I1KNII IIULLKTI.1, HUM), OUEOON. TIIUHHDAY, IHCTKMHEH 20, lf)17 PAGE a. Agricultural Council Holds Annual Meeting at Redmond Tim Crook mill UnsrhulcH County .ndoptod. Tho procnun of work for Aitrh'iiltunil Council ooimincd In I tho bounty agricultural council anil 1 1 ol tn (Mi it , OritKon, on Uitcinnliur 111. i tint county hkuiiI for 1UJ8 contains Tim uitiutliu: was wull atlniitlnil anil J four iniijor iiml llirnn minor projucls. opoiKMl with a luncheon at tlio llotnl .Thusn am iih follows: Itniliuouil which was addressed by 1. Extermination of harmful ro- County AkiiiiI l(. A. Ward ami IVil (irul l.alior Annul J. W. Ilrownr. Mr. Wanl oinpliail.ml tlio nroil of HtritUKlliuiriiiK tliu council In oritur to incut tlio national food Mliorliiitn anil .iioclnllons, couiinuiilly Importation! to Ineroasn food mid wool production of purnbrcd llvo stock, cow tostlm; au to tlio limit, consistent with koimI ;Hiirlutl(iiiH, demonstration trlpH to business policy. Mo further men- Portland Mvo Htock Hliow, Oregon Honed tliu fact that lili: business iuoii HtiUo Fair and local fairs, and class iih wull an prominent mnu and women os In animal practlcN and llvn Htock In all walkH of life aro serving, at nlJudidw:. (!)) Foodlni; domonstrn- iprosnnnl sacrifice of time and money, tlons, disease control ami k'iitiiI dents. 1!. Live Htock Improvement and work rnlnllui; thereto, (a) llrccd Improvement throiiKh breeder' "" Post Office Clerks Victims of Annual Christmas Rush tlil(iwiltil ntumim " '! ----..--r ..... ......... ...... r( ...... In various capacities to assist the i!ov.hnndllnK. coiimInIImk of steer f (! lot; or ent In the reat tank of win nl in: by C. II Miitnii and J. W. Hhlvely; tliu war. Mr. Brewer broiiKhl be. feeiltiiK for milk production, by C. H. fnro the council members the need for, Konyon, Maury McCall and Van M. no arraiiKlUK next year's crops that j Morse; fonlliwc of cotton Heed cakes tliu harvest of any two crop would (for Incionsod wool, mutton and Don't ko up to tho pankaico delivery window In the pout office when there are about 20 people standlm; In line behind you and when your turn co in en, ciiRtially remark to tho clerk, "Heme ntampH, plonHc," lie In liable to lone IiIh temper iinlenn you (iiallfy lb with "ten centH worth of twos," TIiIm In a touchy senson of tho year to approach a pent office employe with auythliiK othor than a smile and a prompt Htatemeut of your wants. All of yesterday tlicre wan hardly a period when (here were Iphh than lift! people Insldo the pout office. Paek ni:en culore have been Hhlpped out. Tho United Ht(itctJ Ik not tliu limit of their routine for, In addition to late not come at the name time, thus do inaudliiK more labor than the farmer, iih a unit, wiih Justly untitled to. He npoko at leiiKth on the seriousness of (ho Munition at prudent coufroutlni; the farmerH of the United Males and commented on tho Job of placlui; the reiitrucd soldiers In various gainful occupations after thu war wiu con. eluded. . A dlsrusslou wan entered Into by Various council imtmhcrH who recom mended that those farmer boyH from IK to 21 yearn of tine who may be drafted, be Hiipplled with ?i service 4 button or noma official Inslr.iilu and returned to the fnrmliiK eouimunltlis ns iHirlrtilturnl aided. It wan the coucetiHUH of opinion at the meeting that these boys would be servlnx their Kovernmeiit to much better nd vautaKo and with Just an much pa triotism by working on the faruiH oh they would In thu trencher of Europe. The afternoon meetliiR was pre sided over by President C. K. Hosklus who reviewed tho year' work of the bounty nRent and commented briefly on thu name, lie urged the necessity of every council member puttltiK his shoulder to the wheel, even at some sacrifice, of some personal time. In order to make thu work of tho county uKnnt morn effective. He a I no com- rented al letiKth on the valuable ork ncroriiplUhed by the offlcu of tho county agricultural brcm during tho past year, Particular emphasis wim laid on the fact that the Jack rabbit damnKc In both counties had J'mi reducml to a minimum, that sv enil thousand dollarH ban been saved to the farmorn by thu vaccination of cattle for blacklftf and the coopnra live purchasluK of Htock feedH, and that the present council inoetliiK was the moHt successful yet held. F. I., llallard, of the Oregon Asrl cultural coIIhkh, next addrttssml Him nieetliiK, an representative of the Mate rwtinty a cent leader, Marin, who van unable to attend. Mr. Mallard explained thu county nKont muvemnnt and work acooinplUhed by them throiiKhout the L'ulted Statcn. It" almi Htated that thu county aKtnit work In Crook and DeHchutuN cona tion jaiM hold up iin an oxamplv of what tho movement Hhould do In other localltliui. rollowltiK the adoption of h'n re vport, County AkoiH Ward nad the Iirj)cctH proponed for next year' wbrk, Th oho were commented upon lambn. by Win. Wllnon. Newt. Will lamnon, K. H. Ilaruard, (luy K. Dob nou, (Inn K. KtadlK, Allen Wllluoxou and i: I,. Ivernou; cooperative buyliiK of Htock feedn next fall for winter one, hay cnuNcrvatlnu, cooperative nlilppliiK, control of preventable llvo Htock dlneanen, nucli an blacklcK, etc. (c) lucreaned live Htock production by eiicouriiKluK farm flockn, demon ntratliiK, feedliiK and Keuerul care, equipment rciiulred, methodn of clip- ping, dockliiK, etc, and by oncouraK IbundleH for France, Home have trav eled to Hawaii, Clil'ia and India. I'dntal clerkn are not merely takltiK In parceln, woIkIiIiik them and mark I in; the amount of pnntiiKO. Homo pco pel have the ui'Ntakon Idea that the office In a (general accommodation bureau where y,tln may he wrapped, tied or their nililroHHen Hiipplled by tho clerkn. Kveti tiny totn come In with know better than their pa renin when thu limit of a clerk' patience In reached. Ko far every Indication nhown that old HI. Nick Inu'l bolru; forgotten by tho children. An early an two wcokn uco a letter wan found In the box addrcHHod to thu North I'olo, or another of tho popular win ter renldencen of tho nalnt. If pon hIMo, theno ntray noten aro turned over to the parentn of tho yoiincntem who nend them. In addition to tho Chrtntrnan runh, the pent office Iiiim an ununually larKe amount of routine bunlncnn to keep up. The nalo of thrift ntampn ban not been for:otteu, thin pant week rnoro nalen belli; made than at any time no far. The Htampn are Innued at tho imrceln window and It has kept two men buny the entire day handlliiK the two plocon of work. Complicating tho bunliienn of malllnt; thu jiackanen are the people who nend Bomethlnj; off and half an hour later come back and nay they forgot to Innurc It. Thin In Invariably the rule with any article linn filed In tho County Court of Denchuten County, Oregon, l.or final account and report In nald entato, and that tho County Court ban ap pointed tho 28th day of December, 1017, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M an tho time, and tho Court room of nald Court In liend, Denchutoi County, OrcKon, an tho place, for tho hearing of objcctlonn, If any, to tho acceptance and approval of said final account, tho cloning of nald catato, and tho (Uncharging of tho Adminis tratrix' boniln. MAIIY E. MVKHLBY, II. C. KI.LIH, Administratrix. Attornoy for Administratrix, Ilcnd, Oregon, .19,43a huge hundloH, but an a rule, they of more or lenn valuo. TIiIm Wiih No Juke. J. IC. Colver, 103 Labor Temple, I on Angolcn, Cal., wrlten: "I havo bad about f,0 yuarn of experience with all Hortn and kinds of cathartic remedies nome good and some a Joke, Whon I got wine to Foley LEGAL NOTICES Cathartic Tabletn for constipation, I log the iiimhI of two hogn on every Kt In right. Thu best I ever used." ranch to consume arhage, wnil()iiDo not gripe; no unpleasant after of- , ... .... i nivini i..i. t . v . J " .. :i . t' M . . fiir , nun iu unnini in uiiiitiuiimi; hid present pork nhortage. .1 Field ilemoiiHtratlonH rnncern lug noil and fertilizers, consisting of (a) demonstrations of the use of sulphur, by W. W. Vun Matru, M. It. (.amies, J. W. Drown and J .J. FJ linger; (b) demonstration of uno of laud plaster; (c) demonstration of use of commercial fertilizers; (d) community purchasing of various fer tilizers. i. Hotter crop varieties and bettor seed. This project will determine most profitable varieties of farm crop for Crook and Deschutes coun ties, yield and ability to withstand local climatic conditions considered. Tho following demonstrations will bo conducted: Hill selection of po tatoes versus non-selcctlon, corrosive sublimate versus formalin for treat ing potatoes, resoedlng of logged off lauds to pasture grasses, demonstrat ing values of permanent pastures, sc curliwc and analysis of pure seed, demonstrations of better cultural practices, and such exigency demon strations as tho occasion requires notici:. Tho annual meeting of tho stock holders of tho Central Oregon Farm em Creamery, Incorporated, of liend, Oregon, will be held In tho Council chambers, O'Kano building, liend, Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1917, at 2:00 p. in. A full attendance Is desired as general business Is to bo transacted. CKNTKAI OIIKOON FAHMEHB' CIIEAMKIIY, &c, 41c K. D. UILSON, Mgr. NOTICE OK HIIKIUI'rH HAI.K. liy virtue of an execution In fore closure and order of sale duly Issued out of tho Circuit Court of tho 8tato of Oregon for Deschutes County on tho 2d day of November, 1917, to mo directed, In a certain suit In said County, wherein Mortgage Company for America, a corporation, as plain tiff, recovered Judgment against Davenport-Htanlcy Ilanch Company, a Corporation, Defendants, or- Hie annual election of officers was ler!tiK and decreeing that tho of tho Soc io of . Sa!d plaintiff, Including attorney's fees and costs, said sale to be hold held, and C. F. Hosklun, of Lower Southeast Quarter (SK14) of IlrldKi. elected nresldenf Ilunrv Me. Soulhwost Quarter (SW4) of ,..?.. . . ' Elevun (11) and tho whol (all, of I'rlnevlllB, vlco-pri-sldont; E. Section Twclvu (12) all In Town llarnard, of Powell Unite, micro- Eighteen (IS) South of Hango T v-lrwiniiror. The oiortillvo nun- toon (13) East of thu Wlllam ttiMi and tha eountv aurlcultural i """ll! nll, " Southeast Quarter Dai luw ami ma iMiiiit) aKruuiturai j (fiB x of 8cc0ll 8x (C) nm, the 1917. ent wr tUalKimUtl to cooperate ,North Br(N )0f Section Soven(7) east Quarter (BE1,) and tho South west Quarter (8 WW ) of Section Sev en (7) Township Eighteen (18) South, Kai.o Fourteen (14) East of thu Willamette Meridian; and tho Southwest Quarter (SWW) of tho Southwest Quarter (8WW) of Sec tion Eleven (11) Township Eighteen (18) South, Hango Thirteen (13) East of the Willamette Meridian, bo sold by thu Sheriff of Deschutes County, In thu manner prescribed by law and that thu proceeds of such salu bo applied to the satisfaction of tho costs of such sale, the costs of this action, and tho rmalnder to tho satisfaction of thu claims of tho plain tiff herein named, tho sum of Six teen Thousand, Sixty-five and 70-100 Dollars, with Interest thereon from thu 2d day of November, 1917, at the ratu of 8 pur cent per annum, and Five Hundred and no-100 Dollars Attorneys fees, with Interest thereon at thu ratu of C per cent per annum, and the further sum of (12,25 plain tiff's costs and disbursements here in. For thu further sum of $10, 3C1.94 with Interest from this date at thu rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the further sum of I3S0.00 at torney's fees, with Interest at the rate of G per cent per annum. Which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on tho 2d day of November, 1917. And each of thorn, and all persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them, or either of them, be barred and foreclosed of any right or equity of redemption therein, except as provided by Statute Therefore, Notice Is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 22d day of December, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of the said day, soil al public salo to the highest bidder for cash the above described premises to satisfy said Judgment of 8 Human!, of I'owull Untie, hoc ro tary-treasurer. Tho executive com ml agn with the fmtorul labor agftnt, J. W. Ilrewur, In handling thu labor n't nation. at tho front door of tho court house In liend, Deschutes County, Oregon. Dated this luth day of November, by tho council members and finally (ry where. Adv Cut TIiIm Out It Is World Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, unclose with Cc to Foley & Co., 2 S r, It Shuffleld Ave , Chicago, III , writing your name and address clear ly, You will receive In return a trial packago containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup: Foley Kidney l'ills and roioy caiuariic laninls. Sold ev and tho North Half (N) of tle ' 3S-42c soutiioasi quarter (SEW) or Section Seven (7) all In Township Eighteen (IS) South of Hango Fourteen (14) East of thu Wlllametto Meridian, all III Deschutes County, Oregon: also S. E. nOIJERTS. Sheriff NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that Mary E Llveslcy, Administratrix of the Es tho South Half (S4) of the South-' tatu of Ceorge Llvesley, deceased. xiOME COMFORT Co.y, rhi'vrf I warmth instantly. Portable, lico- mimical. I ucl consumed only ulicn licat it needed no waste. No tmoku or odor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY IU? Jloi SBsWjJ f Hl VVVvyVi SJiniBSfcJw 1 T PERFECTION OIL HEATER FOR SALE 11Y F. DEMENT & CO. BEND HARDWARE CO. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. Shoes for Real Service OL'lt SPECIALTY LS TO MAKE SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially made for this kind of country. Nono are bet ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A bandsomo serviceable dress shoo for men. Can bo t be beaten for thu money. Olvo these shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. Tho A. Hnnson Loggor Shoes of Thrco Lakes, Wis,, are band-made and cue of tho very best of Us kind. Special made-to-ordcr work tcken for this shoe. UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIRING BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND OREGON Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sundwd Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Ajjent, MILLER LUMBER CO. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth sod Wu&ngton Stmt! PORTLAND. OREGON Ccnlrallr Lecaled The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot care pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S car transfer at 5thSt. Business and Professional Cards fe?referredl hBMo(K I ggfrgagftgya-- imTniinnisW V... j- jvtafwWWwMsnn7iWs1i,iMSwX'Wff!sssT? r mTiii imt inri riiiiiiHflr mvzz Why not have the belt when it coats I no more than the other kind ? I BUY PREFERRED STOCK The Preferred StooH Store I GROCERIES, HARDWARE VERNON A. FORBES I, A W Y E 11 First National Dank Building nend :: :: Oregon ARTHUR J. MOORE Lu-wycr Lo Cabin Cuildlnj,' Dend, Ore. Phone Dlnck 1411 II. H. DcARMOND L A V V E U O'Kano Building, Dend, Oregon J. E. EXGEHKETSON, PLOIIUNO AND HEATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. DU. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician anil Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.; 1-5 p. m.; 7-9 p. in. O'Kano ltiilldlnj:. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... OIIEOON ZTT s s sj H. O. x3 L L 1 S Attorneynt'Lnw United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON Shoe Repairing Done iu n ITHST-CLASS uuui- ner, while you wait. L. Goodman, opposite. Baker's Grocery. O. P. NISWONOEU, Bond, Ore. UNDEHTAKElt' Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421, Lady Asst. O. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Botison Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. , DR. R. D. STOWELL Xnprupathlc Physician Over Logan lurnlturo Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 5 Phono Bed -1H2 W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Sulto 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Btrs and Forwardlna, Cn.tl Cm. mUIon Merchant. W( carry Oil, Carolina, Bujrtir, Floor, Bait Mead, llama, liana and laid. f