The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 20, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Are You Going to
Have Music in Your
Own Home This
You are cnlillctl to chcry music these long even- ,
iiigs iid you cay ct an Edison or 11 Vietrola now t
at this store on very reasonable terms.
The machine you thought of first
is the Vietrola or the Edison.
We have both.
niiirly (tHNuclnto editor of Tho Ilul
lotln, Jio Ih now Htatloni'il at Cnmp
Fremont, C'nllforilln, with tho rank
of senior first lltiutuunut In tho rcK-
ulur unity.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
OtiorK" II. Russell U a visitor from
VOuvllln today.
(ImtrKii O'Neill won In Redmond tu-
(tny on business.
I.', M, Thompson wus In Terrebonuo
(tioduy Oil llUnllK'HH.
Mm. V. Tothttrow left today for Tho
, Dalles to spend tho winter.
County Aitvnt Ward unit Mm. Ward
' urn up from Itmliuund today.
Mrs. Jnunlii Curtli Is In Redmond
u fow day lookliiK over dor rauch.
After vliltltiR J. C Wlio two days,
I). J. Fisher returned thin mornlur;
to Walla Walla.
W .T. Httrvenson wnt to Prltiuvlllo
tfcls monitor on business, Hu will
return some tltna next wek.
Mrs. J. Kchinld, of Portland! spHit
, (limit day with hur aon, K. E. Hvhmld,
! and returned to hur homo today.
Mra. W. II. Hobbs and Mm. 1.. E.
Hmlth, of Redmond, urn In town to
dr dolnjc tholr Christmas shopping
Miss Klisinar Hmlth. who had bi-"U
vlnltliiK thn pant month with Miss
loot HylmrK, If I lunt nlKht for Hun
Francisco w Intro she plan to spend
l;y winter.
Mr. and Mra. F. V llorton arc on
'.. I.. .11. 1.... I.I.. I.. II... U'lll..... ..!!.. V,.l.
ill IIIMIWUJ lit). III Il.tJ tl IIMlliTV -
Jy unci will ho xumi two weeks. They
jfolll visit In Portland, Huleiu and oth
Vr ni'nrhy place.
j County Judr.o Harm and ComtnU
donor Mackintosh returned this
JiioruliiK from Portland when) tht-y
Jiavu hiMHi In uttnudiiuru on the mi
nimi onuniy ciiii r I convention.
j Ituv. J. M. Xulsnii I on hi way to
'Kansas City. Ilo will ho kmiiw 10
Vays, durliiK whlrh t lino hi father,
&(uv. J. P. WuJU, of Portlnnd. will
iiciiupy tho pulpit of thu Baptist
j Mr Amiindn Htull, of Delta. Colo,
.ratio, after passliw n fow days ut thn
(!, I.. HlmpRon homo, Ih'kiiu hr re-
turn jouriiuy tliln nioriiliin. Mih. M.
K. Htmpson ih koiiu; iiuck wiiii nor 10
'vlfn whllo.
(From Tuesday' Dally.)
a II. McCutchnon and fain'.ly have
iMino to Poitlnud to llvo.
I Mr. Prluco StuntH Iihh koiio to
jlluod River to vlHlt liur inothor it fw
Mm. C. Kmklno Ih In Hood
Itlvnr HpnndluK u fow da) it with hor
KVH HPIX'IAMHT, of l'orllnntl
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Dates,
or Inquire ot
6-Room House With
Bath. Two Lots
Close In
Central OrfonV LeaJintf
J. I.. Ht'ott In In Portland on a liim
lni'H trip. Ho pIuiih to rot urn In
about ii week.
Mr J. I.ulKlitou and muall aon arc
In ltfdmoutl and will roitiulu throUKh
Hut holldayn with rclullvcii.
Mr. and Mth. M. II. Wlllard, of
Culdi'Huc, Idaho, am Bpfudlni: a week
hitrn licforu roturnliif. to their homo,
Mr. nnd Mm. A. I'. JmiHon aro re
tclvlnr coiiRratulatlouH on tho ar
rival of i nine nnd a half pound buby
Klrl lunt nlKlit.'
Mr. and Mrn. N. W. Colby, of
Hrothfri, (ft this monitor for Part'
laud. PihAii thrro tlmy will no on1 to
Heuttlp, Tacotna and I.uwlitou, and
roturn In tho iprlnic.
WlllUtn C. McKlroy 111 lnavo to
morrow for Vancouver, Wanhlnicton.
Ilo hai been employed at tho union
depot, rtcently nnd his place will bo
lakmi by Juck Wllllamn.
Mr, aniL -MrH. II, K. Hrookn ro
turuinl thlit-mornliiK from uu extrud
ed trip In tho natt. Mra, HrookM vis
ited liu.NVw York, whllo hur huaband
ri'inalni'tl In MluneapollH on bulueHi.
Accord Inn to word rrrnlvcd this
mornltiK-irom Fred A. Woelflnn, for-
(From Monday's Dully.)
W, T. Mitllarkoy wan In Itodmoud
Clareuco II. OiikfN, of Mllllcan, Ih
In (own today.
Alwyn F, l.oo, of Mllllcan, wan In
town on IiurIiiohh Haturtlny,
TVIr. and Mm. John DrlHcoll, of
Powoll Hiitto, woro In (own yontor-
Mrs. A. W. Olson has koiio X0)tto
kano, whom shu plans timako Mr
August Audorsou wns In Itodmoud
ami Torrobonuo loduy on county bus-
Kuv. II. C. Ilartraufl Is panning sev
eral days In Itodinond and will return
C. J. L'ntlow Is back from a year's
trip to CIiIimiro and expects to stay
hero permanently.
Mrs. I, Michel, Miss Hess Hendricks
nnd Arthur Michel, ot Prlnovlllu,
spent Hominy In Ilnnd.
Miss C, NlKhtscali'S, left today for
Vnniouver, II. C to visit over tho
holldayn with relatives.
OeorKo Powers and his brother,
Karl, wort) In Mend today from Mll
llcan, transacting business.
Miss Myrtle Ilutler, Miss Claim
Dunn and Maurlru Lynch were visit
liiK In town Sunday from Uedmond.
Kd. Liindy Is spendltiK thu week In
M osier. Wo canin to Hcnd yesterday
from Hllvur Lake und went out on tho
mornliiK train,
Grace Coin Ward loaves tonight for
Portland, where sho will Join her
mother and then p.o to California to
spend tho winter.
Frank May returned this morning
from Salem, whore ho attended the
meeting of the Northwest Society ot
Highway Knijlncers.
W. K. Myers, of Portland, arrived
hero Saturday morning and Is work
ing at tho Heed & llorton drug store,
where ho was formerly employed.
Ned W. Colby, of lmpnrla, passed
through Ileud today on his way to
visit his mother and father In Idaho.
Mr. Colby expects to bn calll'd In tho
next draft.
Ilev. H. F. IVHnborton.i district
superintendent for tho Methodist
church, was In Ileud yesterday to
preach a sermon and returned home
to Thn Dalles this morning.
Mm, A. D. ,1'iko vtm In Ilcnd a tow
dnys visiting her husband. Hlio re
turned to Culver this morning und
will go from there to vltvlt In Wash
liiton. Judge H, C. Kills .returned this
morning from Portland, whom ho at
tended tho county court convention.
Jjdgu W. I), tinmen nnd Commission
er A. U, Mackintosh will remain In
tho city Miveral days longer.
Ilov. Arthur Leonard Wntlnworth,
of South Pusadeiin, California, wan In
Iloiid Haturday visiting Ilev, J, M.
Nelnon. Dr. Wndsworth Is field ed
itor of tho Pacific Unpelst and wan In
thin torrltory gathering material for
magar.lnti articles. Ilo plans to fea
turo the country around Hend In one
of them. Dr. Wudsworth hus mado
a tour of seven states In the west and
Is now on his way home.
r fr J
(From Hoturday's Dally)
R. II. Chess, of Uedmond, was In
town today on business.
A. L. lloughtallng, of Van Ora, in
a visitor In town today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Colby were In
from Hrothcrs yesterday on business.
Meredith Halley was In from his
ranch near H'sters today.
Mrs. Paul Itldel and small daugh
ter left last night for Lyndcn, Wash
ington. District Attorney H. H. Do Armond
Is In Portland a few days on legal
Charley 8ar was hem from Madras
on business yesterday and returned
thin morning.
John Venablo went homo to Port
land toduy after visiting his cousin,
Al. Hubbard, three weeks.
A Mrs(i(Hosc,oo Howard arrived hero
thin morning for 'a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Whisnant.
A seven-pound boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs C. W. Nelson, of Tunmto. at
tho Hend Surgical hospital, last night.
Mrs. J. M. Lawrence and Mrs. R.I
W. Ilendcrifiott went to' Terrebonne
to Instruct the Red Crosi auxiliary
airs'A O. Walker and her little
son,, John, haveono to Tho Dalles
to pass three or four weeks while
Mrs. Walker recuperates from a ro
ccnt Illness.
In anticipation ot tho election on
the formation of tho Central Oregon
Irrigation district, to bo held on Mon
day, Claude. McColloch, of Portland,
associated with H. II. Dc Armond In
representing tho, petitioners for the
district, arrived hero this morning.
Miss,, Margaret Thompson returned
to Hend Jast evening, accompanied by
1 Wl JJ
ftjsJ H L V Nv JRUl "
' f ij;n '"TT '
Our Assortment of
is 'comprehensive the choicest se
lections we have ever shown. All
wool sturdy fabrics.
stand out alone for Superior Quality. A
.sensible and useful holiday gift for dad or son
$8.50 to $1.7.50
FURS--the Gift Luxuriant
Sets of Red Fox, Hudson Seal, Black
Martin, Jap Mink. Nutria, &c., at
$17.50 to $58.75
Muffs, $8.50 to $25.00
Mtke Her Happy Give Furs
Our Holiday Stocks still offer complete ranges in
most every line. If you are in doubt what to give
a visit to our store will help to solve your gift problem.
The But Place to Trade After All
To Our Friends and Patrons We Wish You A'Ver
Merry Xmas
Miss Luclle Abbott, ot Portlaiid. Miss'
Thompson has been in Portland for
the last three months attending bus
iness college. Miss Abbott has al
ready accepted ,a position as stenog
rapher in tho county clerk's office.
(Continued trom Page 1.)
Come to
Heada uarters
For Your Gifts
We Have Just What You Want
At The, Price You Want to Pay
Knights of Pythias elected the fol
lowing last Wednesday: Louis Den
nett, chancollor commander; J. Dran-
deau, vice chancellor; W. Ferguson,
prelate; J. S. Ir.nos, master ot work;
J. New by, mnster at arms; K. D. Gil
son, inside guard; O, A. Thorooti,
outside iguard. They will be Installed
on tho first Wednesday In January.
The following are the new officers
ot tho Ked Men: John A. Donovan,
sachem; Herbert James, senior saga
more; Annls A. Smith, junior saga
more; H. II. Do Armond, prophet;
Kdgar 1). Gllson, chief of record; J.
Alton Thompson, K. ot W.; H. G.
Kmniott, first sannnp; George H. Bar
clay, second sannap; L. A. Hranden
burgh, guard of tho wigwam; V, M.
White, guard of the forest; W. A.
Uatos, Hoy Wilson, itaymond R.
Ward, A. Moore, warriors; Jesse H.
Fulton. Dan Woods, D. Klmer Wilson,
Ilobort II. Vox, braves; S. K. Itoborts,
trustee; It. D. Kutchum, physician.
Woodmen of tho World will place
In office on January 11, Clyde M. Mc
Kay, past consul commander; Frank
Inabnlt, consul commander; Marshall
Mackll'n, advanco lieutenant; S. C.
Caldwell, banker; E. D. Gllson, clerk;,
Harry L. Shoults, escort; M. A.
Palmer, watchman; W. D. Ingalls.
sontry; X. P. Smith. J. A. Eastes, U
M. .McKeynolds, managers; Dr. C. II.
Francis, Dr. B. Fcrrell, physicians.
Tho now heads of the Hoyal Arch
Masons took tholr places last night.
Those elected to serve for next year
woro J. D. Davidson, high Priest; P.
C. Garrison, king; II. C. Ellis, scribe;
E. II. Keanc, captain of the host; J.
C. Rhodes, principal sojourner; C. M.
McKay, Royal Arch captain; L. A. W.
Nixon, master of the third Veil; J.
Alton Thompson, master of the sec
ond veil; W. D. Barnes, master ot tho
first veil; H. A. Miller, sentinel; A.
A. Anderson, secretary; A. F. Lar
son, treasurer.
We wish to expross our thanks to
those kind triouds and neighbors who
aided us so liberally with their time,
talent and material after the tiro.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Slack.
Extra Work For Women.
War conditions try the strength of
women, Tho overworked woman, In
home, office or factory, will find
In Foley Kidney Pills a roady roliot
from kldnoy trouble, backache, head
actio, rheumatic pains, stiff joints,
swollen muscles and that awful tired
feeling. Thoy assist nature In re
storing strongth and vitality. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
The Gate to
Giftland Is Open
Enter at your convenience the sooner trie better
ii you would make pleating and economical gifts.
For Diamonds
Diamond Ring., - - - $7.00 to SIOOQ.QQ .
Diamond UValliers - - $5.0P.,to $ 75.00
Watches from - - - '- $1.50 to $75.00
Largo assortment of Brooches, Cult Links, Fobs
Chains., Bracelets, Watches, eto.'
Tbe. Gift Shop of Central Oregon