The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 03, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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THE bend bulletin
ih:ni, ukhciwtvm county', oiu-oon, thchhdav, jantauvji, iimh
. . . ....
Public Service Commission Files Its Re
port of Conditions
Some Farms Said to Be Neglected Others Get More
Than Their Share Investigation Shows That All
Maintenance Fees Were Not Used For That Purpose
II. II. I)c Armond Thinks Settlers Have Won Vic
tory Over Company Orders From Slate Commis
sion Received Today History of Complaint Given.
Ordering thnt tho Control On-con
Irrigation Company dim 1 1 Imlall do
vlrca for tho mcaauromont of watnr
on tint Inml of each acttlcr, fllo a
jiUti for tho systematic tlollvcry of
wa'nr In (ho Irrigation season of
lt15. tho Oregon 1'ubllc Aorvlco Com
mlmlon linn rendered Ita roport on
th Investigation tnnila by It of tho
nffalra of tho company In 111 1C. Other
ortiora uro that tho company mako
jvry effort to keep It Irrigation
, wyslom In Rood condition mid frco
from leaks mid establish a depretia
tlon and reserve fund to bn oxpondnd
on tho approval of tho Communion.
In tho findings, upon which tliu or
lor nro in a do, tho chief crltlclmn of
tho company la that It haa not used
nil tho maintenance fees In maln-
Cenaneo, thereby, to n corlaln extent,
making tho ictllora' walur aupply In
Hiifflclont. Tho ninali, dltchr and
flume nro found to bo of sufficient
"Ire, If properly maintained, to aup-
ply water to landa now aold.
If, II, Do Armond, of Ilond, repre
nrnted tho sottlora In tho hearing bo
foro tho commliklon In tho prelim
inary actions and haa received tho ro
port today with conalderablo rwtU fac
Detlro for clcanllnoaa Tnay or
may not havo boon tho object
- In tho theft of a washing ma-
china from tho back porch of
tho J. L. Snyder homo on tho
cornor of Dlvlnton and Norton
t roots Monday evening. Trncka
leading from tho yard would
-Indicate that thn automatic
- laundry assistant had been trim-
dlod down tho atreot In u chlld'a
oxprosa wagon mid taken undor
' - tho viaduct.
Although u now wringer
repoaod by tho atdo of tho wash-
r, thn mnchlnn woh tho only
- nrtlclu nilanod. Mr. Snydor haa
reported hta loas to tho pollco.
Residents of Bend Provide
Many Soldiers With Smokes
(From Wodncadny'B Dally.)
Monoy for Tho Bulletin fund to
Mitpply amokoa for tho Amorlcan sol
diers "joniowhoro In Fronc'o" con
tinues to como In In generous meuH
tire. Frlonda and parontM of men
-who nro now In aorvlco nro bringing
In tholr contributions mid sums nro
ditto brought nnd sont In by pooplo
who havo no relatives tu tho aorvlco,
f( lm t who wiiut to do n llttlo aomolhliig
toward making thlugu oaalor-for tho
lipya In tho tronchcu.
Tltroo romUtnncoa havo now boon
intdo to Now York In paympnt for
tobacco kits, onch ono lunger than Ita
a prcdocoBsor. Altogothor ?34.7G haa
' boon uoitt which will pay for 130
Idtn, Kueli packngo contains about
twlco un much tobacco us could bo
bought, by an Individual contributor
M'lth tho samo amount of monoy and
onch contultiB n utnmpod nnd luldrcsH
rid post card on which tho recipient
1 naked to ncknowlodgo tho gift to
tho poraon making tho contribution.
If you havo not yot sont In your
fontiihittloii sond It uqw, Thoso
whpHO 'girts worn Included in tho luut
omlttanco nro U? tollpwiugj' , -I'rqyjmiBl
naknoylodgod J10.CO
Ir8, Nettle SIovoiiboh CO
tion, feeling that tho settler havo
won a distinct victory.
Tho lleport.
Tho roport In full la an followa:
P. H. . Or. Order No. UI.1.
Before thn Public Hervlco Commlaalou
of Oregon; Central Oregon Irrlga
tlon Company, Water filers' Aa
anclatlon, a co-oporntlvo iisaorla
tlon, plaintiff, va Cunt nil Oregon
IrrlKatlou Company, a corporation,
d it fund a ti ta. IMMGl,
Complaint by thn Control Oregon
Irrigation Company Water Uaora As-
aoclatlon nKnluat tho Central Oregon
IrrlKatlou Company alleging that the
Irrigation ayatum of tho defendant la
liiauffkiuut In alto and capacity to
provide n rnaaniiutilo service; that
curtain structures the ruin ore In a
atato of rtecny, and threaten to col-j
iapo; mat tliu ilorendant falls anil
refue to repair audi structures, or
provldo for adequate malntonnnco of
ita system although tho wator uaora
havo contributed largo auma for that
purpoio, and that tho defendant dla
crlmlnatoa unjuatly In tho dlatrlbu
tlon of water.
Immediately upoh thn riling of tho
complaint herein tho defendant com
pany In an original proceeding In tho
aupremo court of thla atato, applied
for a writ of prohibition restraining
tho commlaalon from proceeding to
hear and doturmluo any mattora per
taining to thla defendants operations.
A domurror to tho petition waa In
(Continued onl'ago 7.)
(From Frlday'a Dally.)
Friend of County Clerk J. II. Ha
nor went -fronted to an unusual alght
last night In tho ahnpo of a lunar
rainbow which waa vlalblo In tho
western aky between 0 and C:30
o'clock, Thla doe a not moan that
only Mr. Hanor'a frlouda could boo
tho phenomenon. It waa vlalblo to
all. Mr. Manor, however, aaw It flrat
and at onco got busy on tho tolophono
to call hla frlonda' nttontlon to It. Tho
rainbow mndn n comploto nrc and,
although at timed faint, allowed tho
rainbow quite clearly In nplto of tho
Mrs. Jonnlo Ovornll ... ... 1.00
II, L. Allen , ..........M. 1.00
II. II. Lamping ..-..... 1.00
A. M. Prlnglo 1.00
lonn Mario Ilulloy 60
J. K. Cooper ,25
MrB. K. C. llrlck 25
11. W. Alloy 25
Inox Poucu 25
Carroll Pouco 25
Mrs. W. II. Uoyuolda 25
11. C. Hilton 25
doorga M. Krlnkaou 25
Mra, S. A. llnkor 50
Louis Doouor 1,00
Susy Kelly 1.00
Wilfred O. Orr 25
Mrs. II. Moll ,.. .60
Jnmoa Black 1.00
H, J. Ovorturf 60
II. J, Sottong 60
Loo HIkks 50
Agnes M, Sottong 25
John Lobsoq , , 1,00
W. O. Orlffln 25
Frod It. Itoynolds ; ,25
W. Forguson 26
Mlnnlo O. Chaso , ,26
0. O, Giwdwoll , ,, 25
Total ', $34.75
IN 1917 L
'increased ' 4 '
Mini)' Nov Buildings llicctcil Public
Iinprotriilciitn Aio .Made Wg
KxiM'iHllturt'fl For Light mill
Wnler I'arllltliff.
(From Mnndny'a Dally.)
That Ilond hua grown more thla
year than In any othor of Ita hlatory
la ahown by tho largo number of aub
Manila! hulldlnga erected, tho In
cronao In bank dnpnatta and tho Im
provement! and uddltloua mado In all
brauchea of btialneaa. Hundroda of
now rcalduuta have como Into tho city
and while, of courac, thoro la u atoady
drain on account of tho transient pop
ulation, ii great gain may bo noted.
Tliu town la growing In wealth.
There nro no unemployed. Hanking
huslncaa la on the upcllne. Tho Flrat
National bank depoalta according to
Matomoiiln Untied on December 27,
1 UIO, and November 20, 1117, In
criKiaed 1382.040. AC, whllu tho Cen
tral Orogoii Ilauk gained $120,000, or
practically 75 per cent.
.New IIiiIIi1Iiii;.
In tho Hat of big building erected
In 1917 nro tho Deachutea Develop
ment Company building, Prlnglo
block, I., h. Fox garage, iluffachmldt
Diigiiu iiiarhlno ahlp, now unit to tho
power plant, Hphler building, Da-
ment'a warehouse and tho Hond Ama
teur Athletic club quartern. A largo
addition to tho Kliovllu-Hlxon mill
waa tho Installation of tho third
band, which meant the employment
of moro men. Tho announcement
waa alao made that a fourth ono
would bo placed In tho mill early thla
aprtng. Tho Ilrooka-Scanlon com
pany la now conatructlng a now dry
ahod on account of tho need tor In
created storage apaco.
ltarn Kunia Kxpciulnl.
In a roport of tho Ilend Wator,
Light & Power Company covering
tho yoar up to Docomber 1, aro ahown
tho Improved facilities In lighting
and 'water aupply. An cxpendlturo
of $01,884 la represented In the lm-
provcraonis, wmen inciuuo iiu.ouo in
water main extensions and hydrants,
J3C.0OO for an addition to tho power
. .
plant and 16,1 GO for extending tho
oloctrlcal distribution yitoni. A total
01 lauu norao power is now novel-
opiMi oj- uiu loeni power nouso. ai -
though tho city Is spread over a wide
territory, wator and electric aorvlco
reach almost every section. Slnco
tho first of tho year 109 now cus
tomers wore added to the company's
hooka, making n total or 1110.
A atop accomplished toward secur
ing flro protection was tho Installa
tion of 20 now hydrants. Although
tho city haa not yot purchased n flro
alron, the one tried out recontly gave
such satisfaction that It will probably
soon bocomo tho property or Ilond.
.Moro Phones In City.
Tolophono aorvlco has also shown
a growth. During tho past 12 months
tho number of subscribers Increased
from 243 to GOO. Tho three or four
miles of cublu recently strung pro
vldod phones for parts of tho city
hitherto not accommodated. Tho
sum ot $75,000 was spout In con
Htructlon work hlonn. Had It boon
possible to secure oqulpmont, accord
ing to J. L. Oalthor, manager ot tho
local Pacific Tolophono & Telegraph
Company, It wna Intended to open a
now central office. Thla la In pros
pect for tho now year.
Fow Btroot Improvements woro at
tempted during 1017, tho principal
onu bolng tho Btralghtonlng ot Fir
nvoiiuo. Tho 940 foot ot sower laid
tu tho alloy back ot Irving street waa
another. Ono mllo ot coment alilo
wnllc and seven miles ot wooden woro
also put In, Tho principal object In
attending to this was tho anticipa
tion of city delivery ot mall through
a carrlor aystom. Many houses also
socurod tholr numbers for tho samo
School improvements.
With tho turgor population schools
havo boon Improved, Practically ov
ory class room Is In a modern build
ing, Opening ot tho now wing at tho
high school and tho introduction ot
throu now courses Into tho curriculum
como prominently to tho front lit tho
(Continued on last pngo.)
Pino Men Voto C'liiuigo Folloulng Itc-
fuxiil or Fir Mv to Join Inland
Kuiplru .MIIIn to Imiugurnlo
Klioi-t Day (IN IllllhlllllulN.
(From Saturdny'a Dally.)
. 8P0KANB, Dec. 2!). Tho Western
Pino Mauufacturcra' Association, at
a mooting hold hero ycatcrdoy re
aclndcd Ita recent voto adopting the
olght-hour day, passed at tho request
of federal mediators.
The chango followed tho refusal of
tho fir manufacturer to adopt tho
shorter day, tholr reason being their
Inability to compete with tho cheap
labor of tho south. Support of tho
plan la pro'mlsed, however. If the lum
ber Industry throughout tho nation la
placed on an eight-hour bbasls.
Although tho association has re
scinded Its vote, 20 Inland Kmplrc
plno mills will Inaugurate tho olght
hour day as Individuals and not as
mombera of tho association.
From A. W. Coopor, secrotary of
tho Woatarn Pino Manufacturers' Aa
Hoclatlon, Tho Hulletln haa received
tho following message today: "Meet
ing hero yostorday decided that tho
meeting hold In Spokiitie December 7
wai not held In nccordanco with con
stitution and by-laws. Therefore Il
legal and null. Action taken on
basic olght-hour day declared null
and void. No further action taken."
Horn! .Vot KeprcM'iitcl.
Nolther T. A. McCann, manager of
Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company, nor J.
IVKeyea, manager of the Brooks
Bcanton Lumber Co., attended tho
meeting In Spokane yesterday at
which tho action reported abovo waa
taken. When ahown tho press dis
patch and asked for a statement thla
morning, Mr. McCann said that in
view of tho fact that tho sovern
moiit'a demand for plno for war pur
poses waa Increasing rapidly, tho lum
bor having become practically a ne
cessity. Oregon and Montana mem-
nora of 10 association were opposed
. muini- nn. Ann-.. n,n w..i.i
! - "".o j ..-..r,-- ...- ....... u
havo tho effect of curtalllnc nroduc
tlon and accordingly had opposed thoJlany vleaacd to bo able to treat its
orKinn nct0 on tho ,,art 0f tho aa-
relation, which was now rescinded.
; ThL,y bellovo tho basic
working day should bo established In
accordance with tho policy originally
announced by tho Western Pmn As
sociation and tho West Coast Aisocit
tlon, which was tho adoption of a na
tional olght-hour day In placo ot tho
present 10 or H-hour day now In
forco In the largest produclm; sec
tions of tho country.
Continuing, Mr. McCann said, that
so far ob tho clsbt-hour day was con-
corned locally, his compim did not
plan to put It into effect whll. the
government nccda for lumber con
tinued to bo so pressing unless It
woro arranged for nationally by leg
islation or administrative action.
A wngo adjustment for the
mills has been announced which will
mako tho local pay closely approxi
mate that or tho Inland Kmplru mills.
In other words tho pay per hour will
bo practically tho samo.
According to Mr. Koyos, tho atti
tude of his company on thoso matters
Is practically tho Bamo ns that stated
by Mr, McCann. Tho company has
boon working on n readjustment of
wages, part of which has boon an
nounced today and tho rest to bo nn
nnuucod on Monday, which will mako
tho ratos for tho two companies prac
tically uniform.
Tho regular mooting of tho Control
Oregon Irrigation Company Wator
Usors' Association will lio hold In
Bond noxt Saturday. January 5, Im
portant business Is nxpiv'o.d to comu
boforo tho mooting aid n largo nt
tondanco Is oxpoctod,
numcii to opk.v.
Tho now Christian church building
on Now-port avoriuo Is fast bolng com
pleted, Tho montbors oxpoct to occupy
tho building noxt Sunday, On Jan
uary 13. Ilov. Williams will boeln
n Borioa ot IUO0tiuKa at the now
HirfTiuttf of bt. joWii TAKuWy WONDERS WHERE'
iTi:uioii iii.!fii.,r.t.n imim
path:nth FitoM cin.
(From WodncBdny'a Dally.)
Today tho Ilend Hospital begins
tho new year under tho management
of Catholic nursing slaters of tho
Order of St. Joseph, who arrived hero
Saturday night from Kokomo, Indi
ana. Slnco their arrival they haioi
movod Into the hospital and aro now.
completing arrangements for tho ac-
commodatlon of twlco tho number of
patients formerly cared for. Tho
group la composed of Slator Superior
Do Sales, Sister M. Torcaa, Sister
Evangellsta, Sister Iilancbe and Sla
ter Ilrandon.
Instead of providing principally
for mill employes, tho Slaters will
take In patients from the city at
llnrnmlMlnr nf .ho lnorlor
tho building haa provided apaco for
.....w..U.... u. ,.. ......v. v..
28 beds instead of tho original 14.
No other radical change will bo
made Just at present. The Sisters of
St. Josoph camo from a largo surgical
hospital In tho cast, which is large
ly patronized by tho Haines Automo
bile Company.
Article In Standard OH Company'
Magazine IiikIh Ilend Women
For HcIiik "the Heal Tiling."
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Women employed In tho box fac
tories In Bend are getting plenty of
publicity. In tho current number of
tho Standard OH Company's llttlo
booklet. The Bulletin, la a picture of
a mill crew at the Drooks-Scanlon
Lumber Company In Bond. The story
which accompanies it is entitled
"Hero's the Heal Thing." It reada
as followa:
"Tho piffle ipages of Amorlcan pub
licatlons during the past year have
contalnd so many reproductions of
ladles In wonderfully designed bifur
cated garments mending tholr own
automobiles and watering their own
cabbages, that the Bulletin Is espec-
! readers to this little dash ot the real
thing. Theso young women, who for
strictly utilitarian reasons havo
adopted that garment which long haa
atood omblcmatlc ot the head of the
family's sovereignity, aro real work
ers; they aro mill girls at tho Brooks
Scanlon Lumbor Company's plant, In
Bond, Oregon employed In tho box
factory thcro, where they do most ot
the light work, such ns running the
labol press, sorting box-ends, etc.
They are remarkably industrious, ac
cording to tho foreman, and very
much Interested In tholr work."
Senator McNary Tells of
Oregon in Recent Interview
In an artlclo captioned "Senator
McNary, ot Oregon," written -by
Maurlco Freeman for Forbes Maga
zine, tho following is wrltton:
Ho la only 43. Ho has already mado
a mark In his native Oregon, Is now
making ono In Washington, although
ho has boon lioro only u fow mouths,
nnd gives promiso ot making a still
bigger ono nationally. Farming,
fruit growing, law and legislation nro
his specialties.
Sonator McNary Is a "refreshing
brooza from tho west." His personal
ity is wiusomo. Ho radiates energy.
His hoad Is that ot a man of action,
his features clear-cut. His oyes aro
koon yot kindly, his Jaw firm, and
his mouth always ready for a smllo.
At his first greeting you foel that
you know him intimately.
Whou I tackled him ho led tho way
to tho balcony outaldo tho senato
chamber ot tho capltol.
"Toll mo something about Orogon."
I know Immediately that I had hit the
mark. Ho smiled as it that were
tho subject nearest his hoart.
"Orogon," ho said, uls tho pioneer
ot progressiva stato legislation. It
la largely a laud ot farmora, Thoro
- , uwihjwijiiuii ioi
Tltlnlui Order of Public Service- Com-
mivtlon Kncroncliot On Iloard'a
Itlghta-KngJnccr IxnvU Hays
No Conflict KxiitM.
SALEM, Or., Dec 31. Whether
' tho awumptlon of Jurisdiction by th
Public Service Commission over tho
affairs of the Central Oregon Irriga
tion Company brings about a con
flict with the Desert Land Doard'a
control of that project was a question.
arising at a meeting of tho Desert
It -.. r,-..j .- .-.- .
nf!""lu "oaru f, "lam 1 ro3-
,urer Ka" barpl' expressed tho opin
ion that "If the Commission can do
'tho things Us order says It can do
.ho wou,d bo w,nK t0 rccommcn(1
giving complete Jurlsdlcton over the
project to that Commission."
The Commission Saturday Issued
an order requiring the irrigation com
pany to Install a number of Improve
ments in connection with tho furnish
ing ot wator for Irrigation purposes
and also to submit a plan for future
distribution ot water.
The company Is under contract
with tho state through tho Desert
Land Board to handle the wator in
a certain manner.
Qucation of Jurisdiction Ilalacd.
"Before I go any further In tak
ing any action la connection with tho
Central Oregon project I wlah to
know who has Jurisdiction ovor It,
continued the state treasurer. "Per
sonally I think the affairs ot the pro
ject are none ot the commlssloa'a
business. I know we have been at
tempting for the past eight years to
get some of the things done which,
the Commission seems to bo able to
put on paper In a slnglo order, aad
If the commission can accomplish,
theso things It la wolcomo to the
State Engineer Lewis expressed the
opinion that tbero Is no conflict aa a
result of tho commission's order, bat
rather that the order Is supplemen
tary to and based upon the contracts
botweon the Desert Land Board and
tho company.
Tho board also designated Attor-noy-Goneral
Brown and State Engi
neer Lowla as a committee to confer
with J. E. Morson to sea It some
mutual agreement cannot bo reached
for tho completion ot the Deschutes
Irrigation Company's project near La
are men ot every professional walk
ot life engaged In that work, taking
deep prldo in It, and nover bo happy
as whon out on the soil laboring with
their men. In tho west It is an art.
I havo traveled all ovor tho country,
but In no section have I aeon farm
lands so systematically arrangod, so
beautifully kept, as thoso In tho west
orn states. I havo gone through cer
tain sections ot the south nnd have
soon pear trees with boughs uoar to
tho breaking point from tho weight
ot tho fruit, proving that the soil la
propor tor such cultivation. But the
fruit woutd not compare with that ot
tho west. Wo would nover dream oX
allowing a tree to boar fruit until It
is soven or eight years old. Wo watch
tho treoa as though thoy wore, chil
dren; carefully prune thorn1 every
year, bullet (hem up physically aa It
woro; give thorn body, structure,
foundation, It takes tlmo nnd'moBsjr
but tho results Justify the expendi
ture. I have often thought ItwouM
glvo mo much pleasure to start aifarm
down hero In Maryland Just, to'showr
what can be dbita r a aclentlflo and
business way."
(Continued on last page.