FIRNI) IWhhmtS, IIKND, OKKGON. TIIUIWDAY, JANUARY , 1018 iAm i . GERMANY GUILTY OF BARBARITIES '4 NWAR G T Atrocious Treatment of tho Holp , loss Part of Campaign Plans I of Military Loaders. POLICY OF FRIGHTFULNESS M Terrorism Declared Necessary Prln. clplo In National Warfare Bru. talltles May Ut Said to Do D. reetly Attributable to the Emperor Hlmielf, Th committed 01 public infor million, appointed by the. president, ami consisting of the secretary of slate, secretary of war, secretary of the navy, ami George Creel, official censor, has matte public a mass of evidence dealing with German war practices which shows the kaiser's leaders in the field and in command of captured points to be directly re sponsible for the beastliness which has characterized the operations of the "Huns," in the. present conflict, Quotations from the pamphlet fol low: Per mnny yenr lender In every civ UUrd nation have, been trying In make wnrfim leu lirnlnl. Tim crent hind. iimrlf In till movement tiro I tin Oc mirn run! Unsrtie convention, The for mer mmle rule nx to the cnri of the elrk ii nil wounded nnil cHtnhlhdicd the Jted Croti. At the flrnt meeting nt He nen, in 1R0I, It wnri ngrci-d, mul until thi! prenetit war It hn been taken for sritiiteit. Hint the wounded, uud the doc tor nml ntire who cared fur them, would be unfo from nil nttiu-k by the enemy. The llnmie convention, drawn up In 1MI unit U07. mmle nihil tlonnl rule to noftrn the nnnge of wnr nnd expednlly to protect rnnirotnlint nut nnd conquered Intuit. Ucrinnny took n prominent pnrt In thec meet. Inc. mul with the other imllonx ho. cmnly pledged her fnllli to keep nil the rule except mm nrllde In the Hague reitulntlono. Thl , wn nrllde 44. which foibnde the conijueror to forre nny of the conquered to give luformn. Hon. All Hie other rule nnd rcpiilii tlnim Mic nrcepted In the most binding ninnncr. Hut riermnuy' mllllnry lender hnd no Intention of keeping these nolemii promlne. They hint been trained along different line. Their lendlnr generals for ninny yenr hnd been iirg. tng a policy of frlchtfutncM. In the middle of the nineteenth century Von ClnuiewltB wn looked uon n the irrcatrt tnllltnry nuthnrlly, nnd the method which he advocated were ued by tho Pruidnn nrniy In It successful mum of lfMVM87l. Comicqufntly be. cnune. thene wnr hnd been siiccciniful the wisdom nf Von Clnuxewltz' meth od deemed to the I'riiHidnri nrmy to be fully proved. Policy of Frlghtfulnets. Now, the eMeiici of Von CliiimcwlU', teaching wn tlint ucceful wnr In volve the rulhlcNH nppllcntlonof forre. Tn thu opening chapter of hi muster work, t'Vom Krlrgo" ("On Wnr"), he lin." "Tho Noldler who endured mf ferlng, prlvnllon null fatigue, who court danger, cmiiint tnko only 'In proportion to Mm resource of the country.' Me must tnlio nil tluil I nee eHiiry to hi exigence. Onu linn nn right to ilciiimiil of him anything nuper 'minim. rim great ixond In wnr J Hint It Hlmuld bo ended quickly. In view of IIiIn, every menu, except thoic which nrn poHlllvcly conilcinnnhlrt. ffiitiHt be permitted, I ennnot, In miy wny, irgren with the dediiriitlon of fit, Petersburg when It preleml Hint 'the aliening of Hin mllllnry force of the iieiuy' couKtltute the only Irirltlmiile inelboil of procedure In wnr. Nol One iiiiini nitnck nil Hm reMource of Hie enemy uovernmeiit, IiIn llminccs, hi rnllroiid, hi Mock of provlMlon mid even IiIn iritlKi. . . ." Many other exniuple tnlulit lin cited from the writing of Oermmi gcnrrnln. The very bet llliiMtrntlon of thl ntll tilde, however, I to be found In the 'mm J .....i . imimuji n Tiiriuun Fiicccucn, mill I'spU" cimiy in lit f cli to bin xohller on the eve of their ilepnrtnni for Clilnn In "XX. On July '-'7 Hin knler went tn Ilremerhiiveii In bid fnrewell to the Oermmi troop. A they were drnwn up, ready to embiirk for China, hit ml. dreed to them u in! oflleliil mcswigo from the fiitberlanil, The local now pnier reported hi pccch In full. In It appeared thl mlvlco mid admonition from I he emperor, I he commander In chief of Hie nnny, tho betid of all Ger many: Soldier Told to tie Merciless. "A nnu ii you come to blow with me enemy no will lie beaten. No mercy O, I. company oitni:iti:i) TO PHOVIDH HVHTKMATIO DKMVICKV OK ITH WATER (Continued from Pago r.) torposnd nnil ntintnliiod on tho ix round that thu ntipromo oourt had no drlg liiul Jurisdiction ovor thu quontlun presented. Demurrer HiiMiiIimsI. Tlinrnnftur a Hlmllur writ wait sought In thu circuit court of tho Htnlo of OrcKoii for Marlon county. A dmuurrur to tho potltlon wn huh tnluud on thu cround that tho com pany hnd an mloquato romudy by In- nuiuuiiK Hint to rcHtraln tho enforcfl mont of thu oommlinlon'ii order If nut imtlnflml with It. Tho (lofonilant thnroupon, without wnlvltiK It objection to thu JurUidlc Hon of tho commlniloii, but rciicrvlni; nil It rlKhU In that ronpuct, nniworod puttltiK at Ihhuo all thu mutorlal alio KiitloiiH of Hid complaint, and In addl tlon Hot up thu fact upon which It buHUN It objection to tho Jurlndlctlon of thn commlBRlon, toRothnr vlth iiumorou ulloKatlou relative to tho falluro or momburi of tho plaintiff anoclntlon to pay their malutfiiniico fen, and Kouorally that tho complaint hnruln In thu renult of dlscontont and (Uncord which ha ruultud from un fair and unwarranted report and act of tho Dtnto onKlnoor, und lioMllo nowapiipiir crltlclnm. llcnrliiK Olvcn. I'ulillc hcurltvK upon thn matter at Ihhuo wu hold at Hond, OroRou, and it pomonal Itmpectlou of tho Irrl Kutlon Hyntum wu in a do by thu com-mlmlon. Appunrnncen: Tor plaintiff, II. If. will ho Nhmvii! No primmer will bn!00 A""'l. H attorney; for defund .a I II til lliain Ulllll la. a j. itiK.'iil A the Him, under Kim; At Illn, made u nnniit for Hieiuelve, whfch I mill nighty In tradition nnd legend today, may Hm name of Oer mmi he Mollted In Clilnn by your deed, that no Chlncxe xhall ever m.nln dure even to look ut n Oermmi tmkmice. , , . Open the wny for Kultur once for nil." ttveii the Imperial counrllnr nccm to hnve been Khockcd til the tuiipenir' ant, Jdiiiio Hteartm, It attnniuy. FlndliiR: Central OrnRou Irrlsa tlon Company I un Oregon corpora tion. Tho property here under con flldoratlon I a wo-called "Carey Act" project, Minuted in ncuchutci and Juffiiron counties, Orccon, and Is bo ItiK duvuloped by thl defendant un der contract with ,tlm Htato of Oro koii. It Is contended tho rights or this corporation aro fixed by contract speech, nnd effort n were or oim.ilv w1"1 ,ho ltln, "lrlK aKcnt of tho m nde to " I inM be elrculntl h I "lnt0 ,,u,y ""' to mako such III ... I ' ?"' 'Iri"",,,"n of "'"contracts, and that thu commission Is rxn t word. The effort weru only Wlhoul jurlsdlollon to alter or Inter partly MiirreKNful, A few week Inter. foro with tho terms thereof, when thn letter from the Oermmi ol- AVo aro convinced tho defendant uler In Clilnn were hclnc publlMied. 1 corporation Is u public utility within ,nys "VI ?- lolence nrm ltelf with the Inven tion nf nrt mid nclcnce. . . , Self. Imposed rcHtrlctlnn, nlttint Impercep tible mid hardly worth mentloulni;. termed uhukph of liiternntlounl Inw, nrcompuny It without eiNentlully Im pair! uc It power, , . . Now, philan thropic until tnlKht cmdly IiihikIiio that there I n Nklllful method of dlHiirm Iiik or mibduliiK mi enemy without cniiHluR too much hlnndHhcd, nml Hint thl I Hm true tendency of the art of wnr. However plniiHlhle thl may up Vcnr, still It In un error which iiuim be -leHlroyedi for In micli ilmiKeroii thliiK iim wnr, Hm error which pro ceed from n iqdrlt of 'cood-niittircd-iichi' nro precisely the womt. A the iiho of phyidcul forre to Hm iitmimt ex tent by no memiN exclude Hm co . opernllnn of the IntclllKcncc, It fiillnw that ho who men force rutlilcHNly, wllh out reKnrd to bloodshed, must obtain n superiority, If hi enemy doe not no iiho It." In 1877-78, In the roiirxo of n nerle of nrllcli'H upon "Mllllnry Necessity tind lliimunlty," Oeuernl von llartmnmi wrote, In tho uniim nplrlt u Von Clan ftowltx: "Tim enemy slnto must not ImHpnrcd 1lm want nnd wrclchcdnes of war; ttu wo arc particularly useful In shut- (J. leiliiK IIh cneruy mid nuIiiIiiIiik Hh will." "Individual persons may be harshly Ooult with when un example Ik made of them, Intended to serve iih a warn- Inc. . . Whenever u national win lircukH nut, terrorism become u uec essiiry mllllnry principle." "It In a f HnitultouH Illusion to nupposo that modern war does not demand fur more brutality, fur more violence, uud mi iictlnn fur more general thup wua for liinrly tho cuse," In 1881 Von Moltke, who had been commander In chief of tho 1'ruHslun a nny In tho Franco-Prussian war, de clared i ' "I'erpotunl penco Is n drenm uud not oven ii bountiful dreiiin. 'nr In nn tle meiit In tho order nf tho world estab lished by Olid. Ily It tho most noblo -virtues of man lira developed, couniKO .uudVcmiucl'itlou, fidelity tn duty uud as" -the Hplrlt of wicrlllco tho soldier rIvoh Ids life. Without wnr. thn world would j)K'Ki'UCMto und lone Ituelf In nmterlul- In locnl Oermmi paper, the leadlni; coclallst newMpiiper. Vorwaert, ex cerptiil from them reort of atroci ties under the title "Letter of tho Hun." Many of the lender In thu rclchktnj; felt very keenly the brutality of the emperor' speech. The obnox ious word "IIiiiih" bud excited nlmost universal couilemmitlon. When Hm relchslnif met, In November, the speech wn openly discussed. Ilerr I.leber of the center (Ctilholle pnrty), nfter quot ItiK the "no mercy" Hirtlon of tho peirh, lidded, "There nre, nln. In Ocr many Krotip ciioukIi who have regard ed the atrocities told In thu letter which have been published n the duti ful response of soldier nddrcncl and cnrouniKcd." The lender of the Kinl demncrnt. Ilerr Itebel, pokc even more pointedly. Toward tho end of it t uo-hour nddre on the atrocities committed by Hm Herman soldier In China nnd on the speech of tho cm furor, he snld : "If Oertnnny wishes to be tho bearer of cIvlllKfltlon to the world, we will follow without contradiction. Hut the wny nnd menu lu which thl world policy lin been carried mi thu fur, In which It hn been defined by the em peror . . . nre not, In our opinion, the wny to preserve the world position of (lennany, to kIii for (Jeriminy the respect of the world." The consequence of Hm emperor' speech llebel nptly described: "Ily It the nIkiiiiI wn kIvcii. curbed In the lilKhest authority of the Herman empire, which must have most weighty consequences, not only for the troop who went to China but also for thono who stayed nt home. An expedition nf revenue so burhnrnu it thl ha never occurred In the Inst hundred year and not orten in history; nt least, nothliiK worse limn this has hap pened In history, either done by Hm IIiiiih, by the Vandals, by OciikIiI Khun, by Tumerhine, or even by Tilly when lie sacked MiiKdchuri;." Atrocities In China. These atrocities In Clilnn or "Letters of Dm IIiiiih" continued to bo published In Hm Vorwaert for several year and appeared Intermittently In the debutes of Hm relchstiiK as late as 1IHM, At that tliiio tho socialist, Ilerr Kunert, reviewing the procedure In u trial of which he bad been the victim In the prelous summer, stated that ho had offered to provo "that (leriumi soldier In China had cupiKcd In wanton und hriitul ruvuKlnu; Hint plunder, pIIIiiko, extortion, robbery, un well as rape und sexual abuses of tho worst kind, hud occurred on u very lurRO ncnlo uud that Oermaii soldiers hud participated In them." He had not been kIvcii tin op portunity to prove III ullcKUtlniis, but hud been sentenced to prison for three months for iissnlllnc the honor of the "whole Oennun nnny." Tho out rnireousues of thl sentence wn mmle clear by tho revelations, mmle In the relchsluK Hhortly afterwards, of simi lar atrocities committed by Oermun nlllclalH und soldier In Africa In Hm cmupnlKii iiKtilust tho Hurero. Tor tho KUldnnco of tho olllcers In case tho InhahltuntH of conquered ter ritory should tnko up arms UKtiliiHt Ilia oerman army, tim "Herman Wnr Hook" quote with npprovnl tho letter Napoleon sent to hi brother Joseph' "Tho Hocurlty of your dominion de pend on how you behave In tho con quered province. Hum down u doxen place which aro not willing to sub mlt themselves, or course, not until you huvo lliHt looted t)iem; my sol iIhth must not bo ullowed to ko nwny with their handH empty, llavo three to six perHotm haiiKed lu ovory village which has Joined tho revolt; pay no respect to tho cossack'' (Hint Is, to membera of tho clergy). tho meaultiR of tho I'ulillc I'tlllty Act (Laws mil, Chnptor 279), and as such, Is subject to tho Jurisdiction of tho commission. Hased upon tho record before It nnd n porsonnl Invnstlicntlou ol the Irrigation syMom, tho commission now finds that: The canals, ditches and flumes op orated by tho Central OreKon IrrlRU tlon Company for tho supply of water aro of sufficient slzo and capacity, If properly malntnlncd nnd efficiently operated, to permit proper Irrigation of land now nold and requiring water. Water Sufficient. Under prcvallliiK normal conditions tho supply of wotor uvnlluble for uso 1913, to August 31, 1D16, Inclusive upon tho land covered by this pro ject Is sufficient to provldo tho ser vice specified In tho contracts 1m twoon tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company and tho Htnto of Oregon. Duo to gouloglcnl formation of tho earth's surtico In tho dlntrlnt in which this nrolect In situated and through which tho canals and ditches aro constructed an oxcesslvo waBto or water Is occaHlonod especially whon tint samo I opuratcd with small heads and through ditches not maintained In such manner an to allow Its freo and unimpeded passago. Uneven Distribution. Tho Control Oregon Irrigation Company lu .tho past has collected tho annual maintenance charges provided In tho contract between tho successor In Interest and tho Stato Land Hoard Insofar as It could, but In return has not continuously maintained tho cunals and ditches In such manner as to allow tho froo tlow of water there in; and partially becauso of this con dition ha deprived many of tho sot; tiers or tho uso of enough wator to properly mnko up tho deficiency In natural moisture upon their land; and has not distributed tho water flowing Into its dltcht-n according to thu renpoctlvo rights of tho settlers tho record clearly showing Hint thero has been actual and unjust discrim ination between various settlers in tho several portions of tho Irrigated district, which discrimination has re sulted In tho receiving by somo set tlors or moro and by othors or ls than their proper and necessary uharo or tho avallablo water. No Ktniidiird Hystcm. No satisfactory or standard system of measuring and recording tho amount of water taken for each par cel of land Is provided by tho com pany. ily the uso of larger heads of wa ter, through ditches and canals, prop erly maintained to furnish carrying capacity for tho same, and under a system of rotation or Irrigation on tho lands or tho sovcral settlers, a portion or the naturally losses or wotor, due to abnormally deep perco lation, may bo avoided; considerable tlmo may bo saved In tho irrigation or tho lands or tho Individual set tlers; considerable less water will bo required ror each tract, duo to tho possibility or rapid Hooding and tho elimination or tho aforementioned ex cessive percolation loss; and It will bo moro nearly possible for tho com pany to properly supply tho needs or each wotor usor according to tho re quirements or tho contract. It Is be lieved that such larger heads of water may bo administered safely under Iironcr sunervls'nn In eunnl ninltit oxcesslvo erosion or tho canol and ditch embankment. Tho incomo and expenses or tho company ror maintenance, exclusive of tho sales and contract department, appear from tho record as presented iipiow for tho period from January 1, The Sharpies Separators Have Paid for Themselves on Many Farms During 1917. Why not be one of the Fortunate Owners dur ing this next year? Save Every Bit of Cream. Feed the Skimmed Milk to Your Stock Have Less Work and Bother Let the Sharpies Pay Its Way. F. DEMENT & CO. The Preferred Stock Store GROCERIES HARDWARE 191G Total mifi Yearly 191.1 1914 Aur. 31 I'eos charged..$35,301.GC J35.500.S0 138,711.20 3C, 290.89 JUS. 804. 45 Pit Hnnlln.l Canrolled contracts .... Adjustments with settlors I.cdgor Adjustment ot contracts Acreage 4,133.64 371.00 843.80 1.933.8G 1,062.05 5,648.44 3,123.56 3,123.55 2,099.50 5.095.41 Total AdJ'ts. ..J 0,367.60 $ 1,433.05 $ 843.90 $ 6,225.05 13.867.40 Not y'rly fees..?28,934.06 134,067.75 J37.867.40 31-,067.ll J13l.937.05 .AIUIIB('B. Direct main tenance 1S.0C4.CC AdmlnUtrn trntlon and general 10,34(.39 17.408.63 22,917.92 15,941.17 7t,332.43 7,942 US 6.03S.35 5,234.08 29.G56.40 Net Incomo ....J 529.01 J 8.71C.09 J 8,911.13 J 9.S91.99 J 28,048.22 Her, limited only by tho avallablo wa ter supply. Must KxtablMi Fund. And It Is further ordered, that the dorendant, Central Oregon Irrigation Company, beginning with the year 1918, snail establish a depreciation reserve and annually chargo thereto such an amount as has heretofore been declared reasonable and shall set asldo in a reserve all moneys avallablo ror such purposo from year ly maintenance foes after tho deduc tion of such reasonable operating ex penses as may bo assignable to the maintenance of tho system; and such money, when set asldo In a reservo fund, shall be expended only ror the purposes Intended and according to plans which shall be submitted to the commission ror its approval. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day or December, 1917. PUBLIC 8EUVICE COMMIS SION OP OREGON. By FItANK J. MILLER, II. II. COREY, Commissioners. Attest: ED. WRIGHT, Secretary. i 't EXAMINATIONS TO BE HELD IN SPRING tlmated as J9.36S.70, total probable Iosh during tho period Irom January 1, 1907. to AtlRUSt 31. 1916 Inclusive. during which tlmo thoro appeared upon inn hooks ot tno company total unpaid icon or $-u,:nr.S;, or which J33.037.43 was dol!nu.uout. No HcM'rvn Run!. No nllowanco has boon Included Tor tho cstnhllshmout or a depreciation rcHorvu fund. Current maintenance expenditures will retain thn proporty In sorvlconblo condition only to tho oxtont that such ropnlrs nre iioshIIiIo on account or thn physical condition of tho Individual unit to which nppllud. It Is not to he oxpectod that such depreciable prop orty nn wooden riumo and conduit construction will laBt ImloMnltoly on tho atroncth or ordlnurv mnlnteunncn expenditures. Such structures have un ultimate limit to their Uvea na units, ut tho expiration of which total ropliicomcnt Is nccossiiry. I'riMK'i-ty Depreciable. Tho principal proporty of tho do raudnut. -which may bo classed us do procluhlo proporty, consists or n Ihtro open wooden flumo known as tho Pilot llutto Plumo, nnd various other smullor conduits. On account of alupflud life, uso and oxpnsuro to tho oiomoiHH iiiso Btructures aro j;rad unlly 'bocomluK loss dupoudublo ror sorvlco. To proiiorlv nrovldo ror tholr continuous malntcunuco In cood con dition na required by tho several con tracts with tho atnto, and by tho terms or tho samo providing ror tho ultl- innto 'transfer or control or tho Irri gation system to tho wutor users us This statement does not Include annual dnnrorlntlnn niinwn,i i.o-. nny allowance ror a reduction In rev- tororo round to bo reasonable, tho onues duo to tho impossibility or col- not Incomo rrom tho maintenance de lectliiB n cortntn portion ot thn yearly pnrtmont during nn avorago year, as rees charged. ThlH Hum has boen cs- sumlng n continuation of nresent t. ponso and rcvenuo may bo expected to reach rrom J4.000 to J5,000. Th's sum may bo considered reasonably representative or results to bo en countered lu tho near ruturo under conditions which may bo considered normal and Is sufficient margin to cover any additional maintenance cx- ponsu or omongoncy repairs which may bo found necessary. Tho commission now holng pos sessed of full knowledge of tho con ditions surrounding this complaint and In vlow or tho findings heroto foro set out. Measurement Oitlerxnl. It Is thoreforo ordered, that the Central Oregon Irrigation Company boforo tho bvglnnlng or tho IrrlKatlon season ror tho year 191S shall Install at tho point deslgnntod for delivery of wator to tho land of each Bottlor a suitable dovlco for the measure ment of all wator to bo used by tho said sottlera. Company shall also, prior to thu opening or tho Irrigation season boforo niontloned, fllo with this commission a plan ror tho sys tematic distribution or wator for Ir rigation or tho lauds or the various aottlors In turn and by rotation as will host protect and sorvo tho inter ests or nil tho users or wator rrom tho oannl B.vstom. This Man ror tho measurement nnd distribution of wa tor, before submission to this com. mission, shall havo boon unnrnvmi hv tho propor roproBontntivo of tho atato na specified In Section 4 of thocon tract executed Juno 17, 1907, bo twoou tho Stato ot Oregon and tho Dosohutes Irrigation and Powor Com pany, which contract has slnco boon soolntlon, whon such shall bo desired, 'nsslg'ned To t Z do Jo ant Centra It Is necessary and proper that a do-l0r0Kon Ir hU'nn n & Ce"tnU lirnelntlnil rmnrvo film hn natnlilluliml " ...., and sot asldo to provldo and guaran tee roplacomont of such depreciable Btruoturos whon thu ultlmnto limit of tholr useful life Is roachod, Allowance Needed. An annual nllowanco ot not loss than J3.G00.00 should bo sot aaldo each your from malittonunco feos ror bucIi imrpoBOB, Aftor duo nllowanco ror both un colloctublo nialutouauco toos ami tho That tllO Control Oracnn Irrluntlnn j Company, bororo tho oponlng or said irrigation season and continuously thoronfter whon wator Is passing through tho canals, ditches, or Humes or tho irrigation systom, shall mako ovory roaaonablo oHort to maintain tho canals, ditches and Numes In good condition, rroo from oxcesslvo leaks and obstruction nnd In such condi tion as to allow carrying capacity sufriclont for tho needs ot each sot- (Prom Thursday's Dally. 1 Congressman Nick Slnnott has been called upon by tho War De partment and tho Navy Department to designate a cadet for tho military acadomy and a midshipman tor the naval acadomy to take official exam inations ror admission during tho spring ot 1918. Ho will make designations ot prin cipals and alternates 'to fill both these vacancies on tho basis of a competi tive examination to bo held on Janu ary 9, 1918, by tho U. S. Civil Servico Commission simultaneously in the following eight cities in his district: Klamath Palls, Lalnrvlew, Ontario, nond, Baker, La Grande, Pendleton nnd Tho Dalles. Candidates should roport to local Civil Servico secretary at tho postofflco at 9 o'clock a. m. on that day. Any young man of the required age Is ellglblo to ontcr this competition who Is now, and has sinco Docember 1, 1917, been an actual bonafldo resi dent or tho Second Oregon District. Candidates ror admission lo tho mili tary academy at West Point must not bo under 17 nor over 22 years or ago on tho dnto or admission; tho naval academy, between tho ages or 16 and 20 years on date or official examina tion. Tho competitive examination will probably cover tho following sub Jocts: Algebra, geography, history, English, English composition and lit erature, piano geometry nnd English grammar, Thoso desiring to tako tho exam ination should wrlto to Congressman Slnnott. 242 House ot Representa tives, Washington, D. C. nt once, for samplo questions and furthor Infor mation. It Is roportedf3,NHOCSlvv motion. It Is important that each should also stato whothor ho protors designation to tho military or naval acadomy. army. Ho will leave for Portland to night to appear before the examining board. Dr. Merriam has been in Bond since July but has not practiced here, owing to his certlflcato being from another state. On this account ho was uncertain as to whether ha would bo pormltted to tako bis ex amination in Oregon and had delayed It until he received word this morn ing from Dr. Ralph Penton, of Port land, asking him to como at once. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK FOB ITTBLICATIO.V. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, December 1, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that Bennio Goodman, ot Mllllcan. Orecon. who. on December 19, 1913, made Home stead Entry. No. 012347. for Lot 2. SEU NWU. Shi NEH and 8E. Section 18, Township 20 South. Ranxe 15 East Willamette Meridian- has filed notico ot Intention to maVo final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore II. C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner. at Bend, Oregon, on the 14th day of January, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: will. lam Spencer, Peter B. Johnson. Ver non Clevonger, of Mllllcan; Burtoa E. Davis, of Bend, Oregon. II. PRANK WOODCOCK, 40-Up Rosister. NOTICK TO CREDITORS. Notico is hereby (given that tho undorslgncd has been by tho County Judgo of Deschutes County, Oregon, appointed executrix ot tho last will and tostament of Mary O'Donncll. de ceased, and all persons having claims against tho estate ot said deceased aro Hereby notified and required to present mo same with proper vouch ers to tho undorslgned at Bond, Ore gon, within six months after tho data of this notice. Dated and published first tlmo this 27th day of December. 1917. ANNE O'DONNELL. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament ot Mary O'Donncll, De ceased. 43-47c DR. MERRIAM FIRST TO ASK COMMISSION (Prom Monday'H Dnilv.) Dr. R. K. Merriam is the first physician tram this soctlon ot Central Oregon to apply for a commission in tho modlcal rosorvo corps ot the NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the County Court of tho Stato ot Oregon for Lako County. In tho Matter of tho Partnership Ea tate ot P. W. Sllvertooth and Sam uel A. Lester, tho former now de ceased. Notice 13 heroby given that I, Sara uol A. Lester, the duly appointed, quallfiod and acting administrator ot tho partnership estato ot P. W. 811 vortooth and Samuel A. Lest or, tho former now deceased, will, on and nfter the 31st day of January, in IS. sell at private sulo for cash In hand tno louowing described real proporty noiongiiig to said estate, to-wit: Tho north half of tho northwest quarter of tho southeast quarter, tho south west quarter of tho northwest qunr tor, and tho southeast quartor of Soc tlon twenty-olght (28). In Township twenty-two (22), south of Rango nlno (9) oast, Willamette Morldlan, In Crook County, Oregon. Said roal. property to bo sold sub ject to ro-sale and confirmation In tho same mailuer es othor sales of roal property maao by executors and administrators. In testimony wheroof, i have here unto sot my baud this twonty-fourtk day of Docomber. 1917. SAMUEL A. LESTKR. Administrator of the Partnership Estato of P. W. Sllvertooth and Sara uol A. Lester, tho formsr nn io. coased. Dato ot first Dubllcatlnn. rwam. bor 27, 1917; dato ot fourth publica tion, junuary n, ih. 43-47r