'f rAorc 4. hwni mti.ijirriN, wni, oukgon, tiiuhsday, i)kck.miu:u in, hut t The Bend Bulletin DEND. OREGON KstnlilMicil 1002. OEonan palmer, putnam Publisher RODEtlT W. SAWYEIt Editor-Manager. An Independent newspaper stand ing for tlio Baunro deal, elenn busi ness, clean politics nnd lliu best ln terests of Ucnd nnContrnl Oregon. Ono Year . . $l.r0 Blx MontliB "' Thrco Months GO r COME DIRECT TO THIS GREAT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1917 RED CROSS CHRISTMAS CHEER. .. The people of the United Stntcs are approaching the Christmas holldnys under conditions, this country never has scon before; nnd, moreover, It Is probablo that this year we shall not experience our most sorrowful Christ mas whllo this world wnr rages. With tho thought of the nation dwelling largely on tho Infinite suf fering abroad, on tho certainty that our own flesh and blood will soon bo enduring Us full share of that suf fering, nnd on tho absence from home of hundreds of thousands of dear ones, Christmas, 1917, will be a wnr Christmas. Into this somber outlook the Red Cross is seeking to bring something of cheer. In a campaign lasting from December 1C till Christmas eve It will ask for 10,000,000 new mem bers. It will urge theso 10,000,000 to become Red Cross Christmas re cruits, that they may cnablo the Red Cross to lighten the burden our army and navy and those of our allies are called upon to bear. This cooperation with the Red Cross Is real sorvlco of which we may all be proud. And that this service, when rendered by one, may bo known to his neighbor, tho Red Cross will urgo each old and each new member to display at bis home a Red Cross servlco flag on which each red cross stands for a member. The hundreds of thousands of theso flags already shown by old members will swell Into millions before Christ mas, each flag and each little cross bearing testimony that some one's Christmas has been made happier for himself or herself, happier for our own boys and happier for tho soldiers of our allies. Let us all help to make this a Red Cross Christmas which Is another way of saying: Let us make it the happiest Christmas possible with the war clouds hanging low. Christmas Store Let us help you solve your Christmas Gift Worries. Here you will liutl it very line selection of Gifts for Men muI Hoys practical ami useful. An unlimited variety of patterns and designs. MEN'S HOLIDAY NECKWEAR 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.50 NEW AND COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Men's Slippers, with leather soles, very eomfortable. at $1.35 Men's Binek Felt Slippers, with leather soles and heels. Speeial . $1.65 Men's Congress Leather Slippers, Goodyear stitch down sole. Speeial $2.85 0Kn Every Evening I'm II Xiimn Rccu-SmitMerc. Co. The Xntat Store for Rvetybodt Open Kwr, llvmilujr Until Xiimih This Store is Filled With Sensible and Useful Gifts. Gifts that will be Cherish ed. Gifts that will make a Merrier Xmas LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Saturday's Dally) H. W. Holmes went to Redmond today. Miss Helen Gerry Is in Redmond" nursing a patient. Vernon A. Forbes is in Portland and will remain there over Sunday. W. E. Dillon has gone to Port land to enlist in the aviation corps. Mrs. "V. D. Pugh and her two daughters spent the day In Redmond. T. A. McKonzie and M. T. Palm lund passed tho day In Redmond on business. Georgo D. Albright arrived here yesterday from Shaniko and Is look ing for land. A baby girl was born yesterday afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dick. The Infant is their third child. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Quick have re turned to Prlnevllle after visiting their brother In Bend four days. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cross left for Oregon City this morning to be gono a week visiting Mr. Cross' parents. Mrs. Chester Wright and son, Wayne, have moved to The Dalles. They formerly resided near Tumalo. 'Harry Smith and hlB family are moving hero from Burns. Mr. Smith will be employed In tho Bend Garage, f Mr. and 'Mrs. D. D. Rogers and Georgo A. Jones, of Bend, were reg istered at Hotel Portland, In Port land, this week. Mrs. E. E. Stowe has gone to Port land for a short visit with relatives. She will then go to Seattle to see her aged father. Mr. and Mrs. John Burtch are be ing congratulated upon tho advent of a baby girl In their homo last night. She Is tholr third child. Miss Grace Faught and J. B. Bry son, of Brothers, were married last Thursday In Prlnevllle and aro now spending a ifew days In Bend. Mrs' G. W. Hankins, Mrs. A. M. Ward, Miss Blanch Ward and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Page are all here from Ontario, Oregon, and expect to take up land in this vicinity, Mrs. Pago Is also looking for a location for a mil linery store. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Newest patterns and ehoiee materials, neck band and collar attached styles, soil and laundered culls. Pi iced at 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50 MEN'S JEWELRY Just received a very line line of Melius Fancy Cull' Links, Tie Pins, Clasps Pocket Knives and Combination Sets, reasonable priced. 'MEN'S COMBINATION SETS Arm Bands, Garters and Suspenders, in fancy holiday boxes. Priced at .25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Just received a very line line of Trunks and Suit Casts for the holidays. Do not fail to come in and see our'line. The Golden Rule Store Open Evenings :)05 WALL ST., BEND, ORE. Open Evenings NEW BLOUSES J tint received it now shipment of Wliltu Voile, and Orgnmllo Waists. priced hi, 9t.n0 K2, tvi.no. KNIT SETS- Utah grade Aiutorit Knit KutH of two pleoei, prices .si.'-rn to .n set. (From Friday's Dally.) Frank Massengalo is in Prlnevllle a few days on business. Goorgo Witte came In from Mllll can Wednesday on business. Mrs. M. II. Horton has roturned from a visit to Lewlston, Idaho. J. W. Wright, of Cline Falls, was in Bond to scHuVcef yesterday morning. Elmer Snyder has gone to Portland to spend a few days with his brother. J. W. Brown was In from Tumalo yosterday to got his automobile repaired. Noah W. Gray, of Deschutes, was in town yesterday to soil his po tatoes. Denton G. Burdiek, of Hedmnnd, attend the county court meeting yes terday. Harold Shumway Is planning to go to Portland Sunday night to enlist In the navy. J. E. Charlan, tralnmastor for tho Oregon Trunk railway, was In Bend today looking into the car situation F. N. Wallace, J. M. Griffin, C. P. Becker and John Marsh, all or Tum alo, attended tho county court yesterday. Mua. Cora Neshlt nnd her two daughters have one to Maryvllle, Washington, to spend Christmas with relatives. It. A. Blauchnrd, former county ag riculturist and now agriculturist for the North Portland Llvo Stock Bank, spont the forenoon here, leaving for Prlnevlllo this afternoon with 8. L. Wiggins, of tho O.-W. It. & N. four chairs nt your service at the Metropolitan. No watting. Adr. NOTICE R)ll PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U S. Land Office at Tho Hallos, Ore gon, Dccembor 1, 1917. Notlco Is hereby given that Bennlo Goodman, of Milllcnn, Oregon, who, on Dttcomhor 19, 1913, mndo Home stead Entry, No. 012347, for Lot 2, 8E4 NWV1, 8 'A NKtt and 8EV,, Section IS, Township 20 South, Itango IT. East Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final thrco ye.tr proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo described, before- H. C. Ellin, I' 8. Commissioner, nt Bond, Oregon, on the 14 th day of January. 191 S. Claimant names as witnesses Will iam Spencer, Peter B. Johnson, er-l non CI'onger, of .Mlll.i.iii; Burton E. Dav.s, of Bend, Ongou . II. FIIANK WOODCOCK, 40-44p Krister , MEN'S HATH ROBES A practical Christmas gilt. In all slzi's, and it big assort ment, priced j? i. no to io each. MEN'S XMAS NECK WEAR no CENTS. Good, big assortment. Olheis IMIH'ED II' TO 92.00 EACH. Xinus Kerchiefs Men's Pure Linen llnudker- chiefs, put up 4 and 6 Xmas boxes 9I.OO ItOV Initial Handkerchiefs of Linen ilitallty, colored, embroider l Initial .x . '-:.V EACH 3 In box for 7c Pompadour Ribbons Beautiful for girls; llulr Itlb Iiiiiih, Fancy Bags. Hi', i!.1c In HDu THE VAItM. U- - - Blue Bird Xmas Tabic Sets 4 8x4 8 sUo, six NiipUltii to match Vl.'M MET 00x00, six Nap. to mulch $2.00 r. 1x5(1, six Nnp. to mati'li 9l.no 72x72. nix Nap. to match $2.50 Fancy Silk Stockings 7.V 'lO $2,011 PAUL A good ituallty Hllk, III all col ors, at "no PAIR l'Micy chucks and stripes n( good heavy Silk, and varlotm color combinations 2.00 PAIR Men's Kid Cloves Themi uiakii it sensible gift You will find cloves of nil de scriptions, prlcixl from 9i.no 'i tut I'Aiit (Jifts (nlurc for Men Conic in and look around. OUR TOY DISPLAY IS NOW ON RIGGER AND IliriTEIt THAN EVEH HE COKE Vou will find uiimt v rrythlng you desire liitour To loud, priced very moderately. GAMES MECHANICAL TOYS WAIHILING DUCKS TOY AN IMA I .S DUU.MS BLOCKS X.MAS BOOKS Til A INS WAGONS Dolls of Many Diwtcrlptl'i'M t iilirotkulilc DiilN, irluil finlii :i.V to 91.00 null. TltKi: DECORATION'S Thin I Caudh'H, Glass Designs, ('audi Holders nverytlihut for your Christmas Tree, "V ,G2P"Z2P' 'St? 3? (T$jXls)(I3(lI kM$ Z5P QCK23"'XiV 3S)wSuSQSi tj ji V53 "X CLASSMED ADVERTISEMENTS pTHE, mjPLES MARKET Alva Lyiuh, Phono 10-F-H, Bend. Ii38-40,44p 8TllAYED--On white-faced cow, braudpd HI on hip; five calves, thren black, branded 3 H sideways, on left hip, one brnuu and white spotted and one nearly nil brown Phono, or no tify II. J. HartJoy, Tumalo. l)22-3'J-41p CAltD Ol' THANKS. Mr nnd Mrs J A W Sroggln and family wlnli to thank thu umny friends nnd neighbors for their kind i helpfulness nt tho time of the U k- iien and doath of ! minium Arm strong. 4 to Brand Directory ritANIC PEIICIVAI.L .Milllcnn, On-gou. Etrn Work I'or Women. War uoudltloiis try tho strength or women. Tho overworked woman. In homo, offlrn or factory, will find In Koloy Kidney Pills a reudy roller from kidney trouble, backnehe, hr ache, rheumatic palm, stiff Joints, swollen muscles nnd that awful tlrwl feeling. They assist uatiiro In re storing strength mid vitality. Sold I'verywiutre - aiiv, 1-OU SALE. iiir 40o payment on Lib erty Bond is due and must be paid on or before December J 5th. 520.15 on a $50 Bond $40.80 on a $100 Bond United States Depository THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BEND, OREGON OS mj) FOB SALE 200 bushels seed rye. M. W. Knickerbocker, Gist. Ore. Jl0.40.lp FOIt SALE Furniture for four room house. E. D. Swauson, ill 4 Delaware. 973,4 Ip FOB SALE Twenty tons of rye hay, near Iniporlal. Write or address Andrew Nlrschl, Tumalo. 0C8,U,2p FOIt SALE Oil TUADE A good country hotel find feed barn, doing a good business, on a good tourist road. Inquire or wrlto Bend Bul letin. 84C-37,42p POIl SALE 320 acros III Mlllli-au Valley on Bond-Burns road, all fenced; 100 acres under cultivation, well Improved. Muko inn a cish nf for, or will consider trade. Ho 'iliil, Bond, Oro. 7i:i-'!ltfci Everything For Christmas! WANTED. WANTED Work by rnpablo wo man; ranch preferred. Wrlto or In quire Bulletin. 952-4 lp WANTED Girl to assist with houso work. Inquire Bulletin. 97G-llp KOK KENT. FOIt ItfiNT Furnished roouiB, housekeeping privileges; cheap, to ono or two business ladles, or mar ried couplo; no children. E. Third St. on corner Konrnoy. 0 0 7-4 1 p LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN UP Ono'llolstdln bull? with lull ring In noso, branded on loft shoulder, can'l muko out brand. similar to S sideways with extra prong perponuicuiar to uaso of lottor tf From a little fancy Jabot, to a good warm Coat, Suit, Skirt, Dress or Sweater Don't talk about price until you inspect our goods We can save you money on ev erything you buy from us A call at our store will con vince you. For the benefit of our pa trons, we will keep our store open every evening till 9 o'clock, until Christmas. To make room for our goods which will soon begin to come in, we are closing out the remainder of our millinery at Special Prices. .Jt&ffiEHh. m Cf3f3 LADIES' OUTFITTERS ""Wall and OrerfonSr. (l. Bend, Oregon s? it 1 -t -L