rAGRfl IsKND IlUMiKTlN, DRND, OUKflON, TIIUIWDAV, DKCKMItKIl tit, 11)17 MAY SOON ADOPT EIGHT HOUR DAY ACTION TAKEN BY PINE ASSOCIATION. Definite New of IMnn Not Yet lieml, Hut Nrw "umpor Koports Ititllrnto Klnnl Stop Token. Wilson Congratulates. In (From Monday's Dally.) That tlio saw mills of tho Western Pino Manufacturers Association will noon bo operated on nn eight-hour day basis Is Indicated In newspaper reports following tho recent special meeting of tho association In Spo kane J. P. Keyes, manager of tho Brooks-Scanlon plant In Uenil, who returned from Spokane yesterday, re ports that tho meeting discussed the eight-hour day matter but that any doflnlto action, sue has reported In tho news dispatches, must havo been taken following his departure. According to Mr. Keyes, the nttl tudo of the West Coast Association on tho eight-hour day was felt to have such an important bearing on tho sit uation that a special committee was appointed to confer with that associa tion before reaching any decision. Tho Orcgonlan report of the adop tion of tho eight-hour day, appearing in tho Sunday edition, Is as follows: SPOKAXE. Wash., Dec. S. By a vote of nearly 3 to 1, heads of or ganized lumber companies operating in tho Western Pine Manufacturers' association last night decided to In stall tho eight-hour day in camps, mills and allied plants of tho north western lumber industry on January 1, according to the announcement of A. W. Cooper, at tho breakup of a two-day executive session of the body this noon. "Tho payrolls will remain the same," Mr. Cooper said, "and tho action will be taken by simply lop ping two hours off the working day. I cannot say who Introduced the reso lution. All members of the associa tion wo expect will abide by the de cision." No attempt was made to conceal the fact that a bitter internal fight had "waged In tho organization during tho discussion of the matter. Threats to withdraw ifrom tho association had been mado by the minority. It Is known that tho lumber oper ators In Eastern Oregon were the chief opponents of the policy. About 5 separata companies are involved in i the association, whoso operations cov er Idaho and Montana, as well as Eastern Washington and Eastorn Oregon. "The vote will not be rescinded." Socrotary Cooper said, "the associa tion members having taken their i Socrotary Wilson Informed tho Presldont of tho Pino Manufacturers1 decision In tho following tolrarntu: Mention," according to n telegram re ceived from him tonight by Secretary of Labor Wilson, hero with tho Labor Mediation Commission. "Tho Presldont, tho White House, Washington, 1). C.t "You will bo happy to hoar that tho Western Pino association, guided by n broad-minded conception of pat riotism, has Just advised your com mission of tho voluntary adoption by It of tho eight-hour day within Its own lumber field, to become effective on January 1. In addition tho as sociation will Initiate In tho new year a far-sighted programme of dealing with tho complex problems of Indus trial relations peculiar to tho lumber industry of tho northwest. This mentis that tho national policy as to working hours, conditions, conducive to stability, and standards Justifying expectations for maximum productive efficiency havo been Introduced Into tho great Inland Empire, embracing vast sections of the states of Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon, having nu annual cut of 2,200,000, 000 foot of timber and employing 16,000 men. Tho pioneer action thus token by tho Western Pino nMneln tlon makes your commission confi dent that the lumber Industry of tho northwest In Its entirety will soon adopt a policy which will bo a unique contribution toward the effective ex ecution of the war program. "W. H. WILSON." President Wilson's reply follows: "Tho White House, Washington, I). C. December S, 1917: Honorable William II. Wilson, Secretary of La bor, Seattle, Wash.: "Tho action of tho Western Pino Association gives mo tho deopest gratification, and I hopo that you will have occasion to express that gratifi cation to the members of the associa tion. "WOODHOW WILSON." How to Chock Croup Quickly. There is one rollablo remedy for croup that every mother should know. Mrs. Sweet Clary, Ante, Va , writes: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar Is tho best mcdlclno I ever tried. 'My little son nearly had croup. I save him ono dose and It stopped him coughing in about flvo minutes." lie lleves coughs, colds, la grippe. Sold every w hero. Adv. stand, though tho matter is a very eerlous one." SEATTLE, Dec. 8. The action of the Western Pino Manufacturers' as sociation in adopting the eight-hour day standard in all plants and camps controlled by members has given Cut Tills Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Cc to Foley Co., !8G3 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III.. writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and vnipv I'nrnnrn i'nnifra Kim av. President Wilson the "deepest gratl- orywhere. Adv. AGRICULTURIST WARD MARRIES DALLES GIRL (From Saturday's Dally.) (Kedmond Spokesman ) Press dispatches on Tuesday morn ing conveyed the pleasant news that County Agent It. A. Ward on Monday at The Dallos was married to Miss Alice Gunning, of that city. They had planned to bo married Decem ber 10, but changed the plan without permitting that fact to bo known to only near relatives and a select circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ward are now visit ing at Seattle, but will soon bs at homo at Redmond, where a noatly furnished residence awaits them. MAZOLA I m 8 the pure vegetable oil for , sssiB IMHor nnnrtnrr nnil HLsflH salad dressings THE pure, wholesome, and delicious qualiticsof MazoJa appeal to the housewife from the standpoint of cook ing rtiultt'm deep frying, sautcing, shortening and salad dressings. And at the same time she knows she is doing hcrsharc toward saving the country's animal fats butter, lard, suet. Mazola is produced from the heart of golden Ameri can corn. It does not transmit taste or odor from one food to another can be used tvtr and tvtr again a great fac tor in economical cooking. Mazda is sold in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon sizes. Your grocer will give you a copy of the free Ma-' sola Book of Recipes or write us direct. Your money refunded if Maiola does not give entire satisfaction. Corn Products Refining Company 17 Battery Place Wfist RtprtumbtifH Johnson, Lieber Company Portland, Ortf eo New York ipy "y Johnson, Lieber )E1l NJe" mum Company ". Kj 0wj-.py k ' ' ry75vi 4H I LUU I fcfcv Portland, Oreito fiff fi'iVu m!Sm JliJ P1 l AHM fisHisfiks& - CJ? VV1 MltfJ SEVEN NOMINEES FOR DIRECTORS IXWTION KOK OIUJAM.ATIO.V OK IKIMOATIOX IHSTIMCT WILL taki: Plan: ox di:ci:mui:k it voti: ox xi:v imstiiict. (From Saturdays Dally.) llallots aro being prepared for the election which will create tho Central Oregon Irrigation district and which Is to be held on December 17. This was tho (Into set by tho county court on November S, whon thu petition of the settlers was passed on. Candidates nominated for directors are J. Alton Thompson, of lloud; J. J. Ellluger, Terrebonne; Alvln IUrk, Powell liutto; James J. McUufflc, Kedmond ; C A. Douglas, Torre- bouno; Q, II, Hardy, Alfalfa; Cloorno L. Moore, lloud. Throo will bo elect ed. Voting precincts nro as folllown: Terruhonnu, W, II. Davidson's house; Kodtuoud, Kedmond homuHtead; Al falfa, school house; DoHchutes, huIiooI house; Powell liutto, community hall, Tho election, If carried, will create n district containing -15,000 acres of laud now under Irrigation, ROAD VIEWERS ARE APPOINTED BY COURT (From Saturday's Dally,) Completing tho work of thu term tho county court yesterday took final action on thu remainder of tho De cember accounts and appointed view, era for tho lleeker road, n new route along thu river from Clluu Falls north. Tho vIoworH, J. M. (Irlffln, K. U. Fllcklnger and Hurt Miller aro to meet. on December 12 Highest ('it'll prlro paid for all kinds of fum, hides, wool, imUn. ItrlggN Second Hand Htotv. It il :t o SCHOOL DEBATERS PICKED YESTERDAY (From tlaturdny'n Dally,) )otmtois picked to ropioHunt lloud high school In the Oregon Diiliutliig league this whiter nro 1 1 Hull llrlck, Unhurt lllllyor, Aithur Norcolt and Mntml Hphlor. Tho nltoriiiiton mo Stanley lliiud and Margaiut lloud, Tho mumheiH of tho teams worn hu looted at an timonihly yesterday nftor nuon at which about II Htudeiiln tried out. CAKD OK TIIAXKH. Wo take this means of expressing our heat (fell thanks for the many kindnesses shown by frlmidit and liolKlilinrn at tho time or tho Muddnii death of Juno Lniiiuma lleuHluy, Mr. and Mis, .1, T, lloonl4 Ml', and Mrs, .1. H. Moi'Hl-y Mr. and Mis. (I. T, Parkin' Marian llixmloy Mr, and Mis, Curtis llenaloy. PHYSICIANS NAMED ON ADVISORY BOARD In preparation for thu physical hv amliialloii of tho drafted men who will soon hnlii filling out the iues llnnuulroH sent out by the war hoard, Dr. U. ('. Cou mid Dr. J. C. Valid, vort havo hiiiiu appointed member of a medical advisory hoard to assist In tho work. tt Splendid Lubricating qualities" PAIGE Mc KInnry-CoiJ MuloiCo, , I'hor nil "we cannot speak loo highly of the splendid lubricating quali Uei of Zerulene." WINTON The Wlnton Co ,Sin rrjnIwn "Wuse Zerulrne enteniiwly, I( ii giving entire satisfaction." CHEVROLET FORD J.W.LmittGf Co ,LoiAn(tM nhy- Attrfbyff Slid Co , Los "Zerolene it our choice for AnftU, "titled on Zero Chevrolet can." na after extensive tests." ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors because the records of their service departments show (hat Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt. bate crude, gives perfect lubrication less ear, more power, least carbon deposit." Uttltn r f ry where snd it br kkki iiitrani. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CUlafllt) Far tfirUM,7"la It.l.f llvt, I, MBffl. I sujr mniuMii, No Want loo BigNo Want loo Small Thai Baiter's Grocery can 7 fill for you Anil drllwr promptly nnd In the Iwnt condition. Our Kroce-rloM, produce, fruit nro nhwi)n frofdi. Our nnnltnry rt'frlgt'riitor rouuter koeim our dairy poiluctM tool nnil froili. licit prices in canned goods of tho lirnt brand. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Oli. Phone ReJ 161 - s THE PORTLAND HOTEL PORTLAND. OREC.OiN Thu Rosu City's worltl-iainud hotel, (K-cti-pyiiifr an entire block. All OuLsitic rooms. Superior (lining and rill .ser vice. An atmosphere of refinement, with a .service of courLsey. European Plan; $1.50 and Up RICHARD V. CIIILDS. ManaKer HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Iron, Drome anJ Semi-Steel Calling fur Power Trammiiiion Machinery; VooJ Pipe Fittinu's. Grate Bars. Agricultural. Mining an J Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament .1 and Structural Iron. WE ARK PRBPARED TO RUSI I YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! To Registered Men: AH men registered for the Selective Draft will please be warned that the Questionnaire provided under the rules prescribed by the President, Novem ber 8, 1917, will be mailed in order number at the rale of five per cent per day (38 numbers), commencing December 15, 1917. AH persons who arc registered, whether or not formerly called and exempt ed, from any cause, will be required to complete and return such Questionnaire to the office of the Local Board within Seven Days after mailing from this office. AH registrants now resident in Deschutes County who are registered in some other county or state should at once communicate with the Local Board that has their registration card, so that the Questionnaire will be received within the time required by the rules. Each registrant is responsible for these reports. The Advisory Board, consisting of H. C. Hartranft, chairman, Vernon A. Forbes and C. S. Benson, will be prepared at all times to advise registrants. K A ," i LOCAL BOARD FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES, STATE OF OREGON, ..l J i ' r V Bend, Oregon. A