The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 17, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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I -
DIarlos of Gorman Soldiers Toll
of Murder and Plllntjo in
Belgian Cities.
No Discrimination Made Dctween In
nocent and aullty Infants Ohot
In Dead Mother' Arm Tea
i tlmony of Drand Whltlock.
Very many German naldirrn who
have been taken prisoner had kept
diarien, and these have been confis'
rated by the captors. Many have
fbeen published, frequently with fac
simile reproductions la yuaranlee
their authenticity. The following
extract, with the testimony of
Jlrand W'hitlock, are made public by
the committee on public information
ill Washington:
"Auk. 211. .. . Our turn rmui' buck
tintl mild Hint lit tin point where, tin'
Vlllley Jollied tin' MeilMe tti' eiillld Hot
get llliy flirllUT. ItN till' . Dinger WITH
Minuting nt un friuii every house. We
Hllllt till Whole lilt til (if hciii. They
with drawn up In tlirri' ranks; llm
Minii! Mint illil fur three nt u 1 1 me.
. . . Tint it iii IiiiiI already shown
tlii'lr brutal IiihiIiicIn; . , ,
"Tin: hIkIiI of tin1 ImmIIci of nil Hat
IUhllllltnlltS WllO tlllll bcell hllllt was
liilcscrllutbte. Kvery house In tlm
whole village wns destroyed. We
ilnn.'i.'iil I lie I1Iiii:tm one nftiT mi'
' other out of tin must unlikely rnrners.
Till Ulrll Wen hllllt UN Well IIM tin1
women mill children who wen In th
convt'iit, since Minis IiiiiI been tired
from tlii t'oiiM'iit windows; mid wit
litirul It iiflerwnrds.
"Till IlllllllllllllltN might lllltl !
enped tint penalty dy liutiilluk' over tin
Ktillly mill paying lf,oi rrnnc.
"Tint Inhabitants llr.'il mi our men
ngiilii. Tln division took dru(le
Mep to Mop thin, tint villages being
liuriit mill tin liihiililtaiitN being shot.
Tint pretty Utile .Mage of Unit
U'Oiikun, however, wiin niiiiri'iiily set
on lint without nuim. A cyclist Ml
off Ida machine mill tit h rlilc went on.
Il Immediately suld In Iiml been Mint
nt. All tint liiliiililliiiitN wrn hurut
In tin houses. 1 hope then) will hu no
more such horror.
"Disgrace to Our Army."
. "At Li'ppit nppnreiiily '.') iiii'ii with
ntlUt. TIliTt' llllltit llllVi been nolllit lll
nnceiit men mining lln'iii. Ill future
we shall linve to hnlil mi luiulry un
to their Kullt Intiti'iiil of Minuting
t "In tin evening w' mnrclnd to
MntibirlFnntiilne. Just n wit were
hiivlng our uirnl tin ulnriii wiin rtotiud
rd everyone In very Juuiiy.
"September .1. Kt 111 nt Itelhel, on
iCtinrd over prlNimerN. . . . The house
urn rhnrmliiK InMile. The mltlille dim
In Km nee Iiiin iiiugulilreiil furniture.
We fouinl stjIIMl piece everywhere
mill henlltlflll silk, hut III whut ll Htllle
. . . (IihiiI Cod I . . . livery hit of
furniture broken, uilirorH hiiiiihIumI,
The Vandal IheuiM'lveN eoutil not
linvit ttone more illumine. TIiIn plnee
U ii disgrace to our in my. The In
luitilimitN who lleil eoiilil not lime ex
pected, of course, t tut t till their good
would lime lieeu lift lllliirt lifter mi
iiimiy troopN hud niM'd. Hut the col
uuyi ('ouiuuiiiilerN ure rexpniiMble for
tint Kri'iifer purl of the iluiunge, un
they could hnve prevented the hinting
mid ilfHtructliui. The iliumine iiinoiiutN
to mlllloiiN of iiinrkN; eeu the mi few
luiHt heeii nttui'keil.
. y4L"ln n tuillcltor'N Iiouni, In which, un
VjKi'U would luiMt It. nil wiin In excel
lent tiihte, Incluilluu' u collection of
old luce nuil KuMciu worlN of urt,
vwrytliliiK wiin hijiiiNlied to hltn,
"I could not rehlxt Hiking u little
iiiemeuto myxelf here mid there. . . .
One tiouxu wiin purtlculiirly elennt,
4tverythlnK In the IicnI Inxte. The hull
wiin of Unlit ouk; I found u Hplemlld
riilucoiit under the HtuliciiHe mid u
emiierii for 1'ellx." (l-'roiu the dlnry
of mi oltlcer In Hut One Hundred
Seveuty-elKhtli rcKlmeut, Twelfth Sax.
oh corpN.)
j Hut IiJh horror uppiireutly wiin nut
hhnred Ity the (ierinuii couiuuuider In
hlef, iih In uWdcut ftoui tint follow-
To tint People of l.lej:e.
"The populutliui of Aiulenue, ufter
niiikliiK u dlhpluy of peuceftil luten
IIoiin towurd our troopH, uitucked them
In tho uiorit treiicheroiiH uiuuuei'. With
my uuthorliriitloii. Hut Keiierul com
niiinilliit,' tlu'HO IroopH him reduced the
town to iihIich mid Iiiin hud lilt ptTHonn
"I lirlnK IIiIn fnct to Hut knowlcdKe
of tho people of LIcko III order (hut
they inny know whut fiite to expect
hlioulil they udopt 11 Hlinllur uttltude.
"I.lee, '--.M AUKUNt, ID 1 1.
Ornnd Whltlock Wrltea of Massacres.
In hi" report of .September l', 11)17,
to tho Hecretnry of tule, .MlnlMer
Whltlock IitiH lliltcli to tell of tlm pub
Icy of fiinhtfulni'NM, Tho followliiK
jiuhhiiuch refer to the mibjcct of mux
"Huiniunry exccutloiiH took plticu (nt
Dliiuut) without the leant Hcmhluncu
of JuilKinciit. 1'hu ilium's iiml number
of thu victims urn not kuuwii, hut tliuy
imiHt hu iitimerouM. I luivo boon un
ublu to obtulii precise iletullH In HiIh
respect mid the number of pcrmum
ttvho Imvu lied U unknown. Among thu
perMoiiH who weru nnot urn! Atr. IV
foln, miiyur of Olmtiit; HiiMMcnilli,
flrwl iilderiiiuu; Nlininer, iikimI fteven
ly: CommiiI for Hie Arjji'iilltio Itepiihlli:
Victor I'oncehil, who wiih itxecutcd Hi
Hut prcM'iiro of Ii!h wlfo mid mivc'i
children ; Wiihhi'Iuo mid IiIm two hoiih;
Mi'HMrM, (IuhIiivi) mid I.eon NIcmIhi-,
two very old iiii'ii; .lilleN .Mouln mid
ot hern nil hluit In Hut cellur of their
brewery; Mr, Cuiulllit I'IhHi) mid noli,
iiKed Hitveiiteeu; I'hllllppurt I'ledfort,
IiIh wife mid dntiuhter; MInn Mnrhlii'
ny. DurliiK tint execution of iihuut
foily Inliiihlliiut of Dliilint Hut Off
1111 UN pluced before thu comleiuueil
their wIvcn mid clilldreii, It In (Iiiin
Hint .Minium Alliln who IiiiiI JiinI kIvcii
birth to n child, three ilnyn prevloutlj,
wiin broiiKht on 11 muttrcHH by (liirmun
kiIiIIith to wltui'NN Hm) execution ol
her IiunIiiiuiI; her crleH mid Ntippllcif
tlotm went ho prehttluu Hint her htm
bmid'rt life wiin hpured,"
"On Hut '-'iltli of AUKUHt (lerinnti nob
iIIitn eiiterixl vurloiiN MreetN (of Iiii
vit 1 11 mid ordered thu luhubltuutH of
Hu hntuicM to proeeeil lo the 1'lucu d)
In Klutloii, where the boilleN of neurly
11 dor.eii iiNNiiNNluuted pertoiiN went !
Iiij:. Women mid children went mw
ruled from Hut men mid forced to re
11111I11 on the I'luce de In Htutlon dur
Iiik tin whole ilny. They hud to wlc
ih'mh (he uxeciiHon of miiiiy of their
fellow cltlr.eiiN, who were fur the muxt
purt hhot lit the hide of the hipiure,
ueiir Hut hoim of .Mr. Ileiiiuble. Thu
wouieii mid children, ufter huvliiK re
mulnetl 011 the hipuint for inure thnu
Ifi boiirN, were ullowed to depurt. Thu
(Inrden CIvbpieN of Loiivulii weru ubu)
tukeu prlNouerN mid heiit to Oeriuuuy,
to the cmiip of Muiihter, where they
were held for Neverul weekN,
"On Thiirhihiy, AiikiinI U7, order wuu
Klveu to the IlibilbltuutN to lenve Iill
villi hccmiHi the city wiin to he bom
hnrded. Old men. women, children,
Hut hick, (.irlehtN, iiuiiN, were ilrhen 011
the roiulh like cuttle. More limn 10
(MX) nf the luluibllmilN were driven tm
fur un Tlrleiuoiit, nearly 1- iiiIIcn from
Infants Shot In Mothers' Arms.
"One of the limit Mircly tried com
uiutiltleN wiin Hint of the little vIIIiikl
of TiimlueN, down In whut In known
un the ItorliuiKf, the coul lleliN uenr
Cluirlerol. TiimlueN In 11 minim; til
luue In Hut Kuuibre; ll In 11 collection
of hllliill cotluueN hbelterlllK nhollt .'(.
(MM) luhitbllmitN, moNily all piNir labor-
'The little Kriiveyurd In which the
church HtmiilN hcum Hn mule IchII
uiony to the horror of the eent. There
ure huudredNof uew-iiuule crnveN, ench
with Un hiiuill wooden crnxN mid ItN
hit of Ibmcm; the crofN nris no cliuu
ly huddled (hut there In hcurccly riHim
to wulk between them. Thu crohneN
tin nllke mid till beur Hut hiime dute,
the hlnlhter dute of AiiKimt '.HJ, 101 1."
"Hut whether HuMr ImmU were cut
off or not. whether they were linpuled
on luiyoiiftM or nut. children went Mint
down, by mlllliiry nnlcn, In cold blood.
In the nwfut crime of the llock of Ituy
11 rd. there o.erliM)kliiK the Meiute be
low Ulniiut, InfuuiN In their mot hem'
aruiN were hhot down wltlmqt mercy.
Thu deed, never nurpnHed In cruelty
by nuy blind of hiivuueN, In dchcrlbcd
by Hu bthbop of Niimur hliuhelf:
"'One hcene MirpnHNcN In horror nil
otherN; It In the ftixlllude of the
Itocher J In) 11 rd neur Dliiuut. It up
peurN to hne been ordered by Colonel
MelNler. TIiIn fiiHtlludit iiuide miiny
.IcHiiin iimoiiK the neurby luirlnlieH,
ehpeclully thoNe of dei ItlvuceN mid
NelTe. It cuuseil the dentil or neurly
ni perhoiiN, without dlhtlnctlun of wfM
or hex. Allium; the IciIiiin were bu
bli'M In iiruiH, Iion mid Ctrl, fiitherH
mill lilotbcrH of fiimlllcH, eeli old
Dead Children In Pile of Dodles.
"'It wiin there Hint Ii! children under
the iiKe of hlv pcrlhhcd from the lire
of Hut executioner, six of them in
they luy In their uiothern' IiruiH :
"'The child I'levet, three weeks old.
'".Miiurlce llftcuix, eleven iiioiiiIih
"'Nelly I'ollet, eleen iiiouHin old.
'"'(III1I11 Uciioii. elubteeu iiiuiiHin old.
"'(illdii Murchnt. two yeurn old.
"Cliuu Ktruviiy, two yeurn And hlr.
"The pile of bodleN comprised nihil
inmiy children from fix to fourteen
yeurN. KIkIiI liire fniullleN huve en
tirely illHiipiieiired. Four huve but one
Niirvhor, TIiohu men Hint escnped
dentil mid miiny of wlium were rid
dled with bullets were obliged to
bury In 11 Hummury mid luisty fiiHliton
their fathers, mothers, brutbers or sis
ters; then ufter IiiivIiik been relieved
of their money mid belui: placed In
chains they weru sent to Cassel (I'rus
sin).'" Mr. lluch (llhsoii, thu secretary of
our lcKiitluu In HcIkIiiiu, visited Lou
vain durliiK Km systematic destruction
by thu Oermuus. In "A Join mil From
Our I.ckuHoii In IIcIkIuiii," New York,
1017, pukch ltU-10.1, ho relates whut
the (Ierinuii olllccis told hlui:
"It wiin 11 story of clearing 'out civil
ians from 11 Iiii'ku purt of (hu town, 11
systematic routliiK nut of men 'from
cellius mid parrels, wholesale shoot
Ink's, tho KcneroiiH usu of machine
mius, mid Hie free application of the
torch thu whnln story euuucli to
uiiiku olio see red. And fur our culd
unco It wiih Impressed on us Hint this
would miiku people respect (lermuny
uhd think twice about resisting her."
(lermmi pastors mid professorri fur
from Hu) excitement of thu tiring have
defended this policy of frlKlitfulncss,
e. k.:
"Wu nro nut unly compelled to ac
cept thu war Hint Is forced upon un
. , , but uro even cnmpelled to curry
on this wur with icruelty, a ruthless
iicss, un einployment of every Inuigln
able device, unknown In any previous
war." 1'iislor 1). IhiuuiKurten, In
noutscho Ueden In Hchwerer Zelt,
"(lernma Speecheu In Dllllcult Days."
Tlm roifubir hohhIoii of thu County
Court of DuHcliiitca Comity, Oregon,
mot In thu court room In tho court
lioumi, Documbur r, 1017, thu follow
ing being prelum t:
W. I). HAIINKH, County JuiIku,
J. II. HANKIt, Clnrk,
H. K. UobortH, Hliorlff.
Thu ineiitlng wan culled to order
by thu County Juilgu at 10 o'clock
n. m.
Tlm County Court reconvened nt
l::t0 o'clock p. m., December r, PJ17.
VnrloiiH roml inuttem citmn up for
iIImcuhhIoii tit HiU time, and claims
ngaliiHt thu county were considered.
No further business coming up for
discussion, 011 motion duly inadu nud
niicouiliid, court adjourned to incut
ut 2:00 p. m., Documhor C, 1017, to
discuss tlm county budget fur the
yuur 1018.
Iluiid, Oregon, December 0, 1017.
Thu County Court of DuictiuteN
County met In tlm court room, pur
aunnt to ndjoiirutnent, Judge llurues
nud Commliislniier Mucklntoli pres
ent. Now nt this time comes up tho mat
ter of thu county budget fur thu year
A number of tax pnyura being pres
ent, 11 general discussion was had,
especially tlm appropriation for tlm
County Agriculturalist, mid for roads.
Hcsolutlon was offered by Judge
II. C. Kills, of llmid, seconded by
John Marsh, of Tutnnlo, that It Is
thu Hciitlmmit of the tnx payors pres
ent, that It Is desirable for the county
court to levy such n tnx ns would pro
duce 12r,000, exclusive of nil pos
sible or probable receipts, from, from
sources other than direct taxation.
Itexolutloii was passed ns there was
no adverse vote cast. The following
biidxet was pusiod and allowed for
the year 1018:
County Clerk nndrcconlcr J C, 500. 00
County Hheriff C.r.00.00
School Superintendent . . 3,000.00
County Assessor .1,200.00
County Treasurer 1,200.00
County Surveyor . . 1, COO. 00
County Commlsstuuera mid
County Court 3,000.00
Justice Court 200.00
Curtninr 100.00
Election expenses , 1,500.00
Care of -Insane 100.00
Widows' pensions 2,000.00
Water Mastur l.COO.OOO
Health officers 7B0.00
County hospital and poor.. 3, COO. 00
Court houio and county
Jail . . 2,800.00
Koads and bridges .. . 20,000.00
Scalp bounties ... 1,000.00
County fairs ... 1,000.00
J,oral war board expenses 1, S00. 00
Publishing proceedings
and tax lists 1,200.00
Miscellaneous appropria
tions k 500.00
Circuit Court . . . . 4.000.00
County Attorney 7G0.00
County Agriculturalist 1.500.00
I'urchoso of Jail 4,000.00
(load machinery 0,000.00
Statu tnx 25.000.00
Cuuernl school tax 23,000.00
Total $134,000.00
(Militated (teeelpls
Clerk and record
er 110,000
Fines 1,000
Fimwt Heservo. ... 1,000
Fair allotment .. .. 1,000
$13,000 13,000.00
County Claim-.
Tho matter of claims against the
county coming up for consideration,
It was orderud that CIiiIiiib No. 12G0
td laOti. No. 1308 to KISfi. bo and
tho sumo nro hereby allowed, nud the
dork Is Instructed to Issuu his war
rants In payment thereof. Those
claims being shown on pngo 43, 44,
4G, and 4C or Claim Ducket No. 1.
No further business coming up for
consideration ut this Ume, on motion
duly made ami seconded, court ad
journed to meet Decombor 7, 1017,
10:00 a. in. ,
Iluiul, Oregon, Docembor 7, 1017.
The County C.niirt mot 1n tho
Judge's offlco In the court house, pur
suant to adjournment, Judge. Itarncs
and Commissioner Mackintosh pres
ent. Tho meeting wns call 01! to order
nt 10:00 a, in. nud there being 110
business coming up ut this time,
mooting was uiljourncd until 2:00
p. in., this date.
Tlm County Court reconvened nt
2 o'clock p. in., this date, mooting In
tho court room, same members pres
ent as at morning session.
Tho petition of O. 1 lllnclcwood,
et al, for 11 road through sections S
mid 17, township 10, rnugo 12 K. W.
M., wns presented ns this time. It
was ordered that Frank II. Mny, dep
uty nssessor; It. U. Fllcklngor and
llort Mlllor bo appointed a board of
road vlowors to moot nt Initial point
of said rond, Wednesday, Docoiubor
12, 1017, nt 10.00 n. m to view, Iny
out nud locate sumo,
Orogou Agricultural College: A
warrant for $210 was ordored drawn
In favor of K, M, Duffy, business
manager of tho Oregon Agricultural
College, this being tho amount Des
chutes county Is In arrears on appro
priation for County Agriculturalist
tor thu year 1017.
Hunt for Court Kruno: Ordored
Hint n wariant hu drawn monthly In
favor of tlm DesShutos Investment
Company its rent for tho Court House
In tho amount specified In contract
between Deschutes Couiuy and said
company, said contract bolnj on file
In tho Mcrk's offl"o.
County AgrlcultJrnllHt: It Is or
dored that a certain memorandum
prepared b) Paul V, Marls, leader of
county agriculturalists, embodying
ngroommit between Deschutes and
Crook counties, an to method of co
operation In employment of county
agriculturalist for tlm year 1018, bu
approved and forwarded for signa
tures. So further business coming up for
consideration, on motion duly made
and seconded, court ndjourucd to
meet at 10:00 u. m., Saturday, De
cember 8, 1017.
Ileml, Oregon, December 8, 1017.
The County Court met In tlm Coun
ty Judge's office, 10:00 a. m this
dato, pursuant to adjournment, Mem
bers present, Judge Harnes and Com
missioner Mackintosh.
.Tho mooting was called to order at
10:00 a. to.
County bills were audited, and no
further huslnccss coming up for con
sideration at this time, court was ad
journed to meet December 10, 1017,
at 10:00 a. m.
lienil Oregon, Decombor 10, 1017.
The County Court met In the court
room at 10:00 a. m., pursuant to ad
journment, all members belnj? pres
ent. Tho meeting wus called to order by
tho County Judge.
County Agriculturalist: This mat
tor coming up for consideration at
this time, 11 ml the contracts between
Deschutes and Crook counties, and
It. A Want, ns county agriculturalist,
liolng presented, an apt -cprlotlon of
J10C0 fcr county ugrl -uUurallat for
1018 was ullowed and the contract
was duly approved and signed.
District Attorney's Stenographer:
Ordered, that inasmuch as District
Attorney Do Armond Is obliged to In
crease tho pay of his stenographer to
$70 per month, tho county will stand
one-half of said Increase, which Is
$5 per month, or a total of $35 per
A. O, Walker Kond: Report or the
viewers on this road read for the
second time.
Claims: The matter ot claims
against tho county coming up for con
sideration, it wns ordered that Claims
No. 1387 to 1417, as shown on pago
47 of tho Docket of Claims, be and
tho same are hereby allowed, and
tho Clerk Is instructed to Isauo has
warrants In payment thereof.
No further business coming up for
consideration, on motion duly made
and seconded, court adjourned to
meet December 20, 1017.
Head, Orego.i, December 20. 1:117.
Tho County Court met In the court
loom at 2:00 o'clock, p. in., pursuant
to adjournment, Judge UiriuiA and
Commissioner Mackintosh being pres
ent. Tho meeting was callee" to orJer
by tho County J 11'sc.
A. O. Walker herd: Itepnrt of
road viewers oa a. O. Wu'Vur road
considered, and adopted. It U t'Hro
foro ordered tiint s.ild road oe p
encd. No further busliasi coming up for
consideration nt tills Urn?, on motion
duly nindo and seconded, court ad
journed to meet Decombor 24, 1017.
(Continued on last page.)
With January comes lagrlppo. Lin
gering colds seem to settle In the sys
tem, causing 0110 to ache nil over,
feel fuverlsh aril chilly, tired, heavy
mid drooping. Mrs. Llzzlo Tyles,
Henderson, Ky., writes, "'My daugh
ter had lofirippo for three weeks. I
gavo lior Foloy's Honey and Tnr ami
now sho la all right." Sold every
w horo, Adv.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Tho condensed report of tho condi
tion of tho Control Oregon Dank at
tho close ot business on Decombor
31, Just Issued, shows total resources
or $3L'5,5S5.CiJ. Tho bank now has
deposits amounting to $208,430.00,
an Increase or over $7000 slnco tho
previous statement. A comparative
table or the bank's deposits slnco
Juno 20, 1017, shows thorn to have
grown rrom $17S,343.41 at that tlmo,
or almost exnetly $120,000,
(From Saturday's Dally.)
At tho regular semi-monthly moot
ing ot tho Ladles' Aid or tho Orango
Hall district Wednesday, it wns unan
imously voted to give tho $100 in the
tronsury to tho Ited Cross. Tho money
was originally lutondod tor church
work "but tho presont wnr-tlmo con
ditions cnusod tho ladles to donato
to tho Hod Cross, Aftor tho mooting
refreshments wore sorved by Mrs. Loo
Nlckorson, ut whoso homo tho moot
ing was hold.
niooic countv man school
(From Saturday's Dally)
Last night IJcnd high school lost its
chance to participate In further con
tests of tho Oregon Stato Dabate
League, by securing only thrco votes
In tlm triangular debate held with
Culver and I'rlnevlllo. Tho latter
school will rends its team to debate
with tho winner In Tho Dalles tri
angle. Tho results of the threo contests
are as
At Hend Hend 1, Culver 2.
At I'rlnevlllo Hend ?, Prine
villa 1.
At Culver I'rlncvlllc 3. Culver 0.
This gives tho Crook County High
School tho hlgrniU percentage, In
spite or tho fact that tho visiting 1
team In each town carried off thei
honors. Hend and Culver cannot par- (
tlclpato In future arguments for tho
stato championship, because tnc rules
call for an elimination scries.
JutlgfM All Visitors.
Judges at the Hend debate last
nlsht were C. W. Parker, principal of
tlm Metollus school, Mrs. Gertrude
Whlttus, or the Terrebonne school,
and O. L. Dobson, or Dcs Moines,
Iowa, who Is visiting In Iledmond.
J. Alton Thompson presided at the
gathering. Kach Judge votes Indi
vidually and tho envelopes aro op
ened before tho captain ot each team.
Hend was represented in tho high
school auditorium last night by Iiert
Tardlo and Itobcrt Hillycr, and Cul
ver by Piatt Hopkins and Idalla King.
Miss Frances Glttons, their coach,
accompanied tho latter team to Ileml.
At I'rlnevlllo, Hllah Drlck and Ar
thur Norcott composed Bend's team.
Tho Hend students who debated
Culver, upheld the affirmative, and
in I'rlnevlllo. tho negative. The ques
tion was, "Resolved. That the Single
Tax as Advocated by Henry George,
is Desirable tor Oregon."
Tux Cnllcil Unjust.
Tho winners based their arguments
on tho statement that land Is right
ful property and single tax means the
confiscation of this, therefore tho tax
would be unjust and would discrim
inate against a certain class or citi
zens. Miss King said It would 1m
podo tho economic development of
Oregon by driving Investors from tho
state, removing tho many Incentives
which now Induce men to become ter
mors and bring about an unequal dis
tribution of wealth. "We are all
Oregonlans," she concluded, "and it
Is our purpose to mako and not to
break our state."
Doth Tardlc and Hillycr claimed
that If a men were putting his proper
ty to tho best use ho would have no
need to fear tho slnglo tax. They
claimed that tho present system is
unjust. In that It takes taxes from
tho result of man's labor rather than
from tho unearned Increment on his
vacant land.
In addition to the debato tho girls'
glee club gavo a vocal selection ami
F. S. Francis played a piano solo.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Any of you duck hunters, who are
still tempted to spend your sparo tlmo
tramping tho marshes with n gun
had better tako heed ot tho federal
law which proclaimed tho season
closed on January 1, warned John J.
Cunningham today. Licenses Issued
earlier in the year give tho dato as
January 15, but this has clnce been
(Continued from Pago Two.)
In Hend on Wednesday of last week.
E. F. Long returned from Itoches
tor, Minnesota, on Tuesday oveniraj,
whero ho wns recently operated on
for a growth In his throat. Mr. Long
was accompanied by his son, Frank.
E. T. Luthuy was a guest nt tho
W. A. Fostor homo Tuosday evening.
J. A. Ulggs and Mrs. Al. McCoy
woro llond visitors Wednesday of last
Tho small daughtor ot Mr. and
Mrs. Goorgo Whltsott has boon very
111 with pneumonia.
irs. W. A. Dates, from Idaho, vis
ited with Mrs. G. C. Truesdnlo and
family sovoral days this weok.
Frank Klsslor lost two pigs from
rabies last weok.
H, L. Mooro drove his beeves from
tho Alloy ranch to his homo near
Cllno Falls last Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Fostor spout
Monday in PrluovlUo.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoaves Wlllcoxon
and Mr. and Mrs. Iloss Ilussott at
tended tho show in llond Sunday af
ternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon vis
ited Mrs. E. A. Ilussott In PrluovlUo
Mrs. William Wilson was qulto 111
sovoral days last weok,
Mr. and Mrs. A V. Uayn -woro
guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Truos
dalo on Sunday.
C. H. Mlllor Installed a phono In
tho Frank Ktsslor rcsldenro Saturday.
.Mllllrnii Clilldreii I tend Their Own
Composition! ut ClirNtuwis
I 'nigrum.
(Special to Tho Dullotln.)
MILLICAN. Or., Jan. 1C. Ono of
tho most Interesting programs alron
In the schools of the county was that
at Mllllcan on December 22 whon
tlm pupils ot Miss Theresa Oarnko
took part in a Chrlstmns celebration.
A largo attendanco was a feature of
the evening.
In addition to musical selections
and recitations, two Interesting es
says woro read, one on "Manners,"
from tho fifth grade, and another on
"Tho Importance of an Hducation,"
from tho eighth grade. Tho latter
was written by Thomas Going. Tho
school wns also presented with a
Christmas girt in tho form of a root
ball. Tho essays by tho children aro as
Thu Importance of Rducntln: Kd
ticatlon Is not to tit tho person for
any particular trade or profession,
but to train him for a happy member
of society. Kducatlon moans the
building or character, and Is neces
sary tor national and moral growth,
and society having becomo so compli
cated and its demands so continuous
and Important that only tho educated
person has obtained a placo In society.
Kducatlon need not bo gained
through experience, as somo peoplo
suppose, but may bo gained through
an intimate knowledge ot books,
which are tho experiences of tho edu
cator. Kducatlon means culture and
appreciation of the beautiful. It is
tho medium tor good citizenship,
success and happiness.
Manners: Manners are tho happy
ways ot doing things. T.iey aro tno
result and proof of education. Tho
basis of manners Is jolf-rclianco.
They form at last a rich varniih with
which the routine ot life Is washed
and Its details adorned. If they am
superficial so aro the dewdropi which
give such 11 depth to tho morning
There aro certain manuer which
arc trained In good society nf thai
force that If a person has them ho or
sho must bo considered, and Is ev
erywhere welcomed, though without
beauty or wealth, or genius. Giro a
boy address and accomplishments and
you give him tho mastery of palaces
and fortunes wherever he cocs.
Manners should not belong to a,
few, but to each and every one ot us.
born or cheerfulness, a dobt forever
to bo paid, demanding lovo and re
spent to all.
In the County Court of tho Stato ot
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In the Msttor ot tho Estate ot
Dan Draglcn, Deceased.
Nottco is hereby given that the un
dersigned was on the 5th day ot No
vember. 1017, duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Dan Dra
glch, deceased. All persons bavins'
claims against the estate aro heroby
notified to present the same duly
verified in the manner provided by
law. to II. II. De Armond. O'Kana
Building. Dend. Oregon, within, six
months from the dato of tho tint
publication hereof.
4C-49c Administrator.
Notlco Is hereby .given that tbo
undersigned has been by tho County
Judgo of Deschutes County, Oregon,
appointed executrix ot tho last wilt
and testament of Mary O'Donnell, de
ceased, and all persons having claims
against tho estate ot said deceased
are hereby notified and required to
present the same with proper vouch
ors to tho undersigned at llond, Ore
gon, within six months after tho data
ot this notice.
Dated and published first tlmo this
27th day of Decembor, 1017.
Executrix of tho Last Will and
Testnmont of Mary O'Dounoll, De
ceased. 43-47o
In the County Court ot tho Stato ot
Oregon for Lake County.
In tho Matter ot tho Partnership Es
tato of F. W. Silvortooth and Sam
uel A. Lester, the tornior now do
ceased. Notice is horeby given that I, Sam
uel A. Lester, the duly appointed,
qualified and acting administrator ot
tho partnership estato ot F. W. Sil
vortooth and Samuel A. Lester, tho
former now deceased, will, on and
after tho 31st day ot January, 1018,
soil at private salo for cash in hand
tho following described real property
belonging to said estato, to-wlt: Tho
north halt of tho uorthwest quarter
of the southeast quarter, tho south
west quarter of tho uorthwest quar
tor, and tho southeast quartor ot Sec
tion twonty-elght (28), in Township
twenty-two (22), south ot Ilaugo
nlno (9) east, Willamotto Meridian,
In Crook County, Oregon.
Said real proporty to bo sold sub
ject to ro-sale and confirmation in
tho same manner as othor sales ot
roal proporty mado by executors and
In testimony whereof, I havo horo
unto sot my hand this twenty-fourth
day ot Decombor, 1917.
Administrator ot tho Partnership
Estnto ot F. W. Silvortooth and Sam
uel A. Leator, tbo former now de
ceased. ,
Dato ot first publication, Decem
ber 27, 1917; dato ot fourth publlea
tlon, January 17, 1918. 43-47