The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 10, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
V ,"
VOIi. -XV.
C. 0. 1.
Jtit Slnillg, nf Ihit IIi-IiIkc, SpeiiUs
iit Coiunii'iTliil Club Meeting
Hiija Drmlititew County Hum
.Muilo Ooiid-PmiuUo Ken'.
ci:its, IIUH.
President T. II. Foley
Vlro-Prenldent . II. A. Miller
Hoorntury ... II. J. Ovnrlurf
tlLtfi 'l'r,,ni,ur,'r Hugh K. Mniii
0 Dlroctorn, J. I'. Kiiyi-H. II. W.
- KldiHo, Carl A'. Juhunnu.
(From Wniliinmlny'H Dully.)
Officers for I Im ynr 10 IS
Mlnctittl ut llin wkly tiinntliiK of tin
('omumrclul club Imlil thin noon, tliu
tint ; I vim above. Tim lint was oim
uggiwteil liy President Dement iin
IiiivIiik bson hhih'1(1 by a ommtttt
and was uiinitlnintmly chosen li I'm
club. In leaving tlm chttlr, Vr. Dn
iniint thanked tlm club fur tin- run
ldoratlnn given IiIiii during the punt
ynur stating (but bo hud glvnu tlm
York tbn beet effort pnnslblti. A rln
Ing rote of thanks was given Mr. De
ment for bli work,
Following n short speech of ac
rftptanoo, President Foley railed on
Kit. K. Kiddle, of Inland City. who
npoke on Irrigation niul otlmr sub.
Jrcla, referring especially to tbo wur
tlmn situation nf tbo (lour mill
dun Btadlg, of Lower Ilr'dgc,
called on for a few remarks, compll
in on I ml thn club on Its oggronlvo.
ncss. "A year ago," Mr. Stadlg Raid,
"wo thought wo woro havlnic thn club
nut to ui on county dlvltlon but tbo
feeling l now passed. DonchutM
iounty ban made Rood. You ban
lipid down expenses and obtalnud ef
flcloncy In tbn county offlcon.t You
linrn kept your promises mado before
division. In our section wn havo bud
inoro road work done till lait year
than over before and even If tax'
aro a llttlu higher It In worth It in
tbn bultnr results accomplished."
-Concluding. Mr. Stadlg mild that In
thonn wiir limes It was Important that
tliu fartnorn bo given usnlstanru when
needed niul Im asked that (tin club
bo rnady to give Itn aid to tlm county
-Tgrlculturul council If called upon.
.Men ltcrcutly Cumi' l-'rom Wnr Zom
Tour Htuto In lnlent-t of
DofeiiNo Council.
(From Tuonday't Dally.)
To toll tlm people of OrtvKou some
thliiK f Dm actual facts of tbo bntjlu
Hold and the alromioiiii task fncod by
tliu utiles, Lloutniiaiit-Coloiiol J, M.
McMillan, Major F. II. Kdwurda and
Captain K. J. Cook aro now In the
ntnta on n tour which will take thorn
front ono ond to tho other, They will
bn hoard In llmid on tlm nveuliiR nf
.Friday, January 31. They appear In
tbn Htnto uiiitor tho nunplcua of tho
ratato Council of Dufunao.
Tho party In nccomp'auled by two
onllHtud men, 10. W. Tool and W. IC.
1.. I.orlmor. They will ko from hero
to Iledmnud.
All hnvo boon wounded mid Major
KdwnrdH Iiiir lost both hands.
(From Tuosduy's Dally.)
ItoturuliiiK from Portland yivitor-
luy, Fred 8. Stanley, president of tho
O. O, I. Co,, stated that bla company
iwiih perfectly satluflod with tho ordor
niailo by tho Public Sorvlco CoiuiuIh
alon and confirmed tho nnuouueo
innnt iiuulo by Mr, Htournn to tho ef
fect that tho ordor would not bo
fouiiht. Ho IiihIsIihI, howovor, that
tho commlnslou bad no Jurisdiction
-of tlm ciiHo, Tho company will now,
ficaprdliiK tp Mr. flUuiloy, roquost
.ull'sottlerB to pay up tholr baulc main
In tho commistilon's ordor by making
.,n tli ponmmlsslon'B ordor by makliiK
It posslhlo for tlio compaby to ostab
jh a sinking fund.
attohxey-oknhual nitowx df,.
('i:ivkh ii:i,ixgt:i:NT taxes
and moil school levy.
(From Wednesday's Dally. I
Til at DoMchtitKM (ii)iinty In entitled
to all delinquent tuxen for years prior
to tlm iIIvImIdii of tlm county from
Crook anil may alno retain tlm taxes
paid Into tlm county on tbo Crook
county high nobool mlllugo Ian, year,
In tbo nubnlnnco of an opinion just
received by Dlnlrlcl Attorimy Do Ar
ninnd from AttorimyOcnorul
Tlm opinion In dlriicti'd to Mr. Do Ar
inonil niul W II. Wlrtz, dlntrlct ut
toriKiy of Crook county.
Mr. llrowu'H opinion In based on n
clnunii of tlm dlvlnlou law providing
In Mulintniifn (but on formation of u
now county by dlvlnlou, tbo parent
county's right to tlm collection of
taxes ondn on tlm flrnt day of Janu
ary follow Iiik tlm dlvlnlon.
Tlm amount Inviilviid In tbo dnrln
Ion an to tlm ddliiitmut tnxnn In not
known. In tlm lilch ncbnol fund
tlmrH In noum IIV000 which would
bavo Konn to tlm nupport of tbo Crook
county bVsb If tlmro bad Ih-oii no
dlvlnlou. DoMcliutiHt Iiiin no county
IiIkIi nchonl mid It In not yul known
to what lino tlm fund will bo put. It
In bnlluviid, howi'vtir. that tbo propur
dlnpoxltlou of tlm fund would bo to
hold It Intact until a county IiIkIi
ncbool In (intubllnlit'd.
With tlm r dpi of Mr. Ilrown'n
opinion, prnrtlcally all nm-ntloiin ro
inalnliiK bi'twiM'ti tlm two cnuntloi nro
nnttli'd, tlm only thliiK li'lt boltiR tbn
paynmnt of approxlmatuly $2500
found by an auditor to Im duo Dei
chutcn by Crook.
(From Turnday'a Dalty.)
At tbn nioatlni; of tlm water unorn'
anioclallon Saturday In Sathur'n halt,
ono now dlroctor wan elected to tako
tlm placo of,,r, Dykstnrliuln, or Tor
rnbonne. Tliu new man In Frank I.o
May. All othor" officers wcro re
(ducted. No other bunlnesn was taken
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Mrs. M. I.. Potential! has Just re
ceived a ropy of an InterentliiK draw
Iuk sent her by hor non, who Is In tho
Twentieth IteKlnmnl of KiiRlncors.
Tlm drawliiK. which In u very Kood
llkenesn nf I'renldent Wilson, was
inado by n private In tbo reKlnient
and In of espoclal lutcrent In that It
In miido hy ono rontluunus lino,
9 1, ot)o,(M)o is sirr ah maiuc.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
A thrift drive wilt soon begin In
tlm schools of Oregon. Tlm slogan
of tlm campaign will bo "A Million
DollaiH In War Havings by tbo Chil
li run of Orogou Ileforo tho Closu of
this School Year." War savings and
certificate stamps will bo distributed
through tbo officii of each county
superintendent, who will roport In
turn to tho state hoadquarters, Tbo
matter was first suggested at tliu
recent mooting of these officials In
County School Superintendent J,
Alton Thompson brought tho plan
back with him on IiIb return from the
Wlllamotto vulloy. Today ho Is com
piling a list or teachers, tholr ad
drossoB and tho number of pupils
ouch ,hiiB undor hor, preparatory to
beginning work,
In ordor that tho public may know
what tho children aro doing, a month
ly Btatnmont of tbo sales of govern
ment savings stumpB will bo mado up.
Plnns nro not yot complotod so that
tho inothod of distribution has not
boon arranigod (or.
Kuril Drpnrlmriit Will Mavn INtliiialo
of .MiuImiiiiii Aiiiounl of Money
AIIomiiI Oilier IIiikIikn
Im AII-imIis1 Ii,
(From Wednesdays Dally.)
Facing a shortage of ruvnuun for
tlm current year the city council nt
Its regular meeting last night called
for entlmaton of the amount of money
required for earh department, to bo
prepared and reported at tlm next
meeting by the wuyn and moans com
mittee. Thin will bo done In order
that each department tuny know tbo
maximum sum allowed In order that
tlm city may not pllu up uuy avoid
able debts during I til 8. A general
cutting down of expenses nil around
In to bn ex potted nn a renull of tho
failure of tlm voters to pans tlm
130,000 budget at tlm hint election.
Much (IIhciimIoii ut lunt night's
minting was given over to the ques
tion of department apportionments.
Several suggestions were made as to
places wherein money might bo
saved. As petitions for street lights
wcro proMoulod nl the name meeting
the councllmen were led to speculate
upon tho possibilities of hnvlng thono
property owners In tlm neighborhood
of street lights pay for their main
tenance, If they desired Illumination
on certain corners, Instead of taking
tho coit from tbo city funds. No
action, however, ban been taken In
tho matter, further discussion being
defarrod until tho ways uud means
committee shall have mado Its ro
port. Derlklon Accepted.
Tho decision of tho Stata Tax Com
mission was accepted In tho matter
of a lovy tor this year and tho ques
tion was cloned for tbo present, tho
levy being sot at 13,303, as fore
casted by Tho Bulletin yesterday.
Petitions for street- lights, asking
for ono on Kingston avonuo and'Un
ton stroet, and for others along .Now
port avonuo wore prosontcd and
turnod over to tho proper commlttco
for consideration. Similar disposi
tion wus also mado of ono signed by
N. I,. Sprlugor and others requesting
tho erection of a wagon bridge across
tbo Pilot llutto canal at Olnuy street
and another signed by W. A. Hates
and others usklng for a similar bridge
at Norton avenue.
Itoports of tbo chief of police and
city treasurer woro also read and ap
proved, .May Xot lUy Slmi.
Tlm council next took up tho mat-
tor of purchasing tho flro siren, re
cently tried out In lleud. Tho com
mittee on tiro protection roported
that alarm was round satisfactory,
but In tbo abseuco of someone to look
nftor both It and tho present tire-
fighting apparatus constantly, they
woro uncertain whether to ndvlsu tbo
purchase of the siren. When tho
ways and means committee bus fixed
tbo Hum to bo allowed for Improve
ments In tlm flro service this year,
tho councllmen will bo enabled to ar
rive ut some conclusion In rogurd to
In order to validate chungos In Fir
uvonuo and adjacent property caused
by tho Improvement of that strcot, a
resolution wus adopted ordering tho
cliungo In tlm plats to bo tiled In tbo
county dork's office,
Among other minor mutters at
tended to was tho collection or routs
from occupants of city property, com
monly known as tho Strnhnrn right-
of-way. Tho city engineer was In
Btructod to portion tho cost of stroet
sprinkling for tho season to tho prop
erty (rontago benefited, In accordance
with tho city ordinance,
Tho mayor formally reappointed all
jconiiulttoamon and city officers to
sorvo lor uus yoar.
(From Monday's Daily.)
Samples of a wild parsnip, which
grows near Motollus and has cauood
tho (loath or uumorous cattlo, havo
boon rccolvod at tho local forestry
otrico and will bo aout In to hoad
quartors nt Portland, It Is probable
that stops will bo taken to extermi
nate this post, Tho plant Is common
ly known aa tho wator hoiulock.
() it (10(10 Carn Hundliil In 1017 For
tlm litimlMT liiihihlry l'jivterijcr
Tnuel :0 Per Cent Higher
Than Previous Year.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Karulngs ot tlm Ilond union depot
In tho past year Increased to Just
twice tho amount ot tho proceeding
12 months, according to Station
Agent D. Keller, who has estimated
tlm money which went through his
office at approximately $2,000,000,
whereas In 1010 It was a little over
$1,000,000. lioth Incoming and out
going frolgbl has been much heavier
and 30 por cent moro people traveled
during the year.
Lumber shipments have been ro
tnsrkuhly largu. From January 1
until April 1 an average ot 10 cars
a day loft Ilciid. From April 1 on
until 1918, 2T, wore taken out. This
w.iuld make a total of something In
tl e neighborhood of CC00 cars during
tie year. In 191C only 376C woro
sent out. The car shortage had no
depreciable effect on the freight ser
vice. "If anyone should ask to Just what
extent tlm shortage uffected us, I
would say 10 per cont of our troubles
In supplying cars and delaying ship
ments wore caused by this," said Mr.
Keller. "Labor difficulties were far
moro Important and would bo classed
at 20 per cent.
"Tho prospect never looked brigh
ter for a new year." he concluded.
Cattlo shipments have brought con
siderable business to tho Central Ore
gon lines, somo of tbo bonis being
brought up from south or Uend and
shlppod through horo In prctcrcnco
to taking southern roads. An espec
ially good showing has been mado In
tho number sent out from Torre
bonne. Mr. Keller says this has been an
exceptionally cfe'au year ot slides.
Whllo somo trains havo been delayed
a row hours, none bavo boon held up
ovor 24.
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Tho county division case, recently
decided by Judge Duffy In favor or
Deschutes county, will bo appealed
to tho supremo court, according to a
notice received by District Attorney
Do Arnioud from X. O. Wallace, at
tornoy lor tho complainant. Mr. Wal
lace bus recently been appointed
county Judge or Crook county and IsJ
understood to bo acting for himself
In tho proceeding. Gus Stadig, in
whoso name the cuso was originally
bnrugbt, having withdrawn. If
prossod, tbo case, will come before tho
court In about nine months.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Hearing was held today on tho pe
tition ol tho settlors near Sisters and
Clovordalo to form tho Squaw Creek
Irrigation company. Owing to delay
In tho arrival of County Commis
sioner L. K. Smith, tho session did not
hog In until this afternoon. A number
of resldonts of tho Sisters country
woro In to attend It. Among thorn
wore Gus Stndlg, L. E. Hunt and K.
L. Towno.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Friday night tho tlrst debate ot
tbo high school season will tuko place,
Tho local toain, composed ot Hllah
llrlck niul Arthur Norcott, will go to
Prluovillo, whllo llobort Illllyor and
Sort Tardlo will remain horo to moot
Culver High. Tho Bubjoct concerns
tho sluiglo tax.
(From Tuesday's Dolly.)
Tho Pluolmrst road botwoon Turn
alo and tho reservoir Is bolng re
paired this wook by n crow In chargo
of R. H. llaytoy. Tho grado Is botng
ftllod niul culverts put in so as to
ollminnto washouts. Tho road car
rloa much of tho travel to SIstors.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
John W. Gray, a rancher of Des
chutes, was bound over to tho grand
Jury yesterday afternoon In tho Jus
tice court on a charge ot having stol
on ft cow from P. C. Hardy, or tho
same town.
In tho bearing before Judge F'astcs,
Mr. Hardy, V. Dykstra and his wife,
Martha Dykstra, and C. T. Halloway
appeared for tho state. Mr. Dykstra
testified that he had purchased a cow
answer!?; the description of tho stol
on animal from Gray. Although the
tbett Is alleged to bavo taken place
on or about Dec. 10, Dykstra said
Gray had mado arrangements for the
cattlo deal a week earlier and had
dollvored tlm cow on the tenth of the
month, bringing It to the Fox feed
yard, whero it was cared for by Hal
loway. Dykstra then came In from his
homo on tho High Desort after It.
Tho animal was a largo red cow,
with a whlto face. It was valued
at $00.
The defendant was represented yes
terday by Attorneys C. S. Benson and
W. P. Myers. District Attorney II. II.
Do Armond appeared tor the state.
Mrs. II. J. Oirrturf Learns Tlmt IU-1-
atlvo Is In HopltnI On French
Front Injured In Face.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Mrs. H. J. Ovorturf has Just re
ceived a message from tho French
front stating that her brother. Serg
eant A. It. Hold, was, to quoto the
notification, "admitted to the casu
alty station, Number 22. Gunshot In
Sergeant Reldsaw service on the
western front more than a year ago
and was later sent back" to England
as an Instructor in artillery. He was
ordered back to Franco, December 1,
1917. Ho was known to many peo
plo tn Dend, having visited here six
years ago. Mr. Held enlisted from
Mrs. Ovcrturf's only other brother
went with the first Canadian con
tingent from tho samo city In 1914.
He was wounded by a shell and dis
charged In 191C.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho Wln-tho-War committee,
formed In tho public schools, held Its
tlrst mooting yesterday afternoon to
outline tho work for tho romalndor
of tho yenr. Six mombers of tho fac
ulty composo tbo principal commit
tee, which will direct student groups
undor thorn. Each teacher has boon
assigned somo special branch ot war
sorvlco to aid.
Sales or thrift stamps will probably
bo tbo biggest work attompted this
spring. As soon as supplies can bo
obtained tho stamp sales will bo
pushod, City School Superintendent
F. Thordarsou and Miss Chapman
will havo chango ot this, MUs Zada
Klnyon has beon given chargo of tho
sowing activities; Miss Mabel Lor
ouco, knitting; Miss Mildred Mors
dorf, hospital books, and Miss Paul
son, magazluos. This coyors all ot
tho branches to which attontlon will
bo glvon Just at prosont.
Another mooting will bo hold again
ns soon as sub-commlttoea havo boon
nppolutod. These will bo composed
ot a teacher tn each building and two
or tbroo students.
Cato Pending In Federal Court TcsW
JurlMllctiou of Public Service
CommlAftlon anil Final Decis
ion May Cliungo Situation,
SALEM, Or., Jan. 7. (Special to
Tho Bulletin.) Itcady accession oa
tho part ot tho Central Oregon Irri
gation Company to practically all ot
tho demands Incorporated In tho re
cent order ot the Public Sorvlco Com
mission in that company's can, came
as a pleasant surprlso to stato of
ficials Interested In desert land mat
ters and relegated to secondary con
sideration discussions brought up by
State Treasurer Kay as to tho Juris
diction of tho commission.
Tho ono featuro of tho order to
which Jesse Stearns, secretary and
counsel tor the company objected
tho provision tor installation by tbo
company ot a measuring dovlco at the
point ot delivery ot water on tho land
ot each settler Attorney General
Drown held Informally tor tho com
mission, does not affect tho order.
Tho order, by vlrtuo of such provis
ion, docs not conflict with contracts
entered into with settlers since 1907,
as contended by Mr. Stearns, but does
operato to require tho payment ot
tho cost of such measuring devices
by the settlers themselves, Is tho gist
ot his opinion. It Is generally under
stood here that this development will
not be hailed with hilarity by the set
tlers, but Mr. Stearns intimates that
either the settlers must pay for these
measuring devices or tho company
will probably bo unable to comply
with the directions to establish &
maintenance and depreciation fund.
Acceptance Is Temporary.
Acceptance of the conditions ot the
order, even though It comes with the
reservo clause attached that the con
ditions are accepted with tho bclieX
that the commission was without Jur
isdiction to Impose such an order,
clears up tor a tlnio the possibility
of conflicts developing between the
Desert Land Board and Public Ser
vice Commission as to which has the
authority over tho affairs ot the C. O.
I. Company. At least It Is so taken
by mombers ot both hoards and that
controversy Is dropped for tho time
being at least.
Those familiar with tho situation,
seo in tho reference ot Mr. Stearns
to tho recent decision ot Fcdral Judge
Dean In tho Suthcrlln Irrigation caso
from Douglas county, the possibility
i that the C. O. I. Company will accept
the commission's order and lie back
on Its oars awaiting a final adjudi
cation ot that case. Tho Jurisdiction
of tho Public Sorvlco Commission
ovor Irrigation companies Is bolng di
rectly tested In that case, and there
Is little question but that tho cose
will finally go ho whole gamut ot the
courts to tho Supremo Court ot the
United States.
Decision Is Awaited.
It Is no secret that tbo commission
accepted Jurisdiction in tho Central
Oregon Irrigation Company mattor
with tho decided bollot that Its ordor
would bo tested In tho courts and it
was expected litigation would bo
started soon. Dut apparently, soma
officials say, tho company soes an cas
tor way out, by calmly taking tho or
dor as Issued and await tho decision
In tho Suthorlln caso. It tho United
States Supromo Court decides that
tho commission is without Jurisdic
tion ovor irrigation companies, tho C.
O. I. company would havo tho final
word ot tho courts and It Is appar
ent tho commission would no at
tempt to enforce Its ordor against
that company furthor. Tho C. O. I.
Company would enjoy tho benefits
and be penalized nono of tho exponsea
or a finally adjudicated proceeding
which ts dlroctly In point.
Federal Judge Dean ruled, In clo
dding one ot tho motions bo fore liltn
tn tho Sutherlln Irrigation caso, that
tha PuWIo Service Commission t)oTU
Jurisdiction over private lrrfgatlon
companies, and ho defined a private
Irrigation company as ono that selects
to whom tt sells wator and contracts
(Continued on Page 4.)