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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1918)
Ill' V I. Ml. imittJO.N.TIIUIOIIMV, JANUARY Jl, 1018 PAK a. WILLIAMS PLEADS GUILTY TO CHARGE holnB drunk and dlsordorly, was ro leased by Municipal JudRo Ellis lato yesterday. Williams plcndod KUllty to tho rharRo and was fined 2C anil soutonced to 10 days In Jail, Thin was suspended In order to rIvo hint uu opportunity to enlist In Portland. Ho will leavo tonight for Iho city. (From Friday's Dally.) Upon promlxe to enlist within 2-1 hours as a mochnnlr In tho United Btntos navy, W- C Williams, arrcatod Wodncsdny night liy Officer Kulp for GO GO PRO GELDHKS Claims allowed by Urn County Court f DiMcliutcH rotuity lit ttiu No. vnbibnr !) tr in of hiiIiI court: Mlllur l.iiiiilnir Co.. lumber for buiikms $ 73.78 Mlllor Lumber Co., lumber for liiiiikorii Miller l.uiiilinr Co., lunvbtir for liunkorH Miller l,iinilMjr Co., lumber for luiiikurn Miller l.tunliur Co.. luuibur for htinkoni Mlllnr Lumber Co., lumber for hunkers Mlllnr l.uiiilinr Co., lumber for bunkers Miller Luuihur Co., roml Ittiiiihor . ,. .Mlllor l.uiiilinr Co., roml lumber Mlllor l.uiiilinr Co.. lumber rt for bunkers Mlllor l.iiinlMir Co., lumber ftir'liunknrit W It, Wilkinson, roml ltiiu Imr Central Oregon Irrigation Co. roml supplies Mm. Mario HoIiIiik. I'ltro of M. Huvlrli Cliurli'N W. Krskluo, deputy district attorney Ivan It. ICuiitts, witness lll Iny rnn .. . N. P. Smith, supplier for shor- Iff C. V. Tlioriiwitllo, supplies for sheriff 31.80 AiiKum A. Antiunion, oxpuiia ovdepiity sheriff It U ll..l...Bla i.w t .... . in. m iiiiiiTi nt tiAjMiiinim niifii iff Aiillln ('mil, ulitrlffil AinrU. sheriff A if an K. Tate, (ilnrlcnl work, "flMOMOr .., 1'iiclflc Tul. ft Till, Co., title- pliniio. sheriff I'orlflc Tol. & Tul. Co.. tele- phono dork J. II. Manor, expenses, clerk win. A. HnrrU, janitor : O'Kano Illil. . . .. . It J. Mi-Cann, lollorliiK of flro doors . Oregon Fuel & Traim. Co,, express nml tlrnyuKo Hotel WrlKlit, ilraft board, I prisoners t I 11,'C O'Neill, meals for prls- i oner It. J. Hkolton, roml work. Dlst. 12 Curtis Christy, la Itmluinnd Potato Dhow, pota- toe for county exhibit ... Itotiurt II. Mould, map of Ilniul, sheriff (C. (V Ailntni, deputy flhurlff ,Witorn Union Tol. Co., tol- ojcrams, sheriff AVimlern Union Tol. Co,, tol- i OKfuiiiH, sheriff .Western Union Tol, Co., tol- I errsms, local lionnl 1C.0C J I. . Koiinnnl, watur toaster, October Clyde McKny, postage, coun- ty treasurer 3lagltl & Krskluo, supplies county JuiIko "MrtKlll & Hnkliio, supplies rouuty olork .... MurIII At Krskluo, supplies " surveyor Hvondor llluo Print Co., sup- plloH, mirvoyor Low urn it ft llauforil, safe for assessor' offluo Lowiiuin llnufonl, safe for treasurer's of flro 371.00 Th Owl Pharmacy, supplies for county offlcim Kuto K. Warner, board ami room, O. Whitney A. AV. Aligned, caro of O. Whitney J. J). IMtlor, supplies county hospital A. W. Aligned, witness foil, circuit court N, P. Hmltli, supplies, treas urer, romlii ). fa Hollow-, supplies for i routlH V. ( Homers, tout for roml i work It, (I. Illnckwoll, auto hlro, I roml work J Domoiit ft Co., supplies, ' road work J oo WIIhoii, roml work (IlU trlct 13 O'Douuoll IlroH.. HUPpllllH, roml camp 31.70 N. II. (Illbort, do 112.48 John W, DdiiiiIh, mipplloH, roml work 2'iM 3, K. Hurry, roml work, Htnto lilKhway 30.00 lliyiry TlimnpHon, do 31.20 ) 8. Hull, ilo 30.00 V. M. Watson, do 1G.97 (J. McLouth, do 182.20 V, II. Wilson, road, work, dlfltrlct 11 3.7f. W, A, Plnknlt, roml work, iIIh- H trict in h..; ii. co A I) li'nvlnl, l.lnlr ...,! .nml I), it. "nvi iii.un ii.i. .null work I! 1.7-1 r.i.43 Ilfi.ll H.r.8 7.01 71.08 30.00 08.30 12.00 21.00 81.88 f.2.90 COO 2T..O0 11.20 11.01 32.12 21. IT, 80.00 37-f.O 21. ir. 3.00 t 1.00 fi !.CC 31.26 8.80 10.00 18.00 COO C2.S0 3. no 10,30 2.77 20 31 GS.9Q G.O0 1.1 C 12.70 0 27 316.50 12.T.0 2.7.'. CO. 15 7.2r. COO CS1 31.10 30.00 COO .70 0.00 HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED TO THE BULLETIN'S TOBACCO FUND? !.2C 10.70 Audruw IlaiiHnii, do .. A. Itnbul, do 0, i:, lOvrliiKliam, do (loo, Martin, do Rh.rleH DavlB, do i.r.o 1.13 1.12 1.12 .38 0.00 8.03 7.87 0.00 1.87 John Ilnpp, do VV. II. Mooro, do , It. Wilkinson, do A ml row- Moon, do I, II, JnhiiHOti, do Polo Moo, do (1.75 A. It.. Koxloy, do 18.00 Aiidiiw Hanson, do 10, no V. llobul, do : 5,25 J, 13. KvrluKhnm, do COO loo. Martin, do 4,50 ihnrlus Davis, do 1,50 Foliii llapp, do 30.00 11. Monro, roml work, Htato Jill.'hwuy 37.50 . 11. Wilkinson, do 31.50 Vndrow Moon, do 24.00 . II, Johiiflou, do 10,50 'oto Moo, do , v... 31.50 Hnlo M, Olalu, stouoKraphor, j district nttornoy 30.00 P'nclflo Tol. & Tol. Co., tolo. ! phono sorvlco, suporlntoud- l on 3.00 Kolflu Tol. & Tol, Co., tolo- . phono sorvlco, treasurer .. Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co., tolo- photm sorvlco, elurk Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co., ttlo- phonn sorvlco, judi:u 2.45 (JoorKO H. Vouiik, sorvlco .. . COO J. II. Hanor. oxpcnnis. clork.. 12.51 Itcilniond Hpokr-rniin. Co, hoipllal, superlniundrnt .... 55.40 W. K. Klnior ft Co.. supplh's supnrlntnudont 15.74 J. Alton Thompson, oxpoiuon HUporlntcndriit ... 84.74 Dr. J. K. llosch, registrar's f(n 1.25 Dr. II. M. KolihliiN, do 75 I-:. I.. Johnson, do 76 P. II. Johnson, do .75 Dr. II. Forrol, do 17.50 W. II. H.iKKtt, drnwIiiK hos pital contract .... 2.00 Mannholmor Ilros , supptlod, road work 4.75 itodmond hospital, cum coun ty pHtlonts ... 141. SO J, A. Kiistns, attorney foes, ClliiKiiu-KaNtiNt (dlsnl'd) ... 300.00 D. H. Hall, roml work, stato hallway 4.80 John J CunnliiKhtwu, do ... 175.50 John J. CiiiiuluKhum, do .... 71.50 Ilniul Hiiullm: Co., oxpriisi mid drayaK 7.80 Pond W. U ft P. Co.. Ilchts 24.45 (linns ft Pruilhomiiin Co., Iok- til blanks 1,14 H. K, l.orhrlo, deputy sheriff 15.20 Tuin-A-I.uin Lumber Co., Mdso. for roads 103.45 W. J. Iluckloy, road work, districts 10, 17, 18 100 25 M. K. Hopor, do 40.60 John A. Pickens, do 4 8.00 Ktflvn Leonard, do 30.00 Lester llryim, Hlstors-lted- moud road 21.00 Mr. Wood, do 0.00 Mr, Woods, do ... i 10.50 W. J, Ilucklny, roml work, districts 10. 17. 18 13.60 M. K. Hopor, do 3.00 John A. PUikous, do 10.50 Htovo l.oounrd, do 3.00 Tho Wnriiur Co., Hiipplles 1.26 (lonovlovo Wok n or, ruuordliiit clerk's officii 22.60 IMward II. Koano, survlcus, Juvenile court .. .r 1.00 L. -M. Melteyuoldu, Janitor flurvlnu, Oct 20.00 J, F, llosch, modlcal Harvluim October 50.00 (llnss ft Prullliomuiu, local lilaukH 00 Class ft Priidhominu, uinrt- KiiKO reoord 43,50 Ileud HaullUK Co,, haulliiK safes 20.00 Ileud Furnltiiro Co,, office elialru 45.00 Ileud Furnltiiro Co,, furnl tiiro, county offlcim 150.00 Kdward II. ICoauo, deputy sheriff 85.00 Juy Haltzmnn, deputy Bliorlff 04.00 Claims allowed by tho County C,ourt of DcBchutoa county, at tho NovombuV 21 term of said court. H, Ii. Itoborts, special work.... 50.00 U. A. AnunoiiB, deputy shor lff 11.00 Horaco IlronkliiiKS, deputy Hhorlff 12.00 IrwIiHlIndion Oo Hilpillles, county jiiiIko 7.70 lloud Ilullotlu, liubllshlut; jirocoodhiKs 27.10 llenil llullutln, nsuousor, hcIiooI Hiiporlntomlont 18.45 Doud Ilullotlu, clork, Bliorlff 37.70 Hoinlurrton Typo. Co,, ribbon ami carbon for clork 27.00 OroRou Fuol & TrmiBfor Co,, draynco for tronauror 1.00 J, J, Cuiinjiighuui, Juror, Dunn en no 9.00 O. O. KIiik, witness, Ilalluy ca3 2.00 Louis Ilcnnott, supplies for county hospital 2.55 Glass ft Prudhommn, sup plies, clerk's offlco 77 Peclflc Tol. ft Tel. Co., tele phone, school superintend ent 1.00 K. P. Ilrnstcrhous, reinforcing and raising safo 90.32 P. II. Davis ft Co., road sup plies 3 90 standard Oil Co., Kas, county truck 12. S9 W. It. Wilkinson, supplies for road work 20.92 Arthur Vandevert. removing I cow from river 5.00 It. A, Ward, expenses to Land Products Bhow 29. K. John W. Cray, road work, District 11 10.00 F. M. White, road work, Dls- trlct 10 2.50 K. II. Whit more, postage, clerk's offlco 01.50 Hood Hardwarn Co., roads, sheriff, clerk nntcmfw sheriff, Co. court 137.28 A. It. Foxley, road work, brick yard to Tumalo roml 12.00 Audraw Hansen, do 12.00 John llapp, do 22.50 Peter Moo, do IS. 00 J. II. Johnson, do 15.00 II. A. (Sosnoy, do 14.25 W. II. Mooro, do 25.60 Andrew Moon, do 13.50 A. It. oxley. do 48.00 Andrew Hansen, do 48.00 John Ilnpp, do 90.00 Potcr Moo, do 78.00 J. H. Johnson, do . 64.60 H. A. Oosney, do 10C50 W. U. Moore, do 120.75 Andrew Moon, do 54.00 WINTER SCARED OFF, SAYS THERMOMETER Dcernilicr 2f Voir IN-Rlstcrvtl Minimum of Komi Dem-sl Above xTt). (From Saturday's Dally.) On Docembor 29 last yoar Dond was not enjoying spring weather. The fact of tho matter Is, tho sky was cloudy Instead of bluo and tho ther mometer registered a minimum of Bovoti degrees abovo zoro, not tho temperature of 51 recorded last night. Last year 89 was tho warmest It climbed to during tho day. Harly this afternoon tho weathor recorder found 00 decrees had already been reached. Where has winter gone? Last De- comber wo had 8.75 Inches of snow, but so far this month has seen only .5 of an Inch. Throughout tho entire 31 days tho thermometer has. shown an nvorago of 10 degrees more than In 1910. j33MBSU PEARL STANDARD OIL PSj PERFECTION OIE HEATER FOR SALE DY F. DEMENT & CO. BEND HARDWARE GO. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. Shoes for Real Service OL'U HPKCIALTV IS TO MAKH HIIOKS THAT HTANII Till J TKHT NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mndo for this kind of country. Nono aro bet ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsomo serviceable dress shoo for men. Cannot be beaten for tho money. Olvo these shoe a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. Tho A. Hanson Logger Shoes of Thrco Lakes, Wis., are lmnd-mado and cno of tho very best of Its kind. Special in ado-to-order work tcken for this shoo. uivto-dati: Hiioi: itKPAiuixn BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND ORECON Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Floorinir nd nil kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of SuUrd Slta. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales AK'cnt, MILLER LUMBKU CO. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Filth sad WiihiBtfon SuttU PORTLAND. OREGON CcriraBy Uald Tie Hotel f&r YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot ears pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S cartransfer at 5thSt. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES L. A IV Y E II First National Dank Building Bend :: :: Oregon H. H. DcARMOND l a w y i: n O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon ARTHUR J. MOORE Lawyer Log- Cabin Bulldlnjr Rend, Ore. Phone Black 1411 DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician nml Hurxeou Phone Rod 271 Hours 9-13 a. m.; 1-5 p. m.; 7-9 p. ra. O'Kniio Building J. E. KNGEBRETSON, l'Ll'MHIXG AXI) HEATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. VMKSMHSHHMMMHMMSMiaiaasasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaBHisMiaaaiSMMHHSSSSSrsassssasM Phone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-1 O'Kano Building BEND ... OIIEOON H. O. B L L I S Attorneyat-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON Shoe Repairing: Done In a KIHST.CLAS9 man ner, while you wait. L. Goodman, oppostto llaker'a Grocery. O. P. NISWONQER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licenced L'mlmlmer, Funeral Director. Phono Rod 421. Lady Aflat. O. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Bulldlns, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DEJNTIBT Sutto 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprnpnthlc I'hj-slciun Over Logan I-urnlturo Co, Wall Street Hours 9 to S Phone Red 4B2 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Storttt and Forwarding-, Gtntrsl Com- mlulon UtrchanU. Wo errr Oil, GuoUno, Baar, Vlanr, Salt Mtatf, Ham. Bacon and LJL j" ki '.-if. trt..l. i vtm latni.iirnMMM.W1.