rAos a HRN1 BULLETIN, HKN1), OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY II, IDIR N, Central Oregon Neighborhood News --- PARTY GIVEN FOR PLAINVIEW VISITOR Miss Mnrgtierlto FllcMngrr, of Berke ley, California, Entertained at Chnlfnn Itauch. (Special In Tho Duttotln.) PLA1NVIKW, Jan. 2. Miss Mar caret Fllcklnger, of Rurkoley, Cali fornia, Mr. and .Mrs. Fllcklnger and Bon, Roger, Mr. MUlor, of Tumnlo, nnd Miss Ornco Rlggs, of tlcdmoml, wero cntortnlned at tho Chalfan ranch on Christmas day. A delicious dinner was served and In tho uvonlng tho guests enjoyed several games of .cards. Miss Fllcklnger Is a former j classmate or Miss Rlggs and at pres ent Is attending tho University of California. Mrs. S. L. JIutrcss and son, James, nro visiting In Clovcrdalo this week. last Friday night a number of friends tgavo John McKlnney a birth day surprise. A very pleasant even ing was enjoyed by tho guests. Tho O. 1. O. club will meet with "Mrs. Van Tassel, Sr., on next Thurs day afternoon. J. W. A. Scoggln and family tyul vAndrow Armstrong and family wcro Kucsts at tho homo of Louis Dennett In Bend, on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hartley at tended tho dance at Sisters, Christ mas night. Word has 4ecn received from Mrs. Hartley's sister. Miss lluth Hollo well, that nho Is located at present In California doing work as a Red Cross nurse. A watch night party was held at tho homo of Andrew Armstrong on Monday evening, December 31. A good crowd met to enjoy games and music. Dollclous refreshments were served. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM GIVEN AT SCHOOL (Special to Tho Dullctin) BEND. It. F. 'D.. Jan. 2. Tho Christmas program, which was given at the Mountain Vlow school, was well attended, several from Dend be ing present. Mrs. J. W. Wornstaft left Tuesday night for Clackamas, wherq sho will spend the holidays with her folks. The A. .Ncff family took Xmas din ner at W. L. Coffey's. Beatrice Carson has been quite ill the -past wek. A. L. Smith, of Powell Butte, at tended the program at the Mountain View school house. Mrs. G. L. Moore and daughter trailed on Mrs. A. Neff, Saturday. J. W. Wornstaft has purchased a Tord car. Mr. and MrB. Lee Young and fam ily were visitors at the W. L. Coffey home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Malosh. also Mr. and Mrs. Carson wero guests at the J. T. JJewborry home on Christmas. Virgil Cook bid moved on Dearaond place, east of Bend. tho HOLIDAY VISITORS AT PRINGLE FLAT Impromptu Danco Given Christmas Nlslrt House Party at Evans Home. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PRINGLE FLAT, Jan. Mrs. Stetson returned from Bend, whoro jivBjSBS'rfii ?HSv nMBtaHHDHSH HftT'ii'tn't wjjj i'i lllv'fiiiB' .HkbIi .Mi 'i BHf 1 li vllllJH Central Oregon Bank BEND, OREGON OFFICERS: D. K. HUNTER, President CARLKTON II. SWIFT, Vice-President E. P. MAIIAFFEV, 2nd Vice-President, If. M. STEPHENS, Cashier FE.VDEL WAITE, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: D. E. Hunter J,. O'Donnell Carlcton B. Swift E. P. Slahaffcy II. jr. Stephen Every facility for accomodating the investors of Central Oregon --- she attended teachers' Instltuto tho past week. Harry Evans Is homo tor tho holi days. Robert Pearson Is home tor Christ mas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Rlackstono enter tained Mr. nnd Mrs. Danlelsnn and children, Robort Pearson and Martin Oraybourg, Christmas day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Evans nro entertain ing a merry house party during tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hamlin had ns guests at Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer nnd children and C. U. Todd nnd Mrs. Stetson. An Impromptu danco was given nt tho hall Christmas night, attended by those who did not go to Ilrothcrs. C. n. Todd returned Wednesday to tho mill. F. W. Hamlin and E. W. Palmer returned Wednesday afternoon to tho mill. News has been received of tho birth of a fine seven-pound boy to Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Ransom, who nro spend ing the winter in Ucnd. Mr. Carpenter Is home from Rend for Christmas. SANTA CLAUS CALLS AT XMAS FESTIVITIES Tree nt Deschutes Mirny Pleasant JUdgo People Attended Entertainment. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PLEASANT RIDGE, Jan. 2. A number from this neighborhood at tended the Christmas tree at Des chutes on Monday night. A good pro gram was rendered and a trco and a real live Santa Claus wcro enjoyed by the littlo ones. N. W. Gray was In Redmond on business Thursday. A. A. Green Is hauling hay from tho Williams placo for the Scoggln brothers. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were Dend visitors Friday. Gust Nelson was down from Bend over Sunday. Rasmus Peterson has been out bal ing hay this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chase were In Dend Friday to sco their daughter, Etta, who Is In tho hospital there. Antono Ahlstrom took tho road grader back to Tumalo Thursday. Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Johan sen were In Redmond Saturday. They wcro accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mlkkclson, of Deschutes. Andrew Nelson and Jake Peterson attend tho sale at Sam Wood's Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were in Redmond Saturday. D. A. Beeson was In Bend Satur day. Jake Peterson and family, accom panied by Rev. Scott and family, of Torrebonnc, visited friends near Dend .Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chase wore In Redmond on business Saturday. Ernest Frank and son, Kenneth, were In Redmond Monday. Dell Beeson Is working for Mr. Cook on tho Blrdsong place. Rasmus Peterson entertained a number of his friends and neighbors at dinner Christmas day. MANY ARE VISITORS AT HAMPTON BUTTE (Special to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON BUTTE. Dec. 29 C. J. Stauffer and sons, Pago and Roy, passed through hero Saturday night on their way homo from Prlnovlllo, whoro thoy hnvo been working sev eral .weeks. Mnrrln Porry was n passongor on tho mall utago Thursday, Miss Glennlo Lund, t Sluuffor, wont to Bond on (ho stngo Friday. Sho will visit with hor pnrontunt Portland sovornl weeks. Mr. and Mns. Jnko Books nnd Thomas Ewlng wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. Brookings Christmas. Paul Brookings Is spending his vacation with his parents. J. M. Brlckey nto ChrlRtmas din nor with Bert Meoks. 'llort Mocks has boon sowing ryo tho past wook. Miss Mary Stnutfcr passed through hero on her way homo, whoro shu Will spend hor vacation. For farm laud loaas sco J. Ryan & Co. Adv. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Santa Clan Distribute (JIM to the Children A ft it Entertainment In Scho.il House, (Spcclnl to tho Bulletin.) LOWER BRIDGE. Deo. 2i.- The annual Xmns program was hold at the school house Monday evening. Tho school was beautifully decorated, and n very good program rendered, after which Santa Claus distributed gifts to tho children. Dr. Hosch, ot Rcdnfond, spoko for tho Rod Cross drlvo. Thirty-two now members wcro secured. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hunt and fam ily wero entertained nt Chrlstmns dinner .by A. S. Holmes. A. B. Wiggins and Mr. Angel, nt Paulina, wero at tho Hosklus place on Monday. L. A. Hunt was n Bend visitor on Thursday. C. F. Hosklns took n four-horse load of hogs to Bond'on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Towno nnd fam ily spent Christmas with tho Moore family in Terrebonne A. S. Holmes was very stck the past week, from ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. Mury Chapman went to her home at Hood River to spend the hol idays. Mrs. L. A. Hunt nnd Mrs. David Mllburn met at Mrs. Walters nlaco on Monday to till tho Xmas bags tor tho children. Frank Chnpman, Marlon Hosklns and Darwin Walters wuro Redmond visitors Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Gus StndSg went to Seattle for a two weeks' visit over tho holidays. Mrs. Walters entertained nt din nor on Christmas, Frank nnd Russell Chnpman, L. F. Rico and daughters. Hope and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller nnd sm spout Christmas -with Redmond friends. Tho Red Cross auxiliary met at tho Hosklns homo on Wednesday, Tho yarn for sweaters has come and knitting was started. John Gotter and Dean Von. Matre, of Cloverdalc. were Lower Bridge vis itors on Friday. COMMUNITY TREE IS ATTENDED IIV MANY Children From Shepunl nnd Wllfton School District GItw Program. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) POWELL BUTTE, Jan. 2. Tho Xmas trco at tho community hall on Xmns ovo was well attended. Tho children of the Shcpard and Wilson districts rendered a very enjoyable program. After tho program, treats wero passed to everyone, Tho II C lou rrom tho Amos treo fund was donated to tho Red Cross. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. N. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shurtrum and Mori Shurtrum, or Pendleton, left for Portland several days before Christ mas. Thoy expect to remain until after tho holidays. Mrs, J, M. Shearer and daughtor, Ruth, spent from Sunday until Wed nesday of last wook with Mrs. Shoar er's paronts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orowcllcr. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foster enter tained Mr. and Mrs, Ray Leonard on Christmas day. Thoy attended tho show at Bond In tho evening. Mr, and Mrs. Alton Wlllcoxon and daughter, Harriot, wero entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon at Christmas dlnnor. Miss Fay Dussott visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds at Redmond IuhI Thursday and Friday. Mr. und Mrs. E. A. Dussott enter tained at Christmas dlnnor, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Busseet and daughter, Margaret, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Dort Reynolds, of Redmond. J. M, Shearer spent Tuesday nnd Wednesday ot last week at tho Ore weilcr mill, Tom Pursley and family wore guests ut tho J. P. Bowman ranch for Sunday dlnnor. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dayn took Christmas dlnnor with Mr. und Mru. Frank Bnyn, nt Deschuto.i. J. A. Rlggn spent Xmas with rela tives at Bend, Mr and Mra, Allen Wlllcoson spout Thursday In Dend. Grongo Hobbs Iiub purchased a Ford roadster. Mr. and Mrs. Al McCoy havo moved SF STOP! And lnvoHtlgate our prlci before buylug your groceries. Wo can wave you money. P.B.Johnson's Mllllcau. Ore. Telenhona iBi M33 IJf ' . rli iHEIuRt Whn you ahtw drsvfly ty HH ' vStf rH(: A Lllllt Ch,w ' Knouah' tfl IV CT B " It ! " tona Ji WJA- HLILILWr Th. Qood Qrily Til t. , BjiiiflL ,o' b r ,t ' wVVMumi v r JtJ that 010 cud of his -but wSVSj,u V 3V3!V?v YOU'VE GOT IT ALL OVER JJjWHilr jq mW'lm him. you can read my lllljlr Hr CTPMi'llPl TM DILLDOARD AND CHEW ( ' I lJOQYi IQltTtm PROTECTION BHAI.-IT IH NOT HJ1AL ORAVKLY W1THOITT Tl ll.T HnAt. Sy on tho J. A. Rlggs ranch. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foster, Boh Johnson nnd Dirk Long attended tho show In Prlnevlllu Saturday evening, E. A. Ilussett and family wuro en tertained ut Ihn l'ntnr I 'mi In hiitnii Saturday evening for dinner. Protracted meetings are being held nt tho community hull this week. Mrs. I-;. A. ilussett and daughter, Grandma Brown and Gladys Pauls returned to Prlnevlllu Sunday, after a two weeks' vacation Dill oung hus been doing some repair work on his restaurant. It was recently damngod by fire. Thorn ivim 11 lAririt nt tniiiliinri, nt tho tlnncn Friday ovoulng nt the com munity nan. Aootit iuu was cleared. Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon was unite 111 tho first part nt the week. MOVE TELEPHONE LINESATM1LLICAN Itaurher'K Team Rmii Ann) School Entertainment 1 11 Country Art Enjo) rd. (Special to The Bulletin.) MILLICAN, Doc. 2'J. Isndoro Goodman had a ruunway with his team Thursday, and one of the horses has n very badly cut leg. from run ning Into u wire fence. P. I). Johnson, It. R. Keller and several others are moving purl of the Johnson telephone line out of tho timber onto the main road. A small audience enjoyed tho pro gram at the East End school houxe, December 22. The children were much pleased with tokens from their schoolmates and teacher. Leo Tauscher went to Bend by auto Saturday. Jack De Rushn and Leo Keller returned with Leo Taus cher from Dend Sunday. Mr. Keller will stay with his family until after Now Years day. but the. other visitors returned to Dend Wednesday P. D. Johnson made a trip to Dend Wednesday. A large audience enjoyed tho pro gram at tho West Eend school house Docombor 2. All numbers on tho program wero well rendered, and through tho efforts of Mr. nnd Mrs. I. L. Owen, overyono received a gift. Wo nro sorry to learn tlinl Mrs. Owen, owing to 111 hcnlth. will noon resign ns one of our teachers, A dance wns given by Mr. and Mrs. Grover Caldwell at tho Sloan ranch December 25. A lorgc crowd attended nnd all report n good tlmo. Ooldlo Couaway was out from Dend visiting with relatives and friends, Mrs. R. R. Keller visited with Mrs. P. D, Johnson Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. A. A. Gllmore culled at the P. D. Johnson home Wednesday, Mr. und Mrs. A. A. Gllmoru wero Wcdnosday ovonlng callers nt the R. R. Keller homo. G. ('. Daugheiihaugh willed at tho Johnson homo on business Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Crabbier nnd cbll- dreu, from Hemsted. called at tho P. D. Johnson home Wednesday. Mrs, J, J. Holland was n Thurs day ufternoon caller at tho It. It. Keller home. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Keller had Xmas dinner with Mrs. Keller's parents. W. A. Kuhn spent Christmas day at the EII Spencer home. Mr, and Mrs. Van Clove and sou spout XmaH on thu High Dosert. It. R. Keller found 10 stray sheep, belonging to Frank Sloan, Thursday. A. I). Norton Is busy plowing theso days, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Porclval had n number of guests fur dinner on Christmas, Judge nnd Mrs, II, 0. Ellis, of Dend, being among tho nil la bor. P. D. Johnson was busy ropalrlirg tho telephone lino Thursday ufter noon. Soe J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loans. Adv. BRICK vs. BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE g"1 BEND HOUSE AT STAUFFER WILL RE REBUILT (Special to Tho Dulletln.) STAUFFER, Dee. 2D. II, F Rhodes hnn just Mulshed moving tho Ashey house, which will be made Into a barn. Juddy Hnsch experts to make a trp to Dend for hay this week, Minn Mary Stauffer urrlved from Dend on the mail stage Monday to Spend tho holidays with relatives and friends. P. L, Forbes started for Han Fran clsro this morning. He exports 'to flint employment In machine shops. C. H. Davis mid wife and MIm Alntie Arnold wore (guests at the J. II. Hnss ler homo Thursday evening. T. L. Cowan motored Into Dend Friday, accompanied by Miss Arnold nnd C. S. Dnvls and wife. Mr. und Mrs, C. J. Stauffer enter tained a number of friends on Christ mas day. Ml Glennlo Lund Is upending her vacation In Portland. J, II. Husster mude n trip to Chi cago valley Wednesday. D. T. Knuspuhl, P. L. Forbes, Mr. Young and the Stnuffer drove to LakevleM last Thursday. W. T. Cowan Is on tho sick list this week. J. II. Marnier Is building a burn. Carry nnd M.tudo Drown spent the week end at Stauffer. Page and Mary Stauffer autoed to Dend Sunday, returning Monday. (our chairs at your nor vice at the Metropolitan. No waiting, Adv. ARRESTS I'AILMEIt. (From Monday's Dally.) John Gray, a farmer of Deschutes, was arrested this morning by Sheriff! Roberts, on a charge of stealing a cow on December 10, P. C. Hardy made tho complaint. CLUB REPORT SHOWS WORK OF MEMBERS Nccdlrcraft Women fllvo Much to Red 'rofN In Pant SI Mouths MntcrlaU Art- Donated. (From SaturdnV Dally.) Proof that even a small -women's organization, If properly conducted, cuti do much good In aiding tho war Is tho noticeable feature of tho semi annual report which tho Nccdtecrnft club, nf Doulevard addition, com pleted this week, Thu club wilt be remembered n the 0110 which a fow days ago sent 1 1 1 Christmas boxes to Camp Lewis. Early In July the group of club women Joined tho "My j America league nnu uucnino aonvoiy engaged In Red Cross work. Many nf tho materials used In thu making of the articles which they later turned over to tho local branch of tho Red Crohn woru donated by the members although 10 pairs of bed socks and 0110 dozen nightingales worn inado out of tho cloth supplied by tho Red Cross, Other articles manufactured by patient fingers were throe dozen dust cloths, 10 dozen handkorchlef substitutes, two dozen Hcrub cloths mid thren and ouo-hnlf dozen napkins. Two rainbow coun terpanes nnd flvo additional knitted squui'cs wuro sunt dlreqt to Portland hondqunrtors. These with candy for tho 111 Christmas boxes, 13 comfort kits and 18 pairs of wrlstlots com plete tho work of tho club for tho six months. Mntorlals for tho hospital supplies und counterpanes wero tnndu from old OTHER BUILDINGS OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT $2:000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 BRICK & LUMBER CO., T fill DRAFT Pel TO FEBRUARY 15 FI'Tt'lti: urOTAH TO HE FILLED FROM CLASS I NEXT OFFI CERS TRAINING CAMP WILL BEGIN JANUARY 1.1 IN SOUTH. (From Monday's Dally.) PORTLAND, Or,, Dee. 31. -Except t;i fill vacancies In cmII already made, no more men will he drafted from Oregon or other stales before February IC As nit questionnaire will lie completed before that date, this will give men taken hereafter, uxrept such few ns may be needed prior to February If, to fill vacancies, the advantage of the now classified lion system. Very few men would hnvo been taken from Oregon In any event prior to the next dntft, which It Is an noiinced will hit not earlier than Feb ruury lf. This Is one of only 10 Estates that have already filled their quotas In th. first draft, barring a few vacancies caused by rojoctlfu nt the truliilng camps. Future draft quotas are to be filled from Class I, comprising men without dependents. They will bo drafted from deferred classifications riily when Class I Is exhnusted, thus umU. ,1 Ing It nnceary to go to the next class for enough men to fill up the quota. An exception to this will be made In the rase of exports and men highly skilled In agriculture or Industries It Is announced that tho government will soon rail for a largo number of men of this special class. They will be tnken as iiHcded for such special work from whatever classification they may havo boon granted, A limited number of officers not now In ncllvo service, nnd retired of ficers of the Oregon Nutlonnl Guard, who are physically fit and between tho nges nf 2.1 and 47, nro eligible for enlistment ns privates first class for attendance nt tho next officers' train ing camps, which hwln Jnnuary IB. Official word to this effect has Just boon received by John M. WHllJhis. acting adjutant gunornl, from tho chief of tho bureau of military affairs nt Washington, with tho request that It lie given publicity, Applications for tho camps by such officers must bo approved by tho bu reau. Those qualifying nt the camps, which will ho held In Southern Cali fornia nnd the southern states, will recolve commissions, sheets, old table linen, owoators which had passed tholr daya of use fulness nnd nmnll aernpa of yarn Itft from other knitted garments. Tho club will continue this work noxt year nnd the womon ink that If any per sons earn to contrlbuto material of this sort thoy drop n curd to Mrs. R. W. Lnonard and 0110 of tho club Indies will call for tho bundle. A fow Hwoatora to bo lined In making coun terpanes, Homo yarn suitable for wristlets and H.C8 In cash nro nUJI on hand to begin tho now year. " I ; t 1 I. I ii c; K It ft i" c v M M ,"M I, !. Tl K A J. A N. O. V. It, ! !' Jo O' m N. Jo 3. I If, D W G. F. W. An A. 0. do. Oh' Jol IV. A. An I. 101 1. lo !hi Jol W. 1 J. Vti 1. I ot OlA pa ' 1 r ffi