rAGKO IlKND nUUiKTIN. HRNI), OUICOON, TIll'llHDAY, DKCKMIIKlt 20, IIU7 QUESTIONNAIRES SEKTOUTTODAY FIRST FIVE PER CENT RECEIVE BLANKS. Jyocnl Men Urged to lrf nn ClnHf. cntlons Spcvillly Somo Jlay Ho lU'ferrctl to District lloiml Mnlu Work Xcxt Week. (From Saturday's Daily.) Today questionnaires were mailed to tho 3S men composing tho first flvo per cent of those liable to draft In Deschutes county. Ashley Forrest, who Is noting as clerk for tho local war board, was busy this morning with his now duties. Ho Is preparing tho second set of pamphlets, which go out Monday. At tho expiration of seven days the first quota must bo in at the office of tho board completely filled out and ready for classification. The legal ndrlsory board will be on hand in the circuit court rooms all of next week, to aid thoso who have received tho question blanks. Speed Is Asked. Communications received from the adjutant goneral's office In Portland this morning iglve tho exemption board tho following Instructions: "It is desired as far as possible to fill all quotas after December 15 from Class 1, evolve.! under now system, but since the military neces sity Is paramount, quotaj must be filled and whether they nro tilled from first class or not depends en tirely upon tho expeditiou with which local boards place enough men in Class 1 to fill their present and futuro quotas. Appeals Limited. "In cases in which there is no claim for deferred classification there can bo no appeal for classification by the local board, and no cases need bo sent to the district board except cases in which appeals are claimed or In which there are claims for deferred classification on industrial or agri cultural grounds. In cases in which there la no claim for deferred classi fication within seven days from mail ing questionnaire, local boards shall immediately, in proper cases, place the registrant in Class I and immed iately send him notice of final classi fication." Appeals for deferred classification will bo sent to the district board, which will give them immediate at tention, and notices of final classifi cation to the registrants will be mail ed at once. As soon as final classifi cation has been given a man, whether by the local or district board, he will be called for physical examination. Local boards are urged to secure a sufficiently large number of physical ly qualified registrants In Class 1 to fill deferred percentages of present quotas and quotas under any futuro call. TH Ilrcclvc Blanks. Only thoso men who have already been actually Inducted Into military service before December IS through the draft process will not be sent questionnaires. All exemption, dis charges or furloughs are absolutely revoked and the names of porxons having such are Included on the class ification list. Questionnaires were mailed today to tho following men In tho order given below: William B. Hensley, Ontario; Ar thur Fuller, Bond; Clifton Hoam, Mll Jlcan; Angel A. Peterson, Hend; Ar-' clilo D. Pepin, Milllcan; Matthew M, Schmltz, Summer Lako; Joseph T Ileosley, Ilend; Nicholas Zeiser, Bend; Arthur w. Spoars, Rend; Itoy A. Uranton, Redmond; Vonlus M. "White, Bond; Kenneth E. Sawyer,' Bend; Ralph B. Sturdlvan, Hedmnnd; Charles J, Dugan, Bond; Kueonlo1 Sorravalle, Bend; Glen A, Howard, La Pino; Earl Louis McFadden, Tor-' rebouno; George Honry Curtln, Bend; I Arthur C. Vandevort, Bond; Fay Lloyd Tomblln, Bend; Stanford En-, dres, Bend; Wilbur H. Hudson, Bend; Charles J. Monahan, Bend; Earl R. Russell, Milllcan; George F. Stonor, Bend; Rocco Antonio Petrone, Bend; Alox Llndstrom, Bend; Clarence L. Scott, Redmond; William O. Living stone, Portland; A. D. Hammond, Bond; Erlck Olund, Bend; Henry Er nest Davis, Bond; Herman A, Wotter borg, Bond; Bles Klatlch, Bend; Ro land W. Henrionnet, Bend; Harold A. Outendorf, Bend; Jack Kenneth McKonzie, Bend; Herman M. Steph ens, Bend. SHEEPMAN MARRIES SILVER LAKE GIRL (From Saturday's Dally.) Dan Anglnud, a prominent sheep man of this vicinity, was married last week at Lakcvlaw to Miss Yida howls, of Silver Lake. At tho same time Mrs. Angland's sister, Anntc, became the brldo of John Murphy, n sheep man of Paisley. They are spending thotr honeymoon on an automobile trip through California. POWELL lU'TTK. (Continued from Pago 2.) Mr. and Mrs. John Drlscoll and Mrs. C. M. Charlton iiecompnutcd Miss Katsch and Miss Hartley to Ik-mi Sunday. Mrs. 0. C. Truesdale, Mr. E U. Agec, Mrs. E. L. Van l)or;n, Mrs Allen Wlllcoxon, Mrs. E. A. Hussott and Miss Harriett Wlllcoxon niado a trip to Bend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Heaves Wlllcoxon were In Bend on Tuesday. IMPROVEMENTS PUT IN WILSON SAW MILL LADIES' AID ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR Sunday School Will 1W limned Suf fli'lont Kundt 1W the Put. ehn.so of ('liuh'N. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) UEN'D R. F. D. NO. 1., Dec. IS. A Christmas program Is under pre partition which Is to bo given by tho Mountain View school and Sunday school at (ho school house on Christ mas ove. The Ladles' Aid of tho First Union church met at tho homo of Mrs. J. Mnlosh on Thursday. Now offlcois woro elected. Tho society will loan tho Sunday school sufficient funds to purchaso folding chairs for use at tho school during church uiul enter lalniiHMits. An olght-pnuud daughter was horn to Mr. mid Mrs. Caldwell Dccuuihor I). MIsh Anna Dmimnoro, teacher of the Mountain View school, Is attend ing the Deschutctt and Crook counties teachers' Institute In (lend. A largo whlto Northern owl was seen by Lumiu Coffee near his homo Friday. ' Herman Moore has enlisted as a third engineer In tho U. H, navy. Sisters .Men KstiihlMt Camp In the .Mountains mid Will Trap For Furs Thli Winter. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) SISTERS, Dec. IS. The Wilson mill has been undergoing a thorough overhauling the past week. An extra lS-horso power engine has been In stalled, thus adding to tho capacity. A cut-off saw and conveyor have also ben added to tho equipment of the mill. H. E. Vincent and wife, of Bend, spent Sunday In Sisters. J. H. Taylor was calling on old friends In Sisters Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. E. H. Howell, teacher In the primary department of the Sisters school, is In Bend attending the Insti tute this week. Miss Castella Ingllng. who has been attending school In Sisters, has gone to Prescott, Washington, where she will live with her parents. Miss lul ling went to Redmond with Mr. and Mrs. Knute Cobb, In whose home she has lived since coming to Sisters. Several Sisters young peoplo at tended the danco and supper at Turn alo on Friday night, among thoso present being Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gist, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gist. Mr. and Mrs George Wilson, Miss Muriel Edmonson, John Dlnkle. Jess Scott, Van Wilson and Claude Woods. C. L. Gist was a Bend visitor Sunday. Mrs. Lester Gist has gone to Al bany to spend tho Christmas holidays with her mother. Among those of Sisters who attend ed the pie social at the Clovcrdale school house were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gist and Mr. and Mrs Lee Zum wait. George Davis has gone to The Dalles to spend the Christmas holi days with his uncle. Rev. Hartrantt, of Bend, is con ducting a series of services In the Presbyterian church In Sisters this week. I J. D. Bowman is working at tho Wilson saw mill. Mr. Hunios, manager of the Wilson ' mill, made a business trln to Bend Saturday evening. ' Mr, and Mrs. Keylor are tho proud parents of a pair of girl twins. Goo. F. Scott has mvoed to Sisters , and Is building on his property near I the school house. Clyde Gist and Jess Scott havo es-' tablished a ramp In the moutu.ili.s ' and will trap for furs th'.s wlnte They Intond to rnako a special eff jf to catch a cougar that has klllul a number of cattle during the past sea son. One hundred seventy-five dol lars bounty Is offered for the (uugar's scalp. , Mrs. J. H. Taylor was In Bend Frl- day. Tho Sisters Sunday school Is plan ning a Christmas entertainment W7nm "Oh, dear! John's bringing home a friend, A fellow very 'fussy And I must use Our Toaster-gift, To keep from get ting 'mussy'I I wish we had another light! I don't know what to do"- "I'm Yours for DouMeDut ONE DOLLAR BEpMIN yz wp Screws into pres ent tocket. No extra wiring required. Provides Two Elec tric Connections from One Socket I L L? '. ower Co. Notice to Ice Consumers. I am retiring from tho ice business January 1, 1917. Any of my cus tomers having unused ice books, j)leaso rotum to me before that date lor refund. A. G. ALLEN. m "One of the best motor oils" STUDEBAKOR The Studcbikrr Corp., Lo.Anr!r "one of the bet motor oils." OLDSMOBILG The OMimfAile Co. of Califorrti, Sn Frinuuu "have been using Kerolrne in our Oldiino- bib can for the pat two yean a inot latitfactory lubricant." CADILLAC M. S, ilrlham Mow Car Co. , Srittfc "have no hesitancy in recommending Ztroli-ne." FORD Fhy.ttf rbury Sale Co. , Lot Angelet "have found Zerulene to be the one oil that ha given iu perfect lubrication." ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors because the record of their tervire department how aiifornia asphalt, lei wear, more that Zeroiene, correctly refined from California asphalt- UPV1 base crude, give perfect lubrication power, least carbon deposit. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CUfclj) Ui ' PLAINVIEW SCHOOL MEETING IS HELD Consider Annual Itudgrt ). I). (. Club Will Ho Cuh-rtnlnnl Ity Mrs. Wnril. (Special to Tho Bulletin) IMiAl.VVIKW. Dec. IS At n school moetluR held hist Wednesday evenliiK tho annual budget was presented. Only two legal voters were present but tills was legally all that were ru- tju'nnl to carry on tho business. Miss Smith, tho school teacher at Plaluvlew, Is attending lustltuto In Bend this week. Mrs, S. L. BurRPss, of Cut low, Is making n visit at her former home, the J A. W. Keogglu ranch. Word has been received from W C. lleckholt, n former Plaluvlew resi dent, that his post has been changed from Vancouver to American Luke. Ho is In the hospital corps. Tho O. I). ). club will meet on Thursday afternoon, November 20, with Mrs. Ward. Mrs. J. A. W. Scoggln Is recovering from nu attack of la grippe. PIE SOCIAL BRINGS FINANCIAL RETURNS t'lmi'i-ihili Affnli Net ?l".7 Christum Kiitcrtnliiiucnt Fur Moodiiy. Nun to enlist In tho aviation corps, Mr. and Mrs. I). Kotniiun and Mrs. Saunders, from noitr llmid, worn vis itors with old friends nt Lower llrldiio Sunday, A. J. Fuller Is hiilliltitig nu addition to his house, ('. F, llosUlun, Omar IIohIiIiih, Hope Hlco and Tommy McCiiun wont to Itodmoud Tuesday evening, t It ti chil dren nttnudliiK (he plcluro show. Frank Chiipmnn, Mrs, Mary Chap, man and Mrs, Joe Howard woro lied nioiid visitors Saturday, A. II. Jaeger returned Friday from near Powell lluttes, whom ho Iiiih been working. Mrs. A. II Jaeger and daughters, Alma and Freda, and L. F. Itlcu were guests for dinner at tho llosklun Homo Thursday. Later In tho even, lug Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller and huh and Mr and Mrs. Chapman and Frank Chapman were visitors. Mr. and Mrs, tins Stadlg were In Hod mom! Thursday. John Calvcrloy and Darwin Wal ters motored to Sisters Sunday Mrs. A. II. Jaeger went to lleud Sunday to attend the teachers' Insti tute. Mr .and Mrs. A. J. Fuller and Mrs. It. S. Towno were llediuond visitors Saturday. Mrs. C. F. Ilosklus, Naomi and Marlon Ilosklus wero shopping In lleud Monday. MOUNTAIN ROADS IN HAD CONDITION (Hpnclnl to Thu Bulletin.) PUINOLIO FLAT, Den IK. Mrs. Frank Itiiuisny niiiilo thu trip to lliiud mid return thin wunk. Miss Kllniheth Kviiiih Is homo from lleud for tho Christ iiiiih holidays. Charles Maulii Is hauling lumhiir from the Maury mnuutalu saw mill. Ho reports tho lonilit nro In bud shape, Mrs, Kvuim Is on tho sink list. Albert Houston whs nt the Himlm ranch looking nftor his stouk thin week. Frank llnlliueyer returned front lleud Wednesday evening. Mr. Ilonrste will he homo until af ter Christinas. Tho ymiti'Ki'st child of Mr. ttnd Mr, llulsley Ik utiltn III. How to Chirk Croup Julekly. There Is nun rellnhlo remedy for croup that every mother should know. Mrs. Sweet Clary, Anto, Vu., writes: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar Is tho best medicine I over tried. 'My little sou nearly had croup. I igiivo hi in one iIonii and It stopped hint coughing In about flvo minutes." lie lleves coughs, colds, Iu grippe. Sold ovorywhero Adv. (Special t Tho Bulletin.) CLOVKHOALK. Dec. IS. The Christmas program and pe snclat Fri day night was n great success The highest price paid for any single p'.o was 2. A cake was also raffled off for tho most popular young lady prci cut. Miss Lit, Dona Cyrus received the pastry. Affording much amusement was the contest in which each person was asked to ticsi the number of beans In a glass Jar. Charley Olst. of Sisters, rcculved a pin for guessing the closest to tho correct number. Tho total amount taken In at the social was 347.70. There will bo a Christmas program here next Monday night. It will be given by the Sunday school people. W. V. Van Matro delivered hogs In Redmond Saturday. Mrs. Ueorge Cyrus was on the sick list last week. Mrs. Tony Johnson Is still seriously III. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Abbey visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parberry Sunday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Miller nnd fam ily were dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, it. J, Skclton Sunday. Frecda Arnold has beon sick the lust few days. Mrs. W. W. Van Matro was calling on Mrs. (loange Cyrus Saturday after noon. Mrs. II. C. Miller was helping take care of Mrs. Tony Johnson Monday Viola Miller wint to Itcdinrinl on Tuesday to have some dental work done. W. W. Van Matro attended tho county cuuiuil at Hedmoud Thurs day. No Want loo Big-'NoWanl loo Small Thai Bauer's Grocery can'j fill for you And deliver promptly nnil In the Ixvit condition. Our Kroceiiro, prodiicr, fruit nro nlwnys fresh. Our snltry rfrlgcrtor counter kern our dairy mm!iicii cool noil fresh, llrst prices In canned good of tho best brands. BAKER'S GROCERY W.ll Street. Ne.r Ohio Prions R.J 1G1 THE PORTLAND HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON The Rose City's world-fumed hotel, occu pying an entire block. All Outside rooms. Superior dining nnd grill ser vice. An atmosphere of refinement, sb with n service of eourtsey. - European Plnn; $1..'5() antl Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager LOWER BRIDGE MAN IN AVIATION CORPS t (Sneclal to The Bulletin ) LOWHIt Illlinai:. Dec IS Clur. once Barren went to Portland Friday HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Iron, Drome and Semi-Steel Castings for Power Tranimiision Machinery; Wood Pipe Fittini,', Grate Bar. Agricultural, Minim,' and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. ORECON. A ONE PINT Hl v& .... Ik 1 1 IO i. .1'" .""s, 'ILL iKl,. :, III! ' MAZOLA enables the housewife to save butter, lard, suet and give her family the best of foods "HpHE proof of the pudding is in the eating" and the proof of Mazola is in the cooking. Mazola is not only the perfect medium for deep frying, saute'inc iliortenlnc and talad dfcwinm it h the perfect vtg ttatlt oil produced from coldcii American com. Food Administrator Hoover atks us to use vcuctalilc oils. Mazola lias not been cstaliliilicd in a day. It lias taken months of trial on tho part of housewives who at first were reluctant to nivc up butler, lard or coiiihjuiiJs. If you arc not already numbered anioni; the thousands of Mazola users, get a can of Mazola and try this recipe. . IJKEAKFA8T MUFFINH 2 cuin flour 1 IriiiKxin lall 1 cup milk 4 level ttupooni 1 Ubleipoon ui(;jr 1 full lahleieoon bakiiiK powder 1 tg Marula Sift dry incredienu touttlier. Mnu sure tliey thoroughly mlird. licit the ty.x, add It to the milk and luin II into the howl ciiiiiainlnc tho dry in pcditnti. Add the Maiola and cut all together very quickly. Do not brat. 1'uin into muffin pam greaicd with Maiola, and hake In a modeiutely hot oun about 25 minute. Mazola can be obtained from your tracer. Pint, quart, half gallon and gallon tins for greatest economy buy the large sizes. Also ask him for the free Mazola Uook of Kccipes or write us direct. Your money refunded if Mazola does not give entire satisfaction. COKN 1'KODUCTH KEFINING COMPANY 17 Iiattcry Place, New York 1M apuhi SALAD iUD COOKING, Olb 7 N SWBWSRI MlWtU&l Stlllif RwutiUUrti Johnson, Lieber Company PertUoJ, Orion "f ' u V. r m h