IIENI) RULLK1IN, IIKNW, OKKnO.V, TIIL'IWDAV, RECKMRER 0, 1117 TAOn ft. 4 & i f 4 'i Honor holer! Uih CliMxtniuH Vlitliolit now mid Imvii It lulil iisliln for luli-iMlfllvitry. Ilvtiry Vlrliolit intllnin In nIiiiwii Iicm'5 iiIko ninny oxcullniil coinlilimtloim tlutt ou w 111 Hml IIIUl lllt(Hitllltf. REED & Also Agents itir the Edison LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (Front Wodnomluy'it Dully.) (Jliostor NuUoii went li) Tim Hallo 1IiIh moriiltu;. Mm. W. (!. Illnlimll In In Portland for it fow (lu). Clutido MiCiiulny, of Diwi'liuliii). wit In llond yiorduy. F. (. Klrlioinoyiir. of Prlnevlll", lt?sml yuslordity In llniul. . Mr. anil Mrn, 1 1 miry HoKitrdt it ml family niovoil to Portland lust night. Thomas l.uugfnrd was In from Dry 11.ako yostordity on lioiiiostoad html Hum, MIm llmwlo Aumiiiw wiuit to Port I u ml litNt nlKlit. Hlni uxpuutH to llvo tlnirc. Tim Puront.Toacltiir Association will wool tonight ul iho ltlr.lt school building. A program of addrosniHt ami milcctlotm liy iiupllit v 111 bo I'.IVttll. Mr. anil Mr. I". It Simpson liavo oim to I'ortluml to inuko tliolr liontii In tint city. Joint' Carroz, of Rolyat. I In to vUlt hi sister. Miss Margaret Hcltrrd. or, a fow ilay. Mr. I.. Rlluy Ita returned to Iht lioinn In rortlaml after visiting Mr. II. Mull, of llmiil, a wek. ' Unhurt Gould l In Prlmivlllii, where Im will tin several days on kiikhiI In surveying work. J., J. Helium wont to I'ortluml tail (light to stny pDrinanuntly.' Ho Ita iluti In ili'tiil several mouths. It. Johnson, who ha been hero nHVitral day looking over tltu country, hit riittirmiil lioinn to Mimpln. Tlioinn It. ItoRiir. of Oranilvliiw, loft for Prlnovlllo thl morning Ho ipliiti to llvn on tin Oclioro project Mr. H. S. Flnluy anil on have :inu to Prlnovlllo on a vltt't. Tliev ixpiiitl to go from there to Portland i. ml Htigono. Mrs. (iourgn H. Foster I'atuH In from I'ortlaml this inoriiliw to Join liar husband, wltojl tho now tlrkot iiRiiltl at tint unloitMliipot. Mr. ami Mr. J K. Altliott Ml for Pntluml ami Seattle lat night They liuvu llvuil In Uuml lx uiciiitliM. lull ilo not expect to romi) biuk. (I'rom Tuesday'H Dully.) J. V. Day wa In Madra today. Mr. V, C. MrCulHlnn camo l:t front Portland thin morning. Cunt Nulson wa In Deschutes to day culling on it cousin. H. A. Ilunloy Iiiih gono to Prlno vlllo to riimitlu during tho winter. Leo A. Thomas returned thl morn ing from a bulueu trl;t to Portland. Mr. W. K. I'ryreitr, of Cllno Palls, Iiiih gouo to Hoppuer to pass two week. Giih lleckwoldt ha taken out a 'liormlt for tho erection of a small .r.wnUliit:. Charles Montgomory has returned to Portland after Hpuudlng two wouku with his parents In llond, Mr. K. J. (lornuin and children have goito to Portland. Sho expects to go Into Hml Cross work, MrH. A. I), Plko vlulted her hits ilmml two days In llond and returned ihomo to Culver this morning. Mrs. K. II. Lockwood went to Des chutoH this morning. Sho had been visiting her husband In Ilend. IfriinU Ytrhorough, of Imporlnl, vin In yoBtorduy io got hoiiio lumbal'. four clmlrB at your iiorvico nt tho Moropolltnn. No watting. Adr, , DR. TURNER ICYK Hl'KCIAIilHT, of rortlnntl Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, 4 or Inquire ot Your Victroia On Credit HORTON I.iiwIm 11 Old, of Mllllimti, wiim In llmiil .Momlay :'lt Iiik Ituiiiontond pat until. A 12-poutiil Imliy boy wa bom Kiiinliiy to Mr. iiiul Mr. George II. Union. David Cody, of Imperial, uuh In town yesterday to receive liounty on coyotn skins. Harry Koiuinrd, watiir master for Deschutes and Crook counties, wim In from Sisters yesterday on business, .MIm Mary E. Howlor has gone back to I'ortluml, itftnr npcndlni: it fow days In town on bulnu. Frod H. Stanley, president of tint Central Onvcon irrigation Company, mi in o In front 1'orttnnd this morning. Mr. V. I!. Clarno and daughter liavu gone to lllalock, wlicro tlmy wll join Mr. C'litriio and mako tltclr home MUrIlnrllia DIiiIioii rutunmd thl mornltiR from Portland, wlinro lm hud biinn to duo hur lirolhcr Imforo hi cnllitinnnt. Mr. Klorcnro Joiioa and Mr. K. J. McDonald, both of PalMuy. liavu Komi to Portland on a combined IiurIiicm and ptonitlro trip. Mr. J. M. Purry wan In town yni tnrday from Torrubonno to rccolvo In Rtriirtlon In miikliir ntirclcal ilrci Ihk. at Ked Croita hcndiiuartcr. Mr. Iterl PonnltiKton, of Hunt, camo through Ilnud on her way to OrnntH Pum, w Intro lm ha r,oiio to vllt Intr father. Slut will return tlur- litK tltu holiday. 0. K. AudnrHoii and A. J. Anilor hoii, ho liavit been here nlnco Hun ilay looking over land, worn on the train for Portland today. Thuy camn wont front WUcoiinIii and may come Intro to live. Clay Cncawcll, n bookkooper at tlm llrnnkH-Hi anion l.uiuber (Mmpuny, will leave toulRht for Portl.tud, pre paratory to ciil.MtinK In tho ur,tnrvrs' WARNER'Q THE SANTA CLAUS STORE J P17 A TW HOLIDAY LINES ARE NOW COMPLETE AND "JE"!-- I """READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. BUY EARLY WE WILL STORE YOUR PURCHASES. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING SATURDAY AT 1:30 ! 5. Friction Toys Largo sizes, runs by heavy wheel inside Price 65c Tinker Toys Every Boy Should Have a Set Price 50c Little Red Chairs Seat is 99 Price 40c P rcwn lift I corp of tlm nrmy, Ho plniift.to visit roliitlvi'H In W'tflllliiKtoii town and Join tlm DiiKlnuorH from Hint Htnlo, Mr Coi!8ttiil lian hcnii In Jlcnd ovor a yenr and wan formorly comiorluil with tli union depot. (Front Monday' Dally.) .TOll II I.DHtl Wtlt 10 HmllMOIItl till nioinliiK. .1. 0. McArthur I roturiilni; homo to Chk'i;o, OlHf MortHiiHon I NponilliiK a wk In Kpokano vImHIiik frlouiU. P. (I. Pownr. of (lint, wa In town on mhool ImihIuohn Hntunluy. John KwatiHon loft thin morulm; on a IiiihIiiiwh trip to Hun KrauclHco, Mr. W. 0. Mannlnj; I In Hornilx ton pijdim: a few duya with frlomln. Alfred Moo I on a biiNluoH trip to Portland and will ruturii Witdintsday. Ivan McOllvray hn koiio to Ho attln wlmru ho may romaln until HprliiK. Karl Newklrk wan on tlm train to Portland today. Ilo Im pIuiiiiIih: to (IllllMt ROHM. Mr. and Mr. I. J. Malmnteon wsro puwmiKorx on thl mornlm;' train to Vmicouvur. A portion of tlm county hcIioo) clr rulatliiK library wit takou to tlm Vouiik mcIiooI thl mornlni:. iMIin Ktliol Vlncoiit returned (o Itodmoud after vlxltliu; over Thank kIvIiii; with la-r piireutH In Ilnud. ,Mr. mill Mr. II C. Cody aro back from Tlm Dalle, whero they attended tlm fuimrul of Mrs. Caily'n father. Mr. W. M. Krklne ha returned to Intr homo lit Portland after vlnltlnc a weuk with Mr. and Mr. Churle Krnklno. Itev. und Mr. Hlwood P. Lynn and ion, Klwooil, have concluded tlmlr re vival nicotine liuro and Kono to Prlnevlllo. Mr. Mabel Johnnon ha none to Hood Itlver to hur homo. Him ha been vlnltltiK her daughter, Mr. Prince .Stunt. , Kendall Waltu loft for Portland Saturday ills lit with the Intention of ulltlUK In noma branch of tltu gov ernment icrvlc. Carl (larrlnoit I on hi way to Kan nn City on ujiuilnen trip. Ho canto to llond front Portland and bus been hero a fow month. Mr. and Mr. II. C. Smith, of Hum, have Kono to Portland on a pic ami re trip. Ileforo IcavlttR tlmy visited their daughter, Mr. N. V. Heed. A. Ilurke, who ha been hero on a LIuikIiiox trip, left today for I'ort luml, whero ho will upend three mouth. Mr. Uurko l from Itanller. (1. I.. Mooro ha rouo to Pendleton to attend tho convention of tho State KarmurV Union. Ho will represent Ilend dtirliw; tho thrco-day ttonilon, which bcKiiiH tomorrow. IM. l.yon left Saturday night for Portland, whero ho will enllt In the navy, probably ontcrliiK a tnachln- Velocipedes Strong one fur the youngster. All Stcd. Small, at - - $3.00 Medium, at - $3.35 Large, at - - $3.75 With Rubber Tire $4.25 and $4.75 u , rpOYLANDjfcfc Idt'fl mnlo. If pnnlblo ho plan to return to llond a fow day before liifivlm; for Rood. (Prom Hatiirdny'n Dally.) Mr. .V. P. Itoeil I bark from a trip to Portland. W. I). HarnsM. Thn roupltt will mako their homo here. County Aeftor W. ,Miillnrl(y 'VH in MNdraM today. A f;lrl wa born on Novmnbsr 21 to Mr. and Mr. Martin I'Klmliind. T. J. ()'Kt"f, of Portland, wnt iiorthhounil on a a!e trip thltt morn lni; . Krainl hamliHrly returned from a fow duy Htny In Portland thl morn Iiik. Mr. iitnl Mr. Harney Conaway aro tho purent of a baby boy, bom Wed midday. Charle Mar, of llond, and Ml KuhIo K. Hardy, of Jufferaon county, wero married till inonilnc by Judgo Mr. Y.uila. MacOreRor I In Terrc bonuo Hpendlni; tho week (tud with rolatlvn. IIukIi Bran, of tlm Flrat National Hank, went to Portland last night on btiRlnrn. K. C. Smith ha ;ono back to Con don, after pnMluft threo duy In Hond on bulue. S. i:. Perry In In Seattle, whero ho will remain a wcok attending to bit Iiiom affair. I. M. Prencli ha j;ono homo to ra Valley after HpendltiK threo week at Powell Ilutle. Mr. and Mr. John Coo are recelv Iiik cotiRratulutlan on tho arrival of n "baby girl Wedni-sday. A derreo of divorce was granted by Judge Duffy thl week in tho case of Phillip veriu Phillip. Mr. K. M. Thompson camo back last night from u trip to Portland, where Rim visited with her son and daughter. Mr? 'and Mrs. A. L. Anderson have returned to their homo at Maupln. Tlmy spent Thanksgiving with Mr. am) Mrs. J. L. Ivy, of llond. Judge (Jeorge II. Durham, of Grant Pass, went out thl morning to Portland. Ho will atop there a short tlmo before returning homo. II. C. Catly.wont to Tho Ds'llos this morning to attend the funeral of his father-in-law, J, V. Snyder, who died lajtt night. Mr. Cady hs been with her parent the pait week. Carol Harlow, Miss Iva Radman and .Mis Uydol King visited in Ilend over night and returned this morning to Culver. Mr. Harlow will leave hi homo In a few days tovealiat In tho aviation corps. I.. C. Coleman came In last night from I.a Grande and bogan work this mornlrw; In tho Ilend postotflco. The now man was necessary on account of tho resignation of Kred Lucas several weeks ago. Mr. Lucas Is now with tho railroad company and his place at the general delivery window has been taken by Hoy Gllson. Mr. Coleman &C- Toy Books 5c-10c-15c-25c Dolls The kind that won't break, all sizes 25c, 50c, 75c $1.00, $2.00 $3.00, $4.00 SHOP EARLY! EARLY IN THE SEASON ; . EARLY IN THE DAY OUR PATRONS WILL FIND AN EXPERIENCED SALES FORCE THE STORE LESS CROWDED MERCHANDISE AT ITS BEST THE LAST RUSH AVOIDED BY SHOPPING NOW New "Dove" Silk Undermuslins Beautiful Crepe 'de Chine nnd Tub Sutins in qualities Hint assure service and long -wear. This dninty line, individually boxed, makes' an ideal gift. The Crepe De Chine Gowns $4.95 and $5.50 The Crepe De Chine and Satin Cami soles J5I.6D vJ.Ol vli) The Crepe De Chine Envelope Chemise .jz.j.) po.ou Holiday Handkerchiefs Our assortment is at it's height'now. Imported Irish Linen, Corner Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in white and colors 20c 25c 35c 50c each Dainty Corner Embroidered Linweave Hand kerchiefs, white and colored, embroidered 10c 12 '2c 15c 20c 25c 35c Boxed Handkerchiefs for Children, at 10c 15c 25c 35c 50c Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs, at 25c 35c 50c 75c 85c $1.25 $1.50 Box For the Boys at the Camps we suggest Khaki Handkerchiefs-Leather Writing Portfolios-LeatherToilet Cases-First Aid Outfits-Collar Bags-Sewing Kits Military Brushes. STOP AND SHOP AT 1.7n3ROTriERS The But Place will remain hero parmancntly, having boon transferred from the La Grande postofflcc. (From Friday's Dally.) Mrs. A. II. Jaeger was a Dend vis itor from Lower IirldRO today. C. W. Nicholson was In from his ranch up tho Doscliutos rlvor today. Miss Iiila Morse Is In Hodmond spending the week end with friends. Karl Ktzwller came in from Now hcrg today and will romaln In Ilend a short time. Mr. and Mrs. I). I). Hurtch are tho parents of an eight pound boy, born Wednesday night. County Clerk J. II. Manor came in from Prlnevlllo Wednesday and muy return tonight or tomorrow. 11. C. Dows and son, Virgil, are horo looking over land. They came this morning from Ogden, Utah. Mr and Mrs. X. H. Coleman liavo gono to Portland to make tholr home. Tltoy liuvo lived In lie ml a year. Miss Oonovlovo Wlesto camo In Wednesday from Oakes, North Da kota, and will probably llvo here. An eight pound girl was born last night to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Moyers nt tho Ilend Sunglcul hospital. Sho Is their first child. All kinds of hides, jk-IK Wool, Kur iNttigltt, at ItriKKV Second Hand 8ton 323c The Store With Good Goods That whispering Christmas wish close to tho heart of evory ono for a flno WATCH, a sparkling Diamond, a ploco of Sllvcr waro, or a fad lit gold or silver novelties, is easily realized at Larson & Co. H.'l Oregon Streot Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing A Wrist Watch for $14 Diamond Rings from $10 (o 1000. Gold Scarf Pins Gold Link Ihtttons Ladles' Gold Urooclts . iMIlltary Sots Waldema Chain Pendants Tho Latest Ster ling Flatware Patterns. : : At the SIGN of the BIG CLOCK : : to Trade After All Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robblns were In from Held yesterday to meet Mrs. J. Robblns, of Portland, who baa como to visit her son. Judgo T. K. J. Duffy was In this city today giving decisions on casos which had been loft over from, the last session of tho llrcuit court. During his rccont trip to Portland. Dr. A. C. Froom, ot tho King Leo Dentists,, secured the services ot D W. C. Deuber as a member of his, local dental staff. OltCGO.V TRUNK TRAIN Arrives ................ ...7; 20 a. m. Leaves . S p. m. O.-W. R. N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:35 p. nt. Leaves 7:2b a. m. AUTO 8TAGE LINK SOUTH. Leaves 8:45 a. m. Arrives f p. m, AUTO LINKS. Cars to Burns, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lake and other points south and south east. POST OFFICE HOURS. General delivery open dally 8:30 a. m. to 7 p. m. No mall distributed on .Sunday. Night train mall closet) 7:15. Day train mall closes C:30 a. m. TKLKGRAPH HOUH$. Western Union, 8 a. ru. to 9 p. m. Sunday and holidays 9 a. m. to 10 a. in., 5 p. in. to 0 p. m. TELEPHONE HOURS. Pacific Tol. & Tel. Co. 24 hour H HOnSON, THH JKWKIiKIt ' P TT