnd Mm. B. H, McOtilro nro re colvliu: coiicnitulatloiiM on Urn arrival of n nine-pound baby boy nt their homo In Kenwood yunturdny. Minn Vlvynn Duxter and Wlllnrd I'liniiulth wero married January III at the homo of Kuv. J. Kdwurd Hlalr In Hedmoinl. Thu couplu will llvo at Torrobonni). Hatiirday examlnatlonn for fourth r!nnB pontinnntor for the offices at i'owoll lltittc and La I'lno will bo Klvnn In Ilenil. Doth of tlm man IioIiIIiik ponltlons In thono townn uro movltiK nwny. Iunpcctlnx ncalun In thin city yes terday wan the mission which brought W. SK Doennher hero on a short trip for tho transcontinental freight bu reau, for which ho Is a traveling In spector. Ho In from Hcattlc. CoucludliiK a week's visit at tho Cleveland ranch near Ilend, Mr. nnd Mm. OeorKo K. Ilarr left for their home In Portland thin mornlriK. Ac-' companyliiR them were Mr. and Mrn. V. II. Cleveland, who aro returning to Hhcrldau. I-'dward I'onrone, aged 38, who was taken to the county hoxpltal at Ited moud last Wednesday, died yester day, It Iiuh been learned here. I'en rono cnuiu In to Ilend last week from Fife In a t-ry weak condition and In need of medical attention. Although planning to return later In tho year to engage In mining, J. II. Stirling went to Portland this morning to spend somo time there. He came to Ilend n mouth ago from Okanogan, Washington, mid has sinco been looking over the country. OU'LL always find excellent values at this store. Steo in today or tomorrow and you'll be convinced. We've just placed on sale hundreds of Remnants in Silk, Wool and Cotton Materials--a real opportunity for you thrifty people. Just a few hundred yards of Em broideries left. Wonderful values at 3 and 64 Cents Buy your Kitchen Coverall Aprons here and save. Won derful values while they last-- 79c 85c 95c (From Tuesdny'a Dally.) Jesso Harter mid M. I,. Couch wore In town from Tumalo yesterday. Mm. J. Jerro roturued to Madras after pusslug two days In Ilend. A flvo-pound girl was born to Mr. nnd Mm. 1'at Mc.Vamco last night. T. II. Foley left last night for San Francisco, where ho went on busi ness. In order to look nftur soma rattle, W. A. llimver went to MotolluB to spout! thu day. drover Caldwoll enmu In from tho Sloan ranch yesterday. Ho Is riding for cattle now. Mrs. I A. Krlcknon nnd daughter uro on tholr way to Klamath Falls (From Monday's Dally.) K. F. Cecil has gone to Eugene. Oeorgo I'yatt, of Alfalfa, was In town today. 8. K. Correll spent tho day In Ited moud ou business. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Anderson spent yesterday In Itcdmond. Mrs. W. I'yatt has one to Red mond to stay with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mannhclmer left last night for a trip to tho east. It. D. Ilyland Is a new employe of tho Oregon Trunk. Ho has just come hero from Portland. Mi J.. Henderson was a passenger to Prliifvlllo this morning. He passed tho wek-end In Ilend. Th 'executive committee, of tho Ked Cross will meet tomorrow night In the county court room. Mrs. Charles Smith, of Tho Paris Ian, Is on her way to Now York to do spring buying for tho store. Aftor living in Ilend several months, Mr. and Mrs. I,. Dorsoh bift this city for California yostenUy. Miss Mabel drain vlsltod hor homo In l.ainonta yosterday, later motoring to Prliutville und back to Ilend via Itedmoud. J. II. Hanor Is In Kugeno a fow days having his eyes treated. Ho went down Saturday nlsht and plans to return tho earlier part of this week. J. ICdward Larson, of tho Bund Steam Laundry. Is maklnc imurovo- ments at his plant by partitioning off a space 1Cx12 in tho southeaa. cor ner of tho building for an office. Miss Sadlo Whitfield, chief opera tor at the telephone office, went to Portland Saturday night to attend a three-days' conforenco of operators' delegates from nil over tho stnte. Mrs, J. Edward Larson accompan ied her brother, T. H. Amundson. to Portland this morning. Mr. Amund son has boon visiting hero and is now on his way homo to North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hatter and chil dren enmo in from Fort Uock Satur day and passed tho day in town be fore leaving for Konnowlck, Wash ington, In tho evening. They will visit relatives thore. First Showing of New Spring Ginghams Beautiful New Stripes and Plaids---priced at 20 and 25 Cents Come in today and gel fitted in that new GOSSARD CORSET STOP AND SHOP AT ymwEm. BROTHERS Where Everybody 'Urada In order to tako a homestead near La IMnp, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. clear came in tho latter part of tnu week from Puyallup. Washington, and will make their residence in this county. Mr. Slear was formerly in tho electric business. Mrs. E. Wheeler nnd children, of Ilongough, Saskatchewan, and Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Paulson, of Crocker, South Dakota, concluded a threo weeks' visit in Bond and left this morning for Long Beach, California, whore they will spand tho -winter. On tholr way in to their hormu'ead nt Fort Uock after an absence of 10 months, Mrs. C. B. Webster und son stopped in Bond yesterday. Thcy wore In Portland during tho princi pal part of last yoar. W. L. Cook camo up to moot them at the train with his motor car. T. A. McCann, of Tho Shovlln-Hlx-on Company, returned this morning from a business trip. Tho farm homo of W. C. Van Cleve. near Deschutes, was destroyed by flro last night. Nothing was saved from tho flamos, according to reports this ! afternoon. WARNERC 11 BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER Kf I Pirtorul Review Pattnni Juitiite Conclt B Curtain Materials I for Storing Are Here! I for Spring Are Here! NEW SCRIMS, SWISSES. VOILES. MARQUISETTES. In White. Ecru, Ivory, plain or fancy borders. AVe show a lull range of patterns, and priced at.,...,, a yard - 15c-18c-20c-25c-30c-33c SOPHS AM) SKMOItS WIN. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Results of tho first interclass bas ketball games played by tho high schools toams yosterday aro as fol lows: Sophomores 45. Freshmen 9: Seniors 21, Juniors 3. there are apples and APPLES we have Four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. THE APPLES BALDWINS SP1TZENBERGS NEWTOWNS Phone 401 F. DEMENT & CO. The Preferred Stock Store GROCERIES HARDWAKE Crepe de Chine Blouses at $2.48 and $3.95 " '"' - . t i Colore are Flesh, Peach, Maize, White. We hought these Waists for the holiday trade, but the maker could'nt get them out ia time. They just arrived to dayand we think we are fortunate to get them at all you'll think so too when you see them. They are really wonderful values. You can save enough on any one of them to buy several War Savings Stamps and Help Win the War. The Peoples Store