PAOK 4, IlKNO HUI.LKTIN, IlKXI). ORKflON. THUltSDAY, NOVKMIIHIt !I, 11)17 The Bend Bulletin BEND. OREGON Established 11)011. OEOnOB PALMER PUTNAM1 Publisher RODEUT W. SAWYER Edllor-Mnnagor. An Independent newspaper stand ing for tho squnro ileal, clean busi ness, elenn politics nnd tho bent In terests of Bend nnd Contrnl Oregon. Ono Yenr . . . , Six Months' . . Throo Months , .75 , .BO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1917 THE COUNCIL'S CHANCE. Tho constitutional amendment ne cessitating tho holding of city elec tions at tho samo time ns state nnd county does away with any city elec tion In Hend this year, according to tho latest opinions or tho nttornojs who havo studied the matter. At present it scorns uncertain just when tho next election for tho selection of city officials will occur. It may bo wheu tho primaries aro held In the spring or It may bo not until tho gen eral election In November. It prob ably Is tho latter. It tho election Is not to be until November tho city officials now If. offico remain on the job for another year and tho opportunity Is open for an interesting pieco of work on their part. Wo refer to n possible study and careful treatment of; city fi nances. In December of each year tho city budget is agreed upon by tho council and a tax lovy made based on the budget. Under tho old law three of tho council members who helped to inako tho budget went out of office almost as soon as this ptecc of work was dono, being succeeded by thrco others who had no part in the bud get making and no Information as to the financial arrangements for tho coming year. Now, by virtue of tho postponement of tho election, n new situation exists. The same three men, who as thd Ways and Means commit teo, propare tho budget, and the same bIx who as members of the city coun cil, voto it for the coming year, will remain In offico to expend the money. They will bo familiar with the city's financial condition because of their work on the budget and they will be tho ones who havo decided what shall be spent. Also they will be tho ones to spend. That would seem to put the thing pretty definitely up to the council to spend for only what they had pro- colvo Its Indorsement before ho can sook funds with any prospect of sue cobs. Thnt Is, without the comnilt tco recognition, tho solicitor Is lack ing tho credentials necessary to hnvo his proposition listened to. That Is n condition precedent. This plan Is objected to In some plnces, howevor, because It lays tho Imllvlihml m mill) or s oticm to lirosauro! when properly n scheme should bo considered nowhere except In com tn U too mooting. To tnkn its place, according to n recent article In n Now York mngaztno, n Kansas town has organized n secret committee. Anyone who wishes to clrculato a subscription paper In that town first must placo his proposition before tho manager of tho Commercial club who, In turn, takes It before the secret committee. The manager then re ports the committee decision. Thnt seems to us tho best Idea yet, but whatever plan Is chosen It ought to relievo our present situation. V ION OfflfflL S TELL NEED FOR MOTOR FOR NEW BAND. WOMEN'S COAT SALE DISCOUNT mK0 . P. Hlxon nnd K. L. Carpenter, On! Ttvo-Dity Slay In ltontl, Report mhv Conditions Coori-t'il)' Prosperity It Noted. Your first and biggest duty today Is to help Undo Sam win tho war In order to mako peace. Food conser vation in every American homo means an abundant supply for tho mon at tho front, nnd for famine stricken Prance. Aro you doing your share? The fall styles In men's clothes aro said to show military effects. Tho men who want to wear clothes that have a military touch had better volunteer and get Into the roal thing. Jefferson county now knows where Its county scat Is. vtilpil fnr! nnil If thin rnlo wpta fnl. lowed Bend would have some chance catt,.e land .nn .e"ort w, .bo maAo ,0 If money will do it, Stanflold will get by. CATTLE DISEASES MAKE HEAVY TOLL Twenty Head Die In Wwk of Ruble anil Blackleg Untrvatttl Herds, to He Vaccinated. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Blackleg and rabies amonx cattle still make their appearance on tho ranges of Crook and Deschutos coun ties. Tho past week some 20 head of rango cattlo died from blackleg and from rabies. The latter disease Is being disseminated amongst live stock by dogs and coyotes. Stockmen co-operating with County Agent It. A. Ward have vaccinated some 200 head of cattle during the past month. Mr. Ward has Just received a fresh supply of vaccine sufficient for 700 head of of getting again on a cash basis. SUGAR HOARDING. Individual selfishness and lack of patriotism is threatening, In various parts of the country, Oregon not ex cepted, to undo the splendid work of tho United States Food Administra tion In regulating tho prices of staple foods and preventing profiteering by wholesale and retail grocers. Reports are being made to the of fico of W. D. Aycr, federal food ad ministrator for Oregon, that private individuals havo been buying and hoarding certain staples, notably sugar, beyond all their reasonable needs. "The person who does this," said Assistant Federal Food Administra tor W. K. . Nowell, "Is very short sighted, as well as entirely selfish and unpatriotic. Tho United States Food Administration has given the public assurance that there is enough Hugar for us all, and has arranged for an equitablo distribution and a fair price, through its system of licensing the wholesale Jobbers and largo retailers. Under this system, which was expressly designed for the (benefit of the people, all possibility of profiteering has been eliminated and the public assured of an abund- vaccinate tho few remaining untrcat ed herds during the present week. In co-operation with the U. S. bio logical survey, federal predatory ani mal hunters are being placed In sec tions where coyotes are most numer ous, In order to destroy the rabies carriers. Steps will bo taken to roduce the number of worthless dogs at prosent running loose and infecting stock with rabies which they have con tracted from coyotos. SOCIAL RAISES KIWIIS. (From Saturday's Dally) Proceeds from a basket social and entertainment given last night at the Hoech school, a few m'.los east of Bend, amounted to $50.30. This Is to go Into tho fund for the purchase of an organ for tho school. Miss Winifred Nolson was In chnrgo of tho arrangements and musical program. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Just how noon tho fourth baud nt Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company mill here Is to be Installed will depend largely on tho securing of n suitable motor. If tho right kind of second hand machinery ran be obtained, work will commence nt once, but If the plant waits for new equipment It will menu a delay of approximately five mouths. This was tho statement this morning of F. P. Ilixnu nnd K. , L. Carpenter, president nnd vice president, respectively, of Tho Sliov-j llu-HI.ou Company, who arrived to day on a combined pleasure and In spection trip. The labor situation will hnvo no effect In holding up developments,' for In splto of tho war and the con sequent demand for men, tho supply i of labor tn the lumber Industry Is If anything greater than last year, Mr. Carpenter declared. As to their purpose In coming west nt this season, Mr. Carpenter muted that both ho nnd Mr. Hlxon had been' devoting tholr energies recently to aiding In the various war fund move ments, including tho sale of Liberty' bonds and tho raising of mono)' for tho Red Cross, and that the Journey across tho continent was largely tor rest nnd relaxation. i Mnnaceiticnt Praised. I "Hend lookB better than over," Mr., Hlxon said, "and If you keep on! building homes at the rate you have) during tho last year, you're going to have even more prosperity. Tho town Is remarkably clean for so dry a season." ' Accompanied by T. A. McCann.l gonrcal manager of the local plant,! and E. II. Dca, goneral milt suporln-! teudent for Tho Shevlln-Hixou mills, Mr. Hlxon nnd Mr. Carpenter went through tho mills and yards, express ins themselves as highly satisfied with tho condition of things and tho manner In which tho business Is be ing conducted. Tomorrow morning they will spend at tho togging camps, returning to tho main plant In the afternoon, and terminating their visit In Hend in tho ovonlng. BEGINNING TUESDAY, NOV. 20 WAIT! I Our entire slock goes in this sale nothing reserved. Your choice of any gar ment, less 20 per cent, consisting of Velour, Pompon Cloths," Burella Cloth,' Salt's Plush, Broadcloth, in fashionable Fall colors Russian green, tobacco brown, plum, taupe, navy blue and black are featured in Motor, Street, Utility and Dress Coats. Many handsome new models, designed with large cape, convertible and muffler collars. Empire effects and belted styles to choose from. Plain tailor ed or trimmed with fur and fur fabrics. Remember, these garments are marked at the old prices to start with, and 20',; off that Imagine the bargains we offer you, nothing reservedCornel MEN'S HAT SALE Hats, worth up to $3.00, for - $ 1 .96 Tomorrow we place on sale upwards of 150 hats that former ly sold up to $.00 for $1.. All the styles you can lind in soft hats at any price all colors. Remember, hats (M (r that sold up to $U.0(), beginning tomorrow, your choice pl0 Our Mail Order Section is a Hurcuu of Personal Service, Which Aims to Serve Our Out-of-Town Customers Promptly and Well. REED-SMITH MERCANTILE CO. BEND tMfi-17 Wall Street THE PROGRESSIVE STORE OREGON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Thursday's Dally.) Mrs. Fanny I'arkor Is In from Bear Crock btittes today. M. O. Aubrey, of Tumalo, was lu Bond this afternoon. H. II, Do Armond was In La Pine Mini Troubled For Tho Years. No man should suffer backache. rheumatic pains, stiff joints, swollen. sore muscles, when rollof can bo eas ily had. James McCrery. Borrlen Center, Mich., says ho was troubled with kidney and bladder trouble for two years. He used several kinds of medlcino without relief, but Foloy Kidney Pills cured him. Sold every where. Adv. ant supply at reasonablo prices. Now ; REPAIRS EXTENSIVE comes the individual hoarder, self Ishly bont upon piling up an unnec essary store for himself, and threat ens tn upset tho whole plan. It should be plain to anyone that if individuals hoard supplies In excess of tholr own needs, others will not be able to se cure enough. These cases of indi vidual hoarding aro being reported to Washington, and, undoubtedly, stops will bo taken to prevent this unpatriotic Interference with tho Food Administration's planB." SELF-PROTECTION. Tho .jiov plan now under consideration- by, -a Cpmmerclal club com mittee to censor money raising activ ity in Bend Is a good one. Any plan which will lessen tho burdon of sub scription .papers should havo tho full est co-operation of the. members of tho club and the merchants of tho town. Indeed, If tho club begins to render a real service of this nature it ought to attract mora members and be ablo to placo itself on a stronger financial basis. Various plans for the protection of morchants are worked in differ ent places. Ordinarily a committee Cut Thin Out It Ih Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. slip, cncloso with Be to Foloy & Co., zbjd noiiiew Ave., Chicago, III., writing your nanio and address clear ly. You will recelvo In return a trial packago containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound fdr coughs. coldB nnd croup; Foley Kidney Pills and Pftlnv Pnllin.Hn rPnltlnln c1.l . ... . - --...w,, uuuiunn 4UUIVIO, OUiU BV- 1s appointed and any solicitor niustorywnere, Adv. place his proposition boforo It and re- ON C. O. I. SYSTEM yesterday on u short business trip. W. II. Garrett returned to The his old friend. 8. L. Wiggins. trnl accounting system to the local postmaster and has arranged for re ceiving bids on the new postofflce. County Commissioner K. T. Luthoy of Crook county, came from his ranch near Itoburts yesterday and passed tho afternoon lu town on cattle bus iness. H. H. Huffschmldt has taken nut a permit for tho erection of a $.1000 housoand garage on lot II. block 10, Hivor Torraco. A. J. Tucker Is the contractor. Mrs. Ida Snyder and Mrs. Lula Dux tor wont to Terrebonne this morn ing to the homo of the latter. Mrs. Snyder will visit there until sho has rocuporatod her health. J. M. Balrd, representative of n large firm lu Chicago, left this morn ing for Portland. Ho has been rail ing on Bond customers and visiting K. H Spnnrer, of Sherwood, and E. O. Snyder, of Albany, were In yes terday looking the country over and loft thin morning for Prlunvllli', Mrs Snyder Ih seeking a suitable lorai'ou for a stork ranch. Mrs. McAtfo will bn lu charge of the llrooks-Scunlou ramp school Mon day, replacing Harvey Thompson, who resigned his position on account of poor health. Mr. Thompson will Iwvh iIih hhiuh night for his home In tho Willamette Valley. Walter Hoots and family havo roino from Sacramento to file on hi lionii'Hti'iid. On the way Mr. limits, whllo driving hlit automobile, struck from behind by another ma chine, Mr. Hoots severely Injuring a leg lu the accident. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Williams, of Hood River, have been hero nuvoral lays purchasing property at PrhiKl Full. They went houiii this morn ing Willi them was Kd'. Cnuoo,. of Stevenson, Washington, who pur elm nod a quarter mhcUuii of laud on the towiultn I From Tuesday's Dally.) Extensive work Is being dono on tho C. O. I. flumes nnd ditches lu preparation for tho coming Irrigation season, F. S. Stanley, head of tho Irrigation company, announced this morning. It Is expected that approx imately J 18,000 -will bo spent boforo next spring to put tho canal system In first class condition. LODGE TO KLEn'. (From Wednesday's Dally.) j Bend Camp No. 31 C, Woodmen of tho World, will meet at tho offico of E. D. Gilson in the O'Kano building on Friday, Nov. 23, at 8 p. m. Tho annual election of officers will follow tho degree work for tho now candidates. Dalles after a short stop lu Bond. Hnrry Konnard, from Itodmond, was In town yosterday on business. Mrs. Delia Hamley returned to Cul ver after a two days' visit In Hend. Mrs. Hay Illackman was a passen ger to Spokane today. Hho will live in that city. Frank Nolan returned to Ilodmond this morning after a short business visit In Bend. J. L. Galthnr Is In Portland on a business trip and -will return at the end of tho week. J. H. Olios and E. L. Coble wore passongors on tholr way home from Bend this morning. A. MilJer and chlldron wont to Portland this morning and expect to remain thero pormanontly. 8. L. Wiggins will leavo for 8e attlo tonight on a brief buslnoss trip nnd oxpects to return Monday. Miss Graco Ward roturncd from Portland this morning. She has boon out of town a weok on account of tho death of an aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris, of Mil ton, went on to their homo this morn ing. They passed two days lu Bond after a trip to Portland. Vernon A. Forbes camo back from Eugono and Portland yesterday after noon driving a now six-cylinder Hup, which ho had just purchased. Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson are tho parents of a nino nnd one half pound baby boy, born yesterday ''... .1... II... .1 ...! 1. ..,,.(.. 1 Cut OUt tills "mm ouifcittti uuoiiiiui. Mrs. J. A. Brlukley and children have been hero this wok visiting rci atlves. Thoy havo 1)ccn living lu Bolso, Idaho, tho past two months. C. W, Linobaugh, Inspector for the postal sorvjeo, wont to Prlnovlllo to- tday, Ho has been explaining the con-J Thoso who served on the war cen sus board last Juno havo just received letters of appreciation from Governor Wlthycombo. Tho governor states that ho feels tho list constitutes a roll of honor. (From Frldny'a Dally.) Jim Black was hero from Ia Pino yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Livingston returned to Ilodmond after a brief visit In town. Charles V. Carmlchael, of La Pino, has been spending several duys In town. H. G. Gray has returned to his ranch at Deschutos after an absence of,. four months. .District Attonioy II. II. Do Armond wits In Madras today attending the Jefferson county circuit court. Mrs. C. M. Hodflold, of Deschutes, and her mother, Mrs, Fltzmaurlco, of Condon, wore In town yoHterduy on a shopping trip. H. M. McComh, who has been homesteadlug near Bums, went to Sqattlo this morning, Ho will pass tho wlntor thero. D. A. Laffoou, who came hero. from MU City a mouth ago, wont out to Tho Dallos. this morning. Ho does not expect to return. Miss Nora Livingston, a teacher at one of the Bend schools, litis boon confined to hor homo on account of sorlous 'Illness during tho inist wook. William Presley Is lu from his homestead at Mllllcnn nnd 'will work fon tho new highway hjhiIIi of Bond. His family will go on to Prlnovlllo to spend tho wlntor, T. W. Vandovort nnd C, C, Vando vbrt vero In town yesterday to pur chaso 22 head of cattle from M, 8, Mayflold. Thoy took thorn along to tho Vandovort ranch on tho Des chutos, ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Ladies' Coats of Distinction ARRIVED Sj3 JPjIFeba IN STYLE IN QUALITY IN VALUH a 111 KKDJStlN C c3MHBtt ,4 i' - V1! CTlOfiiwrjW : tekiLi I Tim LLrl Cumnltri All Thfcc Trench Styles $25 Cray, Blue, Drown, Crecn Broadcloth High Belt $2750-428.50 Mauve. Black, Olive, Belgian Brown, Tan PRINTZESS IDEAS CAME FROM "SOMEWHERE fi IN FRANCE." M. Dry Goods Men's Wear SA THERS Shoes Ladles' Wear $ I