The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 13, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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VOIi. XV., duhojiutkh county, ohuoon, tjichsday, ducumhuh in, 11117
NO. 41
'fJiir-Mtoitmilrer. Will Moon llo Scut
Out Must lln Hrltinicil WIllilii
Hewn Dn)N AftMM'liilrH He
I it led for AiHlMiry llomil.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Final iirriuiKtHiiitiilH iiro now rapid
ly nonrlng completion for the sending
qiiI of thn draft questionnaires anil
tblr HiiMtily loturu to tlm officii of
the 1 01m I board. At the nit hid t lino
4he I oin I advisory board U preparing
Jtiulf to assist registrants In tlm pre
lratlnn o'f unsworn to tholr question
To give notice to nil registered men
of tlm manner In which thu work will
lm conducted ami tlm necessity of
. their losing no tlinn In fill I ti is out thu
books, or, If registered In unothur
count)' or ntatn, In obtaining llmlr
3ii-"lloiiiialru from thn board with
whom tbny am registered, County
Clark J. II. Manor Ik having posted
Mil over tlm county notion railing
thlr nttuutlon to Urn sltuiilluu. Those
nollcim ri'inl no follow:
"All mini registered for thu selec
' llv draft will please bu warned that
th questionnaire provided under tlm
(. mlos prescribed by tlm President, No.
vmilmr 8, 1017, will bo malluil In
order number at tlm ratu of flvo per
cent (.1H nuinliuri), commencing
December 15, It) J 7.
"All persons who nrn registered,
bother or not formerly rulltul and
miitoit from any cause, will bo
ri-.iilri'il to complete and return such
questionnaire to (ho officii of tlm Lo
cal Hoard within seven day after
(Mailing from till office.
"All registrants now resident In
qv Drschutoa county who aro registered
v In Kotnu other county or ntatn should
t oncn communicate with tlm local
loan! that ban llmlr registration card
io that thn questionnaire will be re
ceived within tha tlmu required by
1bn rule. Knch registrant In re
sponsible for these reports.
'"I'Iih advbiory bnnrd, consisting of
II. ('. Ilnrlranfl, chairman, Vernon A.
Portion and ('. H. Iloiinnu, will bu pro.
turnd at all Union to advise regis
trants." At thn same time Iti-v. II. C. Hurt
ranft, us iilialriiuui of thn loralnd
Alaary board, In completing thn work
of organizing thn board und culllni:
la lln assistance tlm lawyer and nth
Iff In thn county qualified to assist
in thn work. Thoso men havo under
lukeii to famlllnrlzn theniHelvo with
the regulations under which thu quo
Jnuiiulres arn holm: hoiiI out and will
(t uvnitnhlo to assist registrants In
making their nnswnrs.
Associate members of tlm liwal ad
v 'sary board arn II. C, Kills, Itnas
I'ariilinui, A, J. Moorn, II. II. Ford,
. C. Morgan, J. M. Lawrence, II. II.
pf Armouil. (I. A. I'addnck, W. I.
Myers und C. W, Hrsklno, llond; J. A.
"Wilcox, W. 1'. Daggott, I). 0. Hur
ilwk and J. F. I loach, Uudmoud, and
W, (1, Fordham, I.u l'liic. Tlmy aro
vxpectuil to moot to consider proli
xin h rouiiuctud with thu work 011
. Christmas Rush Will Be.
In Full Swing This Week
"fihop oarly,"
4 With tho annual pro-Chrlatman nlo-
nan In mind, Honil bualnenn liouncn
.iro propnrliiB for tho imunl holiday
.rush, which liounn Saturday and In
duo to occupy tho noxt (wo wooks.
Thuru In u distinct chniiRn In thn
rt-hnraclor of tho holiday BhuppliiK tliU
v'ycr. WlioronH In provlouu bohsuiij
ihA hiiBband or brotlior pnld tlm bills
sind In ruturn rocolvod u last mlnuto
.toknu In tho iforiu tit n "ninrkod down
from 19 coutH" liandkorclilof or n
linnrt pulntod muokliiK Hot from tho
"'sIlKlitly dnmnRod" counter, ho Ih
dostlnod for onco to Kut away from
tho millions iismirtmoiit of rainbow
liuod nocUwoar, ullk socks and similar
urtlcloa ntwl rocolvn tho ronlly iisoful
jlftH. Fomlnlno shopporu nro pnlron-
i IzliiK tho mon'B dopartmonl Booroua-
rjy whllo thoy contlno tholr mlBCollan-
jntm BlftH to luoxpoiiBlvo liovoltlea.
On this nccount many of tho Btoros
U'roiu Moudny'n Dally.)
Three havti hcon jiuntuil n-et'iitly
In thu poxtofflco iidUcbh to thn (ffnet
that IiIiIh arc rnculvablo up to .Innii
nry 16 nn coiit-iicln for mall uirrlur
on thn xtar route n to Alfalfa, Htnuffur
and Hllvnr l.nko. Thu pniHiuil cou
trncU wl.l hiiiiii 1 -.pirn. Thu flmt
ruuto ninnlloni'il uvorM 7. 25 iiiIIoh
ami back thriiu tlnmn n wuuk, thv hud
oud In lil rnlliiN and back twlcu a
wnuk and tlm th.rd Ik V2 iiiIIch and
ruturn dally, f'.irrlorn aro rwiulrod
to iko on tlm main travulud roudr. In
ordur to reach thn principal tow tin
hotwdcu horn and thn tormlnal iioluln.
(From Mouday'H Dally.)
II. A. Miller, of thn Miller Lumber
Company, will bnvo liari;o f tlm
lltid CronH miMiihnriihlp i.iiiipali:ii to
lm carried on hem from December 17
to LM, and In now completion pluun
for covnrlni: tlm county with thu
drlvn. It. V Hnwynr, orlRlnally ap
pointed a n county mnmiC'r, ban beuu
oIiIIkdiI to kIvd up tlm direction of tin
work but will nnilnt Mr Miller.
i,i:vv wii.L I'ltoiiAiti.v m: iri
vi:hti:iii.v AITKUXOON.
. . 29.CS7
.... 1M75
.... t),541
.. 20. HC
(From Thurnday'n Dally.)
With a iiuaiilmoiiH vote f.ivorliiK It,
tlm JfH.lMi Hclmnl builKi't carried at
ywitnrilay'n npnrlnl nlwtlon hold dur
ItiK tlm afturnoou In thu council
room. Tha ballotliiK reprinted thu
votcH of only 17 tax payurn In the
llm'aiiHu of n law pnimml by tho laitt
loRlnlaturu tlm tax In nut this yuar In
dollnrn and cent and lint In mllln, as
In pant yunrn, Tlm amount to lm
rulntul In then reported to thn county
,anunnnr who fix en thn amount of thn
mllli.Kn uecexHiiry to ralnu thn tax
deCiilml upon, llecauno Anennor Mill
larkuy ban not yet rocolved from thu
Malu tax coiihiiIhhIoii thu amount of
thn public utility valuation In tho dln
trlct It In Imponnlbln to make an uxact
cntluiatu or tlm mlllnKn flKiiru to bo
not by him. It In nppanmt, howuvor,
that to ralao thu $ T 4 , 1 R n voted yon
turday a levy of botwoun 25 and 27
mllln will bu necimnary, thu dlntrlct
vnluatlnii, excliinlvo of utllltlon, bolnc
J2.700.K05, Lust ynar tlm luvy waH
17 mllln on n valuation, liicludliiK
utllltlon, or n,7tc,:ino.
Thu pnlln won) oixui yoMtorday from
1 o'clock until ( mid worn In chnrKO
of an election board of five.
luivo chaiiKod tho ohnractor of tholr
storks ontlrnly, Onn local Jowolor
nays hu has put In thluiM hu uuver
cnrrlod boforo bocnuao hu wa po9l
tlvn that thuro would bo fuw pur
cIiobob of hla oxpoualvo stock of stn
plos In Rold, allvor and cut .bIubb,
Iiintond ho Ib rarryhiB Blfta for ool
dlors and moro Jnpniioso Bonds.
Tho holiday trndo thus far Is up
to thu uvoraim but pooplo qro mnkltiK
Hiuallor purchnaoa, Only tlm chil
dren's toys snout to bo boIIIub with
tho usual vlBor, Santa Clans mado
his appenranco at ouo of tho stoics
last wook mut biivo nwny 1200 horns
to youngsters who called on him to
mnko tholr wtiiita known.
ChrlstmaB aplrlt pravulls every
whoro down town. Tho windows nro
full of toys nml (gift BUBRostlons and
stores aro proparad to liaudlo wrap
pliiB of packnRos mid hnvo stocks at
ribbons mid seasonable stlckora on
timi: roii knmkt.mknt
iiKi'oiti: Tin: gi?i:HTio..VAim:H
aiii: DiHTiiiiti"ri:i.
(From Motiilay'n Dally.)
J'OltTI.A.m Doc. 10.Thls In thn
lanl null to mini or draft aim who wlnh
to imccipu tlm draft by unllntliiK an
It In nlno Dm lant call to all iiihii
rtiKlatomd uiidnr tlm draft who havo
chaucuil thnlr addronnM to bu niiro to
uotlry thulr local boardn Imnmdlutoly
of tholr now- addronnen, no Quentlon
nalrtiH will reacli thorn without delay.
December 15 In thu Into on which
local boardn will IiokIii to mall out
Dntll'unou or Dccnmbor 15 In nlHO
tlm Into date on which men of draft
nno may enlist an voluutoorn In thu
army, navy or marine corpn. After
that date, men nubjoct to the draft
will tint bu nccoptod an voluutoorn In
tlm army nud can enlist In tho navy
or marine corpn only In ennu tholr
uumborn come no far down that thuy
will nut bu needed for tlm current
draft quota.
December 15 In Important for Mill
another reanon. It In thu dato on
which all prevloun exemptions or din
rhargnn from military nervlce under
the draft arn automatically revoked.
Cvory ri'Klntored man, whether
previously exempted or not, must ans
wer onu of the Questionnaires to be
nnut out, boKlniili.R on December 15.
Whether ho Is granted a deferred
rlnnniricatlon will be banod on tho In
formation In bin Questionnaire.
Only seven days are allowed from
thu time thu Questionnaire In mailed
to answer ami ruturn It to tlm local
board. Thorotore It In extremely Im
portant thai local boardn have thu
correct addronnen of roKlntrautn, for
failure to receive n Quentloiitialro will
not hit nccoptod nn a valid excuse, and
fullure to answer In liable to cost a
man bis chnncon lor exemption.
Any lawyer will assist a roKlntorod
man, free of charge, In attaworliiR the
ilimstlonn In bin Questionnaire.
Tha OroKon Coast Artlllury, now
stationed In tho fortn at tlm mouth
of thu Columbia river, still needs
about 100 recruits to brliiK It up to
full war ntroiiKth and It wants them
by December 15.
After that date men of draft hrc
cannot enlist voluntarily In tho army,
but will be held for tlm draft. Ity
eiillstliiK now a man ran choose bin
own branch of thu norvlcu. Thn heavy
artlllory Is considered one or tho most
desirable branches or tho whole army
IiiteiulliiK applicants should com
municate without delay with Colonel
C. C, Hammond, Oregon Coast Artll
lory, Fort Stevens, OrcKou,
i:.i I'osTOFFici: hkckipts
AVKHAOK $150 IT.K 1.Y l-'IO-VltliS
tiiuui: YUAUS.
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Annual postnfflco receipts for tho
past threo yoars hnvo Increased over
twice thu amount ot 1015, according
to a report just completed by Poatal
Inspector C. W, L'lnobauRh. Whllo
making Investigations preparatory to
tho estiihlislimunt of mail carriers In
llond It was necessary for htm to
nialo up a statomout of tho financial
returns In thu local ottlco.
.According to Mr, LliiohaiiRh theso
bIiovv u surprisingly largo annual In
croaBo. Tho figures for 1915 show
$8050.05 waa tnkon In; 1910, ?H.
n:itl.90; 1017, $10,121.19. In order
to obtt)(n tho totnla for comploto
years tho four quartora omllng on
Soplombor 30 of each year woro used
lis a. basis. Tlio rocolpta ropreBont
only thoso from tho salo ot stamps.
Thoy will naturally bo greatly in
croasod &nln next yenr on account ot
tho war tax.
It Is estimated Hint tho stamp sales
nt tho presout tlmu In tho Hond post
ottico nro exceeding ?1C0 pur day.
and cou.vrv TAX .MII.IiAU
WILD ISi: AllOI'T 21 Ji.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Hchooln $21,700 3.9
Statu 26,500 4.5
Library 300 0.1
(J on era I County .. 71,000 13. -
t Total 21.5
The Deschutes county tax ror the
romlivg yoar.wlll bo somewhere In the
neighborhood of 21 H- mllln, the exact
amount In mllln and tenths of mills
remaining to bo determined by Coun
ty Assessor Mutlnrkey on the hauls of
tho county valuation and tho total
tax to bo rained. In dollars and cents,
ns reported to tho aau-ssor, the
amount I IS, 500, which Is sproud
over. tho whole county. In
addition 11000 In to bo rained In the
schools districts outside the llodmond
union and the Ilend districts for tho
payment of high school tuition charg
oh, for pupils from those outnldo dis
tricts. Thn decision an to tho amount of
tho tax wan reached by the county
court at Itn budgot mooting yesterday
after a general discussion, partici
pated In by the few taxpayers pros
ent. No objections were made to any
of tho budgot Items an being either
too high or too low, except In thu
cose of tho appropriation for roads.
Thin thn court wan asked to make
larger through the addition ot 14100
to tho Itom "Mlacollaneoun."
As finally agreed upon tho tax will
rnlae prnotlcally tho amount esti
mated by the budget to be needed,
tho difference bolng expected to bo
mare than taken enre of by revenue
not" estimated on whon the budget
was mado. This new revenue, which
Is oxpected to come In payments from
Crook county, will also be sufficient
to supply extra funds tor road work
If doslrod. s
Other busluons attended to yester
day wns tho consideration of bills.
(From Monday's Dally.)
At last wcok's meeting of the Wo-
m ail's Club of llond, which waB held
at tho homo ot Mrs. W. II. Durtnn,
Mrs. Olonn C. Morgan was elected
I vice-president. At tho conclusion of
tho regular business thu following
program was glvon: "Domostic Life
'nnd Historical Sketch ot tho Puri
tans," Mrs. Glenn C. Morgan;
, "Witchcraft." Mrs. It. W. Leonard;
"IUuo Laws." Mrs. C. A. O'Hrioii. The
club will moot again tomorrow with
Mrs. K. I). Ollson.
Associate Editor
of The Bulletin to
Enlist in Army
(From Monday's Dally.)
Henry N. Fowler, nssoclato
editor ot Tho Uulletln, loft last
night for Portland whoro ho
Intended to otter himself tor
'enlistment in tho army. A largo
n limber of hie friends woro pros,
out at tho train to aoo htm off.
Mr, Fowlor has boon connect
ed with Tho Dullotlu just a yoar,
coming hero on December 9,
1910. Last spring ho tried to
enlist in tho nuvy but was uu
nhlo to moot tho physical re
quiromonta. Thoy hnvo slnco
boon loworod nnd ho now ex
poets to bo taken without dif
ficulty. Ho already has a brother
sorviiiB In Franco,
Othor llond mon leaving to
enlist Inst night wcro Harold
Shumwny and Fred Lucas. Mr.
Lucas' brother, Italph, enlisted
In tho nnvy Inst spring.
llciiil Office Feel Sliortngo of Help
Kxiiiiiluutloii to He Held
JIt Soon.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Tho last resort, women p-wto.
clerks In Hend, has been reached, 1 1
least that Is the way Postmaster Ford
feels about It. On account of th"
draft practically half of tho proscnt
force expect to leave In the near fu
ture and the district post office sec
retary has asked If Mr. Ford Is will
ing to take women In tholr plaoe.
Huullzlng that In tho present emer
gency thoro Is no other course, tho
Iiuml postmaster has given his con
sent and a civil service examination
will bo held very soon In order to
glvo women a chanco to apply. There
will probably bo threo vacancies to
fill, one occurring if Hyron Ollson
goes to Portland next week to enlist
nnd another in case Hoy Ollson leaves
early noxt year. Tho oilier was oc
casioned by the resignation ot Fred
Lucas, who also expects to enlist.
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Sixteen mon, all ot draft age, left
Ilend last night to enlist In various
brandies ot army service, the major
ity of them going Into the Twentieth
Ileglmcnt of Forestry Engineers.
Thoy will report at headquarters in
Portland and probably bo sent east
Immediately to proparo to leave for
Thoso who left last night to enter
tho forestry engineers aro John H.
Tlndall, Edward F. Parker, Dertle C.
Hauley, Choster C. Watts, Hans L.
Chrlstlanson, Alfred Moe, Elmer
Houston, Sherman Wilson, Percy A.
Stevens, Arthur I). Gllson, Heer A.
Winkle. Frod Hurchtorf, John A.
Elchhammcr and Edward J. Peter
man. With them woro Hewitt II.
Clark, who Is going into the aviation
corps, James E. Gould, hospital corps,
nnd Goorgo K. Hrlck, oivglneers'
Tho local forestry office has cn
llstod 25 men In tho Twentieth En
gineers, most ot them In the last tev
days slnco tho rush to oscapo the
draft began. Only one of their men,
a Greok, was turned down by tho re
cruiting officer.. Others not Included
In tho abovo list nro Thomas Edward
Lyons, llond; Amicus Dlckerson, Mil
Mean; Erwin C. Trottor, Ilend; Will
lam Christum Geltr, Ilend; Albort F.
Amen, Tho Dalles; H. E. Stewart,
Hond; Louis C Dliom, Dufur; Phillip
E. Wotmore, Tho Dalles; Carl Nys,
Dufur; Leo F. Jackson, Tygh Valley.
County Organization For
Red Cross Drive Completed
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Tho Christmas Itod Cross member
ship campaign will bo launched at
noon Docombor 17 and will last until
tho night of December 24.
This campaign la to add 240,000
mombors. In Oregon to tho American
Iled Cross.
A membership costs ns llttlo as $1.
In fact, In this campaign tho greatest
emphasis is placed on tho $1 mem
bership, bocnu30 it Is bolloved this
will lie responsible for onltstius tho
greatest number of peoplo undor tho
Ued Cross banner. Tho drlvo Is not
for monoy, but for mombors.
A comploto stato organization has
already boon perfected under Honry
E. Hoed, atnto campaign manager.
Tho Deschutes campaign manager Is
H. A. Miller and hoadqunrtors are
nt his ottlco on Wall street.
In brief, tho effort of every county
in tho stnto is to onllst 30 per cent ot
its population under the Hod Cross.
Irrespective ot whether members
havo Joined previously or not, thoy
nro asked to Join ngnln In tho Christ
mas drlvo, with the assuranco
thoro will bo but ono drlvo a year In
tho futuro nud that tho wook pre
ceding Christmas. Thus "Make It a
Quo Warranto I'rocccilliiK at no
Und Two Principal Points In
tho Cmtc Scttlcil After
Ycur of Ai-RUinr-nt.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Itcmovlng all doubt cast by quo
warranto proceedings broughl In tho
name of Ous E. Stadlg, of Lower
Ilrldge, as to the right of Dcschntet
county to transact business as a mu
nicipal corporation, Circuit Judgo T.
K. J. Duffy lato yesterday afternoon
handed down an opinion favoring,
this county in the two remaining dis
puted points In the case. Judgo Duf
fy's opinion recognizes tho legisla
tive act creating Deschutes county
and holds that a number of tho ques
tions raised by N. O. Wallace, ot
Prlncvllle, counsel for tbo antl-dlvis-lonlsts,
could have been adjudicated
In tho previous case of McKay versus
County Clerk Brown.
Caso Pending Year.
The caso has been pending almost
a year, suit being filed on December
20, 191C, only olght days after judg
ment had been secured on thu McKay-Drown
case. An earlier decision,
was prevented by a series ot motions
and' demurrers, which delayed actios.
Al tho time tho matter first camo up
Ihrco attorneys, Wlllard Wlrtz, M. II.
Elliott and Mr. Wallace, represented
thn Crook county sldo and H. II. Do
Armond ond Vernon A. Forbes, Des
chutes. The latter part of tho fight
has beon kept up principally by Mr.
Forbes, Mr. Do Armond and Mr. Wal
lace, the two other Prinevlllo meu
having withdrawn from the caso.
Previous Decision Upheld.
Final arguments on tho two prin
cipal points left undecided wero
heard last week in Prinevlllo by
Judgo Duffy, counsel maintaining
that tho legislative act passed by the
legislature at Its last session validat
ing Deschutes county bars and estops
any ono from questioning tho valid
ity of Its organization. Tho other
point was that tho case ot McKay
vorsus Drown, on which judgment
was rendered Decombor 12, 191C,
bars and estops the plaintiffs from,
maintaining any action at tills time,
tho claim being mado that all ques
tions In this case could havo been
litigated in tho previous ono.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Tho Mildred Morrison Company
will appear here next Wednesday la
tho second program ot tho Lyceum
course, brought to Ilend uudor tho
auspices ot tho high school. Singing
and music will be featured.
Ited Cross Christmas" Is resounding
over tho country. Special church ser
vices will be hold Decombcr 16.
"Evory man and woman In Oregon
must Join the Rod Cross," Is tho
Oregon slogan.
Prominent mon and woraon all over
tho stato aro enlisting; their serviced
in tho campalgu, Membership funcw
are devoted to war work of tho Red
Cross, a percentage accruing to tho
local chapter which la expended, ou
surgical, hospital supplies and other
requirements for tho war work ot tho
In completing the work ot organi
zation, II. A. Miller yesterday visited
Redmond, whero he appointed Dr. J.
F, Hoseh and M. A. Lynch to take
charge of the campaign In the north
ern ond of the county. Thoy lmvo
made thomsolves responsible for' COO
of tho 2500 memberships to us ob
tained In tho county.
On Ms return from Redmond, .Mr.
Miller stopped at Deschutes and ap
pointed W, E. Van AHon, ot thq Q, O.
I. Co., to take charge ot the Dea.
chutes precinct. Judgo Barnes has
beon appointed for tho two Tumala
school dlstrlcta and T. II. Foley wIU
caro tor the lUmptou country.