nKNpyllUIXK'IJX, IKND, QKEqqy, THUIWWAY. ftPVPMlIKU 80, J017i rAnw n rc t I' v PWlft WaWlVM. Who wouldn't be thankful for - a Victrola on Thanksgiving! Everybody enjoyt hi tlcliuhtul imiilc nrul every lioitcn will lie i;lad to have the Victrola help In the entertaining! 4 Such it splendid Inurnment li lomctlitnc for which to he truly thunkftill Come In ami we'll gladly ilrmutiitratc the Victrola and play your favorite niuilc. " The Vlitti.U thimn In lllu.trailim It the Vlciiola XIV, $150, OthcrV iyUt S to J3S0 Vlituii J1U lo 1C0. i:ay I111115, If dtilrtd. ,." - ' . ' ' REED & HORTON Til 15 KKXAI.I, DIU'C. STOKIS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 7 (From Wednesday's Pally.) t T. C. WllfoiiK. or Lnwen, In on lilt way to lluy City. Mm, II, I), Hartley wan In yestcr. (ny from Tutnnlu, Mrs. C II. Krlckson wan In (rum Hear Crcnk lliiUcn yraturdoy. K. I). I'ralrlo linn gone to Kan Fran elsco to spend Nuvoral mouths. Mm. Ilattlo Thompson wa In from hor ranch nt Imperial yesterday. Oeorgn H. Young U In Koilinoml a fnw day surveying (or It. II. Par-norm, SILVERWARE For THANKSGIVING anJ CHRISTMAS GIFTS No matter whether you want iri(le piece or elicit aoort ment, we hive it in Sterling or plate to auit your individual taite anJ pocket book well. LARSON & CO. Wntchiiinhor antl Jnwnlars liKNl). OKICCON At the Sinn of the fllg Chik (. I.. MeVoy In spending Tlinn Jtn glvliwt In Torrobouuu with his pur onto. I. K. Wllaiin, of Ilurucs, spent sev- (irnl days In town una" wont to Prlno vlllo (hi morning. Claim llnhitkoil had gono to Port' land to visit over Thanksgiving. Hho will ho gouu a Wt'llk, J. C. Clemens came In from Ilurns tait night anil wont out to Pendleton on tl.n iiiornlnj; train. A nlnu pound boy was born to Mr. and Mr. Uuy Hmlth Monduy nlitht at tho Ilend Surgical hospital. W. I'. Myers J nt hi houiu In Cul ver over ThankHglvlug. Mrit. May (loodwlii li also visiting at his hoinit. A. Whlsuaul rnturni'd thin morn IriK from u trip to Portland, where ho hits' boon Mncn tho latter part o( lull week. Mr. Carl McOeo had gone to Mo tollun to upend Thanksgiving with hnr parent. Her husbund will nUo go thuro tonlKht. II T llouson lion returned to Pros ton, Washington, after vlilllng two days with hU son, A, T, lleiisuu, at hi homo on tho High Desert. Mm. W. K. Tonoy, o( Vyo. Nevada, spent tho nlKht In Jlund before lonv lug (or Portlntid, wiioro slio was called by tho Illness of her mother. Hho will probably rumulii north dur- Itw: the winter. I.. ('. Kandopi returned from n trip to ('orvnlll and Portland thin morn I in; and will remain until Friday when tin louve to.vnllst In tho navy ns n mi'chanid. ' II l.i 'mother, Mm. I.. F Sanders, accompanied him. F II Walto, of Buthcrlln, ratno In th'H mornltu; to visit his son, Kendall Wato, Ho wu (icoouipaiilml by Ju,dgo UAortftt- II. iJurlmnVof oWts 'Viss Jlolh will rnnmlii until Hundity and (ri plutinlnK nuvoral Irlpn n round tho ndrfrby country.' 'V i 7 ; ' ,JFrou) Tuesday's Dally.) W. K. McConiilok Ih ii Htnn(lold (or ij mputli, Mm. Italph Polnduxtor IK Id Port Innd a fnw duyn, KraiieU I.atuhorty Is In Portland ovor ThankHidvliiK. Ilonry Andomou has koiio to Port land to Hpuml tho winter. t Mrs, Muhel HtrltiKor. was In from I)ry- Milto $t IjuhIiichm yestordny. Mr. und Mm, F. A. Itlco unci sou, Frank, wuro In from Hednioud yon terdny. 'J. P. Koyos, of tho IlrookR-Scanlon I.nmbor Co,, Is In Portland today on bUNlncsn. Mm. A. K. Morohouso loft for Port land this moruliiR aftor a nhort visit In'thls city. cfiarllo'IlcorH In vIdIIIiik IiU homo In U'alla Walla und will remain thuro snvorul weeks, W. A. niethmlller and Frank Hloan arn npendliiK tho remainder of tho week In Tho Dulles, Thorn will bo no session of tho schools oi Thursday, but school will ho hold on Frlduy us usual, Mrs! OeorKo Polios, of Kan DlKO, California, Is In lloud and will ko to her homi'stoad for tho wlntdr. Mr. nml Mrs. F It. Simpson have roiio to drizzly to spend Thauksclv Iiik with Mr. Hlmpnoii's parents. T. A. McCanti and C. A. Johnson, of Tho Hhevllii-Hlxon Company, wont to Portland last nlxht on business. C. M. Charleton has returned to his homo at Powell Ilutto after spend Inn n low- days In Ilend on business. t JJr KllliiKer was In Ilend to at lonif,tlm IrrlKatlon ineotliiK nt GratiKo halt last n Wit and returned to Tor rehonno. thin niornlni;. Mm. A. W. Leverlch, who has been vIsltliiK hor brother. O. C. Cardwell, and her son, Itoy I.ovurlch, Is on her way homo to. Albany. Hho was hero threo weeks. C. K. Qulmby, of Kvcrott. Wash liiRton, who arrived on Sunday to at tend tho funeral of his daughter, Mrs. h, A. Huston, will leavo on his re turn to Kverott tonlxht. Mr. und Mm. Henry Oofstoi, of HrlgRidalo, Colorado, started on tholr homoward Journey today. They havu been Rtiestn of Harry Crandall, of It Pliin, tho past month. Mrs. II. II. KIlKoro has gonu to her homo at .Mllllcati, after accompanyliiK her husband to Tho Dalles. Mr. Kll Koro Is, In tho hospital thcro and Is recovering from a recent Illness. MEN'S HATS AT A SAVING OF 50 TO 100! We nrc dosing out our Men's Hut Stock on account of lack of floor spuce. There tire .several hundred and of good staple styles and shapes. Tcj close out at far be low actual market price. f $iUO and $.()() guaratccd (PO 1 A Uoyer Hats, all colors -,P1" $2.fiO down toSl.JO Leader M OA Hats, your choice tpl.JU ' The Famous Ounci: Work (J1 d A Hat, special.. 4l,fJU SEE THEM, IN OUll WINDOWS mm v , . (From Monday's Dally.) Illrd Husoy left for Emniett, Idaho, this morning. J, A. Wheeler and his mother have roiio to Daker to spend tho winter. Arthur Nolnon has cono to Mount AtiRol, whoro ho wjlljlyo thin wtn 'tnr. ' County Clork J. It. Honor -wan In 'llornfi f6r tho day, from Prlnovlllo, H il u (I ay. Mm, Grant Doll, Kticst of Mm. Itu dolph Wlhlon 10 duyn, loft for Cor bolt thin morning, ' Mrs. T. 13. J. Duffy, of Prlnovlllo, Is 111 with nciirlot fovor nt tho homo df (l(or;o Ilrostorhous. Mr, and Mm. F, A. Klro and son, Frank) are In today on bunlnons, from tholr homo In Hedrnond. K. T. Patrick han gono hack1 to flhanlko after panning u short tlmo with Harrison Mray, of Ilend. Mr". (Jeorgo Hates and hnr young est daughter liavo gono to Sun Fran cisco to visit her son at tho Presidio, . ' Mrs, M A. Tlsdalo, of Portland, visited J. N. Hunter's homo two days undTotiirni'd to tho city this morning. Mr. and Mm. Walter mnlth am re ceiving congratulations on tho birth yesterday of tholr first child, a girl. A train load of cattlo brought up from Silver lnko by K, O. Hulck wun shipped to Portland yesterday. About 18S head wore sent. K. D. Moran and J. Miller, both of Spokane, were- In thin territory a fow days looking over laud and have now gono on to I .a (J ran do, Joo lluckholz and Dennln McColo loft yesterday, for California In tho former's ear. They will tour tho state during tho winter. Miss draco Vandovort Is In from tho Vandovort ranch visiting hor brother, Dr. J. C. Vandevert. Hho will stay over Thanksgiving. Mm. F. II. Cole, of Enterprise, has concluded hor visit with Mm. Hubert Maxtor and returned to her homo. Hho has been hero since last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Klllott and daughter, Mildred, will lcavo this evening on a threo weeks' trip to Portland, Seattlo and Ilrltlsh Columbia. Miss Ilowrna Campbell, who has been connected with tho Western Un ion several months, will leave tonight for Rodmond, where she has accepted a position with tho railroad. Ueorgo M. Maker and Miss Helen Stafford wcra married Saturday ev ening by Justice of the Pcaco J. A. KaBles In tho office of H. H. Do Ar mond. Iloth young peoplo arc of this county. VMr. and Mm. J. H. Gammed! were passengers to Tho Dalles on this morning's train. They are on their wjiy homo to Heppner after visiting their son, Walter Cammcll, at Turn nlo Jx weeks. Mr. and Mm. Albert F. Schultz were In from Alfalfa today. With them was Mm.-Schultz's brother, Gus tav Ilerry, who Is visiting hero from Decatur, Illinois. II. J. Overturf and Fred Wallaco roturned yesterday from the land and atock.show at Portland 'W mm?- V - LADIES' NEW PLAID' SKIRTS : Very distinctive models all wool material only You must see them to appreciate their style value The prices range from $1 1 .50" to $ 1 4.50. Other Skirts up from $5 '.' BETTER VALUES WOOL DRESSES ., All the season's best style features are represented the tailoring is faultless and the prices moderate $17.50 to $25.00 w LADIES COATS Beat the weather man to it Get ready now. Coats brim full of style in Velours, Plushes, Pom Pons and Mixtures $13.50 to $39.50 NEW ARRIVALS Gordon Ladies' Fur Sets in Red Fox, Hudson Seal, Black Martin. Skunk, etc. Also Children's Sets Just in by express. Metdnndue bought hrtt.uhiBti; lht ac cousti (or our rpdly growing buuixii. It ii pleawte to- pviehue kne and 7011 are made to (ccl that yAufatsciute a apptSted 1 W 360 STOP AND SHOP Al The Bat Place to Trade After All turf Is of tho opinion that the cattle exhibited was tho best that has ever been shown In tho northwest. Sheriff Roberts, Vernon A. Forbes, W. C. Uirdsall, Italph Polndexter, Judge-T. K. J. Duffy and others have returned from a hunting trip to the Mr. Over- Narrows. They reported only a fair UARNER'C W W Bend's Economy Center LP catch as the marshes are frozea over and ithe birds can only be found la the lakes. SANTA CLAUS IS COMING! ec J0mMfim II laWi mtim i u niammAtUi 1 1 ifiM :' iuO 'WjrfT'''l'i!K' 1$ Again the Dear Old Saint has chos en this store fpr his headquarters. With a larger stock and greater variety we now await your commands. Santa Is Comim! fflfttf BJj fflHHIB H3sPSS rpOYtANDjfek f" I (From Saturday's Dally.) J. J. Gllllland was in Culver today. Mm. Lou Pulllam Is In- town from Tumalo today with her son. Levi V. Smith made A'buslnes3 trip In from Mllllcan today, A. V. Wells wont out to''Portland this morning on a sales trip, , Mr. and Mrs W. M. Wilson were in today from Powell Dutte. P. H. Mcrsdorf and Almuq Netf wore In from their ranches today. Martin Hallmcyer Ja In from Dry Lake and may bo employed here eomo time. Miss Edith M. Lewis has Rono to Portland to attend the wedding of. hor brother. Bud Scott has gono back to Pen-, dloton. Ifo was employed Ju Den three weeks. Eldon Swank, of Lebanon, was la Dend today filing on a homeataatl near Drothora. C. O. McNemar Is at his hotQo In Metolius to spend Thanksgiving weelr with relatives. , " k Mrs. W. O. Krb and children have gono to Eastern Idaho to ifiakihelr homo for tho wlntor. Cut This Out It Is Worth Mohoj. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this. slip, enclose with Sc to Foley & Co.,. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, IIU writing your name and address clear ly. You will recotvo in return u trial package containing Foley1 Honoy nml Tar Compound for coughs, colds, and croup: Foley Kidney Pills and Foloy Cathartic Tablets. SoJd oy erywhoro. Adv. four chairs at your servico nt the Metropolitan. No waltlug. Adv Dr. Turner, oyo specialist, ot fW Portland, will bo in Uond Cff again Monday and Timid ay, December 3 and 4, at Thorson's Jow-. olry storo. Consult him, Don't for got tho date. 38-9o DR. TURNER KYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Y isi ts Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire ot XIIORSON, THE JEWELER Hf gf smniTjfiMWM) )iiaiiiiiwimi'