WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin; H VOIj. XV. hum), dehchuteb county, oreoon, Thursday, December 20, nnr1 NO. 49 35ITI r ? '( SETTLERS ME IT WIG MAJORITY FAVORS NEW PLAN. DcM'liiite I'rrrhirt Only One of HIk Not (JlvliiR Majority McOufflo, ,' KIRK" Mint TllllinMOII Klwlwl 1 Dim-tor of New Itody. 0 D E (From Tuesday' Dully.) Ily n voto of 104 In favor to 81 UKulnul, tho Central Oregon 1'rrlgn. (Ion wn formed yotorday at tint olee t Ion hold on tho project. J. Alton Thompson, Alvln RIrr and James (J. Mcduffie woro elected directors of tin) district. . Of tho nix election precinct Into r - which tt(o district wn divided nil but one vbtnil In favor' of (ho formation of tho district by substantial major ities, tln 0110 precinct, Deschutes, f' nhowltiR ft tin voto. Ily precinct tho voto wa a fol low: . Kor Ag'nst. (Irnnno .... 47 9 Powell Illlttn 34 J 4 Alfalfa ...... 10 I Henflhutr 12 12 Redmond r.H J 7 Terrebonne- - 33 28 Tntnl -104 81 Tho nix precinct cat vote for di rector a follow, " (IrmiRO. Thompson ...... CI Elllngor ...... 41 KIRK 23 McOufflo - .... 10 Manly 10 I'mtcll llulle. Thnmpnu .T... 30 i MrOuffle m.m.m 14 " J tardy ............. 31 Alfulfn. Thompmn ......... Hardy i 11rIC" ' '' Dorluitc. Thnmpiioti M....MMMMM... 2 MrOufflo . 13 Hardy 11 Itrilinoml. Thompson ....... 23 McOufflo - GO lllRK 36 llunly 11 'IVrrelMtiiiie. Thompnon 22 Elllngor 19 McOufflM 4C lllRK 10 Ilnnly 16 Jnit whnl win next step to bo taken Ity tho (llilrlct would bo U tlll undo- (Continued on lnnt pork.) i 'Crop Demonstrator Tells How to Raise Sweet Clover County Agent II. A. Ward, of Ilea chute anil Crook counties, baa re ceived a report from O, K. Anderson on hi method and uxperlencea of f l Kjownj: aweet clover. The followliiR " lnJMMtiUoii Is Riven by Mr. Andor- "WWW '.Qfalrly thick stand (sa"y four or five plant to the aqunra -font) will yield more seed to tho aero than a thin aland, . "Tb'e Hamo requtrumonta for seed ing alfalfa will apply to sweet clover, On Irritated laud It tho aoll la kept tnolit for a few day, aeod wlU'aprout " readily whothersarlfled or not, Oti lry land I would sugRost needing In tlmo to o?et tho bonntlt of (ho early iMBgfnR rains, It good euro Is Riven ttilCcrop, a crop of hay can bo cut In thijjfnll of tho first year, tho second .year If a liny crop la cut not Inter $J -than Juno 1C, n need crop(cnn bo pro cured. .A good aund'Of'swjiiit 'clover nhottld joaally ylold eight bushela, of need to tho aero. After tho crop la out yl(h tho .binder tor aeod, do not placo bundles In shocks, but lonvo Iny until roudy to haul In, Any ef forts to Bnvo shattered sood will bo well paid for. In vlow of tho fact that Rweet clover Is n two year plant and ro noodR tho fall ot tho socond year, nnd (he socond year lining tho your of Its best production, I would miRKost sow ing In sued again tho sprliiR ot the 'KQConri yonr, In that wny you will Umvo n second yonr crop ovory year jitter tho first yonr. 'I bollovo tho growing of sweot elovor n profltnblo Juvestmont for ' oyorul rouBons. Ono Is, It ylolds tho' CHARTER ARRIVES FOR FEDERAL LOAN BANK Will Put 9110,0110 III Immcdliito Clr- rtiliillon In llciiil Openillon to Renin Soon. (From Turndny' Daily.) Tlio charter of tho Donchuto Nn llouut Farm Loan AsRorlntluii, of Ilnml, granted on Piremlinr 3, 1017, wan received hero yesterday. Ily menu of thin practically 130,000 will bo put In Immediate circulation In llmid and tho clone vicinity. Mora may bo applied for later. Under tho federal fnrm loan act of July 17, I01C, rancher In Oregon worn made eligible to apply for loan with which to carry on fnrm Improve ment, purchano live tock, water right and pay off Incumbrance. He rout!)' n government appraiser went over till dUtrlct and tuado the re port neconsary before tho trcanury department could Kraut the charter, which place tho Central Oregon sec tion In the twelfth laud bank dlxtrlct uiulur the federal bunk at Hpokaue. A noon a final action I taken on tho nbitract the organization w III bo Klii to do buducRR. LODGES ELECT FOR NEXT YEAR MAKONH HOLD FIRST MEETING IN NKW IIAI.I-KNIOIITH OF PVTH l.H, RED .MKN AND WOODMEN CHOOSE NKW OFFICERS. (From Tuuaday' Dally.) Tht. la the hcuroii of the annual winter Installation of officer In many of the lodge of the city. During tho pat woek aovorat of the fraternal order completed their election for the coming year. llend l.odKe No. 139, A. F. & A. M , moved Into It new quarter Thur day night and celebrated the occasion with an Installation. The hall I not entirely furnlihod but I Jn condi tion o moetluK may be held there. A houao wnrmltiK I planned by tho Kantern Htar a noon a the equip rueiit I complete. Tho Maou elect ed tho following officer: J. C, Ithodc. Worshipful Master; C. M. McKay, senior warden, J. I.. Oalther, Junior warden; A. F. Larson, trcan urer; J. D. Davidson, evrotary; II. E, Allen senior deacon; F. T, Parker, Junior deacon; C. S, Benson, senior steward ; Hugh Hrady, Junior stew ard; L. A. W. Nixon, tylcr; II. C. llartrnntt, chaplain; W. D. Ilarnea, tnnmhall. (Continued on pace 4.) largest cash Income from tho sato ot need, considering labor and other In vestment, of any crop grown In t It In section ot tho country. Second, It meet the conditions peculiar to this section of tho country, somo ot which aro, cool late aprlugs, dry climate, Ir rigation decennary, sandy deacrt aoll lacking humus, It meets theno condi tions In this way: "In tho spring It will mako an ear lier and lurger growth than any other plant, furiilHhtnt: early pasture. It will require hut one-third tho Irrigation or moisture required by other le gumes. It Is adding an much or moro nitrogen to tho soil as other legumes bosldus tho largo root system which dies and decays Is continually adding vegotablo matter to tho soil, thus fit ting noil for largor yields In other crops. As a soiling crop, sweot clo ver will ylold moro freo feed to tho aero than any crop I know of, grown In this locality. "Dairy cows oat It roadllynnd ylold (hp. Bnn)a amount of .milk and huttor fat ns on green alfalfa and do not bloat. After tho seed Is threshed, tho straw cnu bo successfully used (or wintering stock horses, shoop and cattlo." In spoaklng ot his experiences, Mr. AiulorHon said, "Tho ubovo state ments aro neither borrowed Informa tion or guess work, hut nro outlroly from my porsounl exporlouco In tho growliiK and feeding of this plant. I lllco sweot clover because It grows as If It wanted to grow nnd does not hnvo to bo forcod by land plaster or oxcosslvo Irrlgntlon or othor fertilizers," 1 S OVER 800 MEMBERS ARE NOW ENLISTED. Hniltli ami Morton Claim District llrconl With Only Two Hlwki-rw Illjtli Murk Ily Minn Cole man nod Mrn. Thompson. (From Wednesday's Dally.) With the panning of the nccond day In tho lied Cross membership cam paign the work In tho city ban taken on aildod Intennlty. Itcpnrta turned In to Manager Miller by the varlou teams acourlnx the city showed a total membership Inst night ot 801, or doubla tho Monday total. Hun dred more aro expected to he added tomorrow when work at the mill will begin In an effort to 'have every mill employe, not now a member, added to tho list. Itlvalry among tho IiurIiicrs section learns ha been keen alnco the start, each ono trying to get a 100 per cent record from the bulncR houses on their list. Championship la now claimed by It. M. Hmlth and M. H. Ilorton, who covered the west s'.do ot Wall street and obtained membcr ihlps from every one hut two. Their complete Hit ot members I as follows: llend Press, Hood & Horton, Ilcod Smlth Mercantile Co.. O'Donnoll Ilrolhors, King Uce Dentlnta, Mrs. Mcintosh, I.ogau Candy Kitchen, L. Doutblt, I'ostofflce, Union Markot, Manuhclmer Mrothcn, Golden llulc. Windmill, C. S. Ilenson, Standard Furntturo Co., Mhorty Theatre. Tho llend Co., Hippodrome, Carl John son (tailor), Pacific Telephono & Telegraph Co., Dr. Norrls, The Paris Ian, Hoi Farnham, J, C. Wise, Ar cher & Iloyd, Warner', Hend Furni ture Co., Club Uarber Shop, J. II. Minor. Among tho teams Ml Coleman and Mr. Thompson still bold tho rocord with a total of 126 members obtained on Horn! nnd part of Oregon streota. Ono hundred por cent mem berships secured by thorn arc llend Hardware Co.. Itoynl Cafe, Hunklo & Haines, anil K. M. Thompson. Tho team totals nro as follows: Mrs. W. Illrdaall 45 Mr. II. K. Allen 14 It. M. Smith and M. II. Horton 7C John Bather and J. U. Heyburn.... 51 Mlts Coleman and Mrs. Thomp son 12C L. I). Wlost 13 Mr. Klmor Ward C Mr. Dement and Mr. Hayes C& Mm. J. B. Larson C Mrs Vandevert and Mrs, Law- rouco .'. 51 Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Leverett 23 Mrs. Kastcs and Mrs, Koycs 30 Mrs. McKay and Mrs. Nichols 70 Mrs, Fronch and Mrs, Thorson CI Mrs. Stoats and Mrs. Fox 31 Mrs. J. J. Clapp 4 Mr. Ouy WlUon 26 Mrs. (1. V. Silvia 9 It. W. Sawyer 40 Mrs. Thordarsou and Miss Horn- 25 Mrs. Van Huffell C Mrs. Sellers and Mrs. Leonard .... 23 Total 801 OFFICIOS AHi: CIIOSK.V. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Tho officers and stockholders of tho Central Orojjon Farmers' Cream ery met In tho ottlco of tho manager, I-;, D, Ollson, Saturday afternoon, oleeted officers, recolvod reports and transacted general business, Tho now officers tor tho onsulug year nro as follows: President. Chas. Slpchon; vlco president, P. J. Podorson; treas urer, J. T. Nowborry. TIicbo, toKoth- ur with H, H. Orlmos nnd K. K. Hut- Jor, constitute tho board ot five di rectors tor 19 IS, LA PINK WOMAN 1IU1UKI). (From Tuesday's Dally.) Mrs. J. W. Jones, of Lu Pino, who was woll known In 'this district, was burled yestordny In her homo town. Sho dlod Saturday from enncor. Hor husband and daughter survive hor. Mrs, Jottos was about 08 years ot ago and had lived In this soctlon tho past 10 years. SWORK S M S INSTITUTE IS CLOSED THIS AFTERNOON. Humorous .Selection IJarnxl From Drclumntory Content New Con- Mltutlon anil Kxrcutlvo Jtoiirtl to Oovrru Sport. 1 (From Wcdncadoy's'tDally.) Today tho final session ot the Joint Crook and Dc err Institutes ujiflnntlons wl Crook and Deschutes counties tcach- wa held. Teachcra' cx- III begin tomorrow. At an athletic mectlnR held last night In one of tho rooms of the high school plans were formulated for next' year. A new constitution was uoMlcu ana an executive uoaru ap pointed. This will consist of County School Superintendents Meyers and Thompson and two teachers from each county. K. K. Kvans and K. O. Ilalfey will representCrook, and Mrs. I.'DavlOson and U. L. Gooding this county. ' aieclamatory contests were also dlncuRned and it wan decided to bar all humorous selections In the two upper divisions from these programs. Only ono entrant from each school may participate. Instead ot tho three divisions, Into which the work was formerly divided there arc now four, consisting ot tho first and second grade, the third and fourth, tho fifth and sixth and tho soventh and eighth, each two taken together. In the past thero huvo been three grades In each of the first two groups. Attendance at the Institute was re markably Rood. KxcludlnR three teachers who were excused on ac count of slckucs tho. attendanco reached 100 percent. The Deschutes county Instructors prcaont were Hard Hnileton Hatta K. Carden, Alice A. Hlnckford, 'Mario Drostc'rhous, Grace Cano, Veronica Cane, Minnie K. Chap man, Rosalind Chlldors, Ksther Jane Clark, Ivy II. Davidson, Doris Foster, Ituth Usberson, F. S. Francis, Henry M. Grant, Gertrude Hanks, Xada M. Klnyon, Nora Livingston, Mary Ma clay, Lois W. McAteo. Helen M. Manny, Mildred Mcrsdorf, Lucy II. Searcy, Inos Ponn, Nolllo Pattlson, Allco M. Itasmusscn, L, Mao Illtchcy, Anna K. Tate, F. Thordarson, Miss M. A. Thompson, Hazel Thorson, Iter tha Wllklns, Clara E. WuttenburR. Mabel Lorenco, Mrs, Stella Nordend, Mabel L. Allen, L. L. Gooding, Cor neltus Mcintosh, Do Witt Williams, Gertrudo V'hltels, John Tuck, Fran cos Thompson, It. E. Storey, Edith Smith, I. D. Serfllng, Louis Russell, Ilortha Hansom Roycr, J. G. Red mond, Nolllo Ilalston, Luella Palmer ton, Eula M. Owon, Mrs. Delia Nich ols, Mary II. Prleshoff. Wlnafrcd Nel son, Marda Markham, Hlla Morse, 11080 LUlle, II. J. Lovlnson, Anna M. Johnson, Etta James, Mrs. A. II. Jae ger, Itoso Hunnell, Mrs. Mamlo Howell, Naomi Hosklns, Nellie E. Haslle, Mattlo E. Oray, Mrs. M. U. Grant, Theresa Garsko, Florence Fos ter, Mrs. Anna L. Dunsmoor, Claire Duun, Adelino Dietrich, Anna Dean, Evnngollno Connor, Tressa Church man, S. M. Dates, Stella M. Andrews, Gonovlevo Wolstor, Frank W. Weber, Chrystlo Sturdlvan, M. Eugenia Sto rey, Raymond Mead, Lottto Mead, Ruth Kaesonmoyer. . Those, frpm Crook county ore Ada Wlldo, Looln C. Estes, E. E.- Evans. Doris Flschor, Mata E. Forney, Z. T. Gldoon', Mary L. Hansen, llesslo Hon drlck, Llotn M. Horlgau, Hazel Har ris, Josslu V. Hartley, Eva Jackson, J. Victoria Huston, Vorona Johnson, Flora M. Kntsch, Mrs. D. M. Klmmell, Adolln Link, Chnrles Lowls, Dessie MeFnrland, Mnry Liustor, Mrs. I). II. Ilnlfour, Gladys Ilreon, II .C. llaugh man, Vera Colt, E. G, Ilalloy, Ileatrlco Hullard, Uoryl Cox, Robert R. Davis, Julia Dobson, Edna Edwards, Ruth Ellis, Mlnuottn R. Emmol, Sarah E. Noalolgh, J. E. Myors, Both Morris, Lula Montgomery, Lottlo G, Mont gomery, Mrs. John Wlglo, Pearl Wat son, Grnco Van Winkle, Esther Vnlo, Emily A. Thompson, Tressa Rlsbol, Nolllo A. Pugh, Lulu Prathor, Eth olyn StotBon, Ethel Whoolor, J. R, Whlttnkor, Elsto Montgomery. WILL MAKE EFFORT TO GET PRICE BENEFIT NortlnwttiTn LejcMntor Want Food I.niv AiiiemliMl to Olvo Home Her- tlons AilvioitoRe of I'lxrd I'rlre, (tlr Unltnl Prrw toTh (fend IIulMin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 17. Senator and representatives In Con gress from tho northwest aro plan ning an effort to obtain an amend ment to tho food control law which will obtain for tho wheat producers they represent tho full benefit ot the 2 minimum price. Tho food price committee original ly named Chicago as the place at which tho basic price ot $2 should obtain. The cost of shipping thoro from tho northwest has caused only a smalt quantity of northwest wheat to go to Chicago and the law makers want next year's price to apply at tho "principal market places" of the country, designating northwestern points among these. T TWO MEN SEND IN ANSWERS ONE RETURNED TO REGIS TRANT ON ACCOUNT OF MIS TAKES MANY INQUIRIES. (From Tuesday's Dally.) The first questionnaire has been returned. Earl Louis MeFadden, ot Terrebonne, sent In his question blank yesterday and was followed shortly by Jack Kenneth McKcnzle, of Bend. Mr. McFadden's was mailed back to him today on account of the large number of errors made in fill ing it out. Correct answers were given on the second questionnaire. Neither ot the men claimed exemp tion. 0 No other blanks have been re turned yet, but the lino of men call ing nt the office ot the war board tor. Information Indicates that many are working on them. Questionnaires "have boen" malfed to the following tho past two days:' Carl Austin, Hqrtwlg Tanum, Eg bert Dyer, Clyde J, Lair, Robert R. Nccley, Ira Walkln Cook, Laurln B. Itcdlfer, Fred Nccley Overall, Julius A. Kortman, Halvor Nystccn, Gilbert C. Daughonbaugh, Newton S. Wells, James O. Sklrvlng, Allen C. Trotter, Simeon C. Nlckerson, Ray Elmer Har per, Walter II. Gemmel, John Robert (Continued on last page.) QUESTION GOMES Registrants Warned Not v To Give False Answers PORTLAND, Dec. 19. (Special.) Every draft registrant must answer his questionnaire truthfully and with out evasion. Untrue answers or con coalmont of information required by tho government will result In prose cution. On tho other hand, draft regis trants may rest assured that the per sonal questions they aro obliged to answer in regard to their domestic and business conditions wilt be seen only by tha proper authorities. Mem bers ot local aud district boards aro forbidden under sovero penalty from divulging such Information. Tho government requires tho most porsonal and detailed answors In the questionnaire because on tho Infor mation thus given, supported where necessary by affidavits ot other per sons, will bo based tho classification ot each registrant. As a detorrcd classification is equivalent to a temporary exemption or discharge, It must bo plain to ov ory registrant why theso false an swors,' designed to place tho regis trant In ouo ot the deforred classes, will bo so strictly dealt with. In this connection an official warn ing that Bhould bo carotully noted by ovory draft registrant has Just beon Issued by Clarence L. Renmes, United States Attorney for Oregon. This warning says: "In connection with tho filling out ot thq questionnaires, word has been rocolve'd from tho attorney igonoral to prosocuto vigorously thoso who make statomonts therein that aro false. COUNCIL CALLS Cm ELECTION THREE MATTERS COME UP FOR VOTE. DccTBiner 28 DaUJ Ht Of ficUU Us decided How to Arrange- Length of Terra Under tho Now Stato Lcftlnlatlon. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Notices wore posted yesterday call ing for a city election to be hold Da- comber 28 for tho purpose of voUbk , on three special matters which must bo decided this year., They aro thn tax levy of $25,000, the amendment needed for the city charter fn order to mako Its election dates conform with those In the state constitution and tho measure which would nsa.Ua tho Bancroft act effective In Bend. - -. Tho mala question, which is puz zling tho men who are preparing tho ballots Is Just what Is to bo done la order to prevent the terms of all motnbers ot the city council from ex piring at one time. By an act ot the stato legislature recently tho consti tution was amended so that It M eluded a provision that all city and stato elections are to be held on con current dates every two years. In stoad of the regular December elec tion for thlo year, this pieant that Bend would not have ono until 1918. It has been the custom to elect throo councilmon annually to serve for two years. This leaves three councllmen over each year who are thoroughly acquainted with tho city business. Three were to have been electcaVthls December and three next year. Now, according to tho new legislation, the terms of all expire next year. Tho problem which tho present council faces Is whether to provide tor tho election ot halt ot the aldermen four years hence and the other half In two years or to make them all new at one time. Tho polling place for the election will bo at tho hose houso on Minne sota street and Lava Road. E. D. Gilson, W. Ferguson and J. F. Ar nold will be Judges of the board and O. C. Henklo and Ashley Forrest, clerks. "In view ot the tact that false statements In support ot claims for oxemptlon or deferred classification constitute a gravo menace to tho fair and equitable entorcoment ot con scription, we have beon requested to give wide publicity to tho fact that such materia) (also statomonts, evea when the tacts have been distorted only slightly, will be promptly pros ecuted. "Attention should be further di rected to the (act that all exemptions and discharges made prior to noon on December 15 will thereafter have no validity, and to the fact that every person who has registered and Is not yet in military service is required to till out a questionnaire. "This must be sworn to and Is in tended as a complete Inventory of his domestic condition and Industrial and educational qualifications. "Tho punishment provided for thoso who tail to return the ques tionnaire, or to appear tor physical examination, or to report change .of status, permits Imprisonment tor one year." Even though a registrant is per fectly sure he understands all that is required In tho questionnaire, tor lila own protection he should consult one ot tho members ot tha varlousflejfal advisory boards tor advice. This le gal advice Is freo. '' Questionnaires are now being sent out by local boards at the rate of, five per cent each, day, oxcept Sunitays and Ic&al holidays, until tboy'ara all sont out.