The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 17, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
VOlu XV.
NO. 4
I,iunlMT.;witt Mniiiifnrtiireil Pi-imIuHm
IVniMi IllKUchl Hliani of lluxl.
ntwMny ami Linstock
HlilpinmlM Also Ini-reiine.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 14- (Special to
Tho Ilullullii.) KrulKhl toniiiigii car
ried uvnr tlm Oregon Trunk railroad
hopped from 25,978 tonit n( tho com.
lilolloii of tliu fiscal year ending Juno
:I0. IDI3, to 02.10:1 tons ut Hid mill
of tlm cnliimlnr year ending Decern
, Iior 31. 1010, according to reports
")n flln with tlm Public Service Com.
mission. Tho Inoretmn for tlm year
l'.i 17 In still 11 matter or speculation,
l) us tho report- for tho past calendar
ar has not boon received uiul pur
ImpH will not lio for u few months
It will liu awaited with lutorest as
Indicating tlm thrlvhiK romlltloii or
UtiuI mill CtmtrnJ Oregon. A larr."
till urn of thin destined for or
shipped out of lliiml ami It sum a
tunnel him; of a barometer a to tlm
development ami tlm possibilities of
lit' mulropnlla of Central Orixgou.
Unfortunately tlm report or tlm
Deschutes rallroml falU to dhow Just
what that rouil had accomplished anil
what III rovimue nro, Tlm report
for that roail In liiL'orioratml In tlm
general roport of thu O.-W. It, & N.
uiul Nguroa relative to Ita activities
jint not aogregatod, thua precluding
tho possibility of presenting no inn
very Intorrallng atatlitlct which
woulil throw aitilltlonal light on tlm
.. progress of Hand anil tho groat Can.
t, tral Oregon country.
Thu comparatlvu statistics on iomn
of tho freight inovomnnla on tho Ore.
on Trunk aro available, however, for
(ho year mentioned.
Onn clan of ahpmont dropped off
between 1013 anil 1910, tho (train
movement 011 that roail In 1013 be
1n; 11,440 ton, whllo In 191 C It
waa hut 8361 ton. Hut In strong
-onntraat to thin U tho showing for
tho movement of hay, whnn 1G0 tons
moved In 1913 an compared to 1903
ton In 1 filC. Livestock alio In
creased from 7093 tntm In tho 1913
ruport to 8C37 ton In tho 1 01 G re
.port. Thu buujinr allowing, however, him
nnn In tho inarviitouii ImpiitUH given
to thn lunihur business hy tlm rapid
lovelopineiit of tlm whlto pine In
dustry at llund, Tlm lumber ahlpped,
according to tlm 1913 roport, ng
cWNgregalod 3822 tona, whllo tho 191G
report allows ahlpiuoutH of 21,902
tona for that yoar, Thla In Itself
probably ahowa n groatcr Increase In
u single luiluatry than can liu ahown
by any oilier town In tho atatu for a
nlmllar purlod of tlinu.
Manufacturing products alao np
pear as auothur maKiilflcent Rain
iimdo hy tlm womlor city of tlm lies-
chutim. In 1013 thu ruport for that
tlacnl year ahowa, that tho road car
rlod 47C toua of manufactured pro
, -ducts. It la enough to oven makn
thn flood cltlzuua of Huiul hold thulr
lirrath for n moment whim tlmy Bsu
. tho next llguro of 11,360 tona for tho
year 1016. With audi flRiirua na
thnso ilonotod hy tho lumber and
manufacturing Increases cltod, It Is
llttto wonder that thoro la conaldor.
iih)n Interoat In aooing what tho yuar
1017 will brliiK forth In Its ruport.
And, na n rultorntlon, It must be
Pj 'Kiomo In inliul that thoao figures nro
v for tho Orogon Trunk alono, nud no
loug tho Doschutua road, If tlm fig-
iircs wore avnllablo, would ahow tho
.imino oujftitnndliiK coiiipurlsoiia.
Thn oporatlnt; rovonues for thq
, -OroROU Trunk In tho roport of 1013
Vwijro $104,031,27, un comparud to
.a,i3,C10.00 for tho yoar 1010, or an
Jroo8o of J00.588.72, or about B0
pM cont aln. Tho oparntliiK ox.
pupaoB far 1013 woro $173,672,20,
,ub compared to $221,170,75 for 1010,
orMin Incronso of $42,408.66, Indl-
-cat',n that tho oporatliiR rovonuos
ani rapidly crawlhiK ahoud of tho
oporalliiR oxpouauB In tholr ratio of
Inijrbusn from year tp yoar, Ilpard-
IoiJj' ot thoBo'flno Kalus, howovpr, tho
r vovl Btll allows an luuotpo balanco In
rfireajlguroB of $315,327, but the in-
onmio In tlm liicoiuo liiilinico la taking
It otlt or tint rod flRuron, uu inori'iiNU
In black flRiin-a alViWM 33 b'.-lmc
ahown In thla column for the far
1016 ovur tlm yoar 101 B, Yhu not
rovonuoM from railway opara'on In
1016 woro $72,440.24.
It r oxpi'ctmt that tlm 1017 rp'r',,
wlmu It romca In, will ahow com d
orablo dlffornui'ii In thorn flitlir-j.
I'rrNliIciit mill lliillilrr of Siiw I loin I
Hi)h llo Hum No HiicIi Intru
tlllll III I'lCM'Ilt.
(From Wodnoaday'a Dally.)
Prraliluut Itoburt K Ktrahorii of
tlm OriiKoti, California i diatom rail
way compaliy, rinuriii'd today from
Klamath I'nlU, whurii Im hua huiiu
aupnrlntuudliiK couatructlMii work on
hla road,
Mr. Htrahoru duulua a report that
Im linn applied to tlm Koveruumnt for
financial aanlnlauco In bullilliiK thu
Oritxou, California & Kaatern road
and atatua that Im haa no Intention
of doliiR 10 at thla time.
"It In trim that money for my en
terprlno In hard to Rut, hut tho gov
eriiinuut In too buny with mat torn of
Infltifcitly moro Importance at thla
tlum and I would not think or uddliiR
to thu bunion runtliiR upon the nliouU
dern or WanhliiRton offlclaln. I be.
Ilovo that tho people of OniRon re
allio (he Importance to the develop.
meut or tlm vant renotircen or the
ntate and will finance the road and
put It In operation."
Mr. Htrahoru will remain In Port
land auveral day boforo rcturnliiK to
Klamath Pall.
Denton O. Hurdlck, or Itodmond,
onn of tlm tiRRrennlve mumburn of thu
Ilouao at tho 1917 nvnilon, will be a
candidate to aurceed hlmaulf, ho con
fided to aomu freluda at the recent
Irrigation confirms In thla city. Mr.
Hurdlck waa elected two yeara ago
an Joint roprenuntatlvu rrum tho dla
trlct oinbrarluK Crook, Orant, Jof
feraon, Klamath and l.ako countlca.
lnatead of enumerating thla Hat of
rountlfta, Hpoakor Htanflold. In ad
drnanliiK Mr. Hurdlck at thn lait bob-
ilon, generally dualgnated him a
"(Im gontlaman from Kaatorn Orn
Ron." T
sqcaw ciii-:i-:k ihhkjatiox com.
ii.w i'oi.i.imj 1'i.aci: iirri:it.
(From Tucsdny'a Dully.)
Tho county court today granted tho
petition of the settlors around Sis
tera, Cloverdalo nud Lower Hrldge,
requesting that orders bo Issued au
thorizing tlm formation of thu Squaw
Creek Irrigation Company and aut
tlikg n datu for tho election for di
rectors. February 25 haa been doslg
uated tin tlm day on which they will
bo voted upon.
Only mm polling placo has boon
provided, tlm Wnldrou houso at Clo
verdalo. W. W. Vmi Matro and L.
A. Hunt will act as Judges of tho elec
tion nml V. F. Fryrnar.' 11. C. Kllno
and A. J. Fuller will bo clerks. A
petition was filed thla afternoon 110111-
lnntlng for directors. (Inn Stadlg.
George. F. Cyrus and John V. Gottor.
Although four requests wero Hindu
for tho oxtousloti of tho bnundnrlna
of tho district tttoy woro left as orig
inally defined In tho notltlon. At
torney V. l Myora appeured In bo
halt or two of tho settlors, H, S.
Towno nud David Mllburu. who de
sired to havo thulr laud Included. Tho
court waa unwilling to do thla bucauao
it was folt that tlm niun who arranged
tlm petition wuro bettor acquainted
with tho local conditions than thu
court. All of tho original petition
ers had water rights not later than
1004 whllo tho four otliors aocurod
Utolruup to 1012,
Tho pooplo on Squaw Croolr no-
titlouod onco 'boforo for tho fornmtlor.
of n district but tho proposition was
dofoatod. Tho now district dour, not
Include tho tmmo territory. It first
camo boforo tho court u wook ago
mid today was But 'for tho final honr
In. District Attorney II, 11. Da Ar-
111011(1 rntirosontotl thn nettlnra .Tiiilir,,
V, I). Hnrnos nnif Commissioner h, H,
Smith proatdod ovor tho mcotlni;,
(From Tueaday'a Dally.)
Thirteen hundred dollara rained In
one day la thu record made, by Jlctitl
In tho KltiRbla of (Jolumbun war fund
drlvo conducted yoaterday. The aub
rnrlptlon Hat la not yet complete and
tlm comrulttoun are contlniilni: to turn
In monuy to Cainpnlgn Manager T. II.
Foley, who handled tho work. Ho far
an thla city la concerned tho aubncrlp
tlou aollcltlng waa wound up today,
an tho fund waa already $300 over
thu required amount. No reports
have been nent In from thn other
towua In thin dlilrlct, from which
$B0O waa to be rained.
A number of larcu aubacrlptlona
tnndo up thu Hat. AmotiR thonu wore
$600 from tlm Hlmvllu-IIIxnn and
llrooka-Hcunlon inllln, $100 from tho
United Warehoune Company and $C0
each from Thu Horn! Company, Mil
ler Lumber Company, Horn! Water,
Light & Power Company, Central
Oregon Hank, and Firm National
(From Wftlimsduy'n Dally.)
Hutwoeu $1400 and $1B00 la now
on hand tor tlm Deicbutca county
Knlghta or Colutnhua rum), according
to tho latent report given out by J.
P. Ileimeny, prealdunt or tlm local
branch. Thla morning $934.50 waa
turned over to J. F. Arnold, who la
acting aa treaiurcr for tho fund. Thla
wa vxclualvn of tho amount which
Mr. ilunnoay collected at the Shuvlln
Illxon mill. A few commrtteca still
have aubacrlptlona outstanding. The
complete Hat ot tlioiu contributing
will be printed tomorrow.
Final List Of Taxes For
This Year Is Made Up By
County Assessor Mullarky
With tlm cnurluslnu of tho city tax
luvy, County Assessor V. T. Mullar
ky has been nblo to mnke up tlm final
list of taxcH for tlm county fur tho
year 1018 on tho 1917 assessment
roll. Thu taxes levied In tho city,
county nud various school districts
aro as shown by thu following tublo:
General Taxes I.eWeit for Statu nut!
County Purpose-..
Valuation Mills Tax
Statu .5,523,427 4.63 25,573.47
County 5,523,427 12.87 71.0S0.51
School .5,523,427 3.94 21,720.30
tuition 1,S5U,868 .5 920.03
Library 5,523,427 .00 331.41
All property In School District No.
1 and in districts formlne. Itudinond
High School District, exempt from
High School Tuition Luvy of .5 nulls.
Total 22. 110,083.02
Hpoctul Tuxes ImiUimI In Cltloi nml
Ton ns.
Horn! .. S96.656 14.8 13,270.51
Hediuoud 232,578 24. 5.5S1.S7
1.120,234 18.S52.3S
State Flro Patrol Tax 1.033.0S
SjK'clal Tuxes Levied In Htmil
(No special road levies.)
Dlst. No. Valuation.
Iloiul $ 806,056
0 1,375,440
7 208,255
8 100,480
0 , : 451,890
10 r. 90,445
H 222,247
12 138,800
13 360,680
14 84,000
15 227,330
10 232,578
17 238.770
18 08,100
19 164,177
20 , 95,585
21 70,005
22 je, 317,430
23 81,480
4 86,320
Total $5,523,427
(From Wndneadny'a Dally.)
II. C. Hartranft, county chairman
of the United State Fond Admlnli
tratfon, haa received thu following op
dern and regulation applying to thu
purrhaxu of flour and sugar. Tr.oiD
am lutendud to Inform tlm conaumlng
public, as well an'tbo merchant. J11U
to what extent those commodltluH aro
to be aold.
Thu liiMtructlona read:
"No dealer la permitted to havo on
hand moru than a 30 day' aupply.
No dealer can acll to city or town
counuinura more than one-fourth or
n barrel at one time, and no con
sumer nhould have more than this
quantity on hand. Ilural consumers
living at a dlatancu from their near
cat and natural trading points, may
purchaau not to exceed one-hair bar
rel Halo or larger quantities to dis
tant farmers, ranchers, etc, can bo
madu only on a permit aecurcd from
tho county chairman of the U. S. Food
Administration. Dealers, In making
sales to bakerlen, hotels, restaurants,
etc., must exercise due caution not to
exceed tho reasonable requirements
of their customers.
"Union and regulations governing
thu aalu or augar at retull, as sent
from thu offlcu of Statu Administra
tor V. II. Ayer, on the 23rd of No
vember, 1917. have not been modi
fled, and they remain In full force
and effect, excopt that permits, when
necessary', to persons living at a great
dlstanco from their natural trading
con tors, may be obtained from the
county chairman of the food adminis
tration. These rulea are as follows:
"Sales to family consumers aro
limited to $1 purchases.
"Farmers living at a dlatance from
the nearest purchasing polnta wllltbe
pormlttcd to purchase In 25 pound
"Hotels and restaurants and board-
(Contlnued on page 4.)
SjKiinl Tnxe lvleil In School
Dlst. No. Valua'n. Mills Tax
1 $2, 142, OSS 25.3 $54,210.01
2 . ... 424, SOS IS. 8 7,988.03
3 . . .. 276.0S5 13.5 3,727.15
4 523,065 12.2 6.3S1.39
5 191,769 16.7 3,202.64
6 326,220 2.6 S4S.17
7 42,245 0.5 274.59
S 54,040 5. 270.20
9 130,350 8. 1.090.SO
10 104.927 3.5 367.24
11 34,990 4.5 157.46
12 04,620 5.8 374. SO
13 5.990
14 32,195 27.7 S91.S0
16 46,155 S.7 401.55
16 28,045
17 30.935 6.5 201.0S
18 107,270 .0 04.36
19 47,170 13.5 PiUil.SO
20 92,915 6.5 603.95
21 40,790 14.3 533.30
22 G4.4S5 10. 641.85
23 146,685 .7 102.68
24 76,725 5. 383.63
25 8C.S00 6.1 526.48
2G 174,438 12. 2.093.26
27 14,216 17.5 248.76
28 36,475 16.5 001. S4
29 32,090 14.5 474.00
30 118.210 7. S27.47
31 :.. 12,040 7.8 98.59
32 250 19. 1 76
33 0,455 9.4 00.68
$5,523,427 $88,345.31
lteilmouil Union II. H. District.
Dlst. No. Valun'n. Mills Tax
2 $ 424.S95
3 276,085
6 191,769
7 42,245
8 54.040
10 104,927
12 64,620
23 146,685
24 76,725
27 14,215
30 118,210
33 0,455
$1,520,871 4.6 $ 6,996.01
Gonornl Tax $110,083.62
Spoclal Tax for Oltloa .... 18,852.38
Stato Flro Patrol Tax 1, 033.08
Itodmond U. II. S. Tax.... 6.996.01
Special School Dlst. Tux.. 8S.34C.31
No QiioMlon lift to Acceptance of Or-
iler, According to Only Other
Member of Itonnl.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
8ALKM, Jan. 10 (Special to The
Hulk'tln.) Tho acceptance by the C.
0; I. Co. of tho recent order "of the
Public Service Commission In regard
to tho company project near Hcnd Is
dependent upon action by tho board
of directors, according to a statement
madu by Jesso Stearns, attorney for
tho company, to Chairman Miller, ot
tlm commission, at a recent confer
unco In Portland. A statemont to
this effect was made by Mr. Mlllor
yesterday. Tho letter of ncceptanco
recently received from Mr. Stearns
was his acqulcsccnco alono "but it ia
believed that the dlrectora will tak
similar action.
Mr. Stearns told Chairman Miller
that no amendment to the order
would be needed to cover tho question
of payment for measuring devices,
Inasmuch as on tho commission's ex
planation of the situation he "believes
tho ordor does not conflict with tho
company contracts with the settlors
concerning tho measuring devices.
When shown a copy of tho news
dispatch above, President Fred S.
Stanley this morning said that thorc
was no question of tho -acceptance of
the order by tho directors. "Tho com
pany haa only three directors," said
Mr. Stanley, "and one of theso has
recently died and his position has not
been tilled. That leaves only Mr.
Stearns and myself and as wo havo
both Individually expressed our satis
faction with the order thero ought to
be no troublo when wo meet as directors."
PoNtul From Portland Man In Franco
HaH That J. I Wheeler
la Well.
(From Wednesday' -Dally.l
Nowa of John 1. Wheeler, of Prlne
vlllo, now In France, ia ;iven in an
artlclo in Monday's Oregon Journal.
It reada as folloax:
A former Portland boy, now a Hrlt
Uh cavalry man, participated In tho
advance In Cambral where the Drlt
lah forces recently hurled back tho
Kalaor'a armies In a sensational at
tack In which the death-deal, as tanks
figured conspicuously.
Walter Sldebottom Is the hero. T.i
a New Year's greeting to his friend,
George J. Cameron, ot this city, Side
bottom says:
"Wo havo been scrapping as cavr!
ryman since November 20 In the ad
vance on Cambral."
This Interesting bit ot Information
was wrltton on n postcard.
Sldebottom formerly was employed
In Portland. Slnco his arrival In thu
battle zono ho has written several let
ters describing his observations and
Additional Information that John
T. Wheoler, a resident of Prlnovllle,
Or., Is In tho flghtng dstrlct was con
veyod by Mr. Sldebottom, who says
ho met Mr. Wheeler and that tho lat
ter Is "fit aud well."
Wheoler was formerly employed
by tho Pacific Power & Light Com
Flvo Bond players Friday night will
moot tho quintet from Redmond high
school In tho first basketball aino
ot tho season, Thla will tako place
on tho Hlppodromo floor at 7:30 In
tho ovonlng.
A team to represent tho local
school has been plukod by Coach F. S.
Francis, who Is putting tho boys Into
form with practice ovury afternoon.
Tho llnoup Is as follows: Smith,
right guard; L. Coynor, loft guard;
McGuIro, rontor; Sandors, loft for
ward, and Norcott, right forward. Ar
thur Norcott Is captain. Fulton and
Brostorhous will act as substitutes.
Clinlrman Miller Further I'xplalnj
Itecent Order of Public Hcrvlco
Commission In Keanl to In
stallation of Itegulutnr.
SALEM, Jan. 12. (Special to The
Bulletin.) Chairman Mlllor, ot the
Public Service Commission, In fur
ther explaining the recent order ot
tho commission applying to tho Cen
tral Oregon Irrigation Company,
stated that tho Installation of meas
uring dovlcca at tho lands ot the set
tlers and at the expenso of settlors,
is not mandatory upon tho settlera.
The order operates, he states, to
force tho company to Install such do
vlco at the request of any settler, but
tho expenso must be borno by suck
settler. No settler need to havo such.
measuring device Installed unless it
la done at tho exercise ot his own
personal option.
"We discovered that considerable
complaint had boon received from the
Individual settlers that they have not
been receiving their full sharo ot the
water, although enough water might
be received at glvon polnta for dis
tribution among the lands ot the in
dividual settlers. Apparently some
havo been benefiting; at the expense
of others, according to tho testimony
"To do away with these objection
and to make tho distribution to the
Individuals absolutely fair tho com
mission Incorporated In Its order the
provialon In regard to the Installation
of lfceasarlng devices.
"As has been pointed out before
Mr. Stearns made objection to thn
feature of tho order requiring the
company to Install such devices, oa
tho ground that under the contracts
with the settlers, since Juno, 1907, it
ia provided that all measuring de
vices Installed shall be at the expense
ot such settlers. Dut it has been
determined that tho order can stand
without amendment, by merely mak
ing It apply so as to conform with the
provisions of those contracts. The
situation simply stands now that the
sottlor may require such measuring
device to be installed it ho wishes.
He will have to bear tho expense,
whloh I understand Is nominal! bat
he Is not required to have such device
Installed under tho order unless It
serves his pleasure," said Mr. Mlllor.
No word has beou received hero
yet as to what action the Hoard ot
Directors of tho C O. I. Company
has taken'' In regard to accepting the
order ot tho commission.
Persons Object of Hring Put In Class
I, When They Offer Only Agri
cultural Claim.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Much misapprehension has oc
curred from the action of tho local
draft board in placing In Class I
thoso registrants who presented oaly
an agricultural claim for exemption.
In order to sot at rest such misun
derstanding, J. II. ilauer, a member
of tho board, calls attontlon to the
following ruling laid down In Selec
tive Service Regulation.
"If the registrant has submitted
no questionnaire or It nolthor the
registrant nor any porson In respect
of him has Claimed deterred classi
fication or It tho only claim for de
ferred classification Vy or in respect
ot him has claimed doforred classl
gagement In Industry or agriculture
ho shall forthwith bo classified In
Class I."
Also another stating that "Tho dis
trict board shall havo exclusive and
original Jurisdiction to hear apd de
termine all questions on claims for
deferred classification by or In re
spect of persons engaged In Indus
tries, Including agriculture, found to
bo nocossary to tho maintenance ot
tho military estaullshmont or tho of-
tectlvo operation of military form or
tho malntonauco of national Interest
during tho emergency,"